Endorphins and Burritos Heal Everything

Yesterday was one of those blah days.  I was grouchy and lame even though my day started with sleeping in and a donut.  I thought I was too tired to workout after school but as I was driving home I was thinking about what my options were:

1-PJ’s, granola and mope about my day on the couch.

2-Use my emergency pair of workout clothes in my car to hit up the gym.

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If it means I have a problem because I am instantly cured of a weird day mood by working out, I don’t care.  I literally felt like a new person with each minute on the elliptical while watching King of Queens and reading blogs on my ipad.  I don’t know why I ever doubt that a good sweatfest will cure any and all grumpiness in my life.

If you are reading this crazy running blog I am pretty sure that you can testify to the miracle of endorphins too.


Dinner last night was prepped by the person in our household that didn’t get done with school until 8 pm (minus 35 wife points).  I was too busy washing my hair for the first time in a week to even think about what to make (plus 40 wife points for finally washing my hair and shaving my legs).

He made us bean and cheese panini/taco/burritos.

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On the side, I had an apple dipped into cream cheese flavored fruit dip.  I don’t know if I will ever be able to eat a piece of fruit without this stuff ever again.

We also made another late night trip to Walmart last night for the right phone case.  I don’t know if Bily was more embarassed because of my dripping wet hair, my slippers/pj’s ensamble or because of the small tantrum I threw over wanting to spend the money I was about to spend on an iphone case on $30 worth of candy instead.

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I made up for my lack of candy buying with a cookie sandwich.  I wonder if cookies would taste good dipped in cream chease flavored dip…off to go try.

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Today is going to be one of the best days ever.  I have a sub for the day while I take my team up to the STATE championships.  Watching the best runners in the state all day…..is this a dream?


Anyone want to add their true feelings about how much they love endorphins and how it cures your bad moods?

What was your favorite candy to get as a kid when you went trick-or-treadting?  Have you bought your candy to pass out yet?

-Those little boxes of Milk Duds always made me very happy!  No, lets be honest it would never make it to Halloween so I will have to wait until the night before.

What was your dinner last night?  I love hearing what you had because then I can just copy what you made for our dinner tonight:)

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Endorphins might just be my favorite thing in the whole world. It ALWAYS cheers me up!
My favorite candy was either reeses or lollipops. I still loovee lollipops.
I had chili for dinner last night! Perfect rainy day food.


I love love love endorphins. They always remind me of that line from Legally Blonde ;) I had tomato soup for dinner last night. It was perfect for the first cold snap of the season.


Love me some endorphins!! :)

Good Luck to your team!! I hope they all do awesome! Can’t wait to hear about it!! :)

Favorite candy when I was a kid…Jolly Rancher’s and Blow Pop’s (any candy with gum was up for trade with my brother for my chocolate)

Last night was my step-daughter’s birthday so we went out to dinner at “Bob’s Big Boy.” simple…salad and soup bar! I’m loving cottage cheese with sunflower seeds and grapes in my salads right now! Soo good!

Billy is a keeper! So sweet that he made dinner for the two of you!! :)

Have an awesome day sweetie!! xo


I love when workouts get me out of a funk.
I had too many favorite candies as a kid. I still have that problem!
We had baked ziti last night. Yum :)
Hope you have a great time today! Good to luck to the kids!


Um, I had cereal for dinner….was that bad?!

Otter box makes great cases! My friend works for them in Fort Collins and I love their cases!


Most of the time, I do feel better once I get to the gym and get moving. If I don’t, then I know I really need the rest.
Fav candy was always Peanut Butter Cups or 100 Grand Bars.
Dinner last night was marinated flank steak and butternut squash. Tonight is Chicken and Dumplings in the crockpot.


The Kidless Kronicles


Last night I was moping around the house and didn’t want to work out, but then I got on the TM and felt a million times better!

Don’t worry, I went out in PJs and slippers to the grocery store last night too.


I hear you! Yesterday I went for a quick 3 mile run: I swear, I left the house a frazzled and grumpy person, and came back a lot calmer, feeling organised and ready to get to grips with dinner/the house LIFE!!! :)


I know EXACTLY how you feel..I guess you could say I’m a bit addicted to endorphins..haha. I love a good workout and feel a million times better afterwards :)

Hmm let’s see, last night’s dinner was cheesy pasta with sun-dried tomatoes and spinach. Sounds weird, but I was being lazy too..ha.


Candy always has to be bought a few days before..otherwise I eat it.
Dinner last night was pizza. Kids choice
Dinner tonight is stirfry. Clean out the fridge of all the veggies, throw some chicken in, make some brown rice and call it a day.
I agree with the workout making you better. I had the beginning of a migraine at the end of my shift on Sunday. I came home and instead of climbing in bed, went for a walk in the crisp fall air. Did me wonders! Then came home , showered and was able to go to my moms for Sunday dinner.


Endorphins are the BEST DRUG ever!! No bad side effects, best feeling ever.
Annnd I would totally be addicted to that cream cheese dipping sauce too.


Kit Kats or Snickers were my faves :)


Oh I totally agree! Whenever I’m in a bad mood I just tell Dave I need to go for a run and I’ll be back to normal in no time. Works every time :)

And how the heck do you still have a Girl Scout cookie stash? Caramel Delights would never make it this long in our house :p

Hope today is better for you!


Haha my grandmother told me that I am like a different person before and after exercise….true story!


A good workout almost always fixes my bad moods.

My favorite candy to get was Milky Way bars. I don’t have any candy to pass out; we live in India, so there is no Halloween here, well, at least I don’t think there is.

My dinner last night was totally weird. I made toast and topped it with reheated grilled chicken, salsa, and melted cheddar cheese. Dinner part 2 was an apple and a bowl of Cheerios, milk, and protein powder. I love vanilla protein powder in my cereal milk.


I live in India, too! I certainly wish Halloween were celebrated here, but I will just be taking copious amounts of candy to the NGO at which I volunteer, as well as consuming lots of it myself, to make it feel like a holiday come October 31! :)


Totally agree..people say it makes them tired.I am completely the opposite I get wayy too excited after. Dinner was take out Italian salad with pita bread. You think it would be weird to order a salad from a Pizza place..but the pita bread is the same as the pizza crust— its phenomenal. I loved to count my halloween candy. I would go nuts for the Reeses Cups, my brother would trade for the plain M&Ms and Snickers, Mom would get the Twizzlers, and we always saved the Almond Joys or Mounds for the grandparents.


BAD moods go away RIGHT away with exercise. LOVE it!!! I totally agree, girl.

Have fun at the meet-I am sure your runners will rock it :)


Of course I get the whole better mood after working out thing, I am exactly the same way! Have fun with your runners today, I’m a teacher and track coach and I love going to track meets and watching the kids compete! Dinner last night was grilled chicken topped with an Asian marinade, brown rice, broccoli and homemade applesauce. It was yummy, even my little boys gobbled it up. I love pretzel m&m’s and dark chocolate!


There is nothing better than a good workout to life my mood for sure :)
I liked Reese’s the best, or really any chocolate! haha. Yes, we bought mini Play Doh’s and chips to give out to the kiddies. I didn’t buy chocolate on purpose to save myself ;)
Coconut Chicken Salad from Skinny Taste! Yum!!


Oh my, I COMPLETELY agree when it comes to feeling better no matter after a workout. It always makes me happier. You know you need to take a rest day or a break when you wish you hadn’t done the workout. =/

I’m going to the State meet to cheer on my team from the last 3 years of my life!! Maybe I will see you there. =) Our girls are at 2:30 and the boys are at 4:00…I think. Haha go Davis!!


ps – I am so rude….GOOD LUCK TODAY!!


AHHH THAT IS AWESOME!! Okay, we race at noon and one so I don’t know if I will still be there:( If I can force my team to want to stay we BETTER meet up!


I’m sure if you tell them you are going to make a new friend they’ll want you to stay!! =) haha


I love me some endorphins, even if sometimes I forget how awesome they are.

Last night we had brown rice, steamed veggies, and mahi mahi fillets with crushed pineapple on top. :)


Running always puts me in a great mood – although treadmill running doesn’t really get me all that excited.

My favorite Halloween candy are the little boxes of Dots. Except if I eat too many of them my jaw really starts to hurt a lot. We haven’t bought any candy because I don’t think we’ll hand any out. It’s a toss-up of whether we stay in and hand candy out or we trail after my sister and her adorable kids while they trick-or-treat in a different neighborhood. We usually pick to go with the kiddos. Plus, if we buy Halloween candy too early then we eat it all before Halloween and have to buy it again.

For dinner last night I was going to make baked Chimichangas but I stopped by my sister’s house and she gave me her leftovers of turkey and bean burritos. So much better than cooking!!!


Endorphins are my anti-depressant! If I get a good workout in I am a happy clam all day long! Love endorphins. We had pumpkin french toast and eggs last night for dinner. It was awesome sauce.


yay!! I hope your kids rock it at state today!!!

what an awesome hubs to make dinner after a late night. last night i had sloppy joes…no caned stuff here, all homemade :)


I can totally relate to your grumpy feelings last night! It always seems a little harder to workout when you’re feeling crabby. You just want to be alone, bundle up, and watch your favorite tv show. But after you make the push to get to working out, you feel 100 million times better! Endorphins truly are a miracle. ;)
My favorite candy has always been the GOOD snacksize candybars: Butterfinger, Snickers, Reese’s, Milky Way. I didn’t care which one – I loved them all! Now, Reese’s are definitely my fav.
Our dinner last night was a “healthified” baked potato soup I found on Skinnytaste’s blog – SO GOOD! Check it out! We paired it with a big ol’ salad and rolls.


You know what I was feeling kind of blah yesterday too. I should of exercised instead I turned to chocolate!

My favorite Halloween candy is Baby Ruth! I only eat them on Halloween in my little sister’s candy bag because I would go crazy if I had them around all the time.

For dinner last night, my Mom made an awesome Mexican crockpot meal. With a side of baked tositos, guac and sour cream. Plus, some sorry looking grapes that actually weren’t too bad;)

Happy Wednesday and Good Luck today!


Endorphins are seriously the best natural “drug” there is…they always cure my bad and cranky moods like whoaaa…and if i dont get enough of them throughout the week I can get cranky as well, watch out now!

favorite candy as a kid was definitely reeses pb cups!!! we havent bought out candy bc i always have a candy bowl around the apartment anyways, so the kids will get whatever my pick of the week is…so long as kevin doesnt gobble it all down before halloween (ok, just kidding, its me who gobbles down alot of it!)

i had a mini pizza on a sandwich thin last night and jalepeno tortilla chips with my homemade guac…balanced right? ;)


So my best friend’s daughter is a runner. She’s only 11 and runs 2 miles in 12 minutes flat. She recently went to State Finals for Cross Country for her school and was slated to do really well….Until she stepped in a hole and rolled her ankle! Anyway, I told my BFF and her daughter to start reading your blog because you have gret training tips and what-not! I think after reading your blog she’ll start feeling much better about things. I hear she was pretty disappointed.


I definitely feel better after a good workout!!! :D That fruit dip sounds delicious!
Last night we had buffalo chicken with stewed potatoes, pasta and cheese sauce!


Good luck at the State Championships!! That’s amazing!!

I totally agree with the endorphins making things better. I unfortunately can’t snap out of this funk I am in this week :(

Last night I had my corn and black bean enchilada recipe (recipe on the blog) and added black olives on top, it was amazing.


Oh my gosh I truly believe that if everyone was a runner the world would be a much happier place. Every runner I know is so stinkin nice! Plus we all love to talk about running.. key why running/healthy living blogs exist!


Sarah!! I tried leaving a comment on your blog but I think it went to spam. CONGRATS on Chicago!


oh man… well thank you very much!


Good luck today! We will be there cheering on the 3A race. What race are your kids running? We would love to meet you!


AHHHHH HEY HEATHER!!! We will be doing the 2A races….so 12 and 1. Please say I get to meet you!


That is awesome about the championships. Have a beautiful day!!! Can’t wait to hear about it!


Working out seriously boosts my mood up 100%! I don’t know how it does it… no matter how little/much exercise I do! Also, sleep makes me feel alotttttt better as well!! So, a good amount of sleep is deffinitly a close second to those endorphins!

My favorite candies were alwaysssss the flavoured tootsie rolls! I’m not a HUGE chocolate lover so I loved the strawberry/lime/raspberry and VANILLA flavoured tootsie rolls. yum yum!

And last night I meant to make a roasted veggie salad..but I had no propane for the bbq to roast the veggies on that…. and I didn’t want to wait to roast them in the oven so I used the stove top….andddd then I also realized I didn’t have spinich or lettuce to make anb actual salad… sooo it kinda just turned out to be a tofu stirfry! haha, still delicious!


Workouts make me feel better too! Especially lately since I have been a stress fest! Last night I had left over Italian Veggie soup and garlic bread!!! yum yum yum! My favorite candy was definitely twix!
Goood luck at State!!!!


So I spy girl scout samoas?

When I was I kid, and still to this day, I loved the mini boxes of DOTS. Everyone in my family hated them and I love them so by default I would always end up with them without having to trade. Still yearn for those fruity drops to this day.

Best of luck to your team at state! My last bout of state cross country was 10 years ago and you make me feel mighty nostalgic every time you speak about XC, some of the best memories ever.


People who know me well will BEG me to go out for a run because they know when I come back I will no longer be acting like a raging luncatic… OOPS.

Fave Halloween candy ever = cookies and cream hersheys

Also, when I had an e-mail from you in my inbox yesterday, I shrieked with Joy. Is that sad, creepy, or exciting?!

I need to e-mail you back soon … but am contemplating posting about it within the next week!

Hope your endorphines are high today!!


My mood has been pretty lame-sauce (do I sound like you?) as of late. Endorphins without them I would want to go to bed at 7pm everyday this week.

Dinner last night was chili, grilled cheese, and jello. Yep, I had jello on the mind since one of your family gathering dinners……..so thanks for making my food decision for me yet again!!!!!


GOOD LUCK TO YOUR KIDDOS AT STATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So exciting!!
I love endorphins… and they REALLY DO cure a bad day.

Favorite candy: anything chocolate was fine with me :)

Dinner last night: homemade chicken soup (100 points for me)!

Can’t wait for track updates!


first off I forgot to comment on yesterday’s post so happy bday to your bro. Second I completely agree – I love working out. Yesterday I had to take a full rest day and I felt horrible. I even did some squats and crunches just to make myself feel better.

I think you and I need to hang out one day. WITH our husbands. Billy and you remind me of Colin and I – I can just picture me having a stomping tantrum in the middle of a public place /w wet hair, no make up and pjs :P while Colin just ignores me and always gets his way. Not to mention that I’m home all day and he still makes 80% of our dinners when he arrives home from work.

I love it :D


I made my hubs mongolian beef with leftover hainan rice with green beans. I had a lame-o burger because I had errands.

anyways-shaving your legs way makes up for dinner. It’s like Christmas for husbands.


GOOD LUCK AT STATE!!!!! That is an awesome way to spend your day!

Starburst and snickers were favorite as a I kid, I actually traded away Reese’s cups for “better” candy…. what was I thinking?!?! We buy about 7 bags of candy and are usually out by the end of the night. We have LOTS of trick-or-treaters in our ‘hood. So much fun to see all the creative costumes!

Dinner last night was fancified red pepper/tomato soup. I added a bunch of sauteed veggies to the soup and made grilled cheese on the side! Yummy!!!


Gymdorphins are legal crack for those of us who choose to not partake in illegal activity to feel good! ;)

That defender case is no joke – now your new phone can withstand atomic war!


GOOD LUCK at States today!!!!!!
& are those samoa cookies??!?! YUM! I love girl scout cookies- the BEST!


Endorphins are totally a cure all. I used to fight depression pretty frequently and ever since I’ve incorporated exercise consistently over the last several years, it’s been under control. Love it.
I made pizza last night. So simple and quick but had to make my own sauce since I didn’t have any. Fail!


Otterbox is the best case out there! Good call!
I am afraid to get Halloween candy because I will eat it all before 10/31.
Endorphins rock!
Dinner last night – Hubby made baked ziti with sausages using the sausage and pepper sauce that he made Sunday. I had 1 too many helpings. :)


Endorphins are the best… I’m sure my bf would get sick of me real fast if I didn’t hit the gym after crummy work days. It always makes me feel so much better. My favorite Halloween candies were always 100 Grand and SweetTarts and last night we had the perfect cold weather dinner – chicken noodle soup (homemade!) and salad and french bread.

Good luck today to your team!


SNICKERS. x 23492038. I adore them, and they have always been the highlight of my halloween treat bag. ;)


Even if I’m dreading the actual workout (and not just in a bad mood because of something non-workout related) I feel better at the end of the workout. Endorphins are legit. Proof positive: Sunday I went for a 50 mile bike ride. By mile 25 the seat was not my best friend. By mile 30 my quads were on fire (in a bad way). At mile 42 I crashed my bike though was thankfully unhurt aside from bruises and scrapes. After finally getting home my bf asked, “are you glad we did that ride?” Of course I was (even though my ego was a little bruised from an embarrassing crash…).


Have so much fun at the State Cross country. The weather is so perfect and it will be awesome watching some amazing talent.

How do you still have girl scout cookies? I am so so jealous.


hmm, anything chocolate I was all over! My mom used to have a halloween candy rule: we could eat all we wanted, whenever we wanted no matter what, but after 3 days she threw it all out. haha by the third day I was so glad she did, living off of candy for 2 days just gave me the worst tummy ache… weird huh?! haha


good luck to your team!! Oh, and samoas are the BEST!!


What was it about yesterday? I felt the same way (even though there was no reason for it)! Unfortunately, I didn’t make it to my running group, so I was grumpy and blah the entire night. Boo! Good for you for making it to the gym!


OMG ITS TRUE. endorphins cure EVERYTHING. If I don’t start the day with a workout…or at least a walk or something….I’m definitely a little more down than usual.

and….are those samoas?!? favorite cookie ever!!! I bet those would be awesome dipped in anything sweet and cream-cheesy.

GOOD LUCK to your team at States today!! So exciting!


I count on those endorphins every morning! I never really WANT to get out of bed at 4:50 am, but the endorphins make me glad I did before I know it!
I always loved the Reese’s Peanut Butter cups as a kid- really anything chocolate was good.
Dinner last night was pizza- I’m a good wife/mother, I know.
Tonight is French Dip sandwiches, though… yum, yum.


awwwww!!! have a great day at the championships! those cookies look so yummy! i will ALWAYS love reese’s cups as my most favorite candy ever!


A good rush of endorphins always helps me. Last night my ‘walk’ around the park to clear my head turned into a sprint. I’m sure I looked awesome with my work clothes and tennis shoes sprinting like a wild banshee. But it felt good! That is how I get the rage out!
I love PB chocolate anything, licorice, and gummies. When we (me, sibs, and cousins) were little we used to make a circle of our candy and trade with each other but we always had to make sure it was fair. My parents used to check all of our candy before we ate it too. You know in case some one in our ward wanted to poison us… really parents? Really?
I don’t buy the candy until the day of or night before or I would eat it all. Sometimes I buy candy I hate, like the cheap candy that has a million different pieces in it, and try not to eat any… not always successful!
Last night for dinner I made a salad with chicken, celery, cucumber, and cesar dressing. Tonight I will probably make Bravo Charlie, which is buffalo chicken cornbread… Its the bomb!


OMG I just realized something amazing! Are you going to UEA tomorrow?! PLEASE say yes!! Email me ([email protected])!


Have fun at State. I love watching other runners. It can be downright creepy at times.
Can I say I am jealous of the tv’s on your treadmills. My ghetto gym doesn’t even have earphone jacks for the tv’s and they are so far away that I can’t read the closed captioning.
I got good mom points because I actually made dinner last night – broccoli and cheese stuffed chicken. Delish.


I am completely with you on loving the happy brain chemicals! A good run – or even a crappy run – tends to turn a bad day into a better day.

And I wasn’t a big fan of candy corn when I was a kid – but I LOVE it now. It’s the perfect snack! It only tastes good for a handful or so, so I don’t over eat them. And it has a lot of carby goodness, which makes carboloading SO much easier for my marathons/long runs!


I only slept 5 hours last night SO I should be tired BUT because I had a great workout this morning, I’m not!

Fave trick or treat candy? Ya know, I always just liked Hershey bars. So crazy because I’m such a complicated person but I love my candy simple haha.

I ate a big salad for dinner last night (yours always look so much better!)


LOVE endorphins!!

And hooray for your heavy duty otter iPhone case!! I would want to buy candy too. At halloween I use to love Crispy Crunch. Which is weird, because I would’t pick up a Crispy Crunch to buy. I just love the bite sized ones!


Endorphins rock! Whenever I am mad I run run run and by the end I am as happy as a clam! :D


mm.. cookie sandwich looks amazing- and I’m with you.. A good sweat session can really make a bad day much much better :)


AHHH congrats to your little running groms on making it to STATE!!! Woot woot!

I’m not some fancy shmancy cook but I must say that dinner last night was deeelicious – spaghetti squash + veggie grilled chicken burg + marinara sauce + pound of broccoli + I splurged and got the fancy parmesan cheese


Today is one of thos blah days for me! It’s rainy, windy, and 44 degrees outside. It makes me want to go back to bed! I had a good workout this morning, intervals on the elliptical, but the endorphins have long worn off!

I love Milk Duds too–always my favorite! I bought a bag of Milk Duds, and 3 other bags of candy for Halloween. The bags are so small though, I know I’ll run out quickly. That is, if they even last til Halloween!

Last night’s dinner was a chicken, bacon, cheese and ranch panini. Yum!

Good luck to your team today…can’t wait to hear about it!


Congratulations on making it to state! Enjoy!!

Endorphins are ma-JIC! On Sunday, I had a terrible stomach ache all day – I went and raced a 5k (8th in my AG, woohoo) and felt better the rest of the day.

Dinner last night was honey glazed chicken drumsticks, sauteed spaghetti squash, and quinoa with mushrooms and onions.

No Halloween celebrations, here. Too scary/creepy/icky, not positive and uplifting enough for me to spend my money or time on. :)


Are those Samoas?! SO jealous, they’re my fav :) No I have not bought my candy to give to the kiddies yet…because it would’ve gone to my tummy if I did! But I do love a good endorphin session – it turns my frowns upside down!


Ha ha…I just had the “what was your favorite halloween candy as a kid” conversation with my husband the other night. For me, it’s a tie between kit kats and sweet tarts.
Dinner last night was spinach/chive pasta with a yogurt basil cream sauce with uncontrollable loads of vegetables mixed in.


YES, a workout is definitely a great cure for a bad mood. I love it! Now sometimes I choose not to workout and just mope around throwing a tantrum, but hey, can’t win em’ all.

I hope you enjoyed the State Champs! :)

last night for dinner I had a taco pile – basically a bunch of taco ingredients mixed together and I dipped tortilla chips in it. It’s amazing. Re-fried beans are a must for this…and cheese and sour cream.

I have not bought candy and I need to bc last year I waited too long and we literally had the worst candy to hand out..I felt bad.

My favorite candy to get as a kid (or now…who I am kidding?) is Twix bars! Or when neighbors would hand out normal size candy bars and not the fun size..that was always amazing!


My husband I are were talking about weird addictions people have, and their endorphin high … shopping, hoarding, eating, cleaning, etc. Mine is definitely exercise-induced euphoria. He said he’s cool with it. He wouldn’t want to live with a fatty pants, food eating, shopping hoard-a-holic. I agreed.


As a kid, I would always eat the chocolate candy first … and things haven’t changed at the age of 28!! ;) I’m all about the chocolate candy … Snickers, Reese’s, Kit-Kats, Milky Ways, etc etc.

Hope the state championships went well!! :)


I had a quesadilla. It was amazing.


Totally feel you on the endorphins! I ate out last night so I had some french tartine with smoked salmon and capers and a salad. It was amaaazing. And my favorite candy always and forever is reese’s. I live in an apartment so I’m scared that no trick or treaters will come by :(


i have to admit that today…i felt crappy after arguing with glen last night and then going to bed angry. Then this morning i ate 3 waffles and was feeling crappy. so i laced up my sneakers and decided it was my choice to get out and run….and….i instantly felt better. MUCH better. if u would have told me years ago that i would be one of these crazy people – i would have bet you big money that there was no way in —-! Now – its like i have this magic thing for a bad mood cure- its called running!
xoxo from Trinidad


Endorphins are like my liquid confidence!!! I can’t wait to feel better so I can go workout soon!

BTW, got the halloween pics up! Take a look! :)


I need to remind my husband that I get extra points for washing my hair and shaving my legs! I’m on a similar schedule as you are and like the way you think!


The workout endorphins can help cure most any bad day…I totally agree. They don’t call it a runners high for nothing.

Good Luck to your CC kids at the state meet. How awesome!

My favorite Halloween candies were skittles and starbursts growing up, but lately I’ve been loving the junior mints :)


Endorphins rule, the blues drool.
We had this last night
It was fast and yummy. I served it with whole wheat israeli couscous and a steamed veg.


I definitely agree with you about the endorphins. When I’ve had a rough day, my favorite thing to do is go to the gym and run on the treadmill and/or track and get on the spinning bike. Sadly, this week is a taper week for me and it’s been a rough week, so I haven’t been able to have those endorphins to help me. :(

I don’t think I had a favorite candy when I went trick or treating when I was a kid. I think I was just happy to get candy!


Endorphins rock the house! Love them!
And… used to love Abbazaba. I don’t know how to spell it, but it is delish (and super hard to eat). :) Have fun with your team!


Completely agree about the endorphins. I look forward to my run from the moment I get up. When I run I forget about my woes (!) too, so it’s a complete relief.
We don’t really do halloween over here sadly. At most we’ll eat pumpkin (any excuse!).
Dinner tonight = corn soup with roasted corn guacamole :)

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