Lemon Bars at 9 a.m.

You know you have issues when you get incredibly happy when you get an email that there are lemon bars in the faculty lounge.

You know you really have issues when you go back for thirds and your students wonder what the white powder is on your upper lip (it was powdered sugar, people…come on).

You know you really really have issues when you eat it at 9 in the morning and consider it healthy because it has fruit…..hello, lemons!

Okay, last one I promise.  Taking a picture of yourself with the piece of lemon bar…….who does that?

Photo on 8 18 11 at 10 24 AM

Because my brain is fried and I have finally crashed from my sugar high and couldn’t think of anything superly awesome to write about I decided to include the questionnaire that I had to fill out so that they could read my answers in the opening assembly for the students to get to know the faculty better!

Name:  Janae Jacobs
What Classes will you be teaching:  Health, Drivers Ed, Fitness for Life (pe), Civics and Knights, Castles and Dwagons (weird name but it is a class about self-esteem, learning courage and overcoming your fears).
If you had one wish what would it be:  lots of money and that no one ever gets a running injury again;)
What is your favorite treat: Anything with large amounts of sugar.
What is your favorite way to spend a Friday evening:  dinner (Cafe Rio), a movie and Yogurtland twice (before and after dinner).
What is your favorite color:  PURPLE
When eating Neapolitan ice cream, which flavor do you eat first: Vanilla.
If you could spend a day with any Harry Potter character which one would it be:  Voldemort
Do you have a phobia? What is it: Mice and bees.
Sky diving or scuba diving: I have done both and they are equally awesome.
You find your self with free round trip tickets to anywhere in the world, where would you go: Australia
What animal do you identify with the best and why: A puppy because I like to be super busy and hyper followed by sleeping the rest of the day.
Surprising fact about you: I ate my first twinkie EVER this summer and thought it was gross.
You are happiest when: Any family get-together.
Other hobbies and interests: Running, reading, cycling, church and playing with my nieces and nephew.  (I would have included blogging but I don’t want my students to find HRG).

PS if you are looking for some workout DVD’s to do at home….check out the comments of the TRAINING POST.…there are so many great ideas!


PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE ANSWER SOME OF THE QUESTIONS from the questionnaire…it would make my day!!

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My one wish would be to also have money but also donate much of it to homeless shelters and orphanages :)


Australia is my answer too. We went to Philippines for our honeymoon and thought of stopping by Australia on our way home but decided it needs its own 2 week+ trip.

I’ve only had 1 twinkie in my entire life. Didn’t like it either.

Phobia —> SNAKES!!


You find your self with free round trip tickets to anywhere in the world, where would you go: Australia <—- saaaaame! I want to go there so. damn. bad.

What animal do you identify with the best and why: A cat. I don't have an answer as to why… but I can tell you this — I would be a fun cat who everyone would like. ;)

You are happiest when: I'm hanging out at home with Tyler. I also LOVE date nights. & hanging out with my two favorite furchildren Emma and Pebbles. :D


Almost all of our answers would be the same in almost an eerily creepy way. Except I don’t have a favorite color, and my husband’s name isn’t Billy.


I couldn’t imagine teaching that many classes- I teach just seventh grade science, and at times even that is draining!
If I had a free round trip ticket, I’d fly to Japan to visit my brother and sister- they’re doing post-docs out there, and I can’t wait to visit them!
I can’t believe you started teaching already (how many work days did you have?) I teach in DC, and we just started our 9 teacher workdays before the school year!


If you had one wish what would it be? To eat anything I wanted and NEVER get fat!!

What is your favorite treat: Anything SWEET!

If you could spend a day with any Harry Potter character which one would it be: Luna Lovegood

Do you have a phobia? What is it: Frogs

You find your self with free round trip tickets to anywhere in the world, where would you go: Bora Bora

Surprising fact about you: I’ve never had a twinkie.


WHY would you want to hang out with Voldemort you weirdo? Haha!
I would hang out with Hermione because I secretly want to be her a little bit.

Random Phobia–giant grasshoppers. Not the cute little green ones but the big gross brown ones, YUCK!

I always wondered–do your students ever ask about your blog, or find it online?


Ha, I just wanted my stents to think I was a little creepy:) One student did find it but I begged her not to tell anyone!!!! Okay, grasshoppers are disgusting!


I love lemon bars. Oh they are so good. I might have to make some this weekend!

Surprising facts about you: In only 18 mos of running I have completed 16 races (3 fulls, 8 halfs, 15k, 2 10ks and 2 5ks), I have several tattoos and was a college cheerleader :)

You are happiest when: I am with my family!


Uh oh, you let them know your fear. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that no mice make it in your classroom. :P I kid, I’m sure none of them would do that.

If you had one wish what would it be? To be home with my hubby, dogs and kitchen.

Phobia? SPIDERS and deep open water! (i’m a fantastic swimmer, i just don’t like not being able to see what’s around me)

Free roundtrip tickets? Italy. Hands down. Take me there now. (with the hubby of course)


Favorite treat? Starbucks!!! I am a addict.
Perfect Friday evening (ready for another lame married answer?!) – Workout at the gym with my hubby, go home put on sweatpants, make supper (homemade pizza) and curl up on the couch to watch a movie! And in the winter months add the fireplace and hot chocolate in there too :)
If I could go anywhere in the world? Greek Islands!
Phobia? Heights, enough said! I think you are a very brave girl for sky diving!


Ok, I just decided to pretty much answer all of the questions because I’m cool like that. I left a few out because I couldn’t for the life of me think of an answer!
Name: Ashley Wiseman
What Classes will you be teaching: Um, none. ;)
If you had one wish what would it be:
What is your favorite treat: peanut butter/chocolate fudge, or vanilla ice cream with peanut butter swirled in, or Reese’s peanut butter cups, or peanut butter brownies…ok, I think you get the point. Anything involving peanut butter and chocolate. :)
What is your favorite way to spend a Friday evening: Ditto on your’s Janae! LOVE Cafe Rio, LOVE movies, and LOVE froyo! Can’t go wrong with that combo!
What is your favorite color: green
When eating Neapolitan ice cream, which flavor do you eat first: I don’t usually eat neapolitan ice cream… do they even sell that stuff anymore? I feel like I haven’t seen it in the grocery stores in forever. Or maybe I’m just consumed with all of the other MANY flavors of ice cream.
If you could spend a day with any Harry Potter character which one would it be: oh man, tough question!
Do you have a phobia? What is it: rats
Sky diving or scuba diving: I haven’t done either of them, but I would LOVE to sky dive!
You find your self with free round trip tickets to anywhere in the world, where would you go: Fiji!
You are happiest when: when all my closest friends and family are all in one place. I think it’s pretty much only ever happened at our wedding. Everyone is all over the place!
Other hobbies and interests: running, volleyball, blogging, cooking and baking, being involved with my church, talking. :)


Um lemon bars… YUM! Love your questionnaire and all of your answers. Especially the classes you are teaching – those sound amazing!


Fun questionnaire! I’m happiest when I’m with my family….aaand my favorite treat is anything with chocolate!


Aahhaahhha I love you. I always pose with my food it’s fine. LEMON BARS ARE MY FAVEEE!!

Ahahah I want to take your knights castles and dwagons class!!!


Favorite treat: caramel ice cream with milk chocolate chip cookies!

Friday nights:movie,ice cream,homemade pizza


Hmm okay! I’ll be teaching: grades 4-8 music this year, phobia: frogs!, fav. color: pink! , free tickets: Paris!


Hi! I just came across your blog, and it totally made my day! I think you may be my Cafe Rio soul mate – no one else understands my intense love for chicken burritos, enchilada-style with extra green sauce! (I’m from Canada and just got back from a trip to Provo and am currently going through Rio withdrawal).
Anyways, just wanted to agree that your perfect Friday night sounds PERFECT :)


Last night there was an event at our law firm. At 10 am they announced left over brownies and cheesecake in the kitchen. You better believe I sprinted to the kitchen. haha.

LOVE the classes you are teaching! What an awesome job you have!


What is your favorite way to spend a Friday evening: A long happy hour followed by a sushi dinner, a fantastic dessert, and a movie with my hubby

What animal do you identify with the best and why: Cat. I like to be social or loved on only on my own terms, I like to be clean all the time, and I like to be by myself on my runs.

You are happiest when: Making breakfast on Saturday morning with my hubby and stepson. It means the rest of the weekend will be a relaxing and a blast!

What is your favorite treat: S’more, brownies, frozen yogurt with tons of toppings, anything with chocolate. Did I mention chocolate?

Surprising fact about you: I was engaged once and called off the wedding 2 months before walking down the aisle. Best decision ever!


I would want to go to Ireland, fav treat is cheesecake, phobia-centipedes! those things move fast and gross while doing so


OMG Janae you found the love of my life (ok ok ..ice cream is the love of my life too): The lemon bar. Seriously…whenever I see one I really can’t help but eat it.

I love that you want to spend the day with Voldemort! haha.
I’ve spent about 4 minutes thinking about what HP character I want to hang out with and I still can’t decide. Maybe sirius ? haha.


I wish they had classes like that when I went to high school with the name Civics and Knights, Castles and Dwagons!

Classes I teach: Spin
If I could have one wish it would be for all the troops to come home to their families safely.
Favorite treat: chocolate
Phobia: being tickled and bugs crawling on me.
I am happiest when I’m with my family.


I love lemon bars! They are sooo good! I can’t believe you had your first twinkie this summer!! That’s crazy!!


I always wonder about that! Have you ever had as student find your blog? How does that work?!


I love lemon bars so much, they are perfecton in bar form… from the powdered sugar topping down to the golden crust, and the balance of sweet and tart… too much? sorry! I am dying to go to Australia too, and Greece, I swear that’s where all the sexy tan men are hiding from me ;)


What classes will you be teaching: Eng 2, AP Language, yearbook, and CAHSEE prep (for kids who fail the high school exit exam)

What is your favorite treat: Boston Cream Pie or chocolate chip ice cream from B&R on a sugar cone

Do you have a phobia? Lice- that’s why I am SO SO SO glad I don’t teach elementary anymore.

** Not to be a downer, but I’m surprised your kids haven’t found out about the blog already, since it pops up when you google your name


ahhh- these things are so much fun!!
Name: Brittany
What Classes I will be taking: Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Astronomy, Computer Literacy (I know…computer literacy? LAME :P)
If you had one wish what would it be: have a never ending supply of fruit
What is your favorite treat: I don’t eat treats…so my favorite thing to eat is…my breakfast. BEST meal of the day :D
What is your favorite way to spend a Friday evening: Either going on a date and seeing a movie, or staying at home, relaxing inside, then playing Mario Kart on the Wii!
What is your favorite color: Turquoise
When eating Neapolitan ice cream, which flavor do you eat first: When I did eat ice cream, I ate the strawberry, then mixed the chocolate and vanilla together.
If you could spend a day with any Harry Potter character which one would it be: Hermione
Do you have a phobia? Ew- spiders
Sky diving or scuba diving: Haven’t done any, but I hate heights so I’m gunna go with scuba diving!
You find your self with free round trip tickets to anywhere in the world, where would you go: Maui
What animal do you identify with the best and why: A cat- I eat all the time, sleep, and only give lovin when I want to. :P
Surprising fact about you: I dont like chocolate (dont hate me!)
You are happiest when: I am working out
Other hobbies and interests: Reading, lifting weights, running, listenin to music, bloggin, talking to a butt ton of people, avoiding womanly duties such as shaving legs, keeping my eyebrows looking sane, and applying make up….I think thats it ;) lol



Soo not to scare you, but when I was in high school (and college) I would google my teachers to see if I could find anything about them..

Is there anyway you think you’d be able to erase your last name? Because if you google your first and last, you can find HRG…just an fyi!


AHHH Thank you so so much Stephanie, I never thought of that! I will definitely look into doing that!


Favorite thing to do on a Friday Night:
Plan my workouts accordingly so Friday is a rest day. Order a pizza (vegan of course) and proceed to eat half. Watch a documentary and go to bed EARLY. Yep, I’m a grandma — already! (Oh, and dessert has to be involved too!)


My daughter makes a killer lemon bar!! I’d scuba dive, never sky dive!


ya, twinkies are grosse. I think you and should move to austin. You can play with my dog and share my nieces and nephews. hehe.


I LOVE that your place to visit would be Australia. If you come you MUST go to the Gold Coast and Brisbane – closest to me. Sydney isn’t all that great REALLY.. Queensland is the place to be :)

Also, my fav treat = exactly the same as you. My phobia is heights so I could neverrrrrr sky dive.. But I would love to scuba dive!


Name: Kristen

What Classes will you be teaching: I’m a school psychologist at 2 elementary schools, a high school, and sometimes at the preschool. :)

What is your favorite treat: Similar to you, anything with sugar. Specifically, ice cream, cookies, brownies, and cake. :)

What is your favorite way to spend a Friday evening: Cooking dinner for husband, going for a long walk with husband, making husband buy me ice cream, and then sitting on husband so that he’ll watch “Say Yes to the Dress” with me. ;)


I love that you are teaching a self esteem class! That is so awesome! I wish they offered that here so I could teach it! If I get a permanent teaching position at some point in my life, I’m qualified to teach family studies and PE (yay!).

Favoutite treat: froyo (because of you…never tried it until this summer) and pringles! Love me some pringles! Don’t forget any kind of chocolate too. Specifically m and m’s!

One wish…that’s a tough one. Maybe to be able to train all day every day! Then I would be fast like you :D

I think you should choose Toronto instead of Australia ;)


I would eat the vanilla and chocolate mixed together, then save the strawberry for last! I would love to spend the day with either Ron or Cedric Diggory ;)


Name: Jessica Poolman

What Classes will you be teaching: None! I am an assistant manager at a bank. :)

If you had one wish what would it be: for people not to hurt animals or have them get hit by cars anymore

What is your favorite treat: Ooo, red velvet cupcake

What is your favorite way to spend a Friday evening: Playing Dance Central with the Hub

What is your favorite color: Blue

When eating Neapolitan ice cream, which flavor do you eat first: All together!

If you could spend a day with any Harry Potter character which one would it be: Hermione, I’m a nerd like that. I love school.

Do you have a phobia? Not really; I’m just generally paranoid. My husband is afraid of pickles though. No joke.

Sky diving or scuba diving: Neither! I’m way to chicken. See answer above.

You find your self with free round trip tickets to anywhere in the world, where would you go: England

What animal do you identify with the best and why: Probably a dog. They have a lot of energy and like to be busy but they also sleep a lot

Surprising fact about you: I used to be a tomboy and was proud when someone called me a boy

You are happiest when: When my hub makes me laugh which is everyday

Other hobbies and interests: Knitting, making jewelry, reading, gardening, cooking


Name: Tabaitha Kaye

What is your favorite treat: German Chocolate Bread Pudding with Ice Cream

What is your favorite color: Red

Do you have a phobia? Snakes, Roaches, Heights

You find your self with free round trip tickets to anywhere in the world, where would you go: Australia or Greece

You are happiest when: I am with family.


What is your favorite color: ORANGE
If you could spend a day with any Harry Potter character which one would it be: Hermione, because I’m pretty sure we’d be BFFS
Do you have a phobia? What is it: JELLYFISH and COCKROACHES. shudder.
Sky diving or scuba diving: I’m dying to go sky diving, and would never ever go scuba diving because of my intense fear of the ocean.


Let me know if this isn’t actually considered a phobia..but as strange and wacko as it may sound, the little strings on bananas give me CHILLS. I can barely look at them, much less eat them! haha PS Lemon bars are soooo awesome, you’re right!


Had to laugh about the banana strings. I HATE them and we call them banana veins around here. My boys do not care about the veins and eat them. It makes me cringe. I can’t stand that hard black knob thing at the bottom of bananas either. I don’t eat bananas!


Oh boy – you’re back in school now too?


If you had one wish what would it be: instant travel (no more security lines, traffic jams, or flight delays)
What is your favorite treat: peanut butter cups… or, in a pinch, chocolate chips and a tablespoon of PB microwaved in a coffee mug.
What is your favorite way to spend a Friday evening: night out with my best friend
What is your favorite color: blue
When eating Neapolitan ice cream, which flavor do you eat first: lactose intolerant = lame
If you could spend a day with any Harry Potter character which one would it be: edward. ha!
Do you have a phobia? claustrophobia and rollercoasteraphobia
Sky diving or scuba diving: scuba
You find your self with free round trip tickets to anywhere in the world, where would you go: the azores
What animal do you identify with the best and why: my pug. because I love her!
Surprising fact about you: I was named after a cook book author!
You are happiest when: I’m on the beach.
Other hobbies and interests: running, reading, hiking, biking… and watching bad reality TV.


When you get your round the world trip to Australia, you can stay with meeeeeeeeee! ;) I promise there will be lemon bars because they are probably my favourite thing EVER! :D


Phobia = birds. I seriously hate them.
Surprising Fact = In stark contrast to the suburban life that I now live (and love) I once sported a nose ring and pink hair and went to punk clubs every weekend.
HP Character – Fred and George. Just think of how much fun that would be.


I’ve had bloggers block, so today’s post was me filling out your survey! Thanks for getting me out of a run! (linked back to you).


ruT, not run. Interesting, though, that when my fingers type independently of my brain, they type ruN. I love my fingers.


I LOVE food day in the lounge! It really does make the whole day better.


i am DEATHLY afraid of sharks i am like paranoid everytime i am in the ocean
if i had tickets anywhere id go to GREECE and run a marathon:)


Why Voldemort?! I must know!!

I’ll be teaching my first college course this fall! Ah so scary!

One Wish: Healthy running
Friday evening: Eating pasta, watching cheesy movies, and preparing for a long run!
Fav Color: Yellow
Phobia: Spiders and birds. I was bit in the face by a spider as a kid. It was traumatic. Birds just creep me out!
Round trip tickets: Iceland in the summer. My best friend from grad school is from there and I am dying to go!!
Harry Potter Character: Cedric Diggory. He’s hot.
Fun fact: I yell out Ninja when something good or cool happens. I have no idea why! :)


I had a Smores bar this morning before 9:00AM and I wasn’t the only one digging in. They were so super good I made the comment to my coworker that I love Smores for brekkie when I am camping…obviously I am not camping, but what a fabulous post run second breakfast!

My favorite treat is soft serve ice cream or the cookie jar blizzard from DQ!


Favorite way to spend a Friday… Have a bloody mary earlier in the day during happy hour, then stay in and watch a movie with ice cream!


Come to Australia! In the summer… It’s the best :) you can stay at my place if u like! ( I live in a small city so not too exciting but the beaches/walking and hiking is AWESOME)


i have never had a twinkie and refuse to.
favorite colors- pink and blue

Australia is awesome i went there for study abroad and did sky diving and bungee jumping there!

fav treat- fro yo or chocolate

friday night activity- hanging out, making a yummy dinner, drinking wine and just relaxing. or spending time with girl friends :)


I think I would be a horse…..I’ve never owned one, but I feel more connected to them than any other animal mainly b/c I feel like them; spirited and free :)

PS: your class names are sooooo cool and I love that you teach courses about self-esteem. It’s very admirable. I am glad they teach kids those tools. :D


I am my happiest during Christmas vacation with family, with lots of amazing food, laughing a lot, and having fun! This past year of breaking my neck sledding is the only exception….also cuddling with my hub on the couch and taking a nap, cozy under a blanket too:)


Name: Ashley Wilson

What Classes will you be teaching: None! But I’m taking a computer programming class at work (pretty dorky, huh?)

If you had one wish what would it be: lots of money and that no one ever gets a running injury again;) <– I agree with you on those two points!!

What is your favorite treat: Cinnamon roll or curly fries (gotta balance the sweet and salty, right??)

What is your favorite way to spend a Friday evening: Having dinner with my BF and then meeting up with our friends afterward

What is your favorite color: Red

When eating Neapolitan ice cream, which flavor do you eat first: Strawberry, then vanilla, and leave the chocolate sitting there because I don't like chocolate anything.

If you could spend a day with any Harry Potter character which one would it be:

Do you have a phobia? What is it: Snakes. Ew.

Sky diving or scuba diving: Scuba diving

You find your self with free round trip tickets to anywhere in the world, where would you go: The Maldives

What animal do you identify with the best and why: A cat because I can sleep for hours on end (I've been known to sleep for 14 hours…), and I can get easily distracted

Surprising fact about you: At 5'8", I am the shortest person in my family.

You are happiest when: I am hanging out with my BF and my family.

Other hobbies and interests: Running, cycling, going to see live music, reading books and blogs…especially this one =)


I love surveys…and your answers make me love you even more!
– My favorite color: pink
– Surprising fact about me: I am part native american (not a very big part though haha)


I love this questionnaire! So glad you posted it. Also, Castles and Dwagons? Amazing lol type of class name, but it sounds like a class I’d LOVE to teach! Can I fly out and please be a show-and-tell????



Name: Kelley Ross

What Classes will you be teaching: 9th and 12th grade English

If you had one wish what would it be: To travel all around Europe

What is your favorite treat: Cheese….I love it so much.

What is your favorite way to spend a Friday evening: Having dinner and talking to my friends until late at night.

What is your favorite color: Scarlet Red

When eating Neapolitan ice cream, which flavor do you eat first: I take my spoon and mix it all together.

If you could spend a day with any Harry Potter character which one would it be: Bill Weasley. I have questions about how he met Fleur Delacour.

Do you have a phobia? I’m afraid of the dark. Shut up.

Sky diving or scuba diving: Sky diving. A shark can’t eat me if I am falling from the sky.

You find your self with free round trip tickets to anywhere in the world, where would you go: England!

What animal do you identify with the best and why: A sloth with ADD. I am both incredibly perky and weird, and yet slow and unmoving.

Surprising fact about you: I have a girl crush on Emma Stone

You are happiest when: I am in an organized space listening to Pandora.

Other hobbies and interests: Writing film reviews, walking, and engaging in merriment ;)


I’m beyond jealous of your lemon bars, but at least you ate one for me!


Random questions for you… I remember a while back you talked about Billy getting Chia seeds for you. Have you eaten a lot of them/do you like them? What do you eat them in/with? I read they are really have no flavor. Is that true? I’m asking you since you basically have awesome taste with all of your gummy bear ice cream creations so I figure you are the best person to ask.


Hey girl! Yes, I love the chia seeds! I can’t taste them. I put them in me salads and smoothies! Let me know if you get them!


i love questions!!

Name: Suz

What Classes will you be teaching: unfortunately, not a teacher- though wish I was because then I would have the summers off!!

If you had one wish what would it be: lots of money so I wouldn’t have to work and could run all day and be able to eat anything I wanted and never get fat

What is your favorite treat: Frozen Yogurt!! (we don’t have yogurt land here on the east coast -at least not in my city- but we do have pinkberry, tasti de lite, the lite choice, 16 handles and red mango!)

What is your favorite way to spend a Friday evening: With good friends and yummy food

What is your favorite color: Purple for me too!

When eating Neapolitan ice cream, which flavor do you eat first: Vanilla as well

If you could spend a day with any Harry Potter character which one would it be: I am anti- harry potter :(

Do you have a phobia? What is it: hmmmm not sure I have any! maybe bee stings

Sky diving or scuba diving: have not done either but would prefer scuba diving!

You find your self with free round trip tickets to anywhere in the world, where would you go: Paris

What animal do you identify with the best and why: A cat. independent!

Surprising fact about you: i hate washing my hair

You are happiest when: running and sleeping!

Other hobbies and interests: Running, watching bad tv, sleeping, shopping, traveling


i will answer, but not tell you the question…scuba diving, spiders, hanging out at home…maybe cooking, patients about how to care for themselves after their surgery


i’m on the opposite end, if there is the choice of chocolate in anything i’m going to devour that part first.

if i could go anywhere in the world it would probably be to the rainforest somewhere…lol. look at my mad geography skills. ;)

these things are always so fun i like reading wat people have to say! :)


oh my GOSH this post is making me crave a lemon bar so badly i might have to go make some even though it’s like 12AM. and purple is my favorite color too. holla! :)


I also eat the vanilla first and have a phonbia of mice (actually anything with those horrible wrinkly tails). I would choose sky diving though. Haven’t done either but scuba diving has never really appealed to me for some reason. Oh and my favourite treat is anything with chocolate or peanut butter (preferably both!) :)


Yep – Australia is awesome – you should totally come visit!

Last weekend was the City2Surf – 14k fun run from the centre of Sydney to Bondi Beach. 86,000 runners! You should probably come for that next year – just sayin.


What Classes will you be teaching: I am doing smoking cessation classes(clinics) by the American Lung Association and American Cancer Society.

If you had one wish what would it be: Unlimited money.

What is your favorite treat: Anything chocolate.

What is your favorite way to spend a Friday evening: I work fri. evenings so not working the night would be the start…

What is your favorite color: Anything except green and orange.

When eating Neapolitan ice cream, which flavor do you eat first: Vanilla or Strawberry.

If you could spend a day with any Harry Potter character which one would it be: Never watched or read any of the HP stuff.

Do you have a phobia? What is it: I don’t have a real phobia of anything I guess.

Sky diving or scuba diving: I’m a total wuss when it comes to flying, so I would have to go scuba diving instead.

You find your self with free round trip tickets to anywhere in the world, where would you go: Mexico and Hawaii are somewhere I have been checking the flight prices on for a year. I would be happy there, but I would like to go anywhere in Europe right now.

What animal do you identify with the best and why: A bunny. I don’t know. They are soft, and cute, timid and at times aggressive.

Surprising fact about you: I was taking classical singing lessons for a while. I really wanted to be an opera singer.

You are happiest when: I am going to a new destination. I like to travel! And when I have something brag-worthy to brag about.

Other hobbies and interests: riding my bike, cooking new recipes, watching movies, and music stuff -playing, watching, listening….

That was fun.


This year I’m teaching 5 Language Arts Classes.
Hermione is one of my favorite people in the whole wide world…Emma Watson who plays her in the movies attended college near my hometown and one day I went to try to “run into her” and become best friends.


I love the idea behind Civics and Knights, Castles and Dwagons. That is awesome and I bet you are a great teacher! A few answers from me:

Any one wish = that I could fluently speak & understand any language
Fav color = red and black – or really any jewel tone
Fav treat = Cookies & cream blue bell or Swirl (just like Yogurtland!)
Phobia = geckos (don’t ask… they freak me out)
Free round trip tickets = Australia or Hawaii all the way
Happiest when = I am traveling w/ my hubby or w/ family
Surprising fact = I have never died my hair. People seem fascinated by this since my hair is so dark (like black) & people always ask if it is my natural hair color.

Fun post!


What Classes will you be teaching: I’ll be teaching all core subjects and a basic skills class- I’m teaching 7, 7th graders!

If you had one wish what would it be: For me and my family to have good health for the rest of our lives- no injuries or illnesses!

What is your favorite treat: FROZEN YOGURT (fanatic!)

What is your favorite way to spend a Friday evening: Cooking dinner at home with my Dear, watching a movie, and cuddling on the love seat (goodness, cuddling on the love seat sounds so cliche, HA!) with some ice cream or popcorn :D

What is your favorite color: I’ve got two, hot pink and lime green- oh yeah, you betcha that my braces were these colors when I was younger too!

When eating Neapolitan ice cream, which flavor do you eat first: Strawberry

Do you have a phobia? What is it: Needles

Sky diving or scuba diving: Scuba- too scared of heights and falling to jump out of a plane and plunge down to the ground, GAH!

You find your self with free round trip tickets to anywhere in the world, where would you go: Some deserted island in the South Pacific or Australia B-)

You are happiest when: I am running with my family, my Dear, or my friends

Other hobbies and interests: Working out, cooking, eating, scrap-booking, being outside, shopping, and movies!


surprising fact about me: I take an abnormal amount of pride in the fact that I’m a lefty :)


Ahhhhhh me too!!!


Name: Taylor

What Classes will you be teaching: does a “how to clean the house” class for my boyfriend count?! :)

One wish: that I could eat brownie sundaes for every meal and never gain an ounce…and world peace ;)

Favorite treat: anything with chocolate

Favorite way to spend a Friday evening: staying in with Cooper and watching a redbox DVD!

Favorite color: Purple, teal, (green to wear)

Neapolitan ice cream: chocolate

Harry Potter character: Ron, he cracks me up

Phobia?someone in my family getting hurt

Sky diving or scuba diving: Sky diving

Free round trip tickets: Germany (I was born there!) and Switzerland to ski

What animal do you identify with the best and why: a puppy cause they are always happy/full of energy

Surprising fact about you: I tip-toe

You are happiest when: I am hanging out with friends/family

Other hobbies and interests: Running, baking, reading, church, playing with my Australian Shepherd Ryder, hanging out with family, sister, and Cooper, celeb magazines/reality TV


I love your one wish :D And I also think it’s cool that you’d want to spend the day with Voldemort: so would I (I am one of those EMO teens that adored all the ‘dark’ characters when reading Harry Potter).

I can’t believe you eat the vanilla first though! I’d always go for chocolate. Then again, maybe you’re saving the best for last? Strawberry was always left over in our house because nobody liked it…we were all so healthy that even a fruit-containing dessert was going too far (joke :P)



Name: Lori D

What Classes will you be teaching: Um, I’m not a teacher. But I am taking a Nutrition class this fall.

If you had one wish what would it be: more money so I could quit my job (which I hate) and spend more time with my family (who I love).

What is your favorite treat: Frozen custard from BobJos (you’d have to be a local to understand)

What is your favorite way to spend a Friday evening: At the ballpark! GO TIGERS!!

What is your favorite color: Purple.

When eating Neapolitan ice cream, which flavor do you eat first: Strawberry.

If you could spend a day with any Harry Potter character which one would it be: I’ve never read any of the books or seen any of the movies so I’ve got nothing here.

Do you have a phobia? What is it: Bugs, especially spiders and centipedes.

Sky diving or scuba diving: Neither.

You find your self with free round trip tickets to anywhere in the world, where would you go: Anywhere with a beach.

What animal do you identify with the best and why: Definitely a dog. I would give anything to have a dog’s life. :)

Surprising fact about you: I am extremely insecure.

You are happiest when: I am with my hubby and daughter.

Other hobbies and interests: Running, reading, watching baseball, watching my daughter play soccer, spending time outdoors.


I’m scared to death of bees!!!!!!


Name: Jan Judd

What Classes will you be teaching: Piano Lessons to 26 students- Suzuki & traditional

If you had one wish what would it be: besides world peace? financial security

What is your favorite treat: fresh rasperries in milk

What is your favorite color: turquoise

When eating Neapolitan ice cream, which flavor do you eat first: Vanilla or Chocolate. I leave the strawberry in the bowl.

If you could spend a day with any Harry Potter character which one would it be: none. Don’t like Harry Potter.

Do you have a phobia? What is it: spiders

You find your self with free round trip tickets to anywhere in the world, where would you go: Fiji

You are happiest when: I am running, or playing games with family.

Other hobbies and interests: hiking, camping, reading


hey girlie-
I once read somewhere that when blogging you should only write stuff that you are okay with ANYONE seeing. Because you never really know who is reading. Kinda creepy, right? This got me thinking about the stuff I (used to) write about work. Just be careful, I’m assuming someone will find out at your school eventually and then it will spread like wildfire!


Name: Melissa

What Classes will you be teaching: I am a former 6th grade teacher – now I am a financial advisor. No more teaching for me.

If you had one wish what would it be: Social justice and equality

What is your favorite treat: I love LOVE good/fresh/flavorful fruit. (This is probably b/c I live in Alaska and we don’t get a lot of good/fresh/flavorful fruit.)

What is your favorite way to spend a Friday evening: I love it when we have a read-a-thon with all of the kids piled on our bed….or date night with the hubby – I don’t care what we do, I just like being with him.

What is your favorite color: I don’t have one, but I love having my closet organized and color-coded…..

When eating Neapolitan ice cream, which flavor do you eat first: I hate it. Never eat Neapolitan.

If you could spend a day with any Harry Potter character which one would it be: Hermoine

Do you have a phobia? What is it: I hate it when people jump out from behind doors/walls trying to scare me. My sons find this endlessly amusing – I am not so amused. I don’t think this counts as a phobia though. I just hate it.

Sky diving or scuba diving: I would NEVER skydive, so I gotta say scuba.

You find your self with free round trip tickets to anywhere in the world, where would you go: back to South Africa to spend time with our family. We don’t get to see them often enough.

What animal do you identify with the best and why: I don’t even know how to answer this question. Which animal is super organized and obsessed with having a clean den and must exercise EVERY day??

Surprising fact about you: I ran an ultra-marathon. When people hear this about me, they tend to look me up and down. I KNOW they’re thinking I don’t have a runners body. Which is true, I DON’T. However, I can run 9 minute miles for 56 miles straight….

You are happiest when: I am snuggled up next to my husband, my house is clean, my kids are nearby and I have a good book and a good cup of coffee.

Other hobbies and interests: Running, yoga, weight lifting, cycling, GARDENING, reading, baking, being the sous chef for my hubby while he cooks the MOST DELICIOUS meals, my kids and whatever makes them excited, MARATHONS (my cousin and I meet somewhere new every year to run a marathon together), TRAVEL – next up: a bicycle trip across France & Italy….


If you had one wish what would it be: lots and lots of money so I can take my kids on fun vacations and still have lots left over to donate to charity, etc. Also- second that no running injury thing!!

What is your favorite treat: PB Twix, Oreo shakes

What is your favorite way to spend a Friday evening: Dinner and a movie w/ the hubbs- or even with the whole family.

What is your favorite color: PINK and GREEN

When eating Neapolitan ice cream, which flavor do you eat first: Vanilla.

If you could spend a day with any Harry Potter character which one would it be: Draco

Do you have a phobia? What is it: Snakes and Fish

Sky diving or scuba diving: I have only done scuba diving but would love to skydive one day!

You find your self with free round trip tickets to anywhere in the world, where would you go: Someplace tropical and warm- but not Mexico.

What animal do you identify with the best and why: A monkey. A little annoying and often doing socially unacceptable thing- but a good time :)

Surprising fact about you: Had 5 kids in just under 6 years. I hate cucumbers- HATE.

You are happiest when: I am eating- with the husband.

Other hobbies and interests: Running, watching TV, reading, volleyball, cooking, playing games, blogs.


friday: mindless tv, internet browsing, and couch. work tomorrow :/
color: magenta-pink, or gray
phobia: moths, grasshoppers, wet bread
treat: frosting, brownies


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