Nothing Better than Sweating off Christmas

We all do it.  It is fun to eat 7,000 calories on Christmas and have to spend the rest of the night doing tummy time to let your food digest.  There is nothing better than getting in an awesome workout the next day so that you no longer feel like a sloth.

This mornings workout was 8 miles, 1% incline on the treadmill in 62 minutes and 30 minutes on my beautiful new spin bike.  It is placed directly in front of the tv and has the perfect little area for my ipad to be placed so that I can catch up on all of your blogs.

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I pinky promise that the carpet was that color when we moved in (the house was built in 1908) but I don’t think the spin bike will help matters.

Billy and I have gotten in a really bad habit that we will be forced to break in 8 days.

We haven’t gotten out of bed before 11 since we got home from California (actually yesterday we woke up early for church).  I really don’t know how we are able to sleep that many hours (minus my 3 potty breaks) but I will probably cry the second we are forced to be real people again and go back to work and school.  Maybe we won’t, that would be funny.

Since we are going back in time in this post, here is a picture from last night after we set up the spin bike.  When I say we, I really mean BIlly.  I can’t read a user’s manual if my life depended on it.

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Why am I wearing a large coat?  Because we turn off our heater when we aren’t there and we hadn’t been home for 36 hours and when we walked in the thermometer said 42 degrees.  That isn’t normal.

My favorite part:

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Isn’t that just beautiful?  I like to sit in front of it and spin the pedal with my hand and watch the star go round and round.


What are your day after Christmas plans?

What time did you wake up this morning?

Raise your hand if you have ever been to a spin class and tell me what your FAVORITE thing is to do on the bike (jumps, hill climbs, sprints etc.)

-I love jumps with HEAVY(ish) tension!

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I’m so excited for you that you got a spin bike! What a good husband you have. Mine ended up getting me some free weights, so I guess I better not slack on the strength training anymore ;).

I would cut off my right arm to sleep until 11.


love your new spin bike!! what an awesome gift – way to go billy! question…do you still teach spin at your gym? i never hear you talk about it anymore, so i was just curious. enjoy your day pretty lady!


I love big hill climbs–they make me happy :)

Wanna send Billy my way, por favor? I have this new food processor that doesn’t seem to want to turn out, regardless of what I do to it!!


I love your gift. I have never been on a spin bike, but I have heard amazing things about them.

It hasn’t been too terribly cold here, it was up to 44 today. I am loving the warmer weather, and so does my electric bill.


does billy have a twin and/ or some sort of male relative that is moving to the philly area and able to be my best manfriend everrrrrrrrrrrr? because that would be AWESOME and is of course SO SO NECESSARY because i want a spin bike and a nice attractive man to set it up for meeeee<3 hahaha


I did a longer workout today, too … it definitely made me feel better after too much sweets the past few days! ;)

Love the bike! One day when we get a bigger house, I hope to get our own treadmill!


I have that spin bike too! I really like it although it’s just a smidge to big for shorties (5’1).


that is a great gift! I need a treadmill, but a spin bike would probably fit better in my studio apartment!


wake up @ 11 am: lazy.
But then went for a 60 minute run: not so lazy!

Love your spin bike. I would love me one for those rainy days when you can’t (or at least I won’t!) go for a run! :)


I’ve never taken a spin class, but I’m still sort of jealous of your spin bike!

My plan today was relaxing and spending time with family and friends that are in town for Christmas, since I have to go back to work tomorrow. Bummer.

I’ve woken up pretty early every day of vacation. We slept til 8:30 on Saturday and thought we were being lazy. Something is wrong with us.


That first pic of you on the bike is awesome. Giving the pics of “happy face” your nieces made while opening presents, a run for the money.


I ran, got a pedi and then chilled out the rest of the day. We slept until almost 8!! Unheard of in a house with 4 kids that aren’t teens. It was glorious!


Good for you…your bike looks awesome! I woke up and did 90 min of HOT Moksha yoga and a 2 mile recovery run…im wiped out. :-) In a good way of course… lol

xoxo from Trinidad


I LOVE hill climbs. Maybe I’m a glutton for punishment but I love pushing my legs!!


Great workout!! I need some post Christmas calorie burn- I am with you on that.

Love the bike!


haha…tummy time is classic!

great job on sweating out the xmas feast, did that sweat at least taste a little sweeter than usual? jk. awesome run/bike and seriously u have to be so jazzed to have that sweet bike!!


What a great Christmas gift! Sounds like you have many fun mornings and afternoon workouts ahead of you. This makes me want to move out of the city where our apartment is tiny and it’s difficult to find a place to even keep a set of dumbells so that I can have a huge workout room and never have to leave my house to sweat. That is living the dream!


That bike is such a perfect gift for you!

I totally overdid it yesterday as well, so I was pleased to get to the gym today where I knocked out an upper boddy workout and some time on the elliptical. I have spaghetti arms now! The rest of the day was spent playing with my new Christmas presents :)


Screw owner’s manuals haha! Too much non-sense. It’s all about playing and finding things out when something breaks… Then, you call the company, complain, and move on to never do it again. ;-)


So exiting that you have your own spin bike! Seriously – a treadmill and a spin bike – you never have to leave home. ;) I slept until 9:00am this morning which is pretty much unheard of for me, so I think my body needed the sleep. Felt great. :)


What an awesome, awesome gift! You will use the heck out of it, I’m sure. And yes, working out the day after Christmas is the best. My friends and I have a tradition of doing a boxing day run on Dec. 26 each year, followed, of course, by brunch!


I just got home from spin class. We did intervals, and it was a good workout!


I got the same thing for X-Mas, a spin bike!! They are amazing :)


What a great Christmas gift!!


What a great gift for you! I am still trying to learn to love spin. I just started taking classes again, after a few year hiatus. I actually wanted to take a class the day after Christmas, but there wasn’t one because of the special holiday schedule.

I woke up at 5:45 on Christmas morning. at 7 am I went for a 5 mile hill run, as soon as I got home, my mom and sister wanted to do their run, so I did another 5.


Jealous!!!! I was actually going to ask you about spin…I’ve never been to a class :(  mom and I are joining the local rec center where they have a few spin classes. I’ll message you and ask all the details! Who better to ask?!


That spin bike is beaaaaauuuutiful!!!! I worked out today too and it was simply amazing.
I went to the gym, food shopping, to target, etc.
I woke up at 8:30 but got 10 hours of sleep!
I used to go to spin 3 times a week!! I love climbs and jumps the best


Love the jacket! And I hope that treadmill of yours isn’t getting jealous of the spin bike. There could be some sibling rivalry there. ;-)


Cool bike! I have never done spin but am interested to try after the baby comes.

Today we relaxed, did a few home projects, saw Mission Impossible and continued to celebrate the news that we are having a little GIRL! :) So. Excited.

I can’t sleep past 6-6:30am if my life depended on it. Sad but true.


Killer cardio!!! I got in 3 miles on the treadmill but spent an extra hour doing circuits with my sis in my apartment gym – we had it to ourselves and blasted music throughout the whole gym like we owned it!! That was for you Christmas pie, that was for you!


So I’m currently in Colorado and got a week long membership to the gym. Unfortunately, all the classes were cancelled during the week of Christmas, but one of the spin instructors’ name is JaNae (yeah, capital n). I was going to take a picture and post it on facebook or text it, until I realized that that wouldn’t be entirely possible. But I’ve only taken a spin class once, and it was so long ago I don’t remember anything.

I slept until 8:30 today, which is pretty early for me… I usually sleep until 9-10:30… cuz I have nothing else to do, so why not?


I am so jealous of your home cardio equipment! I’m going to email these posts to my husband and be like, but BILLY did it!! Haha.

I ran for 6 miles with my sister in law at a slow, conversational pace. It was fun to have a buddy!

Hand raised! I don’t know what they are called but I love the “combos” with like 30 seconds sprint, 30 up, 30 hill climb and you just keep going. Burns like no other but you don’t even have a chance to think about it.


That’s so awesome you have a spin bike at home…and it’s so compact! I slept ‘in’ till 9 this morning which was glorious- 9 hours of sleep and i am good to go!


Ahh what a beautiful spin bike! I looove me some spin class. Sprinting is my fave :)


Jealous of the spin bike! I just tried spin this past week and am already hooked. I like the hills…not sure why. :)


Ahhhhhhh I can’t believe you have your very own Scwinn spin spike! I’m drooling over here! I learned how to teach spin on one of those! :) I love standing hill climbs. I have lots of great cycle playlist over on my blog if you need any! My day after Christmas plans included a lot of shopping. Whoop!!


Longer workouts are the best during the holiday season! It feels good to work up a sweat after indulging!


I did a spin class once, but at my old gym they charged $3 dollars a class ON TOP of the membership. It was a good class, but wasn’t hooked for the extra cash. If you taught in houston though, I would give it a try again:)


i went to the butchart gardens in victoria (on vancouver island in british columbia, canada) with my parents today. they had the 12 days of christmas set up and it is a HUGE garden with tons of christmas lights and decorations! then we stopped for lunch on the way home and had delicious manhattan clam chowder & garlic toast. it was amazing!

i woke up at 8:15 this morning, and my favourite thing on the spin bike = hills!!!


I really want one of these…so serious question: how noisy is it? I live in Manhattan in an apartment building with fairly insulated flooring. Would this work?? To say I am desperately looking for a day-to-day form of exercise that doesn’t intrude upon the neighbors would be an understatement. For reference, in the past, I’ve been reprimanded for my current regular stationary bike (extremely cheap and noisy) + intensive yoga + Insanity workouts…


I would KILL for a spin bike in my home {figuratively speaking of course…} I recently took up spin class within the last month and I love it. Didn’t I read that you used to teach spin classes?? I’m currently in the process of losing 50 pounds and plan on running a 1/2 marathon in 2012. Your blog is so inspiring!


We are kindred spinning spirits: I love jumps at highish resistance too. Probably because my short attention span does not like me staying in one place for too long (i.e more than ten seconds).

I can’t afford a spin bike but it is that much different to, say, a bike trainer, I wonder? I could afford one of those, but I’m not sure if they’re worth the investment or not.



Love the spin bike!!! I haven’t ever taken a spin class, but we are joining the local Y today so hopefully I will soon.

You’ll love this story. My kids wrote the Christmas tags on every gift. Since I do all the shopping, I obviously know what the gifts are. They helped me wrap and tag most of the gifts (they didn’t have to do their own-some element of surprise left). They wanted to put funny names on the “From;” part of the tag. Guess what I got from Hungry Runner Girl – yes a Garmin 405! Thanks, it’s awesome!!


My kids were at the grandparents…so I slept in a little. Yes! I spin 1-2 times per week. I like heavy climbs and sprints.


So excited for you!! I got a spin bike for christmas too! I think we hit the jackpot!


I am completely jealous (and happy!) for you. I really, really want a spin bike and I may buy one after the new year when hopefully there is a sale!

I stayed in my PJs all day and watched the Food Network with my mom while grazing on cookies. It was perfect!

I woke up at 8:00 but that’s because I fell asleep at 8:00 on Christmas night! I loved sleeping for 12 hours!

I LOVE spinning but unfortunately, I had to cancel my gym membership because it was too expensive. My new crappy gym doesn’t offer it. My favorite is a long, heavy climb out of the saddle!


that there bike sure is purdy!


Janae! YAY! You have a spin bike! How cool! We have a treadmill and we have a bike trainer and it’s great because Angela and I can work out together at home. How cool is that!? I haven’t been to the gym in so long because I have everything I need at home and that makes me super happy!

p.s. I had the best running vacation ever this weekend. I’ll post about it later. You have to look at my pics because I know you’ll appreciate the beauty that we ran in this weekend. :)


Cool spin bike : )


Love the bike! I love hill climbs!! :D


OMG your spin bike looks amazing!! I ran a 10k yesterday to burn off my 7,000 calories but it would have been nice to do something inside where it’s warmer. I have actually only done 1 spin class in my life and I was on vacation and like 14 years old so I don’t remember. I love to bike outside but I’m not a gym person- maybe I should make Josh buy me a spin bike too so I can do it in my own living room??

Have fun with it- I think you should post a video of the wheel/star moving so we can see the magic!!


Oh my goodness, a spin bike?! I am so excited for you haha! I’ve been loving my spin bike workouts lately- partially because there is a TV screen right in front of my face and I can control what channel I watch [not the boring news shows on the main TV’s], as well as picking a “ride” and “riding” through the mountains- it’s awesome!


I hate jumps…..they hurt me.

I love the big hill climbs…where every 20 or 30 sec. the instructor has us increase resistance. It BURNS!!!!!!

I also love when we stand up and bike. I like when my feet move to the beat of the music. :) Enjoy your new toy.


Spent the day after up at 630 and went for a run. Had a large salad to detox from the weekend. I love the spinning hills where you have to stand up..

You need another bike so you and Billy can race…spin-a-thon at home.


Your posts make me so happy :-)

Thanks Janae!


I love the Christmas socks haha.


Ahhhh a SPIN BIKE! I am so jealous, that is amazing! I am also a huge fan of sweating off the entire batch of cookies, cake, pecan bars, and fudge I ate over the weekend! Hope you had the BEST Christmas!!!


Oh man – that is so exciting! I am going to come over and steal your new beautiful spin bike!!! ;)

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