18 Weeks and Double Duty Foods

So technically I am 18 weeks at midnight tonight but who’s counting?  2 more weeks until we are half way and 21 days until we find out if it is a boy or a girl!

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Changes this week:

-I can no longer even think about eating guacamole.  The workers at Costa Vida (my friends because I am there so often) laughed at me last night when I said no guac.  I told them why and they forgave me for skipping the ‘best’ part of the meal and added more mango salsa instead.

-Not too many changes with my stomach (remember I am tall:) but more like the baby (or the multiple Blizzards) is growing into my backside.  A little junk in the trunk never hurt anyone:)

-I had a few nights where I was reminded of the lame sauce nausea of the first trimester but I would just go to bed before the sun went down which made it all go away.

-You know how they say you have a heightened sense of smell when you are pregnant?  It is more true than I could have ever imagined.  Just try teaching a PE class with high school boys in it.  It hurts.

-I feel full a lot faster than I used to.  I don’t know why because I am not that far along but I just get full fast.  It used to take a half a pizza for me to notice that I ate anything but now I get full after 2 or 3 pieces…madness.  I am just snacking a lot more which is actually really fun.

The book I am reading (by the Mayo clinic) said that starting this week the baby can swallow and can also start hearing noises. This means no more heavy metal rock concerts for me and Billy.

Billy is also going to start singing morning and night to the baby. I haven’t told him about this yet but since I have sung made-up songs to him daily for the past 3 years of our marriage, it is totally his turn;)


Some DELICIOUS double duty foods….good for the baby and good for your running:)  You see that white potatoes are on there right?

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Did you experience nausea while pregnant?  What helped you to feel better?

-I am very talented at falling asleep anytime and anywhere and when I felt really nauseated I would usually eat a little something and then fall asleep.  I totally took a nap under my desk after school yesterday.  Don’t worry, my bosses know about it and say it is totally fine if I am feeling really tired or sick.

I need recommendations for good BABY BLOGS…help a sister out:)  LINK AWAY!!!!

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Girl. You are too cute. I love that you took a nap under your desk. I really want to do the same thing, but I’m worried my Romanian officemate might come in and think I was dead.

My cousin is a blogger in the big-time…I don’t even pretend to know about most of the tres chic stuff she blogs about. But she is pretty much exactly where you are in her pregnancy (maybe 20 weeks) and she’s going to be posting baby-related things. Check her out: CamilleStyles.com.


You look fantastic! I had nausea until I was 22 weeks and it’s again reared it’s ugly head at 28 weeks. Grrrr… Nothing seems to help except prescription meds and sleep. I like the “mommy blogs” instead of the baby blogs, they help me to feel a little more normal… http://www.kellyskornerblog.com/, http://www.poopwhisperer.com/, http://www.brittsbeat.com/, and http://jennasjourneyblog.blogspot.com/



My friend was saying that her sense of smell was so good when she was pregnant that she could be one of those drug-sniffing dogs that they send on criminal investigations. Sounds like you’re headed that way, too – WOW!


my sense of smell didn’t go away after the pregnancy…

You do not even look pregnant!


I experienced 24/7 nausea up to about 14 weeks that was almost incurable UGH!! I took a nap almost every day during my lunch break in my car so pretty much everyone at work thought I was a wierdo.
I also experienced it again towards the end but I found that if I chugged a bunch of water right when I felt sickness coming on, I felt better almost immediately. Also, smells drive me insane! I didn’t even like the smell of boiling noodles :) My husband thought I was insane for pretty much 9 months!


Well, I guess I should of checked this page before asking for baby bump pictures ;) SO CUTE!


Oh my goodness, my tummy looks bigger than that after a big lunch haha!! ;) You’re too cute!


Haha, I know, me too!


You are adorable!! I love baby bump pictures. Umm little boys in PE, I am very sorry. haha


next up: videos of hungry runner guy as he sings his own made up songs to the baby. I hope Billy’s ready. ;)


I threw up from week 4 until the baby came out–literally! I threw up over 20 times during my delivery. It was just sick and wrong.

I tried everything anyone mentioned to make the nausea and puking go away. Nothing worked..even prescription anti-nausea meds. I ended up losing over 20 pounds during my pregnancy, had to have several IV treatments for dehydration, etc. Yeah, pregnancy was not a pleasant experience.

However, my baby is the most precious thing and I feel so blessed. So, I’d go through it all in a second!


So much fun. I kind of miss being pregnant, although I will say, it’s rough at the end!
I totally lucked out and did not get nausea during my pregnancy. I did get tired, BUT I also had horrible insomnia. Yeah, I know that doesn’t make sense. Too tired to do stuff other than sit on the couch, but too wide awake to fall asleep. Late night Reality TV=my best friend


Hope you can beat the nausea!

pleaseeee record billy signing made up song!


You are adorable! Is it wrong that I am secretly hoping you have a girl so you can get a onesie that says “I run like a girl” to match your shirt?


I can’t answer your baby questions, but I’m still liking the posts :)


You’re adorable. And amazing for still running so well during your pregnancy.

It’s slightly depressing that at 18 weeks you still look slimmer than I do with no baby involved at all!



You are the cutest little preggo ever! Also I think the only excuse for not ordering guacamole is because you are pregnant. Once the little one runs into the world, please commence guacamole eating immediately.

Also can Billy PLEASE go to law school in California? Preferably Northern? Even more preferably SF? Think of the froyo/running/food meetups that could come of this!


You look so cute!


You look great gurl!


I agree, you look great! I remember looking like that my first pregnancy at 18 weeks…not so much my second. LOL

I like this blog for baby stuff ideas: http://babyology.com.au/


nausea was sooooooooo bad for the first 12 weeks and then I felt like a new person!!!!! my blog has turned from a workout blog to a bebe/mommy blog….just can’t help it :)


I read parts of that same book!!!! I probably read a large majority of the book. Did your doctor give it to you? Mine did.

I was one of the lucky ones. I never had any morning sickness or a pukey feeling.

Do your students know you are expecting yet?


Sending belly pats to you from SoCal! You look gorgeous my friend! I was a total snacker during my pregnancies- the further along I got the faster I got full. The phrase “my eyes bigger were bigger than stomach” had to have come from a preggo :)

Saltines and Sprite helped with all day sickness. I am not a pop drinker but man it did wonders for me :)


Just curious, how tall are you? When I was pregnant, I was HUGE and I like to blame my overall roundness on my height LOL. I am 5′ 2.5″ (gotta throw in the half inch when you are this short). I was pretty lucky on the morning sickness- not too much. We are going to try to get pregnant this spring/summer so I am enjoying your posts. After 5+ years you kind of forget all of it.


I am just under 5’9″!!! I think height plays a huge part of when you start showing! YAY for not a lot of morning sickness, that is so awesome!! So your ‘baby’ is now 5 years old…that is so fun!


I am 5’3.5″ (i agree with having to throw that extra half inch in there. Hehe) and I had the smallest bump ever. I am not sure why. I wiuld have thought i’d be huge because if my height but people kept telling me that what I looked like at the end of my pregnancy is what they looked like at 6 months. If I have more children I’m curious to see how different I might be. Maybe I carried my son differently than the norm.


Um I’m sure that was normal. I was just fat, I’ll admit.


I had some nausea. By my 3rd, I finally found that ginger, especially these ginger candies really helped.


I still use them sometimes for motion sickness.


I used to snack on goldfish crackrs for morning sickness. My best friend ate teddy grahams. We looked like second graders at snack time.
Not really a blog, but a site you should check out http://www.babysteals.com. It can become obsessive.


You’re almost 5’9″? I would have never guessed. Im going to be huge when/if i get pregnant…im 5’1″! Excited for you two to find out the sex of the baby :)


Right? I had no idea. She is freakin’ tall. Must be nice. I was pregnant a loooonng time ago (my son is a Marine now) but I was little and skinny (I’m 5’2″) and I looked like I had a basketball in my shirt. Totally round.


“You know how they say you have a heightened sense of smell when you are pregnant? It is more true than I could have ever imagined. Just try teaching a PE class with high school boys in it. It hurts.”

OMG I just threw up in my mouth a little.

For me, through both pregnancies, the best way I combated nausea was to never let myself get too hungry – keeping in mind here that I never actually had morning sickness. First time around that meant a lot of Premium Plus crackers (still can’t really get on board with those anymore), with my second I paid more attention to nutrition and ate as much of whatever “good for me” stuff I was tolerating at any given moment. With both it was round the clock large bowls of plain Cheerios…with skim milk. And ginger herbal tea.

PS – based on your cravings and lack of any visible baby growing inside you whatsoever ( :) ) I’m guessing you’re having a boy.


I’m 2 weeks ahead of you, the same height but my stomach is triple yours (maybe more). This is my second though and they alway say you show sooner because your body remembers what to do and basically just gives up :) I also had a bit of a stomach before hand so that’s probably a contributing factor!


You look so freaking happy, even in the bathroom stall!


So I was of those girls who was sick every day for nine months! UGH! As strange as it sounds, the only things that would make me feel better were nachos from Taco Bell and spicy chicken sandwiches from Wendy’s. I know it’s weird but it worked. This could also be the reason that my baby weighed 10lbs when she was born.


You are the cutest preggo!!! I love it! And I can’t wait to hear all about the song choice that Billy is going to sing to your HRG Baby!!

And, I was listening to the Smashing Pumpkins when I was in elementary school ad my sister was I high school too! Such greta memories.


With my second pregnancy I was so nauseous that I had to get shots 1-2 times a week. It was horrible, seems how I am terrified of needles but it helped A LOT!! I had to get the shots for the first trimester, that along w/ 1/2 of some pill that I can’t recall the name of. I had to take the pill the entire pregnancy and for about a week after I had the little lamb ;) I wish I could remember what the pill was, it was just an over the counter sleeping pill but it had some ingredient that helped. It will come to me eventually, of course that was so long ago it may not be “safe” anymore…maybe that’s what’s wrong with Kobe ;) jk!! You look so cute!!!


Was it Unisom? I hear that works really well for nausea for some reason.


awww that nice they don’t mind that sleep under your desk! Haha I just hope your students aren’t in there!


thefitnessista.com is the best baby blog I’ve read… plus she does a healthy living section as well.


I am sorry for your loss of guacamole. Was there an official day of mourning?

And sorry for your heighten sense of smelling when it comes to stinky teenage boys. No one should have to go through that torture. Ever.


And yes, I was nauseous with both my pregnancies. The second pregnancy seemed worse for me with that. It got to the point I was just wanting to throw up, hoping I would feel better if I did, instead of the constant nauseous feeling. One day, I finally did and that was the last time I felt nauseous the rest of the pregnancy.


OTTER POPS! loved them while I was pregnant with the twinners! Also orange popsicles with vanilla ice cream in the center.. until I hit about 3rd trimester then couldn’t even look at them.


No guac?? That’s awful. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I went off chocolate and that was tragic.

Do you think you’ll stop running when you get bigger or just slow down?


I’m going through a little bit of relapse the night before 17 weeks. I’m not really nauseous, but my stomach is just off. Food is unappealing but I’m so hungry!!


You are so cute! I can’t wait to find out what yall are having!


My sense of smell was only heightened in my first trimester while I had morning sickness (which only lasted a few weeks, thank goodness). I did walk into a dollar store and had to run out because I gagged and almost puked. Yuck!


I recommend Becoming Sarah. She has a 2.5 year old now, but you can look through her archives back to when she was pregnant. Interesting sense of humor.


You look so great! Hopefully your love for guac comes back after the baby is born..that’s the best part about Mexican…besides the salsa :).


You look so happy! I love it!


Gina @ fitnessista.com
Jen @ runnerstrials.com
Caitlin @ healthytippingpoint.com
Maria @ alifetobraggabout.blogspot.com
Heather @ sideofsneakers.com

These girls are the BEST!

And you are the cutest pregnant girl i ever did see :)


Can I just say that I’m still so excited for you! I feel like I’m having a baby I’m that excited! The part about billy singing made me laugh so hard! You are hilarious :)




I can’t believe how teeny you are! I have a friend who, like you, barely shows until about 6 months. Me on the other hand, I start showing at about 8 weeks.
I was nauseated with both my pregnancies and the only thing that sort of helped was snacking around the clock. There was a point in my first pregnancy when i set my alarm at night for every two hours so I could eat something. That way I wasn’t so sick in the mornings.
While not a blog, my favorite pregnancy book is Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth. It’s pretty earth-mothery/hippie but it made me realize how amazing a woman’s body is when it can do what it was made to do.


For the nausea…sprite, ginger ale, popsicles, and snacking every hour helped me sooooo much!! Only 14 weeks along right now, but for the most part my nausea is not that bad anymore…so thankful. When it does come I also snack and then sleep it off for a bit. But yes, I too, get full really fast, I cannot even try to eat a regular sized meal I would puke it all up….so I just stick to the “grazing” all day:)


My husband loves that I actually have a butt when I am pregnant :) TMI??

I was nauseous when pregnant. With my first, I just had to snack. But with my second I had to drink carbonation to settle my stomach and I hadnwdrank the stuff in eight years!! And it couldn’t be diet.


My nausea was SO bad with my second that I was just getting over it at about 20 wks! I lost 10 lbs and had to go to the hospitl for IV fluids and anti-nausea meds… yuck. The only thing that helped me was time :( (And smells were the worst! I banned BBQ-ing at our house until after my daughter was born… I could smell the stink of BBQ on my husband even 3 days later!) But I’ve heard that small, frequent meals and ginger (like the chewy ginger candy that you can get at Trader Joe’s) help many women with nausea… I hope you don’t have much more of it!


Oooo, I like that little guide for running in pregnancy. It’s always better when you have someone telling you what to eat or what you need to do…just makes it easier haha


Hey! Just found your blog. Very cute! You should check out Emily at http://www.dailygarnish.com/. It’s mainly a food and fitness blog, but she had her (ADORABLE) son last fall and has a lot of great pregnancy and baby posts. Congrats!


I was nauseous both times through the whole first tri. With my first, I puked every day. With my second, I never puked. I just dry heaved every day all day (which was worse). TMI – but you asked :)


“Not too many changes with my stomach (remember I am tall:) but more like the baby (or the multiple Blizzards) is growing into my backside. A little junk in the trunk never hurt anyone:)”… Ah, another tall friend! My BFF and I are both 5’10” and throughout elementary school our PE teacher called us the “Twin Towers” :P I wouldn’t mind if when I’m preggers I gained some cushion for the pushin either!


I have been reading your blog for a little while now…and we are just about the same in our pregnancies — I am 19 weeks today and will find out boy/girl next week (if it is cooperating!). Such an exciting time and I am SO happy for your and Billy!


I am very sad for your (guacamole) loss.
I like Ashely at neverhomemaker.com. She and her hubby are runners too; their baby is now 4 months but all the pregnancy/baby posts are here: http://babynhm.blogspot.com/


Not a baby blog per se but another Utah mom who is preggo and ADORABLE like you :) And the whole reason why I had the courage and faith to start running again and the interest in starting my blog. She hasn’t been posting a lot lately because due to pregnancy brain she forgot her passwords! But Catey is the bomb.com in my opinion. She also looks FAB pregnant and gains it in the backside ;-)



i think you look 0% pregnant right now. i think that is why my belly looks like when i’ve had too many ice cream bars. but you look cute all teh same! i’m soo excited for you!


My bell didn’t ever look pregnant until I was in the 23+ weeks stage. Know what did look pregnant? MY BUTT.


I love your blog. You look amazing. No pregnancy blog recommendations but thought you would love this parody video, I saw it and immediately thought of you. http://youtu.be/THAaNPIxEek


You look amazing!!!




I can’t wait to learn if you are having a boy or girl. The big ultrasound is so fun! Are you going to announce it to your family or surprise them at the birth?

I am 34 weeks today! Woohoo… I can’t wait to meet our little girl. I had a very easy pregnancy the first 25-26 weeks (no nausea, no heightened sense of smell, nothing) but then the swelling hit. :) I can’t complain too much although it is rather funny looking down at my feet and thinking “seriously… who’s ankles are these?”


You are so cute with your little bump! My co-worker and I were pregnant with our second kids at the same time. I looked like a whale by month 4 (my pregnancies were only 9 months apart, though, so my stomach muscles hadn’t recuperated), while my co-worker didn’t even start showing until month 7. She had a really long torso and her baby kind of ‘hid’ back in the back. I don’t know if that kind of pregnancy squishes your tummy more than the watermelon out front pregnancies like I had, but my co-worker got full really fast too.

Have you found babycenter.com yet? I loved that site and visited like every 5 minutes with my first. I loved tracking everything that was going on and chatting with other mommas going through pregnancy too.




I love that you are still running, keep it up! I wish I had.


Congrats Janae,
Ginger snaps (which are a cookie dble bonus) helped me with my nausea. If you aren’t into them I believe it was the ginger that helped..so ginger tea or sliced ginger which you could get from your local sushi place. My number one pregnancy suggestion …that I had to learn the hard way…is to get a belly butter and use it on thighs and belly daily. All the best


The Pregnant chicken is a funny blog about pregnancy and motherhood. I haven’t been pregnant yet, but it still cracks me up. http://www.pregnantchicken.com/home/


Look at that bump. Too cute.

I threw up since week 4 and pretty much throughout my pregnancy. I couldn’t eat the one thing I LOVE so much — PIZZA. I once thought the baby was over it, and ate 5 slices of pizza, my husband’s crusts and 2 chocolate doughnuts. Moments later, I threw everything up. I called my doctor because I was already 32 weeks along. I became the big joke at the office — and every Saturday at group runs, she still asks me how many slices did I eat the night before.

I tried preggy pops, the bands… nothing worked. Maybe gingerale helped?!?

That book is great! I ate a lot of lentils. I put some potatoes in that and it was just the perfect meal. ;o)


I had just fleeting nausea in the 1st but eating usually made it go away. Kraft Mac & Cheese and I have a very intimate relationship this pregnancy and the husband gets those huge boxes at Costco for me! Can’t wait to hear if Baby HRG is boy or a girl! I totally have the smell thing too and I couldn’t walk or run by a house in our neighborhood for weeks…it just smelled like wet cat to me. Ughhh.


i honestly didnt feel that bad during my first trimester…it kinda scared me haha. my husband thought i was crazy but it just seems like everyone feels nauseous so i was concerned why i wasnt? the dr assured me it was fine and normal to NOT feel it too…so everything worked out. but it was kinda weird to me haha


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