Graduation in the Weights Room

Welp…I slept right through pump this morning but I did manage to get in a good 40 minutes with the sis in the weight room instead.

Today’s accomplishment:  I have finally graduated from 30lbs to 40lbs for my bench press weight.  Coming from a girl who’s arms get tired from holding on to the steering wheel when driving for too long, this is a huge accomplishment.

Photo 2

There was also some stairclimber and bike action that went down this morning.   9.5 hours of sleep last night + an awesome workout = an even more obnoxiously happy Janae.

After our workout the three (b, sis and I) of us headed up to Costco for the necessities and to have a lunch full of samples.

Billy found his new favorite sample ever!  A taquito covered in nacho cheese.  I gotta be honest, it was pretty amazing.

Photo 1

We found our new favorite sample.  A table with chocolate covered everything along with pb cups and oreos.   They must have known I was coming.


After eating pizza, nacho cheese, cheesecake and smoothie samples I figured I would try to make a somewhat healthy lunch before my body went into shock from lack of nutrients.

Below is my attempt of a veggie omelet with a piece of bread on the side.  Sometimes I just like to warm up some bread in the microwave, squish it together and roll it up into a ball of bready goodness, try it.  My 3 year old niece does the same thing.

IMG 0632

Still in my gym clothes.  Still watching TV.  Still wondering why there is only one Saturday a week because today is pretty awesome.


What time did you wake up this morning?

-9 a.m.

What are your top three favorite chocolate covered items?

-Gummy bears, raisins and pretzels.

Do you grocery shop on the weekends too?

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Sounds like an AWESOME day! I am so jealous of your chocolate covered samples AND that omlette! yummm :)


Thanks!! Hope you are having a great day too Jamie!


Um, I’m not sure if you really want to know what time I got up…. Ok, 4:00 am!!! This daylight savings time is KILLING Me:-)- it’s ok, I got to catch up on my fave shows on the DVR, face blogs;-), do my PT exercises and then have an awesome workout on the TM! woot!
If chocolate is near any of my food choices, I’m good. Covered, even better!
I totally shop on the weekends too! I love Costco so much! I love to try thier samples and always end up coming home with some gargantuan sized thing I have no room for;-) Happy Saturday!


4 a.m……girl, that is CRAZY!! I am glad you got to have a fun morning though!!


you and your sis are beautiful!!!! have an awesome rest of your wknd!!! :D


Thanks Charlotte!! Hope you are having an awesome weekend!!


5am. With no commitments wish I could sleep longerr.

Chocolate covered ice cream anything and those animal crackers with the millions sprinkles on them (is that yogurt or chocolate) are a favorite..If you like pretzels, chocolate and peanut butter have you had Ben and Jerry’s Hubby Chubby?

I definitely grocery shop probably 3 times a week..legit a hobby walking up and down the aisles and scoping out new stores..I should probably create my own personal shopping company since so many people hate going…


5 a.m…..dang, hope you get a nap! Those animal crackers are the BEST! I haven’t tried the B&J’s hubby chubby…must go now!


Ps. Did you guys plan wearing black hats? Did your sister not get the memo! Love it :)


She missed it! I love matching billy muhahahah!


I’ve gotta move closer to a Costco! Yup–Sunday afternoons are for getting the week’s groceries. This morning I woke up at 7:30 for a Pie Run–a new 5K in our area where you are served a yummy slice of strawberry pie upon race completion! And with my love of sweets, I definitely PR’d :) Congrats on killing 40 lbs on the bench! Man girl!

Top three: raisins, peanut butter, and strawberries!


I love that you and Billy are twinsies in your black and hats. :) I finished my 10K, woo hoo!! Would you be a dear and follow me on twitter and facebook? Btw, I’m now lounging on the couch too (I’m SO sore)…but I did some cleaning and two soccer games first. Have a fabulous weekend.


I woke up at 6 for no reason, and couldn’t go back to sleep. I like chocolate covered anything, but almonds are the best. My girls and I went shopping at Costco today too, and had the same samples! My favorite was the Cheesecake Factory Cheesecake topped w/berries. I can’t believe I came home without one.

Great job with the weights! I can only lift the bar.


That’s an amazing bench press weight, Janae!! Seriously – you’re pretty strong!
And I wish that every day was Sunday – my favorite day of the week by far!


OMG, chocolate covered gummy bears are the best! When my sister and I were little we would go to this gift shop once a week and my mom would let us get a bag full of them- I would always eat mine too fast then try to steal my sister’s. I still do that with all of my other food, too…


pretzels, almonds, dried blueberries-heck anything covered in chocolate is good…haha :D


I’m definitely with you on the chocolate covered raisins. I also love chocolate covered frozen bananas. But, my all time favorite is a recipe my friend and I made a few times. You put hershey kisses on top of mini waffle shaped pretzels and stick them in the oven until the chocolate melts. Then you smash down the tip of the kiss with an m&m! Anyone else done this?


Congrats on graduating to more weight! That’s a big deal in my book. :) I woke up at 7:14AM this morning, but I went to sleep at like 10:30 last night! Favorite chocolate-covered items: almonds, peanuts, and pretzels. So good! Happy weekend, Janae! xo


I woke up at 6:20 today for my half marathon! And thanks for all your support, girl! It went AWESOME! I’m going to blog about it on Monday! :)


Wow! You rock star! 40 pounds!!!! I got up at 7. I hate shopping in the weekends only because the stores are way to busy!


i woke up around 9:30am…
reeses cup, pretzels, and cookie dough are my top three favorites covered in chocolate :)


I wish I could sleep until 9!! I was up at 6 this morning – meh, oh well!

I always grocery shop on Saturdays!


This is totally off subject of this post but one of these next couple of weeks I am going to drive up North to go to a Bikram class… wanna join me?? :):)


Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!


8 AM wakeup. I can’t sleep in, I swear.

I go grocery shopping everyday haha. I can see a grocery store from my front windows so whenever i need something i just walk. Plus, I’m a grocery store junky soooo, I go to hang out with the cool people.

Three favorite chocolate covered things: ALMONDS, peanut butter (this is actually a pb cup but moving on…), anddddd probably cake balls.


I woke up at 6:00. That is sleeping in at my house *sigh*. I love chocolate covered almonds and chocolate covered strawberries and marshmallows. Yummy! I tend to grocery shop on payday :) Which is typically not on the weekends and my kids are in school so that makes it much easier!


Okay, maybe I’m completely stupid or something… but is that one weight on the side of the bar 40 lbs? Which would then mean there’s another 40 lb weight on the other side? Thus making it a total of 80 lbs, not 40?

I was up at 7 this morning (very unusual for me on a Saturday… or any day, for that matter), so I could get into town and go to the recycling center and bank before they closed.

I don’t normally grocery shop on the weekends since I usually work on the weekend… I actually went grocery shopping today for the first time in probably 2 weeks. I was in desperate need of some groceries.

And I love chocolate covered raisins, pretzels, and coffee beans!


Oh my goodness I feel like I need to share the sample amazingness I experienced at costco today…chocolate chip waffles with syrup/whipping cream, followed by a table of “cookie crisp” cereal and milk. Costco rocks.

And #1 = chocolate covered cinnamon bears!! which I can’t get here in Canada :(
soo a close second is marshmallows!


Congratulations on the workout accomplishment!!

I don’t have a Costco near me but I do have a Sams Club. I feel like their samples aren’t as amazing as yours though!!

I love love love chocolate covered nuts… macademia, cashew, peanut, whatever I can get my hands on :)


Boycotting weekend grocery shopping. It’s so much easier to do it when all the normal people of the world are at work!

I went to sleep at 8am this morning and woke up at 2pm!!! Then a took another little nap before work, because I needed the beauty rest.

How can one pick favorite chocolate covered items???? I like to rotate. Currently I’m munching on a trail mix with peanuts and white/milk chocolate drizzle.


I get so excited to grocery shop every weekend, I love it!! Even more when we go to Costco. I love chocolate covered almonds…they have 100 calorie packs, problem is I don’t just eat one lol. I woke up at 6:45 to get my swim workout in before heading to a friends house to watch the game.


hahaha would you like some egg with your veggies? :-P love it. I totally do that with my bread too, especially fun-flavored rolls from the bakery! and you can bench 40 pounds?!? oh wow. I can bench press the bar! that’s pretty much it haha. But my arms totally get tired from driving too long too!

Top three chocolate covered items…gotta be pretzels, dried cherries, and ice cream (like with Magic Shell)!


I slept through yoga this morning too. But it gave me the chance to go out for a great run later in some unseasonably warm temps on a beautiful afternoon. I wish there were more Saturdays in a week as well, seems like they go too fast.

Ever had a chocolate covered Oreo? If not I triple dog dare you to try it…you’ll thank me later.


WTG graduating to a higher bench press weight. Awesome. Look at you getting strong.
Today I tried gummi bears soaked in vodka. Yum, and ahh… relaxing.


I woke up at like 7 :30 booo. Chocolate covered raisins are the best. I love chocolate covered almonds too. Happy saturday!!


First got up at 2:30 AM to see if the school bus had finally arrived from the playoffs four hours away!!! Was worried about my daughter driving with possible ice on the road. Then could not fall asleep until about 3:50. Then got up at 5:45 to feed Dante, (my puppy), and go to complete a 5K.

Not much of a chocolate fan … but I do love Chocolate Covered Strawberries and Milkduds …


Oh. I TOTALLY feel the same way about Saturdays!! lol. It was almost 9:30 when I rolled this lazy booty outta bed. But it’s been good one! :)


way to go on the weight room!!! ya, i’m always proud when i can go up a weight when it comes to arms…hey, if it’s squats or leg press i can hold my own, but arms…well, i have to celebrate the victories when i can even if it’s only in 2.5lb increments. ;)

favorite chocolate covered item….hmmm, i guess i’ll have to go with pretzels or graham cracker wafters. :)


Way to graduate to the 40 lb bar… you’re a rockstar! & the Costco samples are always SOO good!

Woke up first at 4am… couldn’t sleep for about an hour… then I slept til about 7:45! hit the gym w/my Momma! we rocked a killer run and weights. ;)

Hmm… my top three favorite chocolate covered items would have to be carmel, cinnamon bears and pretzels. :) even better if it’s white chocolate.

I grocery shop on any day that ends in “y”… when we need food, we need food. LOL.

P.S. when the heck do I get to see you?!


Congrats on the graduation..way to ‘raise the bar’ ha ha ha! Samples don’t count right?? I was up at 8am on Saturday- perfect time after 8 hours of solid sleep :D


Those samples ARE amazing! And great job with the bench press weight increase!!


AWESOME DAY!! I love Costco samples!


Yes…. I LOVE Costco samples! My sweet daughter and I had those nacho cheese taquitos today too… Along with a brownie, some pizza and a sea salt chocolate covered caramel! Those things were a little slice of heaven! Yum! We go right around lunch time and make it a free lunch date while we stock up on all the essentials… Cheese, crystal light, bananas, bread, milk and Ice cream! Oh and a huge 7.3 lb pork loin roast I am cooking up tomorrow for our families to come celebrate the hubby’s birthday!! Have a good Sunday!!


I have been going to Costco on Monday mornings, sucks going without samples!! Maybe I need to switch it up to weekend Costco trips :)


Those chocolate samples sound delicious. Chocolate covered anything works for me but must be dark chocolate. Dark chocolate covered Oreos (never seen these at a grocery store only in a chocolate shop) & dark choc reeses cups are probably my favorites! I wake up between 5-6am…. every day. I have never ever been able to sleep in. So sad! We typically grocery shop on Monday nights to avoid the insane crowds! Have a great Sunday!


Sounds like a really awesome day! :D Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!


What time did you wake up this morning?
5:30 am ( my quiet time before the kids get up and my normal gym time)

What are your top three favorite chocolate covered items?
strawberries, almonds, and raisins

Do you grocery shop on the weekends too?
As of late i go daily because if i dont have an interview its an excuse to get out of the house . I’m hoping to be among the working again soon I am not meant to be a stay at home parent :-)


Congrats on the 40 pounders! True story: In high school P.E. class, I could barely bench press the bar. Pathetic…


I love Saturdays, I wish there were more days like the weekends! I’m known for staying in my pjs or workout clothes all day long!


Just catching up on reading, and if being last to post on this thread wasn’t enough, I’m probably the only guy here that actually posts! How’s that for standing out? (I swear, I’m not a stalker… hahahaahaaa… haha…. hehe… heh… …mmmkay.)

I got up at 4:30 am on Saturday – still on New York time (just returned from a four day visit) – you’re right, NYC is an awesome place! My first time there. (I didn’t get a chance to visit Lombardi’s, but all the downtown Brooklynites pointed in the direction of Grimaldi’s Pizzeria under the Brooklyn Bridge… their pizza has pure epic-ness going for it!)

Okay, before I get too off track: pretzels, raisins, and anything resembling peanut butter. Wait, wait, waaaait a minute – has anyone invented chocolate covered pretzels covered over peanut butter? I’m going to have to Google that…


i’m pretty sure we need to start scheduling our costco trips so we can hang out at the sample counter together.


Top Three Chocolate covered: pretzels (homemade are the BEST, yogurt ones are delish too), espresso beans, and peanuts (like peanut m&ms)

I grocery shop too much! I eat to much fresh food too fast!! I wish I had a big family and could go to Costco and buy huge packages of everything… but no. Feeding one does not require costco!

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