Pictures Explained

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Why am I wearing gym clothes after school?

-On my drive home from school I was grumpy.  I grabbed my spare pair of gym clothes from the glove compartment and whipped out some strength training at the gym.  Billy thanks my good decision of stopping at the gym to get out of my bad mood because I came home overly happy after getting some endorphins flowing.

-Why change before Costco when you know you are going to be doing some heavy lifting in the form of milk, cottage cheese, veggies and trying to convince Billy that you NEED a 5 lb bag of skittles because it has been months (I tend to exaggerate) since my last fix.  I may or may not have thrown a tantrum.

-Loose shirt>real people clothes.  Plus a big ol’ heart on your shirt makes me feel happier for some reason (you may have noticed I have a slight addiction with hearts……from clothes to jewelry… more reason I fit right in with teenager fashion).

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Why fast food for the second time in one day?

-Costco had a sample for Panda Express orange chicken and some crazy woman tripped me and pushed Billy out of her way to get the last sample.  Rude, I know.  Ha, woman that took our orange chicken sample…..we got a whole meal of the real deal and it was amazing.

-Our house is currently 86 degrees at 9:28 pm.  I don’t know that much about physics but something about turning on more heat, in the form of an oven, to an already boiling house doesn’t seem logical:)

-I was craving Chinese food.  I will have Chinese food if I want to.

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Why take my styrofoam package of food outside to take a picture?

-I am hoping to make the neighbors think I am crazier than they already think I am.

-To make you drool over my kung pao and garlic chicken with steamed veggies (picture before adding 28 packets of soy sauce to the veggies) with the natural lighting and make you decide to come hang out with me in Utah and go run, eat, pump, eat, watch dramatic chick flicks and eat again together.

-To remind myself in the future that the choice to eat garlic chicken for dinner leads to Billy not kissing you for a week.

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Why did we watch Transformers 2 while we ate?  I have no answer for such a poor decision.

Why are chopsticks so much more fun to eat with than forks are?  I don’t know, will you tell me?

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I refuse to explain anything here.  All I will tell you is that if you are hot, freeze anything and everything before eating it.  This was leftover candy from my Aunt’s wedding and the hand taking the picture was full of frozen gummy bears, it takes a lot of practice to be able to accomplish the things I do with both fists full of candy.


What is your favorite non-traditional thing to freeze?

-Candy, YOGURT, grapes and bananas (not only for smoothies but to munch on by themselves).

Are you a soy sauce fan?  Chopsticks fan?

Generally speaking what is your favorite COLOR/flavor of fruity candy?

-Grape is always my number one choice……anything from laffy taffy’s to skittles, grape is my go-to choice.

Do you keep a gym outfit and running shoes with you just in case……

-Yes, at all times there is one in my car.  It has saved Billy many times from having to deal with a lunatic, I come home in a much better mood after a little stress relief in the form of working out after a long day.

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Red and orange are my favorite candies! I always throw out the grape/ purple candies! I will send them to you from now on! I’d say that we would be perfect candy sharing buddies but I don’t know the meaning of candy sharing. :)


If I send you my GRAPE skittles, will you send me your RED? I am also a HUGE skittles fan! And swedish fish.
I used to freeze grapes. Haven’t in a while though. But you did remind me that I need to go to the farmers market so I can add a little color to my salads.
I do use chopsticks when I can. Although the soup is a challenge.
I don’t technically keep clothes with me but I work at home so I have access to whatever I need to chase away a bad mood (that includes the Skinny Girl Margarita’s and Bailey’s).

The Kidless Kronicles

Wag More, Bark….


Yes, let’s do the CHANGE…please! I tried to comment on your blog but I think it went to spam…save me!


Oh, and I also wanted to mention about your socks post: LOVE LOVE LOVE the Thorlo Experia socks. Because they are color coded! I have one pair in each color and it makes it so easy to match them up when I do the laundry.


Grapes are the best when they’re frozen! :D

Girl you won my push up book giveaway!! You need to send me your info so I can pass it along!!!!! theathletarian [at] gmail [dot] com

Check out the post



I’ll take it if Janae doesn’t respond ;)


NO WAY!!! I am STOKED!!! I emailed you gorgeous girl! I would have entered your NEW giveaway too but I think that would be selfish of me ha:) Thanks so much Christina!


No problem! Congrats! I just sent your info over so you should be getting your book shortly! Happy push ups :D


that’s pretty awesome! I hope to win a giveaway one day :) CONGRATS


I freeze jello sometimes haha but I don’t think that is too unusal! I love soy sauce and chinese food once in awhile. I was always a sucker for orange or red flavoured candy anything :)


I totally feel you on always having gym clothes around “just in case.” I’m a new reader and had no idea you lived in such a beautiful area until your picture at the top. Amazingly gorgeous. I’m guessing this is Utah — considering the marathons you’ve run? wow! You are lucky to be there!


HEY ERICKA!!!! Good to know I am not alone in having extra gym clothes around:) Yes, that is in Utah and it really is gorgeous! The marathons and races I have run have mostly been in the canyons too which are even more beautiful!!! COME VISIT:)


I LOVE lemon flavored fruity candy, especially Starburst. And I don’t keep gym clothes in my car, but I always have a pair of wool socks and hiking boots, just in case.


I love to freeze fruit and eat them as a snack…grapes and bananas are best. Ilke to use grapes as ice cubes in water.


I think you may disown me as a reader but I really just don’t LIKE candy! haha Chocolate? Absolutely. But, not candy. Skittles are probably one of my least favorite things in the world. The horror!
I’ve never tried the frozen grape thing but I’ve seen people do it all the time. Definitely want to try that. I love snacking on frozen bananas!


Gina, we can still be friends even though you do not like candy:) Please send any candy you receive to me and I will gladly dispose of it.


I am so jealous of those beautiful mountains in the background! :)


Grapes, yogurt tubes (the best!), chocolate peanut butter ball cookies – all best when frozen!
Red candy are my favourite, I’d fight someone for them!
I LOVE your idea of keeping a pair of gym sneakers and some gym clothes in your car, I don’t know why I didn’t think of it! I work across the street from my gym and there are many days I’ve wished I had my stuff. Clever, I will make a bag of stuff this evening to leave in the trunk!! :)


I am TERRIBLE at using chopsticks…I am pretty sure I look like the most American person ever trying to use them to eat seemingly simple things like sashimi….rice, I don’t even want to GO there! :)


hahaha janae, this post totally made me giggle this morning.

Kevin actually got me into the habit of freezing my candy…we freeze alot of stuff, but my fave is frozen reeses PB cups…soooo good! i used to freeze my go-gurts for a nice refreshing treat sometimes…i totally feel ya on the frozen yogurt thing :D

the only thing i like soy sauce/chopsticks for is SUSHI! its impossible to eat sushi without those two things…so good. i mix my soy sauce with a little wasabi and it is fantabulous.

favorite color of fruity candy is probably red or blue…i love both of those flavors (skittles, starbust, hellloooo swedish fish!)

i feel like im always lugging around my gym bag since I work out during lunch sometimes, but yeah…my stuff is always accessible to me. I swear, sometimes I can be such a grumpyface and then after my workout its like magic.. (most of the time anyways, there has been a few choice moments where my anger surpassed my workout, but the anger boiled down a few notches, hehe)


I love frozen, tinned lychees. So good. I do love soy sauce and chopsticks-I did marry an American born Chinese guy! I love either lime/green or pineapple preferably gummy bears. I live in a public transport city, so I do not always have gear on me, but when I’m in my car I do.


I got into the habit of freezing packs of gum when I lived in the DR. You know how gum gets all gross if it gets too hot like if you leaave it in the car? It’d get that hot in our apartment!

I don’t know how to use chopsticks. Boo! Not too coordinated.

My favorite candy color is pink!


I usually keep running clothes in my car …. oh and a pair of rollar blades just in case! ;-)


I just put grapes in the freezer last night for the first time… When you eat them, do you bite them or…? So I don’t end up chipping a tooth, I want to take precautions.

My favorite color of candy is probably pink but I’m a big fan of banana-flavored things. (Specifically jelly belly)

I loooooove using chopsticks. I went through a phase of eating ONLY with chopsticks so I would learn how to use them. This was last summer… When corn season was around. Yeah, I got pretty good!

And yeap, a pair of workout shoes/clothing just in case!


All Red candy is awesome. I do not like orange or green candy and white candy has no flavor. Also, I keep a set of running clothes and sneakers in my trunk at all times.


Yogurt tubes… and mike and ike candies :)

I cannot grasp the whole chopsticks thing… and I’m too impatient to learn! I do love soy sauce though!

I like strawberry but for wine gums I looooove the black ones!

No gym outfit in my glove compartment!


I love to freeze bananas, but that is about it.


Ugh, grape is SO GROSS, I don’t even think we can be friends anymore.

Watermelon could kick grape’s hiney any day of the week!

I am not big into freezing stuff… when winter is six months long… I like my food HOT! :)


its sooo pretty where you live!! i def also love to freeze bananas for smoothies and grapes for snacks…so yummy! i also stick york peppermint patties in the freezer..they’re amazing.

i like any color discrimination here! my favorite flavors though are prob lemon, watermelon, and sour apple…love the sour stuff!


I love freezing Junior Mints, Girl Scout Thin Mints, grapes and fire balls. I like soy sauce on my chinese food and I love using chopsticks, although I’m sure it’s comical to watch. I like any color of candy, the more colors the better. For my daughters first birthday, I did a candyland theme and it was a huge hit. The kids had fun, but I think I did it more for the adults because lets be honest, not many one year olds have enough teeth to eat candy. I always have an extra pair of gym clothes in the car. You never know when you will need them. I’ve been doing that since high school.


Kung Pao chicken is the best stinkin’ Chinese food ever. Ohhh my word now I need some for lunch! You’re so good about working out- it’s inspiring to see that you do it BECAUSE you love it!


I HIGHLY recommend putting your Panda Express meal in a bowl. We tend to think of ourselves as Panda Express conoisseurs and mixing it all up in a bowl makes the veggies oh-so-delicious with all the sauces from the entrees – life-changing I tell you!


Grape flavored anything is my favorite too…might have to do with the fact that it’s purple ;)
& that is too funny that you guys got the rest of the Chinese food from Costco- take that lady! haha!
I also love frozen grapes- they are one of my favorite summer foods- so good!


I cut up a banana and freeze it (on a plate) about every other day. Sometimes for smoothies, but mostly just to have when I pass by the fridge. That happens about 5o times a day.


People are serious when it comes to the samples at Costco. Eating all the samples is like a full course meal. LOL I love that place :)


Free food tastes so much better than food you pay for :). Mike makes me go to the grocery store on samples day so he can snack while we shop.

I freeze everything. Mike hates it when I freeze bread because he says it doesn’t taste the same, but otherwise it goes bad.


I get very happy after I work out too. It’s those endorphins, you’re right! Glad you’re day ended up better.


My favourite treat to freeze is dates stuffed with peanut butter! I love themmmmmm


Okay, that sounds FANTASTIC…I will be doing that, thanks Marijke!


It doesn’t hurt to add a few (ok, a load) of chocolate chips in the PB either. You can never have too much of that sweet stuff!


Okay, drooling over your natural lighted Chinese goodness–check.
Now can I come to Utah and run/eat/watch chick flicks/eat? I’ll bring mugs and all my favorite cereals… And I really need someone to go see One Day with, bc my husband refuses. :( boo.


Seriously, Jessica you better not be joking with me because I am expecting our cereal mugs and going to One Day to happen. I am putting it on my planner right now!


So not joking! I would love to hang out with you.!
But I do live in NorCal… So give me a month or so to find an acceptable excuse to take off work and make the trip… And your job is to make sure those shin splints are all gone so we can run to our heart’s content… Followed by eating to our stomach’s content… If that’s even possible.
Plus, I think I can swing breaking into BYU’s training room for post run icing and chocomilk!!


Thanks for making me crave saltwater taffy!!!!! GEEZ! I’m stuck at home with 4 kids and no ability to go to the store. Boo to that.

I steal my kids’ gogurts when they aren’t looking… only in the frozen form, of course.

At this point in my life I can’t afford a gym pass, but one day, I’ll be there!


Can I send you some!??! I LOVE frozen yogurts too!


love chopsticks and am a fan of freezing bananas too…in chocolate pudding. :)


Panda Express is such a favorite around here. And so convenient for those days where it’s way too hot to cook. Or cool enough to cook, but you don’t want to. Or when it’s cold outside and you want Chinese food. Ok, so it’s just always appropriate.

I love eating with chopsticks. Since I inhale my food anyway, I usually try to eat everything with a salad fork, teaspoon (not a measuring one), or chopsticks. Then I can actually taste it before it’s gone.


My favorite “non traditional” thing to freeze: GRAPES and yogurt (it turns into “frozen yogurt”…duh) :)

Totally a soy sauce fan…love love love it. But I hate chopsticks. I’m so clumsy with them. I always try, but I give up after two seconds.

Watermelon flavored candy is my fave! Watermelon Jolly Ranchers & Laffy Taffy are the best.


1) As a child I would tell people that my favorite flavor candy was red. This was long before I knew the difference between food and food products and red seemed just as food like as everything else I ate (gushers or pizza rolls, anyone?)

2) I have that shirt and I looooove it!!! It’s true. You get good reactions from people when you wear it. Annnnd, I’m 35. So, I have less an excuse to dress like a teenager. But, I do.

3) I love chopsticks and soy sauce and now I wish I bought costco sized soy sauce instead of regular sized soy sauce because I just ran out. : /


Chopsticks are way, way more fun to eat with! I think it has to do with feeling like we’re lobsters? Yay or nay?
I ALWAYS have spare gym clothes, shoes, towels, yoga mats, spin shoes, etc. in my car. I think it has to do with growing up somewhere where it’s cold and you always have to be prepared for that freak blizzard… er, workout that jumps out of nowhere :)


I freeze yogurt, bananas, grapes, marshmallows (TRY IT!!!), and peanut butter (individual servings spread out into a cookie/lump wrapped in aluminum foil). Anything frozen is good!

Soy – sometimes – chopsticks – ALWAYS!

I love all candy, but red is usually my choice!

I have spare gym clothes 99% of the time! You never know when you’ll have extra time to work out!


all I have to say is the first thing I thought of when I saw this post was – LUCKY! I can’t believe you have those beautiful mountains right next to your grocery store :) I am in love….with the mountains


haha i love that you have spare gym clothes in the car!

favorite flavor is always orange, and I’m retarded and have never master using chopsticks.


I love to see pictures of Utah mountains. That’s the thing I miss about Utah the most. Well, maybe cafe rio and the bombay house, but the mountains are right up there with those.

I love cherry/red flavored things. That’s the best.

If I wasn’t way old and lived far away we’d totally be friends. You crack me up!


Ooh, I love that heart t-shirt! It’s cute! :-D I agree – loose clothes over tight clothes any day. I have never seen so much romaine before in my life, lol! :-P Hilarious! You’re a healthy hungry runner girl missy!
Hmmm…favourite things to freeze? Mango, bananas, grapes, chocolate, clif bars, any kind of snack bars. Aaaahmayzing – they last so muhc longer when they are hard as nails, lol! I need to slow down with my eating and linger over the deliciousness, this totally does the trick. it probably will make me need some kind of dental recovery treatment in the future though, gnawing on bars. Oh well – priorities! ;-)
I always keep a gym outfit, yoga mat and trainers in the car – always be prepared, and all that! <3 Love being able to hit up the gym on a whim (rhyme alert!) …necessary. The Kiwi tells me off for making the car messy, but it's something I won't compromise ;-)
Last question? Soy sauce = no, Chopsticks = challenging…but fun! :-P xyx


this post is way more hilarious than normal! the transformers comment and the double fisting candy, LOVE!


THANK YOU COURTNEY….I think I was in a sassy mood when I was writing it.


Yum I love Panda express, and costco, and hearts on my shirt and all over. Sounds like a fabulous night if I do say so myself. Love you girl!


Hahah I also keep gym clothes in my car AND my office! You never know, right??

Sometimes before I eat my overnight oats OR if I am having cold cereal.. I will put the bowl in the freezer for a bit first to put that extra chill on the oats/cereal and the bowl… I put white wine in the freezer for 20 minutes before drinking it, I also freeze brownies as normal storage… not just for when I want them to last longer I like ’em super cold and chewy! AND I keep all my protein bars in the fridge. This makes my boyfriend crazy.

I always eat with chopsticks! We have a huge collection at home… it’s totally fun and slows me down. But I gotta say the cheap wooden ones you get with take-out are the best because they don;t slide around! I just buy huge bags of chopsticks from the Asian market. Is that weird?

You look SO happy in your heart shirt! yay! That is why I love your blog… you just glow with such happiness! :-D


GOOD CALL on putting your oats or cereal in the freezer first, I will be copying you! Um, thank you so much for the best compliment EVER!!!


WHAT! i was at costco yesterday. it is tragic that i didn’t even see you. what a shame! now i want panda..not sure my hot pocket is gonna hold me over til i can get some


NOOOOOOOOO!!! Girl, how did we not see each other. Meet me at Panda later:)


Frozen fudge is my favorite (and a great alliteration). Frozen grapes are the best summer snack though.

Chopsticks make eating a challenge and I like it. Who doesn’t love a challenge? I imagine it’s similar to how hunters feel, but chopsticks aren’t weapons.


I have a shirt just like that. But mine is a big read heart and says, My ‘heart’ loves to run!!!


Ah Janae I’ve missed you! I have been obsessing over Hood to Coast, but still received my updates from HRG! :) Just couldn’t comment!

I am ALL for workout clothes as opposed to “real people clothes” any time of day. I feel stronger, more confident, and energetic in mine!!

Hope that house cools down for you! 86 is warm!


Janae! Where you live is STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL! I want to come see it!! (And you!)

I love chopsticks, but I am more of a hot sauce (any and all) than a soy sauce fan. That Chinese food looks amazing – I love Chinese food and now I want some for dinner!


COME VISIT…I am 100% serious!! Okay, hot sauce is definitely my favorite too!


What is your favorite non-traditional thing to freeze? I don’t think I freeze anything non-traditional!

I love soy sauce and chopsticks, once my brother and I ate thanksgiving dinner with chopsticks just for kicks haha.

I prefer citrus kinds, and do NOT like grape. Meaning we should hang out and eat candy and you can have the grape flavors :)


MANY would disagree with me but I love cherry-flavored anything! Especially Jolly Ranchers!


candy : grape, orange, or blue (raspberry)

I am a HUGE fan of Costco!!


Non-traditionally when I get milkshakes out I ALWWAYSSS bring them back and freeze them for an hour or two before I get them. It is hard to wait..but trust me it’s well worth it..

Fruittyy kindss..definitely purple skittles, red and green gummy worms, yellow and strawberry RUNTS, purple and red Gobstoppers, and DOO NOT LIKE JELLY BEANS NO MATTER WHAT COLOR OR TASTE THEY ARE… have you tried the SMORE skittles..NOT A FAN.


Okay, you officially saved my life. I always get bugged about milkshakes melting too fast, I will now copy you and always freeze my milkshakes. SMORE SKITTLES?? Are you serious, that just sounds wrong!


Um, I love the fact that you have spare gym clothes in your glove compartment. That is all.


I love green apple flavored sugary candy! And I’m with you on the laffy taffy— I love it!! :)


hahaa! i’m eating frozen grapes as i read this! and it’s all because of you!! :-)


Oh boy, my car is like a 16 year old boys’ locker room! It’s full of stinky sneakers and gym shorts and old socks that are sooo overdue for a wash. JUST IN CASE i decide i want a workout on the way home from work/whatever.

I loooove freezing yoghurt, soft drinks (home made slushies!), jello, chocolate bars/truffles (like mars bars, snickers, lindt lindor balls, etc).

SOY SAUCE FREAK right here. A lot of my coworkers are huge sushi fans, and often get it for lunch. Whenever they do, they get me a BAJILLION of the lil soy sauce fishies! I have a drawer in my desk FULL of them and i put it on EVERYTHING! (my favourite? pb on toast, with a generous splash of soy sauce… perfection. it’s like…satay toast. bahaha it’s so good. try it!!)

Oh and I’m with you… LOVE grape flavoured anything, as well as APPLEEEEEEEE! oh my god i am a freak for apple and grape candy. I actually also quite like that artificial cherry flavour that everyone else seems to hate! hahah my boyfriend HATES cherry starburst and says they taste like medicine, but i love them so it works out perfectly! all for me :D


You are double cute! I think I should definitely start packing gym clothes for after work, today was a crazy nuts day and I was in a terrible mood when I got off…so I came home and did yoga, but soon I will be able to head to the gym and get my sweat on!
I love love love chinese food, it’s definitely one of my guilty pleasures!


Oh em gee, I have that shirt! I got it a couple of years ago for an 80’s throwback party [paired it with pleather leggings- sexy, i know ;)] and I still wear it!

I love frozen yogurt and fruit [berries and grapes are the best, sometimes an apple to make it extra snappy]!

Low-sodium soy sauce and chopsticks are a necessary whenever eating anything Asian :P


Your questions always crack me up! You have a talent. :) I keep nuts, chocolate, granola and cereal in the freezer. I love chopsticks – not a big fan of soy sauce, though. Favorite color candy – probably red in the form of cherry, strawberry or watermelon. OH! Or orange. Love orange, too. Working for lululemon, I always have a change of workout clothes with me…or I’m wearing them to begin with. :)


A spare pair, what an excellent idea! I will start today :) Oh, if we had a car that is. Hmm…island life.

Mostly, I love ice cream in the freezer, but I like those “Whips” yogurts frozen too. It’s a super easy, frozen yogurt at home.

Dude, Costco + Saturday (any day, but esp. Sat) + Orem, UT (any city’s Costco, but esp. Orem) = CRAZY MOBS of people. I am not surprised the lady was clawing to the Panda Express samples. It’s a mad house in there sometimes. But, yay for Chinese food! My husband is Chinese, and his family says I use chopsticks better than he does. It is a source of great pride for me, haha!

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