Froth, Flexibility and Food (you saw that one coming).

Remeber how we talked about doing doubles yesterday?

It was kind of ironic that I wrote a post about that because my sister asked me to join her that night for a gym session right after I posted it.  Even though I already ran in the morning, I couldn’t turn her down.  There was no running going on but a whole lot of stretching, lifting and ellipticalling.

We have come to learn that our inflexibility and veiny hands (okay, mine are way worse than hers) just run in the family.  I used to believe that the lack of a calf muscle was just in our genes (ahem….mother) but looks like my sister was blessed with non-chicken legs calves.  Or maybe it is the fact that she does calf raises and the only time I do those is when I am trying to reach the top cupboard for my secret stash of cookies.


We lifted our upper body and every time I type using my pinky finger while writing this post  I can already tell my triceps are sore.

Studies prove that exercise can make you smarter and I attribute that to the brilliant idea that we came up with while doing cardio.  We are going to go on a run on Saturday morning together.  I kept telling my sis that we have to take it SLOW while I am still recovering from the marathon.  We came up with the brilliant idea to invent a chip that goes into your Garmin and if you go faster than your recovery pace it will shock you.  This would solve our weird desire to always go faster than we are supposed to and prevent many injuries in the future.

The temperatures are dropping and my workout clothese were a little too damp and would probably turn into ice if we went for our normal post-workout ice cream date and so we have now switched to hot chocolate.

Mine is on the right.  I always add steamed milk to my hot chocolate and why is froth so much fun?

Photo copy

Gotta love late night, sitting in the parking lot with the seat heaters on and the heater set to 99 degrees.

Photo 3

You know that you have built up some serious hot chocolate calluses on your tongue when your hands get burned from holding onto the cup but your tongue thinks that the hot chocolate it is just the right temperature.

You too can be able to drink extremely hot chocolate without any pain when you have spent 100’s of dollars at 7-11 on hot chocolate perfecting this skill.

Photo 2

Phone update:  It has nearly been one month since getting my phone and I have yet to crack my iphone screen.  This is a new record for me, maybe now I have proven that I could take good care of a puppy.

IMG 0620

Billy and I used to eat separate things most nights.  Now we almost always eat the same thing.  This makes me really happy for some reason.  Probably because his food always looks better than mine but now we have the same thing so I don’t go to bed angry because of my food jealousy issues.

We had chicken and rice soup with a grilled cheese panini.  Meal cost: .78 cents per person.  Okay, I made that up but it was pretty dang cheap.


Are you naturally flexible or inflexible?  How often do you stretch?

-Maybe 3 times a week……that silly thing in my head that says to run another mile rather than take time to stretch really needs to change.

Do you and your significant other eat the same things or different things? Do you eat the same portion or more or less than the other person?

-Billy and I eat the same portion…..except for dessert, he couldn’t out eat me in sugar if his life depended on it.

What temperature is it RIGHT NOW where you live?

-I write my posts at night so it is currently 27 degrees.

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OMGGGG chica!!! 7-11 hot chocolate is literally the most delicious thing ever. When I did driver’s ed and it started to get cold we always made pit stops at 7-11 for their hot chocolate cause it is just that good. Slash you and your sister look so alike I just realized, sisterly loveeeee! Wah it is going to be way too cold today it is like 50 and yesterday was 70…crying. Might even rain. Crying even more. Meowmeow. Loveeeee youuuu


Can’t you set up zones on most Garmin watches? I think it will beep at you if you go faster or slower than your set pace. Also, I think the newest version will vibrate and/or beep so even if you listen to headphones, you will know when you’re outside of a certain range. And I think you can set it based on time (for intervals), pace, or heart rate, depending on how you train. (Although I don’t use these functions on my own Garmin, so I may totally be making this up! I’m 87% certain I read this somewhere!)

It is currently 34*F in Bloomington, Indiana.


Since I was a dancer for 20-something years, I’m naturally flexible but it also means I get lazy with my stretching ! Because i seem more flexible than most, I trick myself into thinking I don’t need to stretch. Epic fail.

It’s nippy here! I think it’s like 23 or something out! i am so jealous you still have your sis around. I keep talking to my sis in Hawaii where A) it’s not 23 degrees and B) it’s still a million hour flight away. I want her back heeeeeeeeeere!


I love your cell phone case! I get case-ADD and for some reason feel the need to constantly be changing the colors, which is a problem bc those things can be expensive! Um and I’m totally with you on the upper body soreness!


It is 37*F in Tennessee (well, my part). I am such a sissy when it comes to hot beverages; I have to wait until they’re lukewarm and gross before I can even drink them.

I am very inflexible; Pilates taught me that yesterday when I had a hard time with the “easy” moves…


Your invention is genius, but painful. I like it.

I’m incredibly inflexible. My chiropractor told me I have the tightest hamstrings she’s ever seen. And I stretch everyday! Go figure.

I’m a vegetarian and my husband isn’t, he doesn’t really mind eating vegetarian 90% of the time, though. We usually eat about the same amount.

it’s in the 50s here, but I bet it won’t last :(


I love hot chocolate! I didnt even know 7-eleven had it! I learned something new today.

My doctor told me I have the flexibility of a 72 year old woman. Rude! :) I’m getting better though. Lots of yoga has helped so much. I can touch my toes!!

My boyfriend eats WAY more than me! And he usually finishes what I dont eat too.

It’s 60 degrees here! I want these temps to stay around forever. I’m not looking forward to the winter!


Are you naturally flexible or inflexible? How often do you stretch?

-I am NOT very flexible. I used to be much more so but running and getting old have changed that haha I rarely stretch =x I know, so bad!

Do you and your significant other eat the same things or different things? Do you eat the same portion or more or less than the other person?

-We almost always eat the same thing because I am the one that cooks it. My BF would survive on pizza and mac and cheese if it wasn’t for me! We dont eat the same portions though, I force him to eat more because he is soooo skinny!

What temperature is it RIGHT NOW where you live?

-Right now…58 degrees. VERY warm for this time of year in NJ and it’s only 8:40am here!


HEY YOU!! Okay, my comment on your blog went to spam or something…save me! Enjoy your amazing weather. Ha billy could survive off those same things…boys are crazy:)


I saved your comment..whew! don’t know why that happened but thanks for telling me because I probably would have checked my spam 17 months from now and been SO sad to miss it! I just went for a little run (emphasis on little because I’m still recovering from the flu!) and it was so so beautiful out! I think it’s time to convince Billy to attend a law school in NJ/NY =)


Have you tried yoga? I’m doing a month of heated yoga right now. I planned to do it before Boston, but the race came up faster than I expected and I didn’t want to start right before the race, so I decided to wait to try it a few weeks before my fall marathon this year. The instructor asked me if I was a runner (NOT a compliment) but I think instructors now wouldn’t even know, and that’s just after a couple weeks. Unbelievable how much more flexible I am!


I haven’t done yoga forever…I need to bad! BAHAHA I guess runners are not very flexible or something:) That is awesome that you are improving so much!


It’s about 60F here in London right now. Not bad for November! (unless considering climate change, of course).
We usually eat the same thing, he gets more than me. Some nights I’ll make something hot for him if I’m feeling more like salad though. We both attempt to abstain from dessert (yeah, ha ha).
I’m not too bad with my flexibility. More so than the average person, but not so great that I’m as bendy as a yogi, despite my attempts.


I always stretch but I am still so inflexible! It seems like the more I run the less flexible I become.
Hubby always eats a little more at each meal than I do, except for a long run I may or may not eat him under the table….and then reach for dessert!


love grilled cheese! yum!

I stretch, but when I was a dancer I had to work for my flexibility. Some people are just naturally flexible. I, my friend, am NOT.


Inflexible for sure!
We eat the same thing 95% of the time and he usually eats more, but in marathon training I gave him a run for his money ;)
About 0 degrees Celsius – but we are supposed to hit 10 today!


Did you know there are hot chocolate K-cups for your Keurig?! Delicious!

I am pretty flexible but have Definitley lost lots of flexibility since I started weight training and not flexing a whole lot…..ya win some- ya lose some.

My hub almost always eats more than me. I think he’s got about 85 lbs in me though…and the metabolism of a 15 y.o. So if I ate as much as him people would start calling me Frank….the tank.

And I don’t know the exact temp here- but it’s cold. Like, I no longer walk when I’m outside- it’s a straight up sprint from the car to wherever we’re goig. My 3 year old loves it!


I didn’t wahoo…thanks Rhendy! Sometimes I think I have a 15 y.o metabolism too…always hungry ha! Maybe the cold is good for our running training with all those sprints!


I am pretty flexible. Years of dance and gymnastics has blessed me with lasting flexibility.

I am in Central Florida, it’s currently 74 degrees. The high is supposed to be about 79. Um… tonight we are supposed to get a “cold front”. So they say our highs will be about 70 for the next two days.

Can I come visit you?? I want some snow!


don’t freeze ha…..yes PLEASE come visit me and I will buy you all the hot chocolate you want!


I am naturally inflexible but it is something that I can work at and get better. I have been stretching after every workout (lately) and am improving. Which reminds me I need to do it today.

We are kind of split 50/50 on the eating. If I cook, we eat the same. Otherwise we just eat whatever. Illustrated by the seafood watch this week. I don’t eat fish, he loves it.

Temps are 50’s at night and 60’s/70’s during the day.

The Kidless Kronicles


I love the Garmin shocking device idea! haha
It’s currently 61 degrees here (gorgeous day!) so even though running wasn’t on my plan today, I’m making it happen since 60 degree days in November are a rarity!


ugh, i am so inflexible. trying to touch my toes, my fingertips only get to my mid calves!!!

mike and i usually eat the same things…and i typically eat more. sad. so sad.

its about 60 degrees in boston today! but its going to rain, so no good. your hot choco looks delish!


I’m naturally inflexible! You cannot even imagine how inflexible I am. I can’t touch my toes no matter what I do.

I usually eat the same thing as a significant other because its more fun to eat what they eat.

It’s like 50 degrees here in NYC! It’s a scorcher for November!!


LUCKY….I want to come back to NYC!


I am totally inflexible but I’ve worked on being able to touch my toes.
I have veiny hands to courtesy of my mom. Is there a plastic surgery for that?
And how is it possible that my legs hurt more the day after doing a 30 minute boot camp than the day after running a marathon?
It is a frigid 40 degrees right now but we’ll get up to 64. By this Sunday we’ll be back to the high 70’s. Does that tempt you to look at law schools in Texas?


I need to strech more! I always forget …. :)


I USED to be a flexible dancer….. now that all I do is run, all flexibility has left the building I should probably take yoga, but I get frustrated that I’m not flexible and give up. Great attitude, I’m aware!

Anyway that soup LOOKS AMAZING! Also, because of your fantastic bout at the NYC marathon, I decided I HAD to sign up for a marathon this May because if you could come back and kick A$$ like that…. then I can hope, pray, wish, and carbo-load to the greater gods that I can actually do this again!

Thanks for being such an inspiration girl :)


You are the sweetest! I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOUR MARATHON and I can’t wait to read all about your training!


loveeeeee your sister bonding time makes me miss my sister while i am off at school so so much!
i am the SAME WAY WITH STRETCHING this whole lack of it needs to change ASAP

the weather here is off and on…30 one day…5o the next? i mean i love the warmth…but it needs to DECIDE on a temperature already!


Hot chocolate sounds amazing!! It was sooo cold this morning when I walked out the door! I think it was 30, but sunny!

I stretch after every workout, it is my favorite part! I think it really helps my recovery and I am way more flexible than I used to be in my pre workout-like-a-maniac stage. I would say I am natural inflexible, but with stretching I have gotten pretty bendy haha!

My husband and I usually eat the same things, unless he cooks pork or beef, then I cook chicken or fish and we eat the same sides (veggie and a grain). We usually eat the same amount, maybe slightly more for him. He is tall guy and very athletic, so he needs lots of food for fuel!


I am a chicken and fish girl too! Enjoy that sun! I will try to become bendy like you with more stretching ha!


i honestly dont think i would mind chicken leg calves that much…my calves are monsters so it makes it hard to fit them into skinny jeans/boots ;)

you and your sister are too cute…reminds me so much of how goofy me and my sister are together. <3

I think i'm decently flexible, but I really need to work on stretching more. I tend to only stretch after my runs and thats it.

Me and Kev dont get to eat dinner often together…when we do have those nights where we cook together, we make the same thing. he definitely eats bigger portions then I do…but if its the day after my long run, forget about it. then he's hiding his head in shame from me turning into cookie monster and "NOMNOMing" at the sight of everything. (This scenario also happens on thanksgiving, he's really looking forward to it, i'm sure)

the weather is REALLY weird here right now..its chilly in the morning (usually in the 30s) and then warm during the day (mid 60s) which makes dressing for the day really difficult. can mother nature please make up her mind so that I can enjoy my sweaters/boots/hot chocolate weather? sheesh.


I am SO not flexible. Never have been, never will be. I gave up on that one a long time ago. Good choice on the hot chocolate! Mmm I need to make some!


If your mindset agrees to choose stretching over running an extra mile, will you please ask it to have a word with mine! It is freaking hot out here in Mumbai! Not sure of the exact temperature but the word ‘freaking’ pretty much sums up the intensity of the heat!


I am flexible and I do agree that it is partly genetics. I was a dancer in high school and more stretching will help you improve, but I noticed some girls on our team would plateau at a level of flexibility while others would continually improve and we all stretched for the same amount of time at practice. A lot of people say running will make you lose flexibility, but I think it depends. My hamstrings get tight, but I can still do the same stretches it just is more difficult, but I bet other people have different muscles get tight? Maybe.

I go to yoga once a week and try to stretch after running 2-3 a week. Me and my hubby eat together almost always.


I think you are right about it depending on whether or not you lose flexibility when you run! What type of yoga do you go to?


Stretching: I stretch before and after every run. I have to or I am in pain. I used to be flexible in my younger days, but not so much now…

Food/Portions: We usually eat the same thing, but I eat way more than he does!

Temperature: 59 degrees and cloudy. We have rain on the way…

Hot Chocolate looks awesome! I just dug up this recipe I have for making hot cocoa in the crockpot. I should have had it ready for when it snowed two weeks ago! Oh wait, I lost electricity…


WHAT?!?!? Hot cocoa in the crockpot….I need that recipe!


I always tell my husband that he has bird legs, but deep down I am just jealous! I am naturally pretty flexible although when I did gymnastics in high school I was way more flexible than I am right now. I try to stretch after every running session or cross training session. It’s not for a long time, but I can tell a difference when I don’t stretch. My husband and I eat supper together, but he always eats more than me. If we go get Starbucks or something, he always has to get the bigger size. And finally, it was 25 when I woke up but it’s supposed to be in the 50s for today!


Enjoy your weather in the 50’s!! You are my stretching idol!


If my garmin shocked me, i’d probably pee myself. I’d prefer to be verbally accosted, something like “slow the heck down, FloJo! You just ran a dang marathon!!”

Oh, and saw this on the Today Show and I want it. I think I need to train in Provo and Telluride.

I make dinner so Tim eats whatever I put in front of him. It works well that way.



58….I am coming back! HOLY CRAP…..that marathon looks ridiculous! You are an incredible cook/baker, he probably loves everything you make for him!


Because I believe all good people should go out and adopt a puppy (if not five) from a shelter, I’m going to help you until Billy finally caves. You should remind him that puppies are living creatures and for the most part, can fend for themselves. How often have you broken Billy? Or left him somewhere? I’m guessing not often. Same thing with a dog. And they won’t let you forget to feed them. Guinness will stare at the fridge and whine at her meal times until I give her food. She will also go to the front door and whine if it’s time to take care of business. Phones don’t talk to you like this, they are just begging to be mistreated.

PS – it’s totally 60* here. But it’s also gray and foggy.


All valid points…..can’t wait to show BIlly!!!


You have the energy and love to handle a dog, so I’m in full support and that’s all that matters! I totally see you with a Border Collie mix. I know your in-laws have one and my Guinness is one. Best running companion ever. And they are spunky, which fits you perfectly.


I stretch every day in the bathroom at work because my legs get so tight from sitting all day! But I am bad about stretching right after a workout! I am not very flexible though..

John and I make separate dinners because i love vegetables and he loves chicken nuggets and fries every night of his life! The only thing we agree on is Pizza on Saturday nights :)

The temp is over 60 degrees in NYC again! I was sweating on the way to work!


BAHAHAH I think billy could live off of chicken nuggets too:) Over 60?!?! I WANT TO COME BACK!!!


You can sort of do that with your Garmin!! You can add in a workout (through the Garmin software) and just set your pace to no faster than 8:30 or whatever. Then it will beep if you go faster, it won’t shock you, but close enough!


You are brilliant!! Thanks Lara!


I used to make two separate dinners although now we typically eat the same thing each night. When I was really struggling with my ED I did not allow myself to eat the same type of meals that my husband would eat. I missed out on so much!! Not anymore!! :)

Today we are having awesome weather in Houston. In the mid 60’s and sunny! I could handle this weather all the time! Not too hot and not too cold either. Have a great day!


I am SO happy that you are able to enjoy the same meals your husband eats now!!! That makes me very happy! Enjoy your weather!


I did dance forever so I’m really flexible. Though, I’ve noticed I’ve lost some of it because I’m the same as you, get an extra mile in instead of taking the time to stretch… so bad!
It’s pretty hot in NYC which is crazy for November! 60 degrees at 11am!
I would love some hot chocolate right now! Yum!


I actually very rarely ever stretch! I be honest in the 4 yrs I’ve been running it’s never shown me any benefit. Temp. 45 degrees.


I am pretty flexible. I stretch after runs. I do not eat as much as DH, I would be big as a house! He eats my healthy cookin’ and then usually eats a bowl of cereal or something. He has a fast metabolism. I went on a run at 9am and it was 72 and will warm up to 80.


72 degrees at 9am….can I come live with you?!?


Come on down to the Sunshine State! :) I love this time of year. Summers……not so much.


I am the worst stretcher ever…if I didn’t practice yoga I would probably never get any sort of stretching in, it’s terrible!

I always try to eat as much as boys because it’s so unfair that their tummies are bigger and can fit more food in. I want to be in the clean plate club too! I think this results from being the littlest sister in a family of boys.


You make me want to get into yoga again. How many brothers do you have? It really is unfair about their tummies:)


Depends on what you mean by flexible! I can touch my toes but that’s about it.
It has been getting down in the 30’s at night which makes walking across the parking lot for 6 am workouts pretty chilly!


Froth is totally the best part of hot cocoa!! or actually of pretty much any and every hot beverage. And for some reason 711’s is totally more delicious than starbucks, which my wallet loooooves. :-D and ew, 27 degrees? yeah, hot cocoa is a necessity. I think it’s in the 50s where I am…cocoa is still legit.

I’m definitely more flexible than the average runner because before I was a runner I was a pretty serious ballet dancer…I was like…scary flexible haha. Running has definitely decreased that a lot, so now I’m only suprisingly flexible and not scary. I definitely stretch after every workout though!


Travis always eats more than I do! EXCEPT for when it comes to brownies or cake. I win at that!
And, at life. ;)


You make me laugh so hard…I want to win at life;) Can’t wait for MAY!


After reading about your 6 mile recovery run, I thought to myself, I should be your running buddy post marathon. You would have to run at my pace and that would keep you from any possiblility of going too hard or too fast. If your sissy is ever out of town call me to be the recovery substitute!

Hubby and I always eat the same thing cause I am the cook. Every couple of weeks, when the cook doesn’t feel like it, we have a “fend for yourself” dinner. But like you I always end up with food jealousy. He can he make a frozen taquito look appetizing……how? He eats maybe a slightly bigger dinner, but after dinner I am the champ. My “dessert” last night was bowl of cereal, banana, and pb and jelly toast. That is a whole meal that most people call breakfast!


YEAH RIGHT!! Um, how about you come now and be my running buddy! Isn’t it amazing how they can make the most lame things look and taste amazing! Your dessert sounds heavenly:)


I really should start hanging out at the gym with you and your sister so that I can get all buff and stuff. And yes you two are so smart with your invention idea. I totally need something like that because I suck at slowing down. What time are you running Saturday? I’m trying to decide if I’m brave enough to face the outdoors. I am so sick of the dang mill!

Love you girl!!! Have a fabulous Thursday.


Naturally inflexible, but running has made me super bendy! I used to do ballet and that never really helped but now that I run I’m very flexible! I stretch everydayyy!

47* right now! Brrrr


It’s 80 degrees here in FL- MOVE here so that we can go & get frozen yogurt after our gym dates…& we won’t freeze to death!! :)
So I always make grilled cheese in a pan on the stove, but I love the idea of making it in my panini maker instead- what a good idea! I’m definitely going to have to do that next time- I feel like it looks so much more fancier than a regular grilled cheese.


Done and done…80 degrees, that sounds heavenly right now. Try the panini maker! have an amazing day gorgeous girl!


It depends on the night – most times we eat the same thing. I have gotten him to eat more and more vegetarian meals as time has gone on!

He always eats more!


It’s -3 right now where I live :)

Me and my Hubby usually always eat the same thing, I cook, he eats it, it’s pretty simple.

I’m very flexible, always have been but I think it’s mostly cause I use to be a figure skater and we did a LOT of stretching then.

When I was in highschool, me and a friend use to hit up 7-11 for hot choco after school durning the chilly winter months, I use to love it but now I cannot for the life of me drink it, it’s so sweet it actually hurts my teeth lol!


-3….ouch, I guess I shouldn’t complain ha! You two do have a great thing going on ha:) Too sweet….NOOOO;)


I stretch so much more ever since I injured my achilles, and it has helped so much. I can get pretty lazy so I have to force myself to stretch though. My fiance eats totally different from me. His meals consists of boxed dinners and butterfingers. He has been pleased with a super fast metabolisim and does not work out at all! I on the other hand choose to eat a little more healthy, veggies and protein.


I am naturally not flexible at all….HOWEVER, I stretch for 20-30 minutes EVERY time my body gets warm from exercise, I do crazy stretches to increase my flexibility and now I am only about 3 inches away from the ground in both side spilts…..and about a foot away in true splits. I can touch the ground and bend my arms doing the stretch you and your sis are showing…..I am even do a wide-leg stretch like a dancer and have my elbows on the ground. I started out having NO flexibility but a little each day is needed for improvement. I wen tone week with out doing my splits and I couldn’t believe how hard it was. It was like starting all over again.

this post makes me miss my sis.


27 degrees there? BBBRRRRR!! How cold does it get in “real” winter like Jan and Feb? It’s 70 here today. I’m spoiled.

I love yoga but don’t do it as often as I should. I do find when I consistently go, I get more bendy. Favorite stretch is the laying on the floor ankle over opposite knee glute stretch. Aaaaahhhh!

The BF and I usually eat the same things…I’m a veggie (who sometimes eats fish) so a lot of what I make, he’ll add a sprinkle of meat. :) He loves my vegetarian lasagna but he will fry up some Italian sausage on the side. It works well. :)


I am naturally flexible, which makes it okay to tease the husband about his inability come even close to touching his toes. I have a short stretching routine I do after I run and that’s all the stretching I do.
It is currently 42 degrees here. Yesterday morning when I went out to run at 6am it was 20 degrees/11 with the wind chill. So cold.


I used to do ballet so im still pretty flexible but i cant do a split anymore but i can touch my toes without bending my legs! i hear thats a big accomplishment as a runner haha…im exactly like you extra mile forget the stretching; but i think thats because im afraid if i stretch too much before i wont run cuz stretching feels so good…60 degrees in NYC and i love it!!! altho i still had hot chocolate just now after lunch…just bring the packets and find hot water and your good to go!


I used to be super flexible from ballet and yoga.. but once I started running seriously, that all went out the window. I can barely touch my ankles… sad days.
The hubs and I usually eat the same thing, but he eats WAY more than I do. I told him he needed to slow down or else we would go broke :)
It’s around 85 degrees. Send me a bottle of snow! ;)


I was a competitive gymnast in my younger years. Flexibility was a strength of mine. I am still pretty flexible. I love to stretch!

My hubby works 24 hour shifts so we only eat together every other day. :)

It is cold here today in Northwest Florida :) Not sure how cold but cold enough for jeans and flip flops :)


I am horribly UNflexible. I stretch out for 10-15 minutes before and after runs, and I am still stiff all the time. It’s time consuming, obnoxious, and I get injured easily. Curse my non-stretchy genes!


I neeed some hot chocolate in my life! Once it gets cold I will get some :) It is in the 90s here in Florida. TOO hot! I’m jealous of your cold weather !! Omgosh I do the saaame thing: “Should I keep running? Should I stretch? Do I need to stretch? I really want to keep running..” haha I need to stretch more. I used to be a cheerleader but have lost some of my flexibility =/


We had the exact same think for dinner last night. So weird:)


I’d love to try the double run idea, but I don’t think I’m at that level yet!! I’ve been putting up some *really* attractive photos of me doing some exercise, not that I’m modelling myself off of you or anything :)


I don’t know if I am naturally flexible, I was a dancer and gynmast growing up, so I just always was flexible. I try to stretch most days, while watching TV or something :)

No, my husband is trying to bulk up and I am trying to slim down. We usually have the same main portion, but i will have it will salad or veggies, and he will make pasta or something.

It’d in the mid 40s right now, not too shabby!


Awww I LOVE 7-11 hot cocoa. BEst stuff ever!

My husband and I eat similar foods for dinner–but for lunch, his is totally crazy :like doritos, and chips/salsa, and hot dogs. Ewww. I need more substantial! haha.


7degC my side of the pond right now.


I’m naturally flexible, and my body feels TERRIBLE if I don’t stretch often. I stretch for about 30minutes after every workout; it’s my favorite part.

My husband and I eat the same meal together. We always cook a meal for dinner. We’d both probably be way skinnier if we’d just stick to cereal, but eating good food together is so fun.

It’s in the 40’s here in the mornings and 70’s during the day. Best temperatures for the year!!!


I used to be super flexible, then I fell off the wagon. Now, I try to stretch every day. I love how it relaxes and cools me down!


7-11 hot chocolate is bomb diggity – only if they have the syrups though. Have you tried Starbucks salted caramel hot chocolate? Mmmmmm.

I used to be flexible back when I was a dancer, but not so much anymore. I do stretch every day after I work out though and foam roll – my muscles get SO tight otherwise!

My husband’s little sister used to open our pantry and say Ross’, Ross’, Megan’s, Ross’ because it is SO clear whose food is whose. We do not eat the same stuff (i.e. he eats frosted flakes with chocolate milk on it for breakfast and I eat oatmeal), but we eat the same dinners (since I make them) and we eat the same amount. Not sure if I should be admitting to that or not….


Generally pretty flexible except my hips and shoulders.

We eat differently most nights, sad face, since he goes to the gym right after a pretty light dinner and I workout in the morning or right after work. I wish we ate family meals together. When we do eat the same thing, he eats about 2x as much as me. He also works about 10x harder than I do at the gym.

45 degrees and dropping.

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