Showing the Treadmill Some Lovin’

Someone PLEASE come and clean our storage room.  That is my bike on the floor and I tilted my computer camera away from the camping gear mess so that you wouldn’t think less of me and really I have no idea why that random piece of wood is on the floor.

Today was an exciting morning:

1. I got to workout AT HOME….SCORE.  Many of you remember that I got my treadmill on my birthday and instantly fell in love.  I felt bad for neglecting for so long but we have been reunited and our relationship is better than ever.

2. Hello, I got to run.  Do I need to say anything more than that.  Running 3 times a week= enjoy/cherish ever second!

Photo on 8 24 11 at 6 54 AM

I ran 2 miles @ 1% incline and walked 1.5 miles @ 4% incline.  It was really nice to sleep in for an extra HOUR because my workout was short, 10 steps away from my bed and life is always easier getting ready at home compared to the gym.

Following my running portion I jumped off and STICKED my legs nice and good.  I am conquering these shin splints and I will never see them again:)



How many days a week is your favorite amount to run?

-I think 5 days is PERFECT for me……3 hard days (hills, speed, long) and 1 EASY days (short and slow), 1 cross-training and 1 day REST!

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I was a lazy lady and didn’t work out today.. I’m thinking a night run is in order later or I’ll tack on an extra 2 miles tomorrow! I usually like to run 4 days a week and cross train once… and once school starts I’ll be implementing strength training in there too! So glad to see you running again, Janae!!


I’m injury-prone myself (IT Band), so running 3-4 days a week works great for me! I use a foam roller called The Grid and also The Stick everyday. Having a rest day in between runs really helps keep my IT band happy! :)


I will clean your storage room if you do my homework!


agreed. I hope you don’t mind if you fail your classes:)


I love my treadmill. We were fast friends. I love working out in my home because I can wear just a sports bra and I can sing and no one can hear me. It’s great! I can also watch WHATEVER I want and I can look like complete and total crap and no one has to see me. Ahhh. It was the best purchase ever. I’m sure your treadmill missed you!


I took 5 kids to the splash pad- isn’t that enough? I joke ;). This evening- running 2 miles at the gym and then an hour long spin class.
I like running 5 days a week- it works well for me.


Yay for you girl!! I have been running outside almost every morning and absolutely love getting ready at home. I am already dreading the long winter months. :(


I usually stick to 3 or 4- a short interval day, a long interval day, a long run, and a fun run thrown in if the weather is really nice and my legs are craving the pavement.


Well yesterday something went wrong /w my hip…I don’t know I felt it in my hip and lower back and that was after giving it to the treadmill :D so today I just did 2 miles (I don’t know what my incline is at b/c my treadmill is an old hand-me-down, but I do know there IS an incline :) lol) and then I walked for a 1/4 mile and then did my usual 30 mins of full body stretching to gain flexibility….when my macbook is back up and running I’ll have to show you how far I can get now in the side splits!!!! woohooo

PS: HAVE you seen what I’ve been running in?!?!?! the dark cluttered laundry room b/c my basement is getting refinished. So no one (well not me) is judging your bike and one slab of wood :D

CONGRATS on running!!!


Today’s workout was 2-mile run, 20 mins elliptical, and another 2-mile run!

I like to run 5 days a week too! Sometimes I drop it down to 4 and make sure I cross train! I just don’t want to get injured again!


yay for being reunited!!! :) So glad you are back to running 3 times a week!! You’re kicking those shin splints in the butt my friend!! :) I hope you’re having a great week!!


I usually run 3-4 days a week depending on the weather outside – if it is nice I will get in all 4 outside! If not might swap a run for x-training at the gym.


Way to go Janae! You tell those shin splints who’s boss!


That’s a smart answer to a difficult question.


Yay! You ran 2 miles! Awesome – you must feel great!

I just did stretch/strength today because I slept in and I ran 3 miles (longest since my injury) last night and I wanted to give my ankle and foot a little rest.

I was running only 3 days/week, but after I am fully recovered I’d like to make it 4 and schedule some speed and hills. Then 2 days cross, one day rest.

But again – yay for 2 miles!


I like running four or five days per week!

Then squeezing in two or three days of nice rest to help those bones/etc. build back up.


LOVE ITT!! yay girl so so happy!
fav amount to run/week– is I JUST WANNA RUN! aaaaah injuries!
spin this am and weights after!


I don’t run unless I’m being chased. However, I *do* enjoy some P90X and some Insanity! I think I might need to take a break from Insanity for awhile though. It’s really weird, but it’s giving me really bad arch pain. Not sure what that’s all about. Maybe I need new shoes…Or maybe I need to blend P90X and Insanity together…Or maybe I need to stop wearing high heels…Or maybe I just need to get over it.


My workout will be taking my own advice…I am on a RICE workout…it hurts to sit still, but I tweaked my knee and I am scared…I am only half way through marathon training, and I have a half on Sunday…and I have an oprthopedic visit this week….so RICE it is…


yay!! so glad your legs felt good after running!

my workout was a 5 mile run and 45 minutes bike.

I am currently in the debate on if i should run 5 or 6 days a week plus 1 day rest and a day of cross training….the rest day is not negotiable, but i keep going back and forth on running + cross training on an easy day or just running 5 days a week..


Today was track- 400, 800, 400, bleachers, lunges, and frog jumps all repeated three times! Oh and it was at 5:30am and already 95 degrees.

I like to run 6 days a week but if I don’t get it in early, its just too hot to run in the evening when its well over 100 every day. Once it cools down its not so hard, but fitting in cross training is!


DANG….awesome run and in that heat, you are my hero!


I love to run 5 days a week, but now (and probably at least through the end of the year) I’m allowed to do 3. I pool run a 4th day, so I hope at some point I can replace that day with running, too.

Today was a shortish workout day, so I biked 10 miles (in the rain and mud. Not sure if I’m hardcore or nuts) and then did some planks.


WELL.. I used to say 5 was perfect for me, but I’ve noticed running only 4 days per week (lifting/bike on off days) reeeaaally helps my shin splints. BOOM.

I’ll come clean your storage if you pay me in run company, swedish fish, and limeade.

and froyo.


Spinning this morning.

You look like Harry Potter with that wand. That is a compliment. But you are faster.

P.S How did you take this picture? self-timer?


My computer has a camera and after you push the button it takes the picture 3 seconds later:) WOW…best compliment ever:) Great job on your spin class!


Go Janae!! You’re doing great!!!
Today’s workout: spin class + 2.5 K run!


4 days is my magic number: speed, hills, easy, and long. I’m stoked you got to use your treadmill!


Good for you! Running on a treadmill is hard for me, – hard on my legs and feet, and sort of boring. Glad you can pull it off. Today I am not working out, I’ve had a bout with hives this week and am terribly itchy. I just want to stay cool and relax.


3 hard days (hills, speed, long) and 1 EASY days (short and slow), 1 cross-training and 1 day REST!

… I envy your week of 6 days – I hope you’re not missing out on WEEKENDS!


You know I’m not a treadmill girl.. but winter is coming! BOOOOO!!!!! I’d say 4-5 days a week.


I like to run at least 4-5 times a week. Easy,long,tempo,and intervals. Every once in a while I’ll add some hills.


thats awesome! i can only run 2x a week now. MOre on that topic later but thank goodness we still can, right?


That saves me. Thanks for being so snesbile!


This has made my day. I wish all ptsoings were this good.


noBLd2 hvwylrrazvqh


Today was a rest day because I am sick and yesterday I ran in the morning (with my dog) and at night with a friend. In between I lifted weights and did an abs class and went to my little monkeys tball game. I do 3 serious runs during the week and then 2-3 easy runs like a slow mile or two with the dog or an (easy for me) run with a friend I am training.


You used to/ do run 5 days a week?!? I don’t know if I can mentally handle being on the treadmill for a run 5 days a week. I think my perfect amount of running is 3 days a week…I am still new to running though so maybe as I get more experience I’ll be able to run more.
My workout today was heavy lifting for my legs, and I thought I just about killed myself. :P


I ran 15.35 today…I wasn’t going to go that long but the weather was SO BEAUTIFUL tonight and I am trying to savor these last days of summer running!! i do several long runs a week and cross train on the arch trainer/elliptical on off days. AND I took my FIRST spin class last night–you inspired me to finally give it a shot–i loved it!!


I like to run five days, cross train one, and leave one open – rest, cross train, or run, depending on how I feel.


Right now I am training for my 2nd half marathon and I am running 3 days a week and doing cross-training on the other 2 days. Working it out!


What is “sticking” your legs?


Ha. Sorry I meant using my tiger tail on them:)


I love to run 5 days a week.

I ran seven miles this afternoon with my two-year-old in the jogger on trails near Lake Champlain. It was perfect!


Awesome! Live my treadmill too :). My workout yesterday was speed work at the beach. It was glorious!


I like to run 5 or 6 days a week. This week I’ve been slacking because my hamstrings have been super sore!!
I haven’t worked out yet, I need it to stop raining!


Yay for your treadmill reunion, that’s awesome! :-D I have a spin bike at home and I love using it when I have a busy day or an especially early start, because it saves so much time and is sooo easy…roll out of bed, hop onto the bike, and in 30-45 minutes the cardio is done and dusted! It’s awesome cause it is in our conservatory so kinda like biking outside too! <3 So excited for your running workout today :-) Mine was on the spin bike, 40 mins cardio intervals and 150 reps of different abs exercises. It was awesome! :-D Love those exercise induced happy hormones ;-) xyx


Janae, I’m so glad that you are able to start running again! :)

Just wondering, what treadmill make and model do you have? Do you like it? I’m thinking of getting one sometime in the near future and want to get a reasonably priced one that’s good for running :)


There are no words to desrcbie how bodacious this is.

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