Finger Lickin’ Good

Someone got her nails painted and only showed me ever 3 minutes.  Please note that those are ice cream cones on her shirt and it was like a subliminal message to me all night long to eat ice cream.  It caused me to dream of ice cream and maybe even look up online if they had the shirt in my size.

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Someone found an easter egg from our easter egg hunt from 5 months ago.  I would be lying if I told you I didn’t make him share with me and when he refused to share I may have paid him to give me some of his findings.  Good thing I could have bought a king size bag of skittles for the same price.

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When my mom was asking me what I wanted for dinner I knew that I NEEDED my dad’s famous bbq chicken.

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Chicken, red peppers, onions, corn, bbq sauce (from Costco) on top of rice and of course what my internal organs are now turning into due to overconsumption…peaches.

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Whatever floats your boat little one.

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Dessert was a fantastic one.  My mom and I made it before dinner and I will have to share the recipe with you in a few hours.  All I can say is there are marshmallows in there.  And chocolate. And butter.

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I think that everyone liked it.

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For the first time in a long time I am REALLY looking forward to Monday morning.  No, I am not going to be eating more of the above mentioned dessert at 5 a.m. but instead of trucking over to the gym and having to get ready there….I get to get my workout in AT HOME!!!

I am thinking a little time RUNNING on the treadmill followed by some awesome weights with a little bit of Jillian yelling at me to try harder.


What is YOUR dad really good at making?

-Bbq chicken stir-fry, pancakes (even though he is allergic to eggs) and cinnamon-toast.  I know the toast part sounds silly but REALLY it is the best toast you will ever have.  Just send me your address and I will send you a slice or two.

Did you have a special blanket growing up?  What color was it?

-Mine was green and I took it every single place I went, including my first day of the sixth grade.

Are you looking forward to your Monday workout?  What are the first 3 things that you do when you wake up?

-Bathroom, brush teeth (I cannot stand having morning breath), put on socks.  I can’t sleep with socks on but the second I wake up I want socks on.  Oh yeah, one more…..ask Billy what he wants to have for dinner.

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I am really looking forward to my run tomorrow. I did 7 miles today with no walking (this is huge for me)…and it was amazing! So I’m excited for some more. :)

The first three things I do when I wake up are check my phone (lame…I know…but I like to check my e-mail), turn on the lights, and turn on the shower. Not very exciting…


DANG AMY 7 miles….you are INCREDIBLE!!!


Yup I had a pastel multi colored blanket I took everywhere with me! I am sure my Mom secretly replaced it at least a few times on me thought ;)
I am also going to listen to Jillian tomorrow morning with some Yoga Meltdown. Depends on the day but the first things I do are workout, shower and eat or shower, eat and read blogs!


How was your YOGA this morning? I love yoga meltdown!! Your mom replaced it….NOOOO!


My dad makes amazing Matzah Ball Soup. He makes it at every holiday (even Thanksgiving when I ask nicely) and is known for it amongst our family friends.

My blankies are still alive and kicking…so sad I know…they are old crib sheets hiding next to the bed in a basket.

After an 18 mile run today, I am looking forward to some yoga tomorrow!


Your dad’s soup sounds INCREDIBLE…..can I come over:) That is awesome you still have your blankies, I amy try jealous. Great job on your 18 miler!!


pancakes must be a dad thing, because mine makes great ones too! i also love his BBQ ribs, but that chicken looks pretty amazing!

my wake up routine: bathroom, shower, feed my crazy ravenous pup! i think you need a pup in your routine, right? :)


Ha, I really think pancakes are a dad thing. I am jealous of your puppy!! I really would be one of the best puppy mama’s. Nothing better than a hyper puppy to start your monday morning:) Thanks Courtney!


My Dad is great at big, hearty breakfasts – eggs, potatoes, etc. Other than that, he’s great on the grill! My blanket was orange and white – I remember it so well. Workout tomorrow will probably be a short outdoor run and a bike ride with Billy – we’re out at the lake! :)


I hope you two are having so much fun on your lake adventure!! Can I come over for your dad’s bfast?


My Dad makes the best BBQ ribs and brisket I’ve ever had. I refuse to eat BBQ at restaurants because it just doesn’t compete. He makes homemade BBQ sauce too. I also love his Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting. Yes, my sister gave me my baby blanket the day I was born. I always treasured it and while I didn’t sleep with it as a teenager, I kept it. When my first was born, I gave it to him. Now he loves it and thinks it’s pretty cool that it used to be mine. I would be heartbroken if something happened to it. I can barely move being this pregnant so I will be holding off on any workout, although I plan to do some walking around the neighborhood. The first three things I do in the morning are use the bathroom, brush my teeth, and make coffee.


Okay, seriously Tabaitha, I am coming down and eating your dad’s brisket and carrot cake. That sounds incredible. That blanket has been through so much and that is so neat how it has been passed down. Oh girl, I am praying for you to be comfortable and stay healthy!


My dad always made me a strawberry birthday cake from scratch when I was younger. The blanket question…I am actually wrapped in it right now, it used to be yellow, but now it is like a cream color. Don’t worry I wash it often :)


You should get the cake recipe from him:) Ha, I LOVE that you still have your blanket and I am incredibly jealous that you do!


My dad makes chicken and dumplings, this Hungarian family recipe that has been passed down through our family forever. I need to learn how to make it so that I can make it for my kids one day. We all think it is TASTY!


YES, learn how to make it and share it on your blog…that sounds amazing!


Hey Janae!

I’m a brand new blogger (1 day old!), and I just wanted to say that you get the credit for being the inspiration! I started to really get into running & began to train for a half marathon with my good friend & she told me about your blog! I got addicted to hearing about your workouts, desserts, and seeing all your pictures!

Just wanted to let you know how addicting your blog is! Glad to hear youre back to running again! Congrats!


HEATHER!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!! This seriously made my day. I absolutely LOVE your blog. You are gorgeous and a SPEEDY runner. Love the cute picture of your parents too:) Okay, so I tried leaving a comment but I think it went to SPAM…SAVE ME!! If you need help figuring that out let me know because I want to comment. Have an amazing day.


“Don’t phone this one in!” <–that phrase always has me thinking of Jillian ;)
I totally had a blanket, still have it actually (well my parents do). It was just white and a fabric I can't even describe, not a normal cotton kind. Apparently, I wouldn't part with it until school started.


Oh, Gina….I always think of that phrase with Jillian too. Why did we ever have to part with our blankets? Life isn’t fair.


My dad THINKS he makes great pancakes but really they’re just so-so. But we all tell him they’re outrageous!


HA….I love that he THINKS they are amazing, you are a good daughter for lying to him about them and building his self-esteem in his pancake skills!


My dad is good at making breakfast! Pancakes, eggs, bacon, hashbrowns- all the good (yet bad for me) stuff… yum!
I had a pink, blue and white blanket that my great-grandma made for me. I took it with me to college- just like the cool kids do.
I am so excited for my Monday workout! I can finally run (a little bit) again- so up at 4:45am to run a few miles with the neighborhood girls! Then a spin class in the evening :).


Um, can I come over for bfast the next time your dad makes it? 4:45….you are my hero and have an amazing time at your spin class tonight!


haha love the pic of you and your sis staring down the dessert

first three things: guzzle a glass of water, bathroom, inhaler (then brush mu teeth)

I didn’t have a blanket but I had a sweet monkey with a rainbow colored hat that I called “pretty-monk” and slept with

enjoy your run and a longer morning with billy!!


Thanks so much Stephanie! Okay, I need to copy your guzzle water morning routine! Your ‘pretty-monk’ sounds awesome…you should bring it back into your life:)


My monday workout is going to be jump class at the gym! Fun stuff!!! :D
Can’t wait for that dessert recipe….I checked off my previous “Next-Chocolate-Dessert-To-Bake” and am now in need of a new one!


BAHAHAH Gen, you are going to LOVE IT! Hope you had an amazing time at your JUMP class!


Aw, cute! I love when little kids paint their nails! That chicken recipe sounds super good–I’ll have to make that for Andy and I!

What is YOUR dad really good at making?
homemade kettle corn on the stove! oh my goodness I want some now. Yes, it is 6:14am….

Did you have a special blanket growing up? What color was it?
Mine was green too! It was knitted and was a gift from our neighbor.

Are you looking forward to your Monday workout?
YES–can’t wait to go on a super long bike ride with a friend tonight on a path right by my house!

What are the first 3 things that you do when you wake up?
Bathroom, brush teeth, jump in the shower


Okay, I NEED to try your dad’s homemade kettle corn, now you have me drooling. AHHHH Have an amazing time on your long bike ride and green blankets are the!


First three things in the AM: put on flip flops or socks (is it weird that I don’t like walking around my own house with bare feet?), bathroom, start the coffee. Have a great Monday!


HA….I am totally the same way. Billy does it too so I don’t think we are weird if all three of us do it:) You have a great Monday Britnnie!


whatever floats your boat, too cute. I am happy that you get to run tomorrow. Great way to start the week!


I love that you brought up Jillian Michaels. I am on day three of her shred program. Whooo! It’s intense. I usually do an hour or more of cardio, but with her, I am wiped after her 20 minutes! She knows her stuff.
P.S. Your entire family is adorable. If I lived in Utah I’d totally hang out with you guys all the time :)
Have a great Monday, Janae!


She really is INTENSE….I am sore forever. I think that you should move here and we would have a BLAST!!! Have a great Monday too!!


My dad grills and that’s about it. Though, my mom apparently was so terrible at cooking when they got married that he had to teach her how to make pasta.

I didn’t have a blanket or stuffed animal growing up. I was so deprived.

I’m sort of nervous for my workout today. I’ve had vertigo for the past two days and I’m really hoping it doesn’t come back.


WHAT!?!?!?! GIRL….I am worried for you!! Take it easy and let me know what I can do!


1. bathroom & brush teeth
2. breakfast
3. check emails


the bbq chicken looks awesome! any way we can get the recipe?


HEY GIRL!! Yeah, it is seriously the easiest thing in the world. Cook the chicken, add sliced onions, peppers and corn and then add as much bbq sauce as you prefer (we used the kind from costco, Sweet Baby Ray’s) and let simmer until the veggies are a little bit softer!! EAT and enjoy:) Let me know if you try it!


Yes, I had a yellow blanket, named “bee”….I have no idea why I called it that though…..maybe B for blanket? Or bee because it was yellow like a bee? Very strange name. But I loved that little guy and wore it ragged!


BEE….I think you should find bee and take him everywhere with you again:)


WahOO! I am excited to start the work week all over again :) it is going to be GOOD one!


My dad never cooks! ‘That’s a woman’s job!’ :-)

I’m glad you’re so excited for your Monday workout….Me? Not so much. My poor old treadmill is awful dusty! You and your family are absolutely adorable!


THANKS JODI!!! Ha, your dad sounds hilarious! Did you get your workout on gorgeous girl?


Just pulled through 2 miles, and came out a better woman! Shower time!

Yeah, men in the South put women into a pretty ‘traditional’ category. Good thing we’re smarter than them!


Which Jillian vid you gonna go with today?? I’m so so sore after those so I’ve been avoiding them lately as I have my first 5k this Sunday :)

What is YOUR dad really good at making?
– Biscuits and gravy or egg sandwiches… when we were little and it was his turn to cook we ALWAYS had egg sandwiches even if it was dinner time! lol

Did you have a special blanket growing up? What color was it?
– omg yes!!! baby blue… I carried it around until it had holes in it and finally one day my mom threw it away without even telling me bc she said it was too ruined! (sad day!)

Are you looking forward to your Monday workout? What are the first 3 things that you do when you wake up?
– Snooze Alarm, Brush Teeth, decide if I’m going to shower… LOL
Had my bike race yesterday and have a bunch of work meetings today so today’s workout will be light – I’m thinking 30min yoga when I get home :)

Love love the blog keep writing :)


GIRL…you are going to ROCK your 5k this week. Um, I love that the snooze button was in the first 3 things you do…I forgot about that, I do the same thing. CONGRATS on your bike race yesterday, you are incredible!


Love the photo of your niece on the floor with her blankie – all 4 of our kids were “blankie kids.” Handmade by Grandma, of course!

My Dad was really good at making Chili. He spent time as a Volunteer Firefighter in the small town he was from and they took turns cooking – that was his specialty. Can’t wait to see him when I get to Heaven. :’)

I had a special teddy bear – slept with it til I was 17…shhh…

Monday workout was supposed to be speedwork – but I was tired from a long day on Sunday so I just did an easy 3 miles. First 3 things I do – 1) Go potty 2)Make coffee 3)Stretch

Have a great week, HRG!!


Okay, your dad’s chili sounds absolutely amazing!!! Good for you to listen to your body this morning. I love that you had a teddy bear till you were 17, that makes my day! You have an amazing week too!


All I am looking forward to in the new runner’s I’m going to be purchasing tonight /w Colin (and his money) and then the awesome run I’m going to bang out afterwards…it was like Christmas for me last night I couldn’t even sleep I was so excited :D

Oh and I’m doing another awesome mountain stair workout /w my other mom friend Lorena!


That makes it even better that you are using his money ha! You are going to have an AMAZING RUN and I can’t wait to hear all about it. Um, the mountain stair workout makes me scared…that sounds killer!


well Colin makes me keep a tab :P lol but I gave him a baby and a clean house, so it’s only fair I should get shoes :)

Also, the mountain we have isn’t like the ones you have in Utah, so don’t worry it’s just the escarpment and there are only 500 steps :D


First, can I just say that I LOVE how close you and your sister are? I am super close with my sister also (she is younger) and I love that ya’ll are two.

Second, I had a blanket until I was in like middle school and then I had to sub it out for a stuffed animal so I wasn’t a “baby”. My great grandmother knit it for me before I was born…I still have it tucked safely away in my closet. :)


Oops..I meant “too” in the first part. It is too early on Monday I guess


Seriously, it is the BEST thing in the world to have your sister as your bff…I am so glad you can relate! Ha, I love that you subbed it with a stuffed animal, we are way too alike!


Haha. NOW I have graduated from a stuffed animal onto those super soft fuzzy fleece blankets. I am pretty sure I will never graduate beyond this point :)


mmmm that meal looks so good, can your dad come to NJ and cook for me?! :)

My dad is an excellent cook, i dont know if i could pick just one thing that he makes that is the best…but i guess if i had to itd be his arroz con gandules…sooooo good! (p.s. hes a much better cook than my mom, but we like to humor her sometimes..haha)

no blanket growing up, my sister had one though!

i am looking forward to my monday workout, hopefully a 7 mile run outside..its been so rainy here that ive been having to hit the treadmill alot. first three things i do when i wakeup: go to the bathroom, feed my cats, walk the dog. busy mornings full of pets, love it!

have a great day!!!


You have cats and a dog…..I AM SO JEALOUS:) I hope you got to run outside this morning and thanks again Theresa…..sharing your story helped a lot of people:)


thank YOU for letting me share it :) the comments completely overwhelmed me, i was grinning from ear to ear…everyone is so sweet!


thats b/c you were awesome! get a blog already :)


i think im gonna finally take the plunge!!! thanks!! :)


I had a special blanket- it was Rainbow Bright and I think my parents might still have it somewhere!

My Monday workout is teaching Cycle Pump (spinning/strength class) so I am excited!!!


I think that you should reunite with your blanket;) GIRL….I WANT TO COME TO YOUR CYCLE PUMP CLAS!! That sounds like the best class ever and I guarantee you are the best teacher ever!


First off, did you know that it is National Chocolate Milkshake day??? hahaha This made me think of you for some reason ;)

Your Dad’s famous BBQ chicken looks AWESOME. My Dad doesn’t cook, at all… not even a little bit hahaha.

I didn’t have a special blanket when I was little but I DID have a pillow… I think it was some kind of glow worm pillow or something like that.

sadly, I overslept this morning and missed getting in a workout before work. Alas, I will head to the gym after work. Typically I cannot wait to wake up, throw on sneakers and RUN. My absolute favorite part of the day for sure! I’m just waiting for this stress fracture to to heal… for now, I’m learning to love the elliptical :)


Oh girl, I didn’t know it was national milkshake day and I am SO thankful that you thought of me and reminded me. Are you going to have one. I learned to love the elliptical too….sometimes all we need is a little movement to improve our mood;) Praying your stress fracture heals ASAP!


My Dad makes the best grilled cheese ever!
My blanket was pink and I named it.. Pinky. It went everywhere with me.
Tonight I’m going to my first Speed Session!! It’s with The Running Company and I heard it’s pretty difficult! I’m nervous!


OHHHHHH….now I am craving grilled cheese. Girl, you are going to do amazing in your first speed session and I can’t wait to hear ALL about it. You are a rockstar!


My dad is not the best cook. But he sure knows how to pay for a good dinner :-)

I had a special blanket called “blankie”. Original, I know. It was pink. It was so cute. I miss it.

I was really excited for my workout this AM. I still can’t run more than 4 miles according to the physical therapist (okay 2…but i rounded up) so I’ve been trying to do spinning and then running that couple of miles afterwards in hopes of building up my endurance. I’m lovin’ it! Oh and I always look forward to checking out the cute trainer EVERY morning. I wonder if he has any idea??


Oh girl…you will get there!! I am SO happy you are spinning though:) It really is such a fun workout. And girl, you are gorgeous so I think you really need to go and talk to that trainer;)


YUMMM that BBQ chicken looks DELICIOUS!


My dad can make “Granny Suprise”. Don’t ask.


I am sorry a=but I have to ask what ‘Granny Surprise’ is…..the suspense is KILLING me!


It usually involved noodles of some sort and a meat substance, some condiments and what ever else was in the fridge. You never knew and you didn’t ask. Granny used to make it and Dad copied it. Every time we had it =Suprise!!!!


That actually sounds REALLY GOOD!


He’s really good at making my mom crazy with his little white kitten. It’s pretty hilars.
No special blanket, I had a thing for silky nightgowns, though.
I am DEF looking forward to my monday workout!! Running and weights!!


HA, I love what you said about your mom and dad. K, my cousin was obsessed with carrying her mom’s silky nightgowns EVERYWHERE!! Hope you have an amazing urn and weights session!


My dad makes a really great honey-dijon chicken. Mmmmmm.

My special blanket was a white one that I adored. I actually just found it about a week ago and put it in a big container (full of old teddy bears) that I’m going to keep so that if Tyler and I have kids… we can give them those ones!

My Monday workout plans are to do a pilates dvd and go on a walk :) It should be good!


Have fun with Pilates and your walk, that sounds so good right now:) Okay, you may have to post the honey-dijon chicken recipe for me!


I’m always anxious for my Monday workout! Since Sunday is always REST, I can really give it my all on Monday. Love that feeling!!
Which Jillian DVD do you have??


I have yoga meltdown and 30 day shred. Any recommendations for me gorgeous girl?


My dad makes awesome stews!! Love them, especially in the winter time.
I really want to try your dad’s bbq chicken- it’s ground chicken, right? or is it shredded? Thinking that might be dinner tonight!! :D


YUM…I have been missing stew! I think you could used ground chicken or shredded but he likes to use cubed chicken:) Let me know how you like it!


Ok thanks! Getting ready to make it right now :)


Let me know what you think!!!


First thing always is to honor the day……..and think of things I am thankful for this day or things I am looking forward to on a particularly awesome day!!
Next, slippers, they are next to the bed and I put them on even in the dog days of summer. Third, glass of water.

3 mile run today. Nothing fancy.

Dad’s signatures: stove top popcorn hands down, but notables are chicken stirfy, baked potato bar, and peanut buster sundeas.


ERICA….mind if I copy your first thing that you do every morning?!? You are such a good example to me. Okay, I am coming over for your dad’s cooking, that all sounds amazing!


That BBQ stir fry looks magical! AND I think I have everything to make it, I am going to try something similar this week for sure!

My dad is an amazing cook, for as long as I can remember he has been the head chef in the house (which my sister said was a change from when she was a kid and I lucked out haha). He makes pizzas on the BBQ, amazing Chinese nights (including homemade egg rolls) and he LOVES to try new things. It’s amazing.

I DID! I may or may not still have it and I may or may not have used it until recenly when my husband said it was weird (disclaimer, I didn’t used it for years, but then when I was alone in Utah for a month before my husband came from Cali, I took it out…). It was my sister’s before me, and it’s in suprisingly good shape. It’s red and white checkers.

We are renewing our gym membership, WIN! I am excited to have access to a treadmill again, the sidewalks are too risky in my hood.


That is not weird:) I would have totally used it if Billy was gone! That is so cool that it was your sis’s before. WAHOOOOOO…so happy you got your gym membership renewed, that is awesome!


That chicken looks delicioso!!

What is YOUR dad really good at making?
My dad is a great cook. I like everything he makes!

Did you have a special blanket growing up? What color was it?
I did. It was yellow and green and then my dog peed on it. boooooo

Are you looking forward to your Monday workout? What are the first 3 things that you do when you wake up?
I already did my workout. 4 mile recovery run after my 16 miler yesterday (not fun). first three things: 1. bathroom 2. get dressed 3. run! … everything else comes after


GREAT JOB getting your recovery run in after a SIXTEEN miler yesterday, you are incredible!


Thank you! :) *blushing*


yayy for you and running can’t wait to hear about your workout!!
i am LOVING being on break but i am ready to start getting up earlier and getting my normal routine onnn again!
gonna get some insanityyy workout tape on todayy! wish me luck girl
oh and all your cosco eats have made me FORCED my boyfriend to take me there TODAY ASAPPPP<3


Love the pics! So cute. I think I can pride myself in making mean soups :)


Well, my dear Dad has been gone for 7 years, but I will say he could make the best oatmeal and the best CoCo Wheats ever. Even put lumps in the CoCo Wheats when we requested them.

As for a blankie, yes, I had one, but it’s long gone. To this day, even when it’s super hot outside, if I am sitting or laying at home, I must have a blanket next to my face. Crazy, but it’s a comfort thing.

first 3 things I do in the morning: hit the radio snooze button for 30 minutes, then I start coffee, and put in my contacts.


What are CoCo Wheats? Sounds like your Dad was an amazing man:) I am the same way about ALWAYS having a blanket…all about the security!


What a wonderful day!!! I kept going down my updated blog list wondering where Jane was. I needed my fix. You were like 6 blogs down. Never happens!!!


I totally still use my baby blankets!! And so does my brother. My mom keeps saying that I can pass them on to my kids, but I think she’s crazy. They’re mine, silly mama.
And if your niece loves painting her nails, there are these really cool nail stamps she can get. My nieces go BANANAS for them and insist on stamping everyone (my husband has zebra print nails :))
Happy Monday, pretty lady! Enjoy your day!


YOU BETTER KEEP THOSE BLANKETS FOR YOURSELF:) I need to get these nail stamps, thanks for the great idea Shannon!


Oh YUM! that BBQ chicken looks reallly good!
Your niece looks sooo excited to have her nails painted.. what a doll :)


Yum your Dad’s stir fry looks so so delicious. My Dad is an awful cook but he makes the best omlets ever. So funny.

Love all the pictures of the little ones and I am excited to hear about the dessert. My workout today was 55 awful minutes of ellipticizing, followed by 10 minutes of crying on the treadmill because I cannot run. :(


So looking forward to your recipe with marshmallows in it! I love those goodness chunks!

What Jillian workout are you going to do? I love her!


I don’t know my dad, but my mom makes some killer cinnamon toast! (as well as many other delicious dishes) the key is to use powdered sugar…none of that granular nonsense ;-)
And might I add, those ruby red lips on your niece are going to get her in a heap of trouble in a few years ;-) on the plus side, she’ll never have to do more than a quick swipe of lipgloss or sparkly Chapstick, score! Seriously though, the DNA in your family is ridiculous ;-)

My first blanket was white, I took it to pre-school and they took it away!!!!! My mom came to pick me up, I was ballling!!!! I could still see it in the closet they put it in….cruel. Needless to say, mom never took me there again….then I had a yellow blankie. :-)


CATHERINE….I KNOW….I am worried about that little one. She already knows just how to pose for every picture and she is just so stinkin cute, the boys are going to fall for her big time! Thank you so much for your sweet comment.

UM, I think I am going to hunt down that pre-school that took your blanket, that is RUDE!


the children in your family are the cutest things i’ve ever seen! i love when you post pictures of them. especially that little blondie! she is precious.

my monday starts with a groan because i am sad the weekend is really over and gone. then i brush my teeth and pour a cup of coffee simultaneously. then i hop in the shower and spend way too long under the hot water.

i am not a fan of the monday. but that’s a poor attitude! i will have a great monday!


Can’t wait to see the recipe, girl!!! :)

First 3 things I do when I wake up: hit my alarm in annoyance, go to the bathroom, and brush my teeth! I’m like you … I can’t stand morning breath!!


My dad is an AWESOME griller. He makes homemade rubs so his burgers, hot dogs, steaks…basically all MEAT are amazing.

I had a special blanket that I called burbur and I believe it was a cloth diaper at one point…sounds nasty, I know, but I’m sure it was clean!!!

My Monday workout is coming in a few hours-wahoo! Just gotta get through a band information night for my students. I am running 5 miles then lifting weights.

The first three things I do in the morning are: wash my face, put in my contacts then brush my teeth! I have to be able to see!


She is adorable! I love her shirt, I’d probably buy it too :D
I wish I had a treadmill at home I would love it, hope you had a great run!

My dad is good at making pasta, scrambled eggs, and mashed potatoes. (random)

I only had my baby blanket but I had a special stuffed animal. It was a bunny my grandma found for me after hurricane Andrew destroyed our house in miami. I took her everywhere!

I can’t wait to workout, I like working out in the morning but I’m training my mom when she gets home!

The first things I do when I wake up is check my phone, chug water, and go to the bathroom.


I love when my dad makes me dishes I love! My dad makes the BEST shrimp scampi and garlic bread.


Hi Janae! I did not have a Monday workout since my husband and I just rocked our second 20 miler for Chicago Marathon on Sunday…our final 20 miler will be this Saturday…pray we survive! :) How are your shins feeling? How is your cross country coaching going…do you do all of the workouts with them or just some?


AHHH VALERIE!!! You are absolutely incredible. Your 2nd 20 miler…you are going to ROCK your next one on Saturday. NO PAIN in the shins…wahoo!! Coaching is great and I think I need to do an update post on them ASAP! Okay, seriously though…I want to know all about how you do in Chicago. Please don’t leave me hanging:)


I promise I won’t leave you hanging and so happy to hear the shins are healing!


Hi, Janae! I have been reading your blog for a while but this is my first time commenting! Sorry for being so creepy.
I just wanted to say hello and that I look forward to reading your posts every day. You are HILARIOUS and always make me laugh; you are so positive and your enthusiasm for food and exercise is contagious, and honestly you are just so NICE! You take the time to respond to almost every single comment on your posts and just seem so kind and approachable, like everybody’s best friend!
Sorry for being incredibly creepy and maybe a little mushy but I just had to tell you that. Maybe someday I can be your friend and we can spend all day/year eating and running/riding horses. I will even supply the (vegan) marshmallows. They are extra sweet!


WOW!! MICHELE, you absolutely positively made. my. day. Thank you so much for your sweet words. You are not creepy at all, I feel like we have formed a new friendship!Michele, thank you so much and you BETTER NOT be kidding that someday we will be real life friends and run/ride hourses and eat vegan marshmallows. Really, thank you so much Michele!


My dad is a pro at fried egg sandwiches. He makes them every Christmas morning for my family, and it is always a great treat.

And I was definitely NOT looking forward to my Monday workout… I ran 9.5 miles yesterday (the longest I’ve run to date!) and my legs were still kind of hating me this morning. Plus, I still think I must be completely nuts, because I’ve been combining the TurboFire system (from Beachbody) with half marathon training, so I had 45 minutes of intense, high impact cardio to look forward to this morning. But I did it and it felt great! Okay, I made it low impact… but still!

And um… first three things I do when I wake up? Check my phone to see if I have a cute text message from my boyfriend (who is wonderful), whine about being awake, and then try to find where I set my glasses down before I passed out. Can you believe I call myself a morning person?!


I’ve been reading your blog, but I don’t think I’ve ever posted! Since I’m reading at 4 a.m., waiting for my gym to open :), I figured I had the “first 3 things” I do in the a.m. fresh in my head!
1. Kiss hubby
2. Kiss puppy
3. Coffee!

I get up way too early for my gym workouts because I feel like I NEED to eat and digest…I know there has to be a better way, but for now…I’m just proud of myself for getting up and getting it done! :)


GINA!!! I am so so happy that you commented!! YOU ARE MY HERO for waking up so early to get your workout on. I like your first three things…..I NEED A PUPPY. I hope you had an amazing morning and a sweaty workout.

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