10 Awesome Eating Tips for Runners

I didn’t mention this about my run yesterday because I get a little embarrassed about this kind of stuff but….I had to make a stop in the woods.  I know, TMI but we are runners and it happens.  For a few years I had an iron stomach and could handle anything and everything before I ran but not anymore, I have to be really careful.  I think that it is really important that we constantly try to improve our fueling for running so that we can be the best runners that we can be!

I found an article from Runner’s World all about eating tips for runners…found HERE.

1. Eat Before. Eat AT LEAST 30 minutes before you head out for your run.  They recommend a 3:1 carb:protein ratio, carbs will give you energy and the protein and a little bit of fat will help the energy to last a little bit longer.  Ideas: honey on toast, oatmeal, banana and pb, granola, energy bars, pb toast and I personally like a white bagel PLAIN (no protein…I gotta find something that works for me to get in some protein).

2. Or Sip Something. If you wake up and you aren’t hungry and you are just running a few miles they recommend just taking a few sips of whatever gets you moving.   A bunch of studies show that caffeine can improve your performance.

3. Carry Candy (they read my mind).  Obviously you need to refuel if you are running for more than 75 minutes.  You can use anything from shot blocks to swedish fish to dried fruits! Find what works best for you and what can give you a quick boost of glycogen and energy.  I am thinking that My Little Pony fruit snacks are going to work well for my next run.

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4.  Drink While You’re Out. Water is great for anything less than 45 minutes…grab a drink with carbs and electrolytes if you are going longer than an hour!   Get used to practicing with these drinks for races.  Cytomax is both our favorite electrolyte/carb/sport energy drink.

5.  Run to the Fridge.  This article advises to refuel within 30 to 60 minutes after your workout and they call it the ‘glycogen recovery window.’  This is the time that your body needs nutrients big time in order to repair muscle tissue from your workout.

6.  Pour Chocolate. “A 2006 Indiana University study found that low-fat chocolate milk, with its optimal carbs to protein ratio, was more effective than gatorade at speeding recovery after exercise.”  Plus it is delicious and double bonus it is cheap and triple bonus it has protein in it that many sports drinks do not.  You know I love my chocolate milk. We need to go grocery shopping….good thing today is a rest day so that we aren’t fight over the last little bit of milk.

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7. Carb Up. “Any complex carbohydrate you enjoy are a good choice the night (or day) before a race, long run or hard workout.”  Pizza for this girl.

8. BE WARY!!! “Meat, dairy, high-fat foods, and fiber too close to your effort may make you just run to the port-potty.”  I guess the fact that I had a salad the size of a large pizza and enough cheese on my pizza for a week probably had to do with my problems yesterday.

9.  Be Boring. Stick with what you know works for YOU!   If you do try something new the night before, just focus on making it healthy… “Deena Kastor ate low-fat, high-carb Chinese food the night before winning the 2008 Olympic Trials in Boston.  She said, ‘My husband got take-out from PF Chang’s, I’d never eaten Chinese food the night before a race.’  And her husband said, ‘Well, you are trying to make the team for Beijing.”

10.  Then Have Fun. Eat something delicious after a long run or race (or any workout in my opinion:)  This is a big part about why we run right!


Stomach of steel or do you have to be careful about what you eat before you go run/workout?

What is the strangest thing that you have eaten while running?

-A pb and jelly sandwich…seriously, I used to be able to eat anything and be fine as I ran!

Do you eat before EARLY morning runs? Do you drink anything before early morning runs?

Ever had to stop during a race for the restroom?

-Not yet….

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My stomach is so sensitive! That is actually a main reason why I prefer the treadmill, if I am inside I can have access to a bathroom… But yes basically NO FAT before a run is my major rule, and just some easy carbs like a bowl of cereal


I hear you….the treadmill makes it a lot easier for tummy issues. What about the dairy in milk? Does that effect your stomach?


I actually use almond milk all the time anyways so I don’t know if dairy affects me before a run


Great tips, thanks!! Do you think Shark Bites snacks will make me a better runner? Haha


YES….I 100% believe they will. Those things are so good, I will have to try those babies out too!


usually my stomach can handle anything, but i tend to eat too much fiber beforehand and it just does not feel good. the problem is i eat constantly so sometimes ill eat TOO soon before running, which is a problem! a plain bagel usually works well for me too!


I think that is my problem too…eating too soon before I run! Hope you are having an amazing day and happy you have a stomach of steel:)


I am obsessed with you and your blog and this is my first time commenting! I am a ex-college soccer player, now a Health/PE/Driver’s Ed teacher and coach! I am training for my first 1/2 marathon on St. Patricks day and have a couple questions..What/when do you eat before a run(9+ miles.)? Do you eat before EARLY morning runs? Thanks! :)


Hey Amanda…Your comment made my day! Okay, we have the SAME JOB..this makes my job. I want to talk to you ALL about it! I am so excited for your first half marathon! I have been sticking to plain bread toasted/or a plain bagel. Sometimes a banana will do the trick but personally any protein or fat makes me really nauseated. I will usually have a half of a banana or just a slice of bread before an early run that is longer than 8 miles but that doesn’t usually happen so I just take a few sips of orange juice before an early morning run. Keep me updated with your training and everything else. Enjoy your day off tomorrow!


We all have been there. Right before a run in the summer I had cream sauce with my dinner then set out for a run.Bad mistake!!
Great tips!!


OUCH cream sauce before a run in the summer…I feel your pain, that was probably an interesting learning experience. Hope you are having a great day Sarah!


I read your blog every day since I’ve found it. You are so infectious that I don’t think I can go a day without reading your blog!! You many not recall, but I’m a 50 year old woman trying to get back into a healthy habit. I’ve gained a few pounds and have felt down lately. I’m honestly needing a bit of encouragement. I can’t seem to get into a running routine and I desperately want to get back to feeling fit and strong again. Do you have a favorite running book for encouragement and a proven schedule to fitness that you might share? Thanks for any and all help!


SUZANNE!! Your comment made my day! Thank you!! I totally remember your story and I am so sorry that you have been down lately! Remember that our bodies fluctuate a few lbs each month and that is normal:) About getting into a routine…what time of day is best for you? Don’t force yourself to run in the morning if you enjoy it more at night. Have you signed up for a race…that could help motivate you to get into a routine. I love Kara Gouchers book, “Running for Women.” Kristin Armstrongs book, “Mile Markers” is awesome too! Dean Karnazes has amazing books that really motivate me to get out and run. I would focus on going one day at a time and if you miss a day then start all over again the next. Set up a reward system…like going for a massage if you hit your scheduled workouts for two weeks straight. I would love to talk more if you would like, email me:) YOU CAN DO THIS SUZANNE!!!


A lot of cardio, and it would be best if you do it in the monnirg. Sit-ups will be of very little help in your goal to lose weight. If your goal was to get stronger in the stomach area, sit-ups would be great.


I really liked reading this list … thanks for sharing! I had one really bad training day in which my husband and I had to stop at a local CVS THREE times because my stomach was causing me problems. So embarrassing!


3 times….BOOOO That does not sound fun! I hope that never happens again to you Kristen! The things we do for running:)


Coffee is an absolute must for me, especially before a long run. It gets my system moving and allows me to be empty before I head out (that way I don’t have to make an emergency pit stop). I also don’t eat within an hour of running.

When I first started running I used to make sure I was within a mile of a bathroom because I always had issues. In fact, I wanted to create a Garmin function that shows a map with the nearest toilet…….or suitable tree to hide behind ;)

Great posts/tips lately, keep it up!


THANKS BARB!!! I am so happy that you have found what works for you and your body, what a relief! HA…I think that you should contact Garmin about that idea or yours, people would pay big bucks for that!


Great post! I have to be careful about what I eat – or at least give my body enough time to do it’s thing before I head out! I have made many a stop on my runs to do business. not pretty, but it happens. I always try to eat at least a little something before long runs. Even if I plan on heading out early, I get up extra early to eat, drink a little coffee and do the bathroom stuff. The strangest thing I ate while running was probably while pacing my hubs for his 100, and I think it was snickers, or milky way or something – I took whatever they offered. I had to stop twice last fall during a marathon! I’ve never had to stop during a race before that, but I wasn’t sure I was going to make it to the porta potty, scary. I’ve been drinking cytomax, too. not bad!


That is smart to get up EXTRA early even when heading out early. A milky way..that is awesome, I have got to try that. Twice in one race? That is awful!!! YAY for cytomax…the benefits of it are incredible!


My stomach is usually pretty good – I’ve done longer runs in the middle of the day or right after breakfast and my stomach held up regardless of what I ate!


That is AWESOME Chelsey! So I am thinking you need to do a race here in Utah this summer and you can stay with us:) What do you think?


Luckily, no need for a bathroom trip during any race. I always do banana and peanut butter on some toast.


Michelle, I am so so happy that you haven’t had this problem and you found what works best for you, that is awesome!


I have DEFINITELY had the stomach issues too. One time I HAD to go in the middle of a trail run. I was so embarrassed even though no one was around, so I still found a place way off the trail and did my. When I was done I thought I had squatted into poison ivy..true story. I was PARANOID the next two days. Luckily I didn’t break out in a rash in you know where….ughh that would have been awful!!

Not sure if you consume caffeine, but I find that helps get my stomach moving before my run. If I have to get up really early and don’t have time to do my thing before hand, then I stick to a treadmill.


JULIA…you are so right about too much sugar if you are consuming something with electrolytes you probably don’t need to add more in the form of gatorade. AHHHH POISON IVY…that breaks my heart, good thing you didn’t rash…OUCH! The treadmill has definitely been really nice lately ha. I don’t drink coffee and I don’t know if I could stomach diet coke that early…decisions decisions! Hope you are having a great day and I always LOVE your comments!


Oh, and one quick piece of advice, yes…consuming an electrolyte beverage for long runs is good….but you probably don’t need it if you are already consuming gu or something else with electrolytes in it. Too much sugar at once can give you the runs. I do either or….if I don’t bring gu with me, then I try to drink gatorade, but never both.


Every time Mike complains, I always say, “I know, your life is so HARD!” lol

I have a ridiculously sensitive stomach when it comes to running. Basically the only thing that works is pizza the night before and oatmeal the morning of. Otherwise, I get insane cramps and awfulness. Good thing I figured that out before distance races :).


HAHAHA They really have such tough lives. I am glad you figured out what works EXACTLY for you….STICK TO IT. Hope you are having an amazing day gorgeous girl!


this is a perfect post for me today, b/c i went on my first 10 mile run, and am definitely struggling w/ how to refuel (going to get chocolate milk for next time). i ate oatmeal before my run and it was ok-ish, but i think a bagel might be better. thanks!


CONGRATS on your first 10 mile run wahooooo!!!! Yes, try out the chocolate milk and bagel before your next long run. I eat it about 75 minutes before I head out for optimal results:) Let me know how it goes…CONGRATS on the PDR:)


well im a girl but this works for medo 200 sit ups in the morning200 after scoohl200 after dinner200 be fore bed(i kno it sounds like alot but it isnt!)and for a diet dont eat white flower or unnatural sugar


When we did the Tough Mudder, my guy friend put a bagel in his pocket so he could eat it later. What he was missing was that the TM has tons of water obstacles and we were swimming in these underwater tunnels and I surfaced and right in front of my face was this soggy bagel. It had totally floated out of his pocket (naturally) and he was so sad! What is with guys packing bread for later?!


OH GROSS….ha ha ha a soggy bagel, that is hilarious! I don’t know but it worked for my brother in law….I prefer candy:)


My favorite pre run fuel is a Picky Bar! I swear they’re magic and I have so munch energy after I eat them. Probably has to do with that science stuff but I like thinking it’s magic!

I like rule 10 best. I am currently eating pasta and calzone after PRing my half marathon this morning!


My first half marathon i had “to go” from mile 2 on but refused to stop….i was sick for hours afterwards. i had eaten a fettucini alfredo the night before! now that i am a more seasoned runner i am super psychotic about what i eat before any run longer than 10 miles. bathroom talk is never tmi for us runners Janae!


My tummy is super finicky about what I can eat before a run. Pretty much limited to some sort of bread (waffle, bagel, or bread) with PB, or oatmeal with PB. Anything else gives me heart burn. Bananas also seem to do OK.


I actually don’t like PB. What is a good substitute for peanut butter?


lol…magic! Is that what it is?!!!Love her curiosity and how you enagcruoe it. Too many mums shush them up! am presently trying to figure out how to explain ‘rape’ to my seven year old :(


Oh my stomach is super sensitive! I love all these tips – very helpful! Do you know what caused your stomach to be more sensitive than it used to be?


I just posted a similar post yesterday about nutrition and what works for me and why! Great minds think alike. I stopped buying gus or special stuff like that a while back. Now I just grab whatever has sugar in our house (this can be tough sometimes because we are two non-sweet toothers). As long as the foods are not too heavily processed or full of chemically items, my stomach can handle them.


One big reason I like to run on the treadmill is there are no worries about what to eat or if you have to go to the ladies.

I did have to stop for a potty break once during a race (cafe rio pre-race dinner, not such a good idea), but that race was my best half marathon time so I guess the good news is this: even if you need a quick break, it really doesn’t take that much time.


Worst stomach everrrr here. I can’t eat 4-5 hours before any type of w/o. I really only do long runs early in the am on an empty stomach. I do not eat during any endurance events (tough mudder, marathons, etc). I usually can’t eat for 2-3 hours after a w/o either.
Great topic, though!!


I have issues with eating before getting my run in. My stomach can’t handle it at all.

I have a friend whose husband did an ironman, and his favorite thing on a run was drinking chicken noodle soup..I thought it was weird


My stomach is horrible and used to hate me every time I ran when I first started. I would literally come back from my run and be stuck in the bathroom for a half an hour sometimes. It has gotten way better than that I think it is more used to running. I do like to eat before I run just so I don’t feel like I’m running on empty. I like oatmeal, toast with peanut butter or overnight oats. The more difficult thing for me is when I run after work. I really have to think about what I eat for lunch and if I want to have a snack later in the afternoon like a banan.


I have a pretty touchy tummy. I usually eat a slice of wheat bread with a spear of PB and a dab of honey on it before my afternoon runs. If its a morning run, I just get up and go. I have heard a lot about having a coffee before your run to boost performance, but I don’t drink coffee after breakfast and I don’t wait to drink it before morning runs.

I have never had to stop during a race, but I haven’t done anything really long yet. I have totally made pit stops in the woods on runs though. It happens. :)


Ha! This post cracked me up, but I’m totally on the same page! Every once in a while, I’ll have some stomach problems. It’s always on run 10+ miles, and it’s ALWAYS because I stuffed my face the night before with “fuel,” or more like reeses, sour patch kids, and popcorn.

I never stop anywhere to go because I feel guilty about ducking out without buying anything. Either that, or nothing’s open! (I run in the mornings)

I, also, made the mistake of drinking milk before a run. BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER. It just sits there…until I get home…

okay. TMI for me, too!


HAHAHA That sounds like my kind of fuel:) I get into trouble on the 10 plus too! MILK…yep, tried that before too ha…NOT FUN!


Luckily the only times I’ve had restroom issues were when I was doing a 3 miler and managed to make it back to my apartment (barely…) or when I’m in the gym and can just hop off the treadmill. I’m figuring out my fueling still, I tend to get a little queasy on long runs once I hit about 7 or 8 miles. I’ve only tried GU shots for fueling. I’m tempted to do some candy though… haha.


I’m terrified of having to stop for a real bathroom break in a race! I stopped once to pee but it was in a race I was just having fun at so I didn’t mind, I would be devastated if during a pr attempt!!


I ran into a gas station along a race course last year. That’s the benefit of a race that goes down Main St. I saw people coming out of White Castle too.

I haven’t eaten anything strange but I buy Welch’s fruit snacks at Costco and eat them all the time whenI run.


My stomach is awful everyday but I haven’t had too many problems during a run thankfully!! I usually stick to carbs like oatmeal and a banana and maaybe a tiny bit of nut butter but no dairy or I will die haha love these tips!


So before 2011, I hated eating before/during running and I even disliked drinking water/etc. while running…
But then I discovered the importance of fueling before and during runs so I do it alll the time now and I don’t really mind it at all.


I love that first picture, especially with the explanation of what it is. Hilarious.

I refuel mid-run with GUs mostly. I have way too many of them (bought a box of them a while ago), so that’s it for a while. Actually, I am all about excess. I just bought twenty tons of half price Valentine’s candy. That would be good, except I need to still work through some of my half price Halloween candy. Yikes.


I told you this on the recent night eats post…..but I SWEAR by my pb sandwich at 2am…..back to sleep up and go before long runs. I feel like I need 3-4 hrs to digest and so this has been my winning ticket.

I so have done the bro-in-law piece of bread. I was not running speedy by the time I consumed that, so no tummy troubles, but helped me finish for sure


For a regular long run I can eat anything before. I used to do peanut butter and honey sandwiches but lately I have a bowl of Multi-grain Cheerios. For races I get nervous gut so I have to choke down my pre-meal race. I try to force myself to take some sports beans during the run but it upsets my stomach. I’ve only had to pee during a race before.
After my full I couldn’t eat anything until the next day – even though I was starving. After my race yesterday I ate like a pig. Chocolate milk, GS Cookies, banana chocolate chip muffins, and then I went out to dinner,


I’m not terribly sensitive, but I don’t eat at all before a run. Before a marathon, I can stomach some oatmeal or granola bars, but not much. I will get a cramp otherwise. I don’t ever have to GO, though. Just more like a side stitch.
I do drink caffeine before I run so I’ll be awake!


Great post Janae. Ya I ate Mcdonalds before my first race – novice mistake! lol


I have a fairly sensitive tummy, so I try to be careful. I always have oatmeal before a race or long run. If I’m getting up early to do a short run (6 and under), I don’t eat anything. Thankfully during long runs I can stomach shot locks, Gu’s, or candy, but no liquid other than water. Both Gatorade and Powerade make my stomach cramp and I usually throw up. Unfortunately, I’ve never ran a marathon without taking one or two bathroom breaks. I think I have the worlds smallest bladder.

Thanks for your tips. It’s good to be reminded.


UGH I def need to be very careful about what I eat before running…i’m constantly testing out new things to see what works best, but usually something simple works really well (no PB beforehand, its killer on my tummy…i’ve learned the hard way)

i’ve eaten swedish fish during runs…that actually works really well for me, haha!

I eat a little something before early morning runs…a slice of toast with cream cheese works best on my stomach.

i had to stop during my first half marathon to use the restroom..it didnt affect my time too terribly but i was annoyed at myself.

p.s. we are running twinsies! i did 14.75 miles yesterday myself!!! :)


Janae, I love this post! I used to have terrible tummy troubles when running but don’t anymore. I do on race day because of nerves though. My worst experience was a couple years ago running my first marathon, Utah valley and I was feeling awesome then at mile 18 the “trots” hit hard! From that point on I had to stop 4 times and they didn’t have enough porta Potties so I had to wait in line and it killed my time I was so sad. My stomach was angry all day after the race too!
My new favorite running fuel is caffeinated sports beans they are yummynand don’t upset my tummy.
Since my runs are all super early in the morning I eat a lunabar on the way to the gym, the chocolate dipped coconut are delicious!
I think we need to get together again either for a yummy lunch or yogurtland or both! I miss seeing your cute self at the gym.


Apparently I have a cast iron stomach. As long as I have opportunity to ummmm…. “drop the kids off at the pool” before I head out, I’m good to go! But that’s an EVERY morning must. lol Not just before I run. TMI?

I rarely fuel on long training runs. During the summer, I plan my routes so that I can swing back by the house and get something to drink, but I don’t even do that in the winter. I took a Clif gel out with me on my run today, but I forgot about it. When I remembered I had it, I was already almost at mile 7 of a 10-mile run so I didn’t bother with it. I like using their Shot Bloks during races though!

I’ve never tried caffeine before a run. I’ve been afraid I’d crash when it wore off! I did drink a 5-Hour Energy shot before a half once, and that seemed to work okay… I can’t say for sure that it helped my performance, but I didn’t crash at least.


Do you really think everyone should eat before they run? I’m a beginner (I haven’t even run a 5k yet!) and I’m trying to figure out what works best for me. I usually just drink a glass of water in the morning and then run, but sometimes I have so much more energy and get less side cramps etc. I just can’t figure out what the formula is that results in good runs! These are great tips for me though.


HEY CAROLINE!! I don’t think that everyone should eat before they run. Unless I wake up starving or I am running more than an hour, I usually don’t eat much of anything and maybe just a few sips of orange juice or something:) CONGRATS on getting into running, this is so so exciting. Some days are just good running days and some are just not….over time you will also realize what works best for you!


My stomach is pretty good when I run. Today I ran a half marathon and had my usual toast, peanut butter and banana beforehand. I only had a GU during the run though and I slowed down a bit at the end. I need to do the candy trick. :-)


I dont have a sensitive stomach food wise and can eat pretty much what ever before a run. I prefer chocolate gu as my mid run snack though. Its like icing and makes me happy :)


ICING…dang that sounds amazing, I need to try it!


Im so bad about eating in the AM before an early morning run- but try to eat something before my long runs!!

My new fave food: Chhhhhhhhhia seeds ….put them in my oatmeal before work!


so i have read your blog forever and love it! i live just off byu campus so ilove knowing all the places that your talking about, and i must admit ive actually seen you at the gym but i felt too dumb to say anything….omg long tangent….but i just wanted to say that you should try peanut butter on your bagel, i love love love it!


AHHHH KIERSTEN!! Thank you so so much for writing me…UM…seriously, you BETTER say hi to me next time..that would make my day! We should go for ice cream!


I actually get serious anxiety over eating & running and I hate it! I was always worried about not being fully digested before intense track practices in college because I take extra long to digest or I get bad side-stitch cramps. Even though no one is “watching” me anymore, I still find myself anxious over it constantly and it totally has a negative effect on my running life. I wait hours to digest, but then I’m hungry again so I have to choose between running and eating every three hours until I just go run already! As for the bathroom – I can’t run more than FIVE miles anymore without totally peeing my pants (thanks, childbirth!!!). Make races and long runs reaaaally interesting! ;)


Question- are you a peanut butter fan?? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it feature on the blog hence my curiosity! My stomach is quite cooperative but overall, I prefer running first thing on an empty stomach! If I were doing double-digit distances, I’d probably have to reconsider but for now, grabbing a handful of almonds and raisins on the way to the gym seem to cover it! And agreed about runners’ trots- not fun at all!


my stomach is insanely picky and it’s the back door that has the trouble! ugh, i’m not shy and have told people all the time that i usually have to bush dive…lol. i like running first thing so at least i don’t have to worry about wat’s in the gut for most of the day. the best part though is the AFTER refuel, like u pointed out. :)


I need to have something before my early runs…o.j. and a banana with pb works quite fine.
My stomach has been quite cooperative…yet. But I cant handle larger amounts of spicey food before a fast run (ahem…pasta w avocado before a tempo run on saturday…bad idea!)


I have Crohn’s Disease & UC, so I have to be very particular what I eat the day before/morning before & during long runs and races. I find plain whole wheat toast with butter & maybe a banana 2+ hours before works great. It seems like a long time, but my stomach cramps so quickly. Plus the day before is usually chicken & a sweet potatoe (or 6 cause they are so good) for my carbo load – pasta isn’t really my friend. I’ve stopped many times during long runs & races. Unfortunately it’s a 50/50 shot how my tummy wants to act that morning.


I have to be careful what I eat and drink before long runs and yes, I have had to make stops in the woods as well. But only before all the leaves fell down. Turns out I have about a 2-3 hour lead time on heading out. And I did have to stop during my race in Nov and an about 6 minute porta-potty stop may have cost me my PR. So I have been working through those issues for my next race.

The Kidless Kronicles


THANK YOU for posting those tips! I have a friend who is marathon training who NEVER eats before a run and always complains about feeling ill… it drives me crazy. I will be bombarding her with these tips for the rest of the week!


I def need to be careful about what I eat. I try to always run a course where there is bathroom in case of emergencies….


For training for my half I have been drinking a Propel water the night before or early evening before, like 24oz. Then I get up about 45 minutes before I need to leave and I have a small banana and half a protein bar. That usually fuels me up to 12 miles. I worry about “potty breaks” if I dont go before I leave the house but so far so good. I am running my first half marathon this Sunday and will take your advice from above all week. Thanks for all the great tips about food and tappering off for the race. Thanks!


Quick question! I try to avoid the hormones/chemicals/cruelty that goes into milk… Could I use almond milk and chocolate syrup for the same recovery drink? Almond milk is supposed to have 50% more calcium but I’m not sure what does the trick.


Hey! Yes for sure!!! Try it!


It’s actually the protein:carb ratio that is what makes chocolate milk the great recovery drink that it is! Soy milk might work better unless your almond milk has ~6 grams of protein or more.


I have the worst runner’s tummy EVER!

My two secrets that I learned while marathon training last year. Eat Chia seeds and fuel with coconut water. Nothing has ever helped me so much!


This is funny. One of my friends on facebook the other day wrote “Never trust a fart on a long run”. I couldn’t stop laughing!!!


I am doing my first half marathon next week. I find coffee before a race helps and potatoes or bagels give me a lot of energy. I recently tried Reeses pieces during my run and loved them! They go down really easy. I tried dark chocolate raisins and they made me feel sick. I have trouble with anything too dry and found most of the candies for runners were too sweet, especially the gels. There is a new chocolate called “Awake” which has caffeine in it – I also snack on a few of these during my long runs. And, of course, water to wash it down while running. I make sure I drink a sip every km.


Yeah, dairy definitely bums my stomach out before a run! Also, I know this doesn’t have to do with food, but if I start out too fast, I get “phantom period” cramps…sooo awful! My ol’ faithful has been a banana and a piece of toast with peanut butter. Sometimes just the toast with pb. It’s been working really great for me! I find I can eat absolutely anything after my runs, but it’s usually a granola bar and an apple or string cheese and a banana.


Been reading through these and all are really helpful. Just wondering if you adhere to the same foods prior to a race? I’ve got a really sensitive stomach, and a propensity towards HORRIBLE side aches. So I steer clear of food for the most part before my runs. I eat half a fruit bar and that’s it. I don’t drink water during. But I’m training for a half and my 10 miler is this coming weekend. I’d like to practice for race day, and feel like maybe I’d have more energy if I ate more??


I don’t understand why so many runners are doing so for health, yet eat boxed garbage, low-fat foods and carbbed up foods, leading to inflammation and cell oxidation. What is the purpose when health is the desire?


Life got better when I realized I can have chocolate milk after a good run. :)

I don’t usually have trouble no matter what I eat before I run, as long as I don’t eat way too much.


Today, while I was at work, my sister stole my iPad and tested to see if it can survive a forty foot drop, just so she can be a
youtube sensation. My iPad is now broken and she has 83 views.
I know this is entirely off topic but I had to share it with someone!


Fastidious response in return of this query with solid arguments and
describing the whole thing about that.


Wonderful blog! I found it while browsing on Yahoo News.
Do you have any suggestions on how to get listed in Yahoo News?
I’ve been trying for a while but I never seem
to get there! Thank you


Hi there, its nice piece of writing regarding media print, we all understand media is a fantastic source of facts.


At this time I am ready to do my breakfast, after having
my breakfast coming over again to read additional news.


I started training 5 weeks ago for my first 1/2 marathon. I will be 58 in August and the marathon is October 10 in Hartford CT. I was wondering how much affect does a few beers two times a week make a difference in your training. I have a pool and love floating around in it drinking beer, but since I started training I have reframed from drinking. I don’t want to give up living. I decided to do this 1/2 marathon in memory of my husband who passed a year ago from brain cancer so living everyday as if it was my last is also important to me.

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