HELP!! I need your advice!

It doesn’t matter if I am sleepy, grumpy or sad…..all I need is to see these little ones and all is right in the world again.  PS that blue shirt she is wearing is a hand-me-down from ME when I was her age:)  It is made out of velvet, does it get any cooler than that?

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That may look like a squished bun and that is because it is……Mom, you need to get a toaster that is manufactured to handle thicker slices okay?  Ooooh maybe even a toaster oven would be a better idea.

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We celebrated September 25th by making snowflakes.   My dad’s was ridiculously awesome.  Coolest thing last night- when I asked my Dad how work was going he said, “I AM HAVING SO MUCH FUN” and continued on to explain what he was working on. His attitude about working (70 hour weeks) and life is incredible, he chooses to love it so much and still finds plenty of time to make snowflakes with us.

And for dessert= Talking to the brother and his family on skype.  They just bought two spin bikes and instructional DVD’s that they do EVERY morning together before work and school while the baby is still sleeping.

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Now onto today’s important topic:)


Lately it has been SO hard to not be repetitive in my blog posts.  The honest truth is my life is pretty repetitive:  Workout, school, cross-country coaching, family time, stare at all the dishes in my sink and bed by 9:30.

What I would like you to help me with are ideas for future blog posts that you would enjoy reading.

I wouldn’t be so repetitive if I posted less often in order to give me time to do more research and put more thought into running or health information for my posts rather than this is what I ate, this is what I did.  What do you think about that?

At this time in my life I simply do not have the time it takes to write three high-quality posts a day.  Instead I will be writing 2 posts a day, one on the main blog and one on the TRAINING PAGE. ThIs doesn’t mean I am going to be repetitive in only two posts a day instead of three but I will now have more time to spend on making an awesome post with NEW material.  I want my posts to be thought-provoking, informing AND entertaining rather than just another picture everyday about my fro-yo or a giant peach.

I would rather focus in on quality rather than quanitty.  I still will include random HIGHLIGHTS of the day but there is so much more I want to write about.  On days that I don’t have work (and SUMMERTIME) I may write more too:)

I would love to hear what kind of topics you want to discuss!! Here are some topics I have been wanting to explore more on the blog:

-More inspirational stories from readers.

-Research based running techniques, training plans, sports nutrtion and strength training/cross-training for runners.

-Injury prevention:)

-Awesome recipes to fuel your moving body and make your heart happy.

-Gear reviews and giveaways:)

-Mental health topics

What do YOU want to see?  What do you think about Quality vs. Quantity?

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Well personally I love all of your entries – for me its like “blah I’m really bored of filling out grad school applications, I’m going to take a hungry runner girl break” and I have this short little hilarious post to entertain me and make me smile! and then a few minutes later I can go back to working.

BUT I also really enjoy your more informative posts! And I think blogging would be more fun for YOU if you got to do some research and worked on putting together more of that kind of stuff. It definitely feeds the curiousity!

Umm I want to see all of the above :)


KATE…thank you so much!! You are the best and I adore your blog too!


I love reading your posts because they never fail to make me smile! However if you are feeling like you aren’t maximizing your ability to bust out quality posts, maybe cutting back will do you good! As a reader (and blogger), I definitely value quality over quantity!

Why not try cutting back and see how you find it (and whether your readers prefer it)…nothing’s written in stone, right! Plus the extra time will also give you more opportunity to inhale a peach or 3 ;)!


You are so right…nothing is written in stone and I can feel free to experiment with anything I want!


I am loving the inspirational stories and the idea of posts around running technique, avoiding injury, etc.

Also, maybe guest posts with race recaps? And discussions about different running magazine articles?

Although I check your blog 10x a day hoping for an update, quality always trumps quantity in my opinion!


AWESOME!!! Thanks girl. Good thing you like discussions about running articles because that is one of my favorite things to do!


I was just sitting here looking at your post, and you talked about your dad. How is his weight lost journey going? Im sure he is doing amazing at it!!

I am just so curious!! I dont comment all the time, but I have been reading your blog for a while! I like everything that you post!! Thank you for sharing your life, your ups and downs, your positive and negatives in your life.


ALLIE!! Thank you so much for your comment:) You made my day! My dad lost 30 lbs and hasn’t lost or gained for a few weeks. I think I need to write about getting out of exercise ruts for him:)


Im glad I made your day :) I had little 3rd graders that I subbed for a half a day make mine :)
That is seriously so great!!!! Yes that sounds like a good one;) I know I’d like that blog!!


Im glad I made your day :) I had little 3rd graders that I subbed for a half a day make mine :)
That is seriously so great!!!! Yes that sounds like a good one;) I know I’d like that blog!!


I would personally love to hear more about training techniques, sports nutrition etc. I started following your blog b/c of your race times and my own personal goals to lower my marathon time. I was hoping once you were injury free and back in race preparation you would be posting more about that stuff!


MARTINA!! Thank you for your comment. I think that now that I am running again there are going to be a lot more posts about RUNNING:) What are your marathon goals….I may need YOUR help!


Hey Janae,
I’ve run 3 marathons with a PB of 3:22 in Boston this year (after recoverying from plantar fascitis which hindered my training alot). I am not yet targeting 3:00, but hoping for around 3:15 next year. I’m about your age so I know I still have faster times in me! I have no issues with maintaining high weekly mileage, but I think in order to improve I’m going to need to focus on quality tempos. They are the one weekly run that I tend to skimp on…. Let’s inspire each other ok!!!!


I love your posts but I totally understand and agree with the notion of quality winning over quantity! :)

Although I really do enjoy all of your posts I think I learn the most from the ones on your training (including just thoughts on training, past training, future goals, things that have worked, things that haven’t, etc,)

Hope that’s helpful! :)


THANKS JENNY, it is very helpful! Hope you are having an amazing Monday!


girl i love you! and you know thatt! honestly girl i think you should do a whole mixture of all the above ideas for posts….because you are JANAE and not just ONE THING….you are a whole mixture– a runner, a healthy eater/ lifestyle, a recoverer from past disordered thoughts, a wife, a coach, and honestly like an inspiration to all of your readers (like mee) that you can be GREAT at so many things without putting all your “eggs into just one basket”…. you do it all and are great at itt! so girl honestly whatever is inspiring you that day or on your mind…blog about it! because trust me all of us love you for youuu and definitely want to hear about what you are thinking, how you feel, or even a topic you just want to discuss!<3


WOW…Emily, how much does Billy pay you to be so nice and my psychologist at the same time. I adore you!


Foam rolling would be helpful. I have one but not really sure how to do it. Sports nutrition, unless you think skittles and fro yo are best for running (obviously!). Your posts always make me smile, you are a breath of fresh air!!


AWESOME IDEAS!!! Would you rather have a foam rolling video or pictures?


Hmm, I think a video would be more helpful to me. Also maybe warm up techniques and stretching. It would be good to hear from a pro like you!!


Good for you on realizing this, and yes quality over quantity for sure! I always love your posts, they make me smile no matter what :)
And keep the training info, recipes and gear reviews coming our way :)




I think most of us feel like our life is repetitive, but you’re blog posts are far from boring, so don’t worry!!

I am excited for your new ideas though!


Kari, I am glad you understand how repetitive life is ha. Have an amazing day!


I love your posts but quality is always better than quantity. My life is pretty repetitive as well so I understand. :) I love the inspirational stories you have been doing lately , but it would also be cool to hear your tips and tricks for races.
Such as nutrition timing and how to negative split. :)


Negative split….I am definitely going to research that because I have not quite learned that one yet ha! Thanks so much girls and great ideas!


I can definitely understand the feeling. I’m in pure amazement at all the bloggers that can write 3 posts a day while working full time at other non-blog related jobs. I struggle sometimes with 1 post and fitting everything in. I never think your posts are boring, but I look forward to the changes!


I KNOW…I don’t know how they do it!! Incredible. Thanks so much Gina and clearly I am obsessed with your blog!


Since I am sorta new to running I would love to see more about gear/clothing. Most of the runners who I talk with on a regular basis are guys and sometimes they just can’t help with certain things :) There are so many different options out there and it’s confusing! Also I would love to see posts about easy healthy recipes! Thanks!


ANN!!! Oh girl…I am glad you want to see gear/clothing reviews because I love doing that. Guys really have no clue about some things girl related:)


Janae, I love reading your posts and never find them repetitive! For what it’s worth, I really like reading about your weight training routine (that always give me some new ideas), the guest posts from your family and, especially, your video posts.

Also, I remember you posting about how your dad was working to lose weight and get healthier, and that he had started running. I hope that is still going well and he is still running!


SUZ!! Thank you so so much! You made my day! We are lifting on WEDNESDAY so I will make sure to share with you guys any new moves. He hasn’t gained or lost in a few weeks so we are trying to find a way to get out of the exercise rut!


Girl, life as a teacher gets VERY repetitive. Work consumes us. Quality>quantity. Always. However, ppl read your blog for YOU. We don’t care if your life is repetitive, ours our as well. We read your blog b/c of your outstanding personality and love for life.
I would like to read an injury prevention posts, though.


BRILLIANT about the injury prevention posts! Seriously, teaching does take over and I am happy about that because I really do love my job..I KNOW you understand. Thank you so much for your sweet words!


I’m a newbie runner and enjoy reading your site. You offer a great mix of reality and everyday living along with training and an overall healthy lifestyle. I’m training for my first 1/2 in Dec and would love to read posts about overcoming the early running aches and pains, and any other info you would deem helpful to new runners.


AHHHH I am STOKED about your first 1/2…that is so exciting!! I am SO excited to post about helpful info for new runners! What plan are you following? What kind of aches and pains are you experiencing..shin splints? Side stitches?


I honestly don’t know what my ‘plan’ is.. I was kindasorta following a mix of Higdons with the No Meat Athlete’s program, and then I was sidlined with shin splints and so I was blog stalking and found Adam at ( and he’s been my coach since late August and has been guiding my workouts based on how my shins are doing. When you mentioned shin splints and side stiches above, I was like ‘OMG, how did she know?!?!’ So YES, you got it! Also, my legs often don’t want to go – they feel like bricks. What the heck is that about?? Here’s what I’ve learned so far..for me, running is HARD. HARD. I can elliptical and spin 3-4x a week for hours and be ok…But running? Running is mentally and physically hard – and I have some good days, but some bad where my legs feel like bricks , some painful days and and some when I have no motivation at all to get out and go. This is the main reason why I need to RUN – I need to do it to prove I can. So, your blog is often my motivation – I love reading about all your activites. But, if peppered in there , you can offer some of that newbie advice – it’d be awesome! I don’t have any IRL running friends!


I’ve only been blogging for a short period of time but I was always amazed at how you were able to post so often, its definitely hard not to sound repetitive but I’ve always enjoyed all your posts and never found them that way!

That being said, I’d love to see a mixture of all of the above and I completely agree that quality is better then quantity…i’m looking forward to seeing how you change it up :)


THANKS THERESA!! Seriously, I am loving the idea of quality!


Honestly, I read your blog because it make me laugh. Also, your deep passion for running/family comes through whatever you choose to write about, which is continually inspiring. But mostly, I read because your blog because you are freaking. hilarious. =) So the topic doesn’t really matter so much – whatever you want to write about, I’m still stalking =)


Charissa…WOW!! Your comment was so sweet. Thank you so much for your sweet words and I think YOU should start a blog or add me on Facebook:)


Definitely injury prevention! I’ve been getting super paranoid as marathon training season is reaching it’s peak and people are dropping like flies! I would also love to hear more about your beginnings as a runner and some of your first experiences in races.


THANKS KRISTIN!! I know, it is SCARY!! Injuries are the worst! Great ideas on my beginnings as a runner and some of my first experiences in races!


I loved the inspirational stories and always like your take on gear.


I would love to hear more about how you started out as a runner, more about your relationship with Billy (I am so nosy!!) and more about training for a marathon or running advice. Maybe you could do a Q&A for newer runners and we could submit some questions to you.


I’d like it if you posted more about your Faith and spiritual topics, but I understand it is a personal choice. It just seems to be such a large part of your life and I am sure your relationship with God translates into every aspect including your running, your health….etc.


good for you for recognizing that you want/need to switch up your blogging style, janae! change is good.
personally, i read your blog for your personality, so i am not looking for inspirational stories or info from other sources…i like to see what you’re doing (training interests me), and your fun times with your family. it’s YOU that brings me back to your blog! no heavy content necessary!


I would love some tips on how you can power through a work-out plateau (if you ever had any!) I’ve been feeling that my work outs are suffering lately due to school, work, sickness etc, and I just want to continue to push myself and my limits, but I feel like my body continues to give out on my (ie, I get dizzy at the gym or feel horrible). Any help on pushing past limits in a healthy way would be great! Tips for eating to fuel a work out at the end of the day would be great day. My energy is always super low at the end of the day, but that’s when my gym time is, so any food energy help would be great too!


Well since you ARE “Hungry Runner Girl,” It makes sense to talk about your food and your workouts, so don’t worry – it’s not repetitive in a bad way.

I would LOVE to hear more about your marriage, life with Billy, silly fights, his day to day, your wedding, etc…



I’m not sure what you mean by “mental health” topics but under that category might fall some posts that may be about your philosophy on food and exercise (i.e. enjoying, not being worried or obsessive, etc). You seem to have a great outlook on it all and I know that I and others would enjoy reading your thoughts on balance and exercising because you want to, not because you feel you should!


I would love to hear about what it’s like to be a health teacher! (That is your subject, right?) It was my secret dream to be a gym teacher, but nursing seemed more “reliable” and that I’d be less likely to be laid off.


I love your random silliness….your silly faces and stories about your marriage and family.

xoxo from Houston

p.s. Thanks again for the guest post today!


Quality over quantity for sure! You’re still producing more content than a lot of people (ahem… myself included…) and your blogs are always entertaining! :)

I REALLY LOVE hearing inspirational stories (I’ve started doing this on my blog and have gotten lots of positive feedback).

Keep up the good work!



I think quantity and quality…I seriously check your blog a million times a day! I think you do a great job! I love your ideas for new things, and maybe you could do Q&A series so people can ask specific questions. I would love more info about all your favorite workout clothing and gear, running biking and swimming techniques, and just more about your personal journey, life, and whatever you feel the desire to express!


I love the idea of Q&A…thanks Jessica! Great ideas and I can’t wait to use your comment for future reference of what I want to write about:)


I LOVE your blog and your sweet spirit. You’ve got so much good info to share with us! I think that maybe if you focused on just one post a day, you wouldn’t feel like it was so repetitive. Like a previous commenter said, “However, ppl read your blog for YOU.” I completely agree! Don’t worry about gettin’ so many posts out- I sometimes feel pressure to BLOG, which is silly. :)


you are not going to believe this, but i had the same shirt! i wore it practically every week in 7th grade and still remember the way it felt. i loved that shirt!

i would love any tips on how to keep your motivation strong when exercising. so many times, i get started and then i get sick, or a holiday is coming up, and i lose any motivation to continue. with the holidays coming up i need help to try and exercise through this busy season.



AHHHH That is crazy! We must think a lot alike:) GREAT ideas…I think that is something that we all experience and could get a lot of great ideas in the comments section too!


Quality for sure. To be honest i will read it all.


I would love to see posts on things like “what’s a tempo run?” “how to do a speed workout” for idiots like me who have no idea.

And for the record, I love your blog just the way it is :) Oh and I totally had a velvet shirt like that too.


Elizabeth…thanks so much and great ideas. Velvet shirts need to come back in style asap!


So true :)


Hi! I really enjoy your blog and your positive attitude!

One thing I would really like is if you would post about post-race training ideas. For example, if you just completely a 1/2 or full marathon and don’t have another one on your schedule for a while, how does running look post-training. Not sure if that makes sense.

Another is, training plans for intermediate runners. Or maybe challenges for the readers.



BRILLIANT!! I LOVE THE CHALLENGES IDEA, post-race training and the training plans for intermediate runners! Thanks so much for all of the ideas. Um, you are brilliant!


i like your ideas! especially new info about training. I am also interested in learning more about balance…like how everyone fits in their workouts for one but also how everyone mixes up their workouts!


I think this is a great idea! Quality over quantity is always better :-) You shouldn’t feel like you have to post all the time. That is too stressful.
Your blog is great and your posts are always wonderful! I really love the training page updates too.


Thanks Catie…I really appreciate it and I will keep the training posts coming!


I love reading your posts whether they are super informative or whether you are comparing your salad size with your sister. To me it doesn’t really matter what you write about because it always puts a huge smile on my face! I like the topics you mentioned though. I need some help with speed training so it would be awesome to hear how you got so super fast! Whatever you write about, I will always be reading. Keep up the amazing work!! LOVE YOU!


Christina, I adore you! Thank you so much for the ideas and gf I LOVE YOU!


I remember when you first found out about your stress fractures and you said you were going to see a nutritionist-how did that work out? I don’t remember ever hearing about that experience!


GREAT IDEA….I will definitely be talking about that!


Ummm, I totally had that striped navy velvet shirt. That was STYLIN’


Please tell me you still have yours too:)


I love the idea of mental health topics…I am finishing up my PhD in psychology AND was a long time sufferer of anxiety disorders, so it also makes me happy to see people wanting to discuss issues of mental health.

Oh, and the inspirational posts thus far have been great, I am so impressed by these women!


PHD in psychology..that is incredible. I agree with you, mental health is so important and should be discussed way more often.


I enjoy all your posts but totally understand and agree with the quality over quantity thing. One thing I would love to read more about is ideas/tips for those of us that are not major athletes. Ya know? I read so many blogs of those who run all the time and work out hard core every day, yet that is not where I am in life. I (and I assume others out there) could benefit by hearing ways to start working out to begin with. How do I run 1 mile without becoming totally overwhelmed? How do I build up intensity on the Elliptical so that I can move beyond 20 minutes of level 1 w/ no incline? Hope that makes sense!


GREAT IDEA!! Girl, I just wrote that down so that I remember to talk about that…get excited:)


I’ve always been amazed that you could update as frequently as you do while I barely manage to find content to update once a day. Bottom line is we all just love you and will read whatever you post, repetitive or not.

But if you feel like your’re in a slump get a few more guest posts, cut back on how frequently you update, and give yourself a break. Because bottom line is a blog isn’t a necessary thing (gasp!) and if it’s too much cut back.


Oh Amy…you NAILED it! Thank you so much!


I am definitely interested in ‘Awesome recipes to fuel your moving body and make your heart happy,’ and other topics about how to fuel our bodies about runners. Just so you know, though, sometimes I like reading about what you did/ate/saw/ran/biked/etc. because it is a break (for me) from the daily grind and it always puts a gigantic smile on my face too! :) :) <———– gigantic!!!!!!!!!


Thanks so much Sara! I will definitely include that too, no worries….how could I stop talking about my family and my food:)


Dont change! Just make your questions at the end of your post more substantial…reflect on one aspect of your day!


I LOVE that idea…thank you so much Celina! I think that would allow for more of a discussion in the questions.


Your life is way more exciting then mine right now, so I’ve been living vicariously through you. Whatever you post, will make us readers happy! Just don’t stop posting, okay?


Oh girl, I could NEVER stop posting, I love blogging so much. I just want to put more time into one post than trying to spread it thin between too many!


I love reading your blog the way it is! I have to shamefully admit that your love of food and huge salads amuses me. The only thing I would add from my perspective is an occasional tip for beginners. I think some people (like me :)) find your blog because they are interested into getting into a more fit lifestyle. Also more pics of your adorable nieces are always great!!!


CANDICE!! Thank you so so much! You are so right about including tips for beginners. Glad you like the pics of the nieces because those are never going away:)


Well, obviously I love your blog which I why I read it.
I really have enjoyed the inspirational stories from blog readers though. I also appreciate it when you talk about mental health because I don’t think people understand that not only is mental health as important as physical health, but they are so correlated. It is hard to take care of your body if you don’t actually love yourself enough to treat yourself with kindness. Sometimes trying to be too physically healthy can be just as harmful as the reverse and I wish more people understood that more exercise ISN’T always better, nor is less calories.


AMANDA!! Thank you so much for your comment! Aren’t those stories INCREDIBLE!! Mental health is something that I have really been focusing in on lately in my OWN life because I know that for me it really is just as importance. You are SO right about more exercise isn’t always better, nor is less calories….I think you just came up with my new favorite topic I want to blog about!


I would love some tips on foam rolling. :)


Me too! I don’t even know how to foam roll. :(


I absolutely LOVE all your posts, Janae! I’ve never been bored or thought,”This sounds like what she wrote yesterday.” However, I would love to hear more about running. Sounds crazy, right? You ARE the Hungry Runner Girl and we all know you love it, but I want to know how you are going about STARTING OVER! Since your injuries, it sounds like you definitely plan on going about things a different way this time around. I really don’t want to say you’re like an unseasoned runner (because you DID run 26 on a treadmill) but it’s like you’re starting fresh (injury free)! For someone like me, who can run a good 5 miler, but would like to increase my distance slowly, it would be helpful to follow along with you as you kick things up because you’re a pro! I realize you’ll probably write about this on your Training Page posts, but I wanted to let you know that I will be reading and that I think its important topic! The other things is this. I used to LOVE running but something happened that made me fall into a huge rut! I fell into the comparison trap when one of my (newer) coworkers started talking about her running all the time. I felt like I HAD to run as much as she did and eat like she did, etc. As you can probably guess, I dispised her, myself, and my abilities because all I did was compare, compare, compare. Now, I’m trying to get back into running because it’s what I want to be doing, NOT to keep up with someone else. Anyway, advice on this kind of thing would be good too!


I love your blog just the way it is! But definitely understand about cutting back on the posts.. I like quality over quantity. Write about whatever YOU feel like writing about.. all of the examples that you listed are good. Variety is great and keeps people coming back.. I think whatever you write about though, ppl will still come to see what’s up in Janae’s world!!


First off, I LOVE all your posts, so its hard to narrow it down, but here are a few things I would love to hear more about…

1. Your dad–updates on his weight loss journey, its such an inspiration!
2. You talk a ton about your sister and her fam (which I love)–and I may have missed this in the readings, but is she married, do you spend time with her husband/significant other?
3. You talk about going to church every week, and while I know it can be a controversial subject, I’d love to hear an overview of what your specific sect believes in, as there are so many different levels/beliefs even within the same religion and that is interesting to me
4-I’m loving the guest inspirational stories as well, so please keep them coming :0
5-Guest posts from Billy on his training, how the LSATs went, his goals, etc


WOW…AWESOME ideas! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I will be copying and pasting these to my new ideas list. You are awesome Sara. Thank you so much!


Your posts are always a bright spot in my day (not to say my days are dark and dreary, but you get what I mean!)!

Since you have so much experience with training, running, and workouts, I’d love to read about preventing injuries or recovering from them, how to fuel, training schedules (I’ll need to stay motivated after finishing my marathon in December).


I like to be surprised. :) Plus, even if it sounds repetitive to you, it shows dedication to us readers.


WOW…thanks Tiff, that means a lot!


I love your posts just the way they are, Janae! And I love that your family makes you so happy. It’s a beautiful thing. :) Happy Monday!


I like quality! But you do a great job no matter what :)


I would love to see more posts on how you get through long runs! It takes a lot of mental toughness to be as awesome as you are so would love to hear your tips and tricks for getting through tough workouts and staying motivated. Love your blog!


I think you should stop worrying and write whenever you feel like it :) you are great girl and everyone who finds your blog gets hooked. so don’t change :D

Also as for your goal of writing at least one training page post a day – I would like you to write more about how you train your cross country team at school :D I think it would help me as a newbie and isn’t that you training anyway??? sounds like you could already write cool stuff just pulling it out of your brain :)

Love you just as you (and your blog) are xoxoxox


Oh girl, you are the best and I LOVE YOU and your blog!! That is brilliant to include more about my cross-training team and more information for newbies!


I agree with quantity vs. quality…sometimes I miss some of your posts anyway because you post so often! So I would be down with fewer posts/more content!

So, does your family have like massive amounts of STORAGE? How did you keep that hand me down for so long!! I am seriously curious about that! I love being thrify! Speaking of, although its not running related, a post on being THRIFTY/using coupons/getting good deals would be cool–I know I have read things about you loving free stuff and being thrifty so that would be very Janae!


I am the same way with my blog, always repetitive because I don’t live a very exciting life. To reassure you, I love reading about your repetitive days!! It is very addicting I must say :) Heatlhy recipes are always great to read!!


Remember that email I sent you… I still think you should do your own spin class videos!!!!!!! Would be awesome :-)


I honestly think this is a great idea and I have no idea how you blog twice a day. Life gets so busy and so stressful and I admire you so much for always staying so positive and optimistic. You are just great!

I love inspiration stories, running/health topics, and life/balancing everything. :)

Yogurtland this thursday at 4:30!!! I hope you can come. Love you. :)


go with quality!! and don’t even feel that you have to write twice a day – we don’t want you burning out and leaving us with a HRG-free internet! :D


I’ve been reading your blog since the spring, and I’ve loved every post. Even if it feels like you’re always doing the same thing, you do a great job of mixing it up, and I love that you’ve let us all live your awesome life vicariously.

However, you do post a lot (which, we all love) but I’ve wondered before, “Man, how does she do it all?” So, with that in mind, I think it is GREAT that you won’t to focus on quality of quantity (although, this fan thinks they’re all quality).

You’re amazing, keep it up, please and thank you!! :)


Running = your life, and thats what I love about you. Just as you want your runs to be quality not quantity, so do you desire your blog to be.

Since you are quote girl, keep this one in mind when deciding what to do with all of this……”Relaxation is who you are, tension is who you think you should be”



I love your blog oh so much, I don’t think you could do anything that would make me stop reading! The funny little posts are great and so are the in depth and factual stuff…. seriously it is all good! Post how you want, write what you feel strongly about, and do it however you choose because I think anything that comes from you is awesome, for serious! I am a total fan, so no matter what I will be reading what you have to say! :D


I LOVE your blog because your posts are refreshing, funny and honest. In short, they always make me smile…kind of like a mid-day pick me up (I secretly pretend that I am eating Yogurtland when you are, haha!) While I enjoy working out and staying, I would not consider myself a “runner” by any means, but if you decided you wanted to include even more running/training posts I would definately still be a fan and, dare I say, maybe be inspired to become more serious about running?!? My favorite posts are always the ones about food/recipes, workout tips and just random everyday stuff about your life (I sound like a stalker, but I think you get the point!). But I think you should write about whatever makes you feel happy and fulfilled as a blogger. It seems like you have a diverse group of readers who enjoy HRG for all sorts of reasons. :) Hope that helps!


I think that is a great idea!! It gets so tough to post consistently each day, that I believe it is more meaningful to do informative or fuller posts, less often (plus, it is less stress on you! You need you time too!!)


I for one could never tire of hungry runner girl goofiness, but I totally understand what you’re saying and agree that quality over quantity is where it’s at!

I’m very much looking forward to reading more about the technical and psychological steps you will be taking to get back into amazing running shape and crush sub-3 marathons!

I’d also like to read more about your life as a 20-something trying to make it in this very expensive world – I have to wake up every morning and chant to myself B-U-D-G-E-T! but it’s still so hard not to online-shop my days away! I feel like you’re way savvier than I.


As a new long-distance runner experiencing knee pain for the first time I would love to hear more about injury prevention including stretches, exercises for strengthening problem areas, vitamins to take, and super foods to eat! :)


I will read about anything you want to post about! You are wonderful!


Hi. I’ve been reading/stalking your blog for months. Many, many months, but I’ve never commented. I’m not scary, I promise!

I’ve been running all summer. Just finished my fourth 5K and have decided to train for a 10K. You seem to really understand running (obviously) and I would love more posts about running techniques, sports nutrition, injury prevention, mental roadblocks….stuff that a newbie runner like myself is often confused/overwhelmed by.

But, I’d also say post about whatever you want to, otherwise the blog will become a burden. I look forward to your posts every day and even if I’m pressed for time I always manage to read HRG. You make me laugh and I love your energy.

I promise I’m not a crazy stalker:)


I want to see you learn how to spell repetitive.


Hi Janae!! I must say I have not been disappointed by any of your posts! You always make me laugh or reflect, and I love that you share your honest up and down emotions that you have at times, because, dont we all? Especially when we have so many different roles to balance in our lives…I am a wife, mother, teacher, coach, and runner, it’s a lot and I like having your blog to share life with…I would so love to come see Utah and meet you! I think all of those post ideas are great ideas and it would fun to see how you experiment…definitel keep up on the things you and family are eating though…always a yummy read! Blessings to you Janae, you are wonderful!


I love your idea. I especially love any running tips you give / find from Running magazines since I don’t subscribe. I randomly found your blog through skinnyrunner and I love it especially since I’m a runner and casual road biker. I think you motivated me to do a century! I just moved to SLC from AZ so I should probably take advantage of this gorgeous fall weather!


Whatever you post, I will read. No matter how often that is. Three times a day is a lot! So you do what you need to do. You write for us, but for yourself as well.

I would love to see more about how to train/get started on a bike. Stretching. And gear reviews.

The Kidless Kronicles


I would love love love running tips and stuff. I also would LOVE it if you would compare and contrast the 3 marathons you have run in Utah and let us know which was your favorite and why. Does that sound like an essay question or what?

Just a tip- blog one highlight (or lowlight) of the day rather than chronicling the whole day. That keeps it short, sweet, and entertaining. When you get the feeling- hey! I should blog about that! then do it. (This is what I do with my personal journal).


I love ideas #4, 5 and 6 =D


So I totally love your blog posts already miss janae! They are my comic relief for the day :) I wouldn’t mind some informative posts too but I am already loving what you are doing!


I love your posts! They are always entertaining. I would love info on injury prevention and stretching since im currently nursing a very sore achilles tendon after my 11 miler on Sat (probably due to not stretching or doing a proper warm up/cool down).


People would like to see you doing a move for Tuesday Trainer!!
Or maybe that’s just me. ;)


Hold up.

ARE YOU CRAZY?! Your blog is and SO NOT BORING! I read it every single day no matter what you write about!

I know this is a running blog, but more about you newlywed life would be fun to hear. I know you and B-Dawg have fun all the time. I have a friend who has a “Hubs Corner” where every Friday he does a post on her blog. Just a suggestion.

Continuing on the running-blog theme, what about discussing some of the cross-training you are doing. Are you done swimming? Do you take anymore classes at your gym?

What about cooking? Do you or Billy cook?

But for real, I would read anything you wrote about. Not even kidding.


janae, while your posts are indeed repetitive, I find them endlessly charming and positive. Your blog is something I look forward to each day, because you are genuinely happy, and that joy is something that spills beyond the page.

I love the recipes you share and the family posts as well. Just remember that if your readers didn’t enjoy your repetition, they wouldn’t read. Keep on keepin’ on.

THOUGH, if I had a choice, I would say athletic endeavors as far as specialty training and recipes to make your heart and tummy happy.


Your posts are always wonderful! But blogging shouldn’t be draining or too time-consuming. My favorite posts are when you are trying new things (be it races or recipes!). You have such a wonderful support network of bloggers, maybe try taking a few days off (though I’d miss you like crazy!) and have some guest bloggers…in that time, write down or pre-blog (just made up that word…) the things you realize you HAVE to share with us. Maybe you’ll find some inspiration there. I would also LOVE to have a weekly blogpost dedicated to ASK JANAE…I would love to pick your brain and hear what you might say to others’ questions! But all that really matters is…nothing is written in stone, experiment, have fun, and don’t feel like your blog has to be One Particular Thing or that it even needs to stay the same! It’s an adventure!


Hi Sweetie! First of all, I love every post you write because they never fail to bring a smile to my face. Your writing style is very entertaining and even the day to day life posts are fab! I know I’ve told you before but you have been one of the inspirations in the final stages of my recovery from anorexia. The fun, family times, food and fitness filled posts always remind me what life if about and that life is too short not to eat mountains of salad followed by a heavenly dessert!
I also love to run and particularly enjoy your running stories. I hope to run as fast as you one day! :-) xoxo


After a hard day at work teaching elementary I always look forward to seeing what is new in the runner girl’s world. I love your posts! Your energy is inspiring. I love how goal oriented you are and most of all I love how your cute personality comes to life in all your posts. So just keep it coming… and I’m amazed your still planning on two a day! I love hearing any tips on fitness and nutrition. I’m a newer reader to your blog but when I read your recent experience with not being able to run Boston and how you turned that around to such a positive thing I knew your blog was a keeper:) Last year I trained a long time for my first marathon and because of some health problems I wasn’t aware of, I had to be sent in an ambulance after passing out on mile 17… it was very heartbreaking for me to not be able to complete that goal and it was out of my control. (so yes I felt connected to you when I read your experience) But I’m happy to say that I did complete my first marathon last summer with 30 other runners- kind of a crazy story as well. So in short… just keep on being your cute self and you’ll continue to inspire people.


I love it all, baby!! Write what you enjoy!!! It’s obvious that you do, and that’s why we all love your blog!


I can barely post on my blog twice a week and lately no times a week… :( So I am amazed by how you take the simple stuff of life and make it entertaining. Your fun personality always comes through no matter what you are writing about.


I love your posts and am sure they will be great no matter how you choose to move forward. My request is that you keep posting about your massive salads and obsession with fro-yo. I show them to my boyfriend as proof that I am not the only one who uses a family sized serving bowl for salads and drags him out of our way on errands to stop for my favorite fro-yo place (although sadly I don’t have Yogurtland near me).


I’ve found that in life “absence makes the heart groww fonder” haha but not in the blog world..if people stop posting regularly people lose interest… soo keep up the quantityyy flowing.


It may seem repetitive and mundane to you, but there sure are a TON of people (myself included) who look forward to reading your blog EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!! I have never skipped a post because I always find something that makes me smile or drool. If you are going to change anything I hope it is just to add more because what you are doing now is what I love about your blog. You come across as the best friend that we all want to have!


Melissa! Wow! Thank you so much for your amazing comment! You made my day and I am sure we would be best friends in real life!


-Research based running techniques, training plans, sports nutrtion and strength training/cross-training for runners
-Gear reviews and giveaways:)
-Mental health topics

Your posts always make me smile! But the above topics are the ones I like the most.


WELL i love your blog like a crazy person anyway, but i find often with people’s blogs i want to know more BACKGROUND info….. i want to know more about them personally and PRE-blog! probably just cos i’m a snoop and have a borderline ridiculous interest in other people’s lives hahaha :) so i’d like to hear more about your upbringing, your childhood memories, the dating/’courtship’ process with billy, your wedding planning, all about your real life friends, your family (how did your parents meet?! what was THEIR wedding like?!)…all that stuff!! ahhaha as i said, i’m a lame-o and love all that kinda thing!!

but you’ve gotta be passionate and write what you ENJOY writing! no point cranking out a bunch of posts on topics you don’t feel like writing about! your enthusiasm is the thing that shines through most in your blog… and you should NEVER change your style/topics if it’s gonna sacrifice that!! :)


Good call on the quality over quantity? I think we’re constantly finding that balance as bloggers :-)


I love reading your blog– you’ve got such an awesome, positive point of view on things!!! I respect that you want to do quality over quantity and always seem to be trying to keep things fresh.
While I enjoy hearing all the running info (I am trying for my second marathon this fall), I also enjoy hearing about all the other work-out stuff you do. I swim and may consider a tri- in the future, so anything you could add would be helpful!
Your family is adorable, especially the little nieces and nephew. We never hear about their father? (Sorry to be nosy, just asking.)


Great ideas!!! What tris are you thinking of? 2nd marathon…..wahoo! You are amazing!


This is probably the least helpful comment ever, but keep blogging how you do!! I love it and I honestly check yours like 3 times a day ahahah

keep on keepin’ on!


I know you mentioned you had a past history with disordered eating and I ‘d be interested in hearing more about that (to what extent, how long, your recovery process, do you ever have set backs etc)- Obv that is all very personal so don’t know how much u want to share but as someone who has struggled on and off w/ and eating disorder for about 8 or 9 years (and I’m 24) and I am also a runner I’d be interesting in hearing more about it!


Great ideas erin!!! I am always here to email too whenever you are struggling or need someone to talk to!


I love your dad’s outlook on his situation. I’m having a down time right now and I really just need to focus on things like he is. Thanks for this!


Lu!!!! Girl, I am sorry you are going through such a tough time! You should email me so that we can ‘talk’ about it!


Since you’re an avid spinner I would love an tips you can share on this great cross training workout. I am considering buying a spin bike as I don’t seem to have time to make it to the gym and like working out on my own time. Any insight you can share about your spin workouts would be great.
Love your blog. You’re so funny and you inspire me to eat better and workout harder!


Quality > Quantity. 3 a day is too many! I can barely keep up with my 1 a day blogs that I read. Work has been quite draining, and even when I have some down time at work (like, lunch at my desk) I don’t want to look at blogs on my work computer so I have to squeeze in all my blog reading at night. And maybe a quick check early in the morning before work.


Give us a throw back… how did you get into running/competing so seriously? Any fun stories around that?

PS – you’re so enthusiastic with all of your comments back to people it’s hilarious!


To be honest, I started reading your blog because it was fun and different from the rest of them out there. I love your daily whatevers and the pics you post and your laidback attitude to a lot of things. I think you are FUN and not so “predictable” like other blogs are. Anyway, just my two cents worth!

Having said that, a few more posts about running/training etc would be great too as long as you enjoy writing them!


I think injury prevention is VERY important and to be honest my knowledge in this field really sucks… So I love the idea you would write more about it. And hey, really don’t take stress about blogging 2 times per day, I’d love you blog as much as now also if you would post just once per day.


Injury prevention would be awesome, since I’ve been having some difficulty in this area lately!! :)


I LOVE your posts :P and girl- my life is BEYOND repetitive! If you look “repetitive” up in the dictionary, I know you will see my name right next to it! ;) Thought, I’d love to hear about all of those, especially the injury prevention, recipes, and posts from readers (because those are beyond inspiring) :D


Your blog is great and not repetitive at all – keep up the great work! I’d love to hear about how you like the New Balance Minimus – when you started running in them, what the transition was like, what you use them for (as in what distances), and anything else. I really (REALLY) want to transition into a more minimal shoe and hear SO much good and bad and so many mixed reviews, I’d like to hear your experiences. I also saw you’re a fan of chia seeds and I’d be interested in how you use them (like do you make the gel or mix them in smoothies or take them whole and do you use the seeds or grind them up?). Other topics of interest are always food, training, injury prevention, recovery….


Just to get my two cents in here…I never get tired of reading about your awesome repetitive life. I love your pictures of food and family and stains on your shirts. It’s part of what makes you, you. And if you haven’t noticed, no one else is bored with it either. But I love to hear your thoughts on running, biking, swimming, and nutrition. And I’d love to read about other people’s success stories.
I miss you and it’s been so long since I’ve seen you! We need to remedy that!


quality girlfriend. i mean, this is one of my favorite blogs, but honestly, most of us that work dont have time to read a lot of post anyhow, so posting less often is actually a good thing (imo). love the topics, and cant wait to read them!


I’m not sure if you’ve already done this but I would love to see a post about the swimming you did to recover from your running injury. I’m an injured runner right now (IT band AND hip flexor. ugh) and I can’t even do the elliptical or bike so I HAVE to swim if I want to get any cardio in and I don’t have the first idea of where to begin. How did you take the plunge! (pun intended!)


Oh girl I am so sorry!!! I am praying for you!! That is a great idea and I will definitely be posting those. Keep me updated!


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