Once upon a time, three ‘young’ adults were sitting around watching Chopped on a Saturday afternoon when all of the sudden they heard the ice cream truck song.  They searched for some money as fast as they could and ran outside quicker than you can imagine.

He was gone.  We could still hear the faint song of his ice cream song playing from a few streets away.

To say we were sad is an understatement.  It actually kind of hurt.

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And then we heard him getting closer and I screamed ‘ICE CREAM’ so that they wouldn’t keep driving down the other street and we went into a full sprint….Charlie included.

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WE CAUGHT HIM.  We took our time to pick out our favorite.  It was a very tough decision.  Can you imagine standing in front of a van that offers at least 30 types of ice cream/popscicles…it kind of stressed me out a little bit.

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I think this is the most attractive face I have ever made…..zoom into my eyes if you don’t believe me.

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They did’t really like the fact that I reached in for my treat.

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And I shared with Charlie (I know, I am gross) my mango/strawberry popscicle because he was so hot after a full on sprint down the street.

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And they all lived happily ever after.

Especially Charlie because Jon shared with him too….

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I hope you have an amazing Sunday!!!

Any fun stories to share with the class (I am going back into teacher mode)?

What are you up to today?

What kind of treat would you have picked from the ice cream truck?

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Don’t worry, I share my popsicle/ice cream/lollipops with my dog too :)


OMG — that picture of you guys running away with Charlie mid-leap is amazing! Hilarious. Who managed to get that one??


I share, too…. With my dog and my cats (if they want it, and they each like weird, random things!).

Hubby is going to the gym and I am getting on my bike. He just told me, “But I want to ride with you, too!” so I guess I will go shorter than planned, and then swing back to pick him up when he’s done with the gym. From there, I am not sure what we’re doing. For some reason I REALLY want some ice cream now. That will be involved today somehow. :-)

Have a spectacular day!


this is hilarious!


Today we are addressing our wedding invitations!

That popsicle sounds good! I love getting rainbow snowcones from the ice cream truck!


Hahaha! How cute! I used to love the ice cream truck :)


I always get ice cream sandwiches from the ice cream truck. Either that or creamsicles- half ice cream and popsicle…*bliss* :)


During the summer I eat Popsicles and freeze pops when I get in from a run and I always share with my pups. I can’t imaging what their life would be like if they only ate dry dog food everyday, I think that would be sad.


This is hysterical! I love the pictures. I love how the dog is leaping forward to run! haha


I love popsicles! Fruity ones (but not grape, yuck!)
Right now I’m in the car heading to New Orleans, so excited for a little getaway!


Hey girl! I would have went for the red, white, and blue popcicle (sp). I think they are called “bomb pops” in these parts.


The rocket popsicles were always my favorite but I haven’t seen an ice cream truck in years!


OMG – Did I have a crazy day yesterday!! — Girl, you have to click over and read the 2 part story– Wow… Hopefully today is nice & relaxing – by the pool!

part 1- http://thehinzadventures.blogspot.com/2011/08/saturday-part-1-good.html

part 2 – http://thehinzadventures.blogspot.com/2011/08/saturday-part-2-bad-and-ugly.html

I would have ordered a fudgesicle…love those!!! Happy Sunday Janae! xoxo from Trinidad


I love this story! I am laughing so hard at that second picture of everyone running and Charlie jumping to get in on the action. Hilarious!


Story: Hubs and I went to Walgreen’s to print off a picture. He was sitting at the hub, pressing all the correct buttons on the touch screen and woola our picture popped put. As we were driving home I said,” did we pay for that?” Ummmmm nope we didn’t……I insisted we go back and make amends, even though the 16 year old was more confused when I walked in and said ” I need to pay .33 for the picture I accidentally walked out of here with.”

I would have gotten a drumstick.

Have a great day Janae!


hahah LOVE THIS! hilarious! i love the ice cream mannn!!! snow cones all the way for meee!!!
family party with my boyfriend for his dad’s bday!


LOL I share my treats with my dog too! He’s conditioned to pop up by my side as soon as he hears my spoon hit the ice cream bowl – no matter where in the house he was! :P

I miss the ice cream truck, I literally haven’t had an encounter with one in about 15 years :( But I always used to get those strawberry-shortcake bars! Or the nutty cone things. or the sno-cones….


Is your BIL holding the box containing all the money you guys made from your lemonade stand? ;)


HE REALLY IS….how did you know?


Haha…my mom has always told me “growing old is inevitable, growing up is purely optional”. I choose to opt OUT of growing up…especially when it comes to ice cream, or watching Disney movies.


Mmm orange dreamsicles!!
We live right next to the ice cream man!! I run by his parked truck everyday!!


What is your BIL holding?? A recipe box? :D I liked your story and I can’t wait to see you when you get back to Utah!


It’s sad but I’ve never been lucky enough to have ice cream from an ice cream truck. We didn’t have them in my neighborhood growing up :(


Janae-you never fail to make me laugh out loud. :P This was so funny!
Here’s a story:
Once upon a time (a long time ago!), in cold dreary Michigan, girl went to breakfast at Bob Evans with the whole family. As they were getting into their cars to go home, girl had to wait for her mom to buckle her baby sister into her seat. So, girl thought it’d be fun to just ‘skate’ around on the ice by the car. Mom put sister in the car, mom got into the car and so did dad. Girl ‘skates’ to the side of the car and both her feet fly out from under her and girl falls flat on her back on ice. Girl cringes in pain! Dad rolls down the drivers side window and sticks his head out “you okay?” and rolls the window back up.
lol- they laughed at me for weeks to come, and no one even got out to help me up. Ouch! haha. Good times…. :P
Have a great Sunday!


I LOVED YOUR STORY…thank you for sharing:) Your family sounds hilarious!!!


This post made me laugh out loud. HARD :D


Janae…read my blog post today about my training plan and summer running/cross-training exercise! Also I talked about my 11.5 mile run today:) I wish the ice cream truck would pull up next to my apartment too!!



Hahaha LOVE the ice cream truck! I always get either fudgesicles or creamsicles! :D


Hehee! You never fail to bring a huge smile to my face! This post brought back sooooo many “ice cream man” memories from childhood. It was always a mad dash for money, followed by a decade deciding to go for the mint cornetto or the cherry-cola ice lolly! :-)


Looks like you are still having an awesome summer!! I only share with my nephew… no animals though. He’s lucky I share with him. I’m not good at sharing treats. :)


i love the ice cream truck!! growing up, my neighbor bullied him and he had to stop coming on my street. I still have trouble forgiving him :(


I rocked my IRON GIRL today! Now I am icing my legs and getting ready for a big BBQ party at my house later.


AHHHH CONGRATS…..You are amazing, I need details!


I totally share with my dog. I’m a big of the one for me, one for you technique. I even share my fork. And I know how disgusting it probably is, but I just don’t care.


Haha I hear the ice cream truck all the time by my house. I should check it out sometime and see what they have!!


I love this story! That picture of you guys running, with pup flying through the air made me smile :)


Oh I miss the ice cream truck! I haven’t seen or heard it since we moved to Georgia! Making some gluten free pizza and debating on watching a movie is what I plan on continuing to do!

Happy Sunday Janae!!!


You are so so so funny!!! I’m @ the beach with my family and my husband just won FREE SKEEBALL for LIFE!!! he got his pic taken and a pink tshirt!!! Gotta love it!! And my boys won a ton of huge stuffed animals!

Hmmm I love all kinds of ice cream and popsicles!! There’s a ice cream place on the boardwalk with 101 flavors…. Talk about tough decision!

Have a great day!


AHHHH I FREE SKEEBALL for LIFE…that is the coolest thing ever. 101 flavors…..I would have to try them all first:)


hahaha! That is an awesome post. I love all the action shots.


Fudgesicle, baby!!! I’m having a great Sunday too! I made some stuffed shells and I’m pushing for a sbux/target trip in a bit. And I sneaked in a workout early. HOLLA! :)


hahaha I’m so happy you were able to catch him. It would have been a tragedy if you didn’t! How were you able to get all those pics of the action?! was the paparazzi following you? :)


Billy….he thought we were being ridiculous and so he whipped out the camera:)


Orange push-up pop! I love you even more now that you share your ice cream with Charlie… dogs mouths are cleaner right? That’s what I tell myself when Cooper swipes a taste.

Whoever was taking the pics, did a great job!!


hahaha you’re so funny!!! and the fact y’all got charlie in that pic jumping to go with y’all … genius.


Anything with chocolate and pb!! Probably a reese’s pb cup goodness. Ahahha I love this story I am moving innnn


Yummm!! :) I probably would have gotten a drumstick. ;)

Brandon and I visited a new church this morning. Then this afternoon I made some delicious peanut butter cookies with chocolate and peanut butter chips. They are AMAZING and I’ve already eaten two. Oops.

Tonight I’m cooking dinner (including cheddar garlic biscuits that taste like the ones from Red Lobster but are ridiculously easy) and getting ready to go back to work TOMORROW. After 7 weeks off, it’s time to return to reality. So sad. :(


I would choose a fudgsicle from the ice cream truck! I love your story :)




I love that you get so excited about the ice cream truck! Classic! Today, I’m headed to CEDAR POINT..THE BEST THEME PARK EVER (apparently)!


I have a funny story! Pick me!

I was at a work conference this week and my boss was trying to talk to me in between sessions and there were people walking by with ice cream pops and I guess I was visibly distracted by them because he goes “Do we need to walk towards where the ice cream is coming from so we can keep talking?” I was all ashamed but still said yes. :)


Hahaha Your story made my day! We are a lot alike….I cannot focus with ice cream around!


Ha ha ha ha. Especially abt the photo w/the eyes. You crack me up.

I would’ve chosen a Casco nut Sundae. Or is that just a Utah thing?

I think they’ve changed the recipe. They used to dip the ice cream in chocolate, then put the nuts on top, so they fell all over as you ate it. Now they’ve mixed the nuts in the chocolate (now called a “FatBoy” Casco nut Sundae). Haven’t had the new version yet… have you?

Tomorrow I start a 3-MONTH sugar-free, mostly carb/glueten free diet (for medical reasons)!!!!! I’ll have to live vicariously through you & your blog & try not to be too jealous of the donut-skittle-cupcake-etc. pics, and focus on the salads as big as my head :).


3-month SUGAR-FREE!!! HOLY COW, I am SO sorry!! I hope everything is going okay medically:) I will eat double my normal sugar amounts just for you!!

WHAT IS CASCO…I have never had it!


The new recipe Casco nut sundae is NOT the same…it tastes like all the other ice crem bars now. That delicious crunchy sweet and salty nut coating WAS messy and half of it fell off but it was sooooooo goood! I even wrote the company to let them know I hated the new incarnation and they said this was the new product and they discontinued the old ones…market studies showed customers didn’t like the messiness. Then they offered me coupons on the NEW product! I declined, LOL. I miss the old ones.


Awww, serious? I LOVED those things! Guess I need to write them, too!


So funny you ask! I just got done writing a post about my adventure:


You guys are awesome. I’m pretty sure I’d do the exact same thing if the ice cream man came to our neighborhood.


You did all this while running in flip flops….Way to go!


so, not gonna lie, i am excited you will be back soon so i can run into you in the gym all the time! i am so glad you are having such a great summer!


Cute dress! Where do you find all of your adorable dresses?!

One of my favorite ice cream truck goodies from my childhood (as though I’m a real adult now) is this kind of creamy popsicle with a face on it. I think they might have different characters? If that isn’t the worst description ever, I don’t know what is, but I haven’t even seen one in forever. The ice cream truck that comes by my house doesn’t have a huge selection of treats, though, so no weird face popsicle for me.


I just really had been hoping to see your BIL with all his fannypackin glory running after the icecream man!! No lie, I was disappointed, and missed his day glo pack!! :) You guys look like you had a blast!

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