A desk covered in candy and a funny joke.

First of all, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all of your birthday wishes, you guys are the greatest and I don’t know what I did without all of you before blogging.  Your sweet words made my day!


I called my work this morning before school just to see if they would make a special arrangement and cancel school for the day in honor of my birthday but they wouldn’t…..why do our jobs make us work on our bdays?  If you can’t tell I am being completely sarcastic.

I actually was really happy that I got to work on my bday because the kids spoiled me rotten and I got sung to at least 8 times which Billy likes because then I only make him sing to me three times throughout the day (preferably one of them on a voicemail so that I can listen to it over and over again).

Photo on 2 13 12 at 8 14 AM

Breakfast included all of my favorite staples.  PB, Blood Orange Chobani with apples and banana mixed in and grapes/pineapple from last night.   Sugar high from natural fruit sugars accomplished, now I can just eat cake the rest of the day.

Would you guess that one of the main things that I wanted to do on my bday was run?!?! I wanted to run as many miles as I am old but Billy put a veto on that and said something about he didn’t want me to injure myself again and be sad because I can’t run for months again.   Fine, I won’t run 26 miles out of the blue but I will go run twice today:)  Once on the treadmill this morning while watching MTV….(never too old for that) and again later on today with Billy.

The other day my bestie sent me this picture and it made me laugh for five minutes straight.  It made Billy laugh too so I thought it must not just be my lame humor that thinks it is funny and that I should share it with you too.

Photo 4

For lunch I worked in the cafeteria (it is kind of strange how much I enjoy doing this…all I do is take the kids’ number when they are paying but it is fun) and we had Chef Salad…my favorite one that she makes.   Hard-boiled eggs SHOULD be added to all salads.

And for dessert……

Photo 4 copy

Students made me a candylicious cake, some brought enough candy to last me till the weekend (the oreos will be dipped directly into the pb) and see all the tape in the back right hand corner?  It took me 12 minutes to unwrap it from the skittles and can of diced tomatoes.

I didn’t even require all of these treats it as part of their grade like I did last year;)  Days like today make me wonder why they even pay me to do what I do….plus it reminds me that I would be more than okay to be paid in candy but I think Billy would have a problem with that….something about law school tuition coming up.

Another class may have brought ice cream but I almost didn’t tell you in case you thought it was weird that I am currently on my way to Yogurtland right now to eat more ice cream….twice within 60 minutes.

Photo 4 copy 2


Do you have any furniture from Ikea?  Do you ever shop there?  Do you ever eat there?

-YEP and we are going this week because I found the bedding that I want online and so we are going to go and see if we like it in real life too!  Their ice cream is the bomb.

Did you run on your last birthday?

What would you choose FIRST out of the above treats?

-I chose the Twix bars first…lately those have been my favorite.

Ever do workout doubles!?!?!

-I haven’t for a while but when B asked me to come running with him later on his recovery run, I couldn’t turn it down!

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I am happy to hear you are getting spoiled on your birthday.


WooWoo, happy birthday Janae! Hope you and Billy have an amazing evening and enjoy all your yummy treats :)



Yaaaaay for getting spoiled on your special day!! I agree I would go Twix first! Want to know what else is good? Making hot chocolate and then putting one of those mini milky way bars in it. It gets melty and then when you finish your drink you get extra caramelly goodness at the bottom :)

I miss two-a-days! Haven’t had one since 2010! This year is the year to bring them back as long as I can stay injury free :) Have fun!


Doh – I’m so late in wishing you a happy birthday! I was very confused as to which day it actually was and wanted to wait until I was certain to say…HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D

Okay, now that’s out of the way, the important matter of candy ;) Or we just say ‘sweets’ in the UK. Of your amazing stash (your students buy stuff for you because you’re worth it, duh) I would just go straight for the Skippy jar and a spoon. We like the same PB – everyone else seems to go for fancy/no added sugar brands. Candy masquerading as PB all the way. I do prefer Skippy Natural but I can’t find it in the UK.

I’ve ran on my last couple of birthdays – in 2010 it was extra special because I was coming off 7 weeks of NO running due to IT band syndrome and my wish was to be able to run 10K on my birthday. And I did it :) On a treadmill because we were buried under 6 feet of snow, but still…

I’ve only ever run doubles three times, I think. It was okay, but as I’m not an afternoon runner at all I didn’t do so well on the second round. Twice it was for short morning races so I ran very early and then finished up my miles for the day as ‘fun racing.’ I really enjoyed doing that :)



happy birthday little lady!!!!! go run as many times as you’d like today:)


happy birthday gorgeous!!!!! love that your students spoil you, they obviously looove you like everyone! :-) have a great run with billy!!


Happy Birthday!

I made the BF drive to Portland OR to get a bed & dresser we actually both liked a couple of years ago. There is no Ikea in Boise. Love everything Ikea, including the meatballs! Yum! I have done workout doubles and I need to think about fitting more of them in


Ahhhh that looks like a great birthday!!! If sugar didn’t make me feel so sick I’d eat all of that in one day, plus plenty of fro yo!!! Have a great birthday!


Love the candylicious cake! Yumm!!!! Happy Bday


Happy Birthday with a cherry on top! I love that you wanted to run 26 miles for your birthday. I also love that you look like you just turned 20, not 26. On my last birthday I did an olympic distance triathlon, and felt like a champion. Have a fantastic day!


Happy Birthday!!! Looks like your students love you… and now you don’t have to spend your hard earned cash on candy… for the week, at least!


Happy birthday! Sounds like you had a great day!


So glad you had a great day!! And HOW on earth do I convince my employer/ clients to bring in my that amount of candy and bake me cakes?? I guess on the bright side, one of the partners’ wives sent in the most amazing cake today to make up for the fact that he got sick, refused to take a day off and made the entire office (myself included!) sick! That sounds fair to me, it WAS a good cake.

I don’t run doubles with my bf often.. He’s WAY faster than I am and what he considers an ‘easy’ run makes me wheeze out loud. Hawt.


Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a wonderful day…you deserve it and all that deliciousness!

The husband and I totally shop at Ikea. Most of our living room and bedroom furniture is from there.

I second the Twix bar…those are my favorite. :)

And yes, to workout doubles. Not for running, but sometimes I run in the morning and lift in the afternoon. Occasionally I run twice a day, but only if I feel like it.


My first outside run with the hubsters was outside! I made it barely a mile! And happy birthday!!! =)


Happy Birthday!! Hope your day is filled with lots of love and candy :)


dang girl, you scored some awesome treats today! way to go! :) glad to hear you’re having a great day!!


Your students are so sweet! That cake looks amazing :-) I am lucky because my birthday is the day before Halloween, so I made my students bring me at least half of their Halloween candy in addition to any leftovers they had at their house. There is STILL some in my freezer downstairs. And I love candy :-)


Wow! You scored some massive treats today! Your students obviously love you.

Love the Ikea comic. And yes, we shop there too. Most of our living room furniture is Ikea.

I usually don’t do workout doubles. Only because I don’t have the time though. On occasion I’ll run in the morning, per usual, and then make time for yoga in the afternoon or evening. Oh, and I definitely ran on my birthday. It wouldn’t be a birthday without my favorite fitness activity!


Oh my gosh! I am SO jealous of all of that candy – especially the Oreos and peanut butter! Must have been great fuel for your run! ;-)

Last year I did run on my birthday but I’m not sure if I would have wanted to. I had track practice that day and, even after much begging, my coach would not cancel the 800m track intervals he had planned. Cruel. :-P


Ice cream twice in a day? I did that this weekend, too! I thought of you when we walked in the second time, actually (you’re making impressions nationwide).


It’s a toss up between the twix an peanut m&ms for me!! You are lucky girl!! Your students are lucky to have you though. You are deserving of every single morsel on that table. happy to hear you had an awesome day!!

I love workout doubles. I did that today :)


Happy Birthday!

I’d totally grab the Oreo’s! Those are dangerous in my hands!

I’d love to go to Ikea more often but the nearest one is almost 2 hours. Boo! :(


What a fun day! I have never been to Ikea… for real… I should probably check it out since we have a nursery to furnish before May 4th. :) I would dive into the oreos first, hands down.


Happy Birthday! Did your husband make you that lasagna you wanted? My husband always takes off from work on his birthday. This year his students gave him a Costco size twizzlers- score for me since he doesn’t eat them. I don’t have my birthday during school but I’d love to see what my kiddos would bring. Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day so hopefully my desk too will be loaded with chocolate goodness.

Also, we own multiple pieces of Ikea furniture. I love that place. Wish rooms in my house looked so organized.

P.S. I made funfetti cupcakes for my class tomorrow :-)


Your birthday was WAY better than mine! I’m jealous and really want some candy now.

I do doubles sometimes when I’m bored…Something is wrong with me.


Isn’t being a teacher the BEST!??!? I’m hoping for some chocolate for a Valentine’s Day treat tomorrow – lol!

Happy Birthday!!!


that is a funny picture! I hate ikea furniture….it takes SO LONG to put it together! it’s almost not worth the savings!


Happy birthday! Hope it’s awesome, you deserve it!


YES!!!!! Your kids love you!!!

Ben and I just bought our first piece of new furniture (a dresser) from IKEA in Oz a few weeks ago. I told him we have to ship it back to the US when we move back one day bc it is a special keepsake now. And yes, I know the shipping will cost way more than the dresser. :)

Out of that pile of heaven, I would probably grab a few handfuls of peanut M&Ms and a spoonful of PB and then put the M&Ms on the spoonful of PB and devour it. Try it..you’ll never go back.

So happy you are doing all the things you love today….two runs; ice cream twice; a mountain of candy; teaching kids you love; and spending the evening with Bdawg! Sounds perfect! xoxx


Happy Birthday, Janae!! I hope it’s been a great one! You’re obviously an amazing teacher, since your students spoil you so much! ;)


Happy birthday, Janae! It sounds like you’ve had a fantastic day! Hope your evening is just as wonderful! <3


Wow, I don’t remember even knowing when it was my teachers’ birthdays, let alone bring them gifts! You’re kids must really love you :)


We have 3 things from IKEA. Thankfully the couch and chair were finished, but the coffee table took my father in law and dad 2 days! to complete, the first day it was done until the next morning they realized part of it was upside down.
& I did run on my last birthday, 5 miles!


im so glad you are having a candy-filled bday. i so would have gone for the twix too, they are my absolute FAVORITE!!! you need to freeze one, then when it is frozen stick it in the microwave for 20 seconds. it is melty on the inside but still cool on the outside=magical.



Happy birthday Janae! I ran on my birthday last year too. And I would go straight for that cake. :) Enjoy your night!


Happy birthday! You r too fabulous, thanks for engaging with us every day through your blog…so glad I found it.


Wow you are getting some good stuff for your birthday!!!! That cake is awesome!! I would choose the PB or the ice cream first, depending on my mood.

No IKEA furnature, they don’t have a store in more-cows-than people Southern Iowa…. surprising.

My birthday was 3 weeks ago, and honestly I can’t remember if I ran or not. Mind fail. It must be my age, 27. ;)

I did double workouts a LOT last year, and I think I got burnt out. So just once a day even its a long workout for me works right now. Trying to dial it in a bit.


Looks like a great birthday so far! I would definitely dig into the peanut m&m’s. That is cool that your kids did that for you :)


I do have some furniture from Ikea but I don’t eat there.
The skittles and the milky ways.
I can’t remember if I ran on my last birthday. I don’t think so.
I was doing doubles for a while. First as a way to increase mileage. If plan said 4 I would do 3 in the morning and 2 in evening. But then just cause I like to go in the morning and DH at night so go twice.

The Kidless Kronicles


Happy Birthday again. Too much ice cream and running on a birthday?? No such thing! That desk is INSANE! That is seriously a crap load of candy. So jealous. Also, I am glad that I am not the only one who dips their oreos in PB. My hubby thinks I am disgusting. But lets be honest, is there anything that DOESN’T go with PB??

I have only ran doubles when I trained (or lack there of) for the Red Rock Relay. I definitely felt the runs the next day…especially since I almost always have a day off from running between runs.


I love the candy themed birthday, your students know the way to your heart. I would rip open those peanut M&M’s if that was my desk. I love Ikea but some of the stuff is a little flimsy. I agree their ice cream is amazing and the food court always smells like cinnamon rolls. They were offering free breakfast for a while last time I was there…check and see if you can score a free Sweedish breakfast


Are you on Pinterest? Basically every single thing I pin on there is CANDY or delicious dessert, it is ridiculous. Over the weekend I made two things from there that I wish I could bring you: a cadbury creme egg cupcake and a chocolate chip cookie with a Double Stuff oreo INSIDE. Seriously, amazing. How many miles are you running in your double run? HAVE A GREAT REST OF YOUR BIRTHDAY DAY!


Happy Birthday!! You really should try Starburst Jelly Beans.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! It sounds like you have had a fabulous time celebrating your birthday – I celebrate my birthday for the entire month;-)
I never do double workouts – I have before and I LOVE them, but I haven’t in a long time. I would go for Twix, hands down. love them. and I’m sure I ran on my birthday last year, but can’t remember! I’m running a marathon a few days before my bday this year – excited for that!! Have a great night!!!


Your students know you so well! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Multiple ice cream/candy servings are a natural aspect of the birthday, don’t worry! :)


I never shop at Ikea but I remember reading in a joke book Ikea being defined as “Ikea- you freakin build it” I thought that was funny. I looove running on my bday first thing in the morning. My run feels extra special :)
Ive been craving some Oreos with pb after watching the Parent trap!


Hey! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You’re an awesome crazy girl! I hope the rest of your day was filled with more candy and amazing surprises! You deserve them! :) Hugs!


Sweet students!! They do make our jobs worthwhile at times, huh?! Oh and ice cream multiple times a day on your bday is totally ok! Of course I worked out on my bday!! It’s my love so I wanted to do it. I do two-a-days 5-6/wk. (teaching aerobics). Happy birthday!!


Happy Birthday!!!!!!


Happy Birthday cutie. That is so nice that your students brought you all that loot. You must be a fun teacher. My son tends to only want to “treat” (in your case, literally) the teachers he really likes.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I’m hoping my students bring me candy like this for valentines!


That IKEA picture CRACKS me up! I called my hubby over to look and he laughed, too!


Omg it looks like you are having the best birthday ever!!! So many goodies, enjoy it :D
I have furniture from Ikea but I have never eaten there!
I actually did run!! The first thing I wanted to do was workout.
I’d pick the ferrero rocher or whatever it’s called. Those are sooo good
I’ve done doubles like once or twice I think haha. I just hate showering twice I’d rather do it all together. Buuuut when Ih ave to I will.
Have an amazing rest of the day!! I say you celebrate the whooole weekend .


Ha, that Ikea cartoon is too funny!!! I’m definitely bookmarking it to show to a friend :D Happy Birthday!!


Happy Birthday Janae! It sounds like you had a pretty perfect day, you deserve it :) I think we need to plan a yogurtland date again!
I love ikea and have lots of stuff in my house from there. Birthday runs are definitely the best, I always run on my birthday. I think I’d go for the twix and skittles, both my favs! I love doing double workouts if I have time.


Happy Birthday! My dad had a job once where he had his birthday off. I was so envious of it. Though, your birthday at school sounds pretty fantastic! Your students definitely spoiled you!


I’m glad your honest in saying that candy will only last you through the week. Every time I read your blog, I get a hankering for any and all candy. It’s just so good. Gah.

Happy Birthday!


Omg so much candy!!! Hope you had a wonderful day!

I’m sending you something tomorrow, hopefully this one makes it to you!!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Sounds like you are having a great one!

I do have a few items from IKEA (bed frame, night stands, coffee table) but overall its not really my type of store. Its great for right now when I’m too cheap to buy expensive stuff but I like heavier furniture.

Okay, oreos and PB…the best! In fact I only even like PB with oreos, apples, and celery :).


Your students sound great- so nice of them to load up on the sweets for you :)! I would definitely go for the oreos or peanut M & Ms first! Glad you had a great birthday- I bet the 2nd run was super speedy!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY! im so glad you had such a good day! 2 RUNNINGS AND 2 ICE CREAMS?!?! can it get better than that?!

i would choose the 3 musketeers first…unless those milky ways are the dark chocolate ones–nothing beats that!


happy happy birthday!! i hope u continue the sugar fueled madness well into the night and soak up every awesome moment of ur day! :)


Happy, happy birthday!! Sounds like you’ve had an amazing day!!


Happy birthday! You gotta be one awesome teacher to get that many goodies on your birthday! :) Hope you had a fabulous day!

I did not run on my last birthday, my 30th…I was drinking wine in Napa Valley. :)

Workout doubles aren’t usually planned. Some weekends, I’ll run in the morning and surf in the afternoon. Once, I ran in the AM, surfed in the PM and then went to a late hot yoga class. Man, did I sleep good that night!


Happy Belated Birthday Janae! I missed it yesterday but it looks like you got plenty of other well wishes and OMG all of that candy!! Lucky girl. Welcome to 26 :)


My house of a lot of random things from Ikea :)


Happy belated Birthday Janae! You must me an awesome, fun teacher for your students to spoil you like that! :)


Happy Birthday!

I noticed that you guys will be headed to Law School. My husband is in his final semester (couldn’t come soon enough!). Are you guys staying at BYU for school?

Thanks for your rad blog :)


Hey Cassidy! We have no idea where we will be going:) still waiting to hear! Where are you guys?


The waiting was the hardest. We are actually in NY at Columbia. We will be moving back to UT to live with the rents over the summer and he will study for the Bar. THEN we will move to San Diego where he will work for a firm there. The wife of a law school student is interesting…if you need any advice just ask!


I totally will thanks! We should hang out this summer! We really want to end up in San Diego!


We love SD too and can’t wait to move out there! Let’s for sure hang out this summer. I will actually be there June-October…he doesn’t start work until the first of Nov. Yay! A YL buddy :)


You better be serious about this…we are hanging out!


So serious. We are for sure hanging out!


aw your birthday looks fabulous! so happy it was a great one!


i have this huge wardrobe thingy from ikea…i had to get professionals to put it together bc it weighs like 900 pounds.

oh oh on my last birthday i did a half-mary in aruba!!!! and i would eat all of that candy, but the twix first.

meant to tell you i love your new hair color!


I have only been to Ikea once (the closest one is in Atlanta, six hours away), but it was AMAZING! I get the catalog and dream about putting all my rooms together so neatly. I bought a trailer full of stuff from there the one time I went, but it was SO inexpensive! I love my Ikea stuff. :)

I do workout doubles a lot because of my teaching schedule, does that count? On Mondays and Tuesdays I teach multiple hiphop/zumba classes.

I’m so glad you were spoiled on your birthday!


so glad you enjoyed your bday!! I often add hard boiled eegs to salads. It really makes it!


Happy Birthday, Janae!


your students are the bomb. i think i got like 1 candy bar last year. and don’t think i wasn’t prepping them. we had a countdown. on the board. for all to see. presents? no. how rude ;) glad you got so many!!


happy birthday, my friend. you’re a youngun!


I love that your students spoil you!! You totally deserve it- best teacher of the year :D
& the whole tape + skittle + tomato thing is HILARIOUS!!!


Wow! What a lucky gal you are!!


Do you have any furniture from Ikea? Do you ever shop there? Do you ever eat there?

I’m proud to that that my ikea furniture has been disassembled reassembled and moved THREE times and is still functional.

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