I could not make up my mind…..

When I got home from work I tried to figure out what to do for my workout and where to do it.  I thought so hard that it made me fall asleep and snore very loudly as Billy was trying to do homework.  When I woke up I decided to go on the treadmill.  One mile in and I started going crazy.  Why in the world was I not outside in the fresh air enjoying the 50 degree weather, especially when there wasn’t even anything good to watch on my computer?

I took it outside in shorts and a long sleeve t-shirt.  Ahhhhh so much better.  I think I am more of a treadmill runner if it is really really early in the morning and I don’t want to think but when I do want to think about life/things then I can’t handle being stuck inside to run

I decided to do an out and back course and on the way back my sister called saying that she passed someone that looked just like me.  Turns out it was me and they were headed to dinner right along my running path.  I called Billy to meet me there and we had a nice little family dinner.

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Mac and cheese with hot sauce, remember how I was talking about mac and cheese on Thursday and how bad I wanted some?!?!  One of my nieces didn’t like hers so I did the right thing and took care of it for her.


My dad also came (my mom is visiting my brother in Arizona) and bought a pizza for the three of us to share.

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This really may have been the best bbq pizza I have ever had.  The sauce was super sweet and the crust was really thick and soft.  My sis and her kids went across the street to go watch the BYU volleyball game but Billy and I stayed with my dad at the restaurant and talked for a few hours.

Yes, I did get a million weird stares being in my nike tempos, a zebra headband, mascara smeared all over my face from my nap and my garmin and headphones thrown all over the place.

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I don’t get a ton of time to talk with my dad (he works a crazy amount of hours) and so it was really fun to spend our Friday night with him talking about everything from the Presidential debates to the best froyo in town to our top 4 choices in cars.

Perfection in my book.

Added bonus, I didn’t even have to get ready to go out….I just ran to my dinner location.  Talk about making sure to refuel within an hour of your workout.


What does you dad do for a living?

-He is an inventor…cool right?!?!

Do you make an effort to refuel within an hour of your workout!?!?!

-I didn’t used to when I was clueless about its recovery benefits but now I make sure that I eat something with carbs and protein as soon as possible.

Any races this weekend?  What about long runs?

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Nice job running to dinner! food is an excellent motivator…
My Dad has done so many things but technically he’s an engineer/builder. Smart guy- like, scary smart…
I kinda try to refuel but it depends on how my fussy belly feels- no point in putting something in it if it isn’t gonna stay there (ewwwwww!)
YES a RACE tomorrow! a 16 miler, with HILLS and (I’m not going to lie) I’m little nervous. Wish me luck and have a great weekend!


My dad is a physicist. He used to do research and development for the Coast Guard, but after retirement he went back to teach high school. He loves his retirement job!
Last week’s marathon was one time when I didn’t get my refueling in for a while – maybe three hours – and I swear my muscles suffered for it. I’m almost never sore, but they were hurting Monday.


I love that you were able to run right to dinner :)

My dad makes planes for boeing :)

Have a blessed weekend!!


I am definitely an outside runner! I’m supposed to run 6 miles today for my training but it’s POURING. I might wait until tomorrow just so I don’t have to do it on a treadmill!


Sounds like a perfect Friday night! Aren’t dad’s the best?! I could sit and chat w/my dad forever too. My dad works for a whole-sale sporting goods company…great for getting good deals on outdoor gear/some running stuff!

I have a 13.1 long run planned in -15 degree weather–better refuel with something hot afterwards;-)


Woah that’s really cool- can you reveal any of his inventions? I always workout before breakfast so I am starving and ready to refuel straight after my workout- works out well!


Ha! I love this! Glad you were able to have a nice family dinner out!


My dad is a rancher, so yes I’m a farm kid. :-) I’ve never seen him wear a cowboy hat though. so I don’t think he would be the stereotypical kind. We didn’t even grow up with horses!


That BBQ pizza looks amazing!! I love BBQ chicken pizza. It makes me so happy. Of course, any pizza makes me happy. Or ice cream. :P


My dad is in real estate. He sold his company in ’07 ( seriously good timing) but continued to work. Next week we’re going to Vegas to celebrate his 64th birthday and retirement!

I workout in the morning and immediately refuel with breakfast!

I’m planning on 4-5 miles tomorrow.


My dad is a veterinarian. Up until I was 8 my home was on top of a vet clinic.


That sounds like the perfect Friday night! I just did my long run on the treadmill thanks to snow here. I’m starting to prefer the treadmill though. My husband’s favorite thing in the world is mac and cheese with bbq sauce on it! and I’m borderline crazy with having to refuel within like 30 minutes of my cardio. crazy. have a great saturday!!


Awww that is so awesome that you got to spend your friday night with your dad ! I always refuel quickly after a workout!


My dad’s a lawyer… Growing up I’d think it would be funny to tell people that and that my dad would sue them! Let’s just say that wasn’t as funny to them [and I usually got a talking to afterwards] :-Z

P.S. Totes awesome that you ran to your dinner, you’re like an animal haha!


Janae – I just love that you are such a wonderful aunt that you would take care of your niece’s mac and cheese for her:) Your nieces and nephew are the cutest kids ever – seriously. Adorable. Love that you get to spend so much time with your family – and especially random times when you can run to dinner! That’s what I’d call a dinner winner (wow, did I just say that?)

My dad was a high school history teacher (he’s retired now) and I had him in classes. He was an amazing teacher. I try to refuel after runs right away – usually with sugar:) HA! Going to try to squeeze in a 10 miler in between family time for a special one year old’s birthday party (my cousin’s adorable little guy)!


What a great night for you! Jimmy & I went & saw Footloose- very nostalgic for us! (Yeah, we’re old- it came out when we were in high school!)

My dad is a retired chemical engineer. I don’t really know everything he did, but he worked for a big company that makes airbags.

I’m running a Year of the Dragon race that is 1497 (or something like that) meters long (2.92 miles). Yikes- I better go get ready. Have a great day!


I love how close your family is.


That’s so cool that your dad’s an inventor! Has he invented anything we would know about? My dad is semi-retired and works part time now at the local university setting up sound and video equipment for lectures. Before that he worked for Sprint for 30 years.
Today is a walk (“rest”) day and tomorrow is a short run, probably about 2-3 miles. Have a great weekend!


Aw it’s great that you got some quality time in with your dad! Mine lives a boat or plane ride away and I don’t get to see him nearly enough.. I wish I could have an evening out with my dad right now, I miss him terribly!

I’m with you on the treadmill vs. outdoors thing- though when it’s as cold out as it is here, I’ll gladly take the treadmill :) I’m really looking forward to some milder weather so running outdoors doesn’t involve dressing up like the michelin man in all that winter gear!!


I’m changing my running schedule! I normally do my long runs on monday evenings after work but now that my runs are getting longer I am changing them to Sundays! So I am in a weird transition phase trying to figure out what to do this week!


where did you guys get that delicious looking BBQ pizza from?! apparently i need to go asap because it looks amazing…

wow, your dad is an inventor?! how cool! what did he invent?? my dad is a psychologist and has his own practice, so he’s always worked tons of hours too. i know what it feels like to be able to catch up and spend some quality time with him. i’m glad you got to do that with your dad!!


Sounds like an awesome night! I generally try to eat within an hour of working out, but my body usually makes me anyway because I’m so hungry afterwards.

My dad works at Yale. He’s clearly much smarter than me.


my dad is an engineer doing lots of work on prisons and schools:)

i try and eat something with protein within an hour but sometimes i forget, lol.

no long runs, but maybe a hike this morning!


Dude. There are a lot of hardworking smart dads out there! Any coincidence they raised Smart girls that love to run? I read through all the comments. Amazing. My dad was a farmer. And I’d give anything to share a BBQ pizza with him. Glad you had a great night!


My Dad is a logistics analyst…sounds spiffy huh? He’s had crazier jobs though…that were classified. hehe!

I’m bad about refueling w/in an hour after working out…I always end up doing something else!

No runs for me this weekend…my pelvis hates me. :(


Your nieces little curls are the cutest.. What beautiful hair she has!

It’s funny to me that when I was younger, I didn’t appreciate hanging out with my family, & now.. If I have the chance to see them, it’s my favorite thing to do!

I’m happy you had a good night :) that pizza looked Delicious!


i like this idea of running to dinner. i need to implement that.

im running the carlsbad marathon tomorrow. and its currently raining right now. hmmmm.


I’ve noticed you have great timing when it comes to food with your family lol


I usually run right before dinnertime, so I tend to get home, shower and then get dinner. I am so tempted to get up and run early mornings though, just because sunrises have been so gorgeous lately!
Runs this weekend…. Was going to today, but it’s cold and really windy, so…. When asked if I wanted to go get wine, I chose that instead! Guess I’ll be running tomorrow ;)


I bought some Nature Valley Protein bars to stash in the car and eat after my long runs. So the answer is no, I am not good about refueling. Its usually at least an hour before I can handle any sort of food.
No races and my long run may be moved indoors and to the elliptical. I am ok with that once in a while.

The Kidless Kronicles


My dad owns sun tanning salons. It is pretty nice in the winter.

I ran an indoor half marathon this morning and immediately refueled with a Starbucks mocha. I believe mochas have the perfect carb to protein ratio :-)


I love how you ran to dinner, that’s some perfection!

Apparently the quicker you can get the food in after a workout, the better it’s utilized by your body!


This really does sound like a perfect night! I can’t believe you are able to nap and then get up for a run. I am impressed!


My own co-worker/friend puts hot sauce on everything–pizza, eggs, sandwiches, etc… Now I want to ask him if he’d put it on Mac&Cheese! Haha


Oh my…that pizza looks GOOD!


I loved every moment reading about your dad time. When my mom sometimes goes alone to visit my sister, my dad and I always plan a father/daughter dinner……and is exactly like you described.

Do you find that after a week of giving of yourself to others you need your run to be extremely personal? i do. Even having Chris (or his MIL…….ha ha) near me during a run needed for those reasons causes me anxiety…..and I need to flee to the pavement. Sometimes being physically alone is a way to completely focus on ourselves……..we need that from time to time.

So cheers to a weekend of being away from school and focusing on Janae!!!


sounds like the perfect post run stop! we love to do that in the morning and go out for breakfast! eggs please!
mac and cheese and salsa= delicious. We use tabasco too! hehe.


What a perfect Friday night! That is great that you got to spend so much time catching up with your dad! I wish I got to see mine more often, too. I just met him after I turned 18 and have seen him once since then. He is one of the editors of Backpacker magazine and travels all over the world… so cool, and I am so envious!


Amazing that you got to run to your dinner! I mean, I run to mine too, but that’s only from the front door to the kitchen, but running none the less.
My dad worked in an automotive factory before he retired. I say that was his “pay the bills” job, but really he was/is a carpenter. He makes beautiful furniture!


My dad is retired military and from he is also retired from a military arsenal. He’s awesome and super cool in my eyes. :)

I normally will refuel after my workouts…..especially with any form of nut butter.

No races, but I am going to run! :)

Have a great day!


I love that your sister just called you up and said “hey I saw someone who looked like you…” and it actually WAS you!! :)

That pizza looks divine!

Aww spending time with the daddio is always fun! Glad you got to talk with him! My daddio was a stay-at-home dad for as long as I can remember (I’m the baby of the fam and my parents made that decision before I started school). I loved it. I always got to hang out with him, and he was ALWAYS there to drive me to and from school, and all other crazy activities I was a part of. It was so great. I love my dad :) I always appreciated it, but now that I’m older I really admire the decision my parents made.


I always make sure to eat or drink chocolate milk right after my workout. If I wait, I usually forget, so I bring a snack to the gym with me.


I try and do my best, but sometimes it’s hard. My grocery store (trader Joe’s) is right by my gym, so I’ll often go to the grocery store on the way back, and then shower, and then put away groceries. So by the time I eat it’s probably more than an hour. Trying though! And that’s so cool that your dad is an inventor! My dad works at a manager at a bank. boooooring. haha.


That’s great that you got to hang out with your dad. My dad is 1000+ miles away so I only get to see both my parents a few times a year. My dad is a retired teacher. He taught a few different things but one of the most memorable was driver’s ed. He said he did it “for the excitement.” I’m sure he said that every time one of his students landed in a snowbank!


Did a beautiful long run this morning! And omg I want Mac n cheese slash pizza slash anything wire carbs and cheese right now!


My dad is a retired firefighter.

I do try to eat for recovery after longruns, but it depends on the situation.

No races for me, I am still beat from last weekend. Did 8 miles this morning though


That pizza looks soooooo good!

And my Dad is a Firefighter – which was pretty cool as a kid. Lots of trips to the fire station and sliding down the fire pole :)


Great how that all worked out for you! That BBQ pizza looks droolworthy!

Tomorrow I have a 10-miler. I’m actually looking forward to it. Weird. :-P


*sigh* a post like this makes me really miss my dad :(
I miss hanging out with him just talking, it is perfection, enjoy it!!!! Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend :)


You’re dad is an inventor?! that is pretty awesome i must say!
my dad is a chef and restaurant/resort owner now. hes been a chef forever but he is also a writer and wildlife photographer on the side kinda.


Wow, I know this is YOUR blog, but… I’d personally like to hear more about what your dad does :-P That’s so interesting! :-)


Oh and my dad is a Judge in criminal court here in Southern California, he ran for office and was elected last year… pretty cool too if I do say so myself!!


What a nice surprise dinner/night!


I was supposed to do 13(.1) this morning but I’m sick and we got about 6 inches of snow yesterday so I’m going to do it tomorrow morning instead!


My Dad owns a Harley-Davidson Dealership and also works crazy amounts of hours. I do refuel within an hour with some chocolate milk, because I dont like regular milk and know I need the calcium!


I’m doing the Carlbad 1/2 tomorrow as a training run for Boston — which is precisely why I am on your blog at this hour…looking for inspiration!

:) EEK. Wish me luck. I have no idea where my fitness is at for a half marathon but I guess we’ll see!


So what did your dad invent?

Ran a tiny race today with MY KIDS!!! Best morning ever.


What does your dad invent?!! You can’t leave me hanging after saying something super cool like that! Why on earth haven’t you got him to invent you some kind of awesome backpack with a fishing line device that dangles candy bars in front of your face while you run, while simultaneously spanking you to go faster?! With built in chocolate milk dispenser for once you’ve completed your pre-entered workout??? hahaha

ALSOOO your sugarbomb of a package from Australia is ALMOST complete… I meant to send it last week but then I realised I’d forgotten a couple of necessities! But never fear… it’ll get to you eventually, promise! :)


I ran the Polar Dash 10k along the lakeshore in Chicago yesterday! It was awesome and I felt great the whole time (despite getting 8″ of snow the day before!) :)


Wow!!! That is so awesome! Way to go!!!

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