Compression Socks Rock My Socks Off.

Sorry about the title, I had to.  I am easily entertained.

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You are welcome for putting on a sweatshirt to cover up my sweat, wow…I am selfless.

Zensah sent me their most awesome COMPRESSION SOCKS and I am pretty sure I will never leave home without them.   I have been using them on all of my runs (and after my runs) since I have started running again.

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These socks have ARCH support…which is awesome, they help enhance blood circulation and oxygen flow which increases performance….aka they will help me be a speed demon and all you will see is a blur of black socks running by with some girl singing Lady Gaga and a goofy smile.


PS Billy made this heavenly dessert and I think you should try it sometime.

He boiled frozen fruit (1.25 cups), sugar (1 cup) and water (1.5 cups) down to a syrup and then cooled it completely.

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Throw it into a food processor with ice and you have yourself a heavenly slushy.  Best when topped on ice cream and eaten after the pool or while watching the eleventh episode of House Hunters in one night.

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Do you have compression socks?

-These are my first pair and I highly recommend THEM.

What was YOUR workout?!?!

Favorite SLUSHY flavor?

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That slushy looks awesome and I could totally make that!

My workout today is speed work at the track. Gulp!

I LOVE compression. I don’t like socks because I like to go barefoot post run, so I wear the sleeves instead. They’re awesome!


OH that dessert sounds like frozen love!

I am sooo jealous of you socks!!

I had to go back to work today so I haven’t worked out yet. Still debating on what to do! When do you go back?


Socks with arch support? My flat feet would love that!!

Love the slushy idea too – yumm!


I have flat feet and am prone to shin splints, so I have always wanted to try compresstion socks. I have heard good and bad reviews on them, but you’ve sold me! Then again, I’d probably top my froyo with onions if you said it was good.


Wow! What a talented husband you have :) A man that makes slushies is definitely a keeper.

Those compression socks are actually CUTE. Mine are super nerdy. Looks like I need some Zensahs in my life.


I need some of those! At the half expo this weekend I was THIS close to getting some…. I’m going to keep an eye on your comments and then comparison shop!


I haven’t tried compression socks yet but I’ve been considering it!

My workout today was pilates followed by cardio on the elliptical.

That slushy looks pretty but slushies actually gross me out.


I JUST got some of the Zensah leg sleeve things this past weekend and I really think they helped with some shin pain I was having. It was like instant relief (after I got them on that is). The compression helped SO much. I have NO idea why I waited so long to get a pair.
Plus, mine are pink so I just want to wear them forever. :-)


I’ve never used compression socks before!
Today’s workout was a brand-new RPM release…..which was AWESOME!


I don’t have compression socks, but I do have these awesome “compression” tights from Under Armour that I LOVE. Mostly because they make my booty look great, but they also do a great job of staying put when I exercise!


I do not have compression socks, but have been talking about getting a pair forever. Yeah, this post totally reminds me to get them!!!

workout was 2 1/2 hour hike with my mom. Sooooooooooooo lovely and I don’t think we stopped talking the whole time. The hubs will be happy I used up some of my word quota on her today. :)


i do have compression socks, but i notice more of a difference if i wear them after a run vs. during!
I noticed in the first photo you have the socks on the wrong feet ( i do that too- so i’m glad i’m not the only one)


I have never tried compression socks before…hmm… You’re pictures always crack me up girl.. Too funny! Kinda was a bit lazy today – did a mini pool workout and push ups! I did make 2 dozen cookies – now that was a :-)
xoxo from trinidad


I love my compression socks. Since I’ve been injured, I’ve been wearing them around the house (and even hidden well at work sometimes). My injury effects the arch and ankle, so socks were the way to go.

My workout today was 45 minutes of intervals on the bike (woke up too late for anything more).

I haven’t had a slushy forever, but my favorite flavor was always coke.


Compression socks are hands down (or feets down!) the best running gear I’ve ever bought! They were totally worth the money. I find that my legs don’t get tired or sore when I wear them while I run. This is especially helpful during an actual race. I hope to wear mine more when the weather cools a little bit. I have two pairs of CEP, but I’ll have to look into Zensah’s too!


I have those socks, but mine are argyle (sp?). I LOVE them!!


I havent had a slushy in FOReva. I used to love the Pepsi or Coke flavoured ones. My very first “official” workout would have to be a bootcamp thing I did with some friends when I was like 12.


i bought my first pair on Saturday and i am in love with them.


That dessert looks amazing!


Compression socks are awesome! My boyfriend (he runs collegiately at a D1 school) and I both wear Zoot compression socks and we love them
My workout was an 8 mile recovery run
I have not had a slushy since I was in middle school, but I would probably choose a fruity flavor! Maybe strawberry.


I haven’t commented in a looooong time, but I still read all 3 of your daily blogs. I do believe that your socks are on the wrong feet though in the picture….not that I was analyzing your photo that much…L= left, R= right.


um sounds DELICIOUS!
and girl i want compression socks now!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don’t have any BUT next marathon I train for I will try them for sure!

I love banana slush! And haven’t had it this summer yet! Eeek!

I am going to run 8km after work :)


I haven’t tried compression socks, but I’m curious about them! So it’s nice to know yours thoughts on the subject!! :)

My workout was triceps/chest/shoulders, followed by 30 minute walk-run intervals on the treadmill. And now I’m starving. ;)


I like compression sleeves but have actually found Zensah to be my least favorite brand (though if you get them for free, certainly no complaining!). I’m like the above commenter in that I like to be barefoot after a run, so I like the sleeves more than the socks. Sometimes I run in the sleeves but usually pull them on afterward.


I don’t have any compression socks, are they expensive?? (My funds are limited…lol). I should get some if they help enhance circulation!!

My workout was heavy legs lifting today. Uhm, yeah…I’m gunna be sore tomorrow :P


ahh yea! we live in ours too. especially when we travel! Ceep is awesome. And they look hot on you!


Those socks are sweet! But I really want to eat that fruit slushy! Amazing. I’m pregnant (18 weeks) and all I want this summer is cold frozen drinks and cold fruit.


first of all, that dessert sounds awesome. I love that you made it with real fruit!

I want compression socks so badly, but always spend my money on other things. They are on my Christmas wish list (yes, I have had one made since June) and am already excited to get some. But I may cave and buy some before then


I have a pair of compression socks, and I will admit I think I bought them more for the look factor lol and not really because they are suppossed to work. I am all about the look of running so to speak. Workout today consisted of 45 minutes of cycle and 10 minutes on the elliptical. Pretty excited bout the elliptical, I strained my achillis and I had no pain this morning…my legs are sure sore though. I have been swimming for the past two weeks so I don’t think my legs are used to the bike or elliptical.


I love that homemade slushy ice! I am forwarding this to the hubs in the hopes that he gets the hint—make me dessert!

I’ve never tried compression socks but I really want to –they’re on my list of must-have items!


I have compression socks and I love them too. I need to buy another pair though.


I love my compression socks (&capris). It’s too bad they cost so much or I’d definitely want to get some cooler looking ones (mine are black too). Thought of you when on vacation we met the lady who was on House Hunters Monday night (Whitefish, Montana). We live close and vacation there every year so it was fun to see somewhere featured that we know well (& the lady was super nice).


Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! I’ve never had compression socks. I’m curious about them!


Oh my goodness!! That looks so yummy!! I think socks make a huge difference! I have some compression socks and they are soooo comfortable!!


whoa those look cool! If I ran more I’d probably want some of those too. Haha ;)


I have only heard about compression socks, but never actually tried them. I would love to try out a pair like yours in this post – they seem to be pretty remarkable. And that slushy looks TOTALLY awesome.


I love my compression socks!! I just did a review on them, they have changed my run and made my recovery faster.


I LOVE my compressions! I wear the sleeves but still the same. LOVE them!


I would LOVE socks with arch support!!!


No compression socks yet, but with how often I’m getting shin splints I think they might be worth it.

Love slushies – mountain dew is my favourite. Yep I’m weird.


I have never tried compression socks but EVERYONE I follow are constantly praising them so I may decide to try them out when it gets cooler! Thanks for the review…by the way I posted about Yoga today and tagged you!


I have neglected my compression socks (hot pink, even!) for FAR too long – I need to whip those babies back out for my long runs…


Workout was a 60 minute spin class. It whooped my ass!


I never tried compression socks – I’d feel like too much of a poseur.
Diet Dr. Pepper slushie. I’ve never had that flavor but I’m pretty sure it would beat all other flavors.
Extreme pilates today for the workout. I’m still nursing my foot.


Sometimes I just blend up frozen fruit with a splash of water and call it a slushy. But yours looks so much more decadent!


I love my compression socks!!!

I did a track workout this morning and body pump- Wednesday is my intense day!


You look super intimidating and hard-core with those socks….and awesome!!
I don’t know if it counts as a slushy, but I love processed frozen bananas. Add in some peanut butter and cocoa powder and you will be able to trick billy into thinking he’s eating some sort of ice cream when it’s really one of his very own despised bananas.


Glad you posted this! I’ve been eyeing compression socks lately, mainly b/c I know I’m destined for varicose veins. I figured I could kill two birds with one stone….


I’ve had compression socks last year when I was in hospital with a kidney infection – becuase I was in there for a week just lying down, and I was on a drip, I had horrible edema (soooooooooo groooooss) and they were supposed to help prevent clots or something? I was so weak I couldn’t put them on though, it was such a struggle as they are so tight! I just remember being on the floor collapsed in tears becuase i didn’t have the strength to pull on the bloomin compression socks, lol! :-P That’s cool that you can use them for runnin though, I had no idea!
My workout was a 90 minute yoga class – I am stiff! And upper body weights. Pump it up, yo! :-P Followed by dark chocolate eating, which is a workout in and of itself in the quantities that I do it. (Bad habit, lol!) ;-)
Janae, where did you get your grey zip-up hoodie? I LOVE it and really really want one for myself! It’s so fitted and flattering and feminine – you look beautiful in it! Please let me know! Thanks a million billion! <3 xyx


I have compression sleeves and I love them! I’ve not worn them to run yet because it’s to hot but they are my fave post run while i’m icing and resting my legs. (And now that I’m in the thick of marathon training I sometimes just keep them on while I sleep. :))


I’m with you, and wear them on most long runs (over 10 miles) and have worn them in 2 half marathons. Plus, it’s fun to get the looks from people thinking I’m from the ’70’s.


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