Special Visitors and French Toast Overdose

Remember how the awesomest Sarah really lives in California and how she ran the Long Beach MARATHON Sunday morning…..well, she hopped on a plane the next morning just to visit me in Utah.  Wasn’t that sweet of her?

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Okay, really she was here for work but I was her number one priority other than that.

Billy and I had to get back home quick because we had special visitors waiting for us.  My bro and his daughter from Kentucky are here visiting. He was in the middle of telling a very good story while wearing his sweet Air Jordan high tops….I want them in pink.  I wonder if you could run a marathon in high tops?

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We were going to go out and get something to eat but somebody (aka my brother) decided to get full on ice cream right before……hmmm sounds familiar……..so we ate at home instead.

3 pieces french toast, peaches and whipped cream (although, it does look just like a melting stick of butter on top….you will never know:).  This bread was incredible.  It was whole wheat and had THREE grams of protein and SIX grams of fiber per slice.  Sounds almost too good to be true.  It was from Costco…Mom, will you make a comment on what brand it was because I forgot.

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And then this happened.  The snickerdoodle sheet cake from last night would not leave me alone even after I was full so instead I just started cutting off the topping to eat, frosting doesn’t take up very much room in my stomach.

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While I was drooling over dessert, Billy and my bro were drooling over YouTube Ferrari videos.

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Today is my REGIONALS for my cross-country team.  They are going to ROCK IT.


Don’t forget to enter my RUNNING SHOES GIVEAWAY….just one more day.

No one has guessed my Halloween costume yet……you win an awesome treat package if you guess it HERE.


Pancakes or french toast?  Favorite fruit to top either pancakes or french toast?

-French toast and peaches.

Any special visitors recently or are you looking forward to any family/friends visiting?

-Just enjoying 2 out of 3 brothers being here for a little while.

How long do you wait to run after a marathon or other races? (Sarah and I were talking about this yesterday and I want to know what you think).

-I usually wait to run for about a week after a marathon.  MENTALLY and physically I need that time to recover.  Half-marathons: usually 3 days and I haven’t done a 5k or 10k in a very long time so I cannot remember.

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French toast and raspberries :D


Dang it girl…now I am craving raspberries:)


French toast and just a little syrup and powdered sugar. No fruit.
No visitors on the agenda for a while. Should be nice and quite.
A 5k/10k I don’t wait. A few days-week after a half. I have never done a full marathon.
The Kidless Kronicles


I love french toast and strawberries with greek yogurt. mmmm. :) Dang, I was hoping I guessed the costume right … it must be very creative. :) Good luck to your team today! Kick some booty!


French toast is my favorite! We top it w/ lemon juice and sugar! haha I really need to make that snickerdoodle sheet cake!


Hi dear, I just read your comment!!! It was on my Spam folder, why??!!! I don’t think your comment was SPAM at all. And I’m on your team French Toast.


YAYAYAYA. Thanks for saving me from SPAM!


Love your outfit Janae :D way to be in style this fall season :) and I coincidently just had french toast yesterday for bfast :D


Thanks girl! We think a lot alike:)


hehe you switched from peaches and PANCAKES!!!!

I usually wait about a week after a marathon, but found that then i always injure myself…. so I’m thinking maybe I need two weeks…. or maybe just slowly ease back into it a mile at a time…. maybe next time when I run chicago with you!! ;)


I think I have, I am so sorry if I disappointed you:) Good call on the two weeks…better to be safe than sorry! YES…CHICAGO TOGETHER:)


I have to admit that I don’t like pancakes, waffles or French toast. No, I’m not a robot. With that being said, I made breakfast for dinner last night and included my amazing cinnamon-pumpkin spice pancakes for the rest of the fam. I just went ahead and had the turkey bacon and eggs. YUM!


Um…..how about you send me your portion of those cinnamon-pumpkin spice pancakes! Turkey bacon and eggs ARE DELICIOUS!


Definitely french toast. Maybe french toast with the snickerdoodle icing??

I’m staying with my aunt and uncle on a work trip right now, so I get to be the fun visitor!

I usually play it by ear for running after a race. I like to run the day after (if I can), just to loosen up my muscles and make sure they still work. But I take it really easy.


French toast and almond butter!! YUMM.

No visitors….but next week I am flying to my best friend’s wedding in TX–can’t wait!! :)


I need to try almond butter! You are going to have a blast in TX!! What part?


I just ran my first marathon this weekend and I have no idea how long to wait until I can run again. My legs are definitely still in full recovery mode. I did read Hal Higdon’s advice and he gives running approval after 3 days of rest.


I just ran my first 26.2 Sunday too. Was just thinking about how long to wait. Prob a week, but hoping to get to yoga or an easy bike ride before then. It felt GREAT to sleep in this morning!!!


CONGRATS GIRLS!!! You are amazing and let those legs recover!!


French toast with bananas, blueberries, and strawberries. Always. With bacon on the side.


Good point Sue…I am definitely missing the bacon! Next time:)


That’s tough…french toast and blueberries :)
With my full marathon I waited 6 days, half marathon 2-3 days. But just easy runs the first couple.


I LOVE your outfit- can you please tell me where you got your boots & top?? I have been looking for THAT specific color in riding boots. So cute!
I’m looking forward to having my in-laws in town in a few weeks- can’t wait :) Craig & I have fun stuff planned for them!


Yay for visitors!!

I usually wait two or three days after a half but I base it on how I am feeling. I sometimes workout the next day but I’ll do weights and/or spinning if I am feeling up to it.

I am not sure about a marathon but I guess I will find out soon :)


Good luck today!

I am still trying to think of what to be for Halloween. I have been focusing more on my dog’s costume than my own. He is an Australian Shepherd (known for being herding dogs) so I thought it would be funny to make him a sheep.


I LOVE Frosting, I always get in trouble for just eating the frosting off of cakes, etc. oops!

So jealous that you and Sarah got to hang out, two funny, smart, and sassy gals.



PANCAKES. Maybe with bananas, but I’m kind of a pancake purist – butter and syrup are all I really need to be a happy girl.

And I am very much looking forward to a special visit today… my boyfriend is coming! As much as I hate being long distance, it’s fun to have the visits to look forward to. And then we’re going to DISNEY WORLD on Friday!!! I mean… I’m going to work 45 hours, but still!


Mmm your french toast looks amazing!! I think I’m more of a pancake kinda girl, but I still love french toast. My favorite fruit topping would probably have to be bananas!

We just had our really close friends from AZ in town this past weekend to go to the ASU vs. Univ. of UT game, and in another week and a half, my mom, stepdad, and brother come out! I love when family and friends come to visit. :)


French toast all the way! And I put peanut butter and apple sauce on my french toast which with your bread would equal a lot of fiber goodness. Last month when I ran a half marathon I only waited 3 days, but the one I ran before that I waited a week. And for me that was 3 days of doing nothing, not even walking the dog. When I have done 5ks I just waited a day.


I had to make french toast for breakfast after reading this.

My sister and my Mom are coming to visit next week and I’m so excited! My sister has been living in England for the last two years while her husband is doing a graduate program, and I have missed her so much!

I waited 4 days after the St. George marathon to start running again. But I bombed that marathon big time and I needed to feel like a runner again instead of a person who walked miles 22-25.


I ran my 3rd half marathon on Sunday morning and my legs are still HATING me for it!
I keep forgetting about the state of my body and bounce off my chair at work only to have my quads scream at me and start to buckle… it’s amazing that I haven’t face-planted (yet).
It’s so weird- I never had his for my first 2 HMs!


Aaaaaaand I just realised that totally didn’t even answer your question! Sorry!


It’s usually a game time decision for me. My fave topping…too much maple syrup :)

I think a week sounds about right for waiting to run after a marathon. Of course physically you need the break, I soooo needed a mental break from running as well!!


I love both, but I would say french toast made with challah bread comes out on top. i’m not a huge fruit fan for either one, give me a little whipped cream and syrup and i’m a happy camper. if i did need to choose though, i’d say strawberries!

i havent run a marathon yet :( but considering i just experienced the half for the third time..in the past, I usually waited 3 days to run. For some reason, since my mileage base was pretty high already, i figured i wouldnt need much recovery time from my half this time. I was dead wrong…I really ran this one all out so my legs were dead for a good 2 days. on the third day, I ran and felt fantastic!

p.s. good to catch up on your blog, I feel like i havent commented in forever, when in reality its been like 3 days! hahaha


Pancakes with bananas, chocolate chips, and peanut butter chips. I LOVE this combination… with maple syrup on top OR even better… melted PB. :)

I hope you’re having fun with all of your visitors!!


Can I just ask you where you got your boots?! They’re so cute! I am having SUCH issues finding the perfect pair of boots.
And I would have to say chocolate chip pancakes with blueberries :) Its amazing every time


They are from Nordstrom and I wear them DAILY!! I am pretty sure they have them this season still!


French toast is my absolute favorite. I even have a delicious french toast recipe if you want it. Is it weird that I don’t put fruit on either, although I like banana’s in my pancakes. This week my mother-in-law is arriving Thursday afternoon to spend the next week with us since I am scheduled to be induced Friday morning! We have a lot of family visiting and my best girl friends from Cali in the next month. Can’t wait!


I see that Sarah is still working on her how to look the same height as other runners stance…and it actually kind of works in the picture! Probably the fact that she’s wearing sneakers and not her normal heels doesn’t hurt…So jealous you two got to hang out!


BAHAHAH I was SO jealous that you guys had the weekend together. I heard that you will be in NY (but not running right) so we will finally get to hang out!


I’ve finally perfected it. One more good thing to come from this weekend. Who needs a PR when you finally learn how to not godzilla everyone in a photo??


EMILY…my comments don’t show up on your blog…BOOOO!! Save me from spam.


We flew out from SLC to the Long Beach race this weekend. It was great weather for the half, but it was getting pretty warm for those running for longer than 3 hours.

Its controversial and plenty of people have anecdotal evidence that makes them think otherwise, but the science has shown that very light running in the days after a marathon actually speeds up the recovery process, despite how junky you feel doing it. Even 2 mile jogs that are closer to walking pace actually will be a benefit in the long term. After a marathon I’ll do 2, 3, and 4 mile runs in the 3 days afterwards. After a half, I’ll run 10+ miles the day after (super easy though) to help the legs flush out the waste products.


WOW!! Thanks Jake. I love reading your what you think because you are a PRO. Sorry for so many questions but how long do you wait until you start speed work again after a marathon?


I think you have to wait a bit longer for speedwork of any type. Typically I’ll run a target half-marathon as part of the buildup towards a marathon, and that’s why I jump right back into training. But still, even though I get my volume right back, I wait 4-5 days before doing anything other than easy running, especially if the race was truly an all-out effort.

Generally a marathon is the “peak” of a training cycle for most people, so I would wait at least 2-3 weeks before jumping into any harder workouts. After I ran the Utah Valley Marathon on June 11th, I didn’t do another “hard” effort until I ran a 1 mile race on July 4th… and after that I got back into a more normal training routine. So my best advice for most people would be at least 3, maybe 4 weeks of easier paced running after a target marathon that you are really training hard for and trying to peak for.


Awesome!!! Thanks again for answering my questions! I really appreciate it! Have a great day and enjoy some ice cream:)


I’m so happy to hear somebody else say it was hot at LB. I thought I was just being a spoiled baby.


Pancakes and BANANAS!! PS Dean’s bro and sis in law are taking a trip to Utah next summer. I just found out yesterday. They are almost 100% and if they go I’m jumping in and inviting myself. I already told them my BFF lives there and I have to tag along with them! Promise we’ll go for froyo?


CHRISTINA…you better not be joking with me. YOU HAVE TO COME!! We will run and play and eat and do everything together. I am counting on this!


Not kidding! I really hope they go. They are mormon and want to visit some temples in Utah! His brother is also really into photography now and wants to see all of the beautiful canyons! Eeee keeping my fingers crossed!!


Goodluck to your team today!! I am obsessed with french toast and pancakes. Please don’t make me choose!

Love you! Have a great day. :)


French toast is so delicious! I love making it using raisin bread because it has a nice sweet flavor and the raisins are awesome. On top I usually have sauteed apples or candied nuts with maple syrup. Yum!


French toast is so good!! This makes me crave it really bad because I haven’t had it in so long! Favorite topping is peanut butter and a banana….yummy!


French toast, pancakes, strawberries! My best friend’s mom used to make the best pancake topping growing up… it was blackberries, blueberries and raspberries all blended up in the blender and then voila! fruity syrup to top the cakes!


I’M SO JEALOUS you guys got to hang out. gaaaaah, I want in.


Mmmmm, french toast with blueberries is yummy!!!

No one visiting but my sis did move away today, so that’s like opposite day :( But now I get to be the visitor to Hawaii!!


Oh you and Sarah!!! Two of my favs! Wish work called me to UT yesterday! Good luck to your athletes for the Regional Meet!

Do you get more nervous for them running? Or, when you run a race?


Awwww fun! Isn’t Sarah an awesome gal? The two of you together?! GOOD TIMES!

P/S I am jealous of how tall you BOTH are. I would do anything to grow another 3-4 inches!

That french toast looks so good. Its a hard decision pancakes vs. french toast vs. waffles for me. I like em all :)

Post marathon I need at least a week off of running. Half Marathon I take a coouple of days. 5/10k no time off.


Pancakes and french toast, too close to pick just one! Top either one with grilled bananas. Dang it, now I’m hungry.


banana pecan french toast!!!!!
My sis, her wife, my mom and dad were just all here!! It was so much fun!!!
A marathon? 1 week
half? two or three days.
10 k-one day
5k MINIMUM 15 minutes. MINIMUM.


I LOVE your boots!! I love wearing cute boots, they can make an outfit a lot of times :)
I’d have to say french toast, and other than peaches I love bananas and blueberries for breakfast!


Pancakes OR French Toast for me but a MUST is coconut syrup and strawberries. I’m totally jealous of your cute fall boots and outfit since it’s supposed to be a whopping 100 degrees this week! I had to break out my flip flops and sundresses that i just put away.


PANCAKES. No visitors to Denver yet, but we’re going to Minnesota to see alll our family next week! YAY!


After St George this month I put in 2miles the Monday after, so I guess I only rested one day (yay Sunday!). I took a couple of days off after that though before I raced a 10k on Sat. It felt really good to get out moving again so quickly! The longest I’ve ever taken off running after a race was after my first half; I totally wasn’t ready for it and hammered my legs, so it was a good 5 or 6 days I think before I ran again.


Sorry I’ve been M.I.A. from your blog lately! Catching up… :)

Sarah’s an awesome chic! It’s great that she took the time to see you and say “hello!!” :)

Recovery is easier for me now than it was when I first started running marathons. My body needs one full day of rest. The rest of the week I run but I take it pretty easy. Easy effort. The second week I can jump back into speed work and LR’s. What I’ve learned is that everyone is so different when it comes to recovery. You have to really pay attention to how YOUR body feels. It’s so important after a marathon to NOT push yourself when something doesn’t feel right…first sign to a potential injury.

xo :)


I just had pancakes for breakfast and I’m def more a pancake girl! Favorite topping is grilled apples with cinnamon and grilled bananas…gah the combo of those fruits with pancakes and peanut butter kill me…SO decadent!

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