A Non-Boring Workout and Homemade Bread

Yesterday’s workout was a good one and since today is my rest day I figured why not go back in time and talk about what I worked out yesterday.  When I woke up (um…11 a.m. that is totally acceptable for an almost ((less than a month away)) 26 year old) it was pouring rain.  Not nice summer warm rain but slush rain.  I am not that hardcore.  I love running when it is snowing but not when the stuff coming out of the sky will drench me and freeze me to the bone.  Billy was hardcore and set out to do 13.1 miles in 1:43….he is a rockstar.  It took him a good 15 minutes to have feeling in his fingers again when he got home but he said he had a great time.

I also wasn’t in the mood to just run, I ran M-F and wanted to add some variety so….

I ran 2 miles (I thought I would spare you the 6,000,000 picture of my treadmill) followed by 10 minutes of high intensity spinning.

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Yep, that would be Felicity playing on the TV and my iPad just in case I got bored and wanted to read.  PS I am going to do a bike review in this afternoon’s post.

Speaking of Felicity, Ben is one of the main stars along with Rachel McAdams in the movie THE VOW that comes out on February 10th.  Who wants to come with the me and the sis to the midnight showing?

After the spin bike I did five minutes of weights with no breaks to allow my arms to really feel the burn.  That would be an Arby’s coupon that my weights are hanging out on….2 for 1 curly fries has got to happen sometime this next week.

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I repeated that sequence a three times and ended with a killer workout in which I was never bored and I didn’t catch pneumonia from being outside.  As I was cycling I realized that I haven’t been to the gym in a MONTH.  That is crazy to me because I used to go daily but I am really enjoying working out outside or at home, it makes life a lot easier for me.

Next stop was Subway (you’d think they would give me free subs for all of this advertising, but no, they do not).  This month the Chicken Chipotle sandwich is only $5 for the foot long and it was so good, maybe even my new favorite.

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After Subway we went and saw the movie, ‘Real Steel’ along with the rest of Provo.  I guess everyone had the great idea to go see a movie when it is raining.  I only fell asleep for about 5 minutes during the movie so that means I liked it compared to the movies I don’t like where I sleep for at least 30 minutes.

The rest of the night involved salt and vinegar chips, the cookies I made yesterday and catching up with 30 Rock.  We were going to go out to dinner but spoiled our appetites on junk.  We got hungry at nine and decided to make bread for dinner.

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We used THIS RECIPE for Honey Whole Wheat bread.  Between the cookies and the loaf of bread (okay, it was more like a ball of bread), Billy fell in love with me all over again.  Now our house smells like fresh bread, I am never leaving.


Do you have a bread machine?  Do you ever make bread?

Do you like salt and vinegar chips?

-They are my absolute FAVORITE followed closely by Cool Ranch Doritos.

Any 30 Rock fans?!?!

How often do you go to the gym?  When was the last time that you went to the gym?

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i LOVE salt and vinegar chips!!

ive always wanted to make legit bread with a machine…but i dont have a bread machine :(

if you want some good strength training without the gym, try the nike training club app. i LOVE their workouts and alot of them are only 15 (brutal) minutes!


Salt and Vinegar and Cool Ranch are my absolute favorite chips (and the only ones I think are worth eating). I don’t have a bread machine but I do make bread all the time. Lately, I’ve been making this super dense Russian black bread b/c my bf loves it but I definitely prefer fluffier bread. Maybe I’ll make some today…


I’m a hard core gym go-er in the winter. Mainly because it’s too dark outside in the morning! The summer is another story though!


salt and vinegar.. yuccckk!

How was the movie? My mom used to bake bread all the time when i was younger, i didnt see store bought till i was older.


I’ve never made bread that uses yeast before!

I go to the gym 3-4 times during the work week and at least once on the weekend. I love going when no one is there!


I go to the gym 4-5 days a week but I am super lucky because I have one at work and its free!! On the weekends I go to a spin studio or work out at home!


I like the salt and vinegar chips…

I have been seeing the little sticks of butter on people’s blogs, but I have never seen them in the store.


I got a bread machine for my birthday–at first I thought, what the heck am I going to do w/a bread maker, haha little did I know I use it at least 2x/week.

I am a gym goer mostly in the winter to lift weights. Heavier lifting seems to go by the wayside when I start to bump in the mileage and I stick to lighter weight lifting at home.

Enjoy your rest day!


I LOVE 30 Rock!!!! I haven’t been watching this new season yet, but I have seasons 1-3 on DVD and tend to watch them whenever I’m in a bad mood….always cheers me up!

I love going to the gym, but I really dislike running on the treadmill. If I have a choice, I’ll run outside. But sometimes, I just don’t (grrr weather). I go to the gym for any type of Xtraining…spinning classes, eliptical, or strength training. I’m probably at my gym 4 times a week.

Enjoy your Sunday! :)


Mmmm carbs for the win!! Im a 5-a week gym goer but I’m upping the ante to 6 as of tomorrow a.k.a. day 1 of Body For Life :)!


Salt & vinegar are my favourite chips too, though I make them extra healthy by (don’t gag), dipping them in Ruffles ranch dip. Don’t knock it until you try it, it’s YUMMY!!

I rarely go to the gym anymore. I used to go for the treadmills but they don’t have enough of them so you often have to wait for one, and there’s *always* someone waiting at the 30 minute mark to kick you off. Annoying. So I’ve been running at my boyfriend’s family’s house, they have a sweet gym setup where no one kicks you off machines :)


ohhh my! i had no idea ben was in that upcoming movie with rachel mcadams! i love them BOTH! eeek can’t wait for it! (oh jeez, i feel like a little school girl all gitty…)

i go to the gym 2-3 times per week. my other workouts are at home or outside, which i like doing to switch things up! :)


Um…can I please come with you to the midnight showing?? I love the show Felicity, and I love Channing, Rachel, and “Ben”…The Vow seriously looks like a fantastic chick flick that I will want to see over and over again :). I always go to the gym because I don’t run that much and don’t have very much equipment so therefore I need to…but it’s a good thing that I like the gym haha! Hope you have a fabulous Sunday!


I do not have a bread machine, but I do bake my own bread sometimes. I just do it the old fashioned way and mix it up, rise, knead, rise ,bake. I hit the gym 4-5 times a week and was there yesterday. Love love love salt and vinegar chips. Also really dig the sea salt and black pepper chips. Have you ever tried them? Yum!

I do home workouts 2-3 times a week also, and use workouts from http://www.bodyrock.tv. They are awesome and make you sweat and want to cry. I prefer the ones that only use the interval timer and just me, as opposed to needing a dip station/sand bag weights, which I’m too cheap to buy.

You mentioned your birthday…do you have plans for your birthday week celebration this year?


I LOVE salt and vinegar chips!! The stronger the flavor, the better!! And I think Ranch Doritos are my second favorite, too!

I’ve never made normal bread, but I did make zucchini bread this week. And it’s pretty much amazing. I love bread. Well, I love all carbs, really! ;)


Awesome workout! I have a subway rewards card that I use every time I go there. Eventually I get a free 6inch or free footlong depending on when I want to cash in the points! I got a free one this week!!

I have a bread machine. I use it to make more dough for pizza and other things than I do actual bread. But fresh banana bread does sound good now.


That bread ball looks awesome haha! My fiancé makes crisp sandwiches out of salt and vinegar chips. It’s a weird Irish thing to butter a fresh roll and pile it with “crisps” healthy I know but yummy!


Does he make bacon or chip butties as well? Love the uk food! :)


Lately I’ve been going to the gym 5-6 times/week, which is crazy for me. But the negative temps outside don’t agree with my asthma, and we don’t own a treadmill. Plus, our gym is exclusively for employees and their spouses, and we get a sweet discount if we go 30 times in 3 months. It’s been less than a month and a half and I’ve already gone 30 times- saves me $10/month!

I tried to make banana bread once and it ended in disaster. I haven’t been brave enough to attempt it again. One day… :)


Ahh- totally jealous of your spin bike and giant tv setup!! :)

Salt and Vinegar are the best. They are by far the most popular flavour in Australia and in the UK, for some reason not as popular in the US. But I love them!

I haven’t been to a gym in ages! :( I miss the elyptical and junk tv/music videos. But on the plus side, it forces me to run a bit more :)


Like Rachel, I make bread but I do it by hand – no machine. It takes some time to do so I don’t do it as often as I’d like, but I love to make it. (And by “time” I mean planning, since you don’t have your hands in there all that long, but the dough needs hours to rest.)

I don’t go to the gym, except on vacation, which is probably when normal people skip it.:) I’ve built a home gym over the years, and I live in the boonies. It would take me a good 40 minutes just to get to the nearest gym. I am pretty self-conscious, too. At home, nobody’s looking at me, or talking to me, and no one cares if I stumble onto my machines without brushing my hair first (Don’t I sound like a winner?! LOL). My husband goes to a gym, though, because he has one just a block or two from his office.

We just got back from Vegas, and had the best chips I ever had there. It was at Wolfgang Puck’s Bar and Grill: Truffled Potato Chips with Maytag Blue Cheese Sauce. I am going to try to recreate that…


I WANT YOUR SPIN BIKE SET UP NOWWW!!! or i just need to visit you!!!
i go to the gym every day but my rest dayy! i WISH i had weights at home but that would be too large of a purchase for this college student! plus i love machines and mixing things up!
happy sunday girl<33


My parents used to make bread and it was the yummyiest ever… I love the smell! I go to the gym only when the weather is too icky to run outside in. I really don’t like treadmills!


I can’t wait to hear your review of the bike! I want to get one for our house SO bad, so that on days when I don’t feel like dragging myself to the gym (AKA right now), I can still spin!


Can’t wait to see The Vow — trying to convince my hubby to go with me :)


I have a bread machine but am guilty, I’ve never used it! I need to…since I have everything to make bread in it!


Love salt and vinegar chips, and I really need to use my bread maker more! Thanks for a new Tv-show idea (I’ve never seen 30-rock)…can’t wait for The Vow, because I love Channing Tatum, haha. I really don’t go to the gym very much anymore-just workout at home…but I do like to change it up!

So GUESS WHAT? The St. George 1/2 was yesterday, and it was amazing! I was shooting for 1:55 ish, and I did it in 1:47:33!!! 7th in my division, I’m like in shock and totally excited. :)


Congrats Jessica! You must be so happy and proud!


Yes salt and vinegar are the best!!!I don’t like Doritos so much though…

I made bread yesterday too-I make it a lot.I rolled up my dough with butter,cinnamon and sugar(kinda like cinn rolls) and made cinnamon swirl bread-house smells amazing too:)But fresh bread with butter and jam-yum!

Your workout sounds awesome.I’ve been doing so much different stuff-run,bike,swim) that I haven’t gotten bored yet!Don’t hit the gym too often.

Have a great weekend!!


Janae, I am quickly becoming a huge fan of you blog and reading (stalking : ) it daily, so don’t be freaked it out if you find me responding to every post : )

About the chips: salt and vinegar are my FAVORITE! so addicting. I actually won’t let myself buy them because I would definitely eat the entire bag in one sitting.

About the gym: I am lucky in that my gym is attached to my apartment building, so I don’t have to even step outside to get there, which is very convenient during the Chicago winters! I go there for biking/spinning and lifting weights. I do all my runs outside (although if it were sleeting, I might stick to inside).


I LOVE 30 rock- such a funny show.
I don’t have a bread maker so when I make bread (usually once a week) I knead it by hand but I find that very therapeutic.


I have a bread maker and I still haven’t used it! I’m a bit intimidated!
I’m doing a “commit to be fit” challenge at my gym, so I’ve been to the gym 13 days in a row. But I don’t always do a hard workout, sometimes I just walk or yoga.


I loveeee 30 rock!!

And homemade bread? YUM!


I usually go to the gym about two or three times a week (but now that it’s starting to rain, I’ll probably visit the gym a bit more).
Have you tried the sea salt and vinegar Popchips? I like to eat that one just to feel a tiny bit less guilty about eating like 50 chips.


I will so see The Vow with you (in spirit) – Channing Tatum? Yes please.

My mom always made homemade bread when I was growing up – I could eat warm, fresh bread plain and by the loaf-full! Perhaps I should take over her tradition!

Salt and Vinegar chips are a very close #2 to Jalapeno chips, yummm speecy spicy!


Your workout sounds killer and awesome! I don’t have a bread machine, but after following your link to the recipe, I really want one. Which one do you have? What are your thoughts on it? I LOVE salt and vinegar chips! I don’t think I’ve ever met a chip I didn’t like. I usually frequent the gym more in the summer when you cannot run outside in Louisiana, even very early or late at night. I haven’t been to the gym in about 2.5 weeks because of our amazing weather right now, too. Good job to Billy, too!


I live at my gym! Especially in the winter when I don’t want to run outside, I’m there almost every day!


During my culinary art college days for patisserie and baking I had a bread class. Hands down it was my favorite 6 weeks! I learned how make all the best breads and I ate fresh bread every day. Zach also loved it too, I’d bring home fresh rye bread, brioche, pizza’s..I mean everything! I also love salt and vinegar chips!


1) If 11am isn’t acceptable for an almost-26 yo, I’m in major trouble. That’s right around my normal wake-up on the weekends when I don’t have early plans. hehe.

2) What spin bike do you have? I’m looking at a couple different ones right now and trying to decide where I’m going to pull all that money from to buy one.

3) “Real Steel” is pretty stinking awesome … and I’m not just saying that because I got to be an extra in one of the fight scenes [:)]. It was filmed in Detroit and I had a day off school so I went up. It was fun.


I don’t have a bread machine, but I make all my own bread. I love the way the house smells when it is rising. Nothing beats the taste of having a slice with butter before it fully cools off after baking. Soooo yummy.


The best Salt and Vinegar chips are the Baked Kettle version…

AND I just found a recipe online to make salt and vinegar chips at home from real potatoes!!!! Can’t wait to try it.


I had a bread maker 8 years ago and never used it. Now I wish I had it. I do make bread from scratch but wouldn’t attempt it without my Kitchen Aid Mixer to do the kneading.

I haven’t been to a gym (unless you count where I work) for almost 2 years. I miss it at times but it just doesn’t fit into my schedule right now. At home is where it’s at!


First off I LOVE me some salt and vinegar chips. Mrs. Vickie’s are hands down the best.

Second, 30 Rock is the most consistently funny comedy on theses days.


I don’t have a bread machine, but I bake bread pretty often. It always tastes better homemade.

I haven’t belonged to a gym since June, it is much more convenient to do home workouts instead.


I’ve had a subway craving ever since I started reading your blog;-) I don’t reach for salt and vinegar chips, but I don’t dislike them. kind of a particular taste, I think. I try to go to the gym a few times a week. but I’m also totally fine working out at home. It’s just a little easier and less distracting for me sometimes to get it all done at the gym and I’m more inclined to do some weights there. That bread looks yummy!!!


Making homemade bread has always seemed like a daunting task, so I’ve never attempted it, but maybe someday soon. 30 Rock is a hilarious show, but I’m more of a Modern Family kind of girl. Little Lily is just so darn adorable, and Cam, well he’s just awesome.


I LOVE Felicity! I’m on the 3rd season right now and I just love her and Ben together. Can’t wait to see The Vow!


ahh I’ve neverrr made my own bread– I’m WAYY TO lazy :P


I love Salt and Vinegar chips too. The dear bf does not so I have a nice bag of Kettle Chips version at my fingertips for the playoff game today!!


Mmmm, I love making bread… it’s been awhile, though. We don’t have a bread machine, so I do it the good old-fashioned hand-kneading way! Was at the gym on Thursday. Usually still there 1-2x/week, but I love that you’ve been able to get your workouts in without it!


My grandma had a bread maker & I remember making bread once or twice- YES I would LOVE to come to the midnight premier, thanks for asking ;) Haha My birthday is the 9th so it’s like Sony Pictures is giving the movie to me as a birthday present!

I try and go 4-5 times a week but I haven’t gone in a week… geez Brooke! BUT in my defense, I have been doing 6 hours of dancing… so that should count for something, right?


I love love love the pringles salt and vinegar chips! They are amazing. I do not have a bread machine, but my parents do and I make sure to steal bread from them whenever I go over for some free food. Lol Love your blog and posts! Always a good read. Have a great week!


Oh man, I used to watch Felicity all the time back in the day, but I always thought Ben was so fugs! I liked Noel so much better ;D


I have had gym memberships, but I always come back to a DVD or a home workout. I do miss the treadmills, but I like having the freedom and I don’t have to brush my hair!

I love Ben! I was wondering just the other day what happened to Scott Speedman. Is that his name?? Anyway, yay! :)


If I had a TM and some weights at home I would not go to the gym. Except I love taking spin classes. I keep telling myself I am going to take a body pump class but to be honest I am terrified! I go every morning at 5-30 before I have to be a grown up and go to work. Sometimes I choose sleep and just go after work but I prefer mornings– no one is there!

I want a treadmill. . I just am not sure what to get or to look for. Have any tips? (we are a young poor married couple so preferably an affordable one).

I love salt n vinegar. and sweet potato chips.
30 rock is hilarious!


I don’t have a bread machine, but I bake bread (the easy kind) every now and then on my stone.

I love salt and vinegar chips! They are so so so tasty and addictive. I also love dill pickle chips. Now I’m going to have to go find something salty…

I work at three different gyms, so I’m at a gym every single day. However, I rarely (maybe once or twice a month) do my workout there (other than teaching my classes, obviously). I love doing my workouts at home so I don’t have to drive anywhere at 4:30 a.m.


Oh I can’t wait to see The Vow, that will definitely be a girls night out!
Subway = Love always!


I love salt and vinegar chips!! But my absolute favorite is Kettle brand Spicy Thai kettle chips.. Omg I can’t even think about them they are SO good. I won’t even let myself buy them unless I’m going somewhere to share them haha.


I go to the gym 3-4 times a week usually. 3 of those are usually full body weights, and maybe a spin class.

My runs are almost always outside


Our local Subway sponsored my Bike team in college. We got one free sub a day during the season. You may want to meet with the owner with your local reader stats to possibly get a sponsorship! Or at least a free sub per shout-out!


You are brilliant!!! Thanks!


I love to make bread! Started with a bread machine, but now do it right on the counter with my hands (TWSS). Nothing beats home made toast covered in butter and jelly. 5 miles this morning. Gym tonight. Bring it mid-January blahs.


I am so jealous of your home gym set up, dumbbells and all!


I could probably live on Salt and Vinegar chips. I love that not that many people like them b/c there is always more for me that way!!

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