Today we ran for Sherry Arnold.  I thought about the beautiful 43 year old that went out for a run on a Saturday morning a little over a month ago and never came home.  Our thoughts and prayers are with Sherry’s family, SUAR we love you!


It was a warm run (37 degrees in February?!?!) and memorable run.  My sis and I talked for 95% of the run and it was a run that I (we) both needed more mentally (we are each others free therapists;) than physically.  Pace didn’t matter, distance didn’t really matter but being together and talking about everything did.  Plus…we were matching so that made it even more fun.

Turns out there were MANY MANY other runners out this morning and I think they were all running for Sherry too.

We saw planted water bottles and extra layers of running clothes all over the place.

Photo 5

I hope you were able to run for Sherry today and enjoy the feeling of movement, the fresh air on your face and think about your loved ones.

Did you run for Sherry today?  Did you have a solo run or did you run with someone else?  Warm/cold/hot/perfect?  How did your pace feel today?

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Had a great 21 miler today in the snow! It was beautiful :)


Ran for Sherry. Ran alone. Had the same feeling as you — pace/distance didn’t matter. It was great to be out there. (And it was “warm” here in Boston too!) :-)


I ran for Sherry today. Went with a friend of mine. We weren’t able to go at the stated time… kids activities got in the way! We went a couple hours later. Cold, snowed last night/this morning, but there wasn’t any wind and it was still and peaceful out. Perfect running weather. Pace was slow because we were talking so much, but so happy to have been able to participate.


I took my whole family out with me. It was more of a family walk than run…though my non-stop 2-year old was true to form and ran pretty much the whole time. It was an amazing experience full of contemplation and realizations.


you’re awesome girl. I wanted to take Logan and Colin but the storm we got forced me to the treadmill. Good for you!


thats so nice you and so many other runners ran for sherry. what a tragic event. :(

i am not running today,injured my right calf somehow:( im on the couch all weekend…at least i bought 2 books today!


What a beautiful way to remember such a great lady (such a tragic death! It makes me SO angry and upset…). That was an amazing thing you did!

I couldn’t run (I teach at that time), but I will remember her today and be more careful on all my runs in the future.

You and your sister are SO pretty!


I wish I knew about running for Sherry! I ran a 5 mile race, and I would have loved to do it in her honor :( My pace was better than it usually is, and I had the same crazy 38 degree February weather!


Brock and I both ran for Sherry. He ran his heart out for a whole mile. Glad to have been part of today!


You and your sister are so beautiful, inside and out. I ran 1 mile today, and thought about how thankful and blessed I am, not to mention how important it is for me (and all of us) to be overly cautious when running.


I ran 5 miles solo this afternoon for Sherry. I usually run with my running club on Saturday mornings, but worked at my old job, to help out and couldn’t run until 2. It was about 34 degrees and snow showers, but I was glad to be out there.


Omg, 37 degrees is warm. I only lasted 7 of my 18 miles today because the temperature was 18 degrees with a windchill of 1 degree…Burrrrr!!! I’m going to attempt to last 18 miles on the treadmill tomorrow!


Ran 8 solo miles today for Sherry. It was cold (7 above) with windchill 14 below. It was a really hard run today with the bitter wind, way more hills than I care to count and short burst of walking. As much as I wanted to give up, I just focused on Sherry and all the other women that no longer have the opportunity to do what they love and be with their loved ones. That being said, I had my fastest pace for a long run (for me) ever–fueled by the power of all the postive energy that was out there today?


Joshie and I ran for Sherry today too! I saw lots of runners out as well. I love that everyone is out making the earth shake in her honor. I hope the 2 men responsible for her death felt it and understand the strength of all us runners.


I ran in honor of Sherry. I’m still trying to recover from my stress fracture and was told by my Dr to not run today but I had to do it. I thought of Sherry during my run and despite my pain, I’m so lucky to still have a body to run with. Sherry and SUAR are an inspiration.


I wish I had known about the run for Sherry! I would have done my long run today in her honor instead of my usual schedule for Sunday morning.

So great that you and your sister ran in her honor this morning, and so touching that so many others were out doing the same. I would have been very moved seeing it!


It’s like 50 degrees now, this is crazy! I went on a long bike ride with the husband today and it was so nice. Ah, so jealous that you get to run and talk with your sis!


Such a beautiful thing to do. Thanks for sharing.


Ran 22mi for Sherry this morning. Thank you for your LR tips this morning…it was exactly what I needed to read before my longest training run to date.

The run went surprisingly well! I’m battling a calf strain, so the first half was slow…but it seemed to get magically better and my last 10mi were at marathon pace. Sweet surprise!


Yes a quick 5K around my neighborhood and there were a lot of runners too. I think most people in the running world ran in remembrance of Sherry. I sure did.


Yes! I set out with my husband and our dog for a nice run this morning with everyone else. It was just us, but I felt connected to all the other runners out there running for Sherry. It is incredible to be apart of such a big movement! What a huge success for SUAR!

It was very cold out (5* and very windy), colder than any other outside run I have been on, but I didn’t want to miss this! So we bundled up and took off, fast and free around town.

BTW – you two are gorgeous and look so much a like, I hadn’t noticed in other pictures!


i ran for sherry. 18 miles on the treadmill and it was perfect!


I set out with my boyfriend and 2 dogs. They did about 2.5 and I went 6.5 miles. Gorgeous day out…partly sunny, in the mid 60s. My pace felt good. It was a great run and I thought of Sherry. Wishing her and her family peace.


9 degrees in Chicago today so no outdoor run. Did hills on the treadmill with a friend…I needed the therapy more than the run, but she helped me push through some tough hills as well.


12 miles today! Sadly on the treadmill. 11 degrees with a windchill of 3 plus snow and ice was not working for me… Pretty good pace, but my ankles were bothering me! Definitely thought of Sherry, I just can’t imagine…


Paul and I ran a hilly 5 miles for Sherry in the light snow.
You both look lovely in that turquoise color!! :)


Did 10 miles on the treadmill with Sherry on my mind!


I didn’t know about this until just now, but I am so sad to read the story. I’ll be running tomorrow, and will be thinking of her during that run. :(


I ran outside for Sherry today too. I agree I didn’t feel alone on my run either. I still can’t believe how many people partisipated and the distances they spanned. It shows what a strong connection runnings feel for one another.


I ran for Sherry.. solo but it was great! I can not believe how many people are supporting this- it is amazing. :)


That is SO sad, I can’t believe I didn’t know about this! Well, I did run for her then, just without the bib. I ran a little over 10 miles and it was a solo run. It was perfect / a little warm: 60s or 70s! My pace felt pretty good actually :)


I think that’s so wonderful that you ran for Sherry today – good for you and your sis. I ran for the first time in two months today (out due to stupid sprained ankle I got while running…) and it felt GLORIOUS!!! I didn’t worry about pace/distance/anything – I was just so happy to be out running!! You know that feeling :) Have a great weekend!


I swam for Sherry today, but I thought about her the entire time. What a tragic loss.


Well you know I ran today. It was amazing and sad and peaceful all at the same time. Thank you for being a part of it all.


We ran for Sherrie today too, and I swear the trail was double as busy as normal, I think they were all running for Sherrie too!


We ran for Sherrie today too, and the trail was double as busy as normal. I think they were all running for Sherrie too!


I ran for Sherry this morning with my dog. I only got two miles in because I woke up with a chest cold but I wanted to do something.


I ran a 30k today for Sherry – it was very, very windy and cold for here!


What a sad story… but a beautiful way to honour her memory.

The planting water bottle idea is a good one – my boyfriend does it all the time, though he often loses bottles that way or can’t remember exactly where he left them when he goes back to collect them. He was taking my Lululemon water bottles and the ones that fit my bike (which he lost – GRR!) so I had to go and buy him a bunch of super bright cheap ones so that 1) he can find them more easily; and 2) I don’t want to squat him when he loses a $30 water bottle!


I didn’t run, I am afraid I am injured.

You and your family are so beautiful!


I had to get my run in yesterday due to other obligations. I ran 9.5 miles for Sherry, it felt great, was bitter sweet though. Good because of the sense of community and support for her family, but sad because of the tragedy behind it.


Yes! I ran for Sherry today too. I ran 21 miles alone and had plenty of time to reflect on just about everything. I only saw one other runner out this morning (it was pretty cold) so it was a little lonely out there.


We ran for Sherry! My daughter … (who HIGHLY DISLIKES running with a PASSION) … she ran for Sherry … my lazy Dante who ran for SHERRY too … cute pic of him in my blog …

It was COLD and I mean really COLD … I know that compared to other places you may say 23 degrees may not be that COLD … but it was windy and so COLD, but so worth it!


I ran for Sherry today, alone with my thoughts and Sherry. It was a great run, short and fast!


in midway I ran this morning. I saw 4 hot air balloons. and I couldnt find my safety pins so I taped my race bib on. fell off. both were symbols for sherry.


I ran for Sherry this morning in Minnesota! :)


I ran a 5k today and it was my first time running without stopping once! I saw people at the race with the bib for Sherry and it touched me to know so many people are running in support of her!!


I ran for Sherry yesterday. Nothing big just enjoyed the day. We were supposed to get a snowstorm but I saw maybe 1 flake. I’m over winter so that is o.k. with me!


Yep, ran for Sherry. Eight cold solo miles at a slow pace because I did my long run on Friday.


Wow, that is so sad! I didnt know about it, and yesterday was my first race had I known I would have totally run in her memory. Just awful, but a wonderful testament to the running community is all the people who are there to support her and get out there in her memory.


Ran 12 on Sat. First 4 was alone and then a friend joined me for the 8. Pace was great. It was an odd morning in terms of temps. Kept going up and down and we even saw a snowflake (first of the year!).

The Kidless Kronicles


What happened to Sherry is so awful! I’m glad you guys did this!


I ran 8 miles for Sherry on Saturday with my running partner. We wore our bibs and cars honked in support. It was amazing!


running for a cause like that is really awesome and inspiring!


i ran for sherry down under in oz. i love how this became a world-wide event to honor her.


I walked for Sherry and my running group ran. She has been on my mind for every run since last month. I hope she felt the positive energy, created by all the people out running/walking/rolling in honor of her, wherever she is.


I ran 9.3 miles for Sherry. I pinned the bib up with all my other race bibs because I am VERY proud and honored to have been able to run for her in her memory.


I ran. Just a 6 mile tempo run but I thought about Sherry!!


i ran 2 hours in boston for sherry!


I ran for Sherry with my dad – I went home for the weekend. We ran one of my favorite routes in her honor <3


We ran in four inches of snow at a slow pace, Horrible news about Sherry. Thsnks for sharing Janae

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