Getting ready for Halloween and the BEST Chocolate Pie

I am not exaggerating when I tell you that last night was my all time favorite Sunday family dinner night.  This means that you have to endure through more pictures than normal because it was just that good.

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Either he is scared or really confused by the story she was telling him….

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Things started out on the right note with macademia nut encrusted chicken (pound chicken, dip in egg wash, coat chicken with crushed up macademia nuts, pan fry chicken in olive oil for a few minutes in a pan and then bake), potatoes, rolls (good sign when the roll is bigger than the potato), salad and fruit with cool whip.

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Dessert was made by my cousin……..chocolate pie!! Not gonna lie, it did make me think of The Help for a second and I tried to remember if I had done anything in the past to make my cousin mad before I ate it;)

The pie was INCREDIBLE.  She used THIS RECIPE.  All pie should have meringue on top.

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My mom received a text on Saturday night from my aunt saying that she got stuff for Janae and the kids (somehow, I always get put into the same category as the children) to do a Halloween craft.  I may have gotten a little into it and by the time I was done I was sweating and only burned my hand on the glue gun 3 times.  The kids never burned their hands once…..hmmmmmm.

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The apple head will shrivel within the next few days and look a little more witchy.  Please note the awesome broom and cape.  (We ran out of matching eye balls and I let the kids have first pick….Billy told me that that was very mature of me.  I will probably go to the store later on today and get matching ones).

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My cousins and her friend made a one-eyed wizard with matching mustaches.

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We really get into crafts.

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The black cat creeping around the house really helped put us into the Halloween spirit.

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Do you have a cat?  Have you ever owned a cat?

-We had one when I was really little but that is the only time.

Did you go trick-or-treating as a kid?  How old did you trick-or-treat until?

-Every year!  I stopped in 8th grade except for a few people in my parents neighborhood that we are good friends with that I go to every year still;)

Any fun Halloween crafts or Halloween themed food/treats you can share with everyone in the comments.  Link away!!!

Would you rather have a FRUIT pie or a chocolate/banana/coconut CREAM type pie?

-I am all about the cream pies.

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You have the most fun looking family ever! I need to move to Utah so you can adopt me :)

I do have cats and always have. My family is cat-people (although I love dogs too)

I went trick-or-treating until I was 14 and no one wanted to give me candy anymore. I miss it!

Cream pie all the way :)


YES PLEASE!!!! I think that is a great idea. Good call on the cream pies:)


Yes, we have cats. I got my first cat in the 8th grade and have had them ever since. In fact, we may be adding a new member later this week.
I don’t remember when we stopped trick or treating but probably later than we should have. I am not a fan of the teenagers that come around.
FRUIT, but only if it is apple. Then I would switch to something chocolate.
This is a great site for Halloween inspired food and crafts. LOVE the centerpiece all the way at the bottom.

The Kidless Kronicles


Definitely stopped Senior year, never went in college..but still trying to convince my Mom to go with me this year.

Banana Cream and Chocolate Cream Pies..but Apple Pies.. I basically toss the insides out and chop up the crust in vanilla ice cream..the best.


I think you and your mom should definitely go this year…that would make me so happy! Crust and vanilla ice cream…you are my kind of girl:)


My mother in law has 5 cats… that’s enough for me. I can go visit them anytime I want. I don’t need cat hair in my house. yuck.

I loved trick-or-treating… not sure when I stopped, I think I was probably in 7th grade…

I’ll take a fruit pie (APPLE) pie over any cream type pie… LOVE the apple pie from Costco. SO GOOD.


Um, can we go get an apple pie from costco and a gallon of ice cream and watch chick flicks one night this week?


Yes, yes & yes!


Those crafts are too adorable. Not gunna lie, I’m pretty jealous :) Haha.
I have a cat but she lives with my dad! She is super playful unlike the cat I used to have it was scared to death of any human being.
I LOVED trick or treating. I would bring a pillow case to fill up with candy. It was intense. Probably 8th grade for me too!
I made cupcakes (from a box) but with homemade icing and topped with candy corn! It’s on my blog :)
I think I like the fruit pies better, but chocolate is always right up there with them


Your cupcakes look so so good. Why can’t we still go around filling up our pillow case with candy?


You have the most fun family ever! I think it’s awesome how everyone gets together Sunday nights for dinner. I’m a huge key lime pie and cheesecake fan! I could eat a whole pie if I wanted to. :)


KEY LIME PIE is so so good! I think we are having pumpkin cheesecake next week, I am already counting down until we eat it!


Awww those crafts are so neat! Family time is the greatest! :)


I think 8th grade was the cut-off for me, too, but sometimes people still gave me candy when I took my little brother out when I was in high school! Hubby brought home 4 bags of candy yesterday…Where we live we get NO trick or treaters, so it’s all for us.

I like fruit pies best, but chocolate for anything else.:)

And cats… Um, yeah. We have 4 house cats. We got our first one 19 years ago. My husband-to-be at the time found a kitten in the road and brought her home so I could find her a home. She stayed with us for 17 years! In the meantime, we got 2 friends for her. Out of the three original ladies, Amber is still alive and kicking (and 18 years old). In the past 2 years we got the other 3 we have now – all of them showed up at our door with something wrong with them (broken leg, animal attack…) and after I had the vet fix them up, I couldn’t let them go. We live in the country and I kind of do cat rescue on my own – I currently care for 9 outside. I’ve had as many as 14 at one time! I am seriously considering registering as a non-profit animal rescue.

(Hey, you asked? :))

We also have a 72 pound English Pointer, 2 turtles, and a bunch of fish. Friends call me Dr. Doolittle.


OH MY GOODNESS…your house full of animals sounds like so much fun. I didn’t know that cats lived until they were 18 years old…that is INCREDIBLE!!! 4 bags….ya know, if you have any extras…..


She’s going strong, too. You’d never guess she was 18. We expect to have her into her 20’s. :-)

Oh yeah – DH bought all this candy and today he left on a business trip. So here I am alone with Kit Kats, Milky Ways, Snickers, and 3 Musketeers!!!!!


Good lord that dinner looks fabulous! I’m easy with pie…it’s all about the crust for me- yum! And that chicken- no words! I always coat it in oats, but I am all over the nuts (that’s what she said ;))!


I would still trick-or-treat if I could….I stopped when I was 16 :)


Banana cream pie is my favorite pie (/food) EVA! My MIL knows and always makes one for me whenever I come visit. I am a lucky lady!! :D

I want to try that chocolate pie, though…also, what if next time you added REESES?!


Banana cream really is the best. You should get me your MIL’s recipe:) Okay, you are BRILLIANT. WE WILL be adding Reeses next time, thanks for the awesome idea!


aww that looks like SO much fun!!! love how you got put in the “kids” category. Actually I still get put in the “kids” category too…mainly because none of my cousins have kids yet, so all of us are still the “kids” (even though some of them are 30)…life’s more fun that way :-P

As usual, all that food looks amazing. Nut-crusted chicken is the best!!! And I usually make fruity pies when I’m the baker, but I do not discriminate – they’re ALL delicious!

Uhh so I trick-or-treated up till my senior year of high school….and I still dress up every year….this year is my first without trick-or-treating or a fun college party to go to and I’m not quite sure what to do with myself!!! I’ll probably dress up anyways haha.


Ha…life is better in the kids category! Senior year…that is awesome!! You better still dress up, I look forward to it all year!


I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again: your little niece is so stinkin’ adorable!
We’ve never had a cat, and probably never will. Growing up, my parents have never been cat people, and my husband isn’t either. Honestly, they kinda creep me out too!
We were all about trick or treating! I went out until I was probably like jr. high age?
CREAM PIE all the way!!


Thank you so much!! Lets have a cream pie party and no cats allowed ha:)


I actually don’t like pie….so weird, i know!!

I like doing crafts with family, and that’s about it- I am not a very crafty person./ But your guys’ witches look super cute!!


ANNETTE..are you serious!?!?! What is there not to like about pie:)


This is so cute… I’m definitely always put in a category with the kids too! Great idea with the apples!

No cats for me… I’m so stinkin’ allergic and Luke is too!


I have always had cats growing up, I only did not have one while at University but as soon as we moved back home we got out beloved little brat, Scarlet :)
I think I went trick or treating until I was 12, but had younger brothers so I stole their candy ;)
I am kinda crazy but I only like one type of pie…pumpkin!
On Pinterest I saw a simple but cute and yummy idea – dip pretzel twists in chocolate and then in Halloween sprinkles. I might make some goodie bags up of them for my co workers next week.


I had a cat, her name was Pookie, she was awesome and furry.
Yes!!!! I went as a gypsy, madonna, a witch, a bumble bee, LOTS!
fruit pie. or sugar pie. or custard. or cream. of savory. maybe just pie?


POOKIE…love the name. I guess you like pie:) I might have to bring you one in NY!


Janae. We have no less than SIX restaurants that specialize in pie. It’s amazing. It’s why I run like the wind, bullseye!


I LOVE crafts and those witches look awesome. I think you should keep yours as is. I like her and love her leopard print outfit ;) I stopped trick-or-treating around the same time as you. However, now I have a child and life is SWEET AND AMAZING! Little L can trick-or-treat but he’s still too young to eat very much candy….so it’s all mine! Muwhahahaha – evil laugh :)


PS: you’d better go visit my first race recap b/c I did awesome :D


That is an awesome craft! Please take after pictures when they get all shrivelly.

I once had a cat for a week. An abandoned kitten showed up on my front steps and I kept her until I found her a better home, since mostly, I don’t really like cats.


I totally will!! Kittens are adorable…I am like you and don’t think I will ever have my own cat. Does Bungee like cats?


Fruit pie all the way. I am so not crafty – I wish.
Your family looks so fun!




Gah, your craftiness is impressive!!

I had cats when I was little, but developed a nasty allergy to them as a teenager. So now I just have a pug :)


A PUG…I am jealous! I think I am kind of allergic to cats too!


Pugs rock – they’re the dog version of a cat ;)


I don’t think there’s ever been a time in my life when I DIDN’T have a cat. Currently I have 7ish… and I say ish because one is a kitten that it terrified of people. All of them are outside, and they’re all mostly related.

And I’d probably go for a fruit pie over a cream pie. Although I love Rocky Mountain Pie (chocolate chips, pecans, bourbon. Deliciousness).

And I don’t remember the last time I went trick or treating =( When I was little we started going to the harvest fest at church instead.


SEVEN…that is AWESOME!! I need to try this Rocky Mountain Pie that you speak of…sounds incredible!


Before you picked out the witch you made, I had decided I like the one with the non-matching eyes the best! HAHA.

I have a wicked cat named Lucifer, Lucy for short. She has done too made terrible things, including but not limited to destroying my pretties and electronics throughout her “too easy” years of life.

I LOVE getting dressed up for Halloween. We just went to a costume party this weekend, and dressed as Beetlejuice and Lydia!!!


You have great taste:) Lucifer…that is HILARIOUS!! Oh your poor pretties and electronics! Best costumes ever….headed on over to your blog to check them out!


Did i miss what your Halloween Running outfit was? Im dying to know!!
xoxo from Trinidad


I haven’t announced it yet….still wanting to see if someone can guess it. GREAT RUN THIS WEEKEND!!!


Yes I LOVED trick or treating! I tried to convince hubby that we should go together this year. I am a foot shorter than him and therefore could easily pass for a child with a mask on. He laughed. I don’t know why, I was not joking :)

We just got a little kitten only 2 weeks ago. We got him so he could keep our 100lb bernese mountain dog (the love of our lives) company during the day. Ozzy is terribly jealous of the kitty, but they do get on well and we have caught them snuggled up together! Ozzy has always waited in the windowsill for us to come home, now sometimes both of them are up there gazing out… It’s ridiculously cute.

Chocolate cream pie is to DIE for and I love it. I make Dorie Greenspans chocolate cream pie on occasion when feeling decadent. It’s so very delicious. Here is the recipe – though I usually just make it in a plain (Martha Stewarts) pie or tart crust… I don’t really think a chocolate crust is necessary.
Sooo yummmmyyy


You better not be joking…that is a BRILLIANT IDEA!! I would definitely take advantage of that. That is probably the cutest thing in the world to see your huge dog and the little kitten together…I may need a picture. AHHHH THANK you so much for the chocolate pie, I WILL be making this!


Yes! I have a cat right now and she drives me nuts! Anyone in the St. George Ut area want a cat???


HEY YOU…I tried leaving a comment on your blog but I think it went to spam…save me:)


I have always had cats even though I prefer dogs over cats. We do currently have a cat and he has chewed up all 3 pairs of my old navy flip flops. I did go trick or treating and I used my old dance costumes and I think I stopped like sophomore year of high school. I went to a boarding school so one year we turned the whole girls dorm into a pysch ward which was really fun. I do make my husband go to Chipotle every year dressed as either a burrito or last year it was a processed food. Oh and cream all the way, I prefer chocolate!


I had a cat growing up but that’s it.
I trick or treated forever it seems, I can’t remember when I stopped. Now I have kids so I’m still at it.
Here is a favorite recipe I do with the kids and we give them to the teachers. Some years we even paint the pots like in the pic, it just depends on if I get goin on it soon enough.
I love all pie!


That’s such a cute project! I love how you get thrown into the kids category. :)


Cute crafts!!!

Never had a cat, I’m definitely a dog person and I have 2 sweet doggies.

I think I trick-or-treated until 6th grade then I was “too cool.” Funny how that works when you get older…now I want to trick-or-treat and take naps on a daily basis. Oh and early bedtimes are good too!

I love ALL pie. Rhubarb is awesome but I really really like coconut too!


Your crafts look like professionally done ornaments, especially when they were all lined up, too cute!! You’ve got some talent :)


Seriously LOVE your family! What an awesome day. I am obsessed with crafts and must make myself one of those witches as soon as I get home from work.

Love you! Have a fabulous week.


I love those crafts! I’ve been thinking of getting a little artsy so maybe I’ll take a cue from y’all :)

PS Did I miss the post where someone finally guessed what you are dressing up as for your Halloween run? I’m super curious!!!


My parents got a cat named Silly after I got married and the husband and I loved. She got sick, though :(. The only cat I have ever liked!
Seriously one of the best thing about having kids is trick-or-treating and then testing to make sure their candy is “safe” for them to eat. Strange that their Twix and Kit-Kat’s are always not safe ;).


We’re not cat people in my family… haha.

I trick or treated until maybe 8th grade, after that we would have parties at friends houses instead.

I made these at work ( and I want to make more for my house.

Chocolate. Creamy. Pies. AMAZING. But an apple pie is always nice too!


FRUIT PIE! Peach and apple please.

PS: did you ever get my crazy/psycho girl e-mail I sent you? Sorry about that :)

I still need a Halloween costume………. this from the girl who hasn’t dressed up since freshman year of college. YIPES.


I DIDN’T GET IT…will you pretty please resend it?!?!


Yummy!!! I love chocolate pie…. my grandma’s recipe is the best. Something magical about how she makes pies. But other than chocolate I love fruit pies!!

I have 3 cats and a dog. All were rescued. My first cat I found on a run with my dog. He was a tiny 4 week old kitten that someone had left in a ditch. I scooped him up and brought him back to life. My other 2 cats were adopted from a special needs shelter. One was pregnant and very sick and the other got hit by a car and lost his front leg. Cats make great pets!!!


Growing up we had a few cats, but they found us… we are much more dog people and always had dogs! I guess the cats wanted to join in on the fun :) I think I trick-or-treated until 8th grade maybe, but after that I took my little cousin out so I still got candy! Your crafts look awesome, so fun! I want to try doing crafty halloween nails like the multi-colored ones:
but these look a little easier: Have a great day girl!


You are so awesome Janae!! haha I love the craft idea. ohh, I want some chocolate cream pie right now!


This looks like so much fun! I have two cats, but all black cats still freak me out just a little bit!
I love the crafts that you guys made–I can’t think of anything I love to do for halloween but I do really want to make some candy corn cupcakes this year. So fun!


That is such a cute idea for Halloween! How fun.
I loved trick or treating as a kid. We’d go as a big group and I loved seeing how people decorated their houses or if they people handing out candy dressed up.
I’m all about the cream pies. They’re my favorite!


The Help!!! Ha ha. I’m glad it was terrible awful :)

I love the cyclops one! I think the button looks like an eye patch and you should just leave it. What a fun idea.

The only kitty I will ever own is my 2 year old that believes she is one- I have a picture of my kitty on my blog.

I love Halloween and still trick or treat- only with my kids (and I steal most of their candy after they go to bed).


LOVE your arts & crafts- what a cute idea with the apple!! & I totally think you should keep your witch like that- it makes it even funnier with the button for an eye, rather than an actual eye :)
I went trick or treating until I was in 8th grade too. I don’t love Halloween..I’m just not a fan of scary stuff, so I really didn’t mind not going. Although the free candy was ALWAYS a plus!
Oh, I just ate some Skittles & totally thought of you!!


I’m with you … I’m all about the cream pies!! That chocolate pie looks amazing!

And I think I stopped trick-or-treating after 9th grade. My favorite costume was in 5th grade … me and my friends dressed up as the characters in “Babysitter’s Club” (they were cool back then). I was Stacey. ;)


We have a black cat who was actually born on Halloween!


You had me at “macademia nut encrusted chicken”. The rest of your post was a complete blur.

ps. your niece is the cutest in the world.

My parents always had cats for as long as I can remember. But – I’m a dog person. Hubs says I get a dog if I can stick to our grocery budget for a whole year. Random. Sorry.

Trick-or-Treating: I was always the weird kid who hated dressing up for Halloween… until one year when my parents let me do my own “clown-face make up”. The rest is history.

Fruit pie! Strawberry, please.


That is such a cool craft! I love the idea of the witches head only getting creepier looking as the apple wilts!
I know EXACTLY what you are talking about with the pie! LOL


Awwww this makes me think of my late cat Halloween!!! Black with orange spots…I thought it was a fitting name…


I have a cat and she is *precious*!!! She even comes when I call her name… Riley is all light grey with green eyes and a white belly and paws. She’s also only 7lbs although 4 years old!

Umm I would still trick or treat if I could get away with it… can’t wait until my bff has her baby so I can use the child as an excuse to get dressed up and walk him around!

I made glowing Mummy Jars!!! suuuuper easy and cheap…

Chocolate Pie.. or Keylime Pie… but Blackberry COBBLER a la mode is the :) :)


Tollhouse Chocolate Chip pie is my absolute favorite pie. It is like a warm chocolate chip cookie in a pie crust and is just amazing.

I had one cat growing up. I named her Kelly. (I named everything Kelly – dolls, stuffed animals, etc. ha) Anyway, she was a mean kitty and would hide behind the couch and then when you walked by she would hiss and jump at you and either bite or scratch. Not cool!! Poor Kelly only lasted a little while in our house.


Yummy chocolate cream pie! What a fun craft…nice you do stuff like that with your family!


I fell in love with a BOY with a cat…she frequents are website and is CRAZY!


I love the witches!! I teach 1st grade and it would be a cute craft! I trick or treated till 8th grade because my little brother (7yrs younger) needed someone to help him.Haha I used him as an excuse for acting like a kid many times. Oh, and I my parents have a 24 black cat!! IT’s SCARY!!

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