Race Director and Coconut Cake.

I forgot to mention that I was the race director for our big Regional meet yesterday…….the poor children.

Photo 2

Who knew that being the race director involved so many things.  I did start working on planning this meet back in August but yesterday felt like the craziest day of my life.  I got there early and it took SIX hours to set everything up.

I now understand (in a very small way) what race directors deal with and will forgive them very easily if the race doesn’t start right on time……..you gotta map the course (ours was 95% grass which required a LOT of marking….aka over 300 flags and a ridiculous amount of cones), figure out bibs, timing, awards, bathrooms, water, COACHING your own team and answering every question known to man.

The coolest part was driving in the lead golf cart, it was SO fun to watch the kids the whole way and see every detail of the race rather than wondering what was going on out there.

My team was very successful and we are sending 2 to STATE….I cried a little.

Photo 6

What comes after crying…cake of course:)  We had my sister-in-law’s baby shower and the treats were the bomb.com.  Their was a strawberry/cake/whipped cream trifle, a pb/pretzel sandwich dipped in chocolate (there may be 14 of them in my purse for my next chocolate rampage) and the most heavenly piece of cocunut cake.

Finally, somone realized the best ratio for cake…..just a few milimeters of actual cake topped with a thick layer of frosting and topped with coconut.

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Somehow the little girls were the ones opening presents.

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After getting high on sugar my sister suggested getting food with actual nutrients even though I begged her to go get ice cream with me instead.  She won and took me for chicken tortilla soup.  I am very glad she won this debate.

Dipping those tortilla strips into the soup=magical.

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What was the longest delay you have had to wait for the start of a race?

-Just 15 minutes but it felt like eternity because it was SNOWING.

Is it soup season in your neck of the woods yet?

My brain literally cannot think of any other questions due to its tiredness so I think YOU should tell me what the best part of your Wednesday is?

-Sleeping in a little bit (if I don’t wake up naturally) I am going to go to the gym AFTER school wahoo!

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Hmmm that soup looks great! Haha its always soup season at my house! My family can’t get enough of it :)


WOW-sounds like that was an intense day!! I bet the meet went amazing-nice job!!!

I too don’t love cake, but if it has good frosting, I’ll eat it for that. Haha.

I do love soup, but it’s too warm here to really enjoy that yet….hopefully soon though because chilis and soups are so easy to make! :)


Yum, coconut cake!


Soup season for me here in Boise. I made a veggie soup last night that was so good.


Jenae, here is a recipe I think you might enjoy! It’s salty and sweet and super delicious.


I usually just use plain jello, and I skip the frozen strawberries. Here’s the tip though– once you cook the pretzel crust let it cool for awhile. Meanwhile, make the jello and let it almost set in the fridge. Wait until it’s almost done before you add it on top of the cool whip/cream cheese mixture. Otherwise (as I have done countless times before) the jello will find it’s way through all the cracks and make it’s way into the pretzels and make them super soggy and gross.


CHRISTINE!!!! THAT LOOKS INCREDIBLE! Um, pretzel crust…you sold me!! THanks for your tips…..I woe you BIG TIME! I will have to make it on Sunday for my fam:)


Someone put YOU in charge?? lol..joking. Hearing you talk about CC makes me miss running in high school!


I love soup season! And yes it is, I love homemade soups and they are even better with grilled cheese!


Wow, Congrats on being the race director! Coconut cake is the perfect way to celebrate!


Hey great job on the race directing, I never ran cross country, but I did do track and I can imagine how hectic it must have been!!

I love strawberries, and peaches, and blackberries – ok most fruits in my cake with lots of frosting!! yumm!

Longest I had to wait was like 15 minutes, but that is because I was in a back corral haha


Ugh – race delays! I’m totally forgiving if it’s under ten minutes or so, but I get increasingly agitated and jumpy after that.

The worst was a hot August 5 miler in my hometown. There were only 60 or 70 runners, and the race was delayed THIRTY minutes. It was unbelievable. We just stood there while it got hotter… and hotter… and hotter. It sucked.


Mmm I LOVE soup! It’s most definitely soup season here. I love soups for 1)their warmth; 2) how easy they are; 3) how healthy they can be.


It’s ALWAYS soup season in this house! Congrats — way to be a wonderful coach!
xoxo from Trinidad


The latest a race ever started for me was only 10 minutes, but they feel like for-e-v-e-r b/c you’re so hyped up and ready to go!
Best part of today? Hmm..I’m struggling here considering I have to pack for a 7 day work trip SPANNING the weekend. <–not excited But, I guess I'm excited for spending one more night at home with the hubby before I leave and curling up with copious amounts of Mad Men episodes :)


The best part of my wednesday is that I will now be making coconut cake today. It’s been a couple of weeks, I’m about due I think. Maybe I’ll just make it for breakfast…..


OMG – state xc meet my senior year, the weather went in a week from being high 60s to low 20s, so I hadn’t packed ANY cold weather gear. My coach ended up finding me an under armour top and gloves. Then, 5 minutes before the race, they make you take off all of your sweats to make sure you’re in uniform. So I stood there, freaking out and shivering, for 5 minutes. BUT it was the greatest racing experience of my life, so it all worked out.


Congrats on your kids running success! The only thing more satisfying that doing something yourself is seeing the people that you coach do well.
I’m lucky and have never managed to get stuck in a race dealy. I avoided one by skipping a race due to a HUGE thunder and lightning storm (they ended up delaying the race by almost 2 hours, people ran in the DARK in downpouring rain! no thank you, I was glad to be HOME!)


Who would have thought that much work goes into a small race? Congrats on being the head honcho and how awesome your team did! I think the longest I had to wait was 15 minutes in the Blubell Fun Run 10k. It was worth the wait for the free all you can eat ice cream at the end of the race!


You are hilarious. FOR REAL. Why can’t you live in Kansas or me in Utah?

The best part of my Wednesday so far was giving my husband a hug first thing this morning. He was still a little sticky from the shower but I’ll take a free hug anytime.


Congrat’s on your team’s great performance, you must feel like a proud mama!
Your desserts are killin me!
I can’t crave sweets this early in the morning.


Congrats to your team! So exciting to see the pay off in others, you should be so proud!

I think the longest race delay I ever had was something like 30 minutes this summer. I was running a 5k and for some reason the race directors let off an 8k before the 5k on the same course and it caused some fairly terrible course traffic. Even with the delayed time I still was caught up in 8k runners and had to weave through them. But like you said, race organization is tricky.


Sooooo….My very best friend’s daughter is going to state for her Cross Country team. She’s only 11 years old and runs 2 miles in 12 minutes flat! I should probably have her start reading your blog for training tips! Thought something like that would make you smile. :)


THIRTY STINKIN MINUTES!!!! IN NOVEMBER!!! AT A TURKEY TROT!! My dinner was served just a bit late that year.

I wish. It’s been 70-80F for a WEEK here in NYC. bummer.

Imma going to WEGMANS!!! HOLLA!! (ok, it’s just a nice grocery store, but I love it and I’m a mom. My license says 28, my life says 41)


So fun!!!!! Congrats to your two “coachees ” (what is the real term? Team members?) that are going to state! You are so cool to be directing that race!


omg.. the QUESTIONS. I get bombarded with about 136 questions at the start of each practice, and it makes me want to shove toothpicks in my eyeballs.


OMG I love that soup!!!! It’s cafe rio, right? I always get it when I go :)


Awesome about the 2 going state- way to go director!


aaah being race director?!?! thats incredible!! props for pulling off a great race AND coaching those kids so well they’re going to state -congrats!!!

Umm…pb pretzel sandwich dipped in chocolate?!? I think I just discovered my next baking/cooking project lol! and +10000000 on the cake to frosting ratio. one time my best friend gave me a container of frosting as part of my birthday because it’s by FAR the best part!


I was at the gym for the first time in my life at 5:30 this morning. How do you do it?!?! It was nice, but I’m not sure I could keep up the routine like you do!

That tortilla soup looks bomb.


The longest wait I’ve had is about 15 minutes too, which isn’t bad, but really, why can’t it start on time?

I haven’t had any soup yet this season, but at Thanksgiving, my SIL makes the most incredible squash curry soup. I can’t wait!


Congrats to your team!!

Best part of Wednesday: I took a vacation day and am enjoying doing nothing!


So tired today too, that I am not sure I actually taught this morning or if it was a dream.
It might be a door closed, eating alone, lights off kind of lunch today.

Best part of Wednesday: 5pm run date followed by a lazy dinner of fried egg sandwiches, sweet potato fries, and roasted veggies.


Oh Wow I am overwhelmed just thinking about how hard it would be to plan a race. That is so awesome that 2 of your kids are going to state. Congrats coach Jacobs!! Do they call you that? That just sounds weird to type. ha ha

I am so glad someone agrees with me on the frosting/cake ratio! I prefer 1/4 cake and 3/4 frosting. :) Love you girl! Have a fabulous wednesday.


Congratulations on sending kids to state! That’s awesome!

Little kids crack me up. They always want to ‘help’ opening presents.

I wish it was soup weather here. It’s been very bipolar, with cold rain and now it’s supposed to be 80s this week. Mother Nature is being a little moody these days.


Longest delay I think was 30 minutes to start a trail half marathon in the rain. Not sure what the delay was except maybe some issues on the trails.

It is starting to be soup season. I am making beef stew today (recipe link on my blog). My favorites soups to make at home are butternut squash and corn chowder.

Fav part about today (so far) is that I managed to swap workouts today/tomorrow and got through my 4.5 mile run before my DOMS sets in later today,

The Kidless Kronicles


Congrats to your team! And 2 kids going to state, that is great!!!

Today is my boyfriend’s 30th birthday! I made cupcakes and I think we both are leaving work early to celebrate!

It’s kinda soup season…still about 70 degrees during the day but I made a nice bit pot of curried lentil chickpea stew last night anyway! I love soup season!


It’s getting to be soup season–I love soup for lunch on cold and snowy ski days!

Best part of my Wednesday is going to be taking my dog to the open space dog park later this afternoon with a friend. The sun is shining and it’s 70* out — could the weather be any more perfect?!


GO SOUP SEASON!!! I would love to volunteer with a race director some time. I’m thinking about doing a 5K fundraiser for our ward next year (for YM/YW) and I’m totally stoked on it. Good job to your kids that are going to state! That’s so awesome. It must be because they have a crazy cool coach.


I’m apparently stalking your comments today, but I’m doing a 5k for the YW in two stakes next year, we should compare notes Amylee!


Totally!!! I seriously think it is the best idea. (Of course I do- I’m a RUNNER. Hello.) I’ll share my notes if you do!


Congratulations on some of your girls making it to state! That’s awesome!

I’m the stake sports director and I’m doing a 5k for our YW next year. So much involved! Holy cow!

That soup looks awesome. I love soup, and it is soup season here for sure!


Taking my Physiology test! I am so ready to kick its trash and just want it to be over! You are amazing Janae & I look forward to reading your posts every day! :-)


I think I’ve had maybe a 5 minute delay and I don’t recall getting too irked… probably because I have NO CLUE how hard it is to set up a race.


Could you maybe send some of that pink cake my way?? Pretty please, get in my tummy!!!


Soup AND ice cream – two of my most favorite things!!!

LA Marathon in 2010 – the delay felt SO LONG, although I think in reality it was only like 15 minutes. When you’re cold, and you’re staring down a marathon, that is an eternity in my mind!


Congrats girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The best part of my Wednesday is deciding whether or not to completely change my career path. Currently I’m a nerdy CPA by day, but one of my all-time idols stumbled upon my life and is now offering me the chance to work with her organization. I am so ecstatic/nervous/can’t sleep/can’t think because I am SO TORN at what to do!! I hate being so type-A all of the time~~ so kind of like wednesday is stuck in the middle of the week, I’m stuck too.

I might need to e-mail you (in addition to the other 4 million people I already sought out) for advice, since you’re my idol too :)

K bye


Yes!!!! Please email me!!!!


Congrats to your team!! The two going to state will do awesome :) It’s not soup season yet but I eat it anyway. I just pretend. The best part of my Wednesday is probably gym later. I’m so fun


It’s definitely soup season around here! And chili season … yum!!

Best part of my Wednesday is the Bible study I’m going to tonight … it’s a crazy group of ladies, so it should be fun! ;)

And that coconut cake looks delicious!


Delay: 2 hours. Yuck. That was 2 more hours to keep my muscles warm and control my nerves.

Soup: It is still 90 degrees outside.

Best part of my day: How about the moment I realized I locked my keys in my car? No? Doesn’t work? Well then how about the fact that I threw my students a BBQ lunch?

YAY FOR YOUR MINI-ME’S!!!!!!!!!!!!! (aka your runners :)!!!) Hooray for having 2 of them to make it to states!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


AWW CONGRATS! I would have totally cried as well if my team (well that is IF I had a team hehe) had done so well! Nice work :)


Unrelated topic, I made black rice tonight and it was good! I made it to go along with chicken and stuffing. Even the husband liked it :) Congrats on your track stars!


That makes me so happy! It really is so yummy!


Congrats on sending 2 kids to states, that’s awesome! Was their race after school? Just curious how you set up for 6 hours on a school day haha :)




Awesome that you were the race director! And sending 2 kids to State is amazing!


Congratulations to your team!


I couldn’t imagine how stressful it would be to organize somethign like that! So many small details to make things run smoothly.


CONGRATS on your team!! HOW exciting to go to state!!!!!!!! Makes me miss CC SO SO SO much. I loved it. It seriously MADE high school for me. I looked forward to it (& track) every single day.
& Congrats to your sister in law on the baby :) Is she going to find out/ Did she find out if it is a boy or girl?

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