The Billy and Janae Challenge

I think I kind of have an obsession with purple.  What you don’t see in the picture: a purple tank, a purple sports bra and a piece of bubbalicious grape flavored gum.  I just need to find some awesome purple sports socks, let me know if you know where to get some.


I got out of bed at 10 and made it up to pump class right on time.  I couldn’t believe how packed the gym was.  I was thinking a 10:30 pump class would be empty but either everyone else had the day off too or their jobs don’t start until noon.

I loved the teacher so much.  She was the cutest little ball of energy and I couldn’t get enough of her.  I am considering hiring a sub for me every Monday at school for 90 minutes so that I can make it to the class, or I guess I could wait until summertime when I can stalk her around to every class she teaches.

The pump classes here change each time, the teacher choreographs their own class and she included power moves (aka moves that make your heart rate reach 205 bpm), plyometrics, TONS of lunges, and I think my brain has put the rest into my subconscious so that I ever attempt such a crazy thing again.


I don’t know if you have noticed but we have eaten out at least 20 out of the last 22 days.  Probably not the healthiest and cheapest habit.  Even though we usually have a coupon or gift card and go somewhere cheap, it still adds up.

SO….our challenge is to eat at home on the weekdays (unless, my parents are offering to take us out:)  We could NEVER turn that down.

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Billy doesn’t know about this challenge yet so hopefully he didn’t already have plans for us.

Will we still eat out on the weekends?  Yep.  That is how we socialize with our family and friends so no cutting that out but just the random Subway/Wendy’s/Pizza Buffets during the week.

Frozen yogurt and ice cream runs will not be taken out….I am not that strong.


Favorite new running gear from Britt:

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A Lulu head band.  It is purple, it doesn’t move whatsoever while I am running and it is adorable.


Do you eat out during the week?  Do you feel like you eat out too much? Where do you eat out at THE MOST?

-We are already off to a good start by spending less than $1 eating lunch at home today, not even exaggerating, it was less than a $1.

Favorite running gear lately?


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I love purple too – especially workout clothes! I am wearing a purple running shirt right now, and probably for the next 3 days until I decide it’s too dirty to touch;-) We don’t really eat out during the week. It’s hard with the little kids. #3 little guy doesn’t sit still. we probably do more takeout, kind of the same thing I guess! That class sounds great! Hoping to get some strength in today, still:-/ Good luck with the challenge :-)


Is that new headband the one with the rubber grips on the reverse side? I love those! I have a hard time finding headbands that stay fit and those lulu ones are a good fit!


Yes, Adam & I love to eat out. When I was pregnant, I had absolutely no desire to cook, which meant that we were eating out. Adam doesn’t really cook that much, other than sandwiches. After delivering Peyton, I realized I really wanted to start cooking again. So now we only eat out maybe once a week and it’s usually on the weekend. For a month straight, I have been cooking at home. It is great for the budget! My favorite running gear right now are my Nike Tempo Shorts. Since I’m doing most of my runs inside, I can wear shorts during the winter! It’s a tie between red and pink for my favorite colors!


I rarely eat out! i am a single gal living alone so i usually just cook for myself. i tend to gravitate towards lots of produce so even that can get expensive for my just-graduated-college budget, so i cant imagine what eating out all the time would do to my wallet! haha


I rarely eat out during the week, and maybe once twice a month overall. But where we live there aren’t many options anyway so I don’t feel like I’m missing out!

Favorite color is pink. I used to hate it because it was too “girly” but now I’ve embraced it.


Green is my favorite color and the only time we allow ourselves to go out during the week is for happy hour-beers are $2 at the local brewery. Otherwise we cook and we love to cook so it’s no big deal.


Nope – we never eat out during the week. I occasionally pick up a lunch on the run, but that’s usually only once a month. I still like a nice night out on the weekends, though we have been eating at home more on the weekends too as of late.


I agree! Eating out is so fun but it seriously adds up! Even Panera gets expensive! We try to keep our grocery bill around 250ish a month, and each time we eat out, I cringe knowing that we could have gotten almost a week’s worth of groceries with that money. But still, sometimes not having to do dishes is worth the money!

We used to eat out a ton when we were dating but now we usually just grab food if we’re out and about or if it is a special occasion. We eat at Panera and Subway the most!

I haven’t been running lately but my favorite workout clothes are Nike DriFit pants!

My favorite color is GREEN!


I’m currently wearing purple socks. Haha.

But my favorite color is red! Blondes always look good in red ;)


We are actually headed out to eat at Fatburger as we speak so YES we need to do this challenge too. Weekends are especially bad! AND we just got some girl scout cookies! Now I’m really in trouble…


AHHHH I LOVE FATBURGER SO SO MUCH…what did you end up getting? What cookies did you get?


We hardly ever eat out! We might get take out once every 2-3 weeks and eat out every 6-8 weeks. Maybe. I love to cook and I also work in cuisine so I come home with lots of ideas I need to experiment with. We are the worst critics when it comes to eating out, too. My husband especially says I cook better than most restaurants (this is NOT saying I am better than a professional chef, just that we feel the choices around here are limited). When we travel, we look for places with really good restaurants – we prefer to have one really good meal, even if it’s expensive, over 10 so-so ones.

Ug. I sound like a snob. I’m really not.

….OK, maybe a little….

Favorite color? I gravitate to blues and greens…


Teach me your ways! That is so awesome that you love cooking so much and you are so good at it! That would be hard to eat out if my food was better ha! You are not a snob at all!


I have a rule that I’m only allowed to buy one meal during the week from somewhere else. Haha and every week I end up getting the same salad from a Greek place right by my apartment that I love.


my toes are currently purple..I love the color! We are trying to eat more at home too. I roasted a chicken, made stuffing, mashed potatoes and corn for lunch. For supper we are having frozen pizza. I found a new brand, I have never heard of before. They are on sale for 4 for $10, and the brand is Teresa’s. Seriously the BEST frozen pizza I have ever eaten. So of course, we ran back to the store for more today.

I also made some homemade chicken noodle soup for the freezer and for supper this week. I also just dipped strawberries into chocolate, which is YOUR fault ;)


At least you are colorful!

I am “dressed-in-head-to-toe-black” girl!


We have a budget for going out to eat that we try to stick to. Some months, we hardly go out at all. Other months, we might go out a little more often. But we rarely go out to eat more than one time a week. I love cooking, and it saves us a lot of money! ;)


love all that purple dear friend! i try not to eat out too much…just because i start to get obsessed and am super poor. but if we had a panera…life could get dangerous!


We try not to eat out during the week, but usually end up doing so once. Other than that, we really try to cook at home because it’s both cheaper AND healthier!

Favorite running accessory? Well, right now it’s Body Glide, but that’s just because I didn’t put it on thoroughly on Saturday and got some vicious sports bra chafing during my long run. It still hurts! ;) Second favorite are my new shoes! I <3 new running shoes.

PS – I am getting fro yo tonight!! Any flavor suggestions??


AHHH So so happy you are getting froyo tonight! PB is always my number one favorite flavor. I also LOVE coconut with fruit on top. You are going to have to let me know what kind you end up getting! New shoes is the best and I hear you about the body glide!


We rarely eat out, maybe once a week either on a super busy night or Friday night when we want to be more lazy! Usually quick options are take out Thai or Vietnamese food, Subway or Opa.
I haven’t been buying much running gear lately but love my Lulu headbands too!
I have different favorite colours – to wear – grey (I am boring!), in my house – green and blue and I also love pink just cause ;)


We try to only eat out on Saturday nights. However, with us both working and having busy church callings, we sometimes end up grabbing some quick fast food.


Thursday night is date night because I’m anti-social and don’t like crowded restaurants!! Lol. Sometimes we go out after church if we haven’t planned ahead well, but I like to cook so we eat at home a lot. Fave colors: pink & orange!!!!


We rarely eat out but only because we don’t have the option – we live in a small town (population 620) so take-out is not possible no matter how hard I wish for it on some nights, like tonight! That being said, when we do make it to a bigger town or city we make up for lost time :)

My favourite colour is red but lately I have been drawn to all things purple.


Good plan! I wish my parents lived close enough to take me out or make me dinner, haha!


Purple is definitely my favorite color…bordering on obsession. Most my running shirts are purple, my ski coat is purple, all my scrubs are purple or have purple in them, I just bought a purple Minka coat from Athleta….it’s an addiction.
My favorite running gear right now is my new Garmin 405…I’ve only had it for 3 runs, but I love the info it gives me so much!
We eat out at least 2 times a week, but it’s mostly takeout. We both work full time, and our children need to be fed :).


Purple scrubs and a purple ski coat…I am beyond jealous!! WAHOOO I am so happy you are loving the Garmin 405, that is so awesome! I would be getting takeout way more than that with your busy life!


Purple and red are my favorite colors. I guess I’m a ready-made member of the Red Hat Society as soon as I get old enough! My favorite running gear is my heart-rate monitor. I am mildly obsessed with checking it every few minutes while I’m running. It’s gratifying to run up a monster hill and see your heart rate increase, but then watch it decrease as you recover down the other side! It was nice to have a correlation between my heart rate and my perceived rate of exertion. :)


Amanda!! I have recently started to pay attention to my heart rate monitor and it really is kind of addicting. I am loving it for spin too! Love seeing what effort I am at!


we rarely ever eat out during the week… it gets so expensive, and my husband and i are way cheap. we don’t eat out a ton on the weekends either actually. a costco lunch after church on sunday is usually a must, but if we go out to eat other than that, it’s for special occasions or because we have a gift card. we used to go out a lot more until we realized how much it was costing us! we have our weekends when we go out of town or have family/friends that visit us that we go out almost every night though, so we get our fill! :)


My vice is eating lunch out – it seems like no big thang since it’s under $8 but that adds up pretty quickly!!!

And my favorite color is PINK because I just refuse to grow up.


Isn’t it crazy how fast it all adds up!?!? I like to think I refuse to grow up too…we are a lot alike!


we rarely eat out – maybe once on the weekend if that. I never turn down a free meal from my parents though!!!


Favorite color=PINK! :)


My favorite colour is green, it make me think of nature. I find it peaceful.


cute head band! My boyfriend and I eat out mainly because I have a problem buying Groupons….so we have to use them up! I would say its a mix between weekday and weekend!

I am driving with my boyfriend’s little sister from Portland to DENVER in a few weeks because she is moving there since she just graduated college! We are planning our route…..We might end up staying over in Salt Lake! I was looking at the map and its a possibility…but I’m not sure yet.


We usually only eat out on weekends. There’s not really time to go out during the week since both of us usually run after work…that and we’re cheap.

My favorite running gear right now are probably my new brooks adrenaline 12s. Woo!


omg is her name LISA?? lisa works for Gold’s and is amazing!!


I think her name is Susan. Do you know when Lisa teaches, I would love to try out her class!


We don’t eat out during the week much, but do on the weekends. That is when I go overboard. Wings is probably where we eat out the most. Can’t turn down wings and ranch and beer.
Favorite color is typically blue.

The Kidless Kronicles


I want to take that body pump class! It sounds great! I try not to eat out often at all unless someone else is paying. Since I’m in school and don’t have any money coming in I try to save as much as I can :).


Puma has some running socks that are may work for you. I like them because they have this little squishy “pillow” on the back that protects your achilles from shoe rub. They are black, but have lots of purple swirled through them. 3 pack for $4.99 :)


RACHEL…you are amazing! Thanks so much for the squishy pillow PURPLE socks recommendation. i will be buying them. HOW ARE YOU!


you know I love purple, too! and I also love that you have a purple lululemon headband – yay! we rarely go out to eat during the week unless there’s something fun with friends or family…we usually save going out for the weekends. my favorite is Saturday night for sure!


We never eat out–unless my father in law is paying. Three kids–both of us working–It costs too much and really isn’t that tasty or good for you–besides i love to find bargain food and COOK!! It is so fun to coupon and COMP at WalMart. e


What do you mean coupon and COMP at Walmart…teach me your ways. I really want to start finding good deals!


Oh JANAE!!! Wal Mart will comp(honor) ANY advertised price that is cheaper than their price within a 75 mile radius. So, on Wednesday I search all the local ads and find what I need, take my ads with me, and then head to WM.

I don’t do all of our shopping at WM. I check the ads and stop where the bargains are. All of the local grocery stores are on my path. I don’t make extra trips. I just run in here and there. For coupons, just stick to the Sat-Sun paper. The online couponing can be a real pain and more trouble than it is worth. Good luck! e


YOU ARE THE BEST!! Thank you so much for letting me in on your secret:) I can’t wait to start getting coupons and using them at Walmart wahoo!


Janae, that is a great idea! You will save so much money! I eat all my meals during the week at home, breakfast, lunch and dinner and only treat myself on the weekends…its such a money-saver!
Good luck on the challenge, you can do it!


You are my inspiration!! I may need your support!


I kind of challenge myself to that too, lately. When I first met my boyfriend, we used to eat out all the time during the week, but it is so unnecessary! Now I try to eat in all week, even if it means having frozen pizza. :)

Pink used to be my favorite color, but now purple is taking over!

P.S. Do you really LOVE that headband, because I need some new ones and only want to spring for an $8967 headband if its worth it!


I REALLY do love it! I think I will just stick with one and wash it when it needs it:) It really is so so awesome!


I hardly ever eat out. If I’m at work and crave soup, I go to the homemade soup shop right around the corner which I love. And I gave into ice cream last night while I saw The Vow. It was necessary after a 3 hour cheer practice! And always- so delicious! Like you- I can’t give up my fro-yo and ice cream! :)

Good luck on the challenge!!


I have that exact same purple water bottle! Love purple, totes my fave color too!


I rarely eat out because I am wayyy too cheap :-) But when I’m visiting my boyfriend, we eat out for pretty much every meal. We’re trying to work on that!

My favorite color is blue!!


I agree with you on the purple! and I rarely eat out.. maybe once or twice a month.


I cook on work nights, so Sunday-Thursday nights. Friday we generally get something cheap and fast, and Saturday is more about going out and socializing. It’s healthier for the bodies and the wallet!


glad you love the headband! love how they stay in place. purple and green are my favorite colors, but i like all other colors as well.

we rarely ever eat out, but since i went to culinary school and spent all that money on learning how to cook restaurant grade meals from french chefs it only makes sense that i get my moneys worth some how. i love eating out, but like you said it can get pricey and i like to eat in my pjs.


Ohhh I’m completely obsessed with lululemon gym gear. It’s expensive, but it lasts forever and it’s just so darn cute! That’s probably the thing I should stop spending so much money on!!


I would say favorite color for workout clothes is pink, but every time I get something hot pink, the dye bleeds, so bright blue instead! Being in the 30s, I’m in love with my underarmour long sleeve. I never thought I could bear running outside until I got one. Worth every nickle if you have windchill and 30 degree weather.

I stopped eating out after I started working at a place with an all you can eat cafeteria. I figure I should try to eat healthy one meal a day. Weekends, however, are free for all. Plus food makes great excuse to socialize!


I tend to eat at home more than Craig does. I have grown up usto not having as much money and having to make more home meals, he had a little more money growing up so he got the advantage eating out. I actually enjoy eating at home, I can make my salads as HUGE as I want them.


We try to only eat out twice a month {or once a paycheck}. We used to eat out all the time when we had two incomes! And, I’m a new runner, so my favorite gear is my new running shoes and my comfy socks. Oh, and my favorite color is hot pink. :)


My fridge broke (over a week ago…) so I’ve been forced to eat out for all meals. My wallet is not a fan – I don’t even get leftovers out of the deal. I don’t cook by any means but I’m so looking forward to making stuff at home.

Purple was my favorite color as a kid – I still stick to jewel tones of purple, blue & teals. Most of my workout clothes are either neon pink or lime green though.

Just got a lulu gift card (for my first purchase!) and need a new headband …


I never eat out during the week. I pack my lunch for work and make or have leftovers for dinner!

Favorite color: totally purple! I’m as obsessed as you are!


I NEED to get on the Janae and Billy challenge!! There has been way too much restaurant food in this house lately!! I almost miss cooking!!


Good for you! I rarely eat out, I find planning our meals on Sunday helps me from eating out. Then I don’t have to think about what were eating. For instance I can tell you tomorrow we are having Mac and cheese and salad plus pancakes for dessert because it is pancake day!!! :) in Canada anyways! I think the US celebrates it another day maybe!

Good luck on your challenge I look forward to reading about it!


I try to not to eat out more than once a week, but sometimes twice a week happens.


Love this challenge! I’ve been trying to do it myself for the past several months. I don’t mind eating out with friends and family but I always randomly pick up dinner somewhere once a week. That needs to stop.

Also, I don’t really have a favorite color. I have phases where it seems like everything I own will be one thing or another. But generally, I don’t have a real preference. Weird?


I just got the cutest Lulu running skirt and don’t know how I made it so far along in life without it! Any my favorite color is yellow :) I have that same headband in my signature color. I <3 it.


You’re such a grape- loving all the purple! I eat out about 3 times a week but that’s more out of socializing than as take-out!


I love the shoes what kind and style are they? I love all the purple!


Hey Jenny! They are Nike Frees and they are awesome!! GET THEM:)


RED :)


Matthew and I have been not eating out for since the beginning of 2012. We don’t eat out on weekends though. We have the same rule about when other people want to treat us. It’s been a total budget makeover for us, too! Good luck! Eat well!


I just decided what my favorite color is–orange!!! I have had trouble deciding for so long (aka my entire 23 years) but the other day it came to me like an epiphany. ORANGE!!! Love it so much. Purple is also great. I really like green, turquoise and pink, too.


My favorite color is yellow! I also always wear a headband or my hair turns into batman- like wings. You have inspired me to run longer distances in the morning! I rocked 7 miles at 5:45am this morning and wasn’t late for work!


I hardly ever eat out…. And when I do, it consists of Subway or Starbucks. Fancy right?

I have two favorite colors…. turquoise and brown and they have to be together. :)


I don’t eat out unless people are visiting. Which makes it hard when people visit to choose a restaurant, because we end up going to a restaurant that is unknown in terms of quality. But we’ve found some good ones so my range is broader.

My color is definitely purple. All the way. My favorite piece of running clothes is a Brooks t-shirt that says Run on it. One of the first pieces of running clothes I bought. It inspires me to keep going, because what is more embarrassing than wearing that shirt and being seen walking? Nothing! Second favorite these days is an awesome long sleeved red tech shirt I got from a Halloween race. The race is called the Devil’s Chase, and the shirt has a picture of a devil at the bottom and says “Run it if you dare!” Not sure why I love it so much, it’s definitely not my color.


I definitely eat out too much! I should save some monies and eat in more.
My friends got me a Lulu top that’s PURPLE and reversible (light purple) and I LOOOOVE IT!
Any shade of purple is my favorite :)


That’s a great challenge–very budget friendly, but Subway doesn’t count this month does it? $5 footlongs!

My fav color besides back (since I’m a ninja) is blue, all shades. I guess I love bruises! Don’t you love those Nike Free Trainers?!


I try to avoid dining out whenever possible since it’s expensive and the restaurants don’t prepare the food in the most healthful manner… plus I love to cook. So when I do go out I try to order things that I can’t easily make myself.

Favorite color – RED! Followed by blue.


My husband and I really try to only eat out on the weekends, or at least only twice a week if we go out on a weekday. We haven’t been doing as good lately but overall we are pretty good. I could never not eat out at least once a week. I think its fun and its nice to get out and not have to cook.


Ugh, we eat out wayyyy too much. It’s not good for our expanding waistlines and our shrinking wallets. Love the purple, girl!


Purple! Absolutely my favorite! When I was little, I had (and you probably have no idea what I’m talking about!) a purple mushroom lamp, purple crushed velvet curtains and bedspread, purple shag carpet, purple drapes. Can’t get enough purple!

Eat out way too much! My lack of money and growing waist are proof of that! So I think I’ll join your challenge.

Favorite workout gear is my purple top of course!

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