Free Meals and A Lazy Night

Once upon a time a co-worker needed  a ginormous favor and bribed me with free Cafe Rio meals in return for helping them out.   All I had to hear were the words Cafe Rio and I was sold.   Pathetic…..probably, but I think you all know about my obsession with this place and if you come visit me in Utah, I will take you there.

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I wish I could tell you that I am wearing a different jacket than I have in the last 20 blog posts, but I cannot.

I wish I could tell you that I ventured out and got something different for dinner, well I kind of can….I got the steak salad because it is more expensive than my usual chicken salad but since dinner was free99 I went big and got the most expensive thing on the menu!

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I wish I could tell you I didn’t bring hom the last 2 tablespoons of dressing in a to-go container and that I wasn’t already looking forward to my next meal to use it again, but once again, I cannot.

I wish I could tell you that we did something crazy and exciting exciting after dinner but both of our brains are fried by the time Friday night rolls around so we stuck to the watching 30 Rock.  Hilarious as usual.

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I wish I could tell  you that I didn’t eat a Milky Way for the 6th night in a row, actually I don’t wish that because it is my favorite thing in the world.  Crazy fact:  We were going to go for ice cream after dinner but the coldness (40 degrees…I know, I am a baby) has made ice cream sound completely unappealing.  I better snap out of this fast, 40% of my daily intake is ice cream.


Are you a 30 Rock fan?

What was the last FREE meal you had?

Do you lose a desire to eat ice cream once it starts geting cold outside?

Any long runs or races today?

-B$ and I are going to go for a long run…not sure how long, we shall see:)

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I lovee ice cream even when it’s freezing! Hahah :D


I LOVE 30 Rock and now there are new episodes on Netflix. Total score!

Looks like you had a fun night! We stayed home, got pizza and watched Die Hard with a fire in the fire place. It was pretty awesome, except I fell asleep before it was over.


Who are you and what have you done to Janae?? The Janae I know would never forgo an ice-cream run…for shame!!!!! I’m the girl who will eat ice cream when it’s freezing and then immediately curse myself for doing so haha! Last free meal I had was last night…however I didn’t know it was free till the very end and my friend insisted on paying (it was her bday and wanted to take us out)! Good thing I was feelin’ pretty baller at the start and didn’t hold back with ordering.


Triathlon is tomorrow!!
Free meal = my parents house. But that often comes with nagging of some sort, so I end up paying a little in the end.


I live in Amsterdam and its been the worst summer ever… Not one day of sun and cloudy/rainy/stormy weather for three months non stop. Terrible. And that was the only thing that has ever stopped me from stuffing my face in cookie dough ice cream.


I have a long run scheduled for tomorrow and I’m a little nervous…but I WILL do it!!!

I’m not an ice cream fan, but that big ‘ol salad looks yummy!!!


Mmm I haven’t had a milky way in so long!

Last free meal was out for Mexican with gramps!

Today is a REST day for me! Booo


We watched 30 Rock also last night. When it gets cold I either put my ice cream with hot chocolate cake or a warm brownie. I also love putting a scoop of vanilla icecream in my hot chocolate.


Last free meal was free 6″ subway day on Thursday.

Last night I was legit shivering in the ice cream line. Got a chocolate frappe and froze it when I got home, then doubled up the comforters, wrapped a paper towel around the cup to insulate the hands from turning BLUE and then dug in. Contemplated switching to Hot Chocolate..but no way not a fan. I guess I could probably just bake brownies and top them with ice cream..maybe the heat from them would counteract the coldness.


I was gonna head out for my first REAL run with my Garmin today, but it’s raining and almost snowing here! I think I’ll suck it out and go still, but only after the sun rises :)

I love 30 Rock! That, and I’ve recently become majorly addicted to Modern Family. Seriously kills me!!


30 Rick season 5 is on Netflix watch instantly. For sure my favorite show!!!


I am just about to go for my “long” run. I am up to 6 miles. The last couple of weeks, I’ve had a little hip setback so we’ll see how it goes. I definitely need to go slow and may have to walk a bit of it. It’s a beautiful day, so run or walk – I am looking forward to it! Good luck with yours!

I still eat ice cream when it’s cold, but definitely much less. I go for hot chocolate a lot in winter.
….I can’t remember ever having a totally free meal!….
…..I’ve never watched 30 Rock!….


Mmmm Cafe Rio! You know how much I love that place too. :) I think that was actually the last place we got a free meal too! We go through the stamp cards like it’s nobody’s business, so it’s not that hard to do for us. Ha!


i could eat ice-cream morning, noon, night, hot, cold, doesn’t matter- I will take it down like a champ.

Did 11 miles before I had to come in to work today (THE AUDACITY of these people to make me come in on MY WEEKEND.) Sigh.

I want to visit Utah!!


I think i have told you this lots of times. I used to be an ice cream addict…….literally. Gave it up for Lent a couple of years back, and after I did it has never held the appeal it once did, in fact it really does nothing for me. So sad, but I have accepted our break-up.

11 mile run this morning. All I have to say is isn’t it a simple pleasure when the exact right song comes on at the exact right point in a long run? ……..and then I tend to listen to on repeat all day………my lucky husband……. today it is “Here comes your man” by the Pixies.

Happy Saturday and have running with Billy!!


I LOVE Ice Cream. In the winter, I’m no longer up for going out to ice cream places because I’m too cold when I get there from going outside, driving in a car that tries to heat up the whole time I’m on my way there, and then walking in the cold to get inside, BUT I LOVE Ice cream way too much to give it up for the entire winter…which can be pretty long in the midwest, so I still stock up on it at home, and enjoy some for dessert and I wrap myself up in blankets to eat it, lol.

Enjoy your long run with Billy. I’ve got a sprint triathlon and a long run on the calendar for this weekend :)


Your hair is so pretty! :) & I love your bangs.
Can’t beat a free meal- especially the most expensive one.
Sounds like an ideal Friday night to me- we didn’t do much either- I was just so tired- in bed by 8:30- ha!
Good luck on your run today!!


have fun on your long run!!!!!!

just finished mine, felt SO good. my longest distance ever, 22 miles!


Can’t say I have seen 30 Rock. Sad, I know.
Free meal? A friend and I swap so maybe that was it? Not sure.
Sadly, ice cream and I don’t get along any more.
10 miles this morning. SLOW but right on target if I believe my McMillan chart.

The Kidless Kronicles


Yumm!!! Everything tastes better when it’s free ;)


I WISH my desire to eat ice cream would go away when it’s cold out… instead it is a year-round addiction. We have a Cafe Rio near us… I will have to try it out!


you are so funny! I love free salads have a great weekend :D


It looks like you had a fun night. Free food is seriously the best. I have a year round addiction to fro-yo, especially after long runs. I ran 20 this morning so I’m for sure getting a huge thing of fro-yo after work!


So while running past the set of Ryan Reynolds movie today in Boston, I totally ate pavement and busted up my hand and shin. I got up and kept going but had to stop at mike 13 of 18 because my shin was cramping and hurting so bad. :( now I’m freaking out about my marathon (NY) and it’s all Ryan Reynolds fault. Don’t you think he should take me on a date to apologize?


I LOVE Cafe Rio!! The chicken salad is to DIE for. YUMM.


I am totally with you on getting the most expensive thing for free. Why the heck not! I have never heard of 30 rock and have never even seen a cafe rio or heard of it until I read your blog. Do I live in a cave or something? =/ I usually still crave froyo when it is cold and sometimes I’ll get it but if I’m way too cold I won’t!


I can eat fro-yo/popsicles/ice cream year round! I guess I just have talent. Even if I’m really cold I’ll eat them and just have a tea as well to warm up. Ran 15 miles today for my long run–woo-hoo!


I’ve been meaning to start 30 Rock from the beginning…I flip it on sometimes, and it’s funny…but I don’t really know the storylines so can’t laugh “fully”.

I lose my taste for ice cream when it gets cold…which is really sad. I need to buck up!


mmmmm cafe rio looks like deliciousness!! I wish they had something like that here….California Tortilla is probs the closest thing….

I actually crave ice cream/froyo more in the winter!! really weird, I know. Maybe your place has pumpkin flavor…THAT could be motivation!!


have a great long run! i have a half marathon tomorrow so today I’m just relaxing :)

i love finding a jacket and sticking with it. once you break one it and it’s perfectly comfy it’s hard to wash it and start over :(


My husband craves ice cream ALL the doesn’t matter what the temperature is OR what time it is! :-)
enjoy your long run!
xoxo from Trinidad


I save my free meals ( once a month). I usually love to eat Pizza and Pastelito’s . Cheese pizza and guava or cheese pastelitos..mmmmm
I’m not a fan of ice cream but I will do anything for peanut butter ( reeses, m&m with PB, oreo with PB). I usually have that as well on my cheat/free day. I like the name free day instead of cheat will use that from now on.
My next free day is Halloween weekend :)


I ran 11 miles today for my RNR StLouis Half! And let me tell you there will be LOTS of food consumed today. I had banana pankcakes and eggs after the run and 10 mins later my stomach was already growling!! GET IN MY BELLY! ha


Your dinner looks amazing!!!

We did 10 miles this morning, then I made pumpkin pancakes. Yum!!! Now we’re watching college football and I’m making buffalo chicken dip. Sooooo good!!

Have a great weekend, Janae!


I had cafe rio twice while I was in Utah and instead of satisfying my craving it just fed it and now it’s stronger than ever. I want some so bad!!

I love 30 rock! I can’t wait until it starts!


Marathon Tomorrow! Same one as Monica (Run Eat Repeat) XP
Carb time..


Free meals are the best! I had free froyo today (PUMPKIN!!!) using a gift card I got for my bday last month.

I love ice cream all the time, but it’s like during the winter I love it even more! I’ll never forget one year I went with a big group of friends to the mountains in east TN and it was like twenty degrees and I convinced everyone to go get ice cream with me! :)


Ran the Love Your Body 10k at Thanksgiving Point this morning-beautiful! and I killed last year’s time so that was fabulous too. The cold rainy weather must have kept a lot of ladies away because it was sparse this year! But that made it easier to weave through when passing people. :P
Also, now I am craving Cafe Rio. Hmmm….hubs is going to the Y game tonight and taking our son instead of me (+ dad points, – husband points), maybe I will treat myself to dinner out…..


I just ran in the snow today and then ate a big bowl of vanilla bean ice cream. So I’m gonna have to go with no. I loooove ice cream and fro-yo! My dad is a runner so we still ate it all winter! :)


I like ice cream in the winter.. but I love soup and pumpkin spice lattes more! ;)


Running a 5K tomorrow for the American Heart Association. Haven’t ran in a while since I’ve been sick. I’ll be thinking of you when I want to crawl in a hole and be carried to the finish line :) Three miles? That’s nothing in Janae’s book!


I ran 12 miles today and rocked it! Check out my post recap.
Fun that you got a free meal, that’s always nice!


LOVE 30 Rock…maybe more than grad school. That isn’t super great for me, but at least it is entertaining!

I actually think the last free meal I had was at Cafe Rio.

I bought an ice cream cake in the rain last night…

and I ran an awesome 6 miles this morning!

Happy Weekend!


I did a 16 miler. My marathon is only 4 weeks away so one more long run then tapering. Not that I’m excited about tapering or anything.
I’m not a huge ice cream person but if I were I would have eaten it today. It’s 90 degrees. One of my friends even went jet skiing today. Have I mentioned that I love Texas and have almost forgiven her for her brutal heat this summer.


i love ice cream ALL the time. no matter what.


Been reading your blog for a while now…just started one of my own! And I always have the desire to eat ice cream, especially when accompanied with your amazing s’more bars (tried the recipe last week!)

Long run today – 10 mile trail run in the first snowfall of the season!

Happy Fall running :)


I saw this on Pinterest and immediately thought of you!

Love your blog – it makes me smile every day! :)


40 degrees? like with a 4?? you better come back to socal fast. we do yogurtland year round.


My last free meal was Friday lunch. My boss and coworkers took me out to lunch since it was my last official day at work!! So exciting but kind of sad too!

Ice cream is fabulous year round. I can easily say this since I am from Houston where our “winter” feels probably a lot like your fall!


Yay for lazy, fun nights!!! I’d rather stay home eat a bucket of ice ream and watch movies, then have a nice nightout anyday! My last free meal was probably last Tuesday. I had parent teacher conferences, so our PTO supplies the food. Then I rushed home and ate a ginormous amount of ice cream and pb. I don’t care if it’s freezing or not…i want ice cream every night. It’s a sad day without it!!! :) No running for me today=rest day. :)


Well, here I am like I promised, stalking your blog! I found out that not only do you like to run and eat, but are a watcher of 30 Rock… I will most definitely be reading more! haha love that show :) Thanks again for the lesson today!


I haven’t seen 30 rock, but walked right by Alec Baldwin filming a scene in NYC last week… as I was eating pumpkin froyo! Now I really want to see the show! When you’re in NYC for the marathon- GET FROYO AT 16 HANDLES!! There are a few locations, closest one to Central Park is the one I go to.. on Amsterdam and West 74/75th-ish. You are one of my favorite bloggers so I would LOVEEE to treat you to some 16 Handles!!! :)

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