Half Marathon Recap!

What exactly were we for our Halloween Half-Marathon?

This costume is what I spent 8 hours of my life constructing this past week and it was worth every second for the second place prize of best costume.

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Filled with candy…they know me too well.

We got to the race at 6 (the time they said to be there) and waited for 80 minutes for the bus in THIRTY DEGREE WEATHER……we were popscicles but once we got on the bus we were warm again.  At the starting line they had a huge heated tent (that is why we didn’t bring extra warm gear because we thought we would be doing all of our waiting in the tent) that fit all of the racers where we waited for about an hour or something.

It was awesome hanging out in the tent and seeing all of the different costumes…..my personal favorite:  Some guy dressed up as a GARMIN 305…..ridiculously awesome and I wish I took a picture.

The costume contest was before the race and when we went on the stage to show our stuff we had a big bag of candy and when they hit us with their bats we threw the candy out to the crowd like our pinatas eploded.  Candy always wins votes.  The winners were the cast from Despicable Me and they were AWESOME.  They talked/danced/acted just like their characters.

The race started at 9 and the temperatures were perfect.  My sis darted off and we tried to keep up with her but she was cruising.

Even though it looks like not a lot of people were dressed up, I would say that the majority of runners were dressed up.  Seeing all of the costumes made time fly by as we were running.

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I finally found her at about mile 11 but her toenail ripped off from all of the downhill running and she had to stop and try to make it feel better.

She ended up finishing about a minute behind me.  My uncle also rocked it and got a huge PR with a 1:51.  I finished (GARMIN TIME, race results aren’t up yet) in 1:39…..remember this was a DOWNHILL course.

Sweet bangs, I know.

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You’d think that running 13.1 miles with a pinata on your head would be tough but suprisingly it was very comfortable and I only had to adjust it once.  The pinata hat also made it super easy to spot each other and my mom found us at the end VERY easily.  We made the costumes by cutting squares of streamers and scrunching it up with a pencil and using the hot glue gun to paste it on.

Lots of friends ran the race too.  You knew before opening up this blog that there was going to be way too many pictures so enjoy;)

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Julia and Rachelle above.

Kayla and Jaime below.

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Be prepared for the buffet meal that we went to after the race.  Things got crazy and I have never eaten so many recee’s pieces in one hour in my entire life.  PB has protein.  Protein helps muscles recover quickly.


What did you do today?

-Race, eat, shower, bday shop for my neice and now we are going to watch MOVIES galore.

What are you going to be for Halloween.  What is the coolest costume that you have ever worn?

What was the worst thing that happened to you during a race?  Toenail like my sis, cramping, tripping, getting lost?

-For me, it was getting blood blisters all over my feet during a marathon because of the rain and bad socks.

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Your pinata costume is one of the best things I have EVER seen in my life. I love it!! CONGRATS on placing second with it (what was first?!) and seriously a 1.39 is AMAZING, especially wearing that!! :D


Thanks girl!! you are my speedy inspiration!! It was the cast from Despicable Me that took first place!


Great costume! Very Clever…what was first place?!?


Thanks!! First place was the characters from Despicable Me…they were AWESOME and totally deserved first place!


i love you janae. really. you are my hero for
1. running so much
2. blogging consistently
3. all your great, hilarious ideas. in this case, your costume.

brian and i might copy you considering we have no costumes for halloween, which is 48 hours away. hmm.


ASHTON!!! How the heck are you?!?! I miss you dearly. Billy and I will be in Vegas the weekend of Dec. 3….want to meet up? DO THE PINATAS….they are a big hit:) I LOVE YOU.


LOVE the costumes. Never in a million years would I have guessed that, but it makes total sense. :) Congrats to you ALL on a great race. So beautiful there – Utah has officially made my “I must run there someday” list.

My best costume was my Audrey Hepburn “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” costume. I’ve been told more than once that I resemble her, so I decided to be her one year (I won – and lots of people posed with “Audrey” for photos:)).


KIM, you better not be kidding around with me and you better come to Utah for a race…and froyo of course:) Okay, your Audrey Hepburn costume sounds AWESOME. I need to see the pics.


ps-my half marathon time is like double that, with no costume.


your costume was amazing!!! I would have never guessed it! congrats on 2nd place and being able to run in the costume!


Thanks so much Kaitlin…it was crazy how comfortable it was to run in the costume, I am thinking about using it for New York.


Hello awesome time! (and the costume ain’t shabby either)
Half marathon today. PR’ed by 14 minutes. Ran with the hubby till mile 11 and then he just said GO!
He got us a snazzy hotel for the evening, the shower is huge and amazing, so I might need to take another pre bed, we just got back from a carbolicious dinner, and will probably catch some college football in the bar where I order some scrumptous dessert.
enjoy the rest of the night with your family!


ERICA!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!! 14 minutes? Girl, you are INCREDIBLE and you finished so STRONG and went for it. Okay, the hotel sounds awesome and you deserve every second of it and hopefully you are being spoiled rotten:) Email me with some race photos, I would love to see them!


Oh wow that costume is ridiculous. Did they carry those bats the whole run..how’d you come up with that idea?

Did you think the french toast was better than pizza for your pre-race dinner?

Have a great movie night–Matilda is on ABC Family now–super excited.


They did carry the bats the whole way ha! My sister and I were driving around and discussing our costumes as we drove by a store with pinatas in the store window…it was meant to be:) I think pizza is still my favorite pre-race dinner, I was just too lazy to get it ha. Um, thanks for the Matilda heads up, I know what I will be watching.


YAYYYYY CONGRATSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! um and billy’s first half = freaking AmAZING TIME
you guys are the cutesttt<3


Thanks Emily, you are the best! Hope you are having an amazing weekend!


Congrats! This race looks like SO much fun…I just might make the trip out there next year :) Sadly I have no occasion to dress up for this year…sad I know :( But I will be giving candy to the kiddies…and eating some myself!


BETH…you better, we would have so much fun together:) ENJOY THE CANDY!!!


I should have guessed pinata, because I WAS A PINATA last night! Argh! People do love when you randomly have candy stashed on your person. I made many a friend last night because of the candy necklace I was wearing!


YOU WERE TOO!!! AHHH, great minds think alike:) How did I forget about candy necklaces, 2 birds with one stone.


OMG I LOVE YOUR COSTUMES!!! :) and great time for running in that and just coming back to running!!!


THANKS CELIA! I hope you are having an amazing weekend!


Oh my goodness you are awesome. I am so jealous of your creativity. How on earth did you think of that costume idea???

Glad that the run went well! And your sister’s toenail issue is one of my fears related to running haha!


Thanks Kristen! We were driving around talking about what we were going to be for Halloween and we saw pinatas in the store window:)


AWESOME costumes. You guys are so fun- and Utah looks beautiful!


Come run with me HERE and I will take you for froyo every hour.


WHAT a great costume!! You guys look awesome. Way to win some more candy. hehe :)


I know, like I needed more…..now maybe I will have candy for a week:)


Um those costumes are awesome and I’m not suprised that nobody guessed them!! Very cool and congrats on the race!


Thanks so much Michelle! I hope you are having a great weekend!


Ha ha ha! LOVE the costume!! Nobody guessed it, right? If they did I would be so impressed. I was tempted to drive down the canyon just to see everyone running along in their costumes! How fun.


I was surprised no one guessed it! You should have driven the canyon and I could have hitchhiked with you:)


That really is such a creative costume. I’m so surprised it was easy to run in, it looks like it would be really tough!


I know right?!?! It was crazy easy and we are considering wearing it again!


Pinata! Love it. You are full of candy, afterall.

Our Halloween race went bust. The organizers won’t let kids under 13 compete. Boo.


WHAT….that is crazy? Did they let them sign up in the first place and then change their minds the day of the race?


PS…you are so right! As we were running people would say where are is the candy and I just pointed to my stomach:)


Exactly … one employee let them sign up knowing their age (she approved it b/c they have each raced a 5K before), then the manager got involved when we showed up to pick up our packets and said “No way. Insurance reasons”.
No “Happy” in Big Happy Family today.


Bahahaha. These are the best costumes EVER. I absolutely love it. And the fact that you ran with that on your head gives you major props!


THANKS LINDSAY!! I hope you are having an amazing weekend!


Today= Race, eat, cleaned up the car after my 3 year old threw up, showered, ate again and now sitting on my butt catching up on DVR’d shows. Good day!
yeah, it was a crazy race. Not the most organized- but it was pretty and really fun to see all the costumes! It was so fun to meet you, even if it was just for a minute :). I’m glad you guys won something for your costumes! They were so cute and creative.


I LOVED MEETING YOU!! You had to clean up throw up? That is awful!!! Hope you are enjoying food and your DVR:)


You are a rockstar! 1. Your costume is awesome. 2. Your race time is amazing. 3. Billster’s first half race time rocks my socks off.

Happy Weekend!!!!! REST REST REST, girlfriend!


Lori, thank you so much!! You are the best and you better believe I will be resting like crazy!


GEEZ!! That’s an awesome time, Janae! Were you booking it or could you have gone faster?


THANKS LINDSAY!! I think I was definitely booking it to try and keep up with my sis….it is going to take a lot of work to get back to where I was but I am stoked to do it!


Your costumes are super cute, what a great idea! You guys looked amazing! How was it running in a costume?

Congrats on the awesome time as well. A 1:39 as your “fun run” half is AWESOME! Can’t wait to see what time you put up after you get back to running full time and doing speed work again. IT WILL BE AWESOMELY FAST! Now on to the NYC marathon!


Ha, it was really easy running in the costume and fun for everyone to call me piñata and laugh! I am hoping to get back to speed soon but who knows….maybe I should do a 5k like YOU!


Love your costume! I never would have guessed that you were a pinata! :) Congrats on your race!


Thanks so much Amanda! You are the best!


Haha awesome costume! Congrats on the prize and the race :) I love how your sister is completely make-upped and put together after running 13 miles!? How!(Not that you don’t look great too ;-) After .5 miles I look like a sweaty beast of….beastiness….


I KNOW….I swear the girl doesn’t sweat ha. Hope you are having a great weekend Brandy!


I ran a half marathon today too and set a new PR! I was lame, though, and didn’t dress up. The best costumes I saw were three people dressed like mice with sun glasses, and on their backs it said “See how they run.” Nice job on your half today – love the costumes!


ANGIE…congrats!!! That is awesome that you PR’d!! That is an awesome costume idea!


holy cow, this is the coolest thing ever. I wish I could have seen you two “exploding” with candy! hahahaha. I would have voted for you for sure. Did the pinata fluff make for any strange chafing?

Congrats to Billy on a fanTASTIC first half. My guy calls it quits after 4 miles, but I’m secretly going to get him to do a half one day. I would love if you/Billy did a post on mens running. My boyfriend is struggling trying to find a great pair of shoes for his feet….he has knee and back problems, no arch problems though. And you, of course, with your costume + recent injury recovery, are amazing to already be catching up to your pre-injury speed. Fun and Impressive all around!


HEY YOU!! First, thank you so much for the lawyer advice (and I am glad that you enjoy giving it because there will be many more questions). I read it to billy and we both really appreciate it!
I bet the Gentlemen will do a half someday:) I am just hoping to maybe someday keep up with you……or at least come in a few minutes after you.


oh yea, janae, your costume is TOTALLY worth the 8+ hours you spent on it. that is SUCH a great idea!! and i love how you threw candy to the crowd…awesome!!
congrats on your speedy race, too! man, would i love to run at that location!
worst race thing – oh boy. how about having to go #2 in a marathon in downtown toronto? i ended up going in someone’s front garden. but what can you do??! (sorry if this is way gross, but as runners, nothing phases us any more, right??!)
congrats again!!


Thanks so much Cathy!! You are so sweet. Never TMI on my blog and your Toronto marathon…..that does not sound fun!


Yeesh, your poor sister! That made my toes curl up just thinking about having a nail ripped off.


I KNOW….I don’t know how she finished with it!


Great Costumes!!!




I love your costumes! Amaze-balls!

I actually went to to car thing with my hubby and we went drifting in the BMW Performance Driving School M3s and it was awesome! I have a full recap on my blog, plus a killer video showing my excitement.

And thats a great half time! Go Billy for finishing in a fantastic time too!


I can’t wait for the video! Thanks so much Brooke!


girl, 1:39 is a sweet comeback! way to rock it Jacobs. Pinatas must have done the trick. Love the Garmin costume idea too!


THANKS LINDSAY!! What are you and James going to be?


Oh my gosh! You guys are so stinkin’ adorable in your costumes!! What an awesome idea! And WAY TO GO on your run! Man girl, you impress me so much – you’re my hero!


THANKS ASHLEY!! How the heck are ya? Seriously, we need to get our Utah bloggers race going:)


1:39 after a LONG racing hiatus, and with a pinata on your darn head! That’s pretty darn awesome.

I think everyone’s candy-related costume guesses SORT of count, ya know? You were candy on the inside! ;)


Thanks Liz! You are so sweet but it definitely was a crazy easy course….New York is going to be a whole different story:) I think you are right….they do sort of count! CAN’T WAIT TO MEET YOU!


You are a speed demon girl! Way to go! I love your costumes, they turned out GREAT!


LAURA!!!! HEY GORGEOUS. Thanks so much for your sweet words! MISS YOU!


Best costume ever! Congrats to you and your family for running an awesome race. You guys were blazing.
Today I did my last long run (9 miles) before my full in 7 days. Of course I fell again because I drag my feet. It’s becoming such a regular thing that I have perfected the art of falling without getting hurt.


SEVEN DAYS!!! I will be cheering for you from Utah…can I track your bib? YOU FELL AGAIN, we got to figure this out!


Freaking awesome time, especially considering you were rocking serious costumes! You guys are hilarious!




Those costumes are flippin’ sweet!!!! ……………Get it?……….”Sweet”?………*crickets chirping*………….The creation of them sounded painfully time consuming!! It looked beautiful there! I miss the mountains so bad!


I totally get it, no crickets chirping, I thought it was awesome! COME VISIT!


eeeeeeekkkkkk!!!! i love love loveeeed seeing you all! everyone did so amazing and i am so proud and honored to be in such a fantastic crowd! congrats again pretty girl on an amazing race!


Julia, thank you so much. I loved being a part of it all again! You are amazing and CONGRATS on your PR…you rocked it! When are we going to do our canyon run together?


That is the coolest costume ever. Seriously, I love it!!!!


Thanks Chelsey! PS the recipes on your blog are making me drool even more than usual…you are incredible!


AMAZING costumes! How did you ever come up with that idea? Looks like a fab day! Must feel great to be racing again. Can’t wait for next Sunday for you! :)


HEY YOU!! We were driving around town and talking about what we wanted to dress up as and we saw a store with pinatas in the front window and knew that we needed to dress up as pinatas. Thanks Kristin!


You guys are genius!! Seriously, I would have never guessed but that is hilarious and I absolutely love it. You are my hero :D


Thanks Brittany! Hope you are having an amazing weekend!


I guess finding useful, reliable inofimatron on the internet isn’t hopeless after all.


hahahaaa – I love your costumes!! I think I would laugh the entire time if I ran 13.1 miles in that costume. Congrats to everyone on an awesome race!!


DORRY…thanks so much!! I hope you and Billy are having an amazing weekend and that he cooked something delicious for you;)


SO cute and clever! Congrats to you, Billy and your family on an awesome race! It’s so fun that you all dressed up together, too. I can’t imagine running with that hat on but I’m glad it was comfy :)


Thanks so much Meghan! I am SO proud of Billy:) Hope you are having a great Saturday!


Oh I love your costumes! So freakin original! And may I just say you are super fast! Good job girl!!!!!


MISSY…thank you so much!


SO CREATIVE!! Love the costumes–Despicable Me is pretty clever too. Everyone i your did fabulous on the half–sounds like a run-derful day!!!


*in your family –sheesh–my grammar is rockin’ tonight!


I didn’t even notice it ha! Thanks so much and the run-derful comment made my day!


AWESOME JOB to everyone. And you looked great. Next time one of you should be a skittle and the other a rainbow!
I was a butterfly once. And a TV.
Today I did 14 SLOW miles. But it is my longest run ever so I am still proud!
Worst thing during a race: asthma attack with no inhaler on me (nothing dangerous but ruined the run, now I use beforehand), severe BONK at mile 8 of 13.

The Kidless Kronicles


i love your costumes!!! they are so creative, i would of love to see despicable me, i love that movie.

the coolest costume for me was when i was a gypsy in 6th grade. i got to wear these big gold hoops earrings and lots of jewelry!

i haven’t really ran a race so nothing has happened to me….yet!


You guys are ridiculously cute! Way to go on running that half marathon, J-town! Congrats to your sister and hubbykins, too! Hang it up….Her TOENAIL ripped off? That’s not okay.

My best ever costume was probably the time I dressed up as The Cat In The Hat….I looked pretty cool, I can’t lie. After having kids, though, I don’t dress up anymore. This year, Avory (my 12 year old) is going to be a Black Veil Bride and little Sophia is going to be a cuddly kitty cat.


Thank you so much Sheanna!! The Cat In The Hat, that sounds AWESOME!! Your kids costumes sound AWESOME, have so much fun with your family!


Congratulations on your half and the costume contest!!! I have such admiration for anyone that can run in a costume-and make it look great too!! What a great memory for a great day!


I love your costumes! I did a half this morning too and PR’d. It’s been almost 6 years since I got a PR in the half, so I was pretty happy. Then we did some shopping at the outlets and got home just in time for the church Halloween party. This year I’m a witch and my little boy is a frog. I’m so glad you got your costume trophy! My sis-in-law got 2nd in the costume contest the year I did it in 2009. She wore a full on gorgeous wedding dress. I couldn’t believe she actually ran 13 miles in it!


Thanks Andrea and CONGRATS on your 6 year old PR, you are incredible!! I better see pics of your costumes on your blog! WEDDING DRESS…was she being Runaway Bride?


oh my gosh you’re costumes are so amazing!!!! I had to resist not typing this in all caps :P.


oops. i mean “your” haha excuse my terrible grammar


Ha how could anyone not know you were pinatas! The hats make the costumes…so clever! My husband and I dressed up for the great urban race in Philadelphia 2 years ago, I was a great white bat and he was Ace Ventura…we were team guano. Not a lot of Ace Ventura fans there apparently…we shoulda gone as cheerleader sluts or something easy to identify I guess. Lol Congrats on a healthy race …so the half to me is the start of the OCD called long and getting longer distance running…will Billy be committing himself?
Congrats to you and Billy!


Hey Janae! I’ve read your blog for about a year now ever since Amylee told me about it. I love it and …. I’m finally delurking to comment! I was so excited to see your costume this morning and I screamed really loud for you and your sis. Anyway, now that I’ve seen you in real life, it’s lots less creepy and I feel like I can comment. :) Congrats on an awesome finish. Can’t wait to hear about NYC. Good luck!


KALIE!!! I AM SO HAPPY you commented! Thank you so much for screaming for me and my sis. We should go to FROYO together sometime!! How did you do yesterday? I need details!


Oh, sweetie! I am not a real runner like the rest of you. ;) But I did PR by 5 minutes yesterday and broke into the 1:50s. Yay, downhill! I would love to come for froyo sometime–you are so nice.


I follow that race on facebook. It looks like so much fun! I love the pinata costumes. WOW! Congrats!


I ran/walked/shuffled the halloween half this morning (my first ever) my friends were pointing out the pinatas and that’ve when I realized it was the hungry runner girl : ) very cute, original idea!


JANICE!!!! AHHHH great job today and I wish we could have talked! We should go for froyo sometime!


YAY nice recap. I absolutely DIED when I saw your costume and of course, immediately showed Colin – We love it!!!! very creative :)

Congrats on a great half and the candy 2nd prize!!!!


Ahhh such a hilarious costume idea- SO apt for the girl who literally is filled with candy! Congrats on a fab race! My day yesterday involved run, work till lunchtime, leisurely lunch with friends which ended with warm baked cookies and then a Halloween party at night…guess who went as Kanye West :D


oh my gosh, ur costumes are GREAT!!! i honestly can’t believe u made it the full way dressed up like that! :)

man, ur sis is a trooper for losing that toenail. the funniest thing that happened to me during a race was when i was about eight and my parents would let me and my bro do the kiddie mile races at the runs they went to. well, i had a loose tooth at the time and as i’m running i feel something plot on my tongue…turns out it was the tooth that had fallen out!! no joke! well, i just kept it under my tongue and finished the race, then found my parents and showed them…i was more excited about the money from the toothfairy. :)


Thanks Cait!! She is a trooper! That is so cool that you did the kiddie mile! YOU LOST YOUR TOOTH and kept it in your mouth till the end…YOU are the trooper!


Oh my, that is so cute, awesome, cool, you name it, I love it! Congrats on a great race.
I checked out a cool candy store today and thought that the Hungry Runner Girl would probably move in and never leave. It was super sweet!


Thanks Missy!! Ahhh what is this HRG new home candy store? You know me too well!


I posted a few pic on my blog. It was such a fun store. If you are ever in the Phoenix area, you have gotta check it out. I bought a candy bar from Canada so I can see what the whole Canadian chocolate bit is about, thanks for the tip.;-)


I looooved that race! I thought it was so fun and fast and entertaining to see all the costumes. I am still shocked that I PR’d by 9 minutes. It was so great to meet you today Janae! And you and your sister looked SO cute in your costumes even after running that fast! I realized I was kinda rude to your other family, just butting in to say hi and I didn’t even talk to them – tell Billy and your sis super good job on the race too, and it was good to meet them even though it was just sort of crazy!


Jessica!!! CONGRATS on your incredible 9 minute pr…you are amazing. I LOVED meeting you, you are so gorgeous and sweet! You were NOT rude at all and I will totally tell them you said good job. Wanna go for froyo soon so we can actually talk?!


Hey girl, I just sent you an email. :)


This sounds like so much fun and your costumes were genius!! Sounds like you spent a ton of time on them but it was worth it. I played soccer in the snow today (not sure why it’s snowing in DC in October..) and I would have much rather been running in your sunny race!

One year for Halloween I was nutella and that was my favorite costume!


Thanks Carrie!! SOCCER IN THE SNOW?!?! That is crazy! STAY WARM and drink lots of hot chocolate!


great stuff!!! loving the costume idea:)


Thanks Charissa!


1:39 as your first long race after injury, with a pinata on your head and streamers all over you? I think it’s safe to say you’ve got nothin to worry about for NYC!! :-D SUCH A GREAT RACE!! that’s the most hilarious costume ever, especially w/ billy and your uncle being pinata-hitters! LOL! I hope you took pictures of all your post race feasting, the best part of course :)

I’ve only ran one halloween race before, but sadly I didn’t dress up for it! I think the best costume I’ve ever had though was being a unicorn my junior year of college. I had a full body white unitard, a silver glittery horn, and a matching pink/purple/glittery mane and tail. it was EPIC.


Arg! Don’t ask…it snowed 12 inches today. Glad there was some fun going on somewhere.


12 inches…..NOOOOOOO!!! It is October?!?


Wow congrats on your time! Love love love the costumes. My daughter is going to be a black cat for Halloween (so original I know but she’s 2 and she doesn’t care – the last year I can get away with it). I ran 17 miles on Saturday and it was tough but I got it done!


I bet your little girl is going to be so so cute as a cat! CONGRATS on your 17 miler, you are incredible!


WootWoot! Congrats on the race! That costume is ahmazing :)


Awesome costumes! I am not dressing up this year but my kids are going as a WWII soldier and Draculaura from Monster High! They are so excited and I am so excited to take them Trick or Treating! I love it!


Those are awesome costumes and taking kids trick or treating is my absolute favorite. Have a blast!


Your costumes are FANTASTIC! Congrats to you, Billy, your uncle and your sissy on an awesome run. I love running with family! Even though we don’t run together, just knowing someone else is out there on the course is a great feeling. :)

I LOVE JULIA! She is the sweetest.


Thanks Jill!! You are the best!! You are so right about how awesome it is to run together…wish it was that way every race. Have a great day and Julia really does rock!


Molly, your costumes rock!!! You totally deserved that prize!


What did I do today? Went to the gym to try out my new compression band to see if it would help me run my half next weekend. It did not help… I made it about 1.2 miles and had to stop because I was in pain. Stupid IT band! Then I cried at the gym and made my husband give me a hug… and then tried to run some more but I only made it another .5. … finally stopped being stubborn and just got a good elliptical workout in. You win some and lose some I guess… there is always next Spring to try again for my first half :-/

LOVING all these pics and the total recap of the race – awesome costumes! Yikes to your sister’s toenail ripping off, poor girl! You all got awesome times tho – way to go! Can’t wait to hear about next weekend’s race in NYC! Carb it up this week and good luck Janae! :)


Girl, I am so sorry about your it band! BOOOO…..have you been going to a physical therapist? I know exactly how hard it is to miss a race due to injuries:( If you ever want to email vent…I am your woman!! Thanks for the good luck!


I forgot to ask earlier in my comment but your uncle’s shirt? Dz nuts is that just a joke or really a company?


It really is a company!! It is his buddy’s company and was advertising with him but I chuckled too when I saw it ha!


Love all the costume pix! We had our “adult” party last night. I was a police officier and my hubby was a prisoner. The party completely freaked out because we brought our police siren. Halloween is so fun! The best costume last night was Inspector Gadget & Penny.


That is the best costume!!! Whats weird is that yesterday I was trying to figure out my own costume, came across a picture of a girl as a pinata, and thought “that has to be hungryrunnergirls costume!” haha



OH MY GOODNESS HANNA, that is hilarious!! You know me way too well….you should have guessed. I should send you some candy anyways:)


Love the costume– SO creative :D I should of guessed it…something filled with candy, SO you! :)
Congrats on the race- you were smokin’! I hope your sister is feeling better after the toe nail incident..eek! That always hurts.


You are too cute!!! Congrats on an awesome finish & also the costume contest! :)


I LOVE YOU COSTUME!!!! It is brilliant and you are amazing! Congrats on the great race, it’s almost NYC time!!


Thanks Kelsey!! I know…..just 7 days away ahhh!


Awesome costume, so creative!

Congrats on your race.

I was little red riding hood last night at my halloween party and the boyfriend was the big bad wolf! : )


You finished right with my sister, she finished at 1:39 on her Garmin also :). Good job! And good job to Billy on his 1st half! I am hoping to do this half next year (I said that last year too…haha) because it seems like a good one to start with. Love the costumes!


I wish I could have met your sister!! That is awesome! What are you two being?


Well I work on Halloween, which is actually pretty fun since I work at the children’s hosptial :). My co-workers and I are all being smurfs and I am Vanity Smurf. It should be fun!


That costume is so ridiculously awesome! I love it! I have definitely never seen one like it before. Congrats on an amazing race time too!


Congrats on your race girl! Ummm…you guys get the prize for the most original costume. Y’all look pretty freakin’ awesome (and you ran fast!!).


Congrats on the race – you looked incredible! How on earth did you come up with the idea!?


HEY YOU! Thanks Tiffany! We were driving around talking about what we wanted to dress up as and we saw pinatas in the windows of a store and we knew it was meant to be:)


I still can’t believe that you didn’t get first place! I loved your costume. You have a family that is chuck full of stellar runners!!! So amazing. You all did great.


GIRLFRIEND!!! Remember how you prd and were so speedy yesterday! I am so bummed because the picture that Billy took yesterday didn’t save or something and I can’t find it…it broke my heart. Guess we just need to sign up for another race together:)


Bummer!!! I was going to have you send it to me. We’ll for sure do another race together. In fact, the dirty dash opened for registration. I still think we should put a blogger team together. Maybe me, you, Rachelle, Julia, and Ashley? And thanks for the congrats! I was pretty happy. It’s probably the only time in my life that I’ll ever beat you :)


Love the costume, so creative! I am being an 80s girl/aerobic teacher this year. Not too creative, but cheap to make!;)


That costume sounds awesome!


Congrats on a FAST race girl! :) Very imaginative costumes!! Glad you’re back to racing. Only one week to NYC!! Eeeee!!! :D


Thanks Jenny!!! You are the best!


Congrats on a great race! LOVE the costumes!


I LOVE your costumes….so fun and creative! Homemade costumes are the bomb.com! I may have to steal your idea next year, complete with head piece and all. ;)

p.s. you and your sister are precious…makes me wish I had a sissy too! I got stuck with a brother who would never dream of wearing matching costumes/working out with me/making frequent trips to get fro-yo…consider yourself very lucky! :D


Oh.my.gosh. You guys look FANTASTIC!!! love love love the costumes!!

Way to go all of you!! What a fun family day :)


I LOVE YOUR PINATA COSTUMES. those are fantastic.

and holy HECK, the blood blisters… it wasn’t even raining for my marathon, and my poor toesies are hurtin’!


Great race recap, you rocked it (and as a pinata, very impressive)! Love the pictures, and I think you are right that you needed the protein in the pb in the Reece’s!

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