I have the cutest picture for you…..and running with people.

Best News Of My Whole Year:

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I have a new NIECE and she is the cutest thing in the whole world.   I need to hold her in real life.  I am already sure I will be her favorite aunt.


Last night we were forced into going caroling and had to wear hats and Christmas gear.  I think you know by now that my BIL’s are kind of strange so I won’t even say anything about these pictures.

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It ended up being kind of fun except for when the people we were caroling at gave us really strange looks.

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For dinner we had Cheesy Broccoli Soup in bread bowls.  Recipe HERE.  Beware; it is super healthy and extra low calorie;)

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For dessert we had the Costco (Matilda) chocolate cake.  Billy sent me a picture of their shopping cart yesterday.  Really, this is how every shopping cart should look like.

Photo 1

This morning I am meeting some So Cal girls for running.  Can I be honest with you?  I get a little nervous before a run with other people.  As soon as I get going I feel great and want to never run without them again but before I go I constantly worry that I won’t be able to keep up or I will have a potty emergency or I won’t be able to talk because I am so out of breath.  The only people I ever run with often are Billy and my sis….and with them I can tell them to slow down, or that I have to stop and hang out in the 7-11 bathroom for a little while.   I guess I just don’t like messing up other people’s workouts…does that make sense?  Anyways, it is going to be a blast and a half and I am sure I will have some really cool stories and pictures to share with you in just a few hours.  Time to go run by the ocean!


Do you get nervous to run with other people?

-My goal is to run more and more with other people, working out with faster people makes you faster right?!?!

When was the last time you held a newborn?

-I am thinking I need to get to my brothers house ASAP to hold that beauty.

Do you enjoy singing?  Are you good at it?

-Not good at it at all and that is why Billy always turns up the volume of the radio in the car when I attempt to sing.

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Congrats on your new niece she is beautiful!!!


I forgot to mention I’m a labor and delivery nurse and get to hold new babies every night I work!!


BEST JOB EVER…that is so cool Stacey!


I totally relate about the running with other people! I don’t like messing up their workouts and I put pressure on myself! eek!


Love the shopping cart items..LOL


I always run solo so running with others if super fun to me! And your niece is adorable, I love the hat.


My fridge looks pretty similar to that shopping cart!

I very much get nervous before running with other people. I am super shy sometimes and usually talk myself out of going due to maybe they’ll be too fast, or its too cold or I’m tired or we’ll be running in silence the whole time or something like that.

One of my big aims for 2012 is to run with other people and hopefully even join a running group :)


I feel the exact same about running with others which is silly because I am sure I would love having a running buddy! Your niece is adorable! I held a new born a few months ago and my heart melt…even when they throw up, they are cute!


CONGRATS auntie Janae!!!!!!!


I get nervous running with others regardless of their pace. I worry about the same things that you do.


What a cutie pie! Congrats Auntie :) I have 1 niece and 2 nephews (plus another one on the way- my brother/sister in laws are busy, lol) and they live 800 miles from us- which means we don’t get to see any of them nearly enough.. but I love being and auntie! I think you shopping cart is very well balanced… though I would probably prefer some ice cream instead of cake :P


I never run with other people, and am nervous about it too! But lately I’ve really been wishing I did have people to run with. We have a new niece that I got to hold when she was 4 and 5 days old a couple weeks ago. So tiny and precious!


That was one adorable baby. I get nervous running with new people, but my long time running buddies not at all. I can’t sing worth anything. You’re lucky if you can even tell what song I’m singing.


At my running club there are usually between 150-250 people and after the announcements we all break into groups and it ALWAYS stresses me out deciding which group to run with for fear of being that slow poke in the back. I want to push myself to be in the quicker groups, but its a slippery slope. When we break up, I am always trying to make sure I find the leader and get with the right group….so stressful.

Newborn…my nephew Rafa (like Nadal) two years ago.

Not good at singing….still love your BIL with the fanny pack


WHAT!!?! Your running club is HUGE!! I think you two need to meet:)


I just held a newborn yesterday and my scary I WANT A BABY face is currently up on my blog right now ;) lol

I like running /w other people but I also enjoy running alone. If you can find the perfect pace partner I think it’s amazing. I get nervous at first but then I usually calm down. My issue is I talk during runs OR when I want to listen to my ipod others are talking at me. It’s never a win in that area :P lol

PS: so envious about xmas caroling. I love it.


I love singing, but I’m not the greatest. haha. The only people I have ever ran with were my sis and dad. I like running by myself so I can zone out and listen to my music :)


That baby is 10x precious and I kind of want to eat her.
I am ALWAYS nervous running with others, especially with my injury!!
I do sing, I do like it, I guess I’m ok at it! Oh, and if you’ve not had the costco buttermilk cinnamon streusel cake, you’re missing out.


I get SO nervous to run with other people so I never do! :( I really want running buddies but i’m so afraid to hold people back!


I am afraid of that too but I just got back and it was a blast. It makes the miles fly by!! DO IT!!


Ahhh such a cute new addition to your family!!! P.S. That looks just like my cart when we do our weekly/ bi-weekly Costco trips :D Costco was a crazy house this weekend- so many people, but also so many samples [a lose-win situation I suppose]…


I feel the same way when running with other people. It also usually frustrates me instead of motivating me when people are faster and I have to pick it up a bit to keep up with them. I never run with people but then ended up running the Philly half with my friend/coworker at the last minute and loved it! I’m pretty sure we both kept each other going at certain times during the race which ended up being pretty cool.


She is gorgeous. And that is why I always run by myself :(


wow, sooo exciting, congrats on ur newest family member!!

i kno exactly what u mean about pre-run anxiety with a new group or person!! it’s totally wat u said: that i’m afraid of messing up their workout or somehow making it not fun for them. but i’m sure u’ll have a blast and fingers crossed u won’t have to make a potty stop!! hehe (actually bathroom issues are wat make me the most nervous with running with new peeps)


Congratulations on being an aunt again!

I hate singing, unless it’s to extremely loud music in my car.

I ALWAYS get nervous before running with people. I’ll keep thinking, “I know I’ve run this distance before, but I DON’T TRUST YOU LEGS!”

I have no idea when I last held a newborn. Probably last year in church nursery.


totallyyy understand getting nervous about running with other people! i am the same way i understand that some people have their own way of “working out” and i dont wanna ruin it or something!
um CUTEST BABY EVERRRR!!! you are so so luckyyyyy to have another neiceeeeeee! so cute<3 congrats!!


That girl is beautiful! Congrats.
I joined a running club last April and it was the best thing I did. I am much slower that you, but we have runners of all speeds. It is great to meet people who have the same interest as you. And it makes the long runs fly by. I usually only run with them on the weekends and do my weekday runs solo, this morning was 5 miles in the coldest weather we have had this winter 15 degrees.


That is so awesome Bethany. I am so happy that you love your running club. CONGRATS on running in those freezing temps, you are hardcore!


I am really awkward with holding babies haha its horrible, so I rarely do and just admire from someone else’s arms.
And I love singing…. but i dont think that anyone else loves my singing. It is subpar! I am pretty sure Torrance loves when I sing to him in the car (all 4600 miles from Alaska actually) I like to sing to him in different accents, specifically, i am very proud of my Barry Gib (from the BeeGees) voice.


I’m the same way–I always get nervous before I run with new people!
I would not say I’m a good singer but I definitely enjoying karaoke none the less!
And I’ve actually never held a newborn before! Come on friends and family…start making babies!


The caroling looks so fun!! I would totally get nervous about running with others!! I usually run with my husband/family so same thing — you can tell them to slow down. Luckily, most of my friends are slower than me. Lol.

That baby is CUTE


What a cute baby! My friends and I went carolling once lol… it was hilarious.

Have fun! Running with new people is always an interesting experience!

We should do another Frozen Yogurt blogger meetup! I missed the last one :( lol


That baby is ridiculously cute!!! Enjoy being a new auntie!

I love running w/ people, and also have a tendency to get nervous. And ummm, that shopping cart? Yeah, pretty much perfection.


Such a beautiful baby!!! I’ve never held a newborn. That picture is hilarious of everyone before caroling. I’m pretty jealous that you actually went. I do get nervous for the same exact reasons running with people. You will have fun though!!! I love singing, but I am awful. I just jam out in the car.


that costco broccoli takes forever to get through when there are just 2 people haha but that chocolate cake yum!! Congrats on such a beautiful new niece!

I feel you on the running with others (that you don’t normally run with) I freak out about not having anything to say, or talking too much, or running too slow/fast, or a million other reasons, but then I remember that it (usually) always works out great and I love running with other people!!


Wow, I thought your sister was getting divorced? I can’t imagine how hard that would be to go through with a new baby! I’ll send special thoughts her direction.

I always run with other people. I’ve run with the same group of about 3 guys and 1 other woman for years now (except when she’s dropped out to make people). Love it!


Different sibling:)


Whew! I was thinking of all kind of nasty names for a guy who would press on divorce with a preggo wife…


She is beautiful! Congratulations Auntie! I printed this recipe too. Keep the recipes coming! What are the voting options for supper tonight?


Totally nervous to run with other people… it can psych me out bc like you I don’t wanna mess them up!

My Aunt’s baby which was like a year ago now… but my BFF is about to pop before New Years so soon!!

I love singing! In the car.. shower… alone at home! I think I used to be a really good singer.. then I got a severe case of bronchitis.. now I just sing for fun and really don’t mind if no one else likes it :)


and congrats auntie!


yay for a new niece!! once you hold her you may become baby hungry?…Newborns smell like heaven and I love it.
If I ever got to go running with you I would be a little anxious because you are super fast.. You would be waiting for me!! ha!


CANDICE….we need need need to go running together. That would be a blast!


Something that has given me more confidence to run with others is instead of worrying about things, I give myself a concete plan if that happens so I don’t feel like “ahhhhhhh what should I do”
If I am worried about pace, I ask myself, do you know the route……yep……fall back and finish.
If I am worried I will run too slow and look bad…….I just say….. I will own the truth of where my run is at today I do that every time I run a race anyways.
If I am worried about the b-room, I make sure I know where one is along the way….and how to get myself back home if I don’t want them waiting on me.
If I am worried about water/fuel……bring some snacks or $$ moola for a stop.
Before you leave just mention to B have your phone on you in case I need a pick up.

You are right it will be the best thing ever, and you’ll wonder why you worried so much. But having a plan for the possibilities give me great confidence to enjoy runs with others! ENJOY :)


Congrats Auntie!! The last time I held a newborn was when our niece was born, she was less than 12 hours old when we met her! Now she’s 2.5 years old and sometimes I’d like her to just sit still ;) It’s really amazing to get to watch them grow up!


I had my first running meet up this weekend and I felt the same way. It was great though! I ended up going farther and at a faster pace.

BABY! My nephew was born 2 weeks ago, but I haven’t seen him yet :(


Umm, yeah I feel the same way about messing up others workouts. Like if someone wants to run a race with me it’s like…#1 I can’t talk AND run. #2 I don’t want to ruin your race when I poop out and have to walk.

Eventually I hope to join my Lifetime Fitness’ running club but still too chicken at this point.

I’d say you got it right w/ the Costco food.. 90% healthy 10% chocolate!!


I typically like training on my own…but I think there’s a difference between a training run and a run with friends. I love just an easy relax run with friends where I do not worry about my pace or any of that mumbo jumbo. But typically when I’m racing or training I run alone. Aside from that running with friends can be a nice change of pace and running in a group can really hold you accountable!

Have fun today!


My brother and sister-in-law just had a new baby girl! She is precious and holding her is possibly my favorite activity. That and watching her sleep via Skype (I live really far away…boo!).


The grocery cart cracks me up and reminds me of my own grocery cart 99% of the time … lots of healthy stuff, and then plenty of unhealthy dessert! ;)

I’ve only run with my hubby in the past, but now I’m thinking of running a half marathon with a friend of mine. I’m nervous about it b/c I think she’s faster than me. So we’ll see what happens!!


What a beauty! She is so precious! You need to get there ASAP!

I totally get nervous to run with other people, especially those I don’t know very well. If I’m running over 7 miles I ALWAYS need a potty break but then can’t relax and do my business because I know they’re all standing out there waiting for me. It’s awesomely uncomfortable. However, I love getting to know new people while I’m running. In real life I’m totally shy, but when I’m running I am not (I may be known to ask completely inappropriate questions, the walls come tumbling down when I’m running).


Congrats on your new niece! She’s beautiful!

I’m like you… I get nervous when I have plans to run with other people but I always end up enjoying it. And I haven’t held a newborn since my sister was born and that was 15 years ago! Crazy! And yep, awful singer here too. My boyfriend always makes a horrible cringing face when I start belting out “All I Want for Christmas is You” along with Mariah Carey :)


I love all the veggies and BAM the chocolate cake :D


I don’t usually run with people. But due to schedules not nerves. But I will be running with my sister at the end of the week (I hope).
When my friends baby was born back in January.
I do like to sing but don’t think I am any good at it. I would love to sing like Dido.

The Kidless Kronicles


Ok, sometimes I think that you are in my brain. I actually don’t run with people because of everything you say in your post. They are the reasons I don’t join a local running club.

The last newborn I held was my own daughter– 3 1/2 years ago.

I enjoy singing but I am not good at it at all!!!

Enjoy your time off in California!


Aw! Congratulations on being an aunt!
I get more nervous before running by myself! I ran track through college and I think my brain is just in the habit of getting nervous before running…even though running is (almost) always great and I LOVE it! I love running with other people and I’m going to have to keep my eyes peeled for you running since you are in so cal right now!! Maybe we’ll pass each other and I’ll have my first celebrity sighting! ;)


What a cutie baby!
It really depends on my mood if I want/like to run with other people. Sometimes I just like being alone and thinking about stuff.
I’m not a bigger singer – I’ve never done karaoke and don’t plan to anytime soon!
It looks like you’re having a blast in California!


CUTE niece!!

Yah you’re in cali–have fun girl :)


I always think running with faster people will make you faster. I have yet to experience it with running – but it is definitely true with swimming.


OMG! That picture of you is HILARIOUS!
Your face! HAHA!

AWW! What a sweet baby! Where does she live?

I get nervous to run with people too becuase I tend to always be solo when I run. Although, I have no idea why you’d worry about keeping up! You are the speediest of them all! I’m sure everyone that runs with you gets more nervous!


OMG I get so nervous to run with people!! Especially with boys! I was on the XC/Track team my first year of college and LOVED running with those girls, but I’ve been on my own for the past couple years and I’m totally not used to it anymore! So now when people ask if I want to go for a run I freak out a bit haha.

And CONGRATS on your new niece!!!!! she’s BEAUTIFUL!!!!! :-D


So cute!!! Love the pic :)


Ohh, how precious!! Congratulations on your beautiful niece!!
That “happy” picture of the family is hiliarious..you all look soo thrilled.


Congrats on your new niece! She is a beauty :)


I don’t like running with other people, because I like to think a lot during my run and by the end my mind gets clear. But when I do run with someone, it goes so much faster and you can do way more! I just got a new niece 4 months ago, and she is gorgeous! Also, I can sing, and you should check out my youtube site: http://www.youtube.com/oxxmariannexxo. I’d like to start a wellness vlog/blog sometime in the future also :)


Congrats on your niece :) And I always get SUPER nervous about running or working out with other people too…and then it always works out great and I love it!


I rarely run with other people, but just thinking about it makes me nervous cuz I’m so slow.

Reference to a cake as a “Matilda” cake kinda creeps me out cuz all I can think about it the principal, and she’s sooo nasty. Funny, I know a girl who reminds me sooo much of the principal!It’s quite creepy, really.

I do enjoy singing, but mainly when I’m alone. I’m not good at it at all.

And I held a newborn a few weeks ago. My manager had her baby on November 2, and my friend had her baby on November 16. I held my manager’s on the 17, so he was just over 2 weeks old, then I held my friend’s when he was also 2 weeks old (couldn’t hold him in the hospital cuz he was in the NICU). I actually got to feed my friend’s baby!


umm that totally looks like my kind of grocery basket! (well minus a box of jelly beans)


Congrats to your family!
Can I have some cake?


I run as I dream – alone.

But I do believe running with other people makes you faster and connects you to others, so I always fit in some group training runs here and there.

My last newborn I held was my own, shortly after I saw her removed from the bloody c-section opening of my poor wife, (very much like a scene from Alien,) and as the doctors counted the bloody rags to make sure they got them all before they sewed her up, we were marveling at our newborn. (Wow. That is gross. )

I had on the whole medical garb, so now when my daughter looks at the pictures she thinks I was the doctor who deliver her.


Hope your run went well. I was a bit nervous on Saturday – as I found a running website in NY that had people wanting to run with other people…and so I needed to do a long run on Saturday and this cool guy Matt, answered my email and Glen & I ended up running with him. It was awesome…he did run really fast but it was a super cool experience. Ran a killer 6 miles along the Hudson river….so awesome.

xoxo from Trinidad


that BOW. I have no words. how is everyone in your family so good looking from the time they escape the womb?


Congrats on the new family addition! ADORABLE! Also, I think I am in love with your family AND Billys family as well..those caroling pics are hil-ar-i-ous! lovee it!


Congratulations auntie! It looks like SoCal is treating you and Billy’s fam, entertaining as well! I too get nervous when running with others! There’s no way I could keep up with you Socal runners…maybe if I drafted off you, hmmmm. Happy running!


The picture of your niece definitely made me cry!! We find out on Friday the sex of our baby and seeing this little one just brought tears to my eyes. I can’t wait to be a mom!! Congrats – she is adorable.


I don’t mind running with other people as long as they don’t want to talk! I am too outta breath lol


I LOVE the picture of the Costco cart – all healthy foods and then a big old chocolate cake! It’s all about balance! haha


I know that feeling about running with other people, but I always end up pleasantly surprised by how much I love it. My sister is having a baby boy next week, and I cannot wait to hold a newborn!


congrats auntie! you need to get to your brother’s house…… like soon! i will never forget holding my one day old niece in my arms….. one of the most beautiful, amazing moments of my life….. love at first sight! and she is 14 now and i am still in love with her!!!! seems like yesterday she was in my arms :)


oh my goodness she is PRECIOUS!!

i get so nervous running with people too. I always think others are way better than I am…but you are SUPER speedy, I cant believe you think that!


Oh my heck. That first picture of you all frowning is hysterical.


OMG congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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