The LULU Winner and It’s About Time……….

The winner of the Soyjoy Lululemon gift card is……

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EMAIL ME and I will get you your gift card!


I have a very proud announcement. This accomplishment felt just as good as my last running personal record.

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I beat Billy for the first time ever at ping pong.  He said he was even playing his 100% best effort against me.  I guess I should mention the fact that he was playing left handed (he is right handed), but that doesn’t matter…I have never even beat him left handed before.  Even though yesterday was my ‘rest day’ from working out, I got a pretty killer workout from table tennis, that sweater hid the sweat quite nicely.  Maybe tennis table aerobics will be the next biggest rage at a gym near you.

On a random note: My niece just walks around with this tip jar.  How could you turn that down?  She offers to give a FREE foot massage and then whips this baby out with her puppy dog eyes.

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For dinner we had bbq pork chops, mashed potatoes and green beans.  Billy was busy showing the kids how to type words into the computer and having the computer repeat it back.  I am always the first one through the line and half way done with my food before billy even notices it is dinner time.

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The real star of dinner was:

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My sis made the healthiest of all the biscuits ever invented;)   Recipe from HERE!

2 cups Bisquick mix

1/2 cup sour cream

1/2 cup 7up

1/4 cup melted butter

450 degrees for about 10 minutes.

They were the fluffiest biscuits I have ever had.  I would gladly trade my pillow in for one of those.

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And for dessert we had THESE cookies from Friday night.   Whenever my niece gets home we find a trail of her clothing leading to her princess clothes chest.  It is the first thing she does and it only takes her about 25 seconds to change back into her princess identity.

PS I don’t even have to ask her to do the biggest smile ever when I bring out the camera, she now knows to grin with whatever food she has as soon as the camera is brought out.  I am a very good influence on these children.


It is an elliptical/bike/stairclimber kind of a morning for me.  Still being super careful to include plenty of rest and cross-training days in between runs.  My doctor would be proud.


What vegetable did you HATE when you were growing up?  Were you a picky eater?

-My niece did not want to eat the green beans last night!  I was most definitely not a picky eater!

To go along with what Mel feels comfortable wearing to the gym……do you like the workout shorts with the built in underwear?

-Yep, I sure do.

What is one healthy goal that you are setting for yourself this week?

-Continue with my weight lifting!  For the last two weeks, I have gone twice a week….gotta stick with it this week too even though we will be out of town.

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Your niece is so stinking cute! I love the tip jar, totally sounds like something my sister and I would have tried when we were growing up. :)
I hated spinach and tomatoes when I was a kid. I can’t imagine not liking them now!


Thanks Britt. I think we should still do tip jars:) I hated tomatoes too! I wouldn’t go near them and now I can eat them like apples!


Woohoo for winning in ping pong! I bet that was a workout. I do like the shorts with the little underwear in it. I liked veggies when I was younger, but maybe not as much as I do now. Happy Monday! :)


I did not like mushrooms or onions as a kid… now I love them… especially caramelized onions. Drool.

One goal for this week… get out and MOVE my body at least 3x this week. For me this doesn’t mean running 5 miles or anything like that but just overall getting outdoors and being active. :)

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!


Nice job on ping pong! I’m horrible at that game.
The only veggie I wasn’t a fan of as a kid was peas and I’d still eat them, just wasn’t excited about it. There weren’t and still aren’t many foods I won’t eat ;)


One healthy goal? Get at least 7 hours of sleep. My body needs 10, but I’ll compromise with the kids and try to get 7.


Lindsay, you’ve GOT THIS!!! Do whatever it takes to get those 7 hours!


I notice the old cookware in the pic–my mom uses the SAME! i think it is like 30 years old–the dish holding the green beans! HA!


BAHAHAH Yep, same stuff and probably also around 30 years old ha!


CUTE niece!!!

My healthy goal is to kick it up a notch in the fitness department–I need to switch things up. WOOT :)


You’ve got this girl….have fun trying out some new workouts this week!


I actually loved veggies when I was a kid! I wasnt fond of tomatos, but those are a fruit! Haha :)


I always forget that they are a fruit, I hated them as a kid but now I can’t get enough!


health goal…continue with my lifting schedule even over the holidays!
um i was the PICKIEST eater everrr i only ate plain pasta with butter…rice and butter….really any carb + butter. oh and hot dogs. Funny how i am now lactose intolerant and do not eat meat besides fish!
have a great week girl<333


I KNOW you will keep up your lifting schedule because you are HARD CORE!! BAHAHA my how your food preferences have changed!


I wasn’t a picky eater at all and ate anything, my Mom was lucky with me ;)
I do like shorts with underwear too!
Goals for this week – drink lots of water, and keep the sweets far away since Friday we are going to a dessert night and I will make up for it!


i love built in underwear in shorts and skirts, one less thing to worry about. and you dont have to worry about forgetting to pack them, score!


Well done for defeating the Billster! My healthy goal for this week is to be in tune with my hunger signals and not just eat for the heck of it or out of habit!


THANKS!!! You listen to those hunger signals and enjoy your week!


There is a ping pong nightclub here in nyc called “spin”. I dominate.


How come you didn’t take me there. We could have taken the place down if we were on a doubles team together!


I am really bummed I didn’t!!


COngrats on the big win on your ping pong game.. haha that’s so fun!!
Brussle sprouts were and still are my least favorite.
I like the shorts with the underwear built in them but I find the NIKE ones are so saggy.. NOT cool Nike, not cool.


Well, thanks Sabrina:) HAHAHA I totally agree about the Nike saggy panties ha!


Healthy Goal…mindful eating on vacation! Listening to hunger cues at Thanksgiving!


You listen to those hunger cues! You’ve got this! ENJOY YOUR VACATION!


Congrats on your ping pong win!

I wasn’t a picky eater except that I didn’t like mushrooms or peas as a kid. I prefer built in shorts. This week I’m aiming to get in five real workouts in spite of traveling.


THANKS!! Wahooo…..5 workouts, you’ve got this! Mushrooms still kind of weird me out if I am eating them plain!


I hated broccoli as a kid and still kind of do.

Congrats on beating Billy. You’re an all star!


You still do….oh no! You can just give me all of your broccoli okay;)


woohoo!! congrats on your win! ;)

i’ve always enjoyed vegetables, even as a kid. i guess i’m weird like that. i’ve never been super picky either. my parents got lucky. ;)

i, too, like the shorts with the built in underwear!

a healthy goal i’m setting for myself: stay active, but enjoy myself; eat when i’m hungry, stop when i’m full since there’s a ton of yummy food around here ALWAYS (we’re on vacation visiting our families).


Your parents were lucky!! Girl, you got this….keep being active this break!


I hated cooked carrots. HATED them. Now they don’t bug me so much. I just wish I could get over my hate of bananas.

Definitely like the built in underwear.


AHHH Billy hates bananas too! Is it the texture or the taste that bothers you?


I hated mushrooms growing up (is that a veggie) but love them now!
And as for a healthy goal for the week. Usually thanksgiving for me is LOADED with carbs and i am hoping to even it out with lots of veggies….


I think they are;) Yay for veggies…you can do it!


There’s a asian vegetable called bittermelon. It’s the absolute worse. It’s extremely bitter and sour and my parents would try to sneak it in, but the taste was so pungent. Supposedly it’s good for your skin and good to help one look younger.

Workout shorts with underwear saves me from buying a buttload of underwear and keeps my laundry pile smaller.

One healthy goal I’m setting is to get over my stupid cold and eat a good thanksgiving meal!


You better get feeling better ASAP!!! Girl, bitter melon..that sounds AWFUL, even the name makes it sound gross ha! Agreed about your workout shorts/underwear theory:)


I LOVE the workout short with the built-in underwear. Funny story … my boyfriend bought me some workout clothes for my birthday, because he knows I live in them. Earlier in the year, I ripped one of my favorite pairs of shorts with the built-in underwear, so he bought a pair that looked almost identical, but … no built in underwear. I felt terrible, but I had to return them. Was that mean of me? Hahaha, I just love the built-in, because it’s so comfortable, and I don’t have to worry about anyone getting a flash of my real undies while I’m working out!


BAHAHAHA I would have done the EXACT SAME THING!! I could not agree more with you about the no worry factor of built-in underwear!! Does he know that you took them back?


Yeah, I had to tell him. I’m not good at being sneaky! He was okay with it though. He was just like “How was I supposed to know that?” (I mean, duh … why can he still not read my mind?)


Hehe your niece is quite the entrepreneur! When we were little, my friend and I tried to go around the neighborhood with a jar that said “We’re poor, give us money!” Needless to say, our parents had to have a little chat with us. But your niece is much more tactful!!

And I HATED peas as a kid. And I still don’t care for them all that much…

Finally, my goal is to do a bit of yoga everyday. Just 15 minutes or so to hopefully help me feel less stiff and help my back feel a bit better!


BAHAHA how much money did you make from that? You aren’t missing out on the peas ha! YOU GOT THIS GIRL….yoga everyday, I might have to copy you!


NONE! Just a time out if I remember correctly…oh the good old days haha!


Haha yes! Way to beat him at Ping pong! That is better than a running win any day, anyway. ;)


lol… my little sister used to do that bit about a free back scratch or foot rub and then say “for a dollar” lol… cutest thing ever :)


Your niece is so cute. My brothers and sis and I once set up a stand to sell rocks, so at least she is providing a valuable service for the money!

I wasn’t an overly picky eater, but there were a few choice items that I absolutely loathed. For instance, when I was about 4 I remember being told by my mom that I must eat my green beans. I told her that I didn’t want them, that they were so gross that I would surely throw them up. Well she made me eat them anyway, and I actually threw up. I really hated green beans! Now I love them though.

Love the shorts with the undies.

My healthy goal for the week is to make myself work out my muscles at home, and find a new gym because last night I went to my gym only to find that they are closed for good! Devastating.


NO WAY…..bahahaha, I bet your mom listened to you after that experience ha. GIRL….that is crazy about your gym, good luck finding a new one and getting your workout on at home!


This week I’m definitely going to keep including cardio/strength circuits!! The only veggies I never liked were brussels sprouts and tomatoes, both of which I now love!
Your nieces are adorable! :D


Wooooohoooooo! Congrats on the victory!!

I was not a picky eater, but I was not a huge fan of lettuce, something about the texture, but my parents would always get the fancy mixed greens, you have to ease kids in.. haha.

I am trying to be as active as possible and eat a bunch of veggies with each meal : ) Oh and maybe sign up for the Turkey Trot at City Creek, turns out it goes from the Capitol to Memory Grove, aka ALL down hill!! Win!


biscuits with 7Up? SUCH A WIN! and Congrats on kicking some ping-pong butt, I am pretty darn bad at ping-pong myself haha. Props for being super careful with the running! That’s definitely my goal for this week – it’s tempting to do more than I should!


I was such a picky eater when I was a kid! I didn’t like any soft, mushy veggies at all, including anything canned, and I didn’t want any of my foods to touch on my plate.
The built in underwear don’t bother me…I guess I don’t really mind either way, to be honest!


i hated brussel sprouts when i was little and still do :( yucko. i’ve tried, i just cant get into them!

hahaha i like the shorts with the built in undies..but still tend to wear undies anyways with them. as you know already, i’m a weirdo :)

one healthy goal this week: to eat as much turkey and pumpkin pie as possible…umm..i mean, i’m going to eat all my fruits and vegetables and still fit into my pants this weekend…yeah.. :)


Thought of you:


I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Holy cow that cake looks absolutely amazing! Thank you for sharing that, my sis and I will have to make that!


hahah I saw it today on Pinterest and you were the first person I thought about…I know how much you love cookie dough :)



p.s. I’m totally doing that cookie dough ice cream bowl. alksurghagr yum.


CONGRATS on your ping pong victory! That’s quite the accomplishment. Similar to if I were to ever beat Tappan at tennis……he played in college and even left handed would prob win every time against me.

Nice smart recovery, your doctor would be very proud! Some ping pong cross training fits right in there :)


I’m proud of you for giving your body the rest it needs!

Goal this week is remembering I know what my body wants more than my 2 food pushy aunts! And figuring out why diet soda tastes so good after 8pm, but I could really take or leave it during the day??????


I LOVE the shorts with underwear built in! Haha. And 7up in a biscuit recipe?? I’ve never heard of that?!!


I am horrible at ping pong…grew up playing tennis so I like to blame that on the fact that I couldn’t adjust to the different depth perceptions on the ping pong table vs. the real court. Gosh i’m weaksauce!

Healthy goal for the week. Running, of course…and trying to avoid the turkey coma. That thing is relentless!


Yay for beating Billy!! :) I am pretty sure we need to have a massive holiday ping pong competition. Wouldn’t that be epic?

Love you, love your family, love that cute little princess. :) have a wonderful week.


I hated lima beans as a kid! And I think asparagus (still not a fan). I’m going to keep up my reg workout routine this week. Excited to spend time with my nieces this Thursday! Love how often you get to see yours. Oh, and I totally beat Billy in putt-putt golf last Friday. :)


Congrats on beating Billy in ping pong! My boyfriend grew up playing both lawn tennis and table tennis, and so is insanely good; he always goes easy on me when we play. Maybe I’ll follow your lead and set a goal to play more competitively and let him really challenge me!


MUSHROOMS! And I still hate them! Love shorts with undies and my goal is to eat more protein in the form of FISH!

Congrats on the big win against BILLY!


It’s so funny to play my boyfriend in ping pong because we will go all out in effort! It’s hilarious!Buuuut… I’m usually lucky to score 5 points! Boo!

We are usually so competitive that even when we play Yahtzee, (yes a game of luck and chance) we can only play a couple games or we will get really mad at each other because one of us keeps losing. Ping pong is the only game this doesn’t happen with… Haha congrats on beating Billy!


Ooh, thanks for the biscuit recipe, those look great!

Also, I wanted you to know that I am making the Snickerdoodle Cake you shared the recipe for for Thanksgiving!! I cannot wait to dive into it head first!!


Congrats on your pingpong success! I hope to beat Aaron one day, he’s really good and I… well, I’m not. Have a great Thanksgiving!


Well done on the ping pong!! I have slow twitch muscle reaction when it comes to things like that. HAHAHA!

I hated lima beans. I still don’t care for them but if I see them floating around in my soup I’ll still eat them. They just don’t look right. I don’t trust lima’s.


yeah I won!!! I never win anything!! Thank you Janae!


My goal this week is to do an 18 miler before eating my weight in Thanksgiving food!
I love the shorts with the built in underwear. I won’t get into why ;).
I hated and STILL hate cucumbers! As a kid and to this day I will eat all other vegetables but I just can’t figure out how anyone can eat cucumbers!!


Completely unrelated–I had to go to the dentist this morning and I thought of you and all your dentist trips!! Is that at all weird and/or creepy?!!!


That makes ME HAPPY that you thought about me! How was it?!?!


Ugh…that’s all I’ll say. But at least I’m done now!


i LOVE the built in undies. They weirded me out before I ever wore them, but now its pretty much all i run in


Was not a green bean fan..bland. Made up for it in carrots with ranch and corn on the cob. Healthy goal is to ditch the grazing on M and Ms and baked goods and stick with nightly milkshakes. Trying to PR for my Turkey Trot..need to fuel with some whole foods..bring on a few days of salads, pasta, olive oil, eggs, toast, fruit, and pretzels!!

Never tried those shorts.


!! Those built in undies make me squirm!! eek I can not imagine wearing them. I actually buy them (because I can find them cheap at tj maxx) and then cut out the undies! I always wondered what kind of crazy person would actually want them but I guess I am the crazy one!

I don’t remember hating any veggies but I have always hated cheese and noodles and still do! Cheese tastes (and smells) like mold to me and noodles have that creepy texture that makes me squirm…eww!

Trying to heal my achilles over the break. I think a couple more days of rest and it should be good to go!


You have such a close family! I love to be around my family all the time, but my husband could take a little quiet time every now and again.

The tip jar is genious. I wonder if that would work for me?

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