Please excuse my ‘I just woke up after 12 hours of sleep (seriously) yet I still look tired’ look:)  Oh and PS we have asked the land lord for new carpet but she wants to keep the home in its original state from when it was built over a hundred years ago.

Photo 20

Now I won’t normally be doing comparisons with the size of the baby and food but when I read this week that the baby was the size of a potato I just had to make a special tribute to my favorite food.   Since I buy Costco potatoes they are probably way bigger than a normal potato but lets just close our eyes and pretend that he/she is this size!

Changes this week:

-I can’t think of that many because I am not really good at tracking these things or remembering them.  Still wearing some of my normal (bigger) pants comfortably but let’s just say that not one of my bras fit (hello shopping spree) and things are getting tighter all over:)

-Running got a lot harder this week but I think that was because I was sick.

-I feel a lot more stable emotionally and only cried once because of a really cute commercial, during the first trimester my hormones were out of control and I cried daily…..this was really strange to me.

-Cravings:  Pita Pit, speaking of which….I need to go get one of those.  Snickers Blizzards sound amazing 24 hours a day too.

We won’t be able to find out the sex until next month…my doctors office is strange and only does that type of ultrasound once a month so I have to wait another THIRTY MORE DAYS and I am pretty much dying because:

Photo 18

Photo 17

I need to start buying clothes.  I warned Billy that it is okay that we will be going into debt in order to pay for the ridiculous amounts of clothing I will be buying this child.  Today I spent at least an hour looking at baby clothes at Target and Old Navy.


Did you find out the sex of your baby?  If you are going to have kids in the future do you think you will find out the sex?

-I have zero patience and so I must find out ASAP!

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We find out the sex the first week of April, 3 weeks! You are adorable and absolutely tiny girl! I only fit in my jeggings now and one pair of super loose jeans I had. I’m sort of jealous you fit in all your clothes still!


if you have one close, you should get clothes at once upon a child. they are a great re-sale shop that sells things in GREAT condition and they are super cheap. My sister does that for my nephew and she saves TONS because kids outgrow clothes SO quickly.

hope you feel better soon!

p.s. Did you watch the Bachelor After the Final Rose?! Do you believe them? I cant decide if it’s just a publicity thing or if they really are together!


We found out with both of our girls. I figure it’s a surprise either at 20 weeks or at the birth. I couldn’t stand waiting any longer to find out because I wanted to be thinking of names and buying loads of clothes!


Exactly what I was going to write!! I can’t wait to hear what HRG is having.. I have 3 boys.. and seriously cried hysterically for hours when I found out my 3rd was another boy. Sorry Ethan.. lol


I think I would need to know. I have a friend who had her baby a month ago and they waited (it’s a girl!) and I think that’s exciting, but I’m way to over-controlling to wait. I’d want to know so I can properly prepare!


Fun!!! I would find out the sex of the baby ASAP!!! I couldn’t imagine waiting!


When we get prego, I am definitely finding out!! I want to have everything all planned out for him/her!! :)

You are a cute mommy-to-be!!


That is so exciting, Janae! Ahh! I think we will wait to find out the sex but that is so cool that you will know yours soon!


I did found out the sex of the baby.
both times. I wanted to be prepared. Names, room, everything!!!

Being pregnant looks pretty good on you!


Yay! So exciting you look so cute! I told my hubby that he’s lucky we have two boys or he would of had to get a second job to afford all those cute girl baby clothes!
I can’t wait until you find out the sex. I had to found out the second that the doctor knew!


I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE baby clothes. Like seriously obsessed, they are all so cute!!

Yay Tater Baby!


My doctor does the same thing with the ultrasound! But, I was way too impatient to wait. I found a local health screening company (in SLC, NOT Fetal Foto in the mall) that offers gender determination ultrasounds for cheap. It was such an awesome experience too because they have their machines hooked up to a big flat screen, so you are able to really see your little one.

I think I found out the gender at 17 weeks, so if you’re interested in dishing out a little cash, that’s definately an option. I’m sure there are similar companies in Provo.


What is the name of this place in Salt Lake and how much do they charge? I find out in 3 weeks, but just in case I can’t wait that long :).


It’s called Accuscan Health Imaging. It’s located on the outer edge of the Gateway mall.

Here is there website:

I had the 2D Gender Determination Ultrasound done. It’s kind of hard to find the information about this on there website, but it’s there. You have to call in to make an appointment, and if you pay in advance then it only costs $59.

Here’s what their website says about it:

2D Fetal Ultrasound
Gender Determination ($79- $20 advance purchase discount = $59)

-8-10 minute ultrasound session perform by experienced, highly trained medical professionals

-6+ 2D black and white ultrasound photos of your unborn baby

-Valuable Mini expectant mother’s gift bag

Even though it only says 2D, they did a lot of 3D shots for us and gave us over 20 ultrasound pictures. I think it’s a great deal!


I was going to recommend this too. You could go TODAY and find out if you’re OK with paying a little out of pocket :) They often give you a discount if you go back in the third tri for the 3D show too :)


So adorbs! I can’t wait to find out if it’s boy or girl!

I already have names picked out for my non-concieved children, and I have selected their potential father (I’ve planted the love seed, now I’m just trying to water it and lock him down!), so naturally I’ll want to know what kind of baby I would be growing. How else do I know what stuff to buy? I’m not the type of person that is going to be all gender nutral with my decor and clothes. puh-lease!


I found out with my son and I am pregnant right now with a girl. I am a planner and need to know!!

And do you even have a bump? You have that “pregnancy glow” but I do not see any belly on you at all!!!


I can promise you that carpet was not in there 100 years ago. The original state when it was built would have probably been hardwood floors. So next time your landlord says something that stupid, you can tell her “Ok great! So we’ll be getting those hardwoods underneath the carpet refinished then?”


Awwww SOOO cute!! I would be dying to find out the gender too! YAH for finding out semi-soon-ish!! ;)


I am dying. I haven’t been reading your blog lately (SORRY!!) and I had no idea you are pregnant, Janae!! I am so happy for you and can’t wait to hear how your journey goes.

I am DUE tomorrow and it’s looking like this wee little girl is going to be fashionably late… which sucks for Mommy because I want to MEET HER already. Duh. So anyway, from one pregnant runner to another…. you look wonderful. Keep it up.

And here is a link to MY 40 weeks. It’s crazy how big you get. Just sayin! Embrace it!



Exciting! I don’t normally put too much faith in old wives tales, but judging by the salty-ish things you’ve been craving, my guess would be a boy!


I had a boy and I craved sugar like crazy


Ohh baby bump!!! Love it!

I don’t think I would be able to wait to find out the sex of my baby… My parents told be recently they waited and I was so surprised because my Mom is so inpatient just like me! They wanted a surprise. Not me. I like to plan :) And like you – buy a ton of cute baby clothes!!!


Love shopping for baby clothes! I think I found most of mine at Target, Old Navy and Carters! Can’t wait for y’all to find out! Can I tell you how adorable your little baby bump is.


We found out the sex both times. We’re pretty sure that we aren’t having anymore, but if we do, we will find out the sex again. I’m both a planner and super impatient so there is no way I could stand not finding out.


I definitely wanted to find out the sex when I was pregnant. It made all the decorating/baby shower registry stuff easier too. I understand some people don’t like gender specific clothing, but I do! People thought my son was a girl in all blue. If I have another one and it’s a girl, you better believe she will be wearing some super cute girly clothes!!


I’m also due August 24, I’ll be 17 weeks tomorrow. We found out at our last appointment that there’s a 90% chance we’re having a baby boy :) We’ll know for sure at our anatomy u/s on the 22nd!


I will definitely want to know the sex – I plan way too much not to! How exciting for you :)


Not prego, but hubs and I already have a plan to find out the sex (when we are prego), and tell people, but keep the name a secret.


I literally cannot stop laughing that you are holding a potato. You look awesome girlie!

I don’t know if I would want to know the sex of the child. They told my parents I was going to be a male and were 100% sure of it…until I popped out…anyways….


We found out the sex our all our kids. First time was a boy and I was so excited! Second go around was twin girls! I had been hoping for boys (I know, horrible to admit that). When we found out it was girls, I told everyone, “Well, my girls aren’t going to be girly, frilly girls. No pink for them!” Ha! Nearly four years later and of course, they love their pink princess dresses, tights, and ‘dancing shoes.’ I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Seriously how adorable are baby clothes? I can’t wait till you find out! I’m literally going to overdraft like 900 credit cards when I get preggo because I want to spoil the crap out of my baby haha


You are so darn cute with that tiny bump! You are going to be one of those that gets huge all of a sudden hahaha!!! I found out the sex of both of my kids which is what sends you on endless shopping sprees! Girls are so much more expensive and will send you into debt! Have fun shopping and you look great!


I totally found out!!!! My husband didn’t want too but I was dying to know. I had a deep down feeling it was a boy since the moment I found out I was preggo and I was right! :) Can’t wait to see if you are buying pink or blue


We found out the sex of all 3 of our kids, I honestly can’t imagine NOT wanting to find out! It was so fun to call them by their name and not say he or she or it all the time.
Old Navy has the cutest baby boy clothes!


I completely found out. I recommend joining some groupons on Yahoo, there is freecycle, where you just pick up what someone is GIVING AWAY, I also would check out if any of the families at church are going to have a garage sale or are willing to part with their clothes. It is much cheaper. I also buy clothes that are too big on clearance and put them away in tubs by size and pull them out. I also have bought a lot of PJs at Costco.


I didn’t find out was I was having. The ultrasound lady had done thousands of ultrasounds and said we were the first people she’d ever had that were expecting twins that didn’t find out the genders. She would ask us every single time, “are you suuuure you don’t want to know?” At about 3 weeks before I gave birth, she let it slip that one was a girl! So for three weeks my husband and I kept it our little secret that we knew at least one was a girl.
My reason for not finding out was because I wanted the birth to be the most exciting day of my life (not that it wasn’t going to be anyway). But to also get to find out at that moment was going to be amazing! And it was :) So worth it! It was exciting for everyone in the room and out. It was like the olden days when you hear “it’s a boy!” “it’s a girl!” and everyone rushes around telling people. Very fun!!
Also, I had no problems planning without knowing the genders. Their nursery is the cutest ever….sage green color and owl decor!! And most people bought us more practical stuff rather than clothes. Clothes are adorable but when you’re having twins, please get me all the supplies I’ll need for sure and then some onesies. I got lots of clothes after they were born and it worked out fine. Anyhow, that’s my novel of a comment!!!


I don’t care if I have 100 kids, I wouldn’t want to know the sex!! I don’t want to miss that moment when the doctor says “Congratulations, you have a baby girl/ boy”. It will be annoying not knowing what colour to paint the nursery and not being able to buy clothes… HA! Ok scrap that last part and replace it with ‘it will be EXPENSIVE buying clothes for a girl AND a boy’!! I know i’d buy stuff anyway!!

This is SO exciting! I can’t tell you how much I love that you’re sharing this whole journey on here :) I can’t wait to have my own little ones, but I’m really not in a position to have babies quite yet. Hopefully soon(ish) though!!


I definitely want to find out the sex. I have several friends who are waiting until the baby is born to find out, but I just can’t imagine that. I want to be able to buy things beforehand … I’m too much of a planner to wait! ;)


We found out the sex of our little girl at 15 weeks, and that seemed like FOREVER! We had had multiple ultrasounds at that point (I had early complications), and at 12 weeks an ultrasound tech speculated it was a little boy, but I *knew* she was wrong, and she was! (disclaimer to add that we made her guess and she flat out told us at 12 weeks it’s ridiculously hard to tell without invasing testing like a CVS or amnio).

Anyway, my husband and I invited both of our moms to come with us to the appointment, and additionally the ultrasound tech was training someone else, so in total there were 6 people in a cramped, tiny room. My MIL bought two outfits, one boy and one girl, and gave us the correct one after we found out. It was a great day and is a great memory!


precious little bump J! I love it. And i can’t wait 30 days! eeek. We need to know now. haha.


We found out the sex of our baby (boy!) because there was no way I was waiting to find out. I needed to start prepping ASAP! Plus, it’s been cool calling the baby by his name while he’s still in my tummy rather than “it” or “he/she.”
I’ve always hated shopping, but I can totally do it for hours when it has to do with baby stuff. I’m spending way too much time in the baby departments and looking at baby stuff online. Registery shopping was soooo much fun!!


I found out for all three of my kiddies. Hubby wanted to keep it a surprise, but I won that debate. There is no way I could wait 9 months to find out – I need to plan!


Haven’t been pregnant yet, but I’d want to know the sex. There are so many cute clothing options either way that I’d want to be able to have fun with!


I was about to ask you if you were going to find out whether the baby is a boy or girl! I used to always think I’d wait because I LOVE surprises and get kind of mad when things that were supposed to be a surprise end up not being one. But then I figured that it will be a surprise either way, plus it will make it way easier to buy stuff early. And I know I’d want to buy those cute clothes at Old Navy and Target!


You look great!

I totally understand why most people find out but we’re definitely NOT finding out. I know it will be hard not to know, but I love gender neutral baby stuff and I think it will be soooo exciting to find out right after the birth! I am going to ask my doctor to let my husband tell me/announce it to everyone. Omg I get chills just thinking about it! Oh and I’m definitely not pregnant yet :)


You look great. Sucks that you have to wait so long to find out the gender.
I loooove baby clothes shopping its another form of therapy for me. I have 2 nieces and a good chunck of my paycheck goes to their wardrobe. My husband says I have issues and has promised to take my cc when I get pregnant.
If I were you I would just start buying gender neutral clothes until I find out the sex.


I’m loving that you’re pregnant!! It honestly makes me smile! I found out with both Henry and Clara – it was wonderful to call them by name, while still in my womb and of course, to start buying SCHTUFF!


Oh my gosh I had no idea you are pregnant! Congrats congrats congrats ! We are only abt a month apart, I’m due mid June! So excited for you:)


We did not find out the sex with either of our boys. I completely understand why people do want to know ahead of time, but for us, it was the neatest thing to wait until the doctor announced, “It’s a boy!” Congratulations! It’s fun reading your HRG Baby posts. Keep them coming!


I would HAVE to find out!!! I’m super impatient! And you’re absolutely too cute. I <3 you!


My best friend didn’t find out the sex of her baby and it drove me nuts! lol I refused to buy the baby any clothes until I knew whether it was a girl or boy. Well it was a girl and now she wears tons of pink and purple stuff!
Super excited for you to find out!


If I have kids, I’d WANT to not find out the sex, but I also have zero patience for surprises.


i definitely found out the gender of my kiddos — how can one plan otherwise!? A friend just did a really neat thing to find out her baby’s gender. She had the ultrasound people write down the gender and put it in a sealed envelope. Then she took the envelope to a Carter’s store, brought a boy and a girl outfit to the register and had the cashier open the envelope and ring up the right outfit, put it in a box and hide the other one from her while she walked away. Then that night she had a get2gether with friends and they all found out at the same time! I thought it was really cool though i’m too selfish ~ i would want to know FIRST!! It’s MY kid after all! ha! =)


LOVE the baby updates! You might’ve already addressed this but I’m too lazy to look at your old posts – since you had mentioned that the pregnancy was a big surprise, what was your reaction when you found out? You are adorable & I love reading the updates! :)


We found out with both of our kids — but when/if we have a 3rd it will be a surprise.

Can’t wait for you to find out (but boo on having to wait)!!! The day I found out my first was a boy was life changing.


I’ve got two little boys, and we found ahead of time because I HAD to know. A warning, though, don’t go too crazy buying clothes because so many people will give you gifts of clothing!! We didn’t have to buy clothes for the first 12 months!


Whether you find out now or at birth, it will be a magical day. Having the doctor say “its a boy/girl” in the delivery room won’t make it any more or less special then having the ultra sound tech tell you the same thing. Its double fun finding out because you have that special day where you find out the sex, and then the best day of your life, the baby’s birthday.

I found out at about 20 weeks and loved being able to refer to my baby as Finley Delilah the rest of my pregnancy. I loved imagining what she would look like! I went out and bought a special little girls outfit the day I found out her sex. It was so fun preparing for a little girl (as I’m sure it would be great to prepare for a little boy, too).

You are adorable and a super congratulations to you!


Also, I had the “It’s a girl” button from when I was born, and put it in my pocket the day of the ultra sound. I live far from all of my family, so when I found out I was having a girl, I texted a picture of the button to my mom/dad/siblings. It was really cute.


I don’t want kids at all, but if I ever did end up pregnant I would HAVE to know what it was going to be. I can’t imagine not knowing!


Ahhhh I can’t wait to know what you are having <3 <3 so many cute clothes!!


You are so cute! You look amazing pregnant. We found out with our first, my husband wanted a boy SO BAD that he said he just had to know so he could prepare. It was a boy so with my next 2 pregnancies I wanted to wait and we did, I loved not knowing. It was nice to know with the first baby just because of all the showers and presents people buy you and I liked being able to plan but with the second and third I really enjoyed not knowing. The best part was delivering the baby and having my husband say “its a boy”. I have 3 boys and love it. My youngest son is only 9 months old but reading all your preggo posts and seeing your cute belly makes me want to be pregnant again:)

Did you sister find out what she was having with all three?


Janae, you’re going to need to get a PO Box or something so that we can all send you presents once you find out!!!! (That’s my solution so crazy people don’t show up on your doorstep). Because, seriously, I am living vicariously through you and I can’t wait to send you something pink or blue!! Even though you don’t know me…erm…is that weird? Also, your bump isn’t even the size of your costco potato yet, lol…


No kids yet, but we are hoping to start in the next year (after I run Pikes Peak Ascent in August!). I would definitely want to find out the gender ASAP! I can’t imagine having to go shopping for girl or boy stuff after the baby is born! I would rather be prepared firsthand. I have a niece so my sister and I have gone to Old Navy to look at clothes for her. I love their baby clothes!


I will definitely be finding out the sex of my future baby. One of my friends is due in June and is having it be a surprise and I just dont know how she does it! Plus ALL clothes are gender based, I found it obnoxiously annoying that you cannot buy gender neutral clothes!


The best part of that belly picture is the smile on your face. So happy for you two.

I found out the instant I was able to with both of my kids. I couldn’t wait, and am too o.c.d. to not have everything the “right” colors.

I hope hrg baby cooperates when you have your ultra-sound.


We didn’t find out with our first but did with our second. We can’t wait to find out what you are having either!


Yes, I had to find out with both pregnancies because I, like you, had to shop! I had to have the clothes ready and the perfect nursery. I like to be prepared!


We did find out the sex just 2 days before Christmas. Great present for sure. :) Are you going to do a reveal w/ your family and/or friends? We debated for a while and then decided to let our niece and nephews bust a pinata. It was super fun. Wrote about it here….

Have a great weekend… you look adorable!


I found out with all of mine. I couldn’t possibly wait!

Check for consignment sales in your area (Just Between Friends is a franchise, but a google of kids consignment sales and your closest cities will likely garner you a list.) I pick up most of my kids’ clothes there, all name brands, at a fraction of the cost of brand new in the store.


We HAD to find out the sex …. I wanted a boy and I felt like if we were having a girl I would need the time to adjust (silly since as soon as your child is born, you are filled with a love you’ve never felt). We found out fairly early..since I was an “older mother” they had to do more extensive monitoring.

Our son was due on August 15th and I do remember that we felt the first kicks in mid March, so you shouldn’t have much longer before that excitement!


We didn’t find out either time with our kids. I can understand the temptation but here are the pros for NOT finding out.

1. If you are planning on having other kids the gender neutral stuff is great to have, and believe it or not white, yellow, and green outfits CAN be adorable too, especially since new babies basically live in onesies and sleepers.

2. When you don’t know what you’re having you get a bunch of great reusable stuff at your shower, and THEN when the baby is born and people find out what you had you get a SECOND influx of adorable girl stuff (or boy stuff) so it’s like getting TWICE as much stuff for one baby! :) Truly, this happened both times to us.

3. When you don’t know what you’re having it’s so much more exciting to make that announcement on the baby’s birthday. Instead of “Little Janilly is here” you get to say “It’s a GIRL!!” (or It’s a BOY!)

I think you are having a boy btw. You look great!


So cute! If we ever commit to more than a cat I am adament that I don’t know the gender, The Husband does not feel the same… I just want to stick w/ gender mutual colors and I know I won’t be able to do that!


HOLY CRAP YOU’RE PREGNANT!!! I know I am SO far behind but I’ve been MIA from the blog [reading] world cause work has taken over my life…



Look at those clothes. Totally worth going in debt for. Babies are just too much fun. It’s like a cabbage patch doll, but this one you can’t drop.

I mentioned we didn’t find out the sex of the baby. There were times when I wanted to find out and tried to sneak a peak at my monthly visits with the OB, but she actually didn’t have the results. I don’t think they write it down if you decide you don’t want to know the sex. I got the, “Oh, it’s a BOY!” A lot. And towards the end, there were a few people that shocked me with, “it’s a girl”. Either way I was happy, but because I really thought I was having a boy, I packed as if it were a boy. So sad. My baby went home with a boy onesie. HAHAAH

When we try for #2, we decided not to find out again. I secretly wouldn’t mind another girl. I think two girls would be great best friends, but if it’s a boy… hey, I get the best of both worlds.

Can’t wait till you find out. You’re baby is going to be stylin’ and profilin’!


We can find out in approximately TWELVE days but we’re going to keep it a surprise! We already picked out the nursery theme though…vegetables!! Cute, healthy, and gender neutral:) You look great!!!


It turns out that my husband has been the great baby clothes buyer, he has gone on two shopping sprees for her and she isn’t even three months old yet! We did not find out the gender. It was a fun surprise!


OH MY GOSH! I think I missed the announcement! I’m so excited for you! I was scrolling through my reader and got to this post and my mouth literally dropped. Oh my gosh.


I guess if I was going to have a baby, I would not! want to know what it is until it’s born. I want to look forward to the surprise, and heck, who really cares what the baby’s wearing the first few weeks? I’m an impatient person, but this is one thing I would have infinite patience for–and such a great gift to look forward to in a few months.


You look great, Janae :) I found out the sex with all 4 of my kids. I kind of wanted one to be a surprise, but I never followed through with that whole mystery situation :P I should show you my belly pictures and the progression! LOL I was able to wear my regular-but-bigger pants until 20 weeks and then BLAMMO! I think I gained almost 20 pounds in a week or something crazy like that!


My doctor could see at 12 weeks what it was …and she told us:) Although it’s not a 100% yet…but she will verify it at the 22 week scan! And yes, I already warned my hubby that he will have to put me on a baby budget or just might buy everything- it’s all so cute, tiny,and cheap ;)


Neither of us wants to know the sex of our first child before he/she is born, we’d like to leave it as a surprise. Any children after the first, we’ll find out because B wants to know, I kind of want the surprise each time!


Congrats! I am currently 32 weeks pregnant with our surprise baby. My husband kinda wanted to know, but now that we don’t he is the BIGGEST supporter if not knowing. I am a HUGE planner in life, but this was one thing I am looking forward to not planning. I think that the moment we will hate is going to be fantastic! Also, I second or third the people who say you will get much more practical stuff if you don’t know. I haven’t gotten any clothing but have received our furniture, strollers, car seats, high chairs, tubs, etc. I feel like my expenses are significantly less than those who know the sex, my friend due after me got 90% clothing at her shower and she now has to buy all the practical stuff. Just the flip side of the coin.

Either way it is going to be fantastic. Congrats.


I’m not going to find out the sex. I’ll kick and scream at myself for the whole 9 months lol


You look awesome! We found out as well… like you, I just had to know. Aren’t baby clothes the most tempting ever?! Enjoy picking out a few things, but do your best to hold yourself back, you’ll be amazed at how much you’ll receive in gifts! We really didn’t have to buy much at all, but I know it’s so fun to pick out some cute things yourself. :)


OMG JANAE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW DID I NOT KNOW YOU WERE EXPECTING???? I have been MIA on HRG I guess. :( So sorry! I can’t believe it. I am SO incredibly happy for you. This is so amazing. I can’t wait to read more about the journey. Congrats to you and your family. Such a blessing. :)


I don’t think I want to know the sex of the baby, when I have one someday. I’m sure I will have a hard time passing by all of the baby clothes just wondering if it’s a boy or a girl! I love looking at baby clothes now, and I’m not even married yet :).


You look so adorable! My belly looks bigger than yours after eating and I’m not even pregnant! haha No more potatoes for me! I can’t wait to see your little munchkin in some sweet Nike running shoes one day :)


We found out the sex of our daughter (our 1st child) and were thoroughly surprised as I had been *certain* she was a boy, for some reason. We chose to keep our twins a surprise. We knew that they would be identical, so we’d have two of whatever the first one was. That waiting and guessing was fun, especially since I knew I couldn’t trust my gut feeling about that sort of thing! (We ended up with identical boys.)


I definitely want to find out the sex of our future babies – can’t imagine waiting the whole 9+ months. and can’t wait to find our if you’re having a baby boy or girl!


IF we have kids, I imagine it would be hard to wait a whole 9 months to find out and the Type A planner part of me would want to know ASAP. However, I kind of like the idea of not knowing and therefore not having a super-girly or super boy-ish nursery and baby wardrobe.

Target and Old Navy are great for cheap baby clothes. Did your sister hang on to any of her kids’ stuff that you can mix in some of that too? It seems like there are now a lot of kids’ consignment stores where you could find cheaper stuff too.


Janae you look adorable girl!! i dont think ive official congragulated you {whats wrong with me?!} CONGRATS!! we found out that zoee was a girl at 15 WEEKS!! yes its fifty dollars, and yes its in the sandy mall, but its So if you cant wait a few more weeks, GO there, cause the guy who does it can tell right off the bat! im so so excited for you guys! you will be one amazing runna motha!!

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