Well, I have some sad news.  Billy has the flu and it breaks my heart to see him sick.  He doesn’t know how to complain about anything (I do enough for the both of us) and so he just kind of hung out on the couch yesterday.

I was not going to go out in the dark without him because I am a wuss and so I took it to the treadmill.

I didn’t have a mileage that I wanted to do but I turned on the Bachelor from Monday night and it turns out I can run 10 miles in one episode.

Photo copy 2

I am so glad that my calorie counter on the treadmill is accurate;)  155 calories per mile sounds about right…..I am totally kidding.

For some reason doing ten miles on a treadmill seems normal to me but then when I look at how the screen says 41 LAPS (I did 40 laps and then it started on the 41st lap), I get really weirded out and think that doing 40 laps around the track is just weird, who does that?


Turns out we were out of the main ingredient for the dinner that I was craving so badly, just a little thing called cheese.  I am too lazy to go to the store when I don’t absolutely have to which is logical because running for an hour and twenty-five minutes sounds a whole lot better than trekking to the store in the freezing cold.

Instead I had delicious parmesan chicken leftovers from last night, it looked the exact same as the photo last night but just on a different paper plate and with a side of a baked potato.  Hey, it sounded good….that can’t be the weirdest combo of foods you have heard of/seen in blog land.

I will include the h̶i̶g̶h̶l̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶d̶a̶y̶ picture of my post dinner treats: a pear (going through these like crazy, just like last year) and Trader Joe’s peanut butter cups.

IMG 0014

Post-run didn’t even think about showering face.


Don’t forget to enter my Nike Sunglasses giveaway!


When was the last time you were sick?  What were you sick with?  Is the flu going around your family?

When you run on the treadmill (or outside) do you ever stop at anything besides right on the mile?  (ie  7.4, 6.7, 8.9)

-I think I am a weirdo and have to finish right on the mile (or .01 after).  Once in a blue moon I will stop at the half mile but I have a weird thing of stopping at the even mile.

What weird combos of food have you eaten before?

-A week or two ago I had leftover california sushi rolls and a bowl of lucky charms for dinner.

The longest you have ever run at a track?

-Speed work session that totaled 7 miles and I was very dizzy afterwards.

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Poor Billy =(

My weird food combination is baby carrots, cottage cheese, and salsa. I mash them all together in a big bowl and get lots of weird stares when I eat it!

The longest I have ever run on a track is 1 mile back in middle school. I hate track running and will do anything to avoid going in circles!

Have you ever had the peanutbutter filled pretzels from Trader Joe’s? SO GOOD!!!


Your combination sounds awesome! I think I need to try that. I have not tried those pretzels yet…..how have i lived without them. Have a great day Betsy!


It`s funny, considering 40 laps on a track means you pass the same spot over and over and over again and it should seem quite boring, but then when you are on a treadmill, running on the same exact spot, it doesn`t feel that bad!
I know that feeling. And I wish I could watch TV while running outside at least when I get really bored of the same thing. But then when I go to the gym and there is no free treadmill with a TV, I don`t mind staring at my reflection in the mirror for the whole run!


BAHAHA Anna, we think a lot alike! Passing the same spot sounds extremely boring! Gotta love the mirrors in front of the treadmills!


The last time I was sick was the most mild stomach bug ever a few months ago. now most of my family has this irritating cough, but nothing else. hoping to stay flu free this season! I have a really hard time stopping on an uneven #, even if I mix cardio like elliptical and tread. – if the elliptical ends on like 3.4 and I’m going to run, it HAS to end in a .6 so that it’s rounded off- weird, got a thing with #’s! I think the longest track run was probably 2 miles. I DO NOT like visualizing running laps around the track when I’m on the treadmill. I don’t think I can think of any worse way to run! But your treadmill looks like the cadillac of treadmills, so pretty! Nothing like my treadmill;-)


I am the same way with numbers…we sound a lot alike! It is a pretty treadmill and you can come use it anytime you want!


Oh I know what you mean, I pretty much always try to stop on a full rounded mile number!

Nice work on the 40 treadmill laps, I don’t think I could ever do that!


I think we are all number freaks. Thanks girl! Hope you are having an amazing day!


Womp, womp. Tell him to get better and make him a looooot of tea! TJ’s pb cups are pure magic. And so are their dark chocolate covered almonds. Omg. Can’t even.


I need to try their dark chocolate covered almonds, those sound incredible!!!


I am so sorry to hear about Billy. Here at our school the stomach flu has been going around for about 2 months. I have had it twice now but it was about 24hours. I only threw up once the one time and several the others.

I have not run outside by myself in months. The last two weeks there have been attempted kidnapping at schools so I refuse to be by myself on the road. I usually run with my boyfriends Dad and sisters.


Thanks Sarah! You have had it TWICE in the last two months…boooo! Oh my goodness, the attempted kidnapping…that is so so scary! I am not allowing you to run by yourself either!


Last night I had a protein shake and a cupcake for dinner. I was thinking about it all day too that it was exactly what I wanted. :-)
Totally unrelated, but when you use your spin bike at home, do you use a workout you’ve taught in spin before or do you have videos? I came THISCLOSE to buying a spin bike for home yesterday and thought of you!


HEY GORGEOUS!! Your dinner sounds like heaven! I do my own workouts at home. I have never tried a video before. I wear my heart rate monitor and kind of workout according to that! YOU SHOULD GET ONE…not even kidding, it is amazing!


Once in a while the group I run with at the track will do a long, long workout – like 8 or 10 miles – with warm up it’s been 12 miles before! I come home ready to eat the house!
The flu is total misery. I wish I had some cool pharmacist trick to make him feel better, but unfortunately there is not much he can do – rest, hydrate, tylenol is about it.


12 miles….holy cow! I think you need to invent something for the flu! Have a great day Gracie and enjoy the taper!


I try to stop on the even mile….but don’t worry too much if I am off. (usually outside runner here.) I admire people who can run a treadmill that long :)

In college I ran the 10,000m on the track (25 laps if I remember correctly). It was my favorite event! probably the longest I have run on the track but during those days we had lots of workouts on the track so who knows :)

Hope Billy feels better soon and you stay healthy!


25 laps for a race…holy cow! You are incredible! Do you still do track workouts!


yes, I still do workouts at track. There is one about 400m from my house at the local highschool. I am not as frequent as a I use to be but I try! I love how fast it makes me feel!


I have to stop at the mile and wait until the time is at an odd number or ends in a zero. If I accidentatlly go over a mile, then I can’t stop until it also ends in an odd number. I’m really cool, I promise.

The longest I have ever ran on the track is 3 miles. Once I was at my in-laws and had a 10 miler scheduled. My mother in law said, “Oh, you can use the track at the high school!” Um, nope.


Christina, I am the same way. It seems like we are all a little weird about numbers ha! HA….yeah, I would say nope also!


I virtually just sent Billy some chicken soup. :) Coupled with your kisses he’ll be better in no time…Oh, and Nyquil that always does the trick! “get well Billy!!”

Your the cutest! Love that you got “dizzy” after running 40 laps on the track. hahah!! Nice 10 miler Janae! The most I’ve done is 5X1600. I’d like to work up more. I feel like the track really helps with leg turnover and it’s a good confidence builder. When you convert the mileage we run to # of laps on a track it does sound crazy. :) I used to be like you. Would stop runs right after each mile, I’d set my speed on the treadmill to even #’s. But, now I don’t really pay attn. I just stop when I’m tired & speed is based on how I feel that day. Girl, you trumped me with your sushi & lucky charms combo. Weirdest thing…maybe grapes in my cereal. I think I got that idea from you. :) actually, tasted good (only to me though). Kids were like…”ummm, no thanks mommy.”

Have a great Wednesday!! luv ya xo :)


Thanks for sending that….I can tell that he is already feeling better! I agree about the leg turnover and the track and sometimes it just makes me feel speedy! Grapes in your cereal is the best thing ever! Your kids must think I am crazy ha. LOVE YOU!


Feel better billy and happy first day of class professor spinny Jacobs!

Ive never run on the track, so zero. But I have to stop on the full mile (preferably an even number) On the treadmill or the Garmin

I eat weird stuff all the time. My coworkers always make fun of me:…even when I think it’s normal…


The fact that you called me professor skinny Jacobs just made my day! Good to know that I am not alone in my weird numbers thing!


FEEL BETTER BILLY. And sometimes you just have to use what you have in house instead of braving the cold to go to the store.
I haven’t been sick in a long time with anything besides lactose issues. I credit my exercise and taking vitamins everyday.
I ALWAYS stop on the even miles. I have never run on a track.
Weirdest combo of food I used to eat was a toasted onion bagel with peanut butter and chocolate chips. Haven’t had that in a long time.

The Kidless Kronicles


Thanks Nicole, I will pass that on to Billy:) Lactose..not fun and I totally agree that exercise and vitamins helps to prevent sickness! Um…your bagel sounds incredible!


I was sick last week with a pretty nasty sore throat. Hope Billy gets well soon!!

I always run to the mile mark on the treadmill. I feel like anything else doesn’t count. Like if I ran 7.5 miles, I really only ran 7. There’s something wrong with me.

I think the furthest I’ve done is 5 or so miles on the track for speed work, including warmups and cool downs.


BOOO sore throats are NOT fun! Kari, I am the SAME way and would just count it as 7 too!


Poor Billy… All kinds of nasty bugs going around in my neck of the woods. (I hope to stay healthy!)
I’m going to have those 40 laps beat on Saturday when my indoor Half takes me 66 times around a jumbo indoor track (about 5 laps/mile-it’s a BIG one!)
I also have to finish on an exact mile. I ran 8.5 on Monday because I hurt my hip and was pretty cross about it. I also prefer to run “even” instead of “odd” miles but we won’t get into that OCD right now!
i just had spaghetti and a bowl of cereal for breakfast. In seperate dishes. But if that’s not an odd combo then I don’t know what is!


I know..poor guy! You better stay healthy! 66 times around the track…holy cow, I can’t wait to read all about it. Don’t get dizzy! Spaghetti for breakfast sounds amazing!


One sick kid out of three & hopefully it stays that way!

I have probably run more than a mile on a track but it has been so long ago I can’t remember. I do remember being bored out of my mind! And it was when I was playing it safe…no hills on a track ;)

I always have a goal distance when I run & usually stop when I reach it. If it’s a good run, I might keep going to some destination (like the end of the trail) and end up at whatever.

This season of Bachelor looks crazy! Easy to get lost in your run while watching it – great run!


ohhhh one out of three….stay healthy! This season really is out of control and it completely distracts me from running.


I got incredibly sick a few days after my wedding – I read about a phenomenon where really high stress levels can actually boost your immune system, and a quick let down (in terms of stress) really puts you at risk. I had a miserable cold for almost 2 weeks!


After your wedding….booo! Where you on your honeymoon?


Ugh, the flu is no fun! We’re all healthy right now… but got sick before the holidays. I have to finish treadmill runs on the even mile, too! Or the half mile, but rarely anything else. :)


Stay healthy and I swear the holiday’s makes everyone sick!


Hey girl– Is B sick with real deal influenza or stomach flu? WASH your hands like crazy and no kiss face. E


I am not quite sure what it is but you are right…lots of hand washing and no kissing!


Can’t ever stop on an uneven number either. My longest track run was 14 miles, and it took 9 laps to make a mile. It’s an indoor track, and I went there to use the babysitting. It was gross!


Okay, that hurts my brain to think about….I can’t even do the math for how many times around you went!


10 miles is the most I have ever run on a TM and I was so bored! it was my long run for the day and we have a nice little tropical storm coming through town (I live on MS gulf coast) so running at the beach was a no go!
BTW loving the bachelor this season…the girls are cra-cra!


A tropical storm…yeah, the treadmill is your only option. Seriously, the bachelor is out of control. The Utah girls are always the craziest ones ha!


I love translating my runs to laps: makes it seem even more than it actually is ha! And you’re not weird at all- for the sake of my sanity, I need to end either at an even mile or half a mile! Hope Billy feels better soon- I have a mildcase of the sniffles…I’m nutrient’ing up to nip it in the bud asap!


Feel better Billy! I am sick once a week or so because I have IBS, but the last 3 weeks Ive had a bad flare up so its been weeks of nonstop tummy aches :(

I am weird with the milege too! Has to end with a 5 or 0. I did 3.05 this morning and turned off my garmin to walk the rest cause I knew it wouldnt end on a 5 or 0! Haha

My lunch today: spinach, chickpeas, green beans, veggie burger, squash, peppers, goat cheese & balsamic. Weirdest combo but i swear its delish!!


Do you take glutamine for your IBS? It was recommended to me by a friend’s MD, and since I started taking it I have so many fewer flare ups! I take a 1000 mg capsule in the morning.


Hey Jen! I actually take it for muscle recovery! That is awesome that it helps with ibs too!


I haven’t been in sick in a long time! I used to get my token spring cold but since I started running and eating better I haven’t even had it for 2 years! My hubby had a cold a few months ago, nothing bad but he is a baby when he is sick ;) But don’t tell him I kinda enjoy taking care of him when he is :)
I stop at even miles or km’s.
Last night I was told our supper was weird – baked sweet potato topped with veggie chili, spinach, broccoli, Greek yogurt and cilantro. It was really good!
Hope Billy feels better soon!


I have to end my mile at a right on the mile, and then I can walk until I reaches the next half mile and end there. I have to end my calories with the last number being 5 or 0, and I have to end the time i run ending at the start of the next minute. I’m so weird about my numbers on the treadmill!


I just got over being sick, my whole entire family had it. I was out running for a week. blech

I always have to stop right on the mile, I feel really weird if I dont…


HaHa! i always have to stop on the mile and I never stop at 6.66, my husband cracks up when I tell him that if I see my watch at 6.66 and keep watching for it to change it seems like time slows down and it just hangs there, so i run faster!


On the treadmill I tend to stop at a ‘race distance’ – like 3.1, 6.2, 13.1, etc.


Poor Billy! I hope he feels better soon! I had the stomach virus in early December, and it was awful. Being sick is no fun at all.

I am the queen of weird food combos – I do things like put peanut butter in my chili haha. Anything sweet & salty can go together no matter what it is.


Aww the flu stinks!!

Treadmill I sometimes stop according to time, not necessarily distance.

I don’t even remember how far I’ve run on a track.. NOT FAR! but I know it always bugged me because I felt lopsided, like I should switch half way through and go CCW to balance myself out hahaha

I like your treadmill.. if you burnt 1500 calories you can go have a GIGANTIC brownie sundae YOURSELF! :)


I cant really remember the last time I was coldy sick (woo!) but I get really tired a lot through grad school stress and never really sleeping! Its so bad for me!

I like doing point fives if miles, usually cause I can totally convince myself to do another 0.5 but not another total mile. Now Ihave my garmin I find it funny when good routes end on odd nos- ive been rockin’ some runs of like 5.73 distance etc ha ah!

I eat ‘meals’ that my friends think are so odd cause its like… a collection of things on a plate, not a coherent meal. Like its enough food but the things are non related! I also eat cereal a lot for dinner.

The longest track run Ive done was five miles and I hated it. Its so boring and youre literally counting them off every 4 laps cause you know exact distance. The longest Ive raced on a track was a 3K!

Hope youre having a good week!


Haha I ALWAYS stop at the mile! I was running with my dad and when I hit 8 miles I stopped. Our house was about 100 yards away… He was like, what are you doing? Lol, I said I had to stop my garmin!


awww, hope billy feels better soon! i hate being sick. i got sick in november and it was miserable (fever, weak, achey, coughing) and then just a few weeks later i got a milder version of it again..then kevin got sick along with me. it sucked! and it was weird, considering i rarely get sick.

lol, i usually just map out runs or decide how much time i’m going to run for so my mileage is always weird numbers like…7.67 or 13.83. no joke, its pretty funny.

weird combo of food lately was prob my dinner on monday…a cheese and crackers plate with a mountain of roasted butternut squash. i think the whole sushi/lucky charms combo trumps that though. ;)

i’m embarrassed to say i’ve never run on a track. obviously, i’m not a speed demon :(


Hope Billy feels better soon. My husband had the flu 2 winters ago and I’ve never seen someone so sick. I felt so bad and helpless. It knocks you out!
I have to stop on the mile or half mile exactly. Nothing in between, it will drive my OCD-ness crazy!


I have to finish on the mile but I’m also psycho about forcing myself to walk for a few minutes. I’m so obsessed with stopping on the mile that after I walk, I clear it and start running at 0.0 then when I’m finished I clear it again and walk either 0.25 or 0.5. My weirdest combo for dinner is steamed veggies and stove top popcorn. Popcorn is like comfort food for me and when I eat it with just veggies I don’t feel like I’m totally splurging :) I could probably do more miles on a track than I can a treadmill, your 10 milers are impressive!


Haha 40 laps of the track doesn’t sound weird to me, but 10 miles on the tread is!! Ok my treadmill distance record is 11 miles, but that was a STRUGGLE!! :P

Hope Billy gets better soon! <3


TJ’s peanut butter cups?!?!?! oh my goodness, i don’t know how in the world i’ve never had those. i am calling my mom pronto to send me some! ;) hope billy feels better soon! i’m not sick… yet… i think my body is definitely trying to fight something off though cuz i’ve been feeling really low in energy lately. i think it’s definitley going around though!


Aw, that stinks. I hope Billy gets better!

I have been running around my apartment complex lately in order to get miles in early in the morning because it is nice and lit up, it’s a lot like a track! I go around twice and it’s 1 mile. Did 8 miles the other day just running around my complex over and over! The crazy things you do when you’re a runner :)

The last odd thing I had was some grits, eggs and a turkey hot dog link my mom made for breakfast. I think she was out of sausage!

That is one fancy treadmill you have there!


I got a cold recently and I was hoping for some sympathy from my boyfriend, but he was sick too and outsicked me…he’s all about the complaining! Most men I know are complete babies about being sick, you’re lucky that Billy’s just sucking it up. Hope he feels better soon!


Blech I am sick right now :( I hope Billy feels better soon bc this sucks!

I have stopped at random distances if I am going for a time goal but I usually like to make it an even number.


Sorry about Billy :(

Weird food combo: roasted turkey breast with spaghetti. Usually I am super picky about food combos but that’s all we had to eat.

I had a chest cold over Christmas while we were at home with family. Lucky for them they all got it too ;) family love!


My running is always .-something or other, because I run outside and so generally work out a loop and then go with that, regardless of mileage. I am not a serious runner though, I just go because it feels good to do it. No speedwork or anything, just little challenges I set for myself in my head :)
I love random dinners though! If I don’t have to cook for my boyfriend that night I tend to come up with all sorts of weird and random things, that he would just not appreciate being served up (they usually include anchovies because he hates them so i eat them when I can!).


I hope he feels better soon!

I usually base my treadmill/elliptical end based on the time, not the miles.. I’ll have to pay more attention to that next time!


I feel for Billy- I have the flu too and it’s NO FUN!

It’s funny you ask about the round mile thing- I cannot stop running at a weird non-round number on the treadmill. On Sunday I was actually late going home to make supper for my boyfriend (who worked all day and had hockey practice immediately after supper.. Oops!) because I couldn’t stop running at 7.72 miles, I had to make it an even 8. Haha I think they make pills for people like me :)


I have a slight case of OCD so I too cannot stop at anything other than the exact mile–that extra .01 you have there would drive me nuts ;-)

I hope Billy gets better soon! I felt like I had a cold after a road trip to CA with sick people but my body fought it off real well :)


OMG, 10 miles in an hour? You are my hero!!!!! What speed did you have that treadmill on? I don’t know if my treadmill goes that fast! LOL


Just before Christmas I ran 50 laps on the indoor track, which is 10 miles. It was actually one ofmy better runs last month which is odd because normally I can’t stand running anywhere but outside.

My little boy is sick with a terrible cough. Poor kid.


running on a track is MISERABLE unless it’s for sprints. I can feel myself falling down a vortex. I think it’s a vortex, I wouldn’t know because I am so out of sorts after running on the track.


40 laps! you are so wild! :)
Right now since I am attempting to get my running endurance up (Im just starting out) i almost always stop on an odd number because I am running for a certain amount of time rather than a distance. But once upon a time when I could run more than I could now I would make it a goal to hit 3 miles for example and stop on the even mile.


The last time I was sick was right before the holidays and I had an awful true blue 24 hr bug; felt very tired and like I had a fever

When running on the treadmill or outside I never really know what my distance is, I tend to go by my time and I will stop on anytime outside, but inside I stop right on the minute

What weird combos of food have you eaten before?

Hmmm the wierdest combo of food would have to be pancakes and baked tilapia; I was craving a stack of homemade whole wheat pancakes with banana that night!

The longest you I have ever run on the track was a speed workout too! I think we totaled around 7 miles as well and my legs felt like jello afterwards.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!!


Ahh I need to watch the Bachelor, thanks for reminding me!
I’ve been getting random colds lately, like runny nose and such. Annoying much!
I like to stop at .0 or .5, I’m anal like that.
I always have random weird food combos. I usually just throw stuff in a bowl.


Aww, I’m sorry to hear about Billy :( I hope he starts to feel better asap! There is a ‘funk’ going on here too- everyone in my office has had it- lasts like 10 days- it’s terrible. I’m FINALLY over it. Just finished this week.- I’ve had it since December 27th. Eek! So, hopefully his won’t be as long.


I did 5 miles on the track once, it was brutal! hahaha

Hope Billy feels better soon!


Don’t you hate when the hubby is sick because you keep checking how you feel to see if you’re getting it?

The sickest I ever was was 2 years ago before my sister’s wedding……I was sick from January to April, her and I were both deathly ill the week prior to her wedding and actually still at the wedding (but tried to keep it our secret) check out the facebook pics sometime……my dress is falling off. That was horrible……..silver lining I have not been sick since. Knock on wood. 2 years without even a sniffle! Yippee.

Weird food combos: I love a slice of cheese on jelly toast.


Poor Billy!! I got a flu shot this year, and I’ve been suprised by how healthy I’ve been! It’s awesome.

I shoot for the mile or half mile, but I like to go over by a tiny bit too, then I feel like I “pushed through” even if it’s just a few steps.

Oh my, so many food combos here, you’d have to ask my husband, he always gives me a hard time.

I ran 6.5 miles on a track on NYE, out at the olympic oval, it was weird and I wasn’t a huge fan of doing 25 laps, but I did like the surface, it was like running on a cloud!


Oh no way. I can never stop on the treadmill unless it is at a whole number. Running 10 miles on the TM is totally normal to me too. I am in love with my TM because it allows me to stay at home, like the homebody I can sometimes be, and catch up on my TV shows. I could run on that thing all day if I had enough good TV to wa tch.

I’m so nervous – I have an interview today for a position at work that would be a huge step up — I am wishing I ran this morning to get all of the nerves out. Eek!


Poor Billy! I hope he gets better soon!

I used to hate stopping on anything other than on an even mile or half mile, but now I either stop at the mile or half or on an even time. I feel really weird stopping at anything other than on something even.


Poor Billy :( Being sick is the worst because you feel so helpless! I’m weird about the treadmill in that way too. Sometimes I’ll stop at X.1 after sprinting the last tenth of a mile as hard as I can like in a race. I wish I had the patience to run 10 miles on a treadmill like you! I get so bored after just a couple miles and since I don’t have a treadmill at home I get stuck watching whatever is on the gym TV (which is usually CNN, Fox News or Football… boo!)

I need to get around to watching this season’s Bachelor!


Sorry to hear that Billy is sick. Whenever Dear Hubby is ill, I feel like everything is off; missing my partner in crime sucks. As far as running on a track goes, I have never done it before, so I don’t know how long I could make it before throwing in the towel. I can run on a treadmill as long as there is something there to distract me, like TV or a book on my Kindle. The weirdest food combination that I have had is putting mustard on my stir fry veggies when I realized I was out of soy sauce or anythign decent seasoning.


I had a pretty nasty cold about a month ago, but I had the flu last winter – it was AWFUL!


Awwww hope Billy feels better! Go YOU for hitting the 10 miler!


I like even numbers so I try to end on exactly a mile or even a half mile… I hate when it’s something weird like 7.3!
I like to dip my pizza in ranch dressing, is that weird???
I haven’t run on a track since high school!


I always have to stop at exactly a mile too ha! I’m such a numbers fanatic that stopping at like 4.4 would just seem weird to me.


I was looking at your DM mileage and you are kicking out some great numbers! yes, 40 laps sounds insane, but watching the bachelor while running 10 sounds much better! GREAT RUN! Your legs are back!

Well, I’m currently fighting off my cold, but not the flu like Billy– Get better Billy!


When was the last time you were sick? What were you sick with? Is the flu going around your family?

— I seem to be starting a trend of getting sick within a week of finishing a race. It might be good in that I give my all at the race so my defenses are down, but it’s bad because – sick! Luckily it wasn’t vomit sick just cold sick – I don’t think I can handle being alone and being vomit sick.

When you run on the treadmill (or outside) do you ever stop at anything besides right on the mile? (ie 7.4, 6.7, 8.9)

— I never stop on anything other than the mile. To do otherwise is against man and God.

I have to brag here – I’m on a January running streak – 8 days straight! And other than 1 of those days all of them were runs > 3 miles. Mostly because I’m in training, but I did get in that day of 1 mile without it being on my schedule. And weirdly enough I feel awesome with the back to back runs – my butt pain is gone today.


I don’t get sick very often. I was a bank teller until just a few months ago and I think all that money kept me healthy. Ironic, I know.

Candy is a food group all by itself in my house. I’m allergic to chocolate so I always have a drawer with fruit flavored candy to reach into. I get cranky if there is no sugar. True story.

When marathon training and my kids were little I needed to stay close to my house so I did my long run of 14 miles around the local high school track during the school day. The football coach loved it. That was a few years ago.


It’s very weird that last night my husband made chicken parmesan with our leftovers and added mashed potatoes on the side. I passed on the potatoes. And yes, I always stop on the treadmill on the exact mile unless my kids are really going crazy and want me to stop now. And the longest track session I’ve ever done is probably only about 4 miles. I do most of my speedwork on the treadmill but I’m going to try to change that when our track is clear because I like it much better outside.


I have to stop either right on the mile or the half mile. Longest track workout I’m not really sure. I used to do some pretty long runs on that little indoor BYU track though when it was snowy outside. Maybe 8-10 miles?


I ALWAYS have to stop at an even number, usually the mile marker. I actually wrote about this yesterday myself…I was so out of it during my workout, I stopped at an un-even number which is sooo not like me. Funny!


When I run on the treadmill I can get silly about numbers – wanting to round it out on either the time / distance or calories (even if isn’t accurate)..usually not in synch. But sometimes it pushes me to go a little bit further!

The last time I ran on track was for high school sports I think – maybe once in college. All roads or treadmill for me.

{knock on wood} I haven’t had the flu in a really long time – hope Billy feels better!


i’ve been eating bowls of cereal for dinner lately…not out of laziness, but the actual nonstop desire for cereal! i seriously CAN’T get enough!

the longest around a track = 8 miles. dont know what i was thinking. crazy.


Poor Billy… I feel his pain, let’s just hope it’s not the same flu that I have (nothing like it lasting a horrible 9 months). Which reminds me, I feel really bad about our get together over Christmas. I think I was a little out of it and the next morning I had to ask Oz what we talked about because I was having a hard time remembering. Regardless of what I can or can’t remember I absolutely LOVED seeing you!!

I would probably have that same obsession with stopping on the mile, however with two kids in a jogging stroller I just run as far as I can before my kids run out of fishy crackers and start screaming.

Haven’t run on a track since 9th grade track and let’s be honest I only reason I joined was to get out of school early and for the cute sweatshirt.

FYI – My lunch break just got 1,000 times better… I’m Now about to read and comment on my favorite blog!!!


Don’t get sick!!! no kissing Billy! :)
I am so amazed by your treadmill running…I hope you can teach me your ways one day!! The furthest I’ve ever run on a track was 5-miles…all speed intervals, I get soooo dizzy wouldn’t even warm-up/down on the track!
I hope you’re having a great day!


I almost always have to stop on the mile too…if I must I’ll stop at .25, .5 or .75 but never anything else!!


Last night I had a baked sweet potato with baked beans on top and a salad…so random!


this post made me laugh because I ran 10 mi/40 laps on the track last year (in fact almost to date) when I had some shin tenderness but needed to get mileage in so i ran on a soft surface. it’s so super boring and the 2 old men that were walking asked me if I was dizzy yet from all the circles :) I tried to mix things up by alternating directions every 2.5 miles. Wasn’t as boring as you’d think, but I’m not going to place it on top of my favorite running workouts anytime soon.


baha lucky charms and sushi?? nice!
I was sick about two weeks ago and it lasted two full weeks, not the flu but this horrid cough that refused to go away, I still cough when i teach spin!

Hope your class at the University goes awesome!! KICK BOOTY!


Oh no I hope Billy feels better! The flu is terrible! Wow 10 miles on the treadmill, get it girl! I guess you had the show to distract you, I wish I could do that, I get so bored on the treadmill :(


Hope Billy feels better.

I once ran a 13-miler on a track. During the leadup to the NYC marathon there was nowhere else to run, darnit, and I wasn’t gonna miss my long run! Then I went and watched the marathoners.

It wasn’t so bad. Kinda like a treadmill but with people doing weird rhythmic yoga in the middle of the football field, so I got some entertainment watching that.

Weird food combo… eggs and tofu cream cheese. Yeah… what can I say… I like cream cheese and eggs. And sometimes lox.


I stop at weird numbers like 8.2 but then I will go on a streak of doing that .2 for the rest of the week. I set my alarm at weird numbers for a month it will be 5.23. OCD —NOT.

WEIRD COMBO—pretzels chopped in frozen yogurt, egg sandwiches with salsa, pizza without the cheese, french fries dipped in ice cream, nutella in milk (tried to make chocolate milk..yet it clumps right away like hot fudge) chicken wings and brownies, pancakes with peanutbutter on top..

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