Who NEEDS deodorant?

Janae, great job packing your gym bag today.

Photo 1

You only forgot your brush, deoderant (once again, say a prayer for my students) and your dress is now permanently wrinkled.  Very proffessional:)

You would think that after packing my bag for the past 2 years that I would have the whole packing thing down but either way I was stoked that I woke up on time and was able to experience having to blow dry my hair after my workout and let’s just say it wasn’t wet because of my shower.

PS I had to use an old pair of headphones today and they SHOCKED ME….has that ever happened to anyone before?


What was YOUR workout?

For those of you that get ready at the gym or have in the past, what was the worst thing that you forgot to pack?

-A bra.  Wearing a sweaty sports bra all day long isn’t my ideal way to live (story HERE).

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girl totallyyy do the blow drying the sweat out works like a charm! and I LOVE YOUR BAGGG it is so cute!!!
and DAMN your headphones SHOCKED YOU? probs time to throw them outt!!!
worst thingg i forgot to pack was socks—now i go to the gym after my first class….so it was running shoes without socks kind of day…and it was squishy and grosss not gonna liee!
spinning class and lifting for me! OH AND 7 MINUTES OF RUNNING with no painn!!!:)


Lifting this morning (2 supersets and some machines) with 15 minutes of cardio. Going to a later sweat session after I watch PLL on Hulu to prepare for TONIGHT! You need to start watching, lady!

Worst thing I forgot to pack… Underwear. The day I was wearing a mini tight black skirt… Yeah.


yay for getting to the gym. we are a lot alike! I’ve never been shocked by my head phones.


A pair of my apple in-ear headphone shock me all the time when I am on gym machines. I asked the apple people and they thought it must have something to do with the metal piece on the headphone. They’re better for running and I just use my regular apple headphones for the gym.

Once I forgot my jeans. Thank goodness I had worn black crops to run in that morning and not running shorts. I had to sit in my sweaty pants all day, but at least it wasn’t sweaty running shorts.


What was YOUR workout?
60 min of Hot Power Flow yoga this morning.
60 min of lifting at lunch time with my hubby (chest today)
Run 4.5 with my son this afternoon

For those of you that get ready at the gym or have in the past, what was the worst thing that you forgot to pack?
I forgot a towel once…and the gym didn’t provide towels. Kinda gross to dry off my CLEAN body with a nasty-dirty-sweaty t-shirt. It is also very bad to forget my blow-dryer if the gym doesn’t provide one. I do NOT have the kind of hair that looks okay (or even presentable) without being blown out.


Ummm I forgot socks yesterday. And I needed a workout so badly, I went without.



Yeahhh.. Don’t worry too much about it haha. I got my hair coloured on SATURDAY morning, and was told that I can’t wash my hair for 3 days after (which was totally ok by me, I regularly go 3 days without washing my hair!) – so today is day 3. I’ve gone for 2 super sweaty runs since then and my hair looks like it’s plastered to my head. My co-workers must LOVE working with me!!


Let’s just say that when I forget things I’m super glad I’m a stay at home Mom. (Or as I prefer to call it, In-home child development specialist.) My co-workers are very forgiving and since I’m home everything is at my disposal.

Also, I’m super flattered you visited my blog! You made my day.


I had a pair of head phones shock me once while I was running on the treadmill. Not a fun experience. Of course, instead of stopping to figure out what was going on, I kept running and shaking my head, and then almost fell off the treadmill haha.


Ohhh… No deodorant is not a good feeling. One time when I was an awkward preteen I forgot deodorant and in my desperation I went to the bathroom, took the gum I was chewing out of my mouth and rubbed it around in my pits, praying that some of its minty freshness would help. I wouldn’t recommend this method.

And, no, I did not put the gun back in my mouth… I said I was awkward, not nasty.


Just did a crappy packing job yesterday! Forgot bra and underwear, somehow managed to remember a fresh pair of socks though… stay hot!


I have a bag ‘perma-packed’ so the essentials are always in there – deo, brush, plastic bag for wet clothes and a body spray. Otherwise, I would forget all the time!!!!


UUGGHHH I’ve done the exact opposite.. forgotten a sports bra in my gym back for AFTER work, so had to run with a regular bra on.

It was awful. I was “dat girl.”


Spin and upper body workout today :)

Wrinkled dresses aren’t professional?!?! Shoot!!!!


I went for a run today and rocked it!! My legs have been sore since my race on Saturday. So it was nice to get into the groove again, plus it is finally cooling off here!

I have totally forgot to put deodo on after a morning workout, so I have a stash in my desk at work! Solves that problem…


Good call on the stash at work and Kaelin, I am SO happy you had such an amazing run yesterday. You are incredible!


I was shocked by a brand new set of ear buds before! I repackaged them and took them back to the store!


OMG…yes I have had headphones shock me before. I remember I was on the treadmill on the gym and ZAP in one ear and I thought “did I really just get shocked by my earphones”, so I removed one bud and then ZAP in the other ear. I think it was the treadmill entertainment center I was connected to…I should sue my gym :)


Yep. I have definitely been shocked by my headphones before. It’s weird b/c you think.. “surely my headphones didn’t just shock me.”


Today I rode the stationary bike for 45 minutes and did abs afterwards.
I forgot a towel once. That was pretty bad. The worst was forgetting underwear. Ugh! I’m not a fan of going commando. lol


ME NEITHER!! Great workout and I have definitely forgot my towel many times too.


I have actually forgot to pack my sports bra – so I had to workout in my normal bra that day . It was terrible!!!


I always get shocked by the apple headphones that have the volume adjuster on the wire. It only happens when I run. The adjuster bumps against my collar bone and shocks me. Also, after forgetting deodorant many times, I now just have an extra stick that I ALWAYS leave in my bag.


Thats what it is….it all makes sense now! I am going to copy you with the extra stick at all times in my bag, thanks Vanessa!


Underwear… and I work out on my lunch break at work and def. did not have time to go back home. Sometimes you just gotta run free if you have no other choice :)

… deoderant would be worse tho, espec. if you were just starting your day, yikes!


Yep, it was not fun!! PS you are right…you gotta do what you gotta do.


Don’t worry–I forgot underwear once and wore the sweaty ones for about 10 minutes before I realized that was a TERRIBLE idea!
Speed work tonight after work–I’m nervous!


BAHAHAH You made my day! How did your speed work go!?!


Definitely with you on the bra thing! I’ve forgotten that…AND socks once, all in one day. It just felt gross (and cold) after the sweat dried. Looks like you need a bigger back, Janae!


Hi Janae! First time commenting on your totally awesome blog, that I completely adore :)

My workout today (hopefully) will be a nice easy 3 mile run! There are some nasty storms moving in over the mountains, so it may not happen.. which I am ok with, as it is 6 DAYS till my 1st marathon!! So an extra day of rest wouldn’t be the worst thing!!

I’ve been there plenty of times (forgetting deodorant).. so now I keep one in my purse, my bag I carry all my goodies in for work everyday, in my car, and at home.. got all grounds covered-haha!


HEY BROOKE!! Thank you so much for commenting, you made my day! Boo to the storms and I hope you have a great run before your MARATHON in six days! You are going to rock it and I agree about the extra rest day being a good thing:) BRILLIANT to keep one in your purse, I will be copying you. GOOD LUCK!! I will be thinking about you!


Thanks, Janae! You made my day !! And Those travel sized ones are perfect for stashing in your purse :)


Ahhh! You can’t forget that!!! You should buy travel sizes of all that stuff and just leave it in your bag!
I think I forgot underwear once… horrible.
This morning I went to spin class (I’m obsessed! Thank you Janae for always talking about how great it is) There is a girl in the class that looks like you and every time I think it’s you! I live in New York…
And tonight I’m running a little 4 miler :-) Then off to 16 Handles with some friends!


AHHH CATIE!!! I am so happy that you are loving spin. Great idea with the travel size things. Have an amazing run and fro-yo trip and someday we will go to a spin class together:)


YES!!! My headphones have totally shocked me.. Could be because they are completely falling apart.. but- it sucked!


Yaya, back in the AM sweat saddle!! Hope you got a good workout in for me! BTW, my gym bag usually looks like that or worse, at least you have a nice gym bag, I have this little tote I stole from one of Tripp’s sailing swag bags lol!

I once went to spin mid-day on a Thursday without my shower bag, so I had no brush, deodorant, make-up (to re-apply the smudged stuff before work) booo!


oh yes forgetting a bra is the WORST!
I posted my Hood to Coast blog—hope you’ve seen it and it will make you want to do this 200 mile relay next year!!! Janae, be on my team next year! SO FUN!


Luckily I live close enough that I go home to shower, but on a recent sales trip i forgot deodorant as well, i soaped up really good and hoped for the best, luckily it was just one night otherwise I would have gone out for supplies. New reader to your blog and your posts always make me laugh Great job!


HEY TRACY…thank you so much for your comment, you made my day! Thank goodness for soap ha!


try dry shampoo!! tresseme has one and it works for me and i love it because i always feel like i’m dying a slow painful death when i have to blow dry my hair after working out!


You are brilliant! Thank you so much Jaci…I will be going to the store today!


Your gym bag packing skills are like mine :(

It’s funny that you asked about the keadphones. My old ones broke and the new pair hubby bought me did that. It scared me so I gave them back to him and bought a different pair.


Oh yes, I ‘ve been shocked before too! It seriously hurts when it’s in your ear! The first time it happened I definitely thought I’d be deaf or have some sort of medical repercussion from it.


I did my Tuesday ten miler, even though I was nauseated this morning. Ugh. I should have cut it short.


The Way you just Roll with things amazes me! If I forget something it makes my day start out all wrong. I need to take tips from you!


Ha….I think my personality is super easy going and I don’t really care what my students think of me because they already know I am a weirdo! I hope you are having a great day!


Well I guess I will experience packing the gym bag soon…I am so excited to go to my gym when it opens!


Funny you ask, today I forgot my sports bra and didn’t realize it until I was half dressed in the locker room after work. Rather than skip my run (I was working in not my usual office and was so close to a great park!) I ran in my regular bra. It was an old one, at least.

And I totally blow dry the sweat out of my hair all the time!


NO…..OUCH!!! Good to know I am not the only forgetful exerciseaholic:) I hope you had your sports bra today and way to not skip your run yesterday!


forgot both my sports bra and socks today.. but still got boot camp and 20 min elliptical done! but maaaaan i was not a fan of jumping jacks today! thank god it usually only girls in that class!
p.s. first time commenting, but love your blog!


LINDSAY!!! Thank you so much for commenting, you made my day! Sports bra and socks…I feel for you and the jumping jacks would have HURT!!


I know I don’t comment very often so here are TWO in one day! :)

My iPhone shocked me the other day! It was crazy and I’m sooo ready to get a new one.


HEY TARA!! Two in one day makes me very happy. Your iPhone shocked you!?!?! WHAT….that is crazy! When are you going to get a new one?


HOPEFULLY in September. I’ve heard rumors that a new one will be released and I’m TRYING to hold out!


Bahahah your poor kiddies… So honey how was your day today? MOM, the dang teacher smelled like a dirty sock again, can we move??

Jk Jk! I’ve totally done the same before. Instead of forgetting a regular bra to change into, I forgot a sports bra on more than one occasion. Boy is that awkward all around.


BAHAHAH YOU MADE MY DAY!! Thank you so so much! All I have to say about the lack of a sports bra is OUCH!


OMG, I love that you posted the hair dryer comment…I do this at LEAST 3 times a week (I blame it that my hair gets wet in the shower since I don’t use a shower cap).

I used to get shocked ALL THE TIME by my headphones while running on treadmills at my old gym. I couldn’t figure out if it was the treadmills (I hopped from one…to the next…to the next), my shoes…(I wore different shoes) or my headphones. I ended up switching gyms, so I guess I will never figure it out!


I forgot my sports bra Monday night….but managed to pack both shorts & pants. Worst part was that I wore a strapless that needs to be ditched anyways. Lets just say it wasn’t my best elliptical session & I was a little distracted during yoga. Socks & deodorant can also be added to that list but luckily I go to the gym after work.


That is the exact reason I pack my gym bag the night before! I have had one work shoe, no real bra, and no brush more than once. So I finally wised up and now I pack everything up the night before. Lets me sleep for an extra 5-10 minutes too!


I LOVE your gym bag! Is it old? I live in Canada so if you remember the name of it (which is a long shot) I might be able to search for it on ebay…

Also, I haven’t been shocked by headphones but I was running today and one of my apple headphones died on me:(


I run 6-7 days a week, 12-20 miles per run. I use Lavilin foot deodorant just once a week, and guess what? It works!! My feet have not stunk in years because of Lavilin. Don’t know what I’d do without it!


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