Cross-Country and What I Pack For Work

Instead of showing you what I am going to be eating every day during the school year I just wanted to show you today because let’s be honest…..I will be eating the same thing every work day for the next few months because once I find what works for me, I stick to it.

Breakfast usually consists of a piece of toast at home and at school I have greek yogurt and an apple with pb.  Snacks include pretzels (I portioned them out because if I brought the whole bag I would eat them in one sitting and I am trying to make them last until I can go to TJ’s again) and a banana with pb (yes, I am obsessed with peanut butter).

Another apple at lunch plus the biggest salad you will ever see in your life full of cottage cheese, turkey, veggies and any leftovers I can find in the fridge.

IMG 0661

Did you really think that I just chomped away on healthy food all day?  When the chocolate/sugar monster hits I am always prepared.  I never leave home without my emergency kit.

Photo on 8 17 11 at 7 55 AM  2

I know we don’t know each other in real life (yet:) but I feel like when something exciting happens in my life, writing it on the blog to you guys = picking up the phone to call your best friend to tell them them when something really great happens.

This is my first year as the cross-country coach at my school (I work at a VERY SMALL school) and I have been very nervous that not a lot of students were going to want to participate on the cross-country team.  Sign-ups were today and I am SHOCKED at how many kids are interested! Practice starts tomorrow and I can’t wait to coach a sport that I LOVE so much!

I don’t know why it makes me so happy but maybe it is because although I am not running very much right now, I have an opportunity to celebrate in their successes, feel part of the sport and share something that I love with other people.

Sorry, to get all weird and gushy on you……but imagine what Billy has to deal with on a daily basis and you will realize this isn’t so bad:)

Training page updated

Check out my guest post on CARROTS N’ CAKE!!!


Tell me some GOOD NEWS…..whether little bitty or really big, I want to know something exciting in your life?

Did any of you run cross-country in high school?  Got any good tips or things you liked that your coach had you do?

-I have been reading books/articles on the topic like a maniac so that I can be prepared so any tips would be AWESOME!

Do you stick to the same meals/snacks etc or do you branch out?

-I usually eat the same things for bfast and lunch (it just makes life easier) with the exception of switching up the fruit and veggies and for dinner I am ready for something NEW and exciting:)

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Good news: I am getting my MFA in photography and starting this fall!

When I was teaching I was friends with the foods teacher so we kept stuff to make salads in her fridge and pretty much ate one everyday for lunch all school year!


AHHH CONGRATS GORGEOUS GIRL!!! That is awesome! Brilliant making friends with the foods teacher, I may have to copy you:)


I love PB too and plus I see you have a huge jar of Skippy. I love Skippy!


Such exciting news!!! I loved cross country because the team spirit was great, and our small team got along very well. My favorite thing my coach did was bribe us with ice cream if we ran our last mile repeat the fastest!


THANKS LAUREN….I will definitely be using ice cream as bribery (if I don’t eat it all first:)


Congratulations on being the cross country coach! You’ll be AWESOME.

Let’s see, exciting news…I MOVED INTO MY FIRST APARTMENT EVER YESTERDAY. I just wrote a post on it and put up pictures, but ahhh I am so excited.

And yes, I ran cross country in high school and honestly, the best part was having the coach split us up into groups for the long runs based on how fast we were running. Instead of just starting out in a ‘pack’ and spreading out, we had to pick two other people that would stick with us the whole time. It was nice because since I wasn’t the fastest runner by any means, I never felt left out and always had someone at my similar pace to talk to!


AHHHH I LOVE YOUR NEW PLACE (I tried to comment but I think it went to spam:( That is SUCH a great idea, thank you for sharing…I will definitely be using that!


Hey! I was a good (If I say so myself) xc and track runner in high school and one year in college. Feel free to shoot me an email if you have any questions! XC is such a wonderful sport, and coaches really do make ALL the difference! Just make sure you give everyone workouts pertaining to their level so they all feel fulfilled. I’m sure you’ll do awesome!


That’s so awesome you got a coaching position for your favorite sport! Yay! I didn’t do that in high school, but I bet you’re students will have a lot of fun!

Your lunches look ALOT like mine, but I do go in phases, I’ll have salads for weeks and weeks and then I feel like having some sandwiches for a couple weeks..then back to salad..and in the winter I add in soup!


Thats great about coaching!! I was wondering to myself one day if the school you worked at had a track program! Yay!!!


AHHH!!! You will be an amazing coach! Those kids are blessed to have you!

Good news – this is our first week of school with kids, and today TWO of my seventh graders came up to me and said they really enjoyed my class today and they liked how I taught. Seriously, I wanted to hug them! It made my day.

I coach cheerleading, and I think with any sport that one of the most important things is to stress that they love each other and work together for the same goal. When they truly feel like part of a team, they will work harder and hold each other accountable. Team building activities are always fun!!!


AHHHHH NATALIE, that is so so awesome….it makes the hard times in teaching worth it:) That is SO cool that you do cheer and I love that you stress the fact they are a team and reaching for the SAME goal!


I always try to mix up my snacks and stuff! SO i dont get bored haha :)


I didn’t start running until after my second child was born, but all my friends were on the cross country team, I wish I had learned to love running sooner so I could join them.

My girlfriend Heather is the track coach at a HS in cedar, she also reads your blog. You should talk to her because she’s awesome.


AHHH THANKS AMY….I am totally going to contact her!


Janae, my one tip for you about cross country and coaching high school kids: don’t give in when they want the workout cut short (other than obvious reasons like injuries). The hard workouts will pay off. Keep good stats of their race times so they can see their improvement, then they will WANT to keep doing the harder workouts because they will want to keep improving. My absolute favorite thing my coach in high school did for us was YELL! Even if they are dead last in the race, they will continue to try if they know their coach is still waiting and cheering them on. If they think no one is watching that is when they give up on themselves. I know you can yell and cheer, because you yelled and cheered me on in the UV marathon a few months back. I could go on forever about cross country, it’s AMAZING! Love it so much! Don’t ever hesitate to ask for help, that is what helps the most. :)


My mom is one presentations and two tests away from getting her degree! Wahooo! (I guess that was something exciting about her life, not mine, but I am definitely excited!)




yay for coaching the cross country team!!


I ran cross-country for a couple years in school, and from that and every other sport I played (basketball, ultimate, track) know when to stop. Mt cross-country coach wasn’t too bad actually, but I’ve had bad knees since I was eight and yet I still played through the pain because my coach was like, “we need you to play.”
Pushing kids too far is the best way to make them hate the sport and exercising. not to mention causing them tons of pain along the way.
And also make sure they have proper shoes – I know kids who tried to do cross country in Converse. Funny for me, probably painful for them.


YOU ARE SO SO RIGHT…..thank you so so much Kat and that breaks my heart about your knees!!


Yay, congrats! That is so awesome :)

I stick to the same snacks usually – fruit, Greek yogurt, anything + PB, veggies and hummus, homemade granola bars/muffins or cookies…


Janae you are going to be an awesome XC coach!!! I ran in high school, and I think the most important thing is encouragement, but not beratement. I made that word up so the sentence would flow better, but I just mean don’t talk down at your runners. My coach 10-12th grades used to ride by us on his bike and scream “why are you walking?!” at us. Because I need a break! I did not like him at all. My coach freshman year was the best, he was always so positive.

Also, I wish they would have introduced me to Body Glide. That is all. Good luck!! You are going to have so much fun and I can’t wait to hear all about it!!


P.S. Obvs you are the most positive person I know so that won’t be a problem for you, just thoughts.

:) I want to start coaching somehow, someday. But I’m not a teacher so I am not sure how.


CONGRATS on being the Cross Country Coach!!! I can’t imagine a more motivating or encouraging coach, the kids are going to LOVE you!!!


That is SO exciting that you get to be the crosscountry coach! Those kiddies probably dont realize what an awesome running coach they are getting but I’m sure they will soon see =) Did you do cross country in HS? I would love the opportunity to coach RUNNING!


Good news: I finally fixed my lifelong struggle with pronation (blisters and ankle issues seriously kill your running mojo) by getting super sweet inserts and sexy running shoes!

AND I just want to say your passion and your enthusiasm – PLUS your crazy ability to run obscene distances – will make you the pefect XC coach. Keep us updated!


That is so exciting!!!!!!!!!!! However, I am very jealous of the kids that get to have you as their coach. Ahh I am so happy for you! :D


I love that your salad is the size of my torso! Yum yum, gotta get the veggies in! I am also equally obsessed wi th PB and eat it

When I get my full-time teaching job, my dreeeeaaam is to coach cross country! Dean did it last year and loved it! I have no tips for you yet but maybe he does! I’ll ask him! Haha

I am really boring when it comes to foods and rarely branch out. I eat pretty much the same things every day but i love it! It doesn’t bother me, as long as I enjoy what I am eating!


Ohhhh my coach made me fall head over hills(literal hills) for running. He was like our second father. (no i did not have a crush on him but I am sure all your kids will have a crush on you!!) We spent more time together as a team than we did with our own families! It was intense. Our weekly rutine durning XC season was Monday-Hills. We would run straight up Millcreek canyon for a good 40 minutes and back down.
Tuesday/Thursdays. My first year they were just fun recovery runs. We were probably all running 10 minute miles but it was a fun time to bond with our team and be silly. usually 30-40 minutes. Then coach got all serious and turned them into 40 minute “maintance runs” very serious buisness.
Wednesday’s were always some type of speed intervals/temp runs.
Friday was always a fartlk
Saturday long run. 50-70 minutes
I think what made us such a successfull cohesive team was our coach never told us to do anything he wasn’t going to do with us. I know this isn’t always possible in your case but something I am sure you will do in the future. We also established a lot of tradition and leadership with team captains.
Incase you can’t tell it XC in high was pretty much the best 3 years of my life! It has shaped who I am, how I handle challenges and given me a base for a healthy lifestyle. You are the perfect person for the job! keep us updated! Running in the fall in utah is like nothing else!
If you ever need any advice Coach Porter is the bomb dot com and I am sure would love to help you!(not that you need any) He coaches for Skyline XC and Track in Salt Lake. GOOD LUCK!!!


Sour patch kids are amazing….LOVED your guest post


Something exciting in my life — I LEAVE FOR COLLEGE IN ONE WEEK!!!! AHHH. I am so excited slkfowieuflsdk you don’t even know.

Anywho I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU BABYGIRL!!!!! You are going to be the best coach ever and I can’t wait to hear/read about it every day!!! Mwah <3


First of all, do you know that you are holding two of my favorite dessert snacks EVER in that picture? I’m am chowing down on some sour patch kids right now. Secondly, that is SO AWESOME that you are coaching cross country. I would love to do something like that. It will feel so good to contribute so positively to someone else’s life, especially a younger person who will likely carry their experience with you on the team with them for the rest of their life.


good news: i completed an 11-mile training run this morning, PAIN-FREE!! (after taking over a week off due to a knot/pinched nerve in my thigh)

i usually get stuck in “food ruts,” where i will eat the same basic things every day. i’m trying to branch out lately, especially with breakfast. it’s interesting to see what foods are best before a run (oatmeal, pb&j, fruit) and which ones i should avoid (yogurt/dairy!).

congrats on the coaching gig; that is awesome!!


This is the first year my sister is coaching cross country and she is just as excited as you are! Good luck :)


That’s really cool that you are going to be an XC coach!! The kids will love you and I’m sure you will be a great coach!! I did XC in HS and I liked it when practices were fun. Sometimes we had waterballoon fights after Practice. Try to come up with games and fun stuff to keep them motivated. Also changing up the scenery is good if you can have practice at different locations I always liked not running the same route every day. Good luck! :-)


So exciting! Good luck! You’ll be a great coach and they’re lucky to have you! :)
I didn’t run much in high school, so no cross country for me. I started running when I was in the Air Force and I pretty much had to. LOL Then I just stuck with it.
I eat the same things constantly! I just like what I like I guess.
Hmm, good news? I don’t know. I adopted a kitten recently. How’s that? :)


You are going to be an awesome coach Janae! So excited for you to share your love of the sport!


You Miss Janae are going to make a FABULOUS CC coach!!! They are going to adore you! Best of luck to you and now I must run to TJ’s for some Honey Wheat Pretzels SIGH! :)


Congratulations! You are going to be a great coach!


I am suprised that you are allowed to have PB in school. Most schools in Canada have it on ban. So many allergies out there with the kids!


GIRL I AM SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!! this is so great! you are GONNA BE THE BEST COACH EVAAA!
im about to go back to high school just so i can run on your teamm <3333


OMG that is SO EXCITING that you are the cross-country coach!!!! You kinda already are – you sorta coach us on a daily basis :) Your students are lucky to have you!

Good news in my life: I’ve been approved to be a substitute in 5 different school districts. I’m trying to be a teacher in this horrible economic time, so being a sub is like, step #2.

I DID do cross country in High School! I don’t know that I have good advice, just make them drink tons of water every chance they can AND FARTLEKS are my fav. (yes, i wrote fartlick and then erased it)

I branch out on my foods, but that is only because I have been off all summer and have the time to be creative.


So I think we’re somehow related….I’m a bit obsessed w/ pb too! :D hahaha
Anyway, congrats on the cross-country team! If I were in a regular school, I’d loove to be on a team!
Good news: I ran my first ever tempo run Friday!! Did pretty well too!



I ran in the mile relay.. and was the slow leg.. that was the extent of my track. :-/

I’m both for snacks – I stick to favorites but always toss in one new thing to mix it up!!! :)


How fun!! I think you should post the CC workouts. I can’t wait to hear how the season goes.


my favorite cross country coach was the one coach I had that would run with us. hard workouts seemed much more attainable when we weren’t doing them alone.


CONGRATS GIRL! Was that the big secret project you’re heading this year!? You will be such a WONDERFUL COACH! You are so positive, and such a wonderful example in so many different aspects. Not a bad gig trading teaching spin class for cross country coach, eh!? I am so excited for you!


OMG! You will be the best coach EVER!!!!! You can set up Sour Patch Kids stations every five miles for fuel!

My students are performing their show Friday and it’ll be my last day of teaching as I’m going back to school. I’m SO proud of their accomplishments, and I’m proud of myself for helping to hone their talents!


I’m a VP at a middle school and I eat the same thing every day too – makes life easy because there is no thinking the night before. I always have mints in a dish on my desk, but sometimes replace mints with chocolate and that just spells d-i-s-a-s-t-e-r because there is no portioning. Usually it’s the season (coloured) Hershey Kisses and it’s just so easy to a bazillion in a morning! In preparation for my return to school I made and froze them. They are slightly addictive too, but healthy!

I help coach our cross country team too. My job is to give every one who races some of my home made chocolate chip cookies when they cross the line.

I really enjoy reading your blog because you are #1 very funny and #2 so positive. Have a wonderful school year!


Woot! That is so AWESOME! The kids are going to love it, and have great races for sure!

I usually eat something similar every day…but I try and switch it up so I don’t get TOO bored. Heh.


I’m SOO excited that you’re going to be your school’s XC coach!! I ran XC all four years of high school and loved it. I honestly think one of the best things that my coaches did for me was getting to know me on a personal level outside of just the sport. I still keep in touch with my XC coach from high school because she had such a huge impact on me when I was really struggling in high school. I’m sure you’re going to be awesome!!!!


That is so great! Those kids are gonna learn so much from you, CONGRATS!

I ran CC for about 4 weeks (our bball coach was the track coach as well and he encouraged us to do it for conditioning we didn’t actually compete). Most of that 4 weeks was spent finding shortcuts thru the woods so we could swim at our friends house (soaked from pool = look how sweaty i am from running so far). Worked out great until we all got poison ivy and our coach figured it out and made us run 2398428374 million suicides.


Um Awesome news! Love it! Can I please come run with you and your team? Pretty please because that sounds so so fun!!


Wow, congrats! It’s so awesome that you get to teach something you are so passionate about; your enthusiasm will definitely rub off. Wait a minute,are you sure the kids didn’t sign up just because you are teaching it!? ;)

LOVE your blog!


That is awesome that you are going to be coaching!! You are going to love it, I just know it!


Good news- I am done with summer classes tonight and I get married in 3 days. I can’t wait!!!!

That is AWESOME that you are coaching cross country! I ran all four years in high school and loved it. My team still has a reunion every year, for runners of all ages. It’s great. I am no expert but can definitely remember lots of great CC workouts!

I normally eat the same thing for breakfast (oatmeal with a glob of peanut butter) but try to mix it up for lunch and dinner.


Love seeing what you bring to school to eat. That salad looks just about right to this volume eater.

I bet PB would taste fantastic slathered on that Oats n Dark Chocolate bar. Just sayin’.


First off, I LOVE your blog!! My good news is that I have a job interview next week – yay! (I am hoping and praying for a job!)

I tried CC in middle school, since my older sister ran. But, I hated it! I tried out for the school play just to get out of it (and was so happy to get a great part, and have an excuse to stop CC). The funny thing is today, I like running more than she does. And the best is that my sister and I have run a couple of 5K’s together in the last year. (Even more amazing since she found out she had breast cancer just last year and after a double masectomy, chemo and reconstruction, she is in remission and ran both of the races the whole time!)

I usually stick to the same food that works for me. Though my younger sister just returned from Italy and loved their waffles with nutella, which I definitely want to try now!

Keep up your awesomeness, Janae!


THANK YOU SO MUCH COURTNEY! You absolutely MADE MY DAY!!! AND CONGRATS on the job interview, that is so exciting…will you keep me updated?!?! Your sis is so lucky that she went to Italy and now I am craving waffles and nutella!


Congrats on coaching! That’s so exciting to be a part of your students lives in a new, running-related aspect! I just started running last year, and have since done several races, 1 half marathon, and am in training for the half-marathon of the Nike Women’s Marathon this October. My boyfriend has convinced me to join his cross-country team for their 4-race series. As a runner, do you suggest doing any type of specific training for cross-country? I’ve never done it before and am kind of scared because I’m not quite sure what it entails! Thanks!


I’m a journalist…and started a new job this week. We aired my first story today!! How’s that for something exciting? :)


My dearest Janae-
You are going to be a fantastic coach, and not because you are going to make them into speed demons (which you will) but because you will give those teenage girls an experience they will never forget. They are SO lucky.

Good news: My principle asked me to be an instructional resource coach this year. Which means i teach one less class so that I can coach teachers into being better teachers, set goals with them, evolve their practice etc.

I expect to see lots of dinner photos during the school year, how else will I decide what to eat. Hahahaha

Have a great night, I hope it involves cereal :)


ERICA!!! Thank you so so much, you made me so happy!! AHHH CONGRATS ON THE INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE COACH…that is incredible. I wish we could work at the same school and be together every second day!!


Good news you ask?? I just got a hair cut!! And hubs couldn’t stop running his fingers through it. :)
I didn’t run cross country… I played field hockey… BUT I was seriously envious of those gazelles that ran cross country… they made running look so rhythmic, smooth and beautiful.
I eat the same exact thing each day, in the same order, with just one variation during the work week. Carrots+PB, apple, a main thing (1/2 c chili or 1/2 sandwich), yogurt + coconut&pineapple, banana, and nuts&raisins. I like it. Takes the stress out of coming up with lunch ideas to pack each day.

Congrats on the coaching gig!!! :)


that’s it… I am moving to Utah and going back to high school! You are going to be the best coach EVER! My cousin ran all through high school and now will be going to college with a running scholarship, she said running with a team made high school amazing and the only reason why she tried in her academic classes was to be able to run on the team hahaha. Her coach was really motivating and got to really know each kid, and didn’t choose favorites just because some were faster than others, as well as being really positive and creating a super tight team “family”. I know you will be amazing at it, with your passion, positivity, and spark that shines through your blog there is no doubt that you do/will have a great affect on all the kids that cross your path, your a super star girl!


PLEASE COME MOVE HERE……That is so cool about your cousin and I loved her motivation:) Thank you so much for your sweet words and I am so excited to create my team family!


oh you can call me anytime! wish we could do that. But in the meantime, emails are fun!
Well, I am switching to self hosting, theres news! but its been such a process. EEK! i’m a mess. The blog is down but still works.
I like the stash, we all have those!


AHHH THANK YOU FOR LINKING IT because I haven’t been able to go to your site for way too long, I am not okay with this switching business, I NEED YOUR BLOG in my life!


Awesome post on Carrots N Cake! I wish I ran cross country in HS! I didn’t know any better and would have probably loved it!


Thanks Holly, you are the best!!!!


I am going to a blogging conference this weekend for the first time, so that is exciting to me! I am totally out of my element since I am newbie blogger, but you have to start somewhere!
I go in phases with my eating. I will eat the same thing for breakfast for a long time, and then randomly get a craving and then I am onto something else for a while.
How cool is that that you are coaching cross-country! I hope you have so much fun!


Have an AMAZING TIME at the blogging conference….you are going to have an amazing time!!! Thanks so much Michelle!


Congrats on the coaching! You will love it. I swam competitively for 14 years and then had to stop due to injuries. However, I got to coach swimming year round all thru college and it was amazing. You get to use all of the insight and experience you have to give the kids the best opportunity to succeed and enjoy the sport. It’s nice because all of the hard work you have put in to your own running will pay off and be used!


That is seriously awesome that you are coaching cross country! That is one thing that I’ve always wanted to try to help out my old high school with. I just can’t do it with my job, since practice is always around 3 PM I think. I don’t think I could handle being the coach by myself, but if I could be an assistant coach I think that would be really awesome.

Enjoy the experience of coaching!


You are going to be such an amazing cross country coach! I’m jealous of those kids…can you coach me? And you did a great job on your guest post. I actually utilized your tips today after my bad run.

Great news: We made it across the country and are setting up our new apartment in VA. Woohoo, new home!

As for eating, my eating ruts are a weekly thing. Every Sunday I pack lunches for the week, so I usually pack the same thing. One week will be salads, next week will be turkey sandwiches etc. It makes packing lunches easy and switches things up every week!


THANKS ASHLEY and I am glad that you could use the tips:) AHHHH congrats on the move and a NEW HOME:) I LOVE packing on Sunday for the week, it makes life so much easier!


And simply sharing your inspiring story and other peoples inspiring stories to them I bet will really help. Thinking back to high school cross country – the main things I wish I would have done differently are to hydrate better, and to pace your runs better right according to what the workout asked for. Good luck, and I’m excited to learn how it goes!


GREAT ADVICE!! Thank you so much for your sweet words Nelly!


I tend to eat the same things for breakfast, lunch and snacks. Dinner I mix it up a bit depending on what we have in the freezer.

Something exciting: We have tickets to the tennis tournament here in Winston-Salem over the next 10 days. That should be fun.

The Kidless kronicles


That is so awesome! I am a little jealous of your new duty :) Those are some lucky kids, you will kick their trash and they will enjoy it! Good luck!


I run cross country!! And I think what I like best about my coach is that he pays attention to everything; make sure you see if they need new shoes (a lot of the time, their “running shoes” are just bunny slippers in disguise ;) ), and push them, but not too hard. Good luck!!


AHHH that is so great that you have such an amazing coach and thank you so much for the advice!


CONGRATS on becoming the Cross-Country coach! You will be great and you are perfect for the job! Your students will be amazing after your training!


THANK YOU MISSY…you made my day!


Think I already told you my most exciting news…haha…welcome back to school and hope getting back to the routine isn’t too hard on you. :) have fun coaching the kids!!


Oh yes you did and I can’t stop smiling about it!


I ran CC for one year in high school…I was pretty slow! I did get MVP though…but we only had two girl runners on the team that year, so…:). I was still pretty proud. I would love to get back into running again, but I’m just not sure how to get started so I don’t get discouraged with my slowness/inability.
The practices I remember the most are the ones where we ran through the corn fields (I’m from Michigan). I’m not sure if we were supposed to, but it was really fun!


MVP…that is AWESOME!!! Don’t get discouraged, you CAN DO IT!!!


I love that you’re going to be the cross country coach! I ran cross country in 7th grade and loved it. :) I try to switch up my meals, but I usually have some of the same things everyday. It makes it easy on my planning grocery list and budget!


I definitely take the same thing to work each day (although I have been trying to get more creative).

I ran 3 years of CC in Jr High and 2 years in HS. The worst thing about my HS coach was that he couldn’t see the bigger picture. I was the oldest and slowest girl on the team (as a senior, the freshman were little and FAST), but I showed up for the summer running program, attended every meet, and was a positive role model throughout. When I wanted to miss ONE PRACTICE to get my driver’s lisence, he threw a fit. Let’s me honest here…I was one of the last in grade to turn 16, I had waited long enough…and although I have found running and tris again in my 20’s, I wasn’t going to make a career out of it!

So I guess my advise is…praise your slow runners for what they bring to the TEAM and remember that each girl is there for a different reason (for some CC is just a piece of who they are).

Happy Fall!


BOOO to your coach but I am so happy you have found running and tri’s now. GREAT ADVICE, thank you so so much!


I noticed you have a copy of 13 Reasons Why on your desk…have you read it or are you reading it? I listened to it on tape last summer and now have a copy in my classroom library for my students to read. It is still at the top of my list for young adult books!


AHHHH my student brought it for me to read and I didn’t know whether or not it is good but now I am going to for sure read it because you recommend it, thank you!


congratulations!!! the coaches at my school would pick a 7/11 however far away they wanted us to run and tell us if we ran there we could get a slurpee!


That is a great idea….for my team and me:)


Congrats on becoming the new coach! That is awesome and I can’t wait to hear more about this year.

I got an iphone. It’s life changing in that I’ve always had the basic phone. Now I can update the blog and check facebook and twitter on the go.

I didn’t run cross country in high school, but I wish I did.

I stick with the same meals. It’s what works for me and makes planning out meals much easier. I do get adventurous on occassion.


AHHH, you are going to be hooked on the iPhone!!! WAHOO!!!


I LOVE the pear gorgonzola salad dressing from TJ’s in your picture. That’s a good one. Only problem is I can’t go through a bottle on my own before the expiration date.

Good news…not much to report on right now, but tomorrow is my husband’s and my 4th wedding anniversary!

Never ran cross country…Didn’t even run voluntarily until post-college. Did you run XC in high school? Congrats on the coaching position. I’m sure you’ll be great!

I generally pick from the same selection of foods for lunch, maybe a little variation: banana, apple, cinnamon or mocha almonds, greek yogurt, peanut butter filled pretzel nuggets (I portion them out, because the giant plastic tub of them in dangerous!), dinner leftovers/salad/or PB&J. I keep some kashi bars and peppermint patties or hershey’s minis in my desk when I need a little something.


HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TOMORROW!!! I need to try those pb pretzel nuggets and seriously that salad dressing is the


OMG! I’m so happy for you about the coaching job, that is AWESOME!!!!!

good news: I found a coach for myself! now I just have to get un-injured haha.

cross country: I ran in college! my coach didn’t really need to do “fun” stuff with us, but sometimes we had “theme” workouts where every distance group had a different theme…the 10k girls would dress 80s, the 5k girls would dress 90s, etc…

food: i totally eat the same things all the time. it’s just easy!


I LOVE THE THEMES IDEA….I am SO going to use that:) That is so great that you found a coach!!


didnt run, but my little bro and sis did…i know they loved it. had long runs, hill sprints, and thats all i remember them talking about. it was before i found my passion for it, too.
i pack the same lunch every day of the week…no thought, easy, and healthy. on the weekends i pack 5 salads, then take extra veg, fruit, a sandwich, and a bar or two. breakfast is always the same, too. i change up dinner a lot, but living alone, i tend to repeat a lot of those, too. dessert is always hella huge!


YES….I LOVE packing for the entire week!! It makes life so much easier. Thanks for the XX tips you are the best!!


I was able to start running again today after 3 weeks off because my dr punctured my bladder. I coached cross- country last year for the first time and we started practices this past Monday. I love coaching! It is so much fun. I ran 4 years in high school and 4 in college!


AHHH THAT IS SO SO COOL!!! Bummer about your bladder but I am SO happy you are back running!


WOW! Congrats on the Cross-country gig!!!!!!!!! I got chills for you I was so excited. SO FUN!


I finished reading The Help in 6 days and I rarely ever read. I took it EVERYWHERE with me. I’m so excited but so sad to have finished it. Now, it’s movie timeeeeeeeee!

I tend to stick to the same TYPES of meals but switch up the flavors… Such as salads/toppings combos and omelet/oatmeal/pancake combos. But those are the main things I eat!


you are going to be an amazing coach!! congrats!!!!

I stick to pretty routine breakfasts, but occasionally get fancy on my days off when I have time

exciting: I have been working part time at my dream job, and got offered a full time position today…SUCH an answered prayer!!!




I didn’t run in high school, but I was a swimmer and one of the things I hated the most was the division between fast and slow swimmers. We would practice in the same pool, but had totally different swims for the day. It led to a big disconnect between the two groups. The next year, we made sure to plan lots of team building activities in the beginning of the season and then made sure there was something going on about once every other week. Just because you’re on a team together, doesn’t mean you are actually a TEAM!

The good news? One week until I’m on the road to my new apartment!


whoa lots of food.
i usually bring a lot to especially when i have class at night.
started my 2nd year of classes out of 3 for my ed.s in school psych.
i brought a smoothie which i did not eat, carrots and hummus, a peach, a big salad, and a bar with me.
good luck coaching!! i would love to coach field hockey, but not sure i can!


Congrats! Coaching XC will be so fun! I’m a little jealous. :)

My good news is that my softball team won first place in the league tonight!

I tend to stick to the same food for snacks for the same reason. If it works for me, I stick to it for awhile. I switch it up at lunch though.


You are going to be the best coach!! God is using the gifts He has given you to share your love for running with others. It is a perfect fit! And those kids are will inspire you and you will inspire them.

We found out that we are moving back to Cali in the spring and I am sooooo excited! So when you move out we will be running buddies and run some awesome races together followed by massive amounts of candy, fro yo and brocolli.


AHHHH I AM SO SO HAPPY YOU ARE MOVING BACK TO CALI!!! We will hopefully be there next year and we will be the best of friends! Thank you so much for your sweet words!


So excited for you and coaching cross country. You’re going to LOVE it and the kids are gonna LOVE you! I don’t coach but my friend does. She just told me that once in a while she sets up a practice where she sends the girls off in waves (slower girls first, faster girls at the end) trying to time it so they all finish at the same time. It’s good for the the slower girls to not finish at the end and good for the faster girls to have someone to chase! Sounds like a fun practice to me!! Good luck and enjoy it!


Congrats thats awesome!! I always wanted to try to run track or cross country but was discouraged because I never was really a runner until recently.
I usually stick with the same foods but I’m trying to break out of that habit :)


Me too on the cross-country coach! First time and I am very excited Any ideas on training? My kids will range from 5th grade to 8th grade. If you want some inspiration, check out Very inspiring national program. Good luck!


I ran XC in high school, and our coach let us have game days on Fridays. The games still involved running in some way — flag football, capture the flag, etc, but it was more fun than just going out and running straight miles. Workout + fun = happy kids. You’ll be a great coach!


AW you will make the perfect cross-country coach! I coached a girls on the run 5K once and it was just about the best feeling ever. Now you can have that feeling ALL the time.

No tips – just be you. I’m sure you’ll be the best coach they all have ever had :-)


Congrats on the cross country sign ups! Very exciting!!

Good news: Hmm… I found a new favorite “health(ier) dessert”…vanilla pudding with kiwi. Yum!

When it comes to my meals and snacks, I go in phases. I’ll eat the same things over and over for a few months, and then find something else, and eat that for another few months. Peanut butter, however, will NEVER leave my life. I don’t think I go one day without peanut butter. :)


so i’m a first timer….(with the comment thing) but i’ve been reading your blog for months. love everything about it. especially the running stuff.

SO….i just HAD to put in my two cents about cross country practice. i ran cross country at a TEENY TINY school….and it was hard to get people out for the team. (i was the only girl on the varsity team most years) anyway….my coach starting giving popsicles out after practice everyday. ha…okay, you’re probably thinking SERIOUSLY?? but it worked. it kept people coming. we even had a shirt that said. “we run for popsicles” how cool is that? then when he started getting strict about our “diets” he brought watermelon. it was my favorite thing about practice…we’d just kind of hang out after our run and munch on our popsicles. it was great.


I’m starting student teaching in four weeks, and I met the teacher who’s room I’m in, and I totally love her. That’s HUGE right now. Oh and… I’m getting married in six weeks! AHHHHH

I’m all about the repetitive snacks. And meals. Once I find things I love, I stick.


That is so awesome that you get to coach XC! I’ve thought about what it would be like to be a coach… in part I think I would like it, but at the same time… eh, teenagers, really? Give me a rope and duct tape.

But, I did run XC my senior year of high school, in a pretty small school. There were a whopping 5 girls on the team, which was actually awesome because it meant I lettered because I placed among our team at each meet…


I am sooo excited that you are going to be an XC coach, and can’t wait to read about the kids’ season! I don’t miss much about high school, but training, traveling and racing with the XC team (I grew up in a really small town and we had 10 guys and 7 girls on the team so we were really close – whether we were “friends” outside the team or not) is something I get nostalgic about!


congrats, Janae! I would definitely join your cross country team if I could, too! :) Teach me!


I ran XC all 4 years at highschool!! It changed my life forever!! I loved every minute of it!! So excited for you!! I’ve always wanted to be an XC coach, just haven’t had the opportunity yet :) Hope so …someday!


You would be incredible, come coach it with me!!


If you had been the cross country coach at my school instead of the creepy science teacher and his creepier brother, I might have actually done it. Congrats!!!!

I registered for my half marathon tonight. TERRIFIED! I also signed up for a 5K in SLC in Oct. I’m excited :) if your running ready by then you should come!


Hahahaha creepy!! Congrats on your half you are going to do amazing!!! I totally will do the 5k in salt lake if I can,thanks girl!


I did XC all four years of high school and loved it! best parts were pasta parties at a different persons house each night before a meet! we also did fun stuff like a halloween run where we all dressed up and did like an 8 mi course which is prob the most we did the whole season followed by a huge feast prepared by the parents


Pasta party….I love it and I love the Halloween idea too, thank you SO much!!!!


CONGRATS!!! u will make the PERFECT cross coach, and i’m thrilled to hear about your great turnout! that’s a lot for a cross team…finally people are recognizing that running is THE best sport around…haha. :) good luck with the team and i know u’ll do great, can’t wait to hear about it all as it happens!

i did cross all four years and track most of them, i was injured for a season or two i think. i could pretty much tell u wat i’m going to be eating months from now…i eat the same things alllll the time. :P


GREAT news: The hubby and I are in the midst of our IVF treatment and I was told by the doctor, yesterday, that results are looking awesome and my embryo transfer (implantation) date will be this Tuesday the 23rd. :) We are so excited!

I go a few weeks eating the same exact thing at work and then I get bored and have to switch it up. Currently I am on a hummus & apple sandwich kick. So so good.

Congrats to you! Your cross country team will love ya!


That is the best news ever! Congrats and keep me updated!!


I just came across your blog by way of Carrots N Cake and I love it – I was a cross country runner in high school and recently returned to my roots to coach track there and teach yoga to the athletes. It’s so much fun and so rewarding to share something that you’re passionate about with others – best of luck :)


Hey Megan!!!!! Track and yoga…..that is awesome! Yay for new blog friend!


Congratulations! I never did cross country in high school. My school just made us play hockey and swim. Used to hate the hockey part!
I also fall into the same trap of eating the same things for breakfast, snacks and lunch. I think my work colleagues must think I’m super boring. I tend to switch up dinner though and usually have something different most nights.


Congrats!! That is so exciting! I work at an elementary school and we are starting marathon kids this year which I am going to help with, and I am so excited about this. Those kids seriously could not have a better, more inspirational, more supportive or knowledgeable coach. I love that I’m not the only person that eats the exact same thing every day. Why make a lunch every night when I can just make 2 or 3 at a time? And carrots and hummus and greek yogurt are my snack EVERY day. Yes I need two snacks.


Thanks so much!!!! I want to know more about marathon kids, I have never heard of it….it sounds awesome and you are going to be great!!!!


That is AWESOME that you’re the coach! Do you get a sweet jacket with your name embroidered on it that says “Coach Janae”? If not, you should make Billy get you one for Christmas.

I’m the same with food as you are. I know what I like, so I stick to it.


I noticed the book too! I just read it in two days…couldn’t put it down!


Congrats on the XC coaching gig. YOu’ll do awesome!


Congrats on the coaching gig! Very exciting! I work as a paralegal from 8am – 5pm M-F and really really wanted to take on a job where I can be more active. This morning I had a phone interview to be a gymnastics coach and it went great! The pay sucks so I can’t afford to do it full-time, but I’m going to start part-time. Between the two jobs, I’ll be working a lot, but I’m super pumped and hope it will open more doors for me :) Going in on Saturday for training and so they can watch me interact with the kids. Ahhhh I’m nervous!


you are going to LOVE it. I’m the middle school field hockey coach for the school where I work, and it’s so, so fun!


I ran cross country in high school and when I started running again (after a 5 year break), so much of what learned in high school really helped me! For example, I learned the art of doing long slow distances, the importance of hill work and most importantly, how to take care of injuries like shin splints! You are going to be a great coach!!!!!


I think you are going to make a fantastic coach!!


Oh happy day, that’s very exciting news. I wish I had gotten into running back in high school, but back then you couldn’t have paid me to run a mile around the track. I would have laughed in your face if you told me I’d have run a marathon by my early twenties. I think if the cross country coach at my high school had been half as awesome as you I may have gotten into it, haha. She was my math teacher and very evil.

The best news of my day is that I’m only working a half day and then I get to get my first run of the week in because I’ve been feeling under the weather all week. I have been craving the endorphins and I miss all the cleansing sweat.

When it comes to snacks I usually get stuck on something I love and then only eat it and then move onto something else until I wear it out and the cycle just continues. Currently my big addiction is hard boiled eggs and homemade peanut butter chocolate protein bars.

Can’t wait to hear about all the adventures and accomplishments of your team!


News: I am moving back home and I have a J-O-B and a sweet apartment and will be near my family and in my favorite city ever and I will no longer be scraping pennies together for bananas in NYC and I am so excitedddddd

I ran XC in high school! I think my favorite part about my coach was knowing how much she loved running and how much of a runner she was – it made it more difficult to complain about mile repeats when my coach was crushing marathons. Your kids are going to love you!!


AHHH I am SO SO happy you are moving back home and you have a job and new apartment, that is the BEST EVER!!! Great advice, thank you so so much!


Congrats on being the coach!! Those kids are so lucky to be able to have a coach like you! You’re going to be AMAZING :D

I stick to the same thing all the time during the school year! I always plan to eat something different, but then I decide that it takes to much effort to actually think of what I want to eat. So, its the same old, same old all the time.

I never ran cross country during HS, and I never wanted to because the coaches and players were…crazy, shall we say? lol

Good News: I’m turning 18 on Saturday :D


Congrats on the coaching gig!! You are going to be amazing at it…if I ran XC in highschool I would totally want you as my coach, so motivating and fun! Please post any tips or tricks that you come across or that work for you. I’ve never been a coach before and this year I’m going to be a coach with the “Girls on the Run” program & I can’t wait. It’s a program for 3rd through 8th grade girls to help them develop self-respect and healthy lifestyles while running & training for a 5K at the end of the program.

By the way, I love your blog, you keep me motivated through all of the ups and downs I have with running :)


I totally will post any tips or ideas!!! That is so so awesome that you are going to coach ‘Girls on the Run’. That is an incredible program!! Thank you so so much Kim for your sweet words, you made my day!


Janae!! I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!! Cross country coach sounds like a DREAM COME TRUE for you!! Be sure to let us know when your kids’ meets are so that we can all come and add to the volume in the stands!!


You are the BEST BRIT!!! THank you so so so much!


yeah for coaching CC!!! I credit my CC coaches for igniting my passion for running. Unlike many schools, they took us off campus to run in the mountains, by the river, cool trails, etc. I loved running in nature and could not believe that other schools had practice runs around their school yard, or gasp, the track. It’s cross country people!


That’s super exciting! Congratulations! I didn’t run cross country but I swam and played softball and volleyball and I have to say that your athletes are VERY lucky to have a coach who is young, full of energy and that can relate to what they are going through in practice and competing! Those are the perfect ingrediants for a coach that the runners will LOVE! With your passion and experience in running, they couldn’t ask for a better coach & mentor!! Good luck! Can’t wait to hear all about it on the blog!


CONGRATS COACH JANAE!! wow! YOu are going to inspire some runners!! I bet you learn something from them too! :)


This is big to me – I gave up candy for a week and I am starting to shake like a crackhead. :( I am dying for sour patch anything and you picture is killing me! I cannot wait until Sunday!


Oh wow I’m so excited for you! That’s awesome! I loved cross-country in high school :) Let’s see, what can I tell you about our training? Well, when we arrived on-site at every meet, we would jog the whole course as a team. This worked as our warm-up & also gave us a chance to see/get to know the WHOLE course. Plus it was fun :) Also, we had “long runs” on the weekends we didn’t race, where the girls ran up to 8 miles & the boys up to 10 (never longer than that). We also had “K-DAY” once a year- the morning of the homecoming dance! We did 5 Ks at race pace (w/ a recovery break in between, I wanna say like 2:30 min), then a 1 K recovery jog, before doing 5 more Ks at “goal” pace! We did these around the athletic fields. Oh it was a KILLER workout!


I saw your guest post – what a great topic! All too true and awesomely needed some days…because not everyday is Rainbows and butterflies…you are correct!


You should touch base with she is a teacher and coach. You both are super speedy and seem like lots of fun. If you haven’t chatted you should introduce yourself. :)


WOW!!! THank you so so much for the link, I am on my way over right now to make friends with her:)


I’m currently a junior in cross country, and I like it when my team has team dinners! You should definitely convince your team to have team dinners the day before races if they don’t already do it. Everyone on our team loves to carbo load! (Or maybe we just love food in general…who doesn’t?!) It helps our team to bond too. Also tempo runs are very helpful for cross country, so you should get your kids to do those! (even though they may hate them…I have learned to love them:)

Congrats on your coaching job, I wish you were my coach!


JENNY!! Thank you so so much for sharing with me what you love about your team! How is your season going?


My season is going really great so far!! We haven’t had any meets yet but my mile time trial and tempos have been awesome. I hope one day to break 3 hours for a marathon just like you(: And of course meet Kara Goucher!


You are going to LOVE being a cross country coach!!! Coaching figure skating has been such a blessing for me. I get more nervous and excited over my own students than I did when I was competing. Good luck!!


Hi Janae!

I’ve been reading for month’s now (love your blog – you make me laugh ; ) and have never commented – but your questions piqued my interested because I had a great cross country coach. We had a HUGE team – 65 girls. My coach was excellent at setting goals for each of us, and although he gave a lot of attention to the varsity girls, he push the rest of us to beat our PR’s at EVERY race. That’s right, he wanted EVERYONE to run better than their last time, everytime, and he truly held us to that expectation. He made me a better athlete and I will always remember him for that.

He also did a few things that other’s submitted already – team dinners are SO much fun. He also fixed up coolers of ice cold pop that would be back at the school when we completed our long runs : ) I really kicked it into high gear when I found out there would be a Sunkist orange pop waiting for me!!!! We also had enough girls to do “secret sisters” which was a lot of fun – you write encouraging notes and get them their favorite pre/post race snacks : )

Have fun with your girls, Janae!


WOW!!! Amanda thank you so so so much for commenting, you made my day!! Your coach and team sounds absolutely amazing, thank you for sharing with me what meant a lot to you as an athlete, I really appreciate you!


Do you use a lunchbox?! I ask becuase I am a huge salad and snacky person too and haven’t found an insulated bag that fits it all! A little embarrassed but not really haha :P


Yes…. It is from target and it is huge, Billy calls it a cooler. Let me know if u get one. Don’t be embarrassed I am the same way!!


Yeah, I have one I picked up @ the Teet (*Harris Teeter*) that I use but I would love to find one with a wider base…


That is awesome about the cross country!! When I was a teacher I was a co-sponsor of the math club (dorky, yes) cuz I was a math teacher. Definitely not as cool as cross country, that’s for sure! You will do awesome and your kids will love ya!!! 


Good luck with coaching, you’re going to love it! I’ve been coaching the girls softball team at a local high school for the past few years and it’s been so gratifying!


You will be a great coach! I didn’t run in HS. I’ve only been running 3 yrs. I stick to the same kinds of foods too. I eat the same bfast every morning.


I ran cross-country in high school and loved it! The girls on my team became good friends (we had about 20-25 girls)… Some highlights: racing on teams of 4 in “relays” against other schools but it was a total fun race as we got to pick themes and dress up in costumes, pasta night at coach’s house the night before sectionals, doing 10 mile long runs (we trained to race 5ks) on nearby trails saturday mornings with post-run watermelon/bagels, team t-shirts with a cute or awesome quote said by someone on the team on the backs, post-season banquet with goofy awards/pictures given out that captured the great memories, one day a week dedicated to “cross-training” aka playing something else that was really fun like soccer badminton volleyball basketball etc… and much much more…

good luck coaching them! i think you’ll love it and so will they! i have no doubt you’ll spread your passion for running, life, and fitness to them. oh yeah, and for food. :)


Thanks for one’s marvelous posting! I certainly enjoyed reading it, you will be a great author.I will make sure to bookmark your blog and definitely will come back someday. I want to encourage continue your great job, have a nice morning!

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