Great News, Oops and Leaving On Saturday.

Some really great news:  My mom got a new t-shirt.


Not only is it a new shirt, but a shirt that she got for free when she signed up for the GYM.  My mom broke her foot over the summer and has had some health issues that didn’t allow her to exercise for quite some time.  She does not need to lose an ounce obviously but she misses being active and working out.  Well, yesterday she got her first gym membership EVER and used the stationary bike.  It makes me extremely happy when other people get to get their endorphins flowing and their hearts healthy.  Can’t wait for some awesome workouts together mom!

I don’t know what happened but I do know there aren’t 4 days until Christmas.

Photo 1 copy

Let’s zoom into the background:

Photo 2

We have a serious sock problem.  All of those socks do not have a partner.  I really don’t know where they go unless someone is playing a cruel joke on us and stealing half of our socks.  Should we just start fresh?

Last but not least, the thing that makes me love life:

Photo 1

When I don’t even get to unpack (because I am lazy) and put away my suitcase from our last trip before I have to pack to go on the next!  We are going to drive to Cali on Saturday for a few days of family, warm weather and gingerbread house making.


Do your parents go to the gym?  Did they go when you were growing up?

Where are you spending Christmas?

-We will be back in Utah for Christmas.

What was the last chocolatey item that you ate?

-20 days of my Advent Calender.

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I love the advent calendar! I think we are staying home for Christmas but would really like to go somewhere this year. I had the best chocolate cake ever at Salty’s on Alki beach (West Seattle) on Saturday. We were there for my Hubby’s work party and I was the only one who finished their dessert. Everyone else took a couple of bites and stopped. I guess I don’t have the same willpower. That ‘s why I run right?! Have fun in Cali!


Seriously as I watched B.L. last night I ate a handful of chocolate chips and a spoonful of peanut butter. I’m the big loser. :)

My mom NEVER works out and NEVER has. My 70 year old dad is a rock star however and always works out with me. When he comes to Phoenix, he gets a pass to my gym, on the cruise he worked out and since I was a kid he’d play 3 hours of basketball in our back yard every Sat and Sunday. Oh and I loved our walks when I was a kid. Your sock problem is too funny.



I don’t have an advent calendar, or any chocolate in the house, because I am such a bad chocoholic! I would want to have a few extra days, too. I did have a chocolate peppermint cookie at work last night. Yum.


My dad is really active and has played sports his entire life. My mom. well she owns a lot of “cute workout clothes” but has never stepped foot in a gym ha.


I bet if my sock pile and your sock pile were combined there would be several matching pairs!! That pic made me giggle because i have an ENTIRE dresser drawer dedicated to orphan socks that I wear when I workout at home, and okay, yes…sometimes in public too ;) I figure why throw away perfectly good hole-less, match-less socks?!?
I grew up in a super small farming town with no gym, but we did take walks as a family every night after dinner. And our church had a basketball and softball team, so that was my parents’ cardiovascular activity.
Have a safe drive on Saturday and enjoy the warm weather! Today was a “nice” day–only in the 50s…haha!


i’m so excited for your mom. I hope her health issues are doing better and that she gets some endorphin highs! you should bust out your old spin class moves with her

have fun in Cali with Christmas number 1.I’ll be spending Christmas at my parents house and love love love our traditions

last chocolatey thing was breakfast- i made chocolate oatmeal


haha we have a serious sock problem at our house too. i keep hoping i’ll find their other halves, but they never seem to show up. i swear there is a sock monster roaming around!

we’ll be here in Utah as well for Christmas. we will miss our family in AZ, but it’ll be fun to make our own traditions and such.

i just ate a few chocolate covered pretzels that my grandma sent us! yummmm! i love her goody box – it’s my favorite box to get in the mail every year!


My parents never were members of a gym until they became senior citizens; they love a good deal and held out for this one =) They are members of the local YMCA and mall walk all the time!


Hahah! We have the same sock problem at my house :)


My dad is a total gym rat. He has been a weight lifter for a good 20 years, and it was only in the past 5 that we got him a road bike and got him away from the weights and more into cardio. I feel like now he has a good blend :)

Btw, that sock pile is absolutely not a problem. Just do what I do and never ever wear matching socks (seriously, I never do!) That way, you never have to worry about finding a pair–you just grab two and go!!! Everyone thinks it’s funny but hey — I always have socks!


hmm last chocolate thing I ate? my granola bar at lunch!

I will be in Michigan for christmas

my mom goes to the gym but my dad is a cycle man. He could spend hours and hours riding his bike outside but he can’t stand to go to the gym. He says he feels awkward.


We’re doing Christmas early (this weekend) with my in-laws and my stepson this year since he’s not with on Christmas day :( .
The last chocolatey thing I ate was some chocolate chips that were in my trail mix. Before that it was some Trader Joe’s mini peppermint wafer cookies. You HAVE to get these if you like peppermint, chocolate, and waffles at all. Since you’re in California anyway, it’s perfect timing!


That’s awesome about your mom… My mom is trying to get healthy too. I never push, but I always encourage her.

lol! that is a lot of socks!

I will be at home for Christmas, which is fine by me. I love being around family and I get to sleep in my own bed. :)
The last chocolatey thing I ate?? A pumpkin spice sugar cookie with a hershey kiss on top. Yum!


lol @ advent calendar… kids I babysit were trying to do that!

have fun in CA :) Come visit!

missing socks is a serious problem. I don’t know what happens D::


Exercise and being active was always a part of my life growing up. My parents have always been active and exercise 5-6 days a week most of the time. They’ve never gone to a gym – just doing things at home and biking outside. My dad used to run when his knees would let him, but never super-seriously. He goes on awesome bike-trips with his friends though where they’ll camp and ride all over.

I’m so jealous that you get to go to Cali again, and then be home for Christmas! Have fun in the warmth, going to TJ’s (WHY don’t we have one in UT? :( ) and being with your family!


I never remember my parents working out when I was growing up, but we were always an active family – sports, hiking, etc. Now my mom comes to my classes at the gym, and she’ll work out with me from time to time.

We are spending Christmas in Cancun!

I had a truffle as I was fixing my snack, and I had a bite of homemade fudge today at school.


Last chocolately item I ate was a kinder surpise- but the bar kind, so sadly no toy ;)

Christmas….. in Australia!! with the family. super excited!! :)


HAVE A SUPER VACATION! I used to never unpack either when I traveled for work…too funny.

I started training for my 1st 1/2 marathon today! WHOO HOO
Can you believe it?
Im excited but a tad bit scared.

Anyways…so excited..

xoxo from Trinidad


Congratualtions! Caution: You may get hooked ; )


When I have socks that have no match and I have given up on ever finding the match, I keep them for cleaning and slide one on my hand and it makes dusting so easy!


Very jealous about your Cali trip! You should listen to Dane Cook on the drive, he’ll have you dying laughing. My mom has a sink next to the washer which it empties out into. Once I found one of my socks wound up there from the washer. Socks really do disappear out of the washer, they get sucked into tubes or something!


Last was Lindts White Chocolate Balls… I used them in my cookies so had a few to spare.

My mom has always been a runner..and dominates Body Pump.


I don’t think my parents have ever been to a gym, but they’re active. My MIL though discovered the YMCA after retirement, and I think she may have found a second home!

My last chocolate was Peppermint Mocha frap this afternoon- yummm!


Nice red heels in that last pic. ;) My mom was in the gym all the time when we were kids.


I had chocolate twice yesterday. :) Breakfast was a warmed chocolate vita top w/ peanut butter and a greek yogurt. Then after worked I warmed myself right up with a mug of hot chocolate & marshmallows. I also let some dark chocolate chips melt into my hot chocolate. If you have never done this please do asap. :)


1. the tan shoes on top of the Mizuno box. I NEED TO SEE THEM!



I literally laughed out loud when I saw that advent calendar. That’s the whole reason I’ve never bought one because it would be impossible for me to eat only ONE piece a day. Obviously a man invented it. A woman would have known better. Enjoy your time in CA!


No gym membership for my parents. Neither of them have ever made their health a real priority… it makes me sad. :(

We will be spending Christmas right here in our little corner of the world. We’ll go to my parents’ which is only like an hour and a half away, and all of the hub’s family is right here in town.

Last chocolate fix? I JUST grabbed a handful of chocolate chips out of the freezer. lol


No and no. They are all about long walks. According to my mom, she will “bulk up” if she lifts weights. I’ve tried convincing her otherwise about 9 million times. No go.

I am going to be in Utah, if I don’t have a white christmas, there will be riots in the streets. By me. I am seriously going to start stowing away in your trunk when you go to so cal so I can visit my people :)

My coworker brought in fudge. Amazing.


My dad had a home gym so we all used that. We are driving down to Houston for Christmas to spend it with both of our families. I had a white chocolate macadamia nut cookie that I just baked. You have to sample before giving out.


Excuse me but those socks would drive me insane! Definitely start over on the socks! Buy a big ol’ 10 pack of running socks at costco for 12.99. They even have cute stripes on them :) That would be one less headache to deal with for sure.


My parents are work out freaks! When I lived at home we 4 in the morning to hit the gym. Have a blast in Cali!!


The last chocolatey item I ate? These pretzels with Rolos and M&M’s melted on top! Delicious! See my blog for details :)


Yay for your mom! My parents don’t go to the gym but they have always worked out on their own. I definitely think the gym is a great way for people to get into working out, though.

Same thing happened to me w/ my Advent calendar last year! Woopsss… better go buy another? ;)

I just ate a Hershey Kiss off one of my cookies… I pretend they don’t count if they were just eaten off of a cookie instead of unwrapping them.


My mom is my running inspiration. She refuses to join a gym (even in snowy Nebraska) because she would rather run outside. I don’t know if that woman has EVER run on a treadmill…yet she has qualified for Boston every year since she was in her mid 20s (where did that speedy gene go?!). Dad loves his stationary bike at the house.

You have inspired me to join you with Jillian this month…keep us posted on how its going! I tell myself its a short workout, but I seriously think that woman tries to kill my little muscles in those 20ish minutes:).


I have a gym membership free because the owner is one of my hubby’s clients…works out pretty nicely! But I rarely go because I’d rather run


Your mama is adorable! Yay for mamas at the gym getting their sweat on. My parents weren’t gym people when I was growing up, but I sure wish we could have worked out together as a family. Safe travels to California!


Never buy those calendars! The candy is always missing on the day of…
California sounds fun and Utah even better. My parents are traveling to south Tejas to be with us.


I want an Advent Calendar next year!!! Oh where, oh where, could all that candy have gone? heheehe! I am the worse about packing. Enjoy your time in Cali. Be careful. We are having a very quiet family Christmas this year.


Oh man, we have that sock problem too. I started over when I went to college but the dorm laundry rooms were worse! and YAYYY so happy for your mom joining a gym!! I bet she feels pretty awesome after that first workout! :-D My parents don’t go to the gym but we have an erg (rowing machine) that my dad rows on and my mom’s a runner too – few things keep her from running outside, but if they do, she’s cool with taking a rest day.


My mom’s been a fitness instructor of some sort (aerobics, step, resist-a-ball, yoga, pilates — basically changes as the fads have changed haha) since I was five years old! Definitely taught me young that exercise is awesome. … well, eventually it did. I used to despise the gym when I was little ’cause that meant I had to go to the baby-sitting room while she taught her class :-P


Christmas in Texas for us this year. Last chocolate I ate was a handful of chocolate chips straight from the bag in the freezer. Your countdown calendar made me laugh, and your sock problem. Have fun in Cali!


So happy for your mom! That IS great news. We’ll be in Dallas for Christmas, and I’m so happy. My sister is expecting a baby boy Dec 28th. :)


I am so happy for your mom that she will get to start working out! How exciting! :) Congrats to her! I will be spending Christmas here in Texas! I am keeping my fingers crossed that we will get some snow :)


Ahhhh! I HATE matching socks… but even if I spent the time to match them, I’m sure I’d have just as many mis-matched socks, too. Have fun in California – can’t wait to hear all about it!


My dad goes to the gym at our country club and my mom hated working out in front of other people, but last year i got her started on Jazzercise classes! I went in college and loved it! Christmas in Kansas City for me!


My mom doesnt gym but she goes for regular walks and I’m glad she at least gets some form of exercise! I am glad your momma is able to work out again- it really makes a difference to overall mood!


LOL the Advent Calendar!
My parents were not collectively active or gym-goers while I grew up, mostly because they were so busy. There were a few years that we had a family YMCA membership, which was fun. My mom always had my sister and I playing outdoors in our yard, running around or helping her with the garden.
We’ll be spending Christmas in town, between our two families’ events. And New Year’s Day at the Green Bay Packers game :-D


I am stoked that your mom joined the gym! You and your sis will do a great job on embarrassing her :)

I am going to meet up Rachelle and Ashley on the Monday or Tuesday after Christmas, I’d be STOKED if you could come too!


SOCK SUGGESTION- I safety pin the pair together. I would like to say that this happens before they get thrown in the hamper but the truth is that it might not happen until just before the wash. It still helps, because I think the drier is actually a black hole where loose socks disappear.

I will be in Philadelphia for Christmas with my mom and Delaware that evening with my dad. Divorce is difficult. *wink*

Yesterday was a difficult morning, so I ate a few butter cookies topped with dark chocolate with my coffee- Delicious!


I say start new with the socks. I try to put all my running socks in a lingerie bag when I wash them. I don’t always remember so I still end up with uneven pairs of socks, but it takes longer to get to that point. Did that make sense? I am writing this early in the morning.

My mom joined a gym after she had double knee replacment surgery. She is 71. The physical therapy she did really inspired her. We actually belong to the same gym chain so I need to workout with her when I visit. She lives about an hour and a half away.

Christmas Day will be at my sister’s house.

I ate M&Ms last night over peppermint ice cream. Yes!


That is so so awesome your mom joined the gym! None of my family members works out sadly;-( whenever I am back in Poland (where I come from) I try to convince them to join the gym, but fail every time;-( My Mom loves to hike though and she is always walking everywhere she goes! I always wonder how she stays so skinny with that polish diet of pierogis, sausage and all that traditional polish food!
Have fun in California! we are going to Bali (Indonesia) for Chirstmas! I am super psyched! Have been living in Asia for a while but never visited Bali!


That’s so awesome you mom joined the gym! You guys are one exercisey family and I like it!

My mom doesn’t go to a gym, but she has a treadmill in her house and walks like a million miles a day.

We stay in town for Christmas. Growing up, we used to go to Michigan every year to spend it with my extended family, but now that I’m married, it makes more sense to stay here since both of our sets of parents live in town too.

The last chocolatey item I ate was mexican hot chocolate. soooo good!


I grew up going to the gym with my family (mom, dad and sis). We would make a day out of going and having a good workout then grabbing a good dinner afterwards. I feel very thankful that my parents instilled in me at a young age how important your health and being active are. My parents run races almost every weekend. They are so inspiring to me!! :) I hope to do the same with my children one day!


My mom goes to the gym and my dad is a marathon runner and mountain biker! In fact, I qualified for Boston with my dad (he BQ-ed too)!

I am sticking around close to home this year. Thank god! last year we traveled to IL.

Last chocolatey item? Oh, a bit of my son’s s’mores pop tart this morning! :-)


My Dear is guilty of a sock problem too! I make fun of him all the time!


Isn’t that the best feeling when your parents work out? I love it! Your mom is so cute! It will keep them nice and healthy forever! :) Also – half of my running socks are mismatched. I feel like it gives them a little character when I wear one blue and one black one.


hahah omg 4 days till xmas!! im SO excited!! haha that advent calendar is awesome..i would do the same thing..hence we do not buy them bc i am a fatty.

im going to az for xmas on saturday…i cant wait!! its gonna be awesome running weather there!! (watch i prob just jinxed it)


Have fun on your vacation! Out of curiousity, what kind of schedule does the high school you teach at have? I’m a teacher too and I don’t have the chance to take as many getaways as you do, between teaching and lesson planning. How do you do it? (I hope this doesn’t come off as a rude comment–I’m simply curious and hoping for some tips!)


Not rude at all!!! Our school seems to have a lot of breaks and it is easy to get a sub! This is my third year teaching the exact same subjects so I just revamp my lesson plans a little bit each year. Added bonus there isn’t a lot of grading etc associated with drivers Ed and PE! What do you teach?


Wow, it looks like you dumped my sock drawer out on the floor. There is a 99% chance that my socks don’t match (I got a very strange look from the TSA agent on a recent trip to mexico). I started buying the same brand of socks, in hopes that I would have more chances for matches. Even still, the color, the style and the cut are never exactly the same. I am thinking of going for those three packs where the socks coordinate, but to not match…


I remember following my mom around at the gym as a young girl. Once I got yelled at by a staff member for trying out some of the machinery when I was clearly way too young to use it. But I think going to the gym at a young age made me think working out was normal and expected.

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