We all know about my little obsession with Running Times Magazine and how I read it every night before bed to help me to have a night full of running related dreams.  Well, I found another interesting thing in the November issue that I wanted to talk about, let’s look at some stats.

Photo 1

Are more and more people’s minds not working correctly each year and thinking that it is fun to run 26.2 miles?

Photo 2

111 COUNTRIES….holy macaroni!

Look forward in the distant future to an article about me running the NYCM 80 years in a row (yes, I know that would put me running a marathon at 105 years old).

Photo 3

Girls…..look at us…..MORE THAN HALF of the road race finishers in 2010 are FEMALES.


WOW.  Running in general and running in RACES is really becoming a lot more popular every year! Obviously, I can see why….um hello….RUNNER’S HIGH, post-race food, sugary bevarages served along the course, using porta-potties, waking up when some people are going to bed and being surrounded by thousands (or hundreds or just a few) of other runner nerds totally justifies the big bucks we spend to enter races.




Why do you think running has become so popular over the years?  Do you think that a lot of people have always been running but now there are just MORE races and MORE people wanting to run in races?  What is making running so popular?

What is your cut off LIMIT for spending money on a race?   What race that you have done has been the most expensive?

What was the last magazine you read?

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I can’t believe I am the first person to respond to this. And I am sure others might thing/feel differently than what I have to say.

I am not sure “running” has become more popular. I think races have. It is not a criticism. I see large groups of people, women mostly, walking races of all different lengths.

The last magazine I read was Runners World. My race fee limit is probably whatever I paid for the RnR Vegas last year. It has become ridiculous and I would rather support smaller, local races with my dollars.

The Kidless Kronicles


NICOLE!! I think you are right, it is so great to have everyone out there with all of the crowds cheering for the SAME team…..the participants of the race. RnR’s really are out of control now!


I think more & more people are seeing all of the benefits of running- not only is it great for your body, but also it gives you FREE time- just time to yourself to run & be alone in your thoughts. Honestly it keeps me sane…sometimes I just HAVE to run to get out any frustration or built up anger. Once I’m done running I feel great again! :)


HEY YOU!!! I think people are like you and realize that there aren’t only physical benefits to running but all of the amazing MENTAL benefits that go along with running. LOVE YOU!


Love you too!!:)


Wow, I love these stats. I love that running has become such a nationwide phenomenon. Our country needs people to live healthy lifestyles these days and running is such a great medium to promote that. I know that my family spectating at my races have encouraged them to train for their own race and lead a better lifestyle. That’s what it’s all about. :)
More power to the ladies! I love overtaking the boys!


You are so right!! Way to encourage your family to run…that is awesome Britt!


Part of it may be due to social media. I know that since I’ve been documenting my running experiences on facebook and through my blog, I’ve had several friends say that they want to start running. They’ve seen what I’m doing and it motivates them to do something similar (which is pretty cool!). :)


Kristen….I didn’t even think about that, you are so right! Way to inspire others girl!


I have no idea why running has become so popular. Maybe it’s because it doesn’t require much hand eye coordination, which is why it’s my exercise of choice.
Last magazine – Runners’ World.
Most expensive race – the Goofy Challenge in Disneyworld this January. I usually try to choose races that benefit a good cause, though.
By the way, I have been ogling the Top of Utah Marathon for 2012…. :)


PRETTY PLEASE with sugar on top do top of utah…it is incredible and you will love it. I want to do the Goofy Challenge so bad…I better hear all about it!


That was like super exciting. GO GIRLS!!!!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I have no clue what my limit is because I haven’t run any longer races and I know those will be more expensive. I don’t like spending a ridiculous amount on little 5ks and 10ks though.


I’m not surprised that there are more females cause we are just tougher, its the same with crossfit, or so it seems like and I’ve heard. Guys can’t take the pain haha! I read Self magazine last… its not my favorite but it was ok. They didn’t have Fitness which I like better.


I think running has become more mainstream in recent years thanks, in part, to the Running Room clinics and Couch to 5k running making it something people from all backgrounds now realize is a possibility for them too, not just elite athletes! For a lot of people (myself included) even the marathon went from an “I wish” to an “I will” which is amazing! Also as people shift toward healthier lifestyles to combat disease, running has taking on a whole new meaning and purpose for once sedentary people.


wow those stats are insaneeee. I think running has become increasingly popular because it is such a healthy way to exercise and set goals for yourself without needing to necessarily invest in a gym membership! I love when I get into a running streak, or completely a long (or what’s long for me) run because I feel so good and accomplished!


I think that a lot of the increase in popularity is that it’s more accessible than ever. I mean it’s totally realistic for someone like me, who may not be in the best shape of her life to train and rock a half marathon (or full!). I feel like now that it’s not just elite super in shape people, but moms and friends, women are realizing that they have the ability to run marathons without being the “stereotypical runner.”

Also, I totally had a running dream last night, and they are becoming more and more frequent for me! I have these dreams that I am just running and having fun and doing crazy distances. I think my subconscious is doing it’s part to try to alleviate my stress about my upcoming half.


I remember when I started running races 9 years ago I almost always placed…because there was usually 10 people in my age group! lol. I have read a lot in running magazines about the boom and have pondered the same thoughts myself. Why has it become so popular? I think a lot of it is because it is easy to start – not a lot of investment besides shoes (unlike cycling) and because it delivers great results. Seriously. Nothing has helped me lose weight faster after my babies than running. Also, I think part of the reason is social media and people like to have bragging rights. Come on now. I know people have seen the positive response somone gets when they announce they ran their first race and they want to have that encouragement and praise too, right?! Nothing wrong with that, I suppose ;)

I think the most I have spent on a race is $100. Triathlons and relay races are expensive!

Rocky Mountain Running and Triathlon was the last one I read.


Go women!!! The most I’ve ever spent on a race was the Nike Women’s Marathon… but I got a Tiffany necklace so I’m pretty okay with that!!! The last magazine I read was Runner’s World. I love it.


I think Nicole is partly right. I run slower so I position myself out of the way of you speed demons at the beginning of races & I DO see hordes of women walking in groups. I think it’s fine. Whatever motivates you to get out there and MOVE!

As for high school XC …. Best group of kids ever! (can you tell I’m an XC Mum?) ;)
We go to one meet every fall that is huge…this year over 7000 runners! And they are all super fast! Seriously, as we switch to the indoor track season, my son is striving to beat a 5 minute mile so that he will have a chance of making varsity XC next fall……that’s a lot of competition in a town of about 9000! these kids are impressive!



Running is like crack, not that I would know, but you know what I mean. There is nothing like the endorphin high. I honestly think there is less crime because people run. It keeps me sane. I am trying to catch up on 5 months worth of RW. Most expensive entry fee- Disney Marathon.


don’t forget… the population is also skyrocketing. so maybe there isn’t an increased interest, just an increased number of people to run!


Do you think the stats include races like “Race for the Cure” and other races geared towards major causes? I think races are more popular now partly because of those types of races especially with women. Think about it, you walk a 5k with you gal pals to support breast cancer (or whichever cause), you have a lot of fun, decide to walk your local 5k, see runners and get inspired, decide next year to run it. Then you taste the kool-aid and a marathoner is born.


I think racing has become so popular because it’s open to anyone. Even if you aren’t fast and have to walk some of it, people are welcomed to participate because I think in America people are trying to promote healthy living for everyone.


I keep hearing about how popular running’s become and I’ve definitely pondered why…I think it’s partly a word of mouth thing, like one of your friends who’s a relatively normal person ran a marathon and survived so you could probably do it too, also the technology surrounding the sport has really taken off – especially shoe varieties & watches/garmins, and with all the weird fitness crazes that we’ve endured over the past decades…running is just so dang simple! One step in front of the other. Anyway it thrills me because then I get more delightful running friends! :)


I remember the first few races I did back in the day you would have a few hundred, now it is a few thousand.It is the same with the sport of triathlon. I love it! Yeah, People!
I used to have a limit but races keep getting more and more expensive, so my limit keeps adjusting.;-) Triathlons are cray expensive, my half Ironman was $250 and I thought I was gonna have to sell a kidney. If I do the full Ironman next year it will be $575. I think. I am trying to decide which child to sell. heehee


I could not have put it better myself! I love how running makes me feel and act! And yes- seeing the people in the a.m. is the best when they obviously have been up all night! I love being a running nerd- those are the best kind of nerds in my opinion!
I ran a half marathon in Kiawah, SC- very expensive…but so beautiful and the perfect amount of people on the course. Only bad part is that it is a loop and if you run the whole marathon you run the loop FOUR times!
Sad to say- my last magazine was US Weekly :)


Go girls! I don’t know why there is an increase in marathons, but I do know I’m trying to run my first 10K sometime next year so maybe I’ve also caught the running bug :)


Hmm cut off, I’m not sure! My last magazine was Runners world!


I read that too and thought it was pretty cool! I think it is partly just the evolution of the sport. Is wasn’t really all that long ago that women did not even run marathons. I also think it allows people (who may not have had the opportunity) to be an athlete. Whether you played sports in school or not, no matter your age or what you look like, you can run forever! Congrats on your marathon!


i think its liberating! we are learning that we can get through anything we put our minds to! And with all the charities these days, it get even more PURPOSEFUL! woo!


Crazy crazy…I was going to blog about the same article and then totally forgot!

I think the marketing of running has changed! And now doing marathons are on some people’s bucket lists (which actually annoys me haha). I wonder if it will continue expanding or the next new exercise trend will be something totally different….like…rowing…or….karate? :)


I think running has become more popular because of all the new gadgets..like Nike+, Garmens, and definitely the iPOD…

Big fan of Women’s Health, Rachael Ray, and the Food Network….last magazines read were Oprah, and People.


I think people (me included!) are realizing how awesome running is and how great it makes you feel. Plus, races give you such a feeling of accomplishment. Unlike other sports, you “win” no matter what!
The last magazine I read was Running Times.
The most I have paid for a race is $300 for the 2012 Disney Goofy race. It will be my first BIG race. Love that Utah has so many local races that are cheaper, though!


Love racing and running in general. I mean, who wouldn’t want to run? ;-)


I don’t think I have a limit on race spending. I’ve only done 3 but typically spend between $65 – $80, depending on how early I register. I know it will get more expensive when I start traveling to races and having to stay in hotels.
I love that running is so popular. I think it resonates with so many people because you can do it no matter your age, you don’t have to have a team, and you are competing against yourself.
Last magazine – People. It’s a guilty pleasure.


I think you could totally run til you were 105. MAKE IT HAPPEN!


It would be totally awesome to still be able to run a marathon at 105!

I think running has been popular for a long time, but that races have not always been widely available. I remember my parents always running, but never racing. I’m not sure what the most I would spend is, I guess it depends on the race. My most expensive one was Surf City, I would totally do it again. The last magazine I read was Clean Eating.


I believe that running races has become more popular – I watched the NYC marathon and was sooooo inspired I wanted to sign up for my own and i’ve never ran more than 6 miles… and I signed up!


Great post! It’s encouraging to hear about so many more people racing today than in years past. Good stuff!!


Do you think races will just continue to go up in price like concerts? Crap, when I was young concerts were $20-$30. If so, I’m out! :)



i think running has become so popular because it is so accessible! all you need is a pair of shoes… no equipment necessary. not to mention, with how pricey yoga, pilates, body pump, etc. classes are, the fact that running is free is a definite plus.

my cut off for a race depends on the distance, for a marathon i would say $150. anything less than a marathon, $100.

the last magazine i read was us weekly. classy!


I definitely agree with people who commented about social media. It has definitely encouraged me to run more when I see others’ results, and I’m finding that I get asked questions allll the time about running on facebook.

I read People.com every.single.day on my lunch break!


If anyone is going to be a marathon finisher at 105, it is going to be you girly!


Great stats- even if some people argue that races are too expensive, at least they make a positive difference to our health- plus who doesn’t wanna run with people cheering them on and screaming at them about how awesome they are…if only every run could be like that ;)


hmm I think its both! Running has become more popular, and now there are more races to accommodate it…I think in recent years a lot of it might have to do with the whole obesity thing – people are starting to become a lot more health conscious!

I haven’t run a full marathon yet, but the most I’ve paid for a half was $90. A little ridiculous, but I ran a HUGE pr in that race so its all good haha.

Good to know someone else reads Running Times/Runners World before bed too lol!


Agh, I think I need to establish a cut off for myself because I seem to be registering for more and more expensive races! The half ironman that I’m looking at for summer, 2012 is $250. OUCH!! (And even worse cause I KNOW I’m gonna pay it!)


I think more people are realizing that running isn’t something that is crazily unattainable to do. You CAN get off your couch and run a 5K if you put your mind to it. I think it’s great that running had become so much more popular!


KICKASSSSS. And it’s true, our brains just don’t work.


I think it has been a snowball effect, people see friends and family running and get involved too. I also think big companies like Nike have also played a role in popularizing the sport.
I am in grad school right now and don’t like to pay over $80 for a race, but once I’m working full time I think I’d pay whatever to run a race I really wanted to do.


Hi Janae,
I feel like I should admit that I am creepier. I read your posts, love them, and never comment but seeing a picture of you the other day made me think of something. I log a lot of miles running and was doing them outside. I had such bad shin splints I decided to run on a treadmill and can do so without any pain as long as I run at a slow pace. I am looking at setting some goals for myself and obviously slow won’t cut it nor will taking time off. I noticed you had something on your lower leg and it looked like a shin wrap. I know you have had a history of running related injuries. If that’s what it was I would really appreciate hearing your experience with it. Thank you.


HEY ROSA!! I am so happy that you commented! You are so nice. I am SO sorry about your shin splints…that does NOT sound fun at all! I completely understand wanting to set goals for yourself but injuries holding you back! Have you gone in to see your doctor? That is my first recommendation. Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between shin splints and a stress fracture in the tibia. It is important to figure out what it really is. During the summer I experienced shin splints and wrapped my legs in ice sleeves daily after my workout and it helped big time. I think the picture you are talking about what the cookie recipe one where I am sitting on the counter. That was just my sock….I cannot match my socks for the life of me. You should email me and we can talk more. Hoping you get better ASAP!


I know you have so many comments so thank you so much for replying to mine promptly. I know I should see my doctor but you know just as well as me that as a runner the last thing you want to hear is that you should take time off to heal! Sigh, we have it so tough don’t we:) You’re so kind to offer emailing you and I may take you up on it. Continue to keep posting pictures of you running as a piniata and wearing mismatched socks because the truth is, we can’t get enough of your craziness!:)


I totally understand, we NEVER want to hear the words that we should take time off. Thanks for your sweet words, you made my day! Hopefully your shins are feeling better!


i saw these stats too and i found it super interesting!! ya, that was until i started to feel more and more like the uncool kid trying to sneak into the popular kids’ lunchtable. i have yet to run a marathon.

i’d love to one day, BUT, not going to lie it does get irksome every time someone finds out i’m a runner and asks, “so do u run marathons?” then when i reply with a “no” they get that look like, “ohhh, that poor girl THINKS she’s a runner.”



HEY GIRL!! I tried to leave a comment on your blog but I think it went to spam…SAVE ME!


ACK!! i don’t know WHAT is up with my askimet as of late, i’m not a happy camper and i’m so sorry! thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and comment, i fished it outta SPAM. :)


Oddly enough I have noticed the same trend in my friends and acquaintences. Last year I noticed SO many people posting about 5ks, half marathons, marathons and I thought hey… if THESE people can do it, so can I! … and that started my training and addiction haha.

I think people are realizing that it is not just about super athletes who compete for the fastest times and bring home the prizes and glory – it is about every day Jack and Jane who just enjoy the sport and benefits it brings to body and mind – who decide to push themselves a little further than their normal recreational run.

Maybe it is annoying for “serious” runners who are there to kick out PRs and take the glory but honestly, races are 1/2 about us crazy runners getting a high and 1/2 about the charities we are supporting through our money – I say whether you are in the top 10 or walking at the back of the pack, get out there and do it!

As far as the expense… yikes… that does become a bit of an issue for me. I will pay around 65$ for a half marathon if I get a tech shirt and a medal and around 100$ for a marathon with the same benefits. Even tho it supports charity, I already do that on a monthly basis through my church so I can’t be giving out all our bill money on races :)


Ahhh, I loved learning about where you running addiction came from, that makes me so happy! You are so right about races being 1/2 about the charities that we are running for. LOVE your comment!


I ran the RnR Half in Providence and is was $85. Most Halfs in this area are about $50.
Lat night I read Running Times Dec issue.


I think it has become so popular because people need an outlet to their everyday stresses and then realize the benefits and how good they feel after a run… maybe? It’s also some “me time” which everyone needs once and awhile.

I find races to be EXPENSIVE. There was a 5km race a few months back that I wanted to run but couldn’t fathom spending $60 to register. Maybe I’m just cheap but I find that to be expensive to run for 20 something minutes.


Rumor has it someone may be in the November issure of the Running Times. You may want to check out the ad for the Cleveland Marathon in that Issue. It is a full page ad so I hope you didn’t miss me ;)


JESSICA!!! CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH!!! You look amazing and YOU ARE IN RUNNING TIMES….holy cow!!! I am about to frame the ad!


Honestly, I think that RUNNING has become more popular as the economy has gone down the tubes because it’s a relatively low “start-up” cost. Anyone can do it. RACES have also become more popular – for me, I like to run races because it gives me that competitive edge in my running that just going out for a jog on my own can’t give me.

The most expensive race I’ve signed up for is coming up in May – $67 for the RunForYourLives Zombie 5k Obstacle Course. Adventure/Obstacle Races are everywhere now. But damn, are they expensive!


I think running has always been a fun sport (especially for us uncoordinated people who cant really do anything else) but I think running is popular because its the least expensive (we dont really need all of our fancy clothes and gadgets) and racing has gotten popular because everyone can do it. AND you get a medal no matter how long it takes you. And running is just awesome. I always feel so much better mentally after a good run.

My cut off limit is probably 160. I think thats what I paid for RnR Las Vegas. Rock n Rolls are getting too pricey for me. I ran a marathon and an 8k this past weekend that I liked so much better than any RnR race and it cost so much less (for both races)!

Last magazine? Runner’s World of course!


Last Magazine I read was Women’s Health, but only after Runner’s World lol!

Running is super addicting, I could see why it would be so popular, it’s just the getting into it and committing that can be hard.

I think I have a lululemon obsession, it’s starting to get out of control lol!


Why is running gaining popularity? I think the poor economy might have something to do with it. (I’m sure with other factors). You want a cheap way to exercise? Put on some sneakers and head out the door. Really, what else do you need? I think walking has become more popular too. I have been at the same company for 16 years (gulp) and the number of people in my building has decreased, but the number of people I see walking at lunch (even in the morning before work now) has increased. I don’t have real data, just my observation.

I don’t know if I have a race entry limit. The most I paid was $90 for the first HALF I did. That’s because I registered so late.

Last Magazine: Runner’s World. I just subscribed!


Can I share these stats on my blog tomorrow? Also – I am SO jealous you went to fro-yo with Ash!! I miss you girls like crazy!!




I really want to do NYCM next year. I put my name on the list but I don’t understand the guaranteed vs. non-guaranteed runners. I want to be one of those female runners in November 2012!

I haven’t done too many really big races. I usually try to sign up early to get the price break ‘cuz I’m cheap like that.

I hardly ever read magazines. :( Last one was on my lunch break…random copy of US Weekly. I’m classy!


I saw all these stats in the issue too and was surprised by some of them. I knew running was becoming more popular but I guess I thought more people took up half-marathons than the full. Maybe people want to run it to say they can and cross it off their bucket list!

Regardless, it won’t make me feel any less accomplished when I cross the finish line of the Nasvhille marathon this April :)


I think running’s popularity is coming from people starting to realize how easy it is to invest in a pair of running shoes and get going. Plus, once people start it definitely gets easier and there’s a huge feeling of accomplishment every time you push yourself further. I know that helped me! Other sports require more time and money to get started, so running is pretty low-maintenance. :)


Running is amazing and I would encourage anyone to do it!


Two things: 1) While I do believe running has become more popular… we also have had an overall population increase, so presenting the data this way is slightly skewed. 2)Part of why “running” is more popular is because of things like C25K and idea that it’s still running when you complete a 15 min mile. I also the popularity of show like the Biggest Loser are helping push the sport by showing us non-typical-runner type bodies competing.

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