What would you do?

Hypothetical situation:  Let’s just say you and your man are out doing errands.  The errands do not involve me getting out of the car so clearly I don’t put on shoes because putting on flip-flops is way too much effort.  As you are driving around you jokingly say that you are so close to Yogurtland and that it would be so fun to get your favorite dessert in the whole wide world and your man agree’s and says it was a good idea.

Would you:

A.  Say, “Let’s go another night or run home first because I don’t have shoes.”

B.  Sit in the car and TRUST him to go in and get the correct ratio of ice cream to toppings for you.

C.  Get your feet sticky and have everyone look at your like a weirdo by running around Yogurtland getting your fix.

Photo 2

Don’t worry germaphobes….I took a shower right after I finished my ice cream.

Either my feet are really dirty or I am getting a wicked flip flop tan line.  After standing still like that for the picture, Billy had to help unstick my feet from the floor.  Gross, but I know you would do the same thing for this…..

IMG 8008

Newest favorite addition: cocunut.  How did I go so long without that addition.

We did get a few nutrients in before my sugar overload.

IMG 8003

My MIL made the boys’ favorite casserole.  3 ingredients: Noodles, ground beef and cream o’ mushroom soup.  Mix.  Does it get easier than that?  The salad had a dressing that was mixed into it but I forgot what it was and I am too lazy to go check in the fridge.

IMG 8004

We are ‘casual’ diners.  My in-laws have a dining table but we choose to sit on the couches to eat.  This is my designated spot.  It also helps to prevent spillage because I am able to hold my plate right below my chin.

IMG 8007

******Emergency:  Pump was canceled this morning.  To say I am upset at Gold’s Gym is an understatement.  Do I try the routine on my own or do my Friday morning strength training in the form of lifting a dense pancake into my mouth (3 sets, 48 reps, repeat with other arm).


PS I just saw Billy get angry for the first time as I am writing this, he was looking on the guide on the TV and realized  that House Hunter’s doesn’t start until 10….it is 9:21……we are kind of obsessed and watch on average 4 episodes a day.  We are going to watch the TOUR DE FRANCE until then.


What is your workout today?  How are you getting your strength training in lately?

-I will probably hit up a spin class and pump is my main source of strength training.

Do you watch the Tour De France?

-I LOVE IT and when I used to watch it at home I would get out my bike trainer and watch it as I rode on my bike.  I was neck and neck with Lance.  ***We noticed that some of them are wearing headphones…I have never noticed that before.  Anyone know if they are listening to music or some sort of race report?

23 stages, over 3 weeks, one rest day and over 2500 miles covered…..they are crazy (awesome).

Where do you eat dinner?  What about when you were growing up?

-In-laws=couch, home=coffee table, my parent’s house=table.

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sdjfklsdjfksdjfsdfjsdjksdjf df dI MISSED YOU!!ive been so busy! FINALLY I can get my Janae fix!!


ahahahah oh my lord crackingggggg up about your lack of shoes!!! love ittt!!!!
hitting up my main injury go to= elliptical…
and always love to lift weights after i find it relaxing?

and LOVE THE TOUR DE FRANCE! on my tv at the gym and i am OBSESSED!
was wondering the same thing about the headphones?


My workout today is going to be my ab workouts (10 diff ab workouts, repeat twice), and hopefully elliptical 40 minutes and running after that. It’s only suppose to be like 85 tonight, hoorah! Maybe I can get 1.5 miles in ;) How pathetic is that? Oh well!
When we were little we all sat at the table, we mostly sit in the t.v room now but occasionally we sit at the table which I like. We all get to talk and enjoy each other. :)


Hahahaha, I think I would have done the exact same thing you did to get my frozen yogurt fix. Definitely! :)


I would go with C too :)

I am hoping to run this morning if the rain holds off. I have been doing 2 strength training sessions at home each week. I find that I am much better at doing them at home versus the gym for some reason!

We eat at our kitchen table 95% of the time, the other %5, in the living room.


Hahahaha… I gotta be honest, I would have had to trust my husband to go in and get it for me. I don’t think I would have been brave enough to go in without shoes. But I would have been on the phone with him the whole time, giving him step-by-step instructions on how to correctly assemble my ice cream! ;)


at my parents’ house we always eat at the kitchen table but at my apartment i either sit on the couch or floor and use the coffee table. it’s a bad habit but ever since i moved out i’ve had to watch tv while i eat!

my workout today is probably just going to be some treadmill and stairs. wish i could run outside but it’s 100* here! and for strength i’ve been doing bodypump too!


i would have done the bare feet thing too. skin washes, after all…
growing up we always ate at a table, but since our table is our desk right now in our apartment we sit crossed legged on the couch for the most part.
i watch the Tour too – i’m not sure on the headphones either, but yesterday someone told Mr V that if he pushed it he could still keep the yellow jersey – was that via the headphones, perhaps?


At our house we eat on the couch. At my parent’s house we eat at the table. My mom says “Bethany! I didn’t raise you to eat on the couch! You eat at the table!” My excuse is that I don’t like my kitchen table and I want a new one, haha!


Headphones–are to communicate with the team car. Races tried to get rid of them last year. They said that it took some of the sport out, because the team director can communicate information about how far ahead the break is, who is off the front, etc. But–the riders got really upset about getting rid of them. They say it is dangerous not to have contact with anyone, so they actually stood up to the race directors and the radios are still around.

My husband races bikes, so we watch a LOT of the tour around here!


The headphones they have are actually team radios. The team car can then tell them things they need to know about the race (position of other cyclists, who is making a breakaway, time gaps, basic course info, etc.) Hope that helps explain it. The joys of being married to a cyclist that doesn’t miss any pro race and has had to explain it all to me.


stuff like this is exactly why i love you!

and Le Tour is awesome, I love it and I drive my husband crazy watching it. but he can get over it because he makes me watch reds baseball (baseball on tv is boring, and i’m a cubs fan).


OMG – my in laws make that same beef (gross) pasta dish….every time we go to Canada – that is made and they LOVE it!! too funny Happy Friday!


I think the headphones are so they can communicate with their support team (the guys following in cars with spare bikes, etc). I think.
We haven’t watched the Tour this year because we don’t have cable, but we did watch a lot of it last year.
Paul and I eat at the table and/or on the couch. Depends on the meal and if I need the plate closer to my face = table. If not = couch :)
When I was a kid we always ate at the table.
Not sure what today’s workout will be but I will spend as much time as possible in the gym because it’s air conditioned!!! It’s about a billion degrees outside and in my house.
Happy Friday! :)


We always have eaten at the table. Breakfast though usually is the couch! My workout today was swim due to my L/R tibia stress fracture not healing. UGH! We have a Power class at our gym for strength. But my at home fall back is always P90X.


Let’s talk about your boney feet!!! They are the boniest things I have ever seen in my life!

No Britney Spears it is not ok to walk around barefoot!

I would never leave my house without shoes on so I would never be in this situation…cause it’s gross Janae!!!!! ;-)

We eat all kinds of places in the house but mostly at the table because I can’t trust the kids (ok me) to not have food all over my furniture and living room floor. However, we also like to on occasion rent movies and eat while watching them!


Last night I went for a walk to get a McFlurry because I was craving ice cream. McDonalds had run out of soft serve! Then we headed back to try to catch Baskin Robbins before they closed. They locked the door as I was crossing the street!! Lastlsy we marched back, got the car and drove to another McDonalds so I could get my oreo ice cream fix. Moral of the story: You do what you gotta do when ice cream/dessert is involved!!


I did the barefoot walk into an ice cream store two weeks ago…had to get my fix and my shoes were still on the boat (we were on a casual barefoot walk along the beach and happened to happen upon a really yummy looking ice cream shop)!

I ran on the trails near my gym then headed in for 30 minutes of free weights (between free weights and boot camp, I get my strength in….I need a pump class because I do the same moves in free weights and get bored)


YES you did the right thing!!!


oh girllllll, nothing comes between you and your yogurtland!!! growing up we occasionally ate together but as we got older we would eat in front of the tv or in our rooms whenever we felt hungry. When I have a fam I def wanna do family dinner together!!

Now we eat at the kitchen table or if a really good show is on (and the food is not messy) we’ll eat on the couch :)

and obsesseddddd with house hunters and property virgins!!!!


Your yogurtland story just made my morning, thank you!! I wish they would open one up closer to me in NJ, but they are pretty scarce here at the moment. I need a fro-yo fix badly! We are in the middle of a massive heat wave this weekend…its gonna be 110 degrees here today :( Luckily I get to run on the treadmill this afternoon…but in order to get my long run in tomorrow without dying, I’ll need to wake up at 5 am to get out there (in which case, it will still be 78 at that time, lol) gonna be an exciting beginning to my weekend. is fro-yo an acceptable post-run breakfast? :D

I dont watch Tour de France, but the whole thing amazes me.

I guess where I eat dinner depends too. If I am in my apartment alone, I’ll eat on the couch. If Kevin and I cook dinner together, then we will eat at the kitchen table. If we have company, then the dining room table. I like to switch it up, you know, keep it interesting, haha.

Oh, and I suck majorly at getting my strength training in. I make sure I at least get a 30 minute session once a week, but I know I need more. I need to change it up too…but i’m not signed up for a gym membership currently, just using my work gym. I’m tempted to sign up again for a membership just because I miss classes so much! Dilemma of trying to save money though, blah.

Have a great friday girl!!!


Wow, that’s commitment to your beloved Yogurtland. You’re a warrior! We eat dinner: at different times, in different places, and with different food. That’s a huge contrast to how we ate dinner when I was a child, which was at the table every night. I need to try and re-start that. Have a great weekend!


I would have done the same thing as you!! It’s too important not to go in!!!! When I was a kid we ate dinner at the table every night that my mom cooked… if it was a “fend for yourself” night we would eat wherever. I watch some of the Tour de France… I wonder if I can stream it at work….


Today I ran 5 miles along the intracoastal waterway. It was HUMID! but nice still.

I grew up eating dinner at the dining room table with my family every night. My schedule was: school, swim practice/ xc practice, dinner, hw. I loved working out everyday with the team and eating a huge meal right after.

Now- I am all about casual eating! lol


I JUST HAD THE MOST FANTASTIC RUN EVER! still in Utah- so it was 66 degrees and I ran for 6 glorious miles. (I haven’t been running lately due to injury, whomp whomp, sure you can relate) anyway- i literally skipped the choruses of Glee and Lady Gaga songs for 6 miles- people were honking and laughing at me, BUT IT WAS SOOOOOOO MOTHERFREAKING FANTASTIC and i literally COULDN’T WAIT to tell you about it, b/c I KNEW you would understand.


So glad we’re not the only ones who don’t eat at the table! We also eat on the couch most of the time. Like you, I don’t even use a TV tray if I don’t need to. We have a table we could eat at….but it’s always covered in running magazines, scrapbooking supplies, diaper bags, and the toys my 5 year old wants to hide from the 2 year old!


I did a 10 mile run on the treadmill this morning because the heat index today in the Philly area is going to be 110 degrees!!!!!! EEeekkk!

I ‘m obsessed with the TdF! Love it, Love it, Love it!

So jealous of all your Yogurtland photos. I’m headed out to SoCal to visit my son<3 next month and we will be hunting down a Yogurtland.

We almost always eat at the kitchen table. HAPPY FRIDAY! :)


I LOVE le Tour de France! I watch it obsessively, and I think the Schleck brothers are sooo cute. ;) ;) The ear piece they wear (just in one ear, as far as I know) is so their coach/directeur sportif can talk to them and give them instructions. Can’t wait to see what happens today!


You crack me up.


I love House Hunters too! I want to by a new house just so I can be on the show. My kids and I always guess what house they are going to get – my 8 yr old gets so happy if he gets it right.
We eat at our table 85% of the time. It’s the only time we all sit down together and I love it. Growing up I watched tv in the living room while I ate.
I used to pay attention to the Tour de France in the Lance Armstrong era but now I’m convinced the all are on PEDs and will get their title stripped once they are tested. How’s that for positivity?


BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I really cannot stop laughing at your fro yo dilemma.. thanks i needed that this morning!!!!! i am just as picky about my fro yo combinations and ratios!!!!! So i would have had to go with the sticky feet too.. glad someone else out there understands!!!


hahah I can’t believe they let you in there shoeless. I don’t blame you one bit though–I would’ve done the same thing :)

I’m loving strength training lately–esp bc it’s just too dang hot to get normal amounts of cardio in and my body gets so worn out from it! Instead I’ve been doing the p90x lifting videos as well as Biggest Loser Power Sculpt & Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones. Recommend them all!


No workout today! Rest day cause I have a long run tomorrow! Since I suck at strength training I’ve been getting it in with a 50/50 class – 50% strength training, 50% spin. It breaks it up for me so it doesn’t feel awful. (I’m epically weak.)

And the Tour de France is awesome. I get all charged up and want to be a cycler. Then i remember I’m afraid of my bike!


I guess I’m too much of a germaphobe to walk barefoot. I would have to trust my husband…or if he is wearing flip flops, borrow his to go inside!

Yoga today, which is much needed.

I love house hunters! I have the series recorded and I’ve even gotten my husband to watch it with me :)

Since it is just the two of us, we eat on the sofa. I’m hoping when we have kids, we’ll get into the habit of eating at the table since I LOVE our table.

Have a good weekend!


Haha, I can’t believe you went in there with no shoes, that’s dedication!
Our dinners growing up were ALWAYS at the table, no excuses. Now, I’d say 85% table, 15% couch.


I eat at my coffee table 99% of the time. Honestly, in the 3 years of owning my condo, I have eaten at the dinner table like…6 times maybe? That’s bad right?…Meh! Someday when I start cooking and hosting dinner parties, I’ll put that table to good use. Someday…


Ooooh. I am surprised they let you in in bare feet! Definitely would have sent Billy in for me. Glad you got some though. :)


Oh I totally would have gone into yogurt land barefoot. I’d probably go into 16 handles barefoot but the streets in NYC are just a tad bit…dirty :-) But mad props on not letting anything stop you from the fro yo!


Hahah love that you went into yogurtland with no shoes!

We usually eat on the couch as well! We only use the dining table when we’re trying to be fancy, like once a week.

I just wrote my workout down- doing some circuit training and 4 miles with some sprints at the end.


Pancakes all the way! I always eat in the living room. I also have trouble with spillage.


Hypothetical question? Ha! I’ve been known to run into places barefoot in the past. It’s been a while though. For ice cream? Yeah, that would happen for certain.


i finished level one of jillian michaels 30 day shred! awesome for getting my strength training in, but i DO miss running!

no tour de france for me, and i usually eat dinner on the couch with my family too :P we used to be table top eaters, up until we got some sweet leather couches & a reclining chair you can’t help but fall asleep in!!


HAHA!! I LOVE IT, you went in there barefoot! YIPPPEEEE!!!!!


They are talking to their race team…coaches, etc. in the support vehicles. I am laughing at the idea of them listening to music. ; )

On the dilemma–BF of course!


Haha. Barefoot?! Wouldn’t put it past ya ;) I don’t think I could, though….


You are hilarious and I knew before seeing the answer that you were going to pick the option sans shoes. Have a great weekend! :)


….. I would do the exact same thing… because nothing gets in the way of fro yo! Also Yogurtland= mecca of all yogurt places… first time going there was this week and OMG… I dream about it
Also at my house we used to eat at the table and then in hs we transitioned to around the coffee table in front of the tv…


ha ha I would totally go into to Yogurtland barefoot! Love it!

I always eat at the table at my house all by myself. :( he he jk! I am a messy eater and cannot hold my plate and eat at the same time.

Have a great weekend! WOO HOO!


I would “d” make an excuse to buy some shoes while running errands so I could go to yogurtland (although I guess you have to go in that store barefoot hmmm)

Will you share that recipe with amounts and do u bake it?? Anything else in it? I love 3 item casseroles


How is this even a question? Going in barefoot is the ONLY solution. My husband cannot be trusted to make my ice cream properly, nor can anyone else on earth. A few germs aren’t going to hurt your feet. I’m embarrassed to say we eat dinner in the living room watching TV more often than not….at my parents it was always at the table, but I’ve failed at that as a grown up. We have eaten outside on our balcony more lately. I’ve failed at strength training too. Just….failed. Too much running.


totally worth the barefoot run! I’d do it. And we love house hunters, especially when they are in New Zealand.

Sorry about pump, I’ll come train you!


We always eat dinner at the coffee table. It’s probably the only time during the day that our TV is on. :)

You are not helping with my frozen yogurt cravings! We only have one place by us and it’s almost 25 minutes away. It’s hard to “casually” drive by it when it’s that far!


No shoes! I would not trust ANYONE to get me the right amount of toppings, perfect combination of flavors, or specific ratios. It is clearly a science.

Boo about pump! It stinks whenever a class is cancelled!


I’m sure others have answered, but I am kind of a Tour de France junkie and have to weigh in. Good call in watching yesterday, it was one of the most exciting days in the race this year. Theya re definitely not listening to music, they are listening to the team manager who is following in the team car. The race is completely won by tactics and strategy and everyone on the team is listening and a part of the overall plan.
By the way, I make almost the same casserole only sometimes I use rice. To make it even more delish, add mushrooms. You can thank me later.


I would’ve been way too scared of getting yelled at by the yogurtland peeps. You know, the whole no shirt no shoes no service business. I’m such a worrier. I would’ve made my boyf lend me his shoes and make him wait in the car. Hah.


I’ve been playing conductor of the coconut train, too! I didn’t even know what I was missing.

and uh.. I would have done the same exact thing.


I did Insanity Max Plyometrics today (for the LAST time – whoohoooo!!!).

I randomly watch it, but not like most people!

We sometimes eat at our kitchen table and sometimes in the den (either couches or chairs). At home, we always ate at the bar in the kitchen or at the kitchen table. We only ate in the dining room on special occasions or if we had a lot of people over. I can eat anywhere :)


You know that you are the reason for those signs in the store windows, “No shoes, No shirt, No business”, lucky for you, Yogurtland loves you :)
And so do I.

Which brings me to my next point…why are you avoiding me? ;)


Created the greatest arcsltei, you have.


love the shoes! and the fro-yo pics….. *drool* I always ate at the table with the fam as a kid, and still do now :)


hahaha i definitely laughed out loud seeing your foot pic. classic!


Just a 13km run today! I’ve been neglecting me strength training lately :(

I usually eat at the kitchen table at home, couch at the BF’s. I prefer the couch though.. TV + FOOD = :D


Those tour de France riders are crazy fit and amazing! I rarely think to watch it though

Growing up we always ate at the table but now at my parents we eat in the living room…I sit on the floor with my plate on the coffee table. At my own apt I go about 50/50 on living room (also on the floor) or at the table


I would be upsettt if Pump was canceled!! I’ve been watching the Tour too because my bf is obsessed. He said they talk to their team members and stuff on the headphones.


I would have probably gone in barefoot, too. :) We eat dinner on the couch most of the time, but we sometimes actually sit at the table. I went to CrossFit with some lululemon friends this morning. Intense workout! Lots of running, sit-ups, and weighted lunges.


You seriously are the best. I wish I could experience what goes on in your brain for 1 whole day.


no shoes? do you know that it is a lifestyle for granolas to run around barefoot? in other words-normal!


Unrelated to this post, but I keep thinking of you because we are at an all inclusive resort in Cancun- Aka all you can eat pico and guacamole 24/7 and it’s 1,000x better then the stuff in Pittsburgh!!!!


Ahhhhhh how fun!!!! That sounds like heaven to me!!!! Can I come fly down and play/eat with you?!?


Girl! You look nice and tanned!!! Love it!


You are too funny!! I would totally go in barefoot…but still ponder about being barefoot for maybe only 2 minutes. I would also like to know if there was a Target around because I’m that person who would purchase new flip flops for this type of thing. That pasta with beef and soup mix…um, genious!! So simple yet looks delish! Can’t wait to try!


I would love to see more wives go ? in Yogurtland because they are brave enough to toughen their ?.

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