Yes, the first joint purchase Billy and I ever made together was a tv the size of our wall.  We stil do not own a washer or dryer and yes, we still have to use towels to block the holes in our house that lead directly to the outside world to prevent critters from getting into our house.  Our priorities are right on.

IMG 9912

I was sent the sports documentary ‘Hood to Coast’ to review.  I  raced home from church yesterday, put on my pajamas and slippers, nuked my leftovers and sprawled out on the couch to watch it as fast as I could because I have been so excited to see it.  Don’t worry I let Billy have 1/6th of the couch.  I think we might need to invest in more seating.


-I want to run a relay race (especially the Hood to Coast) more than EVER!!  The scenery was incredible and the bonding that occurs among the teams makes me want to JOIN.

-They followed many different levels and ages of teams.  Any runner could relate to someone!

-I loved learning about the history of the race and they included old footage from the first few years of the race which was aweomse.

-There were some incredible shots….I don’t know much about film but I would say this film had a lot of very artistic and beautiful scenes!

-Night running looks amazing and I want to do it so bad but Billy refuses to wake up at 2 a.m. to go with me.

-There were some truly inspiring and amazing personal stories shared throughout the film.


-The language.  I did not expect to hear at least 6 F words in this movie, it was unnecessary.  Neither Billy or I appreciated that.

-I ran out of my peachio gummies half way through the film and needed more.  I want to blame the video for that but I know deep down I can only blame myself.


Have you ever ran a relay?  Did you love it?

What was your workout?

-50 minutes on the elliptical

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Oh I loved the relay I did!! I have done the 13 Relay to the Cape twice now, and it is such an incredible, crazy, tiring, exciting experience!! With the right people and the right course, it is un-describable!


I run the Keys 100 that takes place in May. We have a 6 person relay team and do 100 miles. The race goes from Key Largo to Key West in Florida. Basically you start at mile marker 101 and finish at 1. It’s soooo much fun!

My workout today is only P90X legs and abs. I had planned to run but my only running option is outside and it’s raining all day.


The only relays I have done are the ones I did on the high school track team ;). I am from Oregon, so I very badly want to do the Hood to Coast someday! A great reason to run a relay and go visit my parents!
I hate when they have random swearing in movies when it just isn’t needed. I get that it’s a documentary about real life, but still.
Workout today was 6.2 miles outside in the early morning… a little like night running ;).
Maybe a spin class tonight, depending on if the laziness overtakes me.


I’ve never run a relay, but they look fun!

This morning I did a ChaLEAN extreme workout. I was suprised by the sweat I worked up! It’s all weights, so I wasn’t expecting it, but I loved it!


I havent done a relay- but I did do a 100 km trail hike with a group of 4- you had to stay together. My ultra and relay experienced friends have commented that staying with 4 people for the entire 100 km might be harder than doing it solo!


No, though I’ve always wanted to!! I’m doing a quick 7 mi out and back in my nabe.


I’ve never done a running only relay, but I’ve done Ski to Sea, a multisport relay three times. I’ve done the running leg, the road biking leg, and the kayak leg. I highly recommend it!

Yesterday, I went for a bike ride, and then lifted weights for the first time in 2.5 months. Today, I am sore.


That looks like so much fun!!!! Great job lifting….I am like you and sometimes it is so hard to get myself to do weights!


I am doing a 50 mile 5 person relay in St.George in december. I am so excited!


You should do it! It is the perfect time of year and only 10 miles per runner. OR you can do an ultra team with 2 people and do 25 miles each. That would be super cute for you and Billy to do.


I have done the Wasatch Back Ragnar twice & the Vegas Ragnar once. LOVE- LOVE- LOVE relays! I did the last one on a co-ed team w/out my hubby, and I’ve decided that I’ll stick w/all female teams from now on. Had a scary experience on my Vegas night run, so it’s made me nervous to venture too far from home for relays.

Did a group power class (weights w/music). Fun!


I love relays… The positive team energy is unbeatable! Let’s do one together! I am getting ready for the Vegas Ragnar and am now nervous based on this comment… Jan what happened?


About a mile of my night run was on a paved trail behind a neighborhood, bordering railroad tracks. There was a high brick wall on the houses side, and no lighting at all. It was about midnight, and I was all alone (no other teams to be seen). As my team in the van went off ahead (to meet me at the exchange), a guy was waiting at the path entrance. He asked to run with me because his “pacer” didn’t show up. Scared ME TO DEATH! (A girl had just been beaten on a path in Provo, and that was on my mind!) I didn’t know if he had friends planted up ahead & they were going to jump me.
He only stayed with me for a minute, because I was basically sprinting & he couldn’t keep up. Maybe he saw my pepper spray, too. My route description said to have a pacer, but we didn’t have anyone who could run extra legs. Our first runner was scared, too, running through a vacant area with a homeless person’s camp/fire nearby. If I did it again I would bring along a bike & have someone ride their bike with me. (There were 3-4 legs that mentioned you should have a pacer).


That sounds like a really interesting video!!! :D
Workout: kickboxing DVD!


I feel dumb asking this question. Could someone define a relay race for me? It sounds like fun. Janae, whatever it is, I will gladly get up at 2 am to run with you.


I have never run a rely before, it sounds fun, though I am not much of a runner…. :)


Love relays- I’ve done the TN Ragnar last year and I”m doing the Vegas Ragnar and TN again this year. I’m the process with someone from your area, Julia @ Pain, Pride, and Prejudice to do an all girl blogger relay. We’re leaning toward Colorado- talk about breath taking scenery. If you’re ever interested, I’d get with her for details!


I have done 4 relays and no personal record will ever come close to comparing to the satisfaction of working together as a team to accomplish something. Seriously they will change your life.

What I love most is you forget about yourself and focus on your team and helping your teammates run their best and enjoy the experience. I can’t believe you haven’t ever done one. You absolutely must!


I did a Ragnar relay in 2010 and I loved it. I’m hoping to get into Hood to Coast next year, and maybe another Ragnar as well.

I also didn’t appreciate the f-bombs, but I agree the documentary was fun overall.


Ahhhhhh I need to watch this! My first relay will be Ragnar in April! I can’t wait :)


I haven’t run a relay, but I’m signing up for Ragnar next May!


I ran a relay and actually found it to be disappointing. I ran the entire training with my team and then for the race we were all running alone. Kind of a bummer to not be side by side with them during the racing experience after we had gone through all the training together.


Just ran the Grand Teton Relay. It was AMAZING. Remember those 12 year old sleepovers, or going to Girls Camp…and the high you were on for a week after because the bonding experience was so strong? Ok, this is 100 times better! I just started my blog (partly inspired by you) and hopefully within the week’s end, I’ll have a review of the GTRelay up, so, so amazing!


Whooooops!!! You wouldn’t have liked being on our Hood to Coast team :P

Perhaps they could’ve cut the language out of the film, but if you run a relay, you will hear LOTS of language in passing. People aren’t using it to shock or appall or even to be rude. Most of them are caught up in the moment. People I wouldn’t have expected to f-bomb or otherwise use what may be considered offensive language were using it. So from that angle, the documentary nature of the film captured the reality.


Loved this movie! I was sidelined by the language as well- I think it was rated PG or something, but apparently the ratings are different if it’s considered a documentary.

I am STOKED on Hood to Coast and want to run it so bad! I’m hoping in the next few years after Dallas is done with school I will be able to.

RELAYS ROCK MY WORLD. Seriously! They are beyond fun. You have got to run the Wasatch Back one year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So hard. So rewarding. Such a blast. I really really really loved running my marathon, but Ragnars are still my favorite :). Heck- if you’re trained up, you should just be an alternate on my Wasatch Back team next year…


I want to see this movie soo bad! I’ve never done a relay but I would love to do hood to coast, just need to find more running friends, most of my friends think I’m crazy for running :)

And did you see this, new marathon world record!

Workout=7 mile easy run early this morning and hopefully I’ll get off work early enough for some weights tonight :)


Hood to Coast is on my Netflix list!! I can’t wait to get it!

I’ll be on your Hood to Coast team :) I’ve never ran in a relay either!
I did the elliptical this morning too


I ran the Red Eye Relay in Indiana this past July with 3 other teammates. It was such an awesome experience running in the middle of the night out on a country road with the only light being a simple headlamp! I loved it and plan to run it again!!

My work out is to rest today and again tomorrow. I need to recover from my first ultra 50K this past saturday. I run a marathon in less than 3 weeks!


I have never heard of that movie, but I’m definitely going to try to find it.
I have only done relays on the track team :) But I would love to do one eventually. I think it would be a lot of fun, and I’m sure there is a TON of motivation- with everyone doing the same thing & just cheering each other on.


Ah! I’m dying to do one of these relays too…sadly, none of my friends share my enthusiasm. There is one in SoCal call the Ragner and I put myself on the list of “Looking for a Team.” Come on out and do this race with me! :)


I have run h2c twice and love it! Also have run Ragnar Del Sol twice, once with 12 and once as an ultra with 6 people. Love relays! Trying to get multiple H2C teams this year, want a spot?
Todays workout was an easy 10, St George on Saturday pacing my sister for her 1st :)


I hate the F word! There is no point to it. You just sound unintelligent when you use it. And did using it make you feel better? Probably not.

I also hate running out of gummy candy. Actually, I might hate that more.


You’d love and could probably run the entire van’s legs without losing your breath! I have the dvd too and haven’t watched it yet! I was warned about the F-words too :/


How long has it been going on?? I read on Dorothy Beal’s page that she had participated..made me want to run!


I did the 30 day Shred this morning, level 1 and part of level 2 :)
I want to do a really race so bad, but I cannot find any that are close and my race travel budget is tapped!


yesss I did hood to coast sponsored by Nuun and it was AAAAMMMMAAAZZZINNNGG. Life changing stuff. If you get the chance to do it, you must. the scenery, the unity of the team, everything about it is great.


YOU MUST DO HOOD TO COAST!! it was the best thing i have ever experienced. My heart has never beat so fast, running in the dark on gravel roads is such a rush! And to also comment on your other post from today, I have a topic you should discuss for my sake and im sure plenty of others as of right now… since boston marathon entrants are now being notified of their acceptance. I would love to hear peoples ideas/thoughts on how to pay for this trip to Boston! I am going to becoming from Washington State not DC :)….Is it best to try to run for a charity, a business, or just to ask people for donations?? Any ideas anyone??


I want to see that movie! I’m running the Ragnar Relay in April so I’ve been watching some of the clips on YouTube. Also, I ran my longest run ever yesterday (7 miles) and totally thought of you when I had sweat dripping into my eyes at the end. Hah!


LOVVVVED the Wasatch Back Ragnar – it was my first race! I thought it was such a blast, even though I only knew 1 person on my team beforehand, haha. Let’s go night-running, k? You can just slow down for me and call it a fun run, haha.


I ran my first relay this past weekend and LOVED it!! It was so much fun, but probably something I would only want to do once a year. It takes a lot out of you. Running up a mountain at 2am was pretty cool though! 2 hours of sleep followed by my last 8.5 mile run was tiring. Ha. I am still in recovery mode.


I want to do a relay too! I’ll join your Hood to Coast team ;-)


I did run Ragnar Relay in the midwest last year. It was one of the most enjoyable experiences ever. Though, I recommend forming your own team as you will feel more comfortable stinking up close quarters and sleeping in the same vehicle with your teammates.


That relay sounds really cool! My workout today was an upper body and core strength routine, followed by 20 minutes of cardio!


I just got back (last weekend) from the New Hampshire New Balance Reach the Beach. It was an amazing experience. My three legs were at 8pm, 4am and 1:30pm. It was intense and absolutely crazy. I highly recommend doing a relay! You will have a blast. I can’t wait for next year! I even might do one in the spring because I can’t wait a full year for my next ultra relay :) You def have to do one!!!


I have run Hood to Coast TWICE!!! I LOVE IT! I cannot get enough. I want to run it every year for the rest of my life! I have blogged about it both years:

this year:

last year:

the movie does a good job of showing whats its all about. I think they don’t really highlight the beach party afterwards much, or the post-race pain from running, then sitting in a van, repeat 3 times. You get TIGHT! Janae, you need to do this race one year! Let’s start a blogger team and people fly in from all over. Registration for next year is due soon!


I’ve done 3 Ragnar Relays and they are the best thing in the entire world. I’ve made lifelong friends that I never would have had otherwise. Entertaining yourself as a group for 24-30 hours is hard work and the stories are priceless!! Also, the night running is the bomb. Nothing beats a night run, especially during a relay. Sometimes they’re a little scary, but feeling so close to nature while running is truly unforgettable. I hope you get the chance to do one :)


I’ve never run a relay before but I’d really like to! There is one here called the Wild West Relay (their motto is “Get Your Ass Over the Pass” because it goes over a mountain pass) that I’ve looked at for a few years but never motivated to get a team together. Maybe next summer!!


Ohhhhhhhhhhh PS I got the Garmin 305!! Thanks for your help!


I can’t wait to watch this AND spirit of the marathon – I love your priorities!

workout – 3.25 miles @ 9:19 pace (15 pushups – b/c I’m trying to work on them)


I ran a Ragnar Relay this spring and LOVED it! What an incredible experience. If I was in the situation to do another this upcoming year, I would! I definitely want to make the trip out there to do the Hood to Coast.


I did Ragnar Del Sol, in February and I am already registered to do it again Feb 2013! I loved it. I think every one should try it. I saw Hood To Coast in the theater in Jan and I really enjoyed the movie. I would love to try that race sometime too.


Wow that looks so awesome and so FUN! I love that kind of bonding you get with those sorta things :) looks tough though…. i suspect a few naughty words would be coming out of my mouth too! ;)


That race does look awesome. It’s back at “home” and I was getting really interested in it before we moved to Utah – I better find a similar thing out here. Speaking of: Did you see that Xterra race this past weekend? We live at the start of the race (the kayaks) and we drove into Ogden to see the finish. So incredible.


Hi Janae! I am so happy to see that you discovered the Hood to Coast! It’s a yearly event out here in Portland, and I’ve participated two years now.

It. is. AMAZING!

You must do it at least once. I always say that it isn’t fun about 4am when I’m exhausted, hungry, cranky, tired, hungry, tired, hungry, TIRED and have to get out and run again. But in the end, I always retract that statement, because it is SO fun. The bonding between your teammates and time you spend in a cramped van is what makes the event so special. All the teams seem to bond, even if they’re just fellow runners out there at the same time your team is. Running through the night is one of the coolest aspects of it as well. You must do it! If you venture out this way next year to do it, LET ME KNOW :) I’ll show you around!


Isn’t Hood to Coast the coolest thing! My husband and I want to brainwash a few other crazies to run that with us next year!


I have never done a relay and my workout was HIIT and strength yesterday!!


I just emailed my husband, who is still asleep, to find me a copy of Hood to Coast ASAP!


I’ve done Texas Independence Relay. LOVED it. Will do it again.

Getting ready to do Cap to Coast here in a few weeks. We need another gal ;-) You know you want to run with people you don’t know in another state, lol!


My family runs the Sawtooth Relay every year! It’s absolutely beautiful. It starts in Stanley, ID, runs up and over Galena Summit (I’ve totally run that leg…it’s a beast) and down into Ketchum, ID for the finish. It runs right through Sun Valley (possibly the most beautiful place on earth) and with teams of 6, the 62-ish miles (as opposed to 180+) aren’t terrible, but still challenging. There aren’t any night legs (which is kind of a bummer; I do enjoy those), but at the finish, the race coordinators have this awesome celebration/dinner/music/party. We love it. This year, we ran the Spokane to Sandpoint instead (I flew all the way back from North Carolina) and that one wasn’t very well organized. I was really quite disappointed with that race. But the Sawtooth has never failed to disappoint! Love it!


I just ran Ragnar and it was THE BEST THING EVER. I got sunburnt but it was so worth it.


Hood to Coast is THE BEST! You MUST do it!!!!


I adore relay races!!! The team effort makes it so worth it. My favorite race of all time was the BREW TO BREW run from the Boulevard Brewery in Kansas City to the Boulevard Brewery in Lawerence Kansas. Plus, who doesn’t love designing matching outfits for the entire team to wear!


I loved the Hood to Coast Relay movie; it was awesome!!

I just did a marathon relay this past weekend with 3 other people–relays are the best!


I am glad you are like me, i really really hate when people drop the F bomb! I almost cringe. Maybe it is because I teach five year olds and the word “eyeball” is considered a bad word!


ha i’m actually late reading this post bc i was in DC last weekend running RAGNAR. relays are the BEST! we run with a team of 9 instead of the usual 12 meaning we run 4 times each. it is a BLAST—this is my 3rd one and we already can’t wait to do another! hopefully i’ll blog about mine soon but definitely do it if you ever get teh chance!

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