I had a total of 63 minutes in between school and going back to work for ‘Welcome Back to School Night’ so, what does one do?  Squeeze in a 12 mile bike ride with her husband and pray that your students parents don’t notice my ‘glistening’ and smelling like I just rode my bike in 91 degree weather because I would rather spend more time on the bike than getting ready.

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I think it is cool that Billy and I have the same size feet and calves (in case you were wondering I am wearing the white shoes….hey, I have been busy and shaving my legs comes last:)

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Billy called me a ‘beast’ on the bike today…..that is a compliment that made me super happy because I felt STRONG again and more like the myself:)

I got home from school way past my bedtime but at least Billy had dinner ready for me.  Please don’t diss the jam on my egg sandwich, sweet and savory all in one.

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Dessert was cereal (I think this obsession might overtake ice cream for a few weeks) while watching UFC fighting on the computer.

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Sugar Smacks in a mug.

PPS I got a new phone again (I have PHONE ISSUES) and so I lost all of my numbers again….text me if you want me to have your number again:)


What is your favorite SWEET and SAVORY combination?

-Grilled cheese or egg sandwich with jam.

What is the weather like where you are? Is it cooling down? Do you have AC or a swamp cooler?

-Utah is in the low nineties and our house is currently 83 degrees inside.  Hmmmmm…..no air condioning or swamp cooler makes it a little tough to fall asleep:)

What was the last compliment you got that made you happy?

-B telling me I was a beast….I am taking it as I was a speed demon and powering up those hills!


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Um, I’m pretty sure egg sandwiches are SUPPOSE to have jam on them! That how I’ve always done them. :)


Me too with the whole strawberry jam on egg sandwiches… YUM – It’s definitely not getting cooler here – duh…but I’m not complaining! Pretty soon it will be very cold for everyone and it will still be nice and hot here! xoxo Hope your first day/night of school went well! xoxo from Trinidad


I thought my ice cream to cereal transition would be 2 weeks and it turned into 2 years…….

As I was trying on clothes at the Lululemon store the woman said “I can tell you’re a runner.”


Mike always calls me a machine or an animal when i have an awesome run. That’s definitely a compliment. At work sometimes they call me Jillian Michaels lol.

The weather here has been amazingly cool. It’s like July was August and now August is September.


Fried egg and jam sandwiches were a childhood favorite of mine! I also used to eat french fries with ice cream – sweet and savory!
It is cooling down in the mornings and night especially. And even though the daily temps are the same as a few weeks ago I can feel the fall air!
My hubby told me he was proud of me the other day :)


The weather here is so hot! It is in the mid 90’s and the other day my AC broke…I thought I might melt. I love sweet and savory…I can’t hate at all. Cooper always makes fun of me for making “concoctions” that combine an interesting mix of flavors…I think they are GREAT!


Concoctions are my FAVORITE!! We should open up a restaurant together and come up with an awesome menu!


Absolutely!!…We can include an “Elvis Sandwich” which I believe is peanut butter, banana, honey and bacon…grilled! And we will make ice cream complimentary with every meal ;)


Pretzels and chocolate are good! but defs eggs and jam :) hands down fave combo!


There probably would’ve been a time when if someone called me a beast I’d have cried. Now, I think I’d love it!
I’m at the beach in NC and it is NOT cooling down. High of 90 today! But, at the beach I kinda want that. Next week at home, 70s please for optimal running weather :)


HA ME TOO….now I take it as a huge compliment:) I hope you are having an amazing time at the beach and eat lots of ice cream to cool you off okay?


I LOVE eggs with jam. It is such a great combo!

I am all about squeezing in a quick workout when you can, so GO you :)


Sweet and Savory = Pretzels and chocolate – no contest. White chocolate is the best ;-)…okay maybe that’s sweet and salty…close enough?

Weather – unpredictable here in the Big Apple!

When I was at the orthopedist for a foot examination, the physician’s assistant (a decent looking male) asked me if I was a dancer. He said I had a “dancer’s body.” yeeeeeah!


YES…..chocolate and pretzels and I AGREE big time on the white chocolate!! OOOOOOHHHHH I LIKE THAT COMPLIMENT….I need more details, I think you should keep going in for foot examinations!


I’m ashamed to say I have yet to jump on the whole egg sammich and jam thing…but i’m thinking I will need to jump on this bandwagon soon.

Fave sweet and savory thing? Eggs and sausage with syrup drizzled over them, I love that combo for some reason! (french toast sticks on the side please, nom)

The weather is beginning to cool down a little bit..usually in the lower to mid 80s now…but it makes it decent to finally run outside in the mornings or nighttime…i’m excited to get off the treadmill and enjoy the outdoors besides the weekend! We are lucky enough to have central A.C. in our apartment…its not super expensive thankfully bc we dont have a huge place by any means..most of the time i’m cuddled under a blanket while eating ice cream at night hahaha

last compliment that made me happy was all the compliments i got on saturday about a new skirt I had finally worn…i think its really bc my legs got really tan over vacation (but hey, i had to suffer through the first sunburn ever on my legs for it!) :D


Okay….eggs and sausage with syrup is AMAZING. I might have to leave work and go get some now:) YAY for new skirt and tan legs……I bet you looked HOT!


Watching UFC fighting while eating cereal is my faaavourite! I can completely relate to your cereal obsession.. glad I’m not the only one who enjoys it for dessert!


What is your favorite cereal to have for dessert?


I would have to say brown sugar mini-wheats are my ultimate favourite. However I will have to give those sugar smacks a try!


Bacon and raspberry jam on toast ….it’s amazing!
a/c central air too YAY!!!
Colin told me I looked sexy, which is REALLY nice to hear when you’re a mom and feel like your body looks like an old rag ;)

LOVE your bike shoes. and hairy legs ;P lol


Okay I HAVE to try out your bacon and raspberry toast, that sounds incredible. You DO look sexy:)


thanks ;) *blush* and YES try it and you will love it!!!!!!!


I usually have ice cream AND cereal after dinner every night….I have problems…. :)


Ice cream and cereal…..you are my kind of girl. Can we be best friends?


pretty sure we already are! :) I owe you an email!


That jam egg sandwich looks so delicious! The weather is cooling off at night. The days are still warm. I absolutely love it! I am so pumped for fall!


I have not a clue what my favorite sweet and savory combo is. Maybe a little bit of sugar on my fresh tomatoes… Yum.

IT IS SO DANG HOT HERE I CAN’T EVEN STAND IT!!!! We are currently on 65 consecutive days… yes, consecutive days… of triple digit temperatures. WITH NO RAIN SINCE the beginning of July. I never thought the day would come that I would think 98.5 degrees was “cool”. BLAH! Can’t wait for October :)

Best compliment lately, my hubs said he liked the dinner I cooked!! That happens about once every 6.8 meals.

Happy trails!


NOOOOO….65 days of TRIPLE DIGIT TEMPS…I can’t imagine!!! Ha, you can come cook for me and I will tell you every meal how amazing it is:)


One of the very best compliments is when I get feedback from a reader who says that in some way I have inspired them. Knowing that my little life has touched someone in a small way makes me grin ear to ear!!




Do bananas and almond butter count? That’s my favorite snack!

It’s cooling down here. Still warm during the day but it’s definitely getting cooler at night. I’m so so sad! I don’t want summer to leave!

The Old People In Spandex (OPIS) that I ride with told me “Good Pull” during my morning ride! I was super excited that I was able to pull the group at a fast speed! :)


Yes….bananas and almond butter are the best sweet and salty combo:) AHHHH I love that they told you ‘Good Pull’……you are AMAZING, I want to go ride with you!


Favorite sweet and savory: pretzels with cream cheese frosting…. MMMM. I usually freeze leftover frosting so whenever there are pretzels I bust it out!

It’s getting cold here (in Monterey where I work) but it stays hot in San Jose (where I live)… makes for a confusing time in the morning getting ready for the day. Hot? Cold? Hot? ooph.


What is your favorite SWEET and SAVORY combination?

– Apple with cheese, although I haven’t had it in forever!
…also breakfast sausages in syrup haha… so delicious.

What is the weather like where you are? Is it cooling down? Do you have AC or a swamp cooler?

– I live in Alberta, Canada and we are around 20-25 degrees Celcius… We have a air conditioner just for our bedroom (I can’t sleep when its too hot out!)… our summer here is so short though… we have had so much rain here this year… but so far August is awesome!

What was the last compliment you got that made you happy?

– This morning my husband woke me up as usual and when I rolled over he said “Babe, you’re gorgeous… do you know that?” <3 it was so cute!


OHHHH Your husband’s compliment gave me the goosebumps, I LOVE IT!!! Okay, how could I forget about apples and cheese…I need to have that ASAP!


Yes you really do need to have apples & cheese asap! I usually need to restrain myself from going through a whole block of cheese hahaha… portion control shmortion control. ;)


Ooooh. Those school nights are rough! Way to use your break for good!


I have a mad obsession with cereal. I eat it constantly. Sometimes I eat it for dinner and sometimes I eat dinner and then still have a bowl of cereal.


I’ve never tried jam with cheese or eggs! That’s the best idea EVER I need to try it out !
I love pretzels and peanut butter. So good.
I live in Florida and the heat is unbearable!!


I love tater tots and soft serve vanilla… what? is that gross?

It’s cooler here, no humidity and I’m loving runs in the 70s in the morning. Glad you felt strong on the bike!! :) Keep it up! The egg sandwich looks amazing. Will you come take pictures of my food so it looks yummier?


That sandwich looks yummy! I love breakfast for dinner (and dessert). Glad your starting to feel strong again! Just, don’t push it too much. :)


Beast!!! I love it- makes me think of sytycd w/Melanie & Sasha :). I’d be flattered to join the beast club!
My last compliment came from my 8yr old daughter. We were in the hot tub and while she snuggled on my lap she said- mommy, your skin is the softest thing ever <3
Mmmm salty sweet for me would be salted caramel ice cream
It's been cool here at night (perfect for sleeping w/the window open and then 80s in the day-ahhhhh!
I'm curious what your project is that you are heading up at school. Your passion for it sounds like an auspicious start! Wishing you a great first week back :)


BEST COMPLIMENT EVER coming from your daughter…that makes my day!! I was put in charge of the opening week (not regular classes at out school)…..Big plans of service projects, assemblies, making EVERYONE feel involved and welcome and a lot of activities that get students to meet people different than them…I am STOKED!! Thanks for asking Heather!


I love to be told I’m a ‘beast’! haha it makes you feel STRONG :)

Good job bringing out BEAST MODE on the bike today!


Haha! Somebody called me beastly last week, I can’t remember who it was but I just smiled and said “Oh yeah!!!” Then somebody told me I was ripped, which made my day. :P
I can relate to not shaving your legs and not getting ready. I hate getting ready, I usually compromise by saying “either blow dry your hair or shave your legs…you don’t have to do both” :P

The weather here in Michigan has been BEAUTIFUL! It’s been in the 70s and low 80s. A lot better than when the humidity was unbearable.


Ha! Those legs!!
Best thing I did for that was get an electric…not as close, but easier to keep up on :)
I have a little trouble with the sweet and savory concept. Is that meat or eggs or cheese with something sweet?? I think the closest I can get to those combinations would be apples with brie.
Have fun getting ready for school! Busy busy soon!


You are AWESOME! Seriously, squeezing in the bike ride between school and BTS night!! GO GIRL!

Today is humid and is going to be in the mid 80s. We dont have A/C either so it will be another picnic night at the zoo! At least I can depend on the marine layer rolling in at night. This weekend is supposed to be back in the low 70s! Yay! I have a race on Sunday and need a nice, cool, cloudy morning. Is that too much to ask?!

The last compliment I got was from my 4 y/o this morning. He said ” Mom, this is the best toast I have ever had in my whole life. You are such a good cook.” hahahahahahahahaha! Love that boy!


Awww the bike ride looks so so fun. Love it! My favorite snack lately has been kettle corn. I eat an entire bag all by myself every single night. I do not like to share!

Do you want to go cheer all of our friends running hobble creek on this Saturday? Let me know!


what is it about boys calling us beasts that makes us feel so fulfilled? I got called an animal yesterday at the gym (not by Justin Timberlake this time), and I was so pumped about it.


Savory and Sweet, the best combo EVER.

I love when people tell me I’m fast. It just does something for me, and I run even faster. Best. Compliment. Ever.


I love that you’re watching UFC! The husband introduced me to it and now I can’t get enough and can’t wait to see one live. Do you watch the Ultimate Fighter reality show?

Savory and sweet? Definitely fresh bacon slathered with maple syrup. Holy yum!


Girl, I did the same thing yesterday w/ my 90 min break b/t school and “back to school” night….worked up a sweat!! I ran 4 miles, taught b-pump, taught abs, and redressed while driving back to the school. I was a sweaty mess, but at least my endorphins were flowing!


Grilled Cheese with tomato soup!! I don’t care if it’s 95 degrees outside I still love it! I don’t think that’s savory and sweet but whatever :)


You are so inspiring!!!! :) And I love that Billy calls you a beast! AMAZING.

I ALWAYS PUT STRAWBERRY JAM ON MY EGG-A-MUFFINS (aka egg sandwich) SO good. My hubs doesn’t get it, but I have done it since forever, and literally cannot eat one without it :) Glad I’m not alone!!!

The hubbers told me “I like your face” this morning. hehe. Made me smile :)


My fav is a grilled cheese sandwich with ketchup! The sugary tanginess of the ketchup is awesome with the cheese. Yuuum!

Best compliment I’ve gotten lately was last night at the gym! I was on a bike and a guy in the best shape EVER (like one of those mid-40s Ironmen who you can spot from a mile away) told me I had great bike form. I had started feeling crummy about myself when he sat next to me so getting a compliment from him was a nice change of events!


I also got in a 12-mile ride today. It’s a fast and great workout. :) Way to squeeze in an awesome workout!


We really are weird twins!!! I’m obsessed with egg + jelly sandwiches. My favorite combo is a good fried egg + welch’s grape jelly + sharp cheddar cheese. A most fabulous meal.


Sweet and salty is the BESTTT <3 I do that too aahahha no worries ;)


YOU and B are so good about maximizing your workout time. Isn’t it the BEST to workout together?! Spencer and I are doing a cross.fit workout this evening!


Hi! I just found your blog from reading Tina’s! I have been reading her blog for years and I am so happy I found yours!

I 100% relate to how you feel about running… I literally carve it! Because physical activity makes me happy I always try to fit it in where I can even when it’s a tight fit!

It was raining the other day so I ran at the gym after work… I had plans to meet friends for a drink after but I was running late and didn’t have time to shower and change so I went to the bar (it was a nice bar) in my gym clothes.. but at least I got my run in! haha

LOVE that egg sandwich with jam!!! I usually mash up an avocado for egg sandwiches and sometimes drizzle them with honey!

The weather in Boston has been bi-polar, like always. Yesterday was rainy and in the 60’s… today it’s gorgeous in in the 80’s!

The last compliment I received? At the grocery store a few days ago an employee said my outfit was ‘sensational’… super cute old lady… I was wearing 3 inch maroon velvet heels with skinny jeans haha I bet she would have worn those at 29 too!


It IS a bit peculiar it’s on TOP of the bread. Just sayin.


Favorite sweet ‘n savory combo: chocolate or yogurt dipped pretzels!
Weather where I’m at: Same as you Janae! I’m in Utah too. ;)
Last compliment I received: My husband telling me, “You’re so dang cute.” :)


Wow, good for you, going on a ride like that!!! And I’m pretty sure that I don’t believe that the hairy legs are yours … because that would mean that Billy shaves his. Silly, Janae. ;)


The best compliment I got recently was from hubs, when I finished my 17 mile run (longest ever!) and he said, “My Baby’s a runner!” Even though I have been running for a long time, I really felt like he was proud of me!
Even though it still hits 90 every afternoon, the mornings here are cooler and I really am loving it!


Hi Janae! I’m addicted to pretzels dipped in Nutella. Well, addicted mostly to the Nutella. But adding pretzels makes me able to say that it’s “health” food.

The best compliment I got was last night. Some drunk guy in ER said to me: “you are so hot, you’re the best thing since bread”. Yeah…he was drunk. I think he meant “since sliced bread”. I took it as a compliment anyway!

It’s still 145 degrees outside when I get off work at 11PM. There is no hope here in OK. And what the heck is a “swamp cooler”? Is that like a mixed drink?? :)


I love that you and your hubbie do so many activites together! That’s gotta be what makes a good marriage work. I can’t wait to meet the one man that enjoys doing the same things as me!


jam is a must for egg sandwiches, I couldn’t have it any other way! Apple and cheese is another combo, salted caramel and salted chocolate for a sweet and salty deal. Here’s a weird one: honey on salad :) I also used to dip chicken nuggets in pure honey, and maple syrup on basically everything, not just limited to breakfast! Best compliment, my mom told me I don’t have stick arms anymore and that I finally have a little butt and not just a flat bottom… it’s the little things :)


Sweet & savory … does cinnamon sprinkled on Pink Lady apple slices count?

Weather here in southeastern Washington is low 90s, but very dry, so it doesn’t seem as hot. We’ve actually had a cooler-than-usual summer – I heard the other day that we haven’t had one triple-digit day so far, and usually we get a couple of weeks’ worth minimum.

Good compliment was my notoriously difficult and demanding client telling me that the work I did on a project was “Awesome, as always” … since he typically doesn’t hand out a lot of praise, the “as always” equals a whole bunch of compliments going back through time.


awesome way to use your time! i bet those parents were impressed with your awesomeness

what is a swamp cooler?

it’s still 105 and up every day, but I defiantly have AC…set on 80


Aaah, I love biking with my boyfriend! It’s such a fun thing to do together! :-D The Kiwi (my bf) and I went for an epic 4 hour mountain/cross-country bike this weekend and it was absolutely amazing! Sooo much sweat and happy endorphins!
Hmmm…someone said I was special recently…I took it as a compliment! :-P Hehehe. Here’s hoping it was meant that way! :-)
It is totally freezing here in England, with torrential rain…apparently it is summer but I am sitting with many layers, a dressing gown and thick thick socks on. Oh for a tan and sunshine like yours, Janae! ;-)
Sweet salty favourite? Peanut M&Ms…totally counts, lol!
<3 xyx


I love your work/workout priorities!


What in the worlddddd is a swamp cooler?!


Sweet + savory = delicious combo with any foods :D

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