My Accomplishments and RACE PHOTOS

I just thought I would share with you my accomplishments for the day, August 14.

1.  I was packed and ready to go on time this morning.  That never happens.  Usually Billy has to tell me to be a ready an hour before he really wants to go so that I come a little bit closer to leaving on time.

2. Eat my weekly serving of fruit for breakfast and of course some peanut butter.  Sorry in-laws for stealing your fruit stash.  PS Nectarines are my favorite fruit of the month.

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3. ****Most proud for this one.  I beat my high score on Bubble Breaker.  I have been stuck with my previous pr for a few weeks and today after playing 82 rounds I finally got a new high score and I couldn’t be more happy.

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Too lazy to even think about fixing my nails.

4.  Stop at In-n-out in St. George Utah for lunch and down my veggie burger and french fries, with extra salt.  I am not going to lie, I really love salt and I figure I sweat a lot and so it makes everything okay.

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5.  Finish ‘The Help.’  Simply amazing.

6.  Keep my bladder from exploding by holding it until the next stop for gas.

7.  Re-watch seaon 8 of Friends.  It will never get old to me.

I think it has been a very productive day, don’t you?


Time for some more amazing race photo’s!!!

The BEAUTIFUL Lindsey sent in a picture of her FIRST MARATHON in Red Deer, AB, Canada.  Her goal was 4 hours and she finished in 3:51:19!!! Dang girl!!!

Lindsey Marathon

The CUTEST Caitlin sent in her pictures from the 2009 Marine Corps Marathon in DC.  She whipped out an amazing 3:18.  She LOVED the course and the crowds….I may have to join you next year for this one

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The BEAUTIFUL Pamela sent in a picture of her and her friend at the finish line of a 1/2 marathon…..LOVE IT!!


Thanks girls for sharing your pics with us!!!

What is your favorite fruit of the month?

Anything you are proud of accomplishing today?

-I just want to mention it one more time, new high score in Bubble Breaker.

Are you a salt lover like me?

-Maybe it is because of all the sugar I eat, my body screams for salt.


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I’ve been slacking with my computer reading for a little while — but I’m catching up! Sounds like your CA time was great!
I love french fries.
Currently, I’m proud of myself for a long workout I accomplished on Friday. I’m training for a race that will be a step outside my comfort zone, and Friday’s workout gave me a glimpse that I may just make it!


Salt is my true love, Glen is second lol :-) We saw a whole pod of dolphins today out on the water…girl I took a killer video – posting tomorrow… so cool! xoxo


I ran the Susan Komen 5k Race the Cure in Kansas City this morning! So proud of all those survivors that were out there today….amazing!


I’m loving peaches and strawberries right now!! :)

In&Out’s fries are the BEST!! I’d go for the veggie burger too! extra tomatoes and pickles for me!

I’m proud that I cleaned out our pantry and savored a complete rest day!! Didn’t think about running once…the day’s still not up though!! :) xo


Thanks Janae for posting my pic! You are the BEST :)

I love peaches right now. And today I am most proud of finally getting a library card! Now I can read even more books! Just in time for holidays too :)


I LOVE peaches!

I accomplished an EPIC nap. Score :)

I do like salt, but not TOO much actually. I am kinda sensitive if anything is overly salted. Haha.


Cherries are my favorite fruit! There’s so much work, but totally worth it!

You’re being very productive on your trip :).


Is it acceptable to love salty pancakes? Ah I did at work this summer was play bubble breaker. I was at the same high school for almost all of June. Rude.


Love you! That pic with your bubble breaker score is so cute :). My bf Chris and I have been driving to Florida this weekend. Longest drive ever! But we are here now…and I’m sad that on Friday I will be leaving him and probably won’t see him for 6-8 weeks..booo. It’s crazy how much I missed reading blogs and updating my own yesterday…this has become such a part of my life! Love it!


Nectarines are definitely at the top of my list! I like them because they aren’t too sweet & don’t get mushy like peaches do.


Fave fruit this month would be a tie between blueberries and apricots….and sometimes I just need salty foods, but harldy ever add salt to things…if that makes sense haha :)


Yes I am proud of my run tonight, it started kind of rough, my shins were sore and my legs felt heavy but I pushed through and made it! 4.25 miles total!


I have really low blood pressure and am a salt FIEND. After an intense, sweaty workout, I go straight for the salt shaker and eat a little straight up. I trained for my first marathon totally outdoors, in the peak of an INSANELY hot summer. On my long runs, I would NO JOKE be licking the sweat from my shoulders…hahahha gross but true :\

I used to work at a gym, and we honest to god had a giant salt shaker behind the reception desk for when people needed it after a hard workout. hahaha. We’d often get people with low blood pressure/cramps come and ask for “a hit”. bahaha


I agree with you, car rides are quite alot of work. Glad you made it through ;) I accomplished finding my wedding dress along with brides maids dresses, yes! Can check that off my list.


Have you ever tried WHITE nectarines?? THOSE are the BEST summer fruit. Holy cow, you won’t even go back to normal nectarines after you try them.

I am proud of allowing myself to have a rest day! I never used to enjoy myself on rest days because I thought it was bad that I wasn’t burning extra calories so I was afraid to eat. Today was different though – PANCAKES, popcorn, and chocolate! My new theory is to feed the muscles extra on rest days to help them grow! Makes sense, right? ;)

I love salt more than sugar actually. I can eat an entire bag of chips all to myself. In one sitting. I am not proud.


Fun photos!!

It does sound like you had a pretty productive day! :)

My favorite fruit this month has probably been watermelons and blueberries, together. Yum. And YES, I LOVE salt!!


haha i totallyyy have the same rationale with salt! i sweat alot so adding it x 1000 on all my food is ok! hahah love itt!


I use the same excuse for eating salt… I sweat a lot so I need it.


I have all 10 seasons of friends on DVD and I can watch them anytime, all the time. The husband loves it.

I L-O-V-E salt. I am a notorious over-salter. The husband loves that, too.

The husband also loves my sarcasm.

Peaches, mango and nectarines- can’t pick just one fruit.


I just ate a nectarine. Apples are my favorite and kind of a go to fruit, especially pink lady apples, but they aren’t really in season right now, so I’d have to say this month I am all about the peaches. I think I ate 10 last week.


I’m with ya on the nectarines. They are my fav fruit of the entire summer let alone month. Especially the white nectarines. True <3.


Watermelon is my fruit of the last three months (salted of course). I too am a salt addict, I think it’s okay because I too say I sweat it out. When craving some salt I even dip baby carrots in salt :)
Loved “The Help” one I would definitely read again.


peaches!! havent had a nectatine in a loong time!


Season 8 of Friends! Totally approve.


Salt?? I love salt!!!! I will never send you a race photo, I always look like a tortured fatty.. LOL


I just bought nectarines this past week and they are simply amazing!!! And, my family is sort of obsessed with salt. We add extra salt to everything!


I’ll take salt over sweets (or anything else, really) any day of the week!!


I love nectarines!

Finally buying more hangers for the babies closet. I have 9 more weeks until my due date and nothing is up yet in the closet.

Yes, I love salty foods. I actually like taking pretzels or french fries and dipping them in frozen yogurt or frosties.


I normally don’t like salt and find most foods prepared here in the South to be too salty. But in the summer I crave it! I know I sweat a ton out because after long summer runs my blood pressure crashes.


Honestly I’m not sure if I could pick a favorite fruit, they’re all sooo good! But I would have to say I had a peach for the first time in a long time and I realized I need to eat them more.
I’m more of a sweets girl than salty but I do need some salt like pretzels or pita chips are my favorite salty treat.


CONGRATS ON YOUR NEW HIGH SCORE! (In my head I said that in a game show announcers voice so you should read it that way).

I accomplished making a legit Sunday dinner and I just feel really good about that because usually my MIL takes care of it.

Also, I love salt. I’m addicted to sea salt in a grinder. Sometimes I’m tempted to grind it straight into my mouth. Other people have these urges too, right?!


haha great job beating your PR, no matter what it’s in :)

today I am most proud of finishing the Hottest Half Marathon in 1:59, I didn’t beat my PR, but my goal was to stay well hydrated and beat 2 hours. check and check!


I’m more of a sweet lover, than salt. Love all those race pics – crazy good times!


**the times, as in their race times :)


I’ve recently gotten into more savory foods, which is saying a lot considering I basically shovel in sugar by the shovelful.


I am a salf fiend! I actually was told by my doctor to cut out salt bc i was eating too much of it. Whoops.

Also, In N Out has veggie burgers?


Yes! But there’s no patty…just lettuce, tomato, and dressing (if you want). It’s actually pretty good because the bun is so flavorful and grilled! :)


If you loved The Help, SEE THE MOVIE!! It was fantastic and so close to the book. You will love it!!!


Do all those fruits pair well with PB? I was wondering if I could eat any kind of fruit with PB since that’s my fave way to eat that!


What is your favorite fruit of the month? – Definitely Plums. Small and just enough sweetness!
Anything you are proud of accomplishing today? – I just want to make it through the day (don’t feel good)
Are you a salt lover like me? – Nah, I’m all sour and sweet. I’d take candy esp sour patch anything over chips or fries any day.


My husband really needs to start using Billy’s technique for getting me to be fully packed on time. I don’t know why I am always so laid back about it. And why I always choose to do it right before we leave.


I want to run marine corp marathon 2012. Do it with me! :)


I’ve been allll over nectarines this month!! and yes. salt is my undacova lova. ;)


I love nectarines!!!! they’re completely under-rated.

I go through phases with salt.. but this week I’ve had to sprinkle salt on just about everything.


Background info: We do not have fro-yo here

went to visit my sis out of state and went to get fro -yo for the first time and the second time on the same day. then proceeded to tell my sister all about you the whole time we consumed it, and we dedicated our second visit to you!


Have you had a pluot!?! They are the best fruit in the entire world! I swear!

I also eat way too much salt and I use the same exucse, I sweat it out! I don’t know if that is actually valid, but I use it. I LOVE SALT. Is that veggie burger good? I should try it!


*wave* Pamela!!! I ran that race, too! Nice photo, ladies, and congratulations.


Shut up! In-N-Out Burger has veggie burgers??????????? I’m totally going there when I go to CA…Someday…I don’t know when.


I use running as my excuse for having a salt lick!


If you run the Marine Core Marathon, you BETTER see us (both Alex and ME!) at the start, and then wait for us at the finish (‘course, you’ll have to wait 3 hours after you cross the finish to see me). We’re planning to run it in 2012 <– that is what you meant by "next year," right?


UGH! Corps, NOT Core! I HATE typos. >.<


I too am a salt lover and “put that sh*t on everything” (sea salt that is) and totally justify it because I’m a runner :p

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