Fries and Costume Clues

Todays post is being transcribed by Billy. I will explain to you why in just a minute.


Our friends, Trent and Kayla, invited us to go to the BYU football game yesterday.  I showed my school spirit by wearing Billy’s football jersey and pretending to understand what was going on the whole time.

BYU killed Idaho State to the point where you start feeling really bad for the other team and it kind of hurt to continue watching so….

Photo 9

we left at the begining of the fourth quarter for grease with a side of ketchup and fry sauce.

Photo 10

Five Guys is officially my favorite burger joint.   I love that you can add on as many toppings as you want to your burger.   Beware of their jalepenos, they are deadly and my throat is still burning.   Do not even think about ordering the fries plain….go for the cajun flavoring.


Me and my sisters Halloween Half Marathon is next Saturday and we NEEDED to start working on our costumes…they are just a little time consuming.  No one has guessed what our costumes are going to be yet and you still have a chance to win a candy filled package from me if you do guess what we are going to be (you can make your guesses HERE).

Clue #1: A trip to the Dollar Tree was necessary for a lot of our supplies.

Photo 8

Clue #2: I burned two of my fingers so badly on the glue gun while making my costume that I can’t type because the blister is throbbing.  This is why Billy is typing today’s post.

Photo 8 2

Hope you are having an amazing Sunday morning and that you get to sleep in/relax/chillax and eat a delicious breakfast!


Have you ever had fry sauce (ketchup and mayo mixed together)?  Do you lke it?

What is your favorite burger joint?

What is the best part of your Sunday morning?

-Eating a leisurely breakfast in my pajamas instead of at my desk in 3.5 seconds.

Have you ever had a really bad burn?

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Sorry about your finger Janae! I’m NOT on board with mayo on fries. When I lived in Germany everyone would do that and I hated it. Ketchup all the way!
Favorite burger place is also Five Guys…I just discovered them a year ago and now they’re one of the only places I would get a burger from.
Sunday morning? I’m going for a run with my hubby! So excited because we hardly ever run together anymore.
I burned my stomach once on a hot cookie sheet from the oven…it was so painful!!


Love Five Guys!

I need a costume idea for me and my 11 and 9 yos…. we’re doing a 5K. I want to have them dress like Bob and Ann, and I could get a fat suit for a Biggest Loser Trio. My girl doesn’t think people will know who we are …. :(
Any other ideas?


Sipping my Sunday morning coffee and reading your blog…feels good! GOOD LUCK NEXT WEEKEND!


I am sorry to hear about your finger. I have burned myself on a glue gun too. I was at probably my 8th or 9th birthday party and we were making hair clips. The glue went under my skin and it was gross. I still have a scar from it 20 years later!


Owww poor you :( Hope the blisters go away soon and you can write back x


Ouch! No one likes a burnt finger! Hope it feels better soon lady!


Five Guys and In-N-Out are AMAZING! Other than those two places, I’m not crazy about burgers.

Need to track down fry sauce. Have not had it, but it sounds delish.


Mmm fry sauce is so good! I have to say though, I had never had it before I moved to Utah! It’s definitely a Utah “thing”. :)
My favorite burger joint would have to be Five Guys or Fuddruckers! When I’m craving a good ol’ hamburger, I’ll always pick one of those two.
The best part of my Sunday morning is having my parents here and them getting to go to church with us!


Never tried it but I can imagine it would be good since I like ketchup and mayo on the burger.
FIVE GUYS is the best burger joint.
Best part of Sunday mornings is HGTV and Coffee.
I had a bad burn once, when I was younger. I took a pan of cookies out of the oven and thought they were going to fall so I put my hand under the pan to catch it and got burned.

The Kidless Kronicles


I’ve never tried fry sauce before, and thankfully never had a serious burn :)


I’ve never had fry sauce, I’m a ranch dressing on everything kind of girl.

I worked in a coffee shop in college so I always had little burns on my hands. But I got my worst burn on Friday. I was making homemade candy corn and the sugar was deceptively hot and now I have blisters on the palm and fingers of my right hand. Painful and gross. But the candy corn is darn good ;)


I’m not a fry sauce fan, I actually really like malt vinegar on mine.
The counter is my favorite chain burger place.
I’ve burned myself on the oven a few times, little burns still hurt like crazy


I am going to have to try Malt Vinegar!!


I have to admit, I don’t like mayo, but I LOVE ketchup.
We like going to Red Robin for burgers. It helps that they have bottomless fries too. ;)
Best part of today so far is morning coffee and online shopping with the cat keeping my lap warm.
And oww!! I hate being burned. I once scalded my hand with boiling water. It was super painful. Hope you heal up quickly! xo


Fry sauce – my favorite!!
Fave bruger joint – my house…I LOVE to cook and make a great burger with bulgur and spinach hiding inside to make it healthier. :)
Worst burn ever – lit a jellybean on fire when I was about 14, it rolled off the thing I was holding and into the palm of my hand. Yeeouch!
Sunday morning = long run! 7 miles of peace and quiet today, ahh…

Can’t wait to see the costumes!! Have a super duper Sunday. :)


There’s a place here in Denver called the Cherry Cricket that has the best burgers, and they are so unique! They have a huge list of toppings that you pick and add to your burger–some like peanut butter, jalapenos, or an egg. Sometimes the combos sounds disgusting but they are so tasty!


I need to come to Denver to visit you and you can take me to Cherry Cricker!! Peanut butter….have you tried that one? I think the egg one sounds amazing!


The peanut butter is oddly delicious! You should definitely come to Denver (after all, it’s really not that far away!) and I’ll take you!


awe, sorry bout the finger. Oh yes, been to Five Guys once and it was pretty darn good!


you are just cruel for posting pictures of hamburgers and fries. boo. I miss you!


Are you the grinch and his dog max?!??!


That is a great idea that we are going to have to use next year:)


girl– I LOVE Five Guys!


girl– I LOVE Five Guys!


I always order fries with ketchup + mayo. There is no fry sauce here; you have to order them separately, and sometimes people think you’re weird, but I have heard of this Utah sauce. Way cool.


Ps. Hope your fingers are feeling better!!


Lisa, that is AWESOME that you do the ketchup/mayo sauce too!! Come to Utah and you can find it EVERYWHERE!


Oh no! Hope your finger gets better soon! I burnt my thumb while waitressing in college and literally had to tape a bag of ice to it b/c the second I took it off it would throb and hurt like crazy. Burns are not fun!


Aww I’m so sorry about your burn!! I recently burnt my earlobe with my straightener…I basically clamped down on my ear instead of my hair. That hurt really bad! And I’ve actually never tried fry sauce, but it sounds delicious :D. Hope you have an awesome Sunday! <3


Eeks hope your finger is feeling ok! Can’t say I’ve tried it but I have heard that putting toothpaste on burns helps! Sunday mornings are what I look forward to every week- for me it means staying in my pyjamas, getting up to make breakfast and then getting back into bed to eat it and indulging in a full-body massage (one of the perks of living in Mumbai).


Hope your finger is better soon!

I do love the ketchup-mayo combo for fries. And, Five Guys is my favorite burger joint, too.


I LOVE fry sauce! THat’s one thing I always get when I’m in Utah, fries with fry sauce.

I’m sorry you glued your fingers together! No fun! I hope it heals soon!


at first I had no idea what you meant by “fry sauce” but I totally mix ketchup and mayo together ALL THE TIME! actually I never have one without the other. creamy ketchup? YES PLEASE. and yeah, I <3 Five Guys. If I can't go to a brewery (they tend to make really good burgers with really creative toppings) then 5G is the way to go!


Mayo on fries? Ummm… thanks, I’ll pass!

I’m sorry about your finger! I have a scar on the top of my right forearm from a burn. I was reaching into the oven to get baked potatoes off of the middle rack, and the top of my forearm touched the top rack. It hurt!!!!


never tried the ketchup and mayo mix but heard its good.
my fav burger joint is in-n-out which is about 2 minutes away from my house:)
friday i burnt my index finger when i was straightening my hair….why do little burns hurt so much!


Mmmm that burger looks so good!! My favorite burger is from five Guys!


I lived in Utah for a short time but remember everyone being obsessed with fry sauce :) I do not like mayo, at all, so just ketchup for me. So sorry about the burn, go get some vitamin E capsules and put some vit E on that burn! I got a really bad burn a month or so ago from a grated baking sheet/ oven sheet thing, on my leg… yes I know! So I ended up with a big grated burn mark/blisters of squares on my thigh but the vitamin E helped it heal so much faster! But it will be very sticky for a while, you have been warned!


Are you being apple trees? Hahaha!

I hate burning my finger >< I got my nails done like a month ago and the guy literally sad-papered part of my fingertip off. I'm not exaggerating when I say there was a chunk taken off. I thought I was going to sue.


HEY YOU!! I tried leaving a comment on your blog but I think it went to spam…


5 Guys is the best–but sooooooooo bad for you. We try and hit that sparingly. I prefer Mustard on my fries. I will never turn down a fry. :) I bet you’re going to be some type of candy! Happy Halloween!!!!


oof- I hate burning my fingers!! I cannot wait to see what your costume is- I still need to get my own!


I’m a teacher too and have actually had kids burn themselves with the hot glue…. :/

I’ve never heard of fry sauce, but once again, after reading your post, I’m hungry!!

Mmmm burgers


Oh my gosh! So funny you posted that because my boss has been telling me I absolutely need to go to five guys for a burger because it is the most awesome place ever haha… obviously we didnt have those in alaska (so sheltered) but i cant wait to try it out, i think torrance will LOVE it


I’ve heard so much about Five Guys and wish they had a place around us. My favorite burger joint is Red Robin because you can modify your burger anyway you want. I love that!


OH I can’t wait to find out what your costumes are!!!
Sadly I have no idea what to guess lol


I burned my cheek with a curling iron which really hurt and left a really embarassing mark on my cheek!

I love love love this place called The Refuge from my hometown. The burgers are about $12 but they are literally the best thing in the world!


Oh Paleeze! No need to feel sorry for ISU…they stink! I teach for ISU. It was so much better when I taught for BSU. I’m still trying to figure out why BYU played ISU in the first place. And I’m still trying to figure out your halloween costume.


Favorite burgers are from Five Guys! Have not tried the fry sauce, but that sounds auh-mazing!
Husband and I attended a great church service this morning, it was what we needed. Then we napped all day after driving around the islands surrounding Tybee. Good Sunday in my book.


In N Out is still my favorite burger joint though Twisted Root comes in a close second.
Fry sauce is amazing. I love it. A lot.
So looking forward to seeing your costume. I’m sure it will amaze and inspire. BTW, your sister has killer arms.


I keep meaning to try fry sauce, but then never remember.

In 8th grade, in shop class, I ended up getting a silver dollar sized amount of hot glue stuck to the inside of my arm. 2nd degree burns later and I still have the scar!


Those fries look amazing. Must resist licking computer! I’ve had fry sauce, but I’m not in love with it, I’m mainly a ketchup only girl.


ok. I think you are going to be caramel covered apples. e


I think you should give us a hint about your costumes!


LOVE fry sauce! When you grow up with it, it doesn’t seem weird at all. As American as apple pie :). Don’t think of it as mayo… just a tasty light pink sauce for fries.


I didn’t even know about fry sauce til you posted about it! We do have a Five Guys near us but I haven’t been in a while, I do remember the jumbo bag of fries though. I will need to remember the cajun seasoning for next time.

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