THEIR FIRST MEET and all through the school my cross-country team was eating brownies and pretzels while talking strategy and reaffirming that running is the best sport around.


Now my racers will only be doing 3.1 miles tomorrow and so my advice for them is to NOT change a thing in their dietary intake before the race.  They are commanded (by me) to stick to whatever has worked for them in the past before cross-country practice (which is at the same time of day as the meet).

I had fish sticks last night which makes the best cheering/coaching fuel possible.

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Ever wondered what the ELITES eat before their big races?  HERE is an article from Running TImes that shows exactly what some of the fastest people in the world eat before they run a marathon in the same time that it takes me to watch 2 episodes of Chopped.  I like this article a lot because it shows what they eat LEADING UP to the race, race day, during the race and AFTER!

You’ll see everything from corn dogs and french fries to an extra bowl of grape-nuts a day for a week.

I decided to follow Running Time’s format to show you what works for ME (everyone is different and you have to find what works best for you) because obviously 50 minutes slower than the elites=I am awesome too and clearly on my way to the Olympics.

Janae Jacobs, 25. UT

2010 Top of Utah Marathon PR:  3:04  I even won a lil mula to spend signing up for my next race. It is a viscious cycle this addiction to running is.  Billy finally put down his foot and said we had to move the moose trophy to somewhere other than the center piece of our living room.

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Leading Up: The week of the marathon I stop eating gallons of salad and broccoli a day.  The two days before the race I quit my fiber addiction all together.  Even peaches, sad but true.  I do not want to be stuck in the porta potty while everyone is passing me running along with a huge smile on their face.  I focus in on more whole grains and protein (think tuna fish or egg sandwiches because we are trying to live off of teachers salary and refuse to stop buying treadmills and bikes instead of pricier food).  I drink lots of water all week long, gatorade and my favorite ‘night before race meal’ is cheese pizza and breadsticks.  The night before my PR I also had a brownie with choclate chips mixed in that I think made me run speedier.

Race Day:  I have never run a late race so I will just say what works for my usual 6 a.m. race start time.  Bagel at 4:30 a.m. with banana and PB (I think I am going to change from pb to jam because I don’t eat the PB early enough to allow it enough time to digest and I end up cramping) and gatorade.   About 25 minutes before gun time I eat a granola bar (Nature’s Valley) .

During:  Switch off with gatorade and water at each aid station.  I am a shot blocks lover.  I eat half a pack every 5k starting at around 60 minutes.  Still trying to figure this one out and wondering if I should start taking in fuel besides gatorade before the 60 minute mark.

After:  Pizza Pie Buffet.  It is tradition.  The night of the marathon we go to my favorite salad, pizza, pasta, dessert pizza buffet.



Any last minute advice, mantras or awesome quotes that I can share with my team today?  They race after school so I still have some time to work on them mentally!  What makes you PUSH yourself to do your best while running/working out?

What about you and your nutrtion for races….Leading up?  Race day?  During?  After?

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for my half marathon (and only race) I had oatmeal with PB mixed in and half a banana for breakfast. I also had a cup of hot tea. I made sure that I was hydrating a lot the week before the race (especially since that week include 20+ hours of air travel).

during I had water, gleukos, sport beans, and gu chomps.

after I had a huge burger and it was awesome. :)


My sis does oatmeal before her 1/2 marathons too! TWENTY HOURS of air travel…holy cow!! Burgers are great post race fuel!


and woo, 1st comment! lol


Good luck to your team!!!


awesome post!!! I always love hearing about what other peoples pre-race eats are!

I’ve never run a full marathon (yet) and I dont’ know what I’m going to do when I finally get there because I’m usually so nervous the morning of that I can’t eat more than like…half an english muffin with jam. At my PR half, the night before I ate at Olive Garden and had 3 breadsticks, the sundried tomato ravioli, and 2/3 of my boyfriend’s five-cheese ziti (sucks to be him), and then later I had a banana, a pumpkin scone, and a chocolate chip scone….so i guess it was ok I didn’t eat the morning of lol….afterward my stomach always feels messed up so I go for a couple Panera bagels (cinnamon crunch!!) with cream cheese and a couple smoothies!

GOOD LUCK to your XC team!! before a race I always remind myself that “your body is capable of more than you think it is” – so tell them to run their hearts out and suprise themselves! and not to let opponents get away from them on the course :-D


OLIVE GARDEN….good call. Those breadsticks are heavenly and I always get the ziti. PS YOU ARE HILARIOUS!! I have never been to Panera…sound like I need to go.

LOVE what you said about our bodies…thank you so much!


Ohh I love this post–> looks like this posting 2x daily is already working for ya :)! I found this extremely helping as I am trying to increase my mileage and was wondering how to change my eating habits accordingly. After hovering around the 5mi mark for far too long, I am working towards 10 miles. I know for some people that’s child’s play but for me, not so much so I want to make sure I am ready for it! Good luck to the team!


Thanks girl:) WAHOO…you are right on track to get to that 10 miles and girl, that is a huge accomplishment for anyone!


I always wonder about cutting out fibery goodness the days before a race. I just started doing that and WOW what a difference!


YEAH!!! It is crazy what a difference it makes for those tummies of ours while we run ha!


Good luck to you and your team! I bet they love you as a coach.:)

A personal mantra for me (I write it on my hand during races) is: You’re stronger than you think you are. And when things REALLY get tough: Just keep swimming! (from Finding Nemo:))

I am STILL trying to figure out the whole eating thing… I have the hardest time eating before a race or even a long run, and afterwards really isn’t much better. The one thing I’ve found is that I can keep liquids in/down when taken before a race (I can’t say the same for solid food). I drink a carb/protein combo drink beforehand and that works OK. Gels are just about the only thing I can tolerate during. I’ve been trying really hard to get SOMETHING in me afterwards, because I know how important it is for recovery. Left to my own devices, I might wait 3 hours for my tummy to settle down. :( Again, liquids are OK. Bananas seem OK, too.

This is a lame response on my part…. I guess I’m hoping for some advice, too! As a veteran of over 2 dozen races I should have this down, but I don’t!


LOVE NEMO!!! THanks so much Kim. It really is such a hard thing to figure out what fueling works best for YOU! I cannot take gels either…they make me sick! Maybe just stick to liquids but try adding more calories to the ‘liquids’ if you are feeling like you aren’t getting enough fuel.


Oh – how could I forget??? I ALWAYS eat a big bag of peanut M&M’s the night before a race. I did it before my first 1/2 and ended up finishing 20 minutes under my goal, so I figured it HAD to be the M&M’s, and so I must always do this…. :-D

(That’s what I tell myself, anyhow!)

I feel fueled enough while running, I’m just so tired after. Like, too tired. It’s really funny you posted this topic now, because just last week I told my DH that I was going to try really hard to feed myself better. I eat good foods and enough of them, but I feel like the timing is off, you know?


Eating protein within a half hour has helped me tremendously with this.


When running gets tough I always remember “Anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift” -Steve Prefontaine

Then I remind myself, finishing the race is ALL I have to do that day!!


WOW…Connie, I love that!! I can’t wait to share that with them!


I cut Mike’s hair too! I figure, so long as it looks good in the front, he won’t know the difference since he can’t see the back :).

Before all of my long runs I usually have pizza the night before. I don’t know if it makes a difference, but it always sits well and gives me enough energy for the race!


bahahah I love that. Too bad I totally made a huge mistake on the side of his head where he can see:)


Good Luck :)


IF I can manage to get in the pain cave early, I decorate it. With piles of wings, rivers of ranch dressing, etc.

Pre-race is always some sort of muffin, scone or cream of wheat. Works for m.

The Kidless Kronicles


Thanks so much for sharing Janae!

You (and the runners in the article) make such a good point about cutting back on fiber during the days leading up to a big race. Silly me – I had never really thought about it before!

My last race was a half marathon on May 1st and I felt as though I could have topped off my energy stores a bit better prior to the race by eating more carbs during two and three days ahead instead of just one.

Morning of the race I had a typical peanut butter and banana on Cinnamon Raisin Sprouted Grain Bread with Almond milk and water.

During the race I had Two Cliff Shots (Gu’s) but felt like I needed more because I hadn’t carb loaded enough. I also drank two cups of water at each water station but didn’t get enough because the cups were only half full and the weather was HOT.

Post race I chugged water and Powerade and then after driving home I got a my favorite veggie burger with cheese on a pretzel bun with sweet potato fries. Soooo delish.

I have a half marathon and marathon one week apart at the end of October so I’m experimenting with fueling right now to be better prepared. During my only other marathon in 2003 in San Francisco I never ate/fueled during training runs or the race but it went really smoothly. Weird!


Yes, definitely try carb loading a little bit more a few days before:) Hot race weather KILLS ME, I would be drinking ten of those 1/2 full glasses at each aid station! ONE WEEK APART…girl, that is AWESOME!!!


The night before I just make sure I have carbs, less fiber and lots of water. Morning of is always PB toast and a banana and Gatorade. During water, Gatorade and GUs and/or Jelly Bellys (my fav!). Post race is always different but always a chocolate milk, Starbucks and a banana first!


LOVE the Jelly Bellys race fuel…I need to do that!


And the even have sport Jelly Bellys now too, the watermelon flavor is really good :)


i really loved this post…how informative considering my race is this weekend!!

In the past, the week leading up to the race, I focus more on getting good quality carbs and starches in…think baked potatoes, sweet potatoes, whole wheat bread, etc. I try to cut out anything too fibery (which sucks bc I have a broccoli addiction as well..ha!)
The night before I always have penne alla vodka and some bread…i dunno, it sticks well with me, I wake up the next morning feeling still a little full.
The morning of, at least two-three hours before the race, I have half an english muffin with PB and nutella. I make sure to be plenty hydrated obviously in the week leading up to as well. During last years race and prob this years race, I drink cytomax throughout and I take half a shotblock pack at mile 8.
Afterwards i’m usually too jittery to eat much, but I drink down some chocolate milk and prob scarf down a banana. Later in the day, I like to have wings and fries, hehe :)

I think I need to play around with this a little more and i’m sure I will be tweaking things much more when I train for a marathon but I guess I still need to play around with it…considering i’d love to get my 1/2 time down to under 2 hours…this year i’m just hoping to make it under 2:10. considering I ran a 2:14 last year with an injured foot, i’m thinking i’ll be ok!


Your night before food sounds amazing! I LOVE cytomax too…how did I forget about that!! YAY for chocolate milk! Girl, I am stoked for your race this year and I know you will sub 2:10!!!


Pre Race- I usually have pasta w marinara sauce. And a little dark chocolate for dessert. For the Boston, I had sushi the night before and ran great!

Race day- usually raisins and a banana and slice of dry toast to absorb all the acid from the fruit.

Post-race- I eat whatever I want :-) In Boston, I had tiramisu and a coffee from starbucks… then california pizza kitchen.

Good luck with the first meet today! How exciting!


This was a great post, Janae! I am always interested in what others eat when training/leading up to a race. I didn’t realize the whole fibre thing was a big issue. I usually eat oats or cereal the day of, water and GU gels during, and anything I want after! Some things I do have to stay away from (especially the day before) are beans (no explanation necessary) and anything SPICY. I ate spicy Indian food the day before a race (it was just an 8K, but STILL) and the morning of my stomach HATED me. It was the worst feeling ever.

Good luck to your team! Thanks for an amazing post!


This was a very helpful post, I’ve been wondering what food choices work for other people! The “owner’s manual” was very helpful, I like the idea of a piece of toast with an egg on it.

I also enjoy eating pizza the night before a long run too!

And I bet that brownie with sprinkles on it had magical powers :)


I am with everyone else about the surprise of learning to cut back on the fiber in-take! I just ran a half marathon on Sunday and I was so nervous that I could barely eat half of my banana. I am glad you posted this because it is one of my goals for when I do my 3rd half or 1st full to make sure that I am fueling correctly. And as for motivation I just think of the best run I have had training and how good it felt, which reminds me of why I love running in the first place! And of course how good I am going to feel crossing that finish line!


I love this post!!

We’re about the same fuel wise. Peanut butter and banana before, Gatorade during, and pizza or a burger afterwards! oh and always a jumbo cup of froyo!

Good luck to your team today, they’ll do GREAT.


How did I forget about the jumbo cup of froyo after?!?!?! Thanks so much Anna!


Woah! Great marathon time! And good luck to your xc team today!! I love pizza after a race… Or a burger from in n out. Before I’m not picky, as long as it’s not salad… That stuff can really mess a girl up. Yikes!


Thanks for sharing this. I think I’m really bad at pre-race fuel becuase I always end up having some issue. I have trouble connecting what I eat the night before to the next day. I just want what I want — in the morning and during the race too. I’m going to be VERY careful for my marathon this year (two weeks!). I am going to take some of this into consideration!


It really is so hard to figure out the correct fuel for our bodies because are all so different!! I AM SO excited for your marathon!! I want all the details!


A couple of my favorite running quotes.. :)
1. “You have to wonder at times what you’re doing out there. Over the years, I’ve given myself a thousand reasons to keep running, but it always comes back to where it started. It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement.”
– Steve Prefontaine

2. “If you run, you are a runner. It doesn’t matter how fast or how far. It doesn’t matter if today is your first day or if you’ve been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run.”
–John Bingham

Hope your kids are extra speedy today Janae!! :)


WOW!!! Thank you so much…those quotes are INCREDIBLE!! I am going to print these out and put them on my wall! THANK YOU!


Never done a full marathon, so only for half. But I do this for every long run over 10 miles as well.
Night before: Egg or tuna sandwich
Late, late night snack or meal (yes, have gone to bed and gotten back up to eat this): PB sandwich and bowl of cereal and 1/2 banana
Morning of: water and a little coffee
During: nothing till mile 6, then alternate water/gatorade. Plus had a few grapes at mile 10 and 12.
Night after I have Noodles and Ice cream.


Noodles and ice cream…that sounds amazing! I like your late night snack/meal idea too!! So when are we going to plan to run a race together?


A race with you…….its now on the bucket list.


“Three Miles All Smiles” “My legs are strong and they run long”

Good luck to your team!!!


I LOVE those phrases….I am going to be using those for me too!


Hi there,

Lately, to push myself to work harder and longer at my workouts…I think about my 13 year old daugthter’s best friend who has sarcoma (bone cancer). She has had 6 rounds of chemo. and will have her leg (the cancer is in her knee) amputated in Oct. I think of her, her strength and courage, and how she will live her life with one leg…and I know I can push myself harder.
Kelly in Michigan


WOW!! Kelly, thank you so much for your comment. I am so sorry to hear about your daughter’s best friend. I cannot even imagine what she is going through! I will be thinking about her now too!


Thanks so much Janae- my daughter’s friend has a GREAT ATTITUDE!!!!! The cancer is also in her lung (a small spot) so she is on hard-core chemo. but handles it like a champ. She has a very good attitude about the leg amputation. She has great support too.
Thanks for your nice words and for keeping her in your thoughts. :)


Sorry about your daughter’s friend! I am also a sarcoma survivor (Ewing’s Sarcoma nearly eight years ago). Keep reminding her that there ARE survivors and she needs to be tough so she can be one of them!!!


Thanks Karen–
I can’t recall the type of Sarcoma my daughter’s friend has, some really rare type (can’t think of the name). She is in a wheelchair because she can’t put any pressure on the leg with cancer in it. Once they get through 6 chemo rounds (she is on number 6 right now) she will rest for a month-get strong, and then have the surgery. Then 6 more rounds of chemo. and 3 months of really heavy chemo. to get the cancer that spread to her lung. It is a LONG haul…and she is only 13 years old, but she has a great attitude. We are doing our best to be really supportive and do nice things for her. :) I’m so glad you made it through Sarcoma yourself!!!!!! Was it in your knee region too?


Mine was in my left forearm. The surgeon talked about using part of my leg bone so I could have full range of motion after surgery (it’s really limited now), but I was already a runner and wouldn’t let them ANYWHERE near my legs.

I’m also from Michigan (Dickinson Co.). There definitely is an environmental component to the cancer I had as it was extremely rare and a total of five people from my local area have been diagnosed in the last 15 years (much too frequent for a town that has 10,000 people). If you are from that area and find it IS Ewing’s, please let me know.


I checked with my daughter’s friend about her type of Sarcoma and IT IS Ewings Sarcoma!!!!!!!! We live in Lansing. Where is Dickinson Co.? WOW, I didn’t realize the environmental aspect. SCARY!!!!!!
Feel free to email me ([email protected]) it is easier than back and forth comments on here. I’m so glad you are okay!


This post was perfect for me! I’m running the St. George Marathon this saturday, my first full marathon, and am really nervous about fueling. Everytime I’ve trued GU’s or Gels during my long runs, I end up throwing them up! Not good. I think I’ll stick with gatorade and some honey stinger energy chews during the race. As a new runner, I love posts and comments like these. It’s great to see what works for other people. I’d love to read full on reviews of different products: gels, drinks, bars, etc.


AHHHH I AM SO SO EXCITED FOR YOU LAUREN!! Will you please email me after your marathon so that I can hear all about it. I cannot do Gu’s either….you are not alone!


GO LAUREN……you can do it!!!!

I’m a new runner (only 13 weeks into running) but I’m hooked. I’ve worked out my whole life, but never liked to run. My sister got me hooked. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!


YAYYYYYYYYY CANT WAIT to hear about the racee!! they are gonna do AmAZINGGGG with you as the coachh!!!
fueling wise oatmeal with half an apple is always my go to early in the morning!<3


My sis does oatmeal to!! Thanks so much girl!


good luck to your team today!
The longest race I’ve done is a half last year.
Before: bagel/pb/banana
During: wore my camelbak with gatorade/water mixture and drank almost all of it throughout the 13.1. Grabbed water at every aid station & powerade (YUCK!) at the last few. More made it on the ground than in my mouth.
After: Jamba Juice smoothie & steel cut oats. Barely made it home before having to run to the bathroom. Not sure what the heck went wrong here, never had stomach issues in any training but something after that race did NOT sit well.


I am going to have to try your post Jamba Juice idea!! I agree with you that Gatorade is SO much better than Powerade!


I was just telling a friend that I cut out apples 3-4 days before a big race. She was in awe that I paid that much attention to diet. Nice to see we all do it. I’m also a firm believer in Oreos before a race. I get a pack and the whole family gets to celebrate with me. In some regard, they are more excited for the race than I am, just so I’ll stop talking about it. And Oreos are a good reward for being patient with me.


I am going to have to try your Oreos trick before the race. I hear ya…apples are a big no-no for me for 3-4 days before the race too….FIBER CITY:)


I made a mistake once and ate an apple before a 10 miler… bad idea, especially on a route with no bathroom.


Your marathon time amazes me every time!! Sounds like a good food philosophy as well – I cannot do PB before a race or long run, because I just burp it up – so I changed to lite cream cheese (some protein with low fat) and it works really well.

Good luck with your team today!! My track coach always said determination is everything and you can actually see it on the face of those who are really focused on their end goal.


Thanks Danielle. Good idea with the cream cheese….I am going to have to try that! Determination IS everything…thanks girl!


Good Luck to your team :) I’m sure they will do great, I mean they do have the BEST coach!!
& I loved reading that article about what elite athletes eat before races- really interesting. I have to say, I typically eat pasta..but I like your idea with the pizza- that way I get fat & carbs. (like the corn dog girl :) )


THANKS HOLLY!! Isn’t it cool to see what they eat. I don’t know if I could do the corn dog….but I love pizza before, try it before a long run:)


Liked reading your food stategy! I need one of my own for my triathlon coming up…it’s at 2pm. What should I eat??? Any good resources that you know of?


Ohhhh….that is a tough one! I found this site which seemed to have some great advice about the night before and the morning of and you could just continue eating the foods they suggest for lunch!


I JUST posted about what I eat before workouts. HAHA.

I def need to be careful before runs, cause it can get UGLY, if ya know what I mean. I stick to simple things, and no super fibery- anything!

GREAT tips girl!


BAHAHAH It really can get ugly!! On my way to check out what you said!


Good luck at your meet! I’m sure your students will do well!




I always remind myself “the pain is worth it!”. That’s what i have on my road id.


You are so right..the pain is SO worth it:)


Love this post, Janae. Good job :)
And my husband put the kibosh on me cutting his hair when I used the wrong attachment (one of the short ones) and went right down the center of his head. We ended up shaving his entire head and he was sooooo mad at me! Cutting hair is hard!


Good luck to your team! They’ve got the best coach around :-)

Last minute advice? Remember, if it was easy everyone would be doing it. So, they should be proud of what they’ve accomplished thus far.

Pre – race: Giant grilled chicken salad with a ton of bread…I mean A TON. I ate the whole basket from Cheesecake Factory before my last race. Race Day: Oatmeal, banana and half a bagel. Post race: ANYTHING’S game, but burger and milkshake are the best way to go.


My mantra?
The faster you run, the faster your done!
Then I eat cheese burgers!!


Next week will be a week before my first marathon! I’m getting so, so nervous! Especially in the whole food/stomach area. I may just take my peanut butter and lock it in a safe so I don’t eat any…


I like seeing what racers eat because I always wonder!! It’s nice to know about the whole fiber thing…you know…I don’t want to be stuck in porta potties either! ;) Good luck to your team!


Awww good luck to your team!!! I am so excited to read the article you linked. I have never done anything durastic the week of a race. Just keep it the same mostly. I figure if it’s good enough for my LR it should be good enough for a race right?

Love you and can’t wait to hear how your team does!!!


Thank you so much for this post! I so needed it! I’m okay with what I’m eating now in training, but since I start tapering in 6 weeks, I want to know what I should be eating during that time. The week before the marathon and day of are major concerns. (I’m a bit of a control freak, can you tell?) Also, the race starts at 4pm and I have no idea how to fuel for it. I’m thinking of eating a bigger breakfast, light lunch, and my regular fuel before the race. Ah!! So confused!

Good luck to your team today!


Definitely not oatmeal before the race. Never again. 4 times in the bathroom? Yeah. No… no oatmeal. That race was so embarrassing hahaha.

Mac ‘n Cheese… YES PLEASE! My half marathon was awesome thanks to that wonderful combination. (My fave)

good luck to your cross country team! And tell Billy not to worry, they have cheap eyebrow pencils at walmart and target


I eat a good sized portion of pasta with just a little sauce the night before. The morning of, I make myself a good peanut butter sandwich that I eat a couple hours before the race. That usually does the trick!


When I get tired and feel like I want to stop running during a race, I think of when I was sick. After 13 rounds of chemo, I could barely walk. I showered sitting down. I was so weak. While I run, I think, “This doesn’t feel as bad as I did when I had cancer. When it does feel that bad, then I’m allowed to walk.”

Also,the night before my last marathon, I went to Catholic mass with my mom. We sang a hymn called “We Will Rise Again” with the line “We will run and not grow weary”.

Those two things are what I repeat to myself when I feel like I want to stop.


Glad you are all better now!!!! Now you have a story and can inspire others.


ahhhhh good luck to your team! with a coach like you they are sure to succeed :) your positivity is enough to make me want to go out running right now!

before UV I ate mostly normal but tried to eat more balanced and nutritious. I also drank 80-100 oz water and 32oz gatorade per day. I feel a little late to the game for St. George since I have been home stuffing my face with anything and everything bad for me that I could get my hands on so today = “get back on track” day! ;)


I love that your whiteboard heart has the “gleam” like it’s reflecting light. You are so cute! Colin cuts his own hair so I always have to even out the back and I more often then not, screw up.

I don’t have any advice – yet. But after oct 16th you know I’ll be a pro at 5k races.

last night I ran 3.25miles in 30 min!!!! I was so super excited


Love this post!! GOod luck to your team :)

I am thinking of going to a nutrition seminar at the SL Running Co to learn more. I’ve never really focused on “fuel” for racing, and I know it will make a huge difference.


I really love that link to Running Times! It’s so interesting to read what each runner does for nutrition. I think they all seem to be on the same page :) I do want to get on the chocolate milk recovery drink bandwagon when I start running again! Just another delicious treat to look forward too haha

When I need to really push myself through a workout I focus on the end result, how amazing I will feel afterwards… if it is a difficult run, I imagine crossing the finish line! Imagery really works for me… as well as accepting the pain (as long as it is not dangerous pain). I find if I focus on how much I want to stop, I start to get anxious and I feel worse… if I focus on the present moment, knowing how awesome I will feel afterwards… I’m good to go! :)

Oh, and fish sticks!!!?? Did you read my mind because that is ALL I have been wanting lately. :-D YUM!


GOOD LUCK TO YOUR GIRLIES! mine will be playing vs. the best team in our conference… yoikes.

aaand I’m so curious to see how I’ll do foodwise for the Marine Corps. I’m thinking I definitely want a pizza buffet, after though. ;)


Good luck to your team! I’m in love with Pizza Pie Cafe as my after run or race meal. My favorite is the oreo dessert pizza. Yummmm.


Loooooved this post! I always struggle with knowing what to eat and second guessing how to fuel. Thanks for the info and advice!


Hey! I run cross country too for my highschool! Our coach always tells us to HYDRATE! Most important thing. And my favorite mantra is, ” Don’t think about it, BE about it!” I repeat that in my head when it gets tough, and remember my goals!


We love cross country! Awesome! Good luck to your team, hope it goes well! I would just tell them to start out slower than they think they should, and pick it up gradually throughout the race – just don’t go out too fast.

Your fueling strategy and what you eat before a race is actually pretty similar to what I do.


I am so ridiculously jealous of your getting to coach XC!!!!

They are going to kick butt – can’t wait to hear about it :).


Hi Janae,

I usually stick to pasta the night before and the same bagel/peanut butter/banana a couple of hours before any race. In the race I alternate 2 stingers and Gu every 2.5 miles. Later in the races (half way) I start with gatorade at the aide stations. But I am curious: I have had issues in my 70.3 (on Sunday) and my marathons with calf cramping. I sweat alot. I mean ALOT. And I think I am losing too much salt? I am kind of trying to get some ideas of things to test out to prevent calf cramps my upcoming marathon (Houston). Any thoughts? Anything you have heard/used/read? At this point, I have lots of time to test things out!


ha I shaved my (ex) boyfriend’s hair in high school and the guard fell off and I left a giant gash in his hair…a good 3 inches shaved totally off….4 days before my sister’s wedding that he was coming to!

good luck to your cross country kids! they will do so great!

before a race I eat PB toast with honey and eat honey stingers during my run. I’m not nearly as experienced as you (by the way only 50 minutes slower than elites; you are amazing!) but I better get it all worked out before my first marathon December 4th!!


Is your first marathon VEGAS? Do we get to meet? Loved the hair story…hilarious! I need to add honey to my toast.


no, we don’t get to meet in Vegas :( my first marathon is in Texas, close to home


Someday we will meet! You are going to rock your Texas marathon!


Thank you for sharing the Running Times article and of course your diet! Hope to see you in NYC!!! (I am fighting with an incredibly sore calf right now :( … cross training rules!)


OH NO…praying for your calf. We will have to all go for ice cream!


Thank you! I am doing some cross training and it seems to improve slowly … trying to stay positive :) Ice cream rendez-vous is definitely a positive thing! I think, I need to go practice!


I LOVE this post, Janae! It’s awesome to get some ideas about foods to eat before a race … not just on the morning of the race, but leading up to it! I think I’ll try your brownie idea before my next event!! ;)


Pssst – this is for Billy…..pass it on.

So, Billy. A few weeks ago my wife gave me this haircut too. But forgot to put the attachment on. How did she forget such a thing, and buzz a line down my head to the scalp before realizing her mistake? I don’t know. But now I look like a drill sergeant. Beware. You’re welcome.


Haha thanks for the warning Cory. I’ll be sure to check before every haircut now…


The night before usually stick to a veggie burger and bun and a small vanilla shake. Pasta is too heavy for me and I stay away from the peanut butter the night before. Morning of is an egg white with some sort of bread-english muffin. Never dairy. Right after I always go for water and a piece of crisp fruit like a peach or plum with fluids. Not into the bagel, granola bar,banana refueling ordeal. A few hours later I usually crave a large salad wih pita bread and some sort of large milkshake. Everything always taste better after running.


Vanilla shakes are the BEST!!! Dairy gets to me too for running but not biking. Now I am craving pita bread ha!


Good luck tomorrow! I hope they all do well! (and, let’s hope no one gets lost in the fury of the first meet….we all know it happens to at least one kid.)

I was on the CC team for one season in high school. Our team was a combo of jv and varsity, boys and girls, fast and slow. Regardless of our ability, my coach met with each one of us individually before every meet (usually on the bus to the way to the meet) to discuss with us about our goals and hopes for the race. He always wrote his time goal for us on a notecard with a little inspirational message (“You’ve been working so hard, Claire! I’m proud of you no matter how you do” etc) . Everyone’s was different. While I was horrible, I still have my notecards 1o years later and it was great to get that little bit of individual attention.


WOW!! Claire, your coach sounds incredible. I will be copying his notecard idea! That is really neat!


ahh my nutrition these days definitely stinks. i feel like I am not fueling right or correctly at all. I will be stalking these comments and using them for future reference. thanks for reading my mind!


Love the post you have!! For some reason before every race I eat the same thing I eat every morning, oats/pb/protein powder/fruit and yogurt, never fails :) Now I am not a marathon runner, shorter distances but it works!!


I might be a little late posting but good luck to your team!


Thanks Missy! You are the best!


I’m so pumped about this post! Since I’m getting ready to run my first full, I’ve been curious about what the 26.2 veterans do. :) I’m a big pizza fan the night before my races as well. SO GOOD! I’ve never tired cutting out all the fiber filled foods before my long runs, so I may have to try it on my 20 next week. Thanks for all the great tricks of the trade!


Try it!!! Pizza is the best! Girl you are going to rock your marathon!!!


I’ve only done two races but I haven’t had bathroom/cramping issues with the following:
Amp up water intake the week before.
Night before – Spaghetti & meatballs with breadsticks (thinking of switching to pizza though). No salad or any roughage.
Morning of: Peanut butter on whole wheat bread (about 2 hours prior) and a Diet DP.
During: Water and gatorade (of course), sports beans and Honey Stingers fruit snacks.
I’m trying to tweak for my upcoming full during my long runs.


I’ve only done two races but I haven’t had bathroom/cramping issues with the following:
Amp up water intake the week before.
Night before – Spaghetti & meatballs with breadsticks (thinking of switching to pizza though). No salad or any roughage.
Morning of: Peanut butter on whole wheat bread (about 2 hours prior) and a Diet DP.
During: Water and gatorade (of course), sports beans and Honey Stingers fruit snacks.
I’m trying to tweak for my upcoming full during my long runs.


I really want to be able to drink Gatorade or Powerade, but I cramp EVERY time!! Even when I dilute it with water…boo! I think I need some electrolytes, but I can’t handle the side stitches I’ve gotten any time I’ve tried it.

I love shot blocks- I just can’t handle gel or Gu.

Running my first FULL marathon n Nov- interested to see how I’m going to swing breakfast. We’ll be in a hotel in Savannah, so I’m not sure how I can accommodate the oatmeal and 3 boiled egg whites I’ve eaten for breakfast every day for the last 3 years. I’m sure I’ll make it work!

Do you take any caffeine or pre-workout?


Only before races:) I take a no doze! I am so excited for your marathon and can’t wait to hear all about it! If that bfast works for you find a way to make it in the hotel!!!! You are going to do amazing!


hi, long time reader first time commenter… I am also a new (assistant) cross country coach this season! I have my race day meals down- low fiber the day before, toast w choc pb and and a banana before, gu chomps with caffein while racing and whatever I want after :-). However, the question I wanted to ask for a while is what does your work day morning eating look like? I just started to go the gym early since I coach after work. I cannot quite get my bfast routine down since I like something before and after the gym and I cannot make eggs at work :-(


Hey girl!!! That is so awesome you are coaching….how do you like it? My latest bfast obsession is an egg sandwich that I make the night before and eat at my desk right when I get to work! I also love taking yogurt and mixing it with pb and fruit! I am not much of an oatmeal person but that usually works for people too! Somedays I get bfast at school too….bagel and cream cheese! Hope that helps and I want to hear about your season!


I hope your team does amazing, I’m sure they will with such an awesome coach! Our cross country coach would hand out little strips of paper the night before meets (we’d always have a team dinner at a teammate’s house) and for some reason they’re all escaping me right now, darn it!!

I cut my husband’s hair. There are times it’s ended in tears (mine, not his) because I can’t get the bottom straight and am afraid he’s going to disown me….but he still keeps asking me to do it, so I must be getting better as the years go on!


Oh girl…we are a lot alike. I was freaking out the whole time that it wasn’t perfect….he said he could care less ha!


Hope your XC team raced well tonight! My mantra/race motivator is “no regrets.” I don’t want the work I have put in leading up to a race to be for nothing and I don’t want to deal with what if upon what if when I finish. I try to remind myself that I want to lay it all out on the course so that when I’m done, I don’t have to wonder if I had more left to give.

As far as pre-race fuel, my breakfast of choice is oatmeal with almond butter and craisins mixed in or almonds, brown sugar, and craisins.


NO REGRETS…I love that one. Simple to remember but really powerful!


this is awesome….i just read this exact article yesterday! the hubby and i are running the St. George Marathon Saturday and i needed some expert advice. i consider your two cents expertise as well! i plan on copying you to a T. :)
missed giving a mantra for your X countriers, but i love this one….
if you beat us in the race, will beat you in the parking lot!


AHHH You are going to do amazing! That is so cool that you AND your hubby are doing the marathon. Do you guys run together? Oh my goodness…that mantra is HILARIOUS!!! I am so going to use that from now on!


I’ve been waiting for this awesome post – so what I needed to read this week! Thanks for spending the time writing it! I’m loving all the inspirational quotes too (I watched a bunch of those inspirational movies/slips from a few days ago).

So my favorite quote for life (and running) is:





Yes. M&MS are a great fueler, good luck during that race ! :D x

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