Iron Cowboy and LV blogger/reader/awesome people party.

There are going to be a lot of fun meet-ups already going down in Vegas like this one……

I knew that I had to include one that involved ice cream and chocolate SOOOOOO……

On Saturday (Dec. 3) @ 2 pm let’s meet up at the Ghirardelli Ice Cream and Chocolate Shop:

Harrah’s Carnaval Court

3475 Las Vegas Blvd. South

Las Vegas, NV 89109

(HERE is a map)

If this excerpt from the menu doesn’t convince you to come, I don’t know what will:

Screen Shot 2011 11 30 at 10 33 14 AM

Billy will even be there (I guess I should ask him first) to be our paparazzi and race day strategist.

This is what Billy and I will be sharing:

Screen Shot 2011 11 30 at 10 33 28 AM

Don’t worry….if you don’t want to eat dairy and really sugary food the day before the race, that is okay because this is 26.5 hours before the race so that makes it okay.


Have you heard about James Lawrence (aka the Iron Cowboy)?  First of all, he lives about 15 minutes away from me and in the same town as my Grandma so I am pretty sure that automatically makes me cool but anyways, he is just shooting for ya know, ANOTHER WORLD RECORD. (HERE is an article all about him!)

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(Picture from his Facebook Page)

His first world record…..22 half-ironman distance races in 30 weeks.  If I do my math right that is a lot of half-ironmans.

His new goal…….30 FULL IRONMAN tri’s in one year.  That would be 30 X 2.4 mile swim, 112-mile bike ride and 26.2 mile run.


From the article cited above:

It could be said that Lawrence has been preparing for this since 2005, when he ran the Salt Lake City Marathon five months after he was embarrassed by his mediocre performance in a four-mile fun run.

“I ran that marathon and I absolutely hated it,” he said.

Two weeks later and he had a change of heart.

“I told myself, You know what, I’m better than that….I can’t let this defeat me.”

He did not start training for the love of the sport.  He started because he felt defeated.  Here was something that had beaten him, something that had humiliated him but that was always there, waiting to be tamed.  So he went for it.


Way to represent Utah:)  Maybe I will be able to stalk him down for a Q & A on the blog…….  Either way, Billy and I are super excited to follow his 2012 world record and I am sure I will keep you updated.


If you could choose one world record to break, what would it be?

-Wow, that is a really tough one….um, the marathon!

Have you had any delicious fruit today?

-The best honeycrisp apple I have ever had in my life via Costco.

Who can come to the VEGAS MEET UP?

Do you have any hardcore awesome athletes in your area?  What about any big races near you?

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I’ve been following Iron Cowboy for awhile and I think he’s the bomb!

Dave Gordon (a big time marathoner from the ’80’s who won some major marathons) is on my husband’s cycling team.


I WISH I were coming to Vegas :( I want to come to a blogger meetup soon!


i wish I was going to be in Vegas with you guys!!!

world records? i’d pick the marathon too :)


Wow. That is pretty incouraging especially since I had a hard time running 3 miles today and felt totally defeated. Thanks for his story and have fun in Vegas but not too much fun since I’ll be home still wishing I could go.


Janae! That Iron Cowboy’s picture is from Ironman Canada this year…the same race and year as me! Though it looks like he’s light years faster than me because he’s finishing in the light and I finished in the dark! Bah! Maybe it’s a sign that your first Ironman should be in Canada! If you sign up you’ll have a Canadian there cheering you on (that’s me)!!


I had a fruit salad with mango, kiwi, strawberries, it was pretty darn good! I need to get to Costco this weekend and stock up on Honey Crisp’s!
I wish I was coming to Vegas! I wanted to but things didn’t work out. Have lots of fun :) And I will eat my own ice cream sundae at home ;)


I wish I could be there for the Vegas meetup! It sounds like so much fun, plus I would want to dominate that Peanut Butter Hot Fudge Sundae. My heavens, that thing looks delicious and right up my alley!

I had a ginormous orange today that was incredible. I forgot how much I love oranges.




I need to fly to vegas just for all these fun meetups!!!

Have fun this weekend, you are going to freakin’ ROCK that half marathon. I know you will, Janae :)


Thanks for linking up the Saturday night meet-up! Looking forward to joining you and Billy for a sugar coma on Saturday afternoon!! :)

Once you’re completely healed, I expect to see you signing up for your first half ironman followed shortly by a full. Destined!


So wish I could be there!!


I may have to convince Emily that we need to go to the ice cream meet up. I want to meet you both!


I wish I was coming to Vegas with you!!!
I would love to go somewhere during this time.
I hate the cold…
LOVE fall, but this cold shit just isn’t cuttin’ it.

I wish I could break any world record involving chocolate because people would most likely sponsor me which = free chocolate.

(PS. Peanut butter sauce on sundaes = best topping ever )


I’ve been following his story! He is AMAZING!


I’ve had some delic Costco fruit too- a pear, an apple, and a grapefruit! Happy to have citrus back in season [so much cheaper] :D


I am drooling on my keyboard over that ice cream – bring some back to UT for me? k, thanks. :) Actually, now I am craving fruit! Sounds awesome right now. I had a nutella crepe with strawberries and bananas at work a little bit which was delicious, and now I’m in a sugar coma. :)


I may be able to meet you on Saturday :) I don’t know what Andrew and I have planned, but it’s possible. If not, maybe I’ll see you on race day as you fly past me during the 1/2!


Really good apple today too! Tis the season…kinda haha :)


I wish I could come!!! It’s going to be so fun! I follow te Iron Cowboy on Facebook Nd he is pretty dang amaing!!

I had some pomegranate today and it was delicious!

Ps have you seen Julia since she came back from Toronto?! She has something for you!!!


Oh my gosh that guy sounds amazing!! I can’t imagine doing something like that! I had a really good braeburn apple today…sadly there were no honeycrisp ones at the store yesterday, but these babies did not disappoint!


30 ironmans in one year??? I can’t even imagine completing one!


One World Record: Nos sure really. Interesting question.
Fruit: A honeycrisp apple, ALSO from Costco, was on my list but I didn’t get to it.
I can’t come to Vegas.
Hardcore Athletes: Charlie Engle lives here. Or he did until he went to prison in TN for Mortgage Fraud. Google him. He has finished Badwater 7 times, has finished the HURT 100 multiple times and ran across the Sahara with two friends a few years ago. They did a documentary about it. I met him while I was doing a 5k on New Years Day. He just happened to be there running an “easy 50” in prep for the HURT 100.

The Kidless Kronicles


Had a delicious orange, and delicious jazz apple today.

hard core athletes: My vice principal qualified and competed in Half Ironman worlds in Vegas this past September.


oh my gosh. It’s reasonable to take a plane to LV just so I can go to the Ghirardelli Ice Cream and Chocolate Shop right? :D That would be so neat if you could get an interview with him! Good luck!


If only I had a bunch of money to fly to Vegas and buy ice cream with. Even though I’m not running anything in Vegas. One day when I get rich, I will do things like this. That ice cream almost looks worth the plane ticket cost, though. :P


I had a yummy Honeycrisp too! I love them! That ice cream looks crazy good!


Yes! Linsey Corbin-she is an Ironman (IronWOMAN) and she teaches a spin class at my school (that’s insane!) and I sometimes stalk her pool workouts. Check her out-she is unreal and so inspirational.


I love visiting the Ghiradelli Ice Cream Shop when I go on vacation! Love their banana split sundae with vanilla ice cream. Best hot fudge! Wish I was in town for the race meetups! Enjoyyyy! Can’t wait for the updates and so much fun Billy is able to go this time.


Um… and that guy is hot!! Dayum!!


I would eat him.


Did you know Iron Cowboy is from Canada!!! He’s from Calgary, Alberta :) I am going to follow him for sure!!

Hopefully I will see you in Vegas!!! I’ll be at the Grand Canyon on Saturday but I might run into you around the race :)


I’m sorry … I stopped reading when I got to the peanut butter hot fudge sundae. Could you please send me one? K, thanks. :)


Totally jealous of your vegas meetup! Maybe next year.

I had a banana this morning, but sadly that’s my only fruit today. I’ll have to make up for it tomorrow.


That is a lot of iron-manning!! So crazy. I’d like to just run a marathon before I start getting all crazy with goals like that haha :D I had the best honeycrisp apple today too. My favoriteee! I have the disney marathons near me. I miiiight be signing up for the princess half soon since i’ve been training!


I love that there’s a vegas meet up! I can’t wait till you come to Canada….you can stay here, I asked Colin if it was ok :P

You should come for March – you can run “Around the Bay 30k” which is the OLDEST race in North America…..think about it ;) lol

and I love the iron cowboy! he’s such an inspiration!


I found James on FB awhile back and have been in awe of his athleticism! He posted a video recently underwater at the start of the Cozumel Ironman–totally made me laugh with all of the swirling feet everywhere!


30 ironmans??? thats a lot! We have friends who race back to back ironmans and that is insane. WHOA! Have fun in vegas!


Both those ice creams sound insane, although I’m not sure 8 scoops between you and Billy will be enough? ;)! I had some killer grapes and pineapple yesterday- sweetness to another level!


I am planning my race calendar for next year at the moment, and hoping to get back into some sort of regular training once this cold wears off. I think (I hope) I have convinced my sister to do nearly all six of the ones I have planned (so far) for next year.
Makes me smile just to think about the fun we will have :)


That is so fun that you are doing SIX races with your sis…that is awesome!


WISH I was coming to Vegas!

LOVE those honey crips apples! They are seriously amazing this year!


I wish I could come to the meet-up, seems like so much fun and ice-cream related goodness!!!

Next year for sure! Are you planning on hitting the tables as well??


All i can think is that is a long time on the bike, but Bike riders might think 30 marathon is a lot. I think I could have done the marathon part years ago…

Record, how about the MILE


Now that I’m salivating at the ice cream pictures, I might have to join you!!!


Wait, Costco has honeycrisp apples in stock?!?! They need to send out text alerts on that!

Today I ate so many red grapes that I’m pretty sure I violated some grape pact in this State. Anyway, hope to see you all at the ice cream meet… I do believe that ice cream is a mandatory pre-race day supplement! Please have Billy bring his Garmin 610 – I’m on the fence as to which GPS watch to buy and the 610 is just sitting in my basket, waiting and sulking.

(For a WR, I’m pretty sure I can get close to the record for fastest words per minute typing… totally serious by the way.)


The Gold Rush looks amazing!


You are going to ROCK that half marathon. I think you are onto something with the ice cream as pre-race fuel. I can’t wait to hear about the race!

Getting so excited to run with you in just 4 short months! I like to look really far ahead for my excitement.

Miss you!
PS–I walked past crumbs on my way to the lighting of the tree in NY last night and I thought of you!


I am going to try and make it to the meet up, I have breakfast plans and expo plans that day. Hopefully I can squeeze it in!


I hope you can come so so so so bad!!!




I so hope I can make it for the meet up. You are pretty much my running idol :)


I hope so so bad you can come! I would love to meet you!


I was planning to hit up Serendipity at some point this weekend to get frozen got chocolate but that stuff looks yummy too.

My Saturday is going to be packed but I hope to meet some of you awesome runner chicks at some point this weekend.


Yes please!!!! I would love to meet you!


If I dont spend so much time in the expo, I will be there!!!

See you in Vegas!!!


Yes!!!! Wahoo can’t wait!


I want to be the fastest person ever to complete a Ben & Jerry’s VERMONSTER!!

You can Billy can demolish “The Earthquake”….I think if you and I were to get together, we could easily take on the beastly Vermonster! RAAWWRRR!


Oh my gosh….I’m leaving Vegas one day before you’ll get here. WAAAhhhh! My husband had a conference in Vegas this week so I tagged along cause I had never been here! Omg you were right about the h&m…it’s gigantor! And the forever 21 blew my mind. We saw mystere (the cirque show) and it was great! I cannot believe I’m going to miss you! I’m from dc so the opportunity to be in the same state as you is rare.


I love love Ghiradelli! I don’t know how I feel about it before race day but I am totally coming either way to both events. So excited to meet you and everyone. Thanks for organizing! When are you headed to the expo?


I’m going to try my best to be there!! woo hoo! can’t wait to meet all the awesome bloggers including you :)


It was so wonderful to meet you! You are even more of a doll in person. Thanks for putting this together!!

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