What I learned from spending quality time with my bike.

Warning Warning: yesterday’s food pics are not that great.  I was too busy eating it to actually care what it looked like.

First up, the morning started with my favorite pre-cycling fuel…….egg/waffle sandwich (I cooked the eggs with my Microwave Mug Method) and a peach.

I also took Beta Alanine (prevents hydrogen build-up in your muscles so they don’t get tired as quickly, on the GEAR PAGE) and a gallon of water. More syrup was added after the picture…I don’t know why I only syrupified half of the waffle at first.

Oh yeah, on the car ride up I had a chocolate granola bar that hit the spot.  I love that with cycling you can eat whatever you want (almost) and it doesn’t effect your stomach like running does.

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And then Billy tried teaching me how to change a tire. Good thing my attention span is approximately 78 seconds and next thing I knew it I was laying on the grass playing cloud pictionary.

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B$ and I did 40 miles together and then I finished the last 30 on my own.  Can I admit something to you, I get really afraid to look over when I am cycling.  Hence the barely turned head for the picture.    What if there is a dip in the road or an iguana……I do not feel like crashing.

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In case you were wondering I did not get plastic surgery on my upper half over the weekend, I just stuffed my sports bra with cash, chomps, and shot blocks.

I was definitely tired at the end of the 70 miles but felt like I could have kept going……the beauty of long rides/runs…..CONFIDENCE in being able to complete an upcoming race/ride:)

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Things I learned:

-I need to be more brave and drink and ride at the same time rather than waiting to drink until the next stop light I get stuck at.

-Wind is really hard to bike in but it is fun to open your mouth and let your cheeks flap.

-My diaper shorts are the best things ever invented, my lady parts aren’t sore at all.

-Always take money with you.  Always stop at Mcdonalds for a refreshment.  Root beer has never tasted so good.  It may even save your life because it is at the top of a killer hill after being on your bike for 3 hours.

-Cars don’t see you.  Maybe they don’t want to see you because you are a sweaty mess and like to try and run you over.

-Always bring chapstick with you.  Ouch.  I think that is what pushed me to go fast at the end…..just thinking about moisturing my lips made me fly.

Coming up in a few short hours…..How I REFUELED (obviously, my favorite part)!


Only 2 more days to enter my COMPRESSION SHORTS GIVEAWAY!!!


Do you take money with you on your runs/rides?

-I never have previously but I will for now on.  The cash register guy at McDonalds loved handling the sweaty dollar bill I gave him.

Waffles with syrup or Pancakes with syrup or is there something else that you like better with syrup on it?

-Waffles.  There is nothing like a crisp on the outside and fluffy on the inside carb to make you happier than ever.

When did you learn how to change a car tire?  Who taught you?

-My dad taught me when I was 23 and started teaching Drivers Ed…..for some reason they require the teacher to know how to do that because you are supposed to teach your students how to change a tire or something.

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I’ll take any carb with syrup- I’m a trooper like that :)! I used to never take money with me when I went to the gym/for a rub but after several dehydrated workouts, I always make it a point to carry some cash on me!


I agree! I just got biking shorts recently and they saved my crotch! Andy got some too! But he wears them under basketball shorts haha


I always take money with me on a long(ish) run. Usually its for water or a sports drink but sometimes I have been known to bribe myself with candy or a post run smoothie from Starbucks.

I like waffles more than pancakes but both are delicious with a little drizzle of syrup and some fresh berries and a dallop of vanilla yogurt..yum!!


CONGRATS on the ride!!! That is awesome. Was it all on streets? Like, with cars? That scares me. I am still VERY wobbly on my bike.

I would assume my Dad taught me when I first learned to drive. It has come in handy in the past couple of years as I seem to keep picking up nails in my back tires. I can now change a tire in under 10 minutes flat! Hahaha. Get it!

Any tips on getting more confident on the bike?
The Kidless Kronicles
Wag More, Bark….


Oh girl…thank you so so much! Okay, about the bike….I was SO afraid to ride next to cars etc but Billy just told me you just have to do it! I decided to just go for it and think if I fall, then I fall but at least I know I tried! I think it was all in my head and just acting confident made me confident. Hope that helps Nicole and I wish so badly that we could ride together!


Eggs in a mug is one of my favorite ways to prepare them – so glad you know that trick too! And….I am ashamed to admit I have no idea how to change a car tire. I really should, but nobody has ever taught me & luckily I have never need to (knock on wood).


Syrup is a given no matter what carby breakfast item :) Although lots of times I’ll put yogurt on top of pancakes or waffles and then drizzle with syrup. Even better!


I like peanut butter and Nutella on my waffle…YUM!
Happy Tuesday!
xoxo from Trinidad


This post cracks me up! You have everything, cloud pictionary, bra stuffing, iguanas! Best post ever :)


What’s your favorite chocolate granola bar?


Okay I LOVE the Nature Valley Oats ‘n Dark Chocolate! Have you tried it? It is amazing.


Holy Crap 70 miles?! That’s Awesome!!
I agree, chamois shorts are the best thing everrrr. I dont know how people ride without them.
I always take money with me! On longer rides we stop at a convenience store in the middle of nowhere for snacks and to refill our bottles.
I have NO IDEA how to change a car tire. I have AAA. haha.


I usually mean to take money with me on long runs (inevitably I will run out of water, want gatorade, need to use a payphone or SOMETHING!) but I usually forget and want to kick myself for it!

I also have NO idea how to change a tire. Roadside Assistance is probably the best money I spend – no changing tires, boosting the battery when I forget to turn the headlights off (oops!), they let me in when I lock my keys in my car (also happens more than it should!)


I LOVE waffles with syrup! I still remember the first time I ate Eggo waffles with syrup, and I thought they were too good to be true! I die for them.
I read your blog all the time and I love it, it always makes me laugh – but for some reason I rarely comment! This will be changing asap.


WOW!!! Hey Lindsey, I am so happy you commented. Eggo waffles are heavenly.
Okay, I am loving your blog and I tried to leave a comment but I think it went to spam….save me!


Waffles/pancakes with peanut butter AND syrup! Love the combo!

PS watch out for those flies while you’re hang your mouth open ;)


Ha, I learned that the hard way yesterday.


Totally agree with the chapstick and good shorts part for riding!! Those are a MUST have. Hah :)


please be careful riding with an iPod on. So many crashes happen that way. Glad you are enjoying the bike though.


I was going to mention this, too….


Oh you guys are the best. That was actually my phone, I wasn’t listening to anything but it was the only way to bring my phone when I was by myself just in case I needed Billy to come pick me up! No worries….I was being safe:)


I didn’t see any headphones, so I was hoping that’s what you were doing! :) I always carry my phone, too…


GREAT ride! I am also afraid to look over or drink while on my bike. It seems like I can’t move my head without my bike going in that direction, too!

I carry money when I bike. I usually ride my hybrid which has a bag on the back, and I permanently stow a few bucks, a couple gels, and my trail pass in there.

I don’t really like syrup on waffles (I’d rather have powdered sugar and fruit), but love it on pancakes and oatmeal.

I can’t remember who taught me to change a car tire…. It MUST have been my dad, though. Not sure I remember how if it came down to it! (….I don’t know how to change a bike tire….)


Way to knock it out Janae!!! 70 miles is crazy impressive!! I should get out on my bike more often…. I could maybe change a car tire if it was the last resort…. otherwise I have a AAA card. ;)

I never take anything with me on a run. Sometimes I would kill for a swallow of water when it is too hot out, but that just makes me get home sooner.

I am currently OBSESSED with whole wheat waffles. I have them EVERY morning, except over this past weekend. We had guests and I didn’t want them to eat all of my waffles, so I didn’t get them out. I put PB and honey on them, and then I put strawberries on one and blueberries on the other!!! Fantastic, I can’t get enough of it!! Have a great Tuesday, it is a short week!!


Okay, how did I forget PB on my waffles….I will be copying your PB and honey combo and FRUIT..you are brilliant! Kaelin, you should come and ride bikes with me:)


I always carry money with me on long runs, after a traumatic run a year or two ago when I had to use the restroom and I went into FOUR stores (dunkin donuts, Starbucks, etc) before I found one that would let me in the bathroom without buying something…the pitfalls of living in a big city!


4 stops…okay that sounds good to me….donuts and drinks:) That sounds good to me. Not the traumatic part though!


i take three things with me when I’m running: phone, credit card and ID…I’m so paranoid about something hapenning to me, I figure those three things would save me in case of an emergency.


btw, my dad taught me how to change a tire by giving me a AAA card when I got my license. Clearly we are a very handy family.


HA AAA card is way more useful than learning how to change a tire. Good call on bringing your credit card too. You are a smart cookie!


I usually dont take money with me on my runs since they are mostly on back trails but I should change up my route and bring money. I think it would make it more exciting! ;-)

I love syrup on oatmeal or oatbran hot cereal. Even better when paired with bananas. yum

I don’t know how to change a tire. but its a good thing to know when riding 70 miles for sure!


On oatmeal?!?! I NEED to try that….that sounds amazing! I think that you should bring mula every now and then and treat yourself to a delicious drink or ice cream cone…it was amazing.


I’ve never packed anything (even water) for my long runs because I HATE running with things on my person. I have a spibelt that I’ve never used. i usually map out my course and then go earlier and leave water bottles and gels in the bushes or behind signs. Sounds like alot of work, and it is, but I just can’t run with things flopping around.


What is your average speed while biking? I’m trying to think of a good goal pace to shoot for. Thanks!


Hey girl!! I stick to 19-20!! Uphills it is like 10!


What an amazing bike ride that seemed to be…it really makes me want to get into biking more, i think i’d really enjoy it!

I always take my debit card with me on my runs…i have a little pouch that i can carry cash, my shot blocks and my apt key in..its a lifesaver. I usually end up buying a bottle of water or gatorade on every run ;)

i LOVE syrup although i dont eat it often…waffles, pancakes, FRENCH TOAST STICKS! so good with syrup!!

Its bad, i dont know how to change my own tire…i’ve watched guys change my tire before, does that count? i should probably get on top of that soon…haha


I might need to try this bike thing just because I want to know what it feels like to have my cheeks flap in the wind… :)
I don’t usually run with money, there isn’t anywhere nearby that I’d want to spend it. The closest frozen yogurt place or McDonalds is like 15 miles away… and I don’t usually go on 30 miles runs. (or ever.)
Syrup on everything! “Does syrup have sugar in it? Then, YES!” (-Elf)
And I do not know how to change a car tire. Fail. But I taught myself to change the battery and headlight. (I know those are easy, but I want to feel better about my lack of tire changing skills.)


Congrats!!!!! Sounds like an awesome bike ride! :D
I like pancakes w/ syrup….I put pb on my waffles hahaha


AHHH IT WORKS NOW!! Okay pb on waffles is heavenly!


I’m sure someone has already said it but you need a cycling jersey in a bad way. The pockets in the back are very handy.

I lOve nutella and strawberry jam (together) on my Pancakes. I make up for it by shredding a zucchini and putting it in the pancake batter.


Ha I totally do! Than I won’t have to carry my phone or fuel in random places. Okay, I have never heard of nutella and strawberry jam together…that sounds amazing and zucchini…dang girl, you are healthy!


Waffles with a little smear of peanut butter and butter light syrup for dipping.

I can’t change a tire, that’s what my husband and triple A are for


PB and syrup….why didn’t I think of that. You are so right, husbands and AAA are way easier:)


Nutella and bananas on my waffles this morning = heaven!!


Nutella and bananas…..Sally you are brilliant, I bet that is 500X more amazing than syrup!


70 mile bike ride? You go girl!


Making your cheeks flap!!! Hahahahahah! I nearly had a heart attack reading this post! I’m all about waffles over pancakes, though I do like both! I still don’t know how to change a car tire…I should probably get on that…

Congrats on such an amazing ride! Can’t wait to hear all about your refuelling!


OMG 70 miles!! I think the most I’ve ever ridden is 30, wow!

I guess that also means I don’t usually stop at places for refreshment on rides, but my buddies on the cycling team are all obsessed with going to gas stations and making capuccino suicides – especially on winter rides!

Syrup hmm is there anything I don’t like syrup on? I like waffles more than pancakes but I think maple syrup goes best on vanilla ice cream with a blondie crumbled into it personally!


70 miles? WOW!! that’s AMAZING.. congrats on a great ride!!!!

i love french toast with syrup… yum!


Yumm I love a dippy egg on my waffles so i can have the yoke all over it!


CONGRATS on your awesome ride!! You are SUPER WOMAN..I swear ;) Nothing can hold you down- I LOVE it!!
I love peanut butter & honey on pancakes & waffles so good. But the waffles squares are able to hold so much more toppings- YUM!


Haha! Sweaty running money! Story of my life!!!! :) I have no clue how to change a tire! Uh ohz!


I definitely love pancakes, but I like filling all the little waffle craters with syrup. Pancakes are REALLY good when you put yogurt in between them to layer. When it comes into contact with the syrup it’s like a thicker wonderful glob of syrupy goodness.

Craters still win, though. Especially peanut butter filled craters. Mmm.

I take money during races only. And I can change a tire but I’d cry for help before it came to that. haha


ha. i need to get some bike shorts! save some parts! :)
good job on your ride!! you are kicking some butt!
i have not brought money with me usually..i have considered it.
once on a run with friends, i stuck my ATM card in my sports bra, and got coffee afterwords. i know the cashier was PRETTY happy about getting that sweaty card!


GET THEM…they have saved my life. Good call on the ATM card…..sweaty and all:)


I always take money with me, you never know when a gas station is gonna charge you for ice, or water and you never know when your gonna bonk and need an extra power bar or soda to pick you up so you can make it home.
I love Peanut butter and syrup on my waffles or pancakes, I am an equal opportunity carb eater.
My dad taught me to change a tire as a teen but I am not sure I could still remember how. Plus getting under my little 2 door teen car and jacking it up didn’t seem as intimidating as getting under my Suburban.. I’d call someone, now.


I can’t believe you rode 70 miles! I should start taking money on my runs. I pass plenty of McD’s and 7-11’s when I run and I always think of how nice a cold drink would be at the end… And I like to mix it up, some days I want waffles and some days I’m all about pancakes. It’s the indecisiveness in me :) And I also learned to change a tire from my dad. I think I was 18 or 19.


you are too dang cute! congrats on riding 70 miles! that’s awesome. also, that wafflewich looks way too good and I will probably go make myself one in .5 seconds…so thanks for the inspiration!


Those waffles look so good!
I really should start bringing money with me on my long runs. The ice cream vendors in Central Park look so tasty!
I’ve never learned to change a flat tire. My parents taught me to call AAA! hahaha


Somebody else may have mentioned this already, but a small camelbak could help you drink and ride at the same time. Or a lot of triathletes have those bottles mounted on their handlebars. Great job on the ride!


AHHH Thank you so much Ida, I never even thought of that! Do you need arrow bars for the bottles mounted on the handlebars?


I didnt think about the type of bars you need for the front mount water bottle, I dont have that set up myself so I dont know how it works. But you should call a bike store and ask. I use a small camelbak and it doesnt bother me at all. I like to drink every few miles so grabbing the water bottle every 10min just gets annoying.


Brilliant! Thanks again Ida.


Changing a bike tire is hard! Especially road bikes. Still working on that one. :)
And grabbing water while biking is something you have to practice too. I agree, it’s definitely scary to turn around or reach down while riding! I have a camelback, but the tri club I’m in keeps telling me to use the water bottle mounts. Not sure why, must have something to do with speed? Or something.


congrats on the bike ride. I hate when I forgot to carry chapstick with me. It’s a horrible feeling! eek!


I stash my debit card in my ipod case on my runs.
Biking scares me. I’m pretty sure I’d get hit by a car or fall over while trying to clip in. Good call on the diaper shorts. I’ve had some pretty sore bits after spinning.


Omg turkey sausages with syrup……to die for.


You are seriously amazing! I am scared to death of biking. Nice job girl. :)


Can you tell us what brand / model diaper shorts you wear??? I rode 30 miles on Saturday completely unpadded and was not a happy person for the last five or so miles. I swore I would buy diaper shorts before this weekend’s 35 mile ride and need a good recommendation!! Thanks!! (PS: Syrup on peanut butter/banana/chocolate stuffed french toast, which I made this weekend!)


SO proud of you, Janae! Waffles…and pancakes…and French toast! All with syrup. I have cravings for maple syrup and it will always remind me of being a kid. :)


Cycling is such a great compliment when you can’t run. Great ride!

So true about cars not seeing you. I used to ride a motorcycle and they would never see me. You’re always on the defensive. That’s why I just can’t get on a bicycle, it scares the crap out of me. And forget taking my hands off the handlebars to change gears or drink water with the vice grip I have on them.

You’re way braver than me!


70 miles! Holy smokes!!! Great job! I always take cash with me when I run in case I need to stop for a drink or food. It’s come in handy a few times!


Its much easier to turn to the side if you go one handed and swivel the top part of your body all at once.
To look right behind you, duck your head down with your hands on the drop handlebars and look back without turning.


THANKS CHRIS….I really appreciate any tips I can get….keep them coming:)


syrup with waffles! I have been thinking about buying a waffle maker for the last few weeks, and I’m pretty sure that since i’m super cheap, I may have to get someone to give it to me for Christmas (yes, I plan my presents this early…my list also has compression socks and money for a mission trip)

I never run with money mostly because I am too stubborn to stop for things, I just make myself keep going when I’m running, but it seems pretty brilliant (and safe) to be able to stop for refueling


CONGRATS on your ride Janae!! I love that feeling after a long run where I felt as though could have gone farther… most definitely a confidence booster! And kinda makes me wish you had gone farther haha

I have to say I am a sucker for French toast LOADED with syrup. I love the different textures, especially with grainy and crusty breads… the crispy edges and the syrup soaked center. YUM.

I have also been known to drizzle and/or dip bagels with cream cheese in syrup. That reminds me of that scene from Elf when Will Ferrel pours the syrup all over the spaghetti.

I have probably been taught a billion times how to change a tire by countless folks… I always end up tuning out and forgetting it all. It’s AWFUL I know… a skill I must learn sooner than later. That and learning how to drive a manual would be good to learn too.


This has me itching to get a road bike–if only they weren’t so darn expensive. The college student budget is a tough one to be able to invest in a road bike with. I LOLd when I read this “-Wind is really hard to bike in but it is fun to open your mouth and let your cheeks flap.” =D


Janae! You are incredible! You give me serious motivation girl!! 70 miler… Way to go! You should come ride alongside me while doing the Red Rock Relay this weekend… I need your enthusiasm! You are inspiring!! Thanks girl!!


Girl, you are going to ROCK RED ROCK:) I am stoked to read all about it!


Why don’t you just with with a CamelBak so you can drink whenever you want without being scared to reach for something?!?!?

P.S. I like sryup so much that I dip my waffles or pancakes that way they don’t get soggy and every single crevice can be drench with sugary goodness. :)


Um Kayla…you are brilliant, both with the camelbak idea and how you use your syrup! Thank you for the inspiration!


Oh, wow! Great job on pumping out a while freaking 70 miles! I spent just short of 30 miles on the bike over the weekend my girly bits are less than excited about that…I should have worn my diaper shorts!


Get the diaper shorts….you can thank me later;)


stick a credit card behind your iphone in your case, also, your key. Wear a gosport id. Easy peasy.


I always bring cash with me on longer runs. One time I stopped to buy a drink and the poor cashier was visibly grossed out by the sweaty money I pulled out of the rear pocket of my pants. (it must have looked like I was pulling it out of my bum!) I felt so bad!


OH my goodness, 70 miles, good job girlie! I haven’t rode a bike since I was younger and if I did ride a bike then I would definitely be afraid to look over or drink while riding, I would so wreck! lol


Holy Smokes!!! 70 miles?! That is so far? Do you go in a lot of circles or do you just literally ride across your entire city?? That is so impressive! Good job :)


Congrats on the distance, nice job! Have you had your bike fit to you at all? It looks like your seat needs to be raised or you need a bigger bike or something, your knee should be almost straight at the bottom of the downstroke.

Also, cars don’t see you. So please please please be safe. Not to be a debbie downer but I have to mention it now, my dad was hit by a car and killed 6 weeks ago while riding his bike. The driver just never saw him, in plain daylight on a virtually empty road – 5 lanes, 3 cars (2 NB, 1 SB), 1 cyclist. You and Billy be safe out there and help promote cyclist awareness in driver’s ed!

Go get that century chic!


Yes – this was my thought too! I’m strictly a runner so have very little bike experience, but I think you need your seat higher. Just think of the extra efficiency.


LMAO. 36.. mother of two… still cannot change a tire. That’s one of the reasons that I got married and got AAA. :)


If you visited me here in the Caribbean, the threat of possibly running over an iguana would be very real, haha! Either that or a lizard, centipede or cat. Those are all in abundance on these island roads.


Dang girl, great stuff! How did you get into biking so much? Are you thinking of doing an Ironman once you’re fully healed?


Yep!!! Sure am!!!

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