I have mentioned this a tiny bit on the blog but something that I think is really important for training is building a strong base.  I found an article @ runnersworld.com (found HERE) that made perfect sense in my little brain about why this is a good idea for where I am right now in my life.  From the article by Ed Eyestone:

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Some of the key steps for building a base (from the article) are:

1.  Time it right: If you don’t have a huge race/marathon coming up then you can do it at anytime but most elite athletes do it at the end of their season.

2. Plan it out: This can last for a few weeks or a few months.  The article said that one month is the minimum amount of time to gain the biggest benefits.  They also recommended doing one high-mileage week followed by a week of about 10-15 miles less than the previous week.

3.  Take it easy:  During the base building period they recommend to cut out speed work and that 90-95% of your runs each week should be easy aerobic runs and the long run.

4.  THEN TURN IT UP!!! After about 3 weeks of doing base building then you should add in a tempo run, hill workout or marathon-pace run to increase your strength.  6-8 weeks after you started building your base add in a second ‘hard’ workout!

5.  Stick it out! Run 90 minutes every 2 weekends.  “This will further increase capillarization, improve your body’s ability to burn fat and keep you accustomed to time on your feet.”

So, for me and my training right now, I am sticking to longer runs at a MUCH slower pace so that eventually I will be able to turn it up.  I haven’t been including my paces on the blog because I am just a wee bit competitive and know that right now I need to keep it slower and build my mileage safely.


Sorry for so many words in this post…I don’t even want to know how many grammatical errors I made.  Next post will have more pictures than words and candy, lots of candy.


What stage in training are you in?  Are you building a base, turning up the heat, taking some time to recover or just running because you love it?

Would you call yourself competitive?

-Yep, times infinity.  Don’t ever play Monopoly with me.

How many nights do you cook a week?  How many nights does your significant other cook?

-I might cook once a week and Billy probably cooks twice a week. The rest of the time we eat at my parents, eat cereal or go out.

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I feel like I need to know what you’re pacing so that I know what I’m doing is right. I wish you would tell us what you’re pacing at! But thanks for the good information…I am starting my research today for a new training plan so this post was a step in the right direction :)


I am doing about 7 miles an hour! Let me know what training plan you will be using, so exciting!


7 miles/hour is super fast for me! I feel like I’m sprinting :)


Wow Billy is a gem! thank you for this post! I haven’t run in 3 weeks (up until yesterday) due to injury and I feel like I’ve lost so much fitness! Oh well forwards and onwards- this post will definitely help me build back to my original running capacity and hopefully more!


Girl, I am so sorry about how you have been out for 3 weeks, I totally understand. How are you feeling? You have such a great attitude. I love that you said forwards and onwards!


I always cook! I’m a good cook, but my husband isn’t :( We do eat out once or maybe twice a week, though.
Right now supposedly I’m tapering, but I don’t know from what since I didn’t much train for this race!


You should come cook for us! You are in constant hardcore training! You are going to rock this race and I can’t wait to read all about it!


Billbop (sorry Ive given your hubs a nickname) seems like a man worthy of you!

Im pretty much running cause I love it but the British Uni Cross Country Championships (BUCCCS) are really soon (Feb 4th) and it will be five miles cross country so Im focusing on getting fitter and faster for that distance with speedier workouts and some hill training, sprints and hopefully some cross country running in the next few weeks.

Jeez I am soooo competitive. I need to rein it in at the start of races cause I step off too fast, I cant stand to be wrong and having a training partner really works for me. I like things im good at and I spend half my running life wishing I started young so I would be great by now!

N actually makes me so much better at eating cause he always cooks from scratch, which is moree natural- like everything, inc sauces and veg. That said he has to be reined in cause he has a metabolism like a bear on acid and I do not, so things he blithely eats go straight to my (substantial) hips. Alone I will cook maybe twice. I do a great line in toast or b fast cereal dinners…

Could you maybe just tell us pace just once? On a run you loved? Im sure youre still crazeee speedy and I miss hearing more about your runs HRG!

Also you’ll be proud- Ive started your technique of wearing running gear all day every day… N is so lucky ha ha


I love that you gave him a a nickname. I am running at a 7.0 pace which is 8:34. I am glad I am not the only competitive one! BAHAHA running gear all day = true happiness! N IS LUCKY:) Have a great day!


Just a quick note to say- its so nice that you reply to so many comments!


It is my favorite part of blogging….I feel like I am talking to my bff’s:)


Base building right now. I would consider myself competitive but only with myself.
I cook 4 nights, Michael 1 and the rest is either leftovers or we go out.

The Kidless Kronicles


That is a good thing to be competitive with yourself. You are always trying to be a better person…I like that! Have an amazing day Nicole!


This might be a good approach for me as I recover from an ankle tendon tear – hoping to get back to even a 10K by the fall! I’m not very competitive. I try to cook 3 nights a week, make simple meals or eat leftovers the other nights – I’ve never even seen my husband make toast.


Bummer about your ankle tendon tear…that sounds incredibly painful! Recover fast and smart…this might be a great way to get back to where you were! Ha, not even toast…that is hilarious!


Getting ready to head into the crazzzzzy winter running season here in the Northeast so I’d say that my training has been hard and varied (long runs, tempo runs, sucky runs, hill runs you name it!)
I am VERY. VERY competitive. Not so much in board games or things of that nature but very much so in my competitive life. I feel that I handle it though and don’t let it get in the way of performing well.
The Huz and I kinda split up the cooking. I’m not a big fan and wish he’d do ALL of it!


Your training is HARD CORE! I don’t know how you do hard runs in that crazy weather. That is awesome that you guys split up the cooking!


I like the base idea!!! I think I’ve been building a base for about 10 years now ;) hehe!!!!


Dang….your base is out of control:) You are ready to turn it UP!


Great info!! I am currently in the recovery phase from a half marathon, but need to start turning up the heat because my next half is next month, eek. However, I am a slow and easy runner (soo not competitive), so really I just run for the fun of it. How’s that for totally roundabout?! :)


YAY for recovering from your awesome half! Another one next month wahoo!


I’m definitely working on my base right now. Pretty much whenever I’m not actively training, I just run a lot of slow miles.

I cook at least 4 times a week. Sometimes Mike cooks the other nights or we go out.

I’m totally competitive.


And that is why you are such an incredible runner…you have an incredible base. We should never play Monopoly or Scrabble together!


Base building is super important, I hurt my hip real bad from increase my mileage way too quick in a short period of time.
I cook every night, I absolutely love it! It’s fun to see a huge smile on my fiancé’s face when I make an awesome dinner! Do your parents live nearby to eat there during the week??


I think that is how I got injured too, my base was not strong enough to start the training that I was doing! My parents live about 10 minutes away, it is the best! Have a great day Corinne!


I’m competitive, but just not when it comes to running. I’m too slow for that! As long as I’m not last, I’m happy. :)


I guess we can’t play board games together!! You have such a great attitude!


I cook about 3 times a week for my family, and my mom or dad or sisters split the rest :)


3 days…that is AWESOME LAUREN!! Teach me your ways!


I’ve been cooking more and more – mostly because I will think of something delicious I want to eat and then I HAVE to have it! lol The hardest thing for me is remembering to use up leftovers lol

Your slow miles trump my fast ones any day ;)


Ha, I forget about leftovers too…it is a problem. Have a great day Brittany!


I am super cometative and so is my husband. We always have to be on the same team for stuff otherwise our marriage would probably end.

I think I’m just running because I love it/building base while trying to come back after a stress fracture.

That chicken parm looks good. You may have just influenced my dinner tonight. Husband and I kind of share the cooking, depending on what it is. Sometimes its just me, just him, or we cook together.


BAHAHAHA So do billy and I , that is hilarious! I think we are in the same boat coming back from injuries and building a base. I think you should make it tonight…we dipped the chicken in an egg wash and then coated it in parmesan cheese and italian bread crumbs. SO GOOD!


I never thought I was competitive until I started running races and realized I am! I cook 6-7 nights a week usually! But I like cooking :)


6-7 nights!! That is awesome. Wanna move in with us:) Racing really brings out my competitive side too!


Some nights it is just soup and sandwiches but it still counts, right?!


Love that info it’s great. Thanks for sharing!!
I am definitely running because I love it, but I have a little over a month before my first half marathon!!! I just completed my first 12 miler and don’t have another really long run for a couple of weeks.
I am absolutely competitive.
I cook everyyyyyyy night! Pretty easy things though.


WAHOOO I am so stoked about your first half and congrats on your 12 miler, you are incredible! Come cook for me pretty please:)


I’m about to start training again, however right now I’m trying to decide if I should just train for a half marathon I want to run April 1st, or if I should go ahead and find a marathon to run after finals in May and then make Chicago my second marathon… Haha I’m getting impatient!


TOUCH DECISIONS…seriously, choosing races and when and where to do them stresses me out. Good luck and keep me updated on what you decide!


love thissssssssss!!!
i run primarily now just as a part of my weight lifting routine and i love it that i can play with sprints and speeds and inclines and get reallll sweatyyyy!!!!!!
i am SO COMPETITIVE its a problem..but only in certain things.but the things i am competitive in WATCH OUT it gets scary hahahahah
and i have to cook everynighttt! or else i wouldnt have anything to eat!! hahahah and then THAT would be really scary!
love youu<33


Your sprints are out of control…you are so speedy and you still need to come train me to lear how to weight train! Have a great day Emily and LOVE YOU!


The chicken parmesan looks delish! Good job Billy with your culinary skillz! :)

I read this same article and it makes total sense. Yes, a good base is important. My longest run since Vegas has been 14 mi (our run together when you were here in CA) so, I’ve scaled back to give myself a break from the LR. Now I’m ready to go long again (this weekend) to get ready for LA marathon. I think I have a pretty good base. I’ve definetly scaled back on weekly mileage from 65-45 but, I’m working (slowly) on building back the mileage. You’re doing it right Janae, slow and steady will prevent injury. You’re currently doing everything right from what I see so far. Keep it up!!! :)

Yes, I’m very competitive. :)

I cook about 3x a week. Fridays are usually pizza days. The in between days are usually leftovers, free for all, or date nights. I love to cook. It’s relaxing to me. It’s a special time when we all sit down at the dinner table to talk about our day.

luv ya girl! Have a great Tuesday!! :) xo


PAM PAM PAM PAM PAM!! That was my longest run for a long time too! I think you are being smart for taking some time off of the long run. Your base is my dream base, I am just trying to be like you! Can Billy and I come over for pizza night when we live there:) Have an amazing day Pam!! LOVE YOU!


Your welcome anytime! “Mi casa es su casa”

I love that you take the time to comment to sooo many of your readers. You’re a special lady!! :) xo


thats so funny, i was just reading this article in the newest issue of runners world during my workout this morning!

i’ve been working on building a base for a bit now..im only planning on signing up for chicago this year at this point so i wont even go into training until spring/summer.

sort of competitive but not really, i know many people much worse then me..lol. i can lose gracefully!

i’d say me and kevin cook collectively twice a week and then im kind of on my own for the most part since we have the whole opposite schedules..then my extent of cooking turns to grilled cheese and egg sammiches ;)


Theresa!! My dear friend! That is awesome that you just read this article too! WAHOO for Chicago, I want to do that one too. We will be the best of friends. I am talking about grilled cheese in my next post, I am OBSESSED! Have a great day and hope to meet you in Chicago!


you got me completely obsessed with the grilled cheese/tomato soup combo…i cant stop eating it now that its cold outside!!!

please sign up for chicago so we can eat deep dish pizza and 10 pounds of reeses pb cups together! :D


Training for a 1/2 marathon in May, a 1/2 Ironman in July, a full Ironman in August. Right now like you, I am base building as well.
Hubby doesn’t cook much unless it involves a microwave..LOL


WOWOWOWOWOWOW!! Shelley, you are my HERO! I want to be just like you. Hey, there are some good meals that come from a microwave;)


I’m currently training for my first 1/2 marathon (February 25th! Yay!).
I’m MEGA competitive. I’ve just started running though (back in September), so it’s been hard to take it easy and build up the miles and speed slowly so I don’t injure myself!
I cook pretty much every night. I always try to make one dish that will last 2 nights, but since my husband eats like a teenage boy, it makes it difficult sometimes :)


WAHOOOO I am stoked for your first half. What 1/2 is it? It is hard to take it slow but looks like you did it right, yay for no injuries! HA…I eat like a teenage boy too. have an amazing day Margaret!


It’s the Disney Princess Half Marathon! Definitely a good one to be my first :) Hope you have a great day too!!


Thanks for sharing this training plan – it’s so helpful! I am planning to run the Chicago Marathon (my first marathon!) this fall. While official marathon training doesn’t start for a few months, I am planning to train throughout the winter to solidify my base mileage before then.

I am actually fighting myself to not train too aggressively this far in advance – I obviously don’t want to get injured or burned out. But it’s hard to not want to push yourself to the max at every workout. I have a bit of a tough time with running very slowly, as well. My fear is that if I train too much at a very slow pace, that my body might get used to the slow pace and come race time I’ll be ridiculously slow. I know that’s what speedwork is for, but even so. Sigh.

And yes, I am very competitive. It was very tough for me to post my PRs and recent race results onto my own blog, because I’m not proud of the times and have several friends who are literally twice as fast as me. So my hope is that by grudgingly posting my race times, it will be another way to motivate myself to post (vastly, I hope!) improved times at a later date. Unless of course injury hits or… never mind – I will only think positively!!! =) =) =)


AHHH EMILY, so so exciting. You are going to rock your first marathon. I want to do that one too so we will have to meet. Good call on building your base now rather than trying to start training and going fast too early! Don’t be afraid, if anything your body will crave to go faster because going at the pace you are at now will become to easy! I completely understand your competitiveness…we sound a lot alike!


I cook almost every night. I would rather eat my toe jam than the food my significant other makes so needless to say he cooks a total of zero nights a week. And that’s the way I like it.


BAHAHAH You are hilarious. What kind of things doe she cook?


Well he is very fancy so sometimes he makes frozen pizza, but forgets to turn on the oven. Sometimes it’s mac n cheese but he can’t figure out the directions, sometimes it’s grilled cheese but he burns them because he gets distracted with video games.

So unless I want to eat frozen food that is literally still frozen after he ‘cooks’ it, I be cookin.


I am still in the beginning phases of running. I really got it going in Aug, and ran several 5ks this Fall, but I still feel like a beginner time wise. Some days are better than others, but its still hard work for me when I go out for a run. I am reading Jeff Galloway’s book on running right now, good stuff in there!

I am crazy competitive and definitely get hung up on the “comparison trap” whether its grades when I was in school to how fast I can (can’t) run.

If we are cooking, I do most of it. We eat in nearly every night, but sometimes we have leftovers from the day before. Love leftovers!!


WAHOO Kaelin, you are rocking your running! I am glad you are loving Galloway’s book! Oh yes, the comparison trap…gets me every time. Have a great day!


I was going to read that article tonight ( I read one article from RW’s before I go to bed each night, makes the magazine last longer). I am currently training for a marathon happening in April, but my two training partners are older than me and tend to be a little bit slower. BUT the cool thing about this is that even though I am going much slower than I would normally, I am building my endurance. AND when my speed run day comes around I make sure I give it my all so that I can earn those slower longer runs and not feel guilty about it.

Personally, I don’t call myself competitive but my husband says that I am. I cook almost every night of the week, but my husband does a good job of making lunch for us on the weekends!


Oooops I spoiled it for you, sorry about that. I am STOKED for your marathon in April! I think it is great that you are taking things slower than you naturally would to build that endurance and prevent injuries, you are going to rock it.


I am feeling some feet pain, so I am taking it easier than I want. I do not want to get injured. I will say that I wish I loved running..I haven’t gotten there yet.


It took me years to love running…I always wanted to love it, and never did. Sometime last summer, it just clicked…hopefully it will do that for you as well.


It took me years too! I am so sorry about the feet pain Lindy. Keep us updated on how it is going!


I cook almost every night, maybe once a week or once every two weeks we go out for dinner. I’m competetive with certain things, I could really care less about board, video, etc games though. Right now I’ve just been doing easy runs, have a couple of 5K’s coming up so just taking it easy.


I’m competitive like whoa…with myself and others.

My husband has cooked me dinner exactly once about four years ago. It was delicious, but it took him all day. He refuses to do it again because he said he wants to retire on top. NOT NORMAL


We cook pretty much every single night. I would say I cook twice and Daniel cooks twice (a lot of times we cook together), and the other nights we have leftovers. We usually go out to eat once on the weekend.

I am extremely competitive, but I will say that I’ve gotten better about being competitive for the sake of being stubborn. I guess I’m growing up! :)


This is exactly what I needed to read right now! I am running the Houston Marathon THIS WEEKEND, then I have been contemplating what my training will look like afterwards. With no plan I tend to do very little quality running! I think this is a great way for me to spend the “off season” after my race!


Thanks for that article – wish I read it two months ago! I guess I would consider the month of december as a base building month for me, and I probably should have taken this whole month to do that too, but with an April marathon, I’m kind of running out of time for that. Ideally, I would take it easy for another month, but the heat is on for me! I get a little concerned about injury – but I am stretching and rolling like I’ve never done before and REALLY trying to listen to my body (something else I’m not good at doing!)
Very competetive with the running – more with myself though, than anything.
Any night we eat dinner – I cook;) lovely husband, never cooks. oh well!
great post:)


I am in training mode for Boston, but all my runs are at an easy pace w/ pick ups are the end of some. I am pregnant so it’s hard to do speedwork with the extra weight!

And so competitive!!!

I cook almsot every night. I’d say my husband cooks maybe 1-2 times a month. if that.


I am getting my distance back up after multiple injuries. It sucks because I prefer speedwork. Thank baby Jesus for books on MP3


I was building my base and then one day I decided to push myself and what happened? I woke up the next day with a verrrry tight hamstring and IT band. Now I’m stuck taking a few days off…I guess I am further proof that being patient and building the base is crucial!
I laughed out loud when you said not to play Monopoly with you. My very best friend and I got into our first and only fight in 4th grade during an intense game of Dogopoly (Monopoly but you buy dogs, fire hydrants, etc.). The fight included screaming and crying. Haha I guess that’s what happens when 2 extremely competitive friends play Monopoly together. So short answer, YES…I’m VERY competitive.
I live alone so dinner is always on me. I’m glad that the boy whose name begins with a B and ends in illy is such a team player…you guys make a great pair. :)


BOOO TO YOUR IT BAND!! That is so sad, I am sorry! Back to building that base! AHAHAH Your Dogopoly story made my day! We definitely shouldn’t play board games together!


I’m in a building phase right now– I have a half in May and an Oly tri in June, so I’m trying to establish a base for both so I can start really training in February.

As far as dinner, it’s just me so I have to cook whenever I want anything! I’m guessing I actually cook 2-3 times per week though, and leftovers have become my very good friend :)


I read that article and it made me feel a lot less nervous about adding miles..hoping to build a good base by spring


ah yes base building is so important! obviously i’m still coming back from injury so I’m just getting my body used to running again – but once I can run regularly and consistently, base is where I’m at. nothing but easy running and gradually building the volume! I don’t plan on making commitments to any races until i’m 100% certain that I’m healthy, but I’m hoping to race in early summer….so I’ve got plenty of time to build a solid base :)


I am in stage 0 [haha]… But I really should start training for something again- love the feeling after completing a hard workout and the sense of accomplishment is always a nice confidence booster :)

I’d def consider myself competitive with myself and others. It can be good or bad, depends on the situation…

Does reheating leftovers count as a “cooking night”? If yes, then def 6-7 days a week ;) We usually go out Sat night for a date night…


I’m super competitive too–but pretty sure your speeds are waayyyy faster than mine ;)

I am turning up the heat right now. THen I’ll go back to the base for half ironman training. Woot!


Mmmmm…chicken parm. I know what I’m making for dinner tonight! Also, yes for base building and cycling through training seasons. Also an excellent time for more strength training!


A few years back……your age…..I was super competitive, still am, but there has been a shift, a different competitive.

I cook 5 days maybe 6, other days are easy smeezy dinners, or out with friends etc. Sunday nights is always “fend for yourself” dinner, because I love to cook the Sunday afternoon meal.

I am in the just added in one tempo phase. I love base phase, I’d stay there forever, so I need to push my comfort zone a tad.


You are going to ROCK the tempo phase! You inspire me to cook more and a Sunday afternoon meal sounds perfect! Have a great day at school Erica!


I love sauce, I always get a teeny bit of spaghetti – and then a ton of sauce and bread. My ideal Italian meal is mopping up marinara with garlic bread ;)

I like to cook, but I usually don’t get home til around 6:30 or 7 during the week so I cook a big meal on Sunday that we use as leftovers during the week, and then cook a few times during the week. If I’m going to be later than 7 Chris will cook. Saturday night is always “do your own thing” night in our house and we both just eat whatever we feel like, with usually little cooking/clean up involved :)


Great post Janae!! I spent all of December working on my base and learned so so so so so (did I use enough “so”) much from it. I ran at what felt comfortable and realized I really like to run at about 8:15-8:20 pace. Now that I am finally starting to add speed I feel great. I loved that article in RW and love the points you brought up in this post.

We need to run together girl!!


I have a half-marathon in march so I’m training for that, but not super intensely because its just going to be more of a “fun run”…just going to complete with friends rather than aiming for a certain time. And yes I would say I am very competitive, pretty much in all aspects of life but nothing comes close to how I get when I’m playing sports (soccer specifically). I.Hate.Losing.

You are so cute!! love ya Janae!!!


I literally JUST finished reading that article!! hahha. I’m totally in base camp right now. :) Although I may be slacking on the 90 minute runs. THIS weekend! :)

I cook at least 6 nights a week. I can’t help it. Lol. But tonight is crockpot so life is good!


I’m definitely competitive. Right now I’m running regularly, but I’m pregnant, so it’s about keeping it up since I usually love running. Like that article in R.W. very good tips. As far as the cooking, I cook 5 days a week, 1 day for leftovers, and 1 day for takeout. As you can see, hubby doesn’t cook. Oh well. He does other things though.


CONGRATS on your pregnancy. How many miles are you able to get in while pregnant? Takeout is the best:)


I’m running between 15-20 miles a week split between three runs. Not much, but I’m still hitting the gym for other stuff too. All is not lost.


I’ve never done tempo work before, which I’ll need to incorporate once I get back to training after the baby because I want to be fast, not just be able to run 15+ miles with no problem.

I’m really competitive and it’s so hard to reign it in!


I am still building my base. I started walking at the beginning of last summer, and when that was too easy started running. I worked my way up to a 5K by September, but October and Novemeber I was plagued with injuries (not all of them running related, I mean, I fell down the stairs to my basement one time :) ). December was so cold here in Utah that I decided to take the time to heal my injuries completely. It worked, now that I’m back to running, I’m already running a full 3 miles without stopping to walk. I plan to increase my mileage slowly over the winter and spring. I’m not even worried about speedwork, I figure that can come later.
I can be very competitive, but I have the ability to make it a conscious choice. Once that choice is made, however, watch out!
My husband and I split the cooking on the nights I’m home (I work full time nightshift 3x a week). He’s a better cook, but I love to bake!


I read that article too. I wish they would have had it one month sooner though!! I am starting my marathon plan next week…so.. probably better follow that.

I am embarassed by how competitive I am sometimes. But…I would rather be driven than not.

I try to cook 5 days a week. Ty cooks….once in awhile. I love that Billy made the dinner you wanted– AND the nachos!!


I totally agree, it’s so important to build a good base. I try to go back and forth between running at more of an easy effort pace then turning it up a bit on my tempo runs. I has helped me get stronger and has really helped with my endurance in the long run (no pun intended). When I first started running a few years ago I was at about a 10:30 pace and now my training pace is about an 8:30. I think this is definitely because I have maintained a great base!

I really do need to cook more. I just bought tons of groceries so I think I will be cooking up something tonight!


I’ve been building a base in Nov and Dec, and staying in 1/2 marathon shape. I have one on the 21st, which I definitely feel ready for, but I wouldn’t say that I did a lot of official “training,” which is really nice this time around! Like I didn’t need to train specifically for it because I’m just in good enough shape for it. Haha, hope that makes sense.

Steve is a good cook and likes to do it…I love it because we’ll mostly just do simple things and get dinner ready together – hardly ever any fancy cooking, but we only eat out on weekends mostly. Except I’m excited for a nice dinner out tonight because it’s our anniversary! :)


My favorite part of this post? Starts with a B and ends with an illy. BAHAHAHAHA. You are so funny!


1. I am injured, supposed to run Miami marathon Jan. 29th. Getting A.R.T. 2. I am competitive against myself, if that makes sense. 3. I cook 5-6 nights per week, plus make breakfast 6 days a week, and pack lunches 5 days per week. I don’t like eating out!


I’m just running for fun of it right now. I should be looking for a race but I’m too cheap to pay for registration.

I cook on most nights of the week. Ron will do maybe 2. Some days cooking means cereal. Love those nights!


Hi Janae-
Totally not answering your questions here, but just had to comment on the fact that during your long run with Billy & your brother in law, you and Billy are both wearing headphones! I always thought the whole point of long runs with someone was to be able to talk, about the most random of topics as they come up. I guess I just do way too many runs alone/on the treadmill, when I finally am running with a real live person, I am OVER the headphones.

p.s. Base is good.


I am building a base for the most part but do turn up the heat every few runs to spice up my workouts!
I once cried after losing in Scrabble. I was 32. Yeah, I’d say I’m competitive. :)
I cook about four nights a week and eat leftovers the other nights.


There is great wisdom in base-building…thanks for sharing the article! I am competitive with myself, but am trying to care less. :)


Mmm…Chicken Parm, yum!!

What stage in training are you in? Ramping up for a May Marathon
Would you call yourself competitive? YES :)
How many nights do you cook a week? I cook 3 meals a day 7 days a week for a large family. My husband cooks on my Birthday and our Anniversary to “give me a break.” ;o)

Keep up the great work- great tips on building a base!!


Competitive??? um….our family takes score during Jeopardy… lol
I knida feel bad for my hubby….he had no idea what he married into….lol

Taking your advice and turning down my training a bit….started off hard and realized I have till mid April b4 my 1/2…..I was doing awesome but my knees were a tad bit sore…so I’m slowing it down a bunch….

xoxo from Trinidad
love ya girlie….you always make me laugh…


I clicked over to that article and had to giggle at the mileage suggestions. Anytime I hit a 50-80 mileish week will be in my dreams! ha!

But this article comes at a great time for me, since I’ll be starting a tough training group in Feb. to train for the Country Music Half (it’s in April). Working on a base now with slow miles will help me be strong for the start of the training, not nursing injuries and soreness from pushing the limits when I should have been taking it easy!


Yes, I,m competitive but mostly with myself and past PR’s. I.m running my 3rd marathon next month and hope to BQ!

I love that you aren’t on a diet plan like so many other “healthy living bloggers”. Keeping it real and balanced.


I feel like I am in a turning up the heat phase of training. I just finished my first marathon in November and I should have viewed it as base training. Instead, I ended up disappointed in my results. Now I feel stronger and am a little bit wiser.
I usually do the cooking thought the hubs is always willing to pitch in. I am hoping to get to the point in life where I can hire a personal chef.


Seriously SUCH great advice! I love this post!

I cook a few times a week and my boyfriend cooks a few times a week – but the stuff he makes are always so creative and delicious! I just follow a recipe. And end up dumping something all over my shirt and making a huge mess. Woops!!

And I’m suuuper competitive, but mainly just with myself!


Thank you for posting this! It’s one of my favorite posts I’ve read in a long time. When I can start running again, this is what I’m going to do before marathon training starts.

Competitive. Very, very, competitive.


i’m doing this too right now and have planned a total of 7 weeks of base before race specific training. i don’t know about you, but i’m loving it! some of my runs are 9+ pace, but they feels so amazing. my body and mind appreciate the long slow pace and i think it will serve me well. glad that you seem to be enjoying it too. smart training=awesomeness :)


I’m kind of in a running because I love it stage…but I’m adding in some reminding myself why I love it. My half marathon in November was amazing, then I had a nice battle with shin splints and got really discouraged. So, now I’m working my way back into it and trying to build my confidence again.

I’m definitely competitive, especially with myself. Hence the discouragement at the shin splints slowing me down.


I dont cook. I am 21 and I will burn anything I try to cook. I actually gave my mom a birthday card that said, “Mom – thought you should have a SPECTACULAR feast on your birthday…. (On the inside) So, What are YOU making for dinner!” My mom broke down laughing because she knows I cannot cook and cooks all weekend so that there is food to reheat during the week or else I will eat tons of CEREAL! :D


Hi Janae,

I really like your blog and find you refreshingly light hearted and hilarious. BUT why do you always eat off paper plates? It’s really wasteful. You have a lot of readers and the choices you make could really have a ripple effect. Just something to think about!


I am competitive and it’s usually not pretty. I need to learn how to be a more graceful loser…when I actually lose


Very competitive in anything. It drives me nuts when people run ahead of me and no matter what I have to come out on top at the bowling alley..

He surprised you with dinner? How exciting!

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