A Triathlon Spread Throughout the Day

Who sleeps like that?  Pretty crazy that the 15 pictures that I took of him while laughing hysterically didn’t wake him up.

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PS he did 4 miles (7:11 pace with Billy) yesterday BAREFOOT….he is crazysauce!

Last night we had a bbq at the park. I was too hungry to figure out the best lighting for the photo of for my cheeseburger, salad and pickle hanging out in the back.    Feta cheese should be topped on everything.

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Dinner was washed down with snickerdoodles and Billy had to explain to me that he was frowning because he only had one bite left, not because I still had yet to shower for the day.

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In case you were wondering, I was drinking straight from the ketchup jar, water is overrated.   PS I don’t think I have ever sat up that straight in my life…..I am a sloucher but I am working on it!

We definitely fueled properly for the evenings activities.

This is correct volleyball stance right?  Let’s just say our team could have won if it wasn’t for a person that starts with a J, and ends with an anae.  I have the slowest reflexes in the world and that is why long distance running is the only sport I am good at.

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Once it was dark outside it was time to swim!! I feel like I completed my fourth triathlon last night….this one was a little bit easier and more spread out than the previous ones but I did get a two mile run in the morning followed by a bike ride and an evening swim!

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I made up for my lack of volleyball skills by my chicken fight domination.  Please do not zoom in on me pulling my BIL’s hair, and pinching his arm at the same time….it is my key to winning the game.

Only one person shed blood during this game…..that is a lot better odds than usual.

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This is our ‘Martha Washington.’  I think I hold the record for how many times I get asked, “How old are you?”  I always reply, “Mentally or physically….because they are two completely different ages.”

Thanks Jon for making your creeper face in the background.

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Have you ever done a triathlon?  Do you have a desire to do one?

-I WILL complete an ironman someday! I have done 2 sprints and 1 olympic triathlon.

If you take spin classes or you do outdoor cycling…..would you rather do flat road sprints or hill climbs?  What are you better at?

-I think I like HILL CLIMBS better….gotta love the quads and buns feeling the burn.

Did you watch the Bachelorette last night?  Who do you think is going to WIN?

-I didn’t watch it but I will on Hulu today….I think JP will win!!

How old are you mentally?

-I would have to say 18.  Sometimes even younger, especially when there is candy, sparkles or bubble gum involved.

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Never done a Tri. Not too much of a desire to do one. I think my goal is to just do a marathon. I’m not a HUGE racing fan, I’ve only done one 5k before with my sister and SIL. It was fun, but I don’t see the joy in paying for something I can do for free! It was awesome to be in it and watch others afterwards though, such a rush and super encouraging!
I bike sometimes, I did Saturday with Doug – only about 5 miles. He is a speed demon though. We only did flats – but it was still hard on the highest resistance the bike could go :)
Not a fan of the Bachelorette… Plus I think my mom would give me a “don’t be wordly” speech if she saw me watching that. I like American’s next top model though :)
How old am I mentally… well I’ve been told by others I act older then I am (21), but I look younger then that, EVERYONE thinks I look about 16-17! Doug thinks I act “immature” when we go on walks and I can’t HELP but pick up every little frog I see and help him to some grass and safety, and then proceed to explain to Doug that the frog loves me and probably wants to stay with me forever. :)


haha, love the martha washington! My sister and I used to always do that with our hair in the pool growing up!

also, good work on 2 miles!

AND, I laughed out loud reading about your chicken fight. good work beating up your BIL. hahah


BAREFOOT, HE RAN BAREFOOT! I love him!!!!!!!! Go give him the best highfive!


i cant believe he ran barefoot!! he deserves a foot massage for sure!!

my sisters and I always do the martha washington!! Love it!


Haha! I used to do the Martha Washington too when I was a kid! It was either that or mermaids. I went to the spring the other day and a little girl was there with her dad (I knew her, don’t worry) and I taught her how to do the “Martha” …she didn’t know how! Good thing I was there to teach the poor girl how to be “cool”! :)


I would love to do a triathlon but am not a swimmer at all!! Maybe a team one though :)
I love sprints! And dread hill climbs.
Depends on the day, most days I would like to think about 22, but days when I watch Family Channel all day – maybe 12 ;)


I haven’t done a tri, but with all the swimming and biking I’m doing to rehab the (stress) fractured pelvis, I’m thinking that one is in my future. My hip doctor even said he’d LOVE to see me do a Half Ironman in about a year.:) I know he’d love to see me more balanced, and not going gonzo over running alone.

People generally think I am the youngest in my family, while I am actually 10 years older than my youngest brother. The hip thinks she’s about 82, though. :) Mentally? Some days 22, others 12. NEVER my age.


Me and my sister always used to do the Martha Washington hair in our backyard pool growing up!! I didn’t realize other people knew about that awesome fun :)

I did was bachelorette, so I won’t say who won. However, I was very very happy about it!!!!


I an 23 and I just did the Martha Washington hairdo last week when I was nannying and went swimming with them!!

Have you ever done a triathlon? Do you have a desire to do one?

-I really dont have any desire to do one. I think I would drown if I did. I guess if I did it with other people I might!

If you take spin classes or you do outdoor cycling…..would you rather do flat road sprints or hill climbs? What are you better at?

-I have done spinning before and I liked the flat rather than the hill climbs. I HATED standing up on the bike

Did you watch the Bachelorette last night? Who do you think is going to WIN?

-Dont watch it, and I honestly dont think I care who wins!

How old are you mentally?

-I would have to say 10. I seriously act like such a little kid, good thing I went to college to become an elementary school age teacher! haha


I hope to do a tri someday I’m not a good swimmer I needto work on that one! My SIL completed her ironman (the vineman) over the weekend 13 1/2 hours!! She rocks!

I made the best cookies yesterday (3cups of peanut butter) I wish u were in Utah because I would bring you some and I guarantee you would fall on love.

I’m a little jealous how much fun you have with you in laws mine are coo coo..


Janae, you are super cute. LOVE love love your blog!!!
Yes, I watched Bachelorette last night. I was disappointed by her choice!


Thanks Angela….you MADE MY DAY!!


The Martha Washington! I did the Martha Washington for Mike at the beach and he was crying he was laughing so hard. Apparently, his sisters weren’t as awesome as me when they were 10 lol.

You guys are having such an awesome time in CA! I’m totally jealous.


I like sprints the best and then jumps. My least fav (although I still ike them) are hills. I just really love spinning though!!


After doing many traditional triathlons, I think that yours looks like the most fun ever. I would like my next race to be run by you please!


Lol I think I’m 86. I’m such a grandma really!! Lol

I like climbs better than sprints on a spin bike, but I’m glad they usually mix up the two!


Depends on the day. 6-23 usually. Early twenties on a “mature” day.

I could pass for 16 from far away (I have wrinkles)


PS- your Martha Washington MADE MY MORNING.


I have done a sprint, and I am doing a half ironman next year!!! I will prob stick in an olympic one there somewhere. Hah ;)

Love the hair!


I prefer hill climbs. The sprints basically kill me.


Your cookout food looked SO good that I wish I had it for brunch. I have never done any running or any exercising that I can brag about. Unless you call getting through a whole tape of Billy Blanks’ Tae Bo an amazing feat. (Believe me, it took effort.)

Because all of you are runners, I bet you’re ready for me to get off your blog and stop commenting already. BUT this is the only guaranteed-hysterical-laugh that I have for the day!


JODI….don’t you dare EVER stop commenting…we are bff’s and I would miss you dearly!!! Billy Banks rocks…want me to get you his autograph!?!?!


It would kind of embarrassing if he read this, since I spelled his name wrong Glad we’re on the same page! ;-)


I am absolutely a hills girl in spinning class and dread the flat racing portions!


When I got to work my friend told me she brought me some cucumber salad. I had to eat it immediately when I saw the picture of your salad(I added feta)! I love the Martha Washington!! I think the main reason I love having kids so much is so I can blame my child-like behavior on them… truth is I’ve always acted like that. I watched the Bachelorette last night and I am happy with her choice.


Now this is my kind of triathlon!!!


Always wanted to compete in a Tri..sounds like super fun! :-) I think mentally I am about 17 — and then other days I feel like I’m 50….just depends on the day! xoxo


Fun post! Part of me wants to do a triathalon but I don’t really like biking or swimming…so…you know. ;) We’ll see! I love the idea of it though and think the fact that it’s such an endurance event might draw me in to become a biker/swimmer one day!

Also, we used to do the same thing in the pool with our hair! We just called it “Mrs. Washington” but I always liked to play the boy (hopefully I’m wasn’t the only little girl tomboy out there who didn’t embrace being a girl until later in life!) ;) and was George Washington! So funny. If I didn’t have dreads now I would do it still! It would make my husband roll his eyes and that always makes me laugh. :D


I have never done a triathalon, but I’m only 18 (well 17) so there’s plenty of time for one!!
Uhm…mentally, I go between a 6 year old and 18 (funny, cuz I just talked about this on my blog today :P ) Depends on the day. lol

You guys look like you’re having a blast! I’m so jealous- I really need to do something with my life so I actually have things to talk about. haha. Hmm…maybe I can talk my friend into a road trip next summer….. tee hee ;)


I’m scared of swimming in open water (not the water, the fish- it’s not rational)! So, if I could find a tri with a nice pool swim, maybe someday :). I so admire those that do tri’s, though.

I am still new at the spin class stuff, but so far I like the hill climbs over the sprints. Love the feeling of sore quads and glutes!

I would have to say I am mentally about 21. To really know, I would have to ask the husband… and I don’t really want to know what he would say ;)


I don’t like triathlons….but your version sounds okay!


um, i think you know how I feel about this?! LOVE ME SOME TRIATHLON! oh and that hair is fabulous! love the flip. haha.


I am not a swimmer although I want to be… it just isn’t convenient where I am know and I am kind of nervous to get started. I will wait until I can go somewhere no one knows me!

As for cycling… I like hills when I am sprinting and sprinting when I am doing hills!


ha ha that last picture just made my entire day. What a fun night! Yay for the spread out tri. Love that! I would love to do a tri someday but I really really suck at swimming. Maybe you can teach me?

Have a great day girlie!


Your summer looks so fun!

I’m doing my second Ironman this year. Six weeks baby!

Cycling: I would probably pick hills because sprinting hurts too much.

I think I am about 76 years old mentally. I go to bed early, wake up naturally at 4:45am, and lately I’ve taken to eating dinner at 5pm. Although much of the time I act like a 12 year old, so it kind of balances out. :-)


Lately I have so much interest in trying out a TRI! :) I know YOU share the same love for LAKE POWELL that I do… have you hear of this Tri there:
I think i am going to do it! – you should too! :)


Awesome day! Love the Martha look.

Yep, I’ve done lots of tris over the years, including an IM. They’re not my focus anymore, but I’ll always dabble in them.


I fixed your comment on my blog!! I don’t know why it goes to SPAM :-(. But it always makes me so happy to see your comment :-)

I’ve never done a triathlon and probably never will because I am a horrible swimmer/biker. I like to spin on a stationary cycle, but when it comes to riding outside, I’m so awkward…

I like hill climbs because I like to work the ol’ buttox.

I did watch the Bachelorette. I thought it was a very cute ending :-)

Mentally, I’m 18 as well – sometimes younger if we’re talking about my obsession with candy stores and ice cream shops ;-)


I have never done a tri because I am TERRIFIED of riding a bike. Actually, I am terrified of FALLING OFF the bike. I don’t watch the bachelorette. That show makes me sad for women. I am about 14 mentally because I can be totally immature, yet I’m totes into my hubbs!!


I haven’t done a tri but I want to do an Ironman so badly!! I should probably start small, but whatever.


I watched “The Bachelorette” on Hulu today, too, because I was at my in-law’s house last night for a super-fun dinner! :) I knew who was going to win (I had seen some spoilers), but I still loved watching it. It’s so cheesy, but I love it anyways!!! :)


I will actually never do a triathlon…never never never. I don’t think doggy paddling for an entire mile would be that much fun.

I am mentally 19! I have been turning 19 for years and every year it just keeps getting better!


I love your Martha Washington poor hair! I used to do that all the time (ok, fine, I still do it…) I definitely am still a kid at heart!


As of this past Saturday…YES! I have officially done a triathlon! Granted, it was only a sprint triathlon, but at 26 weeks pregnant, I am still proud of myself! I plan on doing a couple more sprint triathlons, then an Olympic distance, and then moving on to the half Ironman. I am not sure if I’ll ever do a full Ironman, but I assure you that if I do, I WILL get 140.6 tattooed across my forehead. 

I did not watch the Bachelorette last night. It seems that I am the *only* person in the whole world that didn’t. I have never really gotten into any of them.

Mentally, I think I am a solid 23. That was a good year for me…not totally irresponsible like my college days, but old enough to still be able to do fun things and have a bit of sense about me. I say this like I am so “old” now at 28. :)

Oh, and I am TOTALLY digging those Martha Washington ‘dos! My grandmother had a swimming pool when I was growing up and my cousins and I did that all the time!!


AHHHH CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR FIRST TRIATHLON….and 26 weeks pregnant…you are my hero!!! WOW…..love the tattoo idea:)


You’re lookin’ so taaaan girlfriend! Yay for Cali!


hahah oh i totallllly do the martha washington in the pool with my hair all the time! its like a must when you go swimming. it just has to be done!
i want to do my HALF SO BADLY! and then do a tri! i gotta work on my swimming but i am a pretty good biker and i have endurance!
i love the hills because i get to talk to myself even more! and im like GO GO GO YOU CAN DO IT hahaha crazy? but it gets me through :)


That pool looks so refreshing!! I want to jump in right now!

I personally prefer hill climbs. I don’t ENJOY them but I do better at those than sprints. They are both ridiculously hard though!

Girlfriend ~ You have never had CHIPOTLE?! You need to get on that!! And you must get the burrito bowl! :) Go now! Right now!!


I love your glasses up there. Are those your new Oakleys? Please tell me they are polarized and I will sign on the dotted line!


YES THEY ARE OAKLEYS and they are polarized…..get them, we will be twinners, I love them so very much!


I have never done a Tri…but I think I would like to one day! Mental age? probably 18… hopefully ahah since I am 18 :)


I’d love to try a tri! I’m on a little iffy on my swimming. And biking. So I think I’d definitely have to start with a sprint. But it’d be cool. I’m a little intimidated by all the transitions & rules & whatnot.


Let’s face facts, mentally I am a 13 year old boy! My behavior and jokes are completely obnoxious and inappropriate!

I just told my brother after leisurely (sp?) 4.25 spin on my beach cruiser that I think I am gonna ask Santa for a better bike for Christmas. Not better but ya know one people won’t laugh at me when I ride it in a Tri.

I do not do hills…I am lazy! This must change before I can do a Tri huh?


I’ve done 2 mini triathlons. I only did the 2nd one to prove to myself I could do better. My 1st one I did NO training at all (i only did running). I thought how hard could it be? I had to borrow my Dads bike. Umm, I was a mtn bike, not a racing bike! Oh, and I wore my bikini not a tri suit (only one without it!). So, first off the 400m swim=i almost drowned, NO JOKE!! I was so mortified, but thankful I made it( I got like 10th from last). Then the bike (10 miles). I didn’t let any woman pass me (ended up in the middle pac). Finally the 5k run!! I got 3rd overall in it!! I passed lots. Overall, I ended up 2nd in my age group and 4th female overall. It was a learning experience. I learned I can’t swim and that just because you can run, doesn’t mean you can do a tri. Anyways, you have a great tan going on. Mentally I am about 19 and I still look it aparently,haha. Enjoy your last days of summer!! I cried this morning cause teachers had to go back to work….maybe I’m 5 mentally :/


I always sleep in crazy positions too!


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