Sandpaper workout….

Yesterday I thought my ears were plugged because of the change of altitude.  I was the one that said, “what!?!?” a million times during any conversation.

Woke up this morning to a full on cold.  Billy must have really been attracted to the nose blowing, coughing and trying to poke a hole in my head to drain the fluid.

It really isn’t that bad and I am not going to let it stop me from having a crazy fun day.  When I get a cold it gets worse if I lay down so for ME I still workout because if anything, a good sweat makes me feel better!

Yes, I know 98% of you don’t want to see a sweaty picture of me but I wanted to make the face of how it feels breathing during a spin class with a throat that feels like sandpaper.

Photo 1

That about sums it up!

The classes were AWESOME and I will be returning to them next Friday.

45 minute spin class

60 minute pump class that was co-taught by two ladies that were in matching outfits.

PS don’t worry, I sanitized the heck out of everything I touched so that no other innocent gymaholic has to experience a sandpaper workout.


Do you workout when you are sick?

-Cold-yes…..cramps-kind of……..flu-I am locked in my room watching hulu until I get better, I am a wuss when it comes to the flu.


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I have a weak immune system, so I feel like I’m always sick. So I go for it. As long as my asthma isn’t freaking out, I’m good. But if I’m already exhausted or achy, I’m the same way… hulu and I become good friends.


Yes. I always workout. You always feel better after a good sweat.
My workout today was 25min. barefoot grass run
then Kempo P90X. Workouts were followed by buying new sneakers and now the rest of the day at the pool.


Which P90X workout is your favorite? I think the Kempo one was way fun and prob is my fave followed by plyos


Every time I say this I fear I am jinxing myself, but, here goes. Again.

I haven’t had a cold since June 2008. I haven’t had the flu since Spring 2004. I would like to think I would continue to run with a cold, but I don’t remember anymore what it’s like. Watch me get sick tomorrow now that I’ve written this.

Workout today was 40 minute tempo on the treadmill at lunch — too hot to run outside at noon!


Im a baby when Im sick and never want to workout! I will with a cold but nothing else


I love to work out no matter what! My workout today was a 30 minute dance class and 60 minutes of good old fashioned cardio. I’ll probably go on a beach walk later. I don’t sit still very well, obviously :)


when i am stuffy or have a sore throat or headache i always work out because i always feel 100000 times better after every. single. time…
cramps i def try but sometimes they make me stop–they have a mind of their ownnn
anything below the head (besides cramps)= rest day for mee

ran 4 miles TM + 15 min elliptical and 5 min stairmaster really really fastttt then weights and abs machinesss!


GIRL!!! MY COMMENTS DON’T SHOW UP ON YOUR BLOG…check spam!! CRAZY awesome workout!


I am a baby and when I get sick it’s is the end of the world. I call this reason #672 why I am so manly!! Men are babies when they are sick don’t ya think?

Anyhoo, feel better and hopefully you got those toxins out!


There is just something about team taught classes where the instructors wear matching outfits that freak me out. My gym has a cycling class like that where “Barbie” and “Skipper” wear matching pink outfits and yell at you if you dont sing along. I usually work out when I am sick because I dont have an on and off switch when it comes to working out.


have you tried using a neti pot? They are freaking gross, but REALLY work!


I did a spin class yesterday (for the first time in months…) and it felt great! Love me some good sweaty spin.


Glad you had some awesome classes!!!! I did a 30 minute jog and a 30 minute abs class today!!


I workout unless my it’s in my chest or stomach. I did hill and speed intervals on the treadmill today :). Loved it! Btw, I sent you another email last night- lets hope it went through…not sure what happened with the other one haha


I love matching, I love bodypump, and I love team taught classes because they are soooo entertaining… except when the instructors don’t agree on the choreography and start doing different things!? I don’t always work out when I have a cold, but it ALWAYS helps when I do. Good reminder. Flu=Do not move!


oh no! i wonder if its allergies. That happends to me when I am outdoors a lot. Feel better. Hot tea and hot shower!


I stick to the above the neck guidelines- if it’s head related I try, but cough or stomach definitely not. Cramps (I don’t usually get them) are an exception- exercise helps.


I workout when I’m sick too! Most people call me crazy but I think it works! And I’m with Lindsay- it coul dbe allergies! That happens to me when I’m outside alot too! Feel better lady!


I’m a new follower, but I heard about you through Pam Rupert. I’m totally addicted to your blog! I’m pregnant right now and this week got put on bed rest because I started dilating way too early, so I currently am not allowed to workout! I can’t wait until I can again and try some of your training techniques!


I try to workout when I am sick but sometimes I am just not feeling it. Sucks to hear you are sick, feel better soon!


I workout if I just have a cold or feel kinda lame, but if I have a fever I don’t. My nose has been stopped up lately, and working out seems to make it so much better! Sweat is the cure for everything. ;)

I trained my client this morning and we did an awesome circuit workout ( and then I did Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning and Cardio Abs. I felt the burn!

Hope you feel better sweet girl!


MY COMMENTS DON’T SHOW UP ON YOUR BLOG…check spam!! I want to try your circuit SO bad!! You are so right…sweat is the cure for everything!


As , long as it is above my shoulders! And I am not too dizzy. I find exercising actually helps most of my colds! I say I sweat it out ;)
I ran 10km this morning!


I totally work out when I have a cold, it actually helps clear my sinuses!

and my workout today: 4 mile run and 2 mile hike. I’m exhausted! it’s HOT!


working out when I am sick actually makes me feel better (for the time I’m sweating that is…)


Taking your advice and taking a break from running for a little. :( No work out today.. Visiting the ‘rents and have no bike here. Hopefully swim tomorrow!?


I very rarely get sick. When I do – lazy all the way.

Today’s workout: Class where we trade treadmill and core intervals. Started with a timed 1/2 mile. Mine was 4:25 which was 15 minutes off of my last time and incredibly AWESOME for me. Of course, I couldn’t feel my legs at the end, which might have been helpful as we jumped right into hill training. After the hills it was 1 minutes each of – pushups, bicycles, plank, grasshoppers, side plank, and something else (I can’t remember). Then it was back on the treadmill for speed work. I got through 3 out of 4 of the intervals; felt my leg was going to rip off in the last, so I slowed down. BUT – was two clicks higher on speed than the last time we did them, so bonus! And then it was back to another round of core.

All that to say I semi-rocked it.


GIRL!! THAT WORKOUT WAS AMAZING!!!! WOW…I want to try that!


And of course, to correct myself…15 SECONDS not minutes. It would truly be amazing but disturbing if it was minutes.

And yes – that is an amazing, challenging, kick your butt workout. Sweat everywhere.


I hope ya feel better soon!! I do workout when I’m sick – but like you, if it’s in my tummy, no way! Today’s workout was 700m swim followed by a 15mi bike ride – my first swim/bike brick, yay!


I’m with ya, if I just sit around the cold feels that much worse. Unless its really bad, I try to stay as active as possible when sick.


I just got a cold too! Must have caught it from everyone else that’s sick at the gym lol Hope you feel better!


durr.. nooo! i’m a BIG baby and will not work out with a cold or flu. well – if the cold constitutes a stuffed up nose/soar throat. if it’s just a headache than perhaps.

i hope you feel better ASAP!!! :)


I always try to workout when I’m sick because working out makes me feel that much better. (helllllllooo endorphins :D ) My mom always gets mad when I do workout when I get sick because I should “rest my body”, but oh well. Doing a workout works for me. My workout was another 5 mile run! yahoooooo! You were right about having to be your own cheerleader and how much better you run when you’re cheering yourself on. The last mile and a half, I thought I was gunna just quite. But then I started cheering myself on instead of putting myself on, and I finished the 5 miles quicker than I did the other day (only by 2 minutes, but its better than nothing!)


If my symptoms are feeling fuzzy, blocked up or a sore throat I power through, but if I’m coughing or feverish it’s the sofa for me!


You just inspired me to work out today!!! :D I woke up with just what you described- my head feels kind of like a balloon. And I was debating on whether or not to do my planned cardio workout (from P90X videos… Yes, I know I’m hardcore lol) but you totally convinced me, because you are RIGHT! Working out ALWAYS makes me feel better, especially when I don’t feel so well to being with! So… Thank you :)


*begin, not being


Usually if I get sick it’s because I’ve been overdoing it, so I take a break.

Hope you feel better!

I did 30 minutes of yoga; resting for tomorrow’s long run!


Way to be tough! That doesn’t sound too fun. Reading that made my throat hurt! I’m like you, I work out if it’s at all physically possible. My workout today was a 10 mile run. Loved it!


Just wanted to tell you that I met a girl that reminded me of you today. I’m taking a summer course that qualifies me to teach P.E. and there is only one other runner there (pretty much my only friend because she is the only one that understands me). She has run 5 marathons and her last one was 2:59!!!!!!!!!! I was like JANAE!!!!!!!! I can’t wait until you hit those magical numbers! Work on fixing those legs so we can all hear about your amazing sub 3-hour awesomeness!!!!


have you just called it quits of working out this week or are you just not posting them? i need to know every detail of whats going on. you are too funny and awsome to not let me know :)

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