Running every THREE days!

As I am working with mis sports medicine doctor (he is also BYU’s athletes doctor) we have come up with an awesome plan for me to get me ready to RUN the NY Marathon (slowly with lots of breaks) and avoid another injury while training.

BIlly came with me just to make sure I didn’t accidently overexaggerate what the doctor said I could and could not do.


Doctor says, ‘Janae, you shouldn’t run the marathon.’

Janae says, ‘Billy, the doc said that I should never run again if it is anything less than 10 miles at a time.  He also gave me a perscription to eat a bag of skittles every day until the day I die.’

The reality of the situation is that the doc said that I should run every 3 days (for the next two weeks)!! He didn’t care too much about how many miles I was doing on those days that I do run (as long as I stop if anything hurts and it isn’t ridiculously long or fast).

Why every three days?

Coming back from an injury means that my body is going to need more time repair and rebuild itself after each run.

So, how the heck does this translate to be able to run a marathon in a little over a month.

Lots of crosstraining,

Lots of time to allow my body to adjust to running again


the days I do run….make them worth it.  I am sticking to a slower pace and flat surfaces and ‘gradually’ increasing my mileage.

So, on today’s plan from the doc was 7 slow miles and boy did they feel good especially as I was sporting my stylsh t-shirt.  Let’s just say the thud of my heavy sports bra (from all of the sweat) on the bathroom floor woke billy up because he thought I fell down.

Photo on 9 27 11 at 7 18 AM

I watched Felicity on my computer and Jenn sent me THIS LINK about the show and it is absolutely hilarious.  PLEASE read it if you have ever seen the show before and you can thank Jenn later!

What was YOUR workout?

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Good luck on coming back! I’m glad you are going back slowly and not at all once – you are going to do great! Good luck!!


That’s awesome Janae! I did 7 last night and it was great, even though my Garmin wouldn’t turn on before the run and I had to run w/o being able to obsessively look down at my pace ;) Thankfully, I fixed it when I got home!
Today’s workout? NROLFW and streeeetching…


Yay! That’s exciting – I’m so happy for you. Congrats on the 7 miler! :)

I ran 4 miles this morning… it was beautiful outside which helped make it an awesome run.


glad you’re taking precaution…and glad that Billy is such a supportive husband – it makes a HUGE difference!! Travis is great and lets me do my thing and he watches the kid’s.


I’m checking out that link right now! I’ve started watching Felicity again since you mentioned it!

AWESOME 7 miles :)


Woo! I’m so happy for you! I’ve got 8 on my plan tonight. Hopefully the humidity will die down here a bit so I can actually enjoy it!


Great ideo Janae! Crosstraining can actually help your runs, if you replace your short/easy runs with something like cycling/ellipticizing. Good luck girlfriend! Maybe I can see you after the NY Marathon since i live in NYC!


yay for running 7 miles! your drive to keep going and getting stronger is SO inspiring!!! and I will also tell you, after reading the news that Felicity was available on netflix, i have not stopped. I am almost done with season 2, and LOVING every second.


I am so proud of you for taking such a positive approach to this! You are amazing and running three days a week will be great for you-enough time to heal yet you still get to run :):) best of both worlds!

Have a great day!


So jealous!!! 7 miles! WAHOO !!!


So excited for you to run the NY marathon. You’ll rock it – no doubt!


Excited for you to be able to run, Janae! Be smart and take care of those legs! :) I went for a good bike ride today, followed by lots of stretching. My hamstrings are so incredibly tight from a lot of running miles the past week. Come over for a foam rolling party, and bring Skittles! :)


yeah yeah!!!! 7 awesome miles!!! woo hoooooo! so happy for you!


Woohoo! Glad you are getting back in the swing of things!


Died laughing reading the “lies that Felicity told me” piece. Hysterical. There is also one on that same site that I read before about “lies that carrie bradshaw told me” (not sure if you were a sex and the city fan or not!) Thanks for sharing!


Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
New York here you come!!! So exciting!! We better go out for frozen yogurt while you’re here!!!


every 3 days is what I run, and I’m not injured. haha. Your gonna be great! Slow and steady wins the race, right?


Great News!

No workout today because I ran that marathon this past weekend ( The shin splints didn’t give me too much trouble: new PR baby! Woot.

Good luck in NY.


Whohoo congrats on the good dr. appointment!! :D


Oh my gosh!!!! This is amazing news!!!!!! I’m so so glad that you get to start running again. Running every three days… I might just have to do this. I feel pretty good after my marathon, but with my slower running partners being injured I can already tell I need to do SOMETHING so I’m not going too fast and too for every single run. (I have a problem). Maybe for the next two weeks I should follow this same advice.

I’m STOKED you are going to be able to run New York!!! That is so exciting. Even more than Boston, I would love to run New York. That city is my FAVORITE. You will be awesome! Slow and steady, Janae. Plus, just think about how amazing it is going to feel to run a marathon at sea level rather than 5600 feet!!!


7 miles??!! That is awesome Janae!!

I am resting one more day. I want to make sure my legs are fully recovered from the ultra so that I can continue running and have a strong marathon finish on 10-16!


Yay I am so happy for you! That is great news! I cant wait to see what you do at NY, I’m sure it will still be super amazing despite having to run slower. Take care of yourself girl! Happy running! :)


My workout was a quick wet ride with my girlfriend. It was awesome.

You should check out the Run Less Run Faster plan. I’ve been using that plan and I LOVE it, and it only has 3 running workouts a week.


such fantastic news!! I am on a very similar regimen, but my marathon is in 3 weeks!! I am freaking out a little, but I have faith that it will work out, just like I do for you :)

I am on run every 3 or 4 days and cross-training like crazy – on the schedule today, bike….eek….i don’t really know how to ride a stationary bike w/o feeling like I did nothing…


7 is awesome and it sounds like a great strategy…I might adopt it to ensure I can run the remainder of my fall races! I am recovering from a 1/2 from the weekend and tried running yesterday, but it was too soon and did 40 on the elliptical today and that went really well!


Wa-hay for 7 miles!! I admire your patience towards running, especially after a fab run, waiting 3 days to get out there again can seem like forever!! My workout today included lower body weights followed by 30 mins cardio on the x trainer! Initially I felt like I ‘should’ do mote cardio but then remembering your post from the other day about over-exercising crushed those thoughts so thanks, J!


Woohoo!! So excited for you!

This morning I went for a run/walk and instead of doing timed intervals I switched to distance intervals (I am doing a hybrid couch to 5K program right now) and it kind of kicked my butt, but in a good way :)


WOW! congrats on 7 miles….looks like you are finally getting the running back in the hungry runner :) I am so happy for you. I can’t wait to read your updates….in 3 days!

I didn’t do any workout today I think my body needed the rest. I know my millage isn’t a lot to you pro’s but to my novice body taking my runs over the 3 mile marker has proven to cause injuries….so I’m taking it SLOW. Aren’t you proud? I DO listen to you!


you are so cute – your smile looks so genuine you can tell how happy you are!!!

All the running blogs I’ve been reading have convinced me to get a running plan.. since I’m a newbie it’s got me running 3 times a week then increasing to 4 times a week – eventually 5 and hopefully on New Years Eve I’ll run 10miles straight without stopping which would be my longest distance ever :)


Ahhh! This made my day because I know how HAPPY you must be :D
So glad to hear this!!!! Woohoo!


I’m so HAPPY to read running is in the prescription! You do such an OUTSTANDING job of maintaining your fitness level through other methods, that every 3 days will be such a treat!

I ran hill repeats during lunch with the hubs! Perfect day to take advantage. HEAL, JANAE, HEAL!!!


Oh, Janae. Injuries just plain suck. I tried running for the first time in 2 weeks and I’m not gonna lie, I hurt today. I only ran 5 miles and I ran them sloooowwww. I just want to run gosh darn it! is that so much to ask?!

Will you be at Boston in April? If so, I can’t WAIT to meet you!!!


you ran 7 miles?!! I’m so excited for you! i hope your body feels good about it! that is so exciting that you got the go ahead for NY!! today i ran 4 miles and did a total body workout video


Congrats on your 7 miles! :-) I am following a similar plan, except I don’t have a goal race in mind (I want to do a half in January, and my sports doc thinks it’s doable. I was told no fulls until next fall). I am allowed to run UP TO 3 times a week, but some weeks I have to bring it back down to 2. I am doing a ton of cross training, too – mostly on the bike, but I also water run and strength train. So far it is working for me. Good luck to you!!!!

Today I rode 12 slow miles on my trainer. Remember the 5k PR I had a week and a half ago? Apparently I took that too hard, so my hip flared up. It feels good today but I am taking the week slow so I can RUN my first 10k since my injury this weekend (which I will just RUN and not RACE:)).


Awesome prescription! And congrats on the mileage.

You are doing so well!


I’m so excited for you! This is really great news! And it will be such a fun time to visit New York! Really, I could not be happier for you!
I did a 6 mile tempoish run this morning after my 12 miler yesterday. I’m excited for a nice rest day tomorrow!


Will you please move to SD, be my neighbor and pound in my head what your doctor told you about recovering from an injury. I am terrible and thats why my little issues linger for so long. DUMB DUMB DUMB me! ARGH!

Buttttt I did take a rest day today after 7.5 miles yesterday and I am nearly pain free!!! EEEEEEE! A week or so ago I could barely put weight on my left foot post run so this is huge for me :) Vegas Marathon in 10 weeks!


Yeah! You go! I know you will be more than ready for the NY Marathon!


YAYY I wish I could run the marathon with you, that sounds like fun to walk/talk/run!
Taking days off of running is HUGE and I think that’s helped me to remain injury free this training season.


David doesn’t come with me because then we both end up confused :)

I am coming back from being sick for three months and your doc is right…mentally we are ready to rock it, but have to be nice to our bodies


Ah man, you beat me! I stopped at 6.75 miles…a treadmill run on my lunch break. I hope I scoured off the sweat well enough cuz I have to lead a meeting in about 40 minutes. So, if my gym shower wasn’t good enough, maybe they’ll tolerate me because I have snacks.
(Gooey Butter Cake…have you ever had? Butter/sugar/smile/butter)


YAY!! being smart for now = going sub-3hrs soooon! my mom trained for her 1st marathon running 3 days a week, and she ended up qualifying for boston -good things can happen :D

my workout = I finally got to run today! just 20 minutes kinda slow in the grass but it was a run, and therefore awesome!


SQUEEE!!! 7 miles is certainly exciting! :)


Congrats, girl!!! My workout was only 4 miles. And for the first 2, my shins were really hurting. Grr!!


The torture trainer pounded on my lower back. Said it would help my running. So he says. Right now it is only helping me to a couple of advil! I do believe him since my legs are feeling better.

GREAT FOR YOU on two things: the 7 miles AND working with your doctor on a sensible plan for reaching your goal.

The Kidless Kronicles


i am stealing your prescription from your doctor because it is DEF GONNA WORK FOR YOU and you are gonna ROCKKKKKKKKKKKKK your marathonn!!<3 i cant wait for you to own itt!


Wow! Looks like a beautiful race!! Always one of the best parts about ruinnng, getting to see amazing places like this one! I need to get out there and run a race!


Alright nice job on 7 miles, get it Janae! I am finally over my cold and I plan to get up early tomorrow and get a slow 3 mile run! Can’t wait!


YAY!! Congrats!


I’m so excited for you to run! I’m sending positive, strong vibes to your legs so that you CAN do that marathon! Because I want you to qualify for Boston and then you can come out here and I can cheer you on!

My workout today was 3 miles in my hilly, hilly, hilly neighborhood. I fell coming out of my parking lot though, so my knees were not happy at all during those miles.


congrats on getting back to the running! i’ll keep my fingers crossed you have a GREAT time training for NY.

Today was just 20 min on the elliptical + abs, nothing too crazy.


You rock! So excited for you, girl :)!!!


YAY!! Glad the doc gave you his blessing for running regularly and NYC. :)


Yay! Every three days is still great! You look nice and sweaty!!! I went for a short two miler tonight with a friend. I have been running for four years and tonight was the first time I’d ever fallen! I am okay – I skinned my knees and put a hole in my favorite running pants. My ego is more bruised than anything!


I just realized “nice and sweaty” sounds a bit creepy… I meant that it looks like you worked up a good sweat which means a great workout. I promise I’m not some creepy girl! :)


Sweaty sportsbra = successful run!


7 miles!!! let’s have a party! this is great! happy for you.
FELICITY !!!!!!!!!!! my favorite..I have all the DVD. Yes I am 42 and I love Felicity. I was do depressed when it went off the air. for real. my husband, who bought me the DVDs thinks I have issues. happy comeback to you!


That list of Felicity lies is hilarious and so true. Also, NO FRESHMAN GUY LOOKS LIKE BEN. I was VERY young when I started watching this show so I definitely thought that all college guys would look like Ben. I was sorely disappointed.

I just got my older sister to start watching Felicity on netflix (she had NEVER seen it?!?!) aaaand she thinks it’s super cheesy. Whatever. I still love it.


That’s awesome! Go for it Janae. I’ve been following your blog long enough to know that you will rock the NY Marathon. :) Just out of curiosity, is your doc Steve Orrock? When I was injured a year ago, I went to him to be treated. Anyways, just a random thought. If it is him, he is awesome and really helped me to see the light in coming out of an injury in terms of smart training tips.


woo! you’re gonna do so great!


7 miles!!! Yay!
Great job, girl!


Yea! So happy you’re still running NY!!


Today was my last workout before my last half for my season. Kind of sad since this is my first season. It was a tempo 5k.


Yesterday was 2.25 miles, today was a rest day…Wednesdays are automatic rest days because for some reason I cannot wake up. It must be that we’re exactly in the middle of the week and I feel farthest from the weekend, and thus, more depressed than on any other morning of the week ;)


that’s amazing Janae!!! glad you are going to take it easy and listen to that body of yours!!


So excited for you Janae! I’m jealous of your fantastic doctor – I don’t feel like I’ve been getting nearly such good care for my knee problem. I’ll figure it out one of these days though and then I’ll work my way up to 7 miles:) I’ve never actually run that far!


I’m very excited for you. I just got injured on Sunday (sciatica) and now I do not know what will be of my NY marathon plans. :( I’m hoping you can be my inspiration!


great news Janae!!!! so happy for you! want to run NY next year together?;;) xx


that is great news from your doc! I’m so glad you visited him to ask him. And took his advice! So glad you have a great plan!

My work-out is cardio lates class–45 minutes of reformer Pilates followed by a 2 mile group run. fun fun! My manager is going to take the class too.


So awesome Janae! I’d love to hear more about the plan/advice you got from your doc. It would help me as I plan my return to running post stress fx too. Thanks!


Hee hee, loved the felicity lies link!


Your 7 slow and easy miles are my 7 miles of speedwork……..this is when we should be running buddies.
………and that smile in the 7 picture…….so happy……love it!


Wow! “only” 7 miles? My loooong runs right now are 10 and my knees are killing me after that. I cannot wait to read more…. I am new to your blog and enjoying EVERY second of it! Yea!!!


How much do you usually run? Did you build slowly? You rock!

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