Where are you sore?

I think as runners/worker-outers we kind of do enjoy being a little sore, not injured, just sore.  I like being a little sore because the next day I am reminded over and over again that I had a killer-awesome-wicked workout and I am going to get stronger because of it (and of course by allowing my body time to recover too).

So, where am I sore after a bike ride that was almost 3 times longer than I had ever done before………

I am most sore in the area in between my hands……..

Photo on 9 6 11 at 11 33 AM  4

(if you can’t tell I am trying to tell you that I am sore from my head to my toes).

I woke up early and energized, I went to the gym for an hour of easy resistance on the elliptical as a recovery workout and mainly so that I could keep reading Sarah’s Key on my ipad.  I am HOOKED, it is such an incredible book.


Where are you sore and what workout makes you super sore?  Do you kind of enjoy being a little sore or am I the only crazy head?

-Pump always makes me sore and so does SPEED work.

What was your workout?

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I was suprised how sore I was after I took yoga on Saturday. It was a pretty chill class, but I could feel my triceps.

I am alwas shocked by what’s sore when I go running, it’s never usually my legs, which is what you think it would be. If anything it’s my glutes from the hill I run up, and a lot of times my abs. Maybe it says something about how I am running?


I kind of enjoy being sore in my arms after a good workout, but maybe that’s a little weird. P.S. LOVE your outfit!


I enjoy it unless it is so bad that it hurts to get up or walk. haha! today my hamstrings are sore from my 1/2 marathon on Sunday….my race report is up on my blog! It was super fun. My work-out was walking a couple miles around town with my bf to recover from the 1/2! Today I’m going to the driving range to hit golf balls—mainly because I am taking one more day off of running after my race!


I love love love DOMS! It’s the best feeling. I get it the worst in my hams and my chest. Consequently, those are my two fave areas to train.


I LOVE being sore from a good workout!!!

Today I am sore from running yesterday (it was my first real run since MAY – AGHHH!!) and I can feel my left lower quad and my left outer thigh (weird?). I am also a little sore from my yoga over the weekend.

Whenever I do a killer legs workout that includes a lot of lunges, my booty will always be a little sore. Anything involving hamstrings always makes me sore (no matter how often I work them or how many sets and reps I do).


Yesterday I did speed work and my legs are KILLING! Skipping also makes my CALVES really sore. Like can’t-walk-for-days kinda sore. Love it.


youre not crazy. i like being sore too. it makes me feel like my workout was extra challenging and glad that I worked through as much as I did.


I went on a quick, easy bike ride with Billy followed by a relaxing yoga class today. Trying to preserve energy since I’m fighting a little cold! Now I’m off to work for the night…


I like the soreness too- except in my abs when it hurts to laugh and sneeze(but I kind of like that too:) When I try to do pull ups I am always sore the next day- some day I’ll actually get my chin over that bar!
I ran 4 miles easy in my new shoes (Brooks Green Silence) I am loving them!


My shoulder blades and pecs are always sore after lifting! I did 50 push-ups in a row (no knees!) yesterday and I could barely roll my shoulders back after, it was an instantaneous sore!


My thighs are SO sore! The process of sitting and going down stairs kills me right now. Saturday’s run killed my legs, but I love it!
Tonight I’m going to be on the elliptical for a nice recovery session :-)
I love that picture of you! So funny!


My hammies are so sore, I foam rolled and everything after my run so I think I must be doing something wrong. Getting up after a prolonged period of sitting is painful!


I ran 5 miles yesterday. It was the first time I’ve ever done that. Personal Accomplishment. :) My calves are pretty sore today. But I love it. Remind me that I really did something yesterday.


I am always sore after I work out with a medicine ball! That little 4 lb blob kicks my hiney everytime!!


I ran a pretty hard half yesterday and my shins are forearms are sore. I have NEVER had soreness in either of those places, so it’s kinda strange but I’m like you and love that feeling because it makes me feel like my body is getting stronger.


LOVE DOMS!! I get really sore from a legs workout. Deadlifts and Good Mornings always make my hamstrings super sore the next day. I love it!


i do like the “man, i can tell i had a great workout yesterday” sore feeling! today i am feeling my quads from my run yesterday – and that’s ok!
i thought maybe you were dancing (elaine on seinfeld came to mind) in your head to toe photo!!! :)


I’m not sore and I should be. I took a lot of days off last week and plan to get back into it tonight so tomorrow the answer might be: Everywhere!!


hahahaha! You are so creative with pics. I think a single leg squat you’re doing is pretty impressive after a bike ride of the magnitude!!


I love being kinda sore, but not sore enough that I can’t workout the next few days. Sarah’s Key is SO good! My mom just saw the movie, and she said it’s pretty good too.


Hi! I love your colorful blog and cheerful outlook. And the food. :-)

I am sore EVERYWHERE from my hips down. I did a killer karate class on Friday evening that left me feeling like there was a giant tennis ball sized knot in my calves/knees. Then, because I love pain, I knocked out a 15 mile training run on Monday! Ouchhhh. No amount of stretching can make these muscles happy. It’s odd but wearing heels makes it somehow easier or less painful to walk.


My glutes are sore from yoga yesterday! And I am sure I will be sore from my 8 miler today!
Dont you love Sarahs Key?? One of the best books Her other books A Secret Kept is also phenomenal!


Meg, thank you so much for the book recommendation! If you have any others, keep them coming!


I love being sore like muscle sore. But yesterday I ran way to far in my racing flats (10 mi) and now my running legs are sore and that is just not fun.

Love that picture! You are the best work entertainment I could ask for. :)


Because the gym was closed yesterday for the holiday and it was raining, I did two hours of boot camp videos in my basement and it kicked my BUTT!! I don’t lift like ever haha so I am sore everywhere. It kind of hurts to move but at the same time I love it!!


Dang Lauren…two hours of boot camp, you are my HERO!! WAY TO GO!


Most lifting makes me sore and any amount of lunges… Why do those never get easier? And yeah, I love bring sore. I actually did some p90x junk yesterday for the first time in ages and for the first time in a long time I went on my run pretty sore today… But you’re so right, I LOVED it!!


I love feeling a little sore — especially in my chest the next day — and when it hurts to walk up the stairs I know I had a good workout!


I love a little soreness…makes me feel hardcore!

Today my rear hurts from mountain biking! And my shoulders…probably from all the climbing we did while mountain biking – you really pull up a lot, or at least I do!


Ahhh! I hiked a 14er yesterday (11 miles round trip and 4200 feet of elevation gain) and my butt is sooooo sore today!!!! OUCH!


Yep, Body Pump hurts SO good: I took two classes today (different releases) and my back is on fire, in the best possible way. Serious lat/rear delt action going on there.

I wish I had a biking buddy so I could go 70 miles like you have: roads in the UK are such poor quality in terms of surface and people drive like maniacs, so it’s a bit intimidating to cycle alone. I’ve never gone over 40 miles so I’m super-impressed with your distance and how your dedication to running transfers so well to other sports.



I enjoy being a little sore. Not like last week and the calf soreness though. I could barely get up and down the stairs the day after that workout. And right now I am sore in the back of my shoulders from my trainer workout this morning. Back to the runs tomorrow. Victor the Trainer did triceps, biceps, glutes, hamstrings, shoulders, upper back and planks. Fun stuff!

And THANKS for the response earlier!

The Kidless Kronicles
Wag More, Bark….


hahaha! I love being sore, but, yikes!! Heal soon :)


Was soooooo sore after my first body pump class. Was pleased it didn’t ache as bad when I returned, I love that class now.

My workout – I conquered my fear of my face being completely submerged in water and had my first swimming lesson in about 15 years :S I can now breathe properly (and not end up in a coughing spluttering mess) and do the breast stroke!!! woooooo!!!


I’m going to go on a run tonight at 7 pm and do a mix of running/walking for just under a half an hour :)


Lunges always make me sore, which always reminds me that I don’t do them often enough!

My workout was just a quick ride with my kids in the trailer. I love a nice easy bike ride, it totally rejuvenates my legs after a hard run.


I hear ya on the soreness. I’m pretty darn sore after yesterday’s race, I blame the hills! I’m on a flight right now and let’s just say spending 8 hours on a plane when you’re this stiff is not the best way to recover! Besides hilly races speedwork makes me the most sore and of course NROLFW strength training leaves my glutes screaming after every session (lunges are the devil!)


omg you’re so right! feeling sore = a satisfying workout! I’m usually sore in my hamstrings from running, but if I can get in a crazy enough ab workout to make me sore, that’s a huge accomplishment haha!


I like the kind of sore that goes away quickly. Not the kind of sore that makes me overthink that I’m injured (again)!! I don’t get sore on the bike at all, but then again I don’t ususally ride more than 50 miles, like some people who ride 70 MILES!!! Amazing.


I love feeling a little sore. It also reminds me that I can push a little harder and work those under used muscles a bit more.

When I’m really, really sore, I still will go out and do a workout the next day. I find that my body recovers better when I do that then if I just took a rest day. Kind of like a little ‘hair of the dog’ workout.


WORKOUT TWINS!!$@~!!1! one hour easy elliptical for me too :p

I’m not workout-sore, but I am MASSAGE-SORE! Had an appointment with my beloved Amber-the-massage-girl before work this morning, and she got tough on my glutes, hips, neck and ‘skull nubbins’ (i have no idea what they’re actually called but skull nubbins sounds right to me ahahaha). Ouuuuch!


If I really take time to stretch, I am not that sore. It does make a different. Wish me luck tomorrow. I am running 5 miles and trying to knock 3-5 minutes on my time from last week. Keep my fingers crossed.


I bent down to pick up a toy at work today and my hamstrings were totally yelling at me. Made me proud of my long run yesterday, but I looked like an old lady when I tried to stand back up.


I love being a little sore. Not a I can’t sit on the toilet without crying sore but just enought ot let me know that I did something great for myself and my body is rewarding me by getting stronger.


I LOVE to be sore and glad I’m not the only one! So I’m doing student support stuff up at the good ole BYUI and I saw your BIL along with his fanny pack. I was going to go up and say “Hey! I saw you on a blog I read!” But then I thought he might be weirded out.


This made my day! Next time you see Hume you have to say hi, he would love it and so would I!!!


My butt is sore today! Jillian Michaels really did kick my booty!


Oooh. I’ve been sore lately from building up my mileage. It’s been a little miserable. But for some reason I like the soreness that comes from strength training. My workout today was wonderful!!!!!! :) I love working out!!


I’m loving the glider machine- that baby kills me! I don’t know it’s real name but it’s like an elliptical without the incline and a smoother motion, reminds me more of running than ellipticizing minus the impact on your knees!


I love being a little sore as long as it’s not my thighs right when I have to walk up and down a bunch of stairs!! lol

My back and shoulders are pretty sore after some Kyaking this weekend but really my only pain is the sunburn I picked up!!! SPF 50 wasn’t enough I suppose! ::darn my pale skin::

Workout today: if the weather keeps up this nice in TX I may run outside practicing for my 5k a week from Sunday!


I love being sore too! But I do think it’s a teeny bit crazy :)


Right now I am NOT sore :( LIke u, I don’t like that! I really do like to be a little sore he he. I love how my legs feel like jello after a long run!!!

Lately, the time I have been the MOST sore is…after brazillian butt lift & rev abs!!!!


Now that I’m running again, my groin muscles are KILLIN’ me. But I must admit, I love it. It’s scaring me that my running form is off because my groin muscles never hurt before… But this is the first time since about May that I’ve ran soooo I’m pretty sure it’s just running in general. Out of shape much? BUT I LOVE THE BURN! I’m just so happy to run again. Even if it’s every other day for 25 minutes (Yeah, bumped it up 5 minutes!)… I’m so thankful.

Janae, I know you’re going through rough patches with running… But believe me lady, this surgery has been one hell of an emotional ride for me. I’m so happy to see you’ve accepted taking your time to get back into running and learning to love multiple forms of exercise (biking, ftw). Along this ride I’ve also learned there are SO many ways to have a good workout other than running as well. Although I loved running 8 miles a day, being an athlete is not dedicating yourself to ONE thing and ONE thing only. I’ve enjoyed expanding my horizons and look forward to keep trying new things. Thanks to reading your blog throughout my recovery, this became SO much easier. Sorry to write you novels as comments, but I felt I should thank you. :-)

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