Raccoon Eyes and My New Favorite Dessert Ever.

Don’t worry, Billy already told me about my raccoon eyes (real life is worse than the photo) due to always wearing my sunglasses in the sun, after he was pierced by my evil eye of anger he tried to make up for it by saying that it makes my eyes look so big…..supposedily he didn’t mean it as a bad thing.  It has only taken me 2 years of marriage to train him to rephrase a sentence so quickly.

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Last night’s dinner/dessert was my ultimate favorite thing that my MIL makes…..TACO’S.  I could live off of that rice for the rest of my life.  The rice had salt, pepper, garlic, onion and cayenne pepper!  I forsee my breakfast including this rice and maybe (probably) my lunch and dinner today.

These tacos are fried…..yep, fried.  Fill the tortilla with meat, fold it and put it into some hot oil for a few seconds.

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Somehow I fell asleep, nap #2 of the day, in between dinner and dessert.  You better believe I am soaking in every last ounce of sleep I can get before school starts in TWO WEEKS!!!

We had a pretty sweet assembly line going on…..  I was in charge of the cinnamon-sugar topping of the bunuelos so I bet you can guess there was a pretty thick layer of sugar on each piece.   (Tortilla’s sliced up, fried and coated with cinnamon-sugar)

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My bowl + 28 more pieces that I HAD to ‘test’ to make sure they were the correct carb to sugar ratio.

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PS I will never eat plain vanilla ice cream again.  This is not a want but a NEED to add cinnamon sugar on top….try it, let me know what you think and send your thank-you flowers and cards to me by the end of the month.

PPS my BIL took this amazing photo at the beach yesterday!  I am not allowed to take my camera within 10 feet of water and I am also not allowed to ever take off my wedding ring unless I hand it directly to Billy.  I wonder how long it will take to gain trust again…….maybe once I go a month without losing my debit card or dropping my phone in water.

Lost Winds 052

Can you imagine how awesome it would be to live in a house with a view of the ocean?!?!  I don’t think I would ever leave my balcony (besides to go to Yogrutland).


Do you ever take your wedding/engagement ring off?  Have you ever lost it?  Do you lose other things easily?

-10 minutes after proposing Billy set the rule that I never take my ring off;)  On the mornings I go swimming at the gym I give it to him to put it away because if I put it away somewhere I would never remember where I put it again!

Is your family ‘foodies’?

-Yes, both my family and my in-laws really enjoy preparing delicious food or going out to dinner/dessert…..good thing we all run;)

If you could sum up the three most eaten foods/types of food of your SUMMER 2011 what would they be…….

-Taco’s (burritos), fro-yo and grilling.

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Watermelon, Blueberries & Apples :) I LOVE FRRRUUUIIITTTTT !


I only take my ring off if I’m lifting weights (because it seems to get scratched) or cleaning the tub or something gross like that. And Brandon likes to play a game where he hides my ring from me so that I freak out for 10 minutes. Sweet, huh? ;)


I take mine off quite a bit – to run, go to the gym, clean, bake/cook, but I alwasy put it in the same spot :)
My Mom loves to bake but I wouldn’t call her a foodie, but I have started to make her one a bit!
Smoothies, tacos, salads.


I lose things kind of easily but luckily I usually find them! Some of my family are foodies, like my Gramma and Aunt, but my Mom not so much! Hmm…cereal, ice cream, and potatoes. Sounds healthy right?


3 most eaten foods this summer. Fish, pasta, and veggies. Oh and I spilled olive oil on my brand new phone! No one can hear me talk. No I have not told the hubs..


Seasoned rice, fried tortillas–Those tacos are on the next level! I’ve definitely been having a lot of tacos this summer, as well as corn on the cob and fish!


I lose everything – so I take off my rings all the time and always put them back in my jewelry box. I never wear them to the gym or when I run or shower or surf. I would hate to lose them.. My husband always keeps track of them for me. :-)
xoxo from Trinidad


Janae, I love that shirt! Where did you get it?


Thanks Angela….it is from Forever 21, I think it was $7!!


I am bad for misplacing things. They aren’t technically lost but I panic like they are ad expect my BF to know where everything is. I think its drives him nuts!!


I take my rings off as soon as I get home from work. I do not wear them to the gym or running, but wear them when I run a race.

My 3 most eat foods this summer thus far is grilled chicken, oatmeal w/ pb & banana’s like at least 5 days a week!) and salads!


I never take my wedding band off but the engagement ring goes off and on. I mostly don’t take it off cause it’s tight and I can’t get it off! HA! I love tacos and those look amazing!


Mike is the one in our family who loses his wedding ring (and everything else). I take mine off to exercise, shower, and sleep. When we went to the beach for a week, I didn’t wear it at all, it was weird, like I had a ghost ring I kept trying to play with!

My family loves to eat, but we aren’t exactly gourmet in our tastes or cooking :).


It is not as awesome as you’d think to live there :/ There are rock slides and some times the houses shift because they’re not firmly in the ground. I have raccoon eyes and SERIOUS lifeguard nose. It’s pretty insane.

I don’t wear rings, so I don’t really have that problem. But, I have it with pretty much everything else! There’s always a ‘where is my phone/keys/wallet/purse’ crisis. lol

um um um we need to blogger meetup girlll not this saturday tho cause I have a tri :DD [and a swim meet the following saturday lol]


Oh my goodness, that taco meals looks GREAT!!! Tacos are my favorite thing and I would imagine fried tacos are even better than regular tacos. My family loves food, but I wouldn’t call us “foodies”. I’m really the only adventurous one that likes to get out and try new recipes/places. The rest of the fam kind of sticks to what they know.


Frying food always makes it taste better!!!! :D


I am loving Greek yogurt, salads with salsa, and fro-yo!

I take my wedding band and engagement ring off to shower and do my hair in the morning because I hate when it gets tangled in my hair. I almost never take it off outside of the bathroom lol


I never take my wedding band off but when my fingers swell the bling bling goes bye bye. LOL We are total foodies. Summer 2011 would have to be anything grilled and zucchini. Lots of rice for some reason.


My wedding band is a little big – so I do take it off for water sports, showers, doing dishes – and place it in a bowl in my bathroom.

We are crazy foodies!

Summer 2011 – peanut butter, watermelon, oreos, ice cream


Hahaha, I was not allowed to bring my wedding ring on deployment so now I have a “deployment” ring. It’s still pretty but much smaller. Aaron says if I lose this one it won’t result in a heartattack but I’m still tagged with “taken. “


I am also a klutz/loser but I have never (for an extended period of time) lost my wedding ring! Bling is something mama don’t lose!!!

Also, if you had the money to buy an ocean from house with that view I bet you could eiterh buy your own Yogurtland or make sure they delivered with big tips! I’m assuming here but I think either of those would be your dream come true!!!!


hmmm..the three biggest things I’ve eaten a lot…. smoothies, triscuts (why? Psh, I don’t know. lol), annnd…peanut butter. I’m so lame- I eat the same things all the time. :P


Janae! How did you know? I just lost my wedding ring. :( Well, ok, we found my engagement ring in the dryer, but can’t find my wedding band. Apparently I thought it was a good idea to put my rings in a pocket and I had forgotten they were in there when I washed them. Engagement ring is shiny and clean though! Ugh!
We are definitely foodies. I love food and cooking, but love baking even more. :D
I’d say we’ve eaten mexican food, homemade pizza, and pasta the most this summer.


my husband and I decided to get custom made titanium and wooden rings (he’s a cabinet maker and I’m an outdoor lover) so we take ours off ALL the time! they are pretty though but my wedding band has now become more of an “accessory” – where I throw it on if we’re going out ;P lol my engagement ring however stays on most of the time. Otherwise it goes in the ring box BEFORE I leave the house :)

I’ve become obsessed /w baking so I’ve been favoring the most dangerous food groups; SWEETS! lol I’m making those cinnamon treats tonight!


I hope my future engagement ring is insured. I lose and break stuff way too easily!


grilling, family, swimming, BOdyPUMP, lots of sun, fun work =summer 2011

I LOVE good food–as does my in laws. yIPPPeee! :)


Hello! Those tacos and dessert look delicious! I was going to share in my blog the four rules of running you listed from Runner’s World. Instead, I shared about you. I think people can get a lot from your blog. If it is just a fun entry, well, they will at least smile!!! I probably babbled. I hope more people will find your blog. It’s upbeat, full of tools about running and most of all…..Yogurt Ice Cream. I really like to throw the ice cream word in there. heheehe~


I love tacos! Those look so good. I agree, I would love to live w/ a view of the beach, but I would never want to leave. I do take my rings off only to shower and wash dishes. So I have 2 specific places my rings could be. I do not EVER remove them just to wash my hands because that would be downright dangerous for me!


OUR NAMES RHYME…that makes my day!! That is a good idea to have 2 specific places for your ring!


Not only do we have almost the same name, we both have hungry in the title of our blog, and we both run! LOVE it!


when I was working, before I became at total momma, I didn’t wear it to work. My family is one big group of foodies, save for my aunt who doesn’t like her food to touch or things that smell like coffee, so…she’s out.
Grilled Pizza
Iced Coffee
Oh, and drizzle some honey over your sopapillas next time. I accept hugs and cookies as thank you presents.


oh! warmed honey is best.


O love those views! I’m going to the beach this weekend, can’t wait!


I take mine off a lot. I don’t wear it to workout, shower, sleep, cook, wash dishes, etc. So basically, unless I’m at work or out and about it’s not on. I had a panick attack last week at our company meeting @ an adventure park when I was swimming in the water and thought I lost a ring! Thankfully I was just imagining things. I should’ve left them in the hotel but honestly it makes me nervous to leave them there. They’re probably the most expensive material thing I own!


Oh you can bet if I ever get one of those engagement rings, I won’t take it off. Know anyone who would like to buy me one/marry me? :-) But seriously, I am just like you – I would lose it so easily so I’ll never take it off.

My brother is a total foodie. He always has the best restaurants. I’m going to a new place with him tonight and I’m really excited!

Three Most Eaten Foods of Summer: Fro yo, Iced Coffee, Cupcakes… mmmm, what a balanced meal ;-)


I lost my ring once. I do take it off now from time to time because I have lost weight but I am not ready to resize it yet. When I lost the weight it was raining one day and I stuck my hand in my purse to get something out. Later that night while I was in the shower I noticed my rign was gone. I freaked out until I looked in my purse. The ring fell off my hand…the rain made it slide right off…scary!


umm that food looks AMAZING! I am with you girl, I LOVE rice! And you look gorgeous as always in that first picture. You are seriously just so pretty and I am jealous!

Teach me to look perfect like you all the time. I always look like a dork in pictures. ha!


I never take my ring off. I did a mud run a month ago and someone was like “are you running with your wedding ring on??” It didn’t even occur to me to take it off– I did, though :). I need to take it off when I do weights… I get a nasty callous when I don’t.
Veggies, grilling and pasta has been going on a lot around here this summer!
My family LOVES to eat, so we have to cook ;).


I just got engaged about three weeks ago, so the ring is still new to me and I know you can’t sctrach diamonds, but I am so scared!! I only wear it when I go out. I don’t wear it to the gym or when I am doing anything active. As soon as I get home, I put it away. I might be a little too cautious lol.
3 foods I hate the heck out of this summer would be….
Grilled veggies (green beans and asparugus)
Grilled Chicken
Protien Shakes with rice cakes and pb
Sad that it is almost the end of the summer :(


CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR ENGAGEMENT!!! That is SO exciting!!!! That is great that you are so cautious, I am sure your fiancee is grateful for that!


It’s official: cinnamon makes everything better!!

I lost my class ring last fall, which makes me terrified to ever have an engagement ring – my fingers are where nice, expensive gifts go to die.

My summer staples have been: overnight oats (sooo exciting I know), guacamole, and smooooothies!


I never ever take my ring off. The only time is when I make burgers/meatloaf, something like that. Nasty raw meat stuck in my ring? No thank you!


I have to take my wedding ring off all of the time (not for long periods though). I have really sensitive skin and if I get water under my rings my skin gets irritated. I also always sleep with my hands under my face and I have stabbed myself with my rings on many occasions so I can’t sleep in them either.
My husband is the one that has issues with losing his ring. On our honeymoon he lost his ring THREE TIMES!!! One of the times included a restaurant in Hawaii having to pull up part of their deck to get his ring out. Yeah, I wasn’t happy. One the bright side, we got it out. If you are ever in Kona, HI go check out Sushi en Fuego and if you look at their outside deck know that part of it was replaced 3 1/2 years ago! :) (Other instances include him almost losing it in the ocean and losing it in the sand on the beach….)


no ring here girly:) um I AM IN LOVE WITH CINNAMON! i put it on my pb all teh time and it makes everything SO MUCH BETTER

ps that picture is breath taking!


Diego’s is the Skweez today! It is going to be my first time going, I am so excited!!


I am really good about my wedding ring–but hubs is TERRIBLE! I once found it in the ocean with a snorkel and mask, after he dropped it swimming while we were in the Philippines. I always have to find his around the house, haha!


I take my ring off at night and when I go for long runs. I learned early on that if I sleep with it on, I wake up with scratches on my face. And I did my first half marathon with it on, and by the end of the race, my fingers were so swollen that I had to use butter to get my ring off. So now it sits in its special little box when I’m doing more than about five miles!


I get so scared about taking my ring off! My engagement ring used to get so much dough & stuff in it when I was cooking! Now that we’re marrieeeeed, I just wear a band. I LOVE IT!! :)

I <3 the raccoon eyes comment + coverup. Totally classic. :)


I take my wedding rings off and always put it in the same place so I don’t lose it.


I’m bad with my wedding ring. I need to get it resized , it is always falling off. A couple summers ago we were working in my mom’s backyard (lots of rocks & dirt) getting it ready for a sprinkler system & sod. Well sometime in the middle of it I lost my ring…and she has a HUGE backyard. I ended up going 3 days without it until we found a metal detector & found it within 20 minutes. I was SOOOO happy. But now I get in trouble if I ever take it off, unless I put it in a certain spot. (you always have such yummy food pictures)


My mom is a health nut foodie, and my dad is a junk food foodie so how they remain married is beyond me, but I guess that is why I eat healthy 90% of my day with 10% treat……and that works well for me.

Foods of summer: Croissants, trail mix, taco salads


I do take my rings off, as my diamond sits up very high and tall, and I am retired so I don’t want to catch it on things around the house or knock a prong loose. But I put my rings on when I leave the house. ;-)

Foods of this summer: blueberries (can’t get enough of them), trail mix granola bars that I make, and lentil tacos.


I LOVE TACOS! I could eat tacos for every meal. Maybe its a Texas thing?
I usually take my rings off before I go work out because I am so paranoid about losing them. If I forget I have to look at my hand every 5 seconds to make sure theyre still there!


I have lost my wedding band on multiple occassions, once we found it in our dogs cage under his blanket…weird. On another occassion I busted the setting of my engagement ring when my hand got stuck in between two cooking pans as I was putting them away, that was a bad day. Took me like an hour to find the diamond as I was having the worst panic attack ever known to man.

So now there are ring rules in my house as well, but more so when I’m not allowed to wear it and where it needs to be placed when it is not on my finger…and the dog cage isn’t the place it belongs apparently.


OH GIRL…..the dog cage and busted engagement ring story breaks my heart…HOW STRESSFUL!!!


Gah…I lose EVERYTHING. Seriously, everything. Just last month I lost my engagement ring in the pool (found it), lost my fiance’s checkbook, then his debit card, and my new NIKON CAMERA. Keys are also an everyday occasion. I need to be stopped.

My family (on my side) are definitely “foodies”. We like all the new, weird things. Or at least like to try them. Most consumed summer food= anything mexican-y. Tacos, burritos, quesadillas…fast, easy and yummy!


I hope you’ve been wearing sunscreen lady! no sunscreen = raccoon eyes! CA’s sun is brutal!!


Cinn& sugar is where it’s at- even on chocolate ice cream too. And coffee ice cream, carmel etc :) can’t get enough! Your dinner and dessert scream summer time. Love!!! I have been obsessed with fro to ( always) Hugh jass salad beasts with hummus, and fresh fruit this summer ohhh and fresh squeezed lemonade and grilled veggies, okay I suck – I can’t choose just three!


I think we were separated at birth. I’m not allowed to take off my wedding ring either or take my camera out of the house with out supervision from my husband. :(

And I already told you the cell phone saga.


No rings to lose here, I did lose a ring once. I was a teenager and I loved it and I still get sad about it to this day. I lose my glasses on top of my head, no joke, that’s how easily I lose stuff. I lost a shirt once – I swear the washer ate it or something because I never left the house with it, except on my body!

We’re all foodies – I think I am the biggest one, but we all love to eat and try new things. And then eat some more.

Foods of my summer:

Southwestern Style Black Bean Cakes (Seriously, if you have not tried these go to my blog and get the recipe, and try them, STAT – With LOADS of salsa, trust me, you won’t regret it).

Grilled anything. Veggies, sweet potatoes, steak, chicken, chicken sausages, whatever – just grille it.

Pasta. Pasta. and more Pasta. Ever since becoming a runner I eat like 5# of pasta a week. (I also exaggerate more)


All my fam are foodies, my dad is obsessed with wine, oil, cheese, bread…well food all together haha! I am always loosing rings too, which stinks cause I love to wear them :)


I take my ring off a lot (I don’t wear it to work (the hospital is not the place for nice jewlery), to exercise, or anytime I am going to get wet) but I ALWAYS try to put it in my ring case so I know right where it is. There has been a few times that I haven’t and I seriously almost have a heart attack when I notice it isn’t there.

Yum, definitely need to try cinnamon and sugar on vanilla ice cream!


this summer I have consumed a great number of sandwiches. Tomato avocado sandwiches to be exact. Yum. My favorite sandwich place is called Which Wich. If there is one where you’re staying you NEED to check it out. You will thank me later.

The cinnamon sugar combo!? Amazing! I want that, right now!!

And don’t worry, I lose EVERYTHING.

TWICE now, I have had to go to the security office in the mall where my gym is because I have left my car key in the car door! Luckily there are good samaritans out there that turn my keys in instead of stealing my car. Yep. I lose my debit card, my phone and usually one of my shoes.


Yumm….that dessert looks delicious!


Yay for yummy food and faily time. Oh yeah, yay fo naps too! I need one. I have to be at school at 7am to meet my 21 or more new first graders! Boo Hoo for summer being over!! Enjoy your last two weeks of freedom. I don’t like minimum shoes either. I need something with lots of cushion and support. I too rad Runners World while at the beach. I wish I was still there….180(school) days till freedom again..not that I’m counting down already! $&$&


Mexican food is one of my favorites! I love love love it!
I actually picked up Qdoba for dinner. Yummy burrito full of all sorts of goodness!


blueberries, watermelon, smoothies!


Three most consumed foods of Summer 2011 – Peanut Butter FroYo, Burgers (all different kinds chicken, beef, turkey, greek, Bahn Mi style, Thai, etc) I feel like I can make anything into a burger. And ever since we got back from our honeymoon we have been eating a lot of cured meats – prosciutto and serrano ham in particular.

My family are definitely foodies…I wouldn’t want it any other way.

The only time I take my rings off are when I am cutting up chicken or showering. Other than that it’s permanently on my finger…hence the ridiculous tanline I have there now…


I take off my reguar rings, so I would def take off my wedding/engagement one too.

I would say my grandma is the closest to a foodie in my family because she loves to bake as much as I do (p.s. I totes have a baking blog: http://idkacherryontop.blogspot.com/)

What three foods: Burgers, snow cones/ice cream/yogurtland, and sweet potato fries.


My husband and I NEVER take off our wedding rings, I purposefully got a super plain one so I wouldn’t destroy it running and biking and camping, etc. My engagement ring occasionally comes off, only at times when I could lose it like kayaking (ironically we got engaged in a kayak, that could have gone bad) or when I am working with messy food and the ring could get super gross. I am definitely a foodie, though not a snooty one. I just super love food. My coworkers no longer think it’s weird when I cry while they or I am describing meals we have had or are planning.

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