A new workout goal

I am truly sorry if my awesome picture taking skills make you jealous of my photography talent.


Why I chose to do my workout in the dark, I do not know?  It was kind of fun though.  I just hope my downstairs neighbors don’t hate me after all of those mountain climbers.  I personally would love to hear the people above us pounding on the floor early in the morning for 1 minute intervals but I don’t know if they do.

Here is the dealio:

1.  I am finding it harder and harder each morning to go out into the cold and drive to the gym for a workout.   I love getting up the mornings that I know I have a treadmill run at HOME but it has been really hard every other morning to attempt going outside and freezing my buns off at 5 a.m.

2.  The elliptical is boring.  I want something challenging and different.

2a.  I am sick of doing an hour on the elliptical/stair machine etc.  I want a quick, effective workout on the days that I am not running.

3.  Muscles are awesome.  I am in desperate need of them and people don’t mess with muscular people, okay that is a lie but the muscles will help me run away from them faster.

4.  I miss Jillian.  Why did she leave the Biggest Loser?

My new goal for the next few weeks before my marathon training cycle begins is to do 30 Day Shred every other day.  It is 4 steps from my bed, it is a killer workout (I am already sore), it allows me to get ready at home (the gym showers are lame) and I am sure Jillian’s calming voice helps Billy to sleep a whole lot better in the morning;)

Jillina yelling wk1


30 Day Shred Format:


3 minutes strength

1 minute abs

2 minutes cardio

Repeat 3 times with different moves each time


This morning was great.  I woke up at 6:35, did a 2-mile warm-up jog on the treadmill, 30 Day Shred, showered/washed my hair and made it to school by 7:45.  If that isn’t awesome time management skills, i don’t know what is.

Only problem:  Wet hair all day long= freezing cold.  Since I am an optimist:  Freezing cold = a cup of hot chocolate every hour.


In other really important news:

Have you tried this gum?  Delicious.

Photo copy


Are you a gum chewer?  What is your favorite flavor/brand of gum?

Have you ever done 30 Day Shred?  Did you like it?  What are your favorite workout videos?

Have you been bored with your workouts lately?  What things are you doing to challenge yourself now?

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I have been exactly the same way! I haven’t been to the gym since we moved and I can now run on my treadmill any time I want. But I have only been running and not doing any other exercise, so I need to follow your example! I have the 30 day shred and like it…I also have J. Michael’s No More Trouble Zones, and 6-Week 6 Pack. I love the No More Trouble Zones one. I have a bunch of other workout videos to that I got to do when I didn’t have a gym pass. I have so many options, but all I ever want to do now is run on my treadmill! :)


Extra also makes mint chocolate chip ice cream and apple pie gum..just sayen.. :)


The mint chocolate chip ice cream flavor is my favorite! So good.


I LOVE the apple pie gum! SO good!


I love the 30 Day Shred. I never knew a workout video kick my butt that badly! I also like the Six Week Six Pack of Jillian’s.


I love love love the Bob Harper series of DVDs – well one of them anyways. I used to do his stregnth workout once a week. It’s an hour long of INTENSE sweating and SCREAMING because it’s wicked awesome.


Try a workout from gppfitness.com. I go there everyday and LOVE it! the workouts are quick and rough!! Tuesdays are strength training days but try the one from yesterday.. PHEW!http://www.gppfitness.com/home/2011/12/12/dalton.html


Just tried that gum, and love it! Also I just tried the 30 day shred and loved that too! :D


I have most of Jillian Michael’d DVD’s. I like to do level 1 &2 of 30 Day Shred back to back. I also like her No More Trouble Zones and Bansih Fat Boost Metabolism. The latter was a good cardio one for when I am at home. However, since you are basically jumping for 45 minutes and I have a stress fracture above my ankle, I have not been able to do it. I pretty much have only been doing the stair climber and elliptcal for several weeks to get my cardio in…no running…and like you said, boy does it get old.

I also really like Jackie Warner’s Extreme Timesaver and her Power Circuit Training.

I miss Jillian on BL. I like Dolvett, but I gotta admit, I am quite glad they gave Anna the boot. Not like I didn;t see that coming….


I’m a boredom eater so I chew gum when I get the urge to snack on something. It’s not a great alternative, but I haven’t found another way to stop from snacking.


I chew way too much gum! I love the apple pie gum of Dessert Delights! It just finally made its way up to Canada :)
30 Day Shred is my favorite! I just got to level 3, and it is my favorite of all levels… weird. I do it once a week and yes it is a killer.


i love your new workout goal! i’m a huge fan of strength training, circuit style workouts, AND jillian. i have a few of her workout DVDs, and i love them all. my favorite is her “burn fat, boost metabolism” one. it’s only one 45 min workout, but it’s awesome. you’re right, her workouts kick your boo-tay! the 30 day shred is a great way to get in an awesome workout in a short amount of time – i’m all about being efficient with time.


I’ve never done the 30 day shred….or any exercise video for that matter! Maybe its time? I feel ya on no motivation to get out in the cold for the gym…I’ll totally run in the cold but walking to my car? ugh, no, can’t do it. YES to the hot cocoa though!! every day! :-D And the gum…I no longer chew gum but if I did, those dessert flavors would be right up my ally!


Not a gum person, but I probably eat enough Sour Patch Kids to make up for it. The 30 Day Shred rocks! Jillian means business. I have had a lot of trouble getting up for my morning runs. It’s now officially freezing out and my motivation is waning. I have the 30 Day Shred lying around somewhere. Maybe I should dig it out one morning instead…


One word. Pilates. I used to think I had a strong core, but MAN did that prove me wrong!!! I did one session every week for three weeks and noticed a maaaajor difference in my abs. Since school is about to be out for winter break, though, (and I lose my gym access…*sniffle*) I am going to get a DVD!


That looks like the warm up of level 3 if I’m not mistaken ;) Just did it yesterday as my workout :) LOVE that DVD. My arms are hurting today!


Janae, I totally hear you about waking up and going outside in the freezing cold. Good choice on sticking to working out/getting ready at home!
I love the 30 day shred. I don’t have it but my Mom does so I do it when I’m at my parents. Awesome workout! I also like yoga meltdown, working out on my TRX and some of the workouts from Bodyrock.tv. Quick and easy to do at home.
You miss Jillian on TBL…. but don’t you just love Dolvett?!


My sister and I started to do 30 day shred but she accidentally sent it to Sweden in a book she sold on eBay…and that was the end of that!!


I LOVE JILLIAN! It made my life when she tweeted at me :)

Back on track-I have 4 of her DVDs and I’m currently reading making the cut-You’re going to be shredded in no time and have fun while you do it:)

Also-do you have cable w/ on demand? Fitness TV is free on demand and it has a bunch of great video workouts from yoga and cardio to circuits and weight training. The only sad thing is that it’s going off the air on 12/31 :( Try it out while you can!


I love gum and I love 30 day Shred :) I am getting bored on the elliptical lately. I love my run days :)


Personally my favorite gum is Trident the pink bubble gum flavor. Love The 30 Day Shred. I challenged myself to do it for 30 days straight and blogged about it and took before and after pics every 10 days. She kicked my butt! I like to do that workout when I don’t have a lot of time or sometimes before a run to get ny muscles warmed up.


I’m not a huge gum chewer except at church (my kids freak out if I don’t have the church mints/gum on me).
Never done the 30 day shred.
I don’t get bored with my work-outs. I mix my classes up and now that my running workouts are so much fun, I am loving life. I seriously can’t wait to get to the gym in the mornings. I just hope the feeling lasts.


I have tried to finish the 30 Day Shred for over a year now! I get 7 days in on Level 1 and fall off the wagon. Its a great workout though! I too miss Jillian!


I am jealous of your photography skills, teach me??
I would be in HEAVEN if I had a treadmill in my house. But my apartment complex does have a mini gym literally 5 feet from my apartment with 2 TVs, so I guess I can’t complain.
I am addicted to gum. I buy the same kind every time in the 3 packs and go through a pack in less than a week. Maybe a couple of days. I get 5 brand, soltice flavor. It lasts so long!
I’ve never done 30 day shred but heard such great things about it!
I’ve been kind of bored too. On my off days from running, I just do the elliptical and strength,


I totally miss Jillian!!! I’ve never done the shred but it looks great!! I honestly don’t chew gum. I hate the elliptical!


I miss Jillian on the BL too! Tonight is the finale!! Who do you think will win??

I am trying to build muscle as well… I’m trying to actually do P90X for longer than 1 week this time to see if I get lean/cut and muscular… we’ll find out if it works when I no longer have to tell students to stop passing notes during class… they just know not to mess with me because of my huge muscular arms… ;) hehe…
I chew gum when I workout only… and I always chew Wrigley 5 “rain” lol… don’t know why, but i have to have that gum! :)


My 4th child flares his nostrils all the time, and I call him Jillian when he does … true story. We are getting ready to see the big finale of BL right now. Will I watch the 2nd hour after my kidlings go to bed tonight at 9? Why, yes, I will, but I won’t tell them who won.


I miss Jillian too. It’s just not the same. And my favorite gum is the Extra Desserts Apple Pie. YUM!


I miss Jillian too!! Having said that though, I am soooo psyched for the Biggest Loser finale tonight :) It won’t be the same without her there though, as it has not been all season!
And I love the Shred! I actually use it in my dorm room here at school when I can’t get to the gym… the people below me must wonder what the heck I am doing in my room haha


Look up Tabata intervals on youtube. You need zero equipment (except for a clock with a second hand or a tabata timer you can upload to your phone for free), and you are done in about 15-20 minutes!

You pick four moves (I like burpees, prisoner squats, mountain climbers and push-ups, but you can use whatever you like).

Using my moves as an example, you do as many burpees as you can for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. You repeat that 7 more times for a total of 8 sets. Immediately after the last 10 second rest, move to prisoner squats. 8 rounds of that, move to the next exercise and so forth.

You will be winded and tired and sweaty, but it’s an awesome and super hard workout!


Yes and yes! First of all I love that gum, but have you tried the other flavors? Mint chocolate chip and orange creamsicle?! They are a-mazing.


I love the 30 day Shred, but I love Jillian’s Ripped in 30 even more. It’s killer! When I got to Level 4, I felt like my lungs were going to explode sometimes. Such an awesome feeling!

I miss her on BL too. Dolvett and Anna just can’t take her place. Ever.


Seriously, Jillian MADE the show!


I love Jillian. She kicks my ass for every workout I choose to do with her. I always feel like I got a pretty good workout!


have you ever tried the website bodyrock.tv? it’s a home workout revolution :) lots of different exercises and different types of workouts.. they are very efficient and most of them only take 15-30 mins! not only that, but they will kick your ass for sure!


My favorite Jillian dvd is Ripped in 30. It’s amazing & a nice quick butt kickin workout.


LOVE the 30 Day Shred…and guess what, 30 Day Ripped is even better/tougher! I’ve done the 30 Days Shred twice now and the 30 Day Ripped once. It resulted in me being in about the best shape I’ve EVER been in! Jillian totally rocks and TBL isn’t the same without her. I never imagined I could get such results from a DVD!


I always chew the green Orbits but will have to try that Extra gum when I see it! yum


oh good! you and me both! we need this accountability. 2-3x a week we must lift! i like that idea.


BL will never be the same!!! I am so glad someone else is ok with home exercise dvds! I started doing 30 day shred almost exactly 2 years ago and have stuck with Jillian and running ever since!! She is the BEST! If you want another fast and effective dvd, Ripped in 30 is even better than 30 day shred in my humble opinion and has 4 levels. Its less than $10 on Amazon right now! Thats less than $3 a workout!!!

I lift 3 mornings a week (various dvds) and run 3 days a week. But with winter setting in, I need to find an indoor running option. No gyms around here.


LOVE 30 Day Shred! I also like Jillian’s No More Trouble Zones – I did that one today.

I have no clue how you get ready so quickly in the morning. I have to get up at 5am if I want any chance of getting in about 35 min of working out and leaving by 7:10.


I love the 30 Day Shred! I did it this morning too! I also love gum ,and I have tried that kind. Trident is my favorite though. Your new workout plan sounds awesome.


I am sooo not a gum-chewer. But I am an Altoid-sucker. :-)

I haven’t triedthe 30-day Shred, but I do have a Biggest Loser workout DVD and that thing is LEGIT.


I went through the 30 day shred and have done the Ripped in 30. Both are great – i love the short workouts!! Lately I’ve been rotating back and forth between the level 3 shred and wk 4 of ripped. I’m still waiting for the ripped shredded look to appear!! :)


you might like bodyrock.tv – super short, intense, free workouts online. i don’t have enough willpower to work out at home. tried p90x once and lasted three minutes (ok three seconds) before looking at the hubs and saying “soooo you wanna sit on the couch and watch tv?” do you have a core power yoga by you? they have a yoga sculpt class that is a total misnomer because it is NOT yoga, it is more like bootcamp from hell and i am obsessed. plus, it is heated to 100 degrees so that would take care of your feeling cold problem!

i chew gum like a o.c.d. chain smoker smokes cigs. it’s bad….


I really like Jillian’s Shred, it’s an awesome workout! You will do great! I miss Jillian on Biggest Loser too, it’s just not the same!


I love Jillian’s DVD’s. I do them on my non-running days. And I HATE lifting weights, so Jillian is a great way to solve that problem!


Trident Layers is where it’s at….cherry lime!! Amazing.

Good for you, if I were still in Utah, I’d for sure make it easy on myself in the winter by doing whatever works. 30 Day Shred?? Never tried it but I love Jillian’s Yoga Meltdown.

I don’t really miss Jillian on B.L. I Love the new guy…he’s hot, sweet and his body is crazy! He’s also done a great job at training John (is that his name?) I’m all ready to watch it. I just went out and bought an antenna (since we got rid of our dish), just so we can watch the B.L. finale. :)


I haven’t ever done 30 day shred, but I’ve heard so much about it I’m dying to try it (though I’m sure I’ll curse it 5 minutes into it).

I’m terrible at strength training too. I often use the P90X core synergystics video because it gets a little bit of everything but I’ve done it so many times that I go insane listing to Tony tell the same jokes that weren’t funny the first time. P90X 2 is out so I might track down the core video from that to switch out with the current one.


I too am very, very sad that Jillian is gone. The show sorta sucked this season. Although I am watching the finale right now…


I had to stop chewing gum because the sorbitol in it did not agree with my stomach! And I LOVE Jillian’s 30 day shred! Why DID she leave BL??? It’s not the same without her.


Thanks for your sweet comment on my marathon post, Janae!!!!

I am a huge gum chewer, especially at work because I don’t want to breathe anything but minty freshness in everyone’s face haha. Don’t have a favorite brand, but I do like the kind that comes in the little pop out things because it’s easier to keep in my pocket at work without falling out and getting dirty!


that same gum has an apple pie flavor! SO GOOD!

30 Day Shred rocks my world. i did it over the summer but never made it past level 1… now about 3-4 times a week ive been doing level 1 ANd level 2 back to back!

i am NOT an elliptical person and never will be, but i was getting bored with just running and shredding, so i started spinning 2 weeks ago… love ittttt! :)


I mostly chew cinnamon gum.
The only fitness DVD I do is Yoga for Athletes, which I actually like quite a bit.
I have been so-so bored. Or maybe just tired. I have a new trainer and his workouts seem to be quite different from the last. So that should help.

The Kidless Kronicles


I really like Jackie Warner’s videos. She uses moves that works a lot of muscles at once.


I miss Jillian too, I am watching BL and as the trainers came out, I realized AGAIN how much I miss her.


I have been bored with my workouts lately. I don’t know what winter is doing to me! I’ve been doing the 30 Day Shred occasionally to mix up my routine..it is tough!


I love that gum! But I prefer the other flavors a little more- you have to try the mint chocolate chip kind. It smells (and tastes!) so amazing.

I’d love to try that workout, sounds great!


Love the idea of shred – I always thought about it! Perhaps I will consider trying it out! It’s sooo hard to stay on track this time of year, I’ve decided to just enjoy it run as much as I can fit in and then take on 2012 with fury!!


I love gum. 5 gum is my favorite- I love the Cobalt flavor and whatever the spearmint is called. The flavor lasts FOREVER. The mint helps squelch my sweet tooth too. Yay Jilliam. Lauren (A Duck on the Run) and I are going to rocking her Ripped in 30 DVD for the whole month of January. Also meaning we probably won’t be able to walk for the whole month of January. I think your new plan is solid! Rock it!


I would love some ideas of some workout videos to do at home. Send them my way :) I am suppose to get up for the gym at 5:15 in the morning. I just don’t feel that happening. I can use my treadmill later in the morning. Sweet dreams :)


Gum addict!!! I am a mint gm person all the way though. I am totally trying Jillian’s 30 day Shred. I need something to mix it up too.


I really love Jillian’s DVDs, too. 30 day shred and No More Trouble Zones are my favorites. I’d just pay close attention to how you feel with that DVD … I was doing it while training for a race, too and hurt my knee pretty badly with all the lunges and squats. Just be mindful!! :)


ohhh jillian kicks some serious booty. i just finished ripped in 30 and it was awesome!! i love it..i mean, i hate it..but i love it.


I must have gum when I’m working out, but that’s really the only time I chew it. I love the Extra dessert delights gum! It’s so delicious! I usually chew FIVE gum – either Cobalt or the cinnamon kind.

I have all of the JM dvds, and I love them! I’ve been doing a lot of Tone It Up workouts lately.

YES – I am sick of some of my workouts! Today I started doing some POP Pilates, and I’ve been adding in Tone It Up workouts along with hitting the weights HARD at the gym (I am so sore right now!).

Have a fabulous night!


I did the 30-day shred…well, I never made it all the way to 30 days. I liked the workout for awhile, but then I got kinda bored with it and didn’t see the results I wanted. I guess, that could also be that I didn’t finish the 30 days altogether to see what would happen.

I started doing workouts from bodyrock.tv and they’re amazing!! You should check it out. Workouts that you can do from home, super killer, but short and to the point. Great stuff, I am seeing results!

I love that strawberry short cake flavor of gum! I also love the chocolate mint one. Sometimes I chew it to make myself think I ate dessert so I dont go stuff my face with something else. Usually doesn’t work, but it might hold off my sweet tooth for a little bit =)


That is one attractive picture of Jillian haha! I have been intrigued by her Shred program and am more motivated to try it now…perhaps in the new year! And oh how I envy you for having a treadmill at home…SO convenient!


6:35 is such a reasonable time to wake up! Seems like a perfect workout for a couple mornings per week. I love the Jillian videos, haven’t done one since the summer. I chew gum, either when I’m stressed at work or when I’m running (not racing though). I don’t like the dessert flavors…or fruit flavors…mint only! I like Extra peppermint and spearmint. And bubblegum. There you have it!

p.s. obviously, we are running CIM together next year. The countdown begins…51 weeks to go!!!!


Love 30 Day Shred! I’ll be honest… I really can’t stand Jillian Michaels most of the time. So I do the workout to spite her, as if she was actually next to me being sassy and I just keep showing her up with my awesome fitness skills. Is that weird?

I’m a workout DVD junkie. I love The Firm videos – it’s really motivating to see those gorgeous women up on the screen. I want my butt to look like that! I also must admit I am a Beachbody girl… I did P90X last summer and loved it, though I find it a bit tedious now. TurboFire is my crack. I HIGHLY recommend it. I absolutely love it! Total rut buster.


I LOVE gum! The mint chocolate chip ice cream flavor is my fave. Unfortunately I can only chew it like 5 min at a time…weird gag reflex. Sadness. At least I can chew it long enough to get the yummy flavor out!


jillian slightly scares me…haha!!

when i get bored with my workouts i play around with different intervals to help the time pass…especially on the elliptical because it is so boring! time goes by faster when i’m breaking it down like that…but i swear the recovery minutes are somehow mis-clocked…those seconds seem to fly by much faster than normal! ;)


Which level are you doing? Try level 3 if you haven’t already – plyo lunges and rock star jumps = nicely sore quads!

I love Jillian, and her DVDs – others tend to be too easy. Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones are great. But the best of all = Six Week Six Pack, both levels with a 5kg dumbell. Oh yes :D



I am right there with you. I still can’t run so I am banished to the elliptical and it SUCKS!

I have 30 day shred at home and have not tried it, not even once… maybe that will be my new year’s resolution.


that gum is delicious!!!

and i am right there with not wanting to leave in the cold for the gym. i’m not at all the work-out-er that you are, but i have workout dvds, too! it feels silly, and kind of circa 1985, but they’re awesome. i have an intense pilates one, some funny mtv yoga, and a bellydancing workout dvd. hilarious. and soooo good when i’m tired of the gym.


Kristen….I want to try out your mtv yoga and bellydancing dvd’s…those sound like a blast. Hope you are having a great day!


Muscles ARE awesome.

I’m having a hard time doing any kind of workouts if it means going outside in the dark and cold. I’m not bored of the treadmill yet, though.

I rarely chew gum. I used to all the time, but I don’t know what changed.


i’m completely obsessed w/ gum…orbit sweet mint and stride sweet peppermint are my favorite. i’m always conscious about my breath, but i love the action of chewing and popping. and it helps me not think about eating sweets AS much.
love jillian! but havent done her dvds…
i switch it up w/ classes…athletic conditioning, spin, and my own thing on the elliptical or treadmill, outdoor runs. i try to do something different every day; keeps it interested, and (kinda) prevent injuries.


Last week I was at the gym and the girl next to me was chewing that gum and it smelled so good! Like dessert!!!
I love Jillian’s workout dvds. They kick your butt!
I changed up my treadmill routine last night. I ran and at each 5 min interval I increased the incline 1% and then back down again for 3 miles. It was such a good work out! I didn’t bored at all!


I alternate Jillian videos with running- keeps me from getting bored. Just did 30 Day Shred last night- oh my I had forgotten how hard it was…..


I KNOW…isn’t it crazy how hard it is and yet it is so short too!


I had a workout #fail this morning – set the alarm for 6:20, woke up and looked outside – dark and cold – realized I would be running solo, and put the alarm back to 7:10 and went back to bed….I am now going to try to muster energy to run on the TM at the gym after work :(

I am a gum addict though, and I am addicted to Orbit Wintermint – I have tried the other flavored kinds and they just dont cut it for me texture wise and length of flavor wise….


I’ve heard so much about the shred. I’ve been wanting to try it! anxious to see how you like it after 30 days. :)


Im actually doing the shred right now! I have a little schedule typed up! Im doing two levels each day to get the whole 30 workouts in in 15 days! Its an awesome workout! In 1 hour I’ll be doing Level 2, times 2!!!!


WOW!! Kristi, way to go…that is awesome!! Seriously, way too go!


I am a gum feign- aka have at least 3 packs in my purse at all times :P Am I embarrassed?! Heck no! And I don’t think my Dear or any of my friends are either since they always come to me for a piece… Never know if it’s a minty, cinnamony, or fruity kinda day!


Hey Janae, I love your blog. I ran track andn cross country in college so I love the running talk. I have been feeling the same way with the cold weather and with my very repetitive workouts. I started crossfit a couple of months ago and I LOVE IT. I was going to a cf gym, but it got pricey so I just do the workout of the day from crossfit.com and I feel awesome. I’m super sweaty, super sore and super awesome after. Have I confinced you yet? You should try it!! It’s the closest workout that I can find comparable to my collegiate training.

Best wishes!
Sallie in Texas!


Hey Sallie! I am so happy that you commented and that is awesome that you ran track AND cross country in COLLEGE! You have convinced me. I am off to check out cross fit.com, that sounds amazing. Thanks so much Sallie and keep in touch!


I love the shred! What level do you do? I haven’t done it in a while but I’m thinking about taking it with me when I go home for Christmas to avoid the usual weight gain… or at least to stall it.
Trident is where it’s at.


I am crazy bored already with the whole winter/not being able to get in a good workout outside/treadmill/other cardio alternatives thing. Never did the Shred, but it sounds interesting! Love the Shaun White Stride Gum – it’s so minty it makes my eyes water!


Your speaking my language girl! I’m so much more focused on keeping my workouts ever-changing and incorporating strength! Have you tried the mint-chocolate chip version of that gum?! So good! I like all their dessert flavors.


Download the Nike Training Center on your iPod. It has several workout intervals, from beginner to advanced, with toning, strength, cardio. They kick butt!

The elliptical and I are for sure seeing too much of each other these days.

And I love the Tridents… okay, I can’t think of the name of it, maybe citrus strawberry? Something like that. Anywho, it’s one of the “layers” ones, and it’s in a red and white package. It’s delicious. I rarely get gum because I chew it so fast. As soon as one stick loses flavor I’ll spit it out and pop another and I’ll have chewed an entire pack in a day.


1- I dont understand why Jullian left the biggest loser either??

2- Im actually chewing that gum at this very moment. Gum is my life haha.


I’m always so so sore after her DVDs and I can’t figure it out!! lol I can run… do weights.. do other DVDs but nothing else makes me as sore as Jillian does!


I agree! This is my new goal too.. Jillian kicks my butt! But it works… and yes, muscles are awesome. Ps: I buy that gum for my son, and somehow it ends up missing… hmmm. Love it!


love jillian! also, i just got some of bob harper’s new dvds and they are an awesome workout too–especially if you’re looking to get stronger! i highly recommend!!


I’ve been wanting to try 30 Day Shred, I love Jillian’s 6 Week 6 Pack. Especially the part where she says, “YOUR HEART SHOULD BE GARGLING IN YOUR THROAT!!!!!!!”


I love the Dessert Delights line! Apple Pie & Chocolate Mint are my favorite. They’re coming out with a root beer one next.


I really like Jillian’s Ripped in 30 for a quick strength session. I’m currently challenging myself to 3 strength/core sets per week, so I will be blogging with more ideas over the next couple of weeks. I like using some P90x or insanity DVDs from time to time too :) Happy Training!


I have been meaning to comment for a couple of days so here it is: 30 day shred is okay … You have to try No More Trouble Zones and Six Week Six Pack. Those two kick my tail every time. The hus likes to do No More Trouble Zones and we whine together about how mean Jillian is throw the whoe thing. I LOVE IT!

And dessert delights: YES. Key lime is delicious but apple pie a la mode is best.

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