The Awesome Christmas Recap That You Have Been Waiting For;)

Being with kids all day long is the best ingredient for an awesome Christmas.  They get the coolest presents (and let you play with all of their new presents), they are hilarious, they share their candy from their stockings and do the best dances in their new ballerina costumes.

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I think my mom has enough wheat back there;)

Janae face:

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Billy and I got capes from my brother (they were making them for their kids and we qualify as kids and so therefore we got some too) and I won’t tell you the percentage of time that I spent in my cape yesterday.

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Curly moved all of her most prized possessions into her new castle so that she will never have to leave again.

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My oldest brother, his wife and their five kids were also able to come down to my parent’s house yesterday.  More kids=more noise and energy=a happy Janae.

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For dinner we went to my Aunt’s house for an amazing dinner of turkey, ham, stuffing, potatoes, broccoli with cheese and rolls.  I took a picture of it but it was identical to my overflowing Thanksgiving plate last month so I passed on posting another picture of it.

Dessert deserved a picture (I asked Billy if I should do a post dedicated solely to the desserts from last night but he said no).

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I had the homemade apple pie with whipped cream and chocolate cake with peppermint ice cream on top.   Please do not hate me but I think that chocolate and peppermint is a better combo than chocolate and peanut butter.  And I just lost a lot of friends from that comment.

I didn’t want you to worry or something because there wasn’t a picture of Billy and I in an entire post so I included this one.

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New socks and a pair of new slipper(s) for me.  I bet Billy that I could go a week in these babies.  Keepin’ the Christmas spirit alive.

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What was the BEST thing you ate yesterday?

-Cheesy potatoes with corn flakes on top (aka funeral potatoes).

What form of cardio are you doing today?

-Gotta get my spin on with my new bike!

If you work….do you have today off?

-I sure hope you do otherwise I am going to have to call your boss and fix that.

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Woo loving that dessert table! My day yesterday involved non stop eating..and hence I woke up stuffed this morning :)! Have you tried the arc trainer? I used it for the first time this morning and what a workout- i found it even more exhausting than running…perfect during injury!


I totally agree and would choose the homemade apple pie or chocolate cake but would pass on the peppermint ice cream. Don’t worry… while I disagree about the peppermint/chocolate combo I will still come back daily for some good blog reading!! :)

Glad you had a wonderful Christmas and hope you continue to have some rest and relaxation this week!

The best thing I ate yesterday…. I will go with the corn casserole. Amazing.


Wow jeepers, that dessert table looks amazing! I thought we were lucky to have cream and icecream for our pudding!

I agree with the superiority of the choc/peppermint flavour combo… but then I’m Australian and the whole choc/peanut butter thing never really took off here.

I took a day off running today. Hard to run when you’re stuffed full of cookies ;)


you totally should’ve done a post dedicated to the desserts lol!! That spread looks amazing…totally jealous. Love your niece’s castle and ballet costume, both things I would’ve died for when I was little lol!


I love your capes! Too funny! Yesterday best thing I ate was gingerbread pancakes for breakfast! They were so good I ate them again this morning! Form of cardio today = a run with mi madre and I’m on xmas break so I’ve got a solid 3 more weeks until class starts. Feels soo good.


Looks like a super fun day!! I LOVE those capes. Absolutely hilarious.

Best thing I ate yesterday were the pumpkin whoopie pies I made. I swear I could eat 10 of those things in one sitting. But I probably shouldn’t because I might turn orange. ;)


Homemade apple pie, my sister makes the best. I ran 6 miles in my new sneakers this morning. I am off for the next 3 days Yay! Off to the mall for a few returns and then to the running store to use my gift card. I glad you had a great day with your family.


I agree with the chocolate peppermint!! I like it over choc/pb :D


Looks like an awesome Christmas! I agree that kids make Christmas more fun. They’re so much fun.

Our Christmas festivities are continuing today starting with presents and brunch at my mother in laws – then tonight we have leftover night at my aunts!


I love, love, love your cape! I almost love it more than my tutu! :)

Sounds like you had a good Christmas. I am a little surprised that your brother has 5 kids. How can they afford it?? I can barely afford one. They are so expensive.

I am off today, and today I am going to get on butt on the dreadmill and get 2 miles in. I haven’t been on that stupid thing in a month. My neice and I have a pact to start again today.


i WANT your niece’s curly hair. and possibly your cape. merry christmas, my friend.


I have today off, thank goodness. This vacation hasn’t been very restful, so much to do!

The best thing I ate yesterday was tons of breakfast foods for brunch.

My cardio today will be a run when I finally peel myself off my couch.


I’m off and my cardio is going to the outlets with my mom to hopefully get some good stuff for myself!
Best thing I ate yesterday was a toss up between amazing shrimp cocktail and an orange sugar pound cake. Both were amazing.
Glad you had a great Christmas with your family!


Hahaha, love the capes! You should totally wear yours during a race sometime!

Best thing I ate yesterday = the icing off of chocolate cake.

Cardio today = a good run on the treadmill with new music!

I have today off, but go back tomorrow…boo!


I love that picture of you and Billy! It’s a good one!
And you definitely shot me in the heart with the PB and chocolate comment.

Best thing I ate was salmon!
I do not have a job and I’m off until mid-January ;-)


Looks like a lovely Christmas! :)

I do not have today off but I am getting paid time and a half and have to go in at 5PM, so I have the whole day to play! :)


I can’t wait until my family starts having little kids at christmas again! All of the cousins have grown up and no one has had children yet! It’s definitely much calmer!


Everything I ate yesterday was amazing. Since I made dinner, I may be biased. ;-) I think the cookies and desserts were my favorite though. Well, maybe the homemade (my MIL made them) dinner rolls? I don’t know. We ate yummy all day.
I have a 3mile run on my schedule so I’m gonna do that then repeat yesterday meals. :-)


Just wanted to let you know that I ALSO think chocolate and peppermint is better than chocolate and peanut butter.

IN addition – we, too, had FUNERAL POTATOES with Christmas dinner!!!!

I swear it’s like we’re the same person. ;)


I want that castle!!! How fun!!

The cheesy potatoes and ham were my fave yesterday.I’m thinking of using them as fuel for my 6 miles with my NEW GARMIN!!

I do have the day off and I’m so excited :) Monday’s are usually the hardest for me time wise to get in my mileage. Today I can go in the middle of the day when it’s “warm”!


Love love love chocolate cake (or brownies) with peppermint icecream!


I have today off, thank goodness! I just signed myself up for a cardio class at the gym tonight!


Best thing yesterday was a chocolate/raspberry brownie with pink frosting on top. I love frosting! Plan to ride the bike and do Bodypump today. Don’t have to technically work, but I am a stay-at-home mom so I’m never really off duty:)


My favorite dish homemade Passatelli … they were delicious … (modestly speaking because I made them) … I hope to be running with my Dante today he is in 5K training, but he is the laziest doggy I have ever met … :)


I made homemade cinnamon rolls yesterday morning. Made with a lot of love and a lot of butter!! :) I ran 7.5 miles this morning but I am off of work and trying to get my house in order. Toys are everywhere!! :)


You are probably the best aunt ever. Seriously.

Have fun with your new spin bike!

My workout – hills. It’s going to be epic – or something like that.


I would live in that pink princess tent as well!!!

Off to the gym now to get out of this sugar induced coma…

Speaking of mint chocolate someone brought a PIE to Christmas dinner yesterday that used creme de cocoa and creme de mint liquors…. and oreo crust. YUM.


Looks like the perfect day! And similar to mine and Billy’s – love being around my nieces on Christmas. I ran this morning – it’s cold and sort of drizzly, but so worth it for the hot shower afterward. I’m still wearing Christmas socks today. Best thing I ate yesterday was smoked turkey and perfect sweet potatoes. mmmm.


Merry Christmas to my new BFF! I celebrate Christmas until my birthday. Then I have a birthday month. In March. I hate how empty my house looks without the Christmas decorations and I like presents and treats so I keep it festive for as long as possible. Maybe I should buy more normal house stuff. Typing that made me tired, so I’ll leave the Christmas stuff up.


Capes???IT must be the year for them. I know someone who made them for their kids for Christmas this year and they live out West too..ahh could be the 6 degrees of separation theory..

Banana chocolate chip pancakes, M&M cookies, and a snowman ice cream cake were all yum! Ice cream cake was a definite change from the traditional Christmas dessert. But the plain angel hair pasta stole the show. Definitely absorbed the sugar a bit:)

3 mile run and NO WORK.. this Monday and next…love the Sunday holidays this year..have a fun day..


Sounds like you had a crazy fun day! You’re so right, kids do make everything way more fun.

The best thing I had yesterday was the prime rib we made and homemade buttermilk mashed potatoes. So awesome! I love Christmas! But I’m sad that it’s going to be another 364 days until it comes back around.


Best thing I ate = Little Smokies in bbq sauce.
My cardio workout = an easy 5 mile run. I am so excited because my easy runs have gotten faster this time around. My speed work is really paying off.


I am so super thankful to have today off!! YAY!!!

A) LOVE the capes! I need one! And Ibet you wore it 100% of the day. =)

B) I spy a carrot cake and if I could I would reach into the picture and steal it. And eat it. And then deny it to my grave.

C) All those kids make my heart happy! I love seeing how happy the kids are on Christmas day!!

D) Merry Christmas!!


Best thing I ate was homemade tamales. I did spin and weights this morning. I had to sweat out some of that sugar!!


hahah I LOVE THE CAPES!!! so so cute! and SO JEALOUS you have your own spin bike. ok it is official i am visiting you and we are being best friends! happy holidays girl!!!!!<333


I love looking at your Christmas day recap. Cute cute cute picture of you and the B-man!

Just got back from a 1 hour run. MIL is making ham, funeral potatoes, rolls, and some veggie for dinner. I promise to take a Janae size serving of both the potatoes and the dessert tonight.

Merry Christmas!


Looks like you and Billy had a great Christmas! Love the socks by the way…;) I do have the day off, got to love Federal holiday’s. I only work two days this week and then I am off for another 5 days. Only thing on my schedule is workouts and going to see The War Horse with my brother. Ahhhh.
The best thing I ate?? Probably my sisnlaws ham. It’s the best. Ever. :)
Sadly, no workout today. I have only been able to keep dry toast down today. Not sure what my tummy is freaking out about, but ugh.
Have a great day Janae!


The best thing we ate was beef bogiuignon (courtesy of me…and it took all day). Does chasing a two year old around the house count as cardio? I totally think it should. Chocolate and peppermint is TOTALLY an acceptable combination (and one of my favorites as well). Also, I’m totally sending you that Christmas package this week. Get excited.


The castle –I think it would be perfect for my dog. Oh heck, it would be perfect for me. Great place to hide away and take naps.


I was off today, but I go back tomorrow through Thursday, then off Friday and Monday. \

the best thing I ate yesterday was a GF version of green bean casserole (I put chex mix on top instead of Ritz crackers, lol)


Best thing I ate yesterday was glazed ham with fresh pineapple on top! Took my new Garmin for it’s first run for my workout today! No work for us today!


Yes it was so nice to have the day after Christmas off!! I have to say the best thing I ate was this amazing corn souffle that my mom made. And dressing. And the turkey. And the blue bell homemade ice cream(it’s a TX thing). Bring on the running this week!


First winter break as a teacher and I’m LOVING IT! No worrying about having to write papers or read X number of pages from a text book [I just have to assign that muahaha, no totes JK] :D

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