One Mile. Done and Done.

I couldn’t figure out which sweaty picture was worse, so I posted both of them for your viewing entertainment.  Hopefully, you aren’t reading this while you are eating.

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You guessed it…..One mile PAIN FREE.  Score.  I keep reminding myself that one mile pain free does not mean I can jump into things again quickly and increase my mileage too fast.

Don’t worry all of that sweat isn’t from running one mile, I took an hour long spin class before.  I do have to say a MILE is a LONG WAY!!! It is crazy how messed up our perception gets when we are training for long races and thinking that an 8-miler is a easy or recovery run.

Remember.  ONE MILE is awesome.  No matter where you are in your fitness level, how many miles you are running a week, a mile is a huge accomplishment!

I promise you that I will never post a sweaty picture of me again unless I am wearing black and you cannot see my heart shaped sweat lines.

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I am really loving my Saucony Riders 3!!  I will talk more later about how I don’t think minimal shoes are for me.  I am going to stick with what worked in the past for me which would be using normal trainers and racing in racing flats!

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Can I tell you a secret.  I did not eat one vegetable yesterday.  I made up for it today.  Please note the tupperware container is the size of my computer.

Layer one: lettuce, carrots, broccoli, celery.

Layer two: cottage cheese, turkey and more broccoli.

Layer three: lettuce, raspberries, more cottage cheese, deviled egg, and apple.

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Covered in the most deliciousness thing in a bottle ever.

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The rest of the afternoon will be spent next to the trash.  Why do cherries have to be so delicious yet require so much effort to eat.  Yes, I realize that I could just spit the seeds out in a bowl while sitting at the table, but I choose to do things differently.

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Don’t pretend like you would never change out of your gym clothes if you didn’t have to go anywhere all day.


When you are training for a longer distance race does your perception of what a ‘short’ or ‘long’ run get a little crazy?

-During taper before a marathon I realize how crazy I am for thinking a 12 miler on a weekend is going to be easy compared to the usual long runs!

How old were you when you went on your very first run (not for PE etc)?

-I talked about it more HERE but I was 12 years old.

What shoes are you currently using for working out?

Cherry fan?

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i used to think 8 miles was short, easy run but now that i have achilles tendonitis (im on week 5of no running) i dream of running just 1 mile. in fact, i tried to run just a half mile a week ago and almost died- lesson officially learned. so, congrats on the one miler!!!! (:

also, the salad in the above picture looks absolutely fab. i have been known to take salads to work in huge ziploc containers and just about Everyone makes fun of me fr it! i listen to comments such as: oh, so you picked your lunh from the backyard again, erica? hahahah

best comment yet: my supervisor tried to convince me to work overtime by tellig me with the extra money i could affor a better lunch.

typos courtesy of my iphone and my abnormally huge thumbs -___-


congrats on that mile! i’m recovering from tendonitis in my ankle and just started running again last week – only in 1 1/2 minute intervals with equal walk intervals in between. running 1 1/2 minutes has never felt so good! recovery is serious business – keep at it!


Yay for the 1 mile! Congrats! :)


Yay! That is great news!

My definition of a “long” run has changed a lot, used to be 26 plus km when I was training for my marathon, now it is anything over 14km! haha

I think I started running back in 2005, before that I only ran when I was forced to! So that would have made me 20!

Mizuno Wave Rider 14’s, and I love them!

I love cherries too but wish I could just eat the whole dang thing ;)


congrats on the running progress!!!


AHHHH I AM SO PROUD OF YOUUU! By the way I am freaking addicted to that dressing. It is so good.


Shoe-wise, I’m currently using Brooks Addiction 9s (men’s, because I have big ol’ feet!). I was previously using Saucony ProGrid Stabil (also men’s…), but switched to the Brooks just by chance, not because I was having any problems with the Saucony’s…and I love the Brooks! Haven’t had any occurrences of runner’s knee since the switch, actually (had it occasionally before). This last week I started British Military Fitness (an outdoor group exercise class) and wore my last pair of Saucony’s for the first couple of classes just because it was raining/so incredibly muddy and I didn’t want to ruin my main running shoes! ;)


Congrats on your one mile! That’s awesome! My perception of distance definitely changes when I train for longer distances. When I was training for my half one of my taper runs was 9 miles and I remember thinking “ehh it’s only 9 miles, no biggie.” You have to remember to give yourself credit for all your accomplishments, even if some may seem small. They are all important!


Yeah, yeah, yeah!! So proud of you girl. Woo hoo!

I was in HS when I ran my first mile, it took me 12:58. ha ha I was really lazy.


Woo woo! Congrats on the mile and feeling good!! I can’t understand how more people aren’t injured when all they do is run in minimalist shoes…? I would think it would be very tough on your body at first! I run in Brooks Adrenaline and have been loving them. My idea of long/short run is totally different right now than it was in the spring when I was training for a full marathon! It’s crazy to think that I thought a mid-week 10 miler wasn’t a long run…


Whoop Whoop 1 mile!! Celebrate with fro yo?

My first run was when I was a sophomore in college. I feel like a late bloomer. That was about 5 years ago!


I usually wear Asics because I was told they were the best running shoe for me because I have very high arches. However, I purchased the same Saucony shoes that you have last weekend when they were on sale, and I think I like them better than my Asics. Do you have high arches? The first time I ran in them I felt a huge difference, and I don’t know if it was from the additional padding or what. I only run 3 or 4 miles a day so am by no means hardcore, but I’m curious why you chose the Sauconys.


I got them because the ‘running specialists’ at the running store here had me try them…..I ran around in them and loved them!! Maybe I do have high arches ha:) Um, ROBING….3 or 4 miles a day IS HARDCORE!!!


I am definitely not a supporter of the barefoot run movement. I know it works for some people but I hear about so many injuries because of it that I really don’t even want to try.

I am so happy you get to start running again! Yay for you! I was running up to 7 miles for my long runs in April/May/June and since then I haven’t been able to run as much (moving, being too busy, it being too hot outside….all the excuses). I ran the Freedom Run 10K the beginning of the month and it about killed me haha. Now 4 miles is much more comfortable but I want to work back up to 7 (and hopefully more).

I LOVE cherry season! I eat way too many at once everytime I break them open haha.


You rock! Surriously, one mile is tough! After being laid off from running with a metatarsal sfx, which also led to a hip/IT bank issue, and then taking a few weeks off to cram for the bar exam, I am finally trying to get my endurance back up for a fall marathon. Um, yeah, one mile is no joke. Where did my endurance go? Iwantitbackthanks.

P.S. I’m totally lounging in the same clothes that I wore running this morning. At 9am. It is 4pm. No shame!!


Congrats on a pain free mile!!
It’s funny you ask about the perception of long vs short, I recently found myself telling my husband that since I’m on a drop back week, this weekend’s long run is “only 12 miles”. I heard myself and wondered when in the heck 12 became “only”!

I’m a die hard Mizuno runner. They’ve never let me down before so I’m not messing with a good thing!


well done you! you look so happy :)

I love silver shadows by hi-tech for running in. apparently the british army use them for training exercises, so if it’s good enough for them..

PS you can get them on amazon :)

Katie x


I’m LOVING cherries! I just started eating them about 3 weeks ago. Before then I had only had the jar ones :(.. I missed out all those years!


yay I’m so happy for you!!

Running used to be the punishment for bad soccer practices. LOL. I ran track in High School, but only did sprints.. I ran off and on in college, but never more than like 2-3 miles, and I pretty much stopped running after college for a few years outside of soccer.. I started back up in March 2010 to train for the Pat Tilllman run and was hooked. I remember back when a 4 mile run was “long” but now, like a year later, I average like 5-6 miles per run. Long run this weekend was 11, the last mile was tough though. I was definitely happy to be done.

We had cherry trees in my yard growing up. My mom used to think that the bottom branches didn’t get enough light because there were never cherries on them, but then one day she caught our dog eating cherries off the tree. She just couldn’t reach past a certain height. :)
I alternate between Nike Triax and Mizuno Wave Inspires, and I use arch supports in each of them because I have high arches.. I like the Mizunos a little better on long runs, but the Nike are really comfortable..


SO TRUE. Since I’m training for a half-marathon, 8 miles seems like an easy weekend run, while a few months ago 3 miles felt like FOREVER.


Woman…you need my cherry pitter! It was featured a couple of weeks ago ;-) Love cherries! I hear you on the one mile :) Pain-free is awesome beyond all belief :)
I run in Saucony ProGrid 3 or something like that…discontinued, of course :(
My first not-for-gym-class run was when I was 17…pretending to train for the bay to breakers with my best buddies…we ran a lap around the track :P


Yay Janae! So happy for your pain free mile.
It is funny how now, 7 miles seems so long, where when I’m in training it seems like nothing!
Right now I’m wearing Saucony Kinvaras and I’m really loving them. They’re not true minimalist, but they are closer to it than my old shoes. So far they work well for me.
And would you believe that I grew up living on a cherry orchard but am not a very big fan of cherries? I know. Crazy. :D


CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I thought about you today as I did my .6 mile. I was wondering if you were out there, too. :) I’m glad it went well for you. Mine did, too. I didn’t want to stop (but I did).


I run in asic nimbus, I have really high arches too and have suffered from plantar fascitis. I know I could not try the minimalist shoes however I am curious to try other brands. I’ll have to look into your saucony. I have also been curious about the mizuno wave runners?? Slow and steady wins the pain free race!


I had a thought about you while running today, actually several because I think you are fabulous, but I will just share the one that is running related. Over the past year, for various reasons, I have done way more miles on the treadmill than I have ever done in my running life. When we went to Hawaii in June I started having shin splint problems, but they went away without much worry. i raced this morning on a course that starts uphill, and I started having shin pain again. I was talking to my dad about it and we agreed that one of the biggest “helps” a treadmill gives is on the push off, aka, your shins. So for me, I have realized that I really need to ease back into outdoor miles and try to get my shins used to the unforgiving pavement. I know that when you got to Cali you started running everything outside (why wouldn’t you, it’s beautiful), but I was thinking that with your hiatus from running, then switching to just the treadmill, maybe your downfall was switching to all road miles. Just a thought.
On a side note, I cannot get into the minimalist running craze. Maybe if I had experienced feet problems I would consider it, but I think my body does best with some cushion and support, sounds like yours probably does too. A little long, but I did save some of my thoughts. Hope you are having a great day.


Oh, yay!!! SO happy for you!!!


YAY congrats on pain free running!! There’s nothing like that first run back after taking so much time off-amazing how happy just one mile can make you :-)

I have shin splint problems too, so minimalist shoes definitely wouldn’t be for me either! Do you run full marathons in your racing flats, or just the shorter races? I’ve only ever run so far as a half marathon, but I usually just wear lighter trainers…hmm could be something to try :)

And yeah, I tend to have a pretty skewed perception of mileage sometimes too! When I get up to the 50-60 mile week range, a 40 mile week seems like I’m doing nothing, and an 8 miler becomes a run that’s worth being part of a two-a-day haha. it’ll be interesting to see what a mile feels like when I get to start running again…


YAY! that is such great news :) and I literally laughed our loud because I was eating while reading this post (ummm when am I not tho ;) ), but don’t worry, sweaty is no big thang, you look so happy and gorgeous as always! I switched to brooks adrenaline gts 11 from crappy old shoes because of a knee problem, I like them but I want to check out others too and find the “perfect” shoe. OH and I don’t usually like salad dressing, but I could seriously drink that one, it is soooo good!


woah! congrats lady. And haha defs a cherry fan :) so addicting!


So happy you were able to run that mile!! Great job!! I would love to stay in my workout clothes, but I smell too bad and the hubs doesn’t like it.


Just bought a bunch of cherries today~great minds think alike :)


U need a cherry pitter girl! :-) My first real run was when I was dating my husband….4 years ago – hated running – crazy right? Now I have to run – can’t imagine my life without it now! xoxo from Trinidad


Congrats on your 1 mile!! It’s great that you’re able to start slowly building up again. :)

I’ve always used Asics, but my most recent purchase was a pair of Saucony’s. I overpronate quite a bit, and these new shoes seem to give me the major support I need!


I played basketball for years, so anything other than a quick sprint is “long” for me. I injured myself trying to build mileage too fast this spring (apparently basketball payer bodies think a 5K is a long run and start complaining) so I’m taking it super slow this time around. I hate injuries and have messed up knees and ankles, so…10% per week is what it’ll be for me.

Well I did track and cross country, and then I played basketball, so I alway did some amount of running, but it was never over maybe 3K. I remember that 3000m was super long during track haha.

I have Adidas ones, don’t know what they’re called . They also have a hole in the toe part of the top, so I probably need new ones. I ran around barefoot all the time as a kid, so I really want to try the semi-minimalist shoes, like the Nike Free or the Reebok RealFlex, which I’ve heard good things about. I really want Adidas to come out with a pair though, I like Adidas for shoes.

I could live on cherries, mangos and watermelons all summer long. And kind of do.


Yeah for 1 mile. I still think all on my long runs are too long and wonder how I’m going to manage 26.2 by November. But I know I can do it.
I LOVE my Newton’s. I won’t even try other shoes. It’s too expensive to experiment.
TMI alert – I went to my favorite farmer’s market and they had cherries. I bought about 2 pounds and ate about 1.75 pounds myself. They were the best cherries ever. Let’s just say it was a lot of fiber. Well worth it though.
I wish we had Trader Joe’s in Texas. I keep hearing how awesome they are.


yay! I totally understand the joys of doing your first mile in a while! I’m battling some shin splints too and every 1 miler I do makes me so happy!


My first run was the summer before HS because part of the tennis team tryout was to run the mile, and I didn’t want to be huffing puffing too much.

Cherry fan = yes.

Proud of your miler today = yes.


HEY TWINNER!!!! saucony rides are my absolute fave and we now have the same pair :) I also just ordered the 4s and can’t wait to try them out on Wednesday :) CONGRATS ON YOUR MILE!!!!!! eeeeek!


yAHHH!!! 1 miler :)

I always stick around in gym clothes, it is the cool thing to do!


Yay for one mile pain free! And I agree that cherries are hard work to eat. Love them, but hate the mess and eating around the seeds. We can be lazy eaters together. :)

Also – must try that dressing! Oh my gosh that sounds so good!


Yayyyy!!!!! Congrats on 1 miles! Miles are relative that’s for sure!!!

I like cherries but they are so much better if they are in something like Cherry Garcia (I heart Ben & Jerry’s).

I am actually in my running shorts now except I took a shower and changed into a different pair! I am sunburnt and these are the least frictiony (not a real word I know!) thing I own!


Congratulations!! So excited for you getting to get back out there again :) You Rock!


I love cherries!!!!! I eat so many, my legs would get tired standing the whole time so I have to do the whole spit em in a bowl thing.


ooh yes, my distance perception is starting to change.. i remember back in the end of may going out for an 8-mile run was a long epic journey, haha. now i am on week 9 on marathon training, did 14 last week & am not terribly intimidated by the upcoming 15, 16 etc etc… and…. my drop-back weeks of 10 and 12 mile long’s are thought of with ease. i am NOT complaining, i love it, – i get much more satisfaction out of distance increase than say, speed – i hope this continues by the time i reach 20 and 22 miles… i do get a bit nervous thinking about that! :P



I hear that dressing is really good! The have a light champagne vinegrette dressing (with the non-refridgerated dressings) that is also quite delicious! Also, thank you for reminding me that I have cherries in the fridge that I need to eat before they go bad :)


Yeah for a one miler, you rock girl!! I will be interested to see your take on your new kicks. I have some asics and I bought them last Feb. and I am thinking I need a new pair and ones with some good support. I have been having ankle/heel problems lately.


woohoo for 1 mile PAIN FREE :) :) :)


Congrats on the run! I totally agree that a mile is a huge accomplishment. When I was training for a marathon I thought it was crazy that distances that once seemed impossible were then some of the shortest runs I’d do each week! My husband and I were just in Seattle on vacation and bought and ate three pounds of cherries between the two of us in one week. I spent much of my time in our hotel room next to the trash can!


this makes me SUPER DUPER HAPPY, sweat and all! congrats.


Yay for your 1 miler!!! Since I’m not really a runner, I see any distance over 2 miles as kind of long haha. Love your sweaty shirt…if it’s possible, I think mine are actually more drenched when I’m done working out


Congrats girl! And a mile is a long way! The last mile always seems like the longest thing in the world!

You aren’t weird, I stand over the trash and eat my cherries too. I think my co-workers might wonder why I take breaks next to the trash…


i cannot wait to hear about why you dont think minimalist shoes are for you!!!!!
and arent cherries like the best yet most annoying fruit ever?

love you!!!!!!! SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!


Congratulations on the 1 mile!!! I am getting over a knee injury and just finished my first race (4 brutal roller-coaster like miles yesterday) since my injury in May. Feels so good to be running again. And omg – I’m in love with cherries and bought a new bag this morning over my lunch break. I wanted to ask you about your running flats though – do you train in them too, or use them soley for races? What are the advantages to using them instead of normal running shoes? They seem really light, but do you feel like you get enough support from them? Any thoughts would help, as I’m gearing up for a late racing season and considering buying a new pair of running shoes! :)


YAAAAY!!! Congrats! one mile is pretty long, isn’t it?


Where did you find that dressing? It looks so delicious!! I’m always looking for new dressings to pair with my salads topped with fruit!


Trader joes! You have to get it!!! It is the best!


Yay on the pain free mile! I agree that a mile is a looong way. It was about November of 2008 that I took my first run, about 2 months after starting a diet change. I planned on going a mile and only made it to about 1/3 to 1/2 if even that and walked/ ran, er, walked faster for the rest of that time. I’ve slowly picked up the distance and pace and am now training for my first ultra in October. I actually did a blog post last week about how I got to where I am.
I’ve been wearing minimalist style shoes since last August. I am now running in Brooks Green Silence on the road and Inov-8 Roclite 295’s on the trails along with a mile or two here and there in New Balance Minimus Trails.


CONGRATS on your run! And yeah, I dont’ know what I’m talking about but I think you need a more supportive shoe too ;).

My boyfriend HATES cherries. I don’t know how that is possible. I would eat them for every meal ever if I could. Sometimes I eat cherries around him just to tease (I am such a nice gf). =)


My friend said this about barefoot running: “Yes those aboriginals ran barefoot, but they don’t run on freaken asphalt.” I love Saucony! I wear their ProGrid Guide 4. They are really cushiony compared to other brands. However, when I raced a 5k in my Nike flats, I PR’ed by a minute. In any case, congrats on the one miler! I am glad you haven’t given up on running!

Haha I never went on a run longer than 13 miles so a short run for you is a long one for me!

First time running was probably with my dad when I was 8 for about half a mile. After that I never ran again until I was 13.


HILARIOUS…love the aboriginals comment!!! CONGRATS ON YOUR PR with your nike flats..that is AWESOME!! That is so cool that your first run was with your dad!!


woo hoo for 1 mile!! I did spin class today too. But there’s no way I could run 1 mile after it. My legs would have literally fallen off. No joke.


yea for your mile, janae!!
i work at a running store up here in canada so totally get jazzed talking shoes…i’m going to read all of these comments to see what shoes people love!
started reading your blog quite recently, and love your pep!


Cathy!!! Your comment made me so happy!!! You have my dream job!!!


I ate a pound of cherries the other day…they lasted approximately 20 minutes after I bought them. I ate them in the car ride home which was perfect because I spit the pits out the window. Pretty sure the car behind me thought it was raining cherry pits!


Yay, one mile! I understand what you mean about distance perception. When I’m training for a marathon, I’m so happy to have a run under 16 miles, like it’s nothing. All the rest of the time 5 miles seems like a chore!
I’m rotating Saucony Kinvaras and Karhu Racer Ride’s right now and for once I am totally happy with my shoes.


I thought about you today when I was on the treadmill!! So glad to hear it went well! You look so happy and that salad looks amazing. :)

Keep it up and keep posting about it! It’s amazing what reading about your passion/desire does for my motivation. Thank you for that.


MAGGIE!! Thank you so much for your comment…you made my day. Thanks for thinking of me:)


One mile is awesome. I just had to take off 6 weeks from running because of an achilles injury (from training for a marathon to ABSOLUTELY NOTHING). Coming back was bad. A mile was hard – it’s amazing how much endurance you can loose. Good job on the mile…and HOUR OF SPINNING. Take it easy. It’s better to take it easy and NOT get injured than to push it & have to start all over AGAIN.


OH GIRL…I am so sorry about your achilles injury boo!! It really is crazy how much endurance we can loose…BOO. Oh well, it will be fun to build back up again right:) Thanks for the advice, you ROCK!


Good job on mile 1! Soon you will be back to run in the double digits! P.S. I have those Sauconys and love them!


congrats on the mile! i cant wait to be able to run again !


Of course I love cherries!!! You need to cone visit the cherry capital Janae!


Yay for your pain-free mile!!!

So are you going to do a blog post about why you’re thinking minimalist is not for you anymore? I’m very curious. Did you ditch your Brooks Launches? (I thought that I read you were wearing those.) I was actually thinking about getting a pair of those after I wear out my Glycerins. I’m so confused on what to do!! I seem to be a walking pelvic disaster. Hip flexor issues are now gone but now I am pretty sure that I have osteitis pubis because my crotch HURTS! Is it from my shoes? Who knows!!

I just had a bunch of cherries earlier. Was sharing with my 2 year-old and had to bite out the pits first!


I think I may ditch them:( I may use them for a race but I am thinking that minimal shoes have been a part of my injuries. I never got injured before I started using them! I am SO SO SORRY about your pelvic issues you POOR THING!!! I think it could be from your shoes along with other things too. Have you gone into the doc lately? Praying that it gets better ASAP!!


I’m just kind of hanging in there just like I did with my hip flexor injury. It’s not getting worse. My coach tells me that as long as the pain is not getting worse when I run, it’s ok to run through it. Just takin’ Aleve and hoping for the best. Increasing my mileage VERY conservatively and trying to figure out what shoes I need! Thanks for the well-wishes.


I love cherries! Billy came home from the store yesterday with a whole bunch of them. Delish!


YAY for running again pain free!! YAY for awesome amazingly delicious salads… I have to confess, I’ve always loved salads but you make them look SO much more lovable and awesome. And finally, YAY for wandering around in sweaty clothes post workout… no shame.


Congrats on your mile! :) There’s nothing better than coming off an injury and having a successful first attempt back at your workout. I was just talking about the perspective on distance running today with a coworker who is about to start training for a marathon. It’s crazy to think that now I consider a 5 mile run “easy” when 2 years ago before I started running, I literally would’ve thought I would die before completing 5 miles.
PS-I am obsessed with that dressing too!


If it makes you feel better, the only fruit I ate yesterday was the strawberries I put on my fro-yo. And the ratio was pretty much 1 part strawberries, 4 parts candy and sprinkles, and 10 parts chocolate and peanut butter fro-yo.


Huge, massive, mammoth cherry fan, love, love, love them, but at $17 a kilo, they are a little out of my price range at the moment so only 5 months till I can buy them again, they come down to $3 a kilo at Christmas time :)

Can’t remember the other questions and I am too lazy to scroll up the page to find out what they were, but I would like to say that you look amazing with or without heart shaped sweat stains.


I can’t even post pictures of me after working out because

1) RED face would be too scary
2) The sweat below the belt would make people vomit



I feel your pain of the RED face – I look like a red bell pepper. I actually think I scared my kids the first time they saw my red face, not a pretty sight.


woot! woot! for one pain free mile. super exciting stuff. i usually go for 10 miles on saturdays as my “long” run. anything more sounds like a lot. but 10 seems reasonable. then someone will ask how far i ran and act shocked that i didn’t die when i tell them. so, yeah.

how old was i ran i had my first real run. haha. just a couple of years ago i wrote down a goal “i want to be able to run for 10 minutes straight without stopping.” a year later, i ran a marathon.

i wear saucony’s glide (?) something like that. i get the same shoe over and over. i have about 6 pairs now, all in different colors. every time i try another model, i end up taking them back. sticking with what works is smart (i think).

cherries = in moderation. the side effects are a bit rough for me!

wow! that was a lot of questions. thanks for asking. and p.s., i think you should rock the purple boob sweat tank with confidence. sweat = hard work.


A YEAR LATER YOU RAN YOUR FIRST MARATHON…okay, you are officially my hero! Seriously, that was awesome. I am glad you enjoyed the boob sweat:) Can I join you for your 10 miler on a Saturday this fall?


of course! that’s a fabulous idea, i would love it.


Good job, Janae!! 1 mile sounds SO GREAT right now! My longest run in the last year was 9.5 and, yes, I think what seems “long” is all about perspective. I’ll tell ya, I’ve NEVER considered running a marathon because it’s just always seemed, well, CRAZY. But, after reading so many running blogs it seems so much more attainable now. Just goes to show you how mental running can be. It’s the barriers in our mind that end up holding us back. Well, that and the injuries I guess ( :

LOVE cherries! And, I spit the pits directly into the trash can too. No need to dirty a bowl!


You are SO RIGHT!! Running really is so so MENTAL!!! Dang woman 9.5 is AWESOME and let me know if you decide to do a marathon:)


I think I have a Janae protege! My 3 year old girl ate 500 grams of strawberries last night so I have renamed her Holly-Janae in your honour. She will have to work on her candy skills though because it takes her 2 hours to eat a freddo frog!


AHHH That makes my day!! Your 3 year old is on the right track with her strawberry eating! Uh oh….has she tried swedish fish yet? Those are the easiest for me to consume in mass quantities!


Congratulations on your mile, lady!!! That’s awesome. Just like cherries. (I usually stand over the trashcan, too.)


LOL. You’re adorable! Don’t feel bad. I sweat like crazy too. Yesterday, I hugged my dad after a run because my pappy just passed away Saturday and I’ve been giving out hugs like crazy. :( My dad was soaked from my sweat…really nice, right? Congrats on the 1 miler!!!!!!! <3


I am so sorry about your pappy Adrian. That breaks my heart. Wish I could give you a big hug RIGHT NOW!


Thank you Janae. <3 That means a lot to me. Don't worry, I can feel your hug all the way in PA. :)


Great call on perception. So true transitioning from marathon training to half training mileage can play tricks on you.

So ecstatic to see a bright, smiling face at the end of a mile!


My favorite:

Remember. ONE MILE is awesome. No matter where you are in your fitness level, how many miles you are running a week, a mile is a huge accomplishment!

You are so amazing! I cant say it enough. I enjoy your blog probably more than I should and am a certified stalker!

I am so excited you had no pain and look forward to hearing about many more pain free runs and much more yumminess!


Oh Michelle!! You absolutely made my day!! Seriously, thank you for your sweet words, I adore YOU!


SQUUUUEEEEL! You just made my night by replying! I feel like i just met a celebrity hahaha! Thank you for taking the time :) I promise not to crazy stalk you just healthy stalk you. You are so adorable and sweet AND REAL! and I want to just squeeze you! :0)


so I totally do not know you personally or your sister at all but a group of friends and I were running the provo canyon and we passed your sister :) haha I wanted to say, “Hi Hungry Runners sister” but I didn’t. just thought I would share! Have a good night :)


AHHH That makes my day!! That is so so fun!! Um, can we run together when I get back to UTAH!?!?


Yay 4 running today!! :)

So happy you love the dressing!! I’ll have to send some out to you when you go back home! Utah needs a Trader Joe’s!! I’m going to write a letter!! :)

When I wasn’t injured a few miles were 8. When I was injured and lost my endurance a few miles were 3. ;)

I stick with Asics (gel-kayano 17). Stability shoe for me. Janae, have you ever went to “shoe dog” where you can have your stride analyzed?

See you soon my friend! :) xo


Your sweatiness is fabulous! Nothing makes me prouder than when I can see the exact outline of my sports bra because all the rest of my shirt is soaked in sweat :)

And cherry fan- YES YES YES! Although I have to admit that they’ve recently been bothering my tummy after I eat too many :(


Yes! When I’m marathon training, 12 is an easy run. Right now, especially with my foot problem. 12 is NOT an easy run. If I run 12, I’m very proud of myself.

I think my first run was sophomore year of high school, when I discovered the awesomeness of exercise endorphins.

I need new running shoes ASAP!


That is so awesome you had a PAIN FREE mile!! Way to go sista!
My first run was last year!! I couldn’t even run for a full minute!! So you are totally right when you say every step is an accomplishment!


Congrats on one mile, girl! That is awesome.


CONGRATS on that sweet mile!! what u wrote sums it up perfectly, and it’s easy to sometime forget to savor each and every painfree mile. :) oh, and pahleez that picture is way too cute, the excitement ur face! oh, and ya, i won’t even try to deny lounging in my sweaty workout clothes for way too long if i don’t have anything to get cleaned up for. ;)

your comment about the ‘free’ running makes me say that i’m with u 120% percent. i was almost going to say something the first time u were talking about it after u got back from that running shoe store but didn’t want to be some debbie downer/negative person. there are lots of people who profess the shoeless thing to the heavens, and i think that in theory it can be great for certain people with certain foot types. but especially for pronators and people with really sensitive feet/bone structures it might be something to steer clear of. OR at least do in very small amounts…yes, humans weren’t born with shoes on our feet, but at the same time i don’t think humans started out with aspirations of running marathon distances. my vote is all for ur supportive sauconys and i’m sorry if i just went on way too long and gave u some TMI.

oh, and my perception of short distances get all out of wack, usually i get a reality check though whenever i get injured. :P


Yay for that mile!
I am slightly addicted to cherries at the mo- we have these lovely dark cherries which are so sweet- mmm.
I think I was 26 when I went for my first run- it was Easter in 2008 anyway.


WooHoo!! Congrats on your mile! My recovery run was 2.5 yesterday at a very slow run/walk pace and although some may find that insignificant it was such a huge deal to me!!


awesome job on your one miler!!!

My first run was probably when I was a sophomore in high school, so like 15?

LOVE cherries.


YAY Janae!!!!!!!! I know how the first pain free mile feels. I pray you have many, many more!!!


That dressing looks delish and CONGRATS on the mile!!!!! So happy for you :)


Yay!!! So glad you ran without pain! I’ll be testing out my hip tonight! (untill ten I’ll be thinking positive painfree thoughts!!)

I do love the insane thinking that comes along with training. I caught myself calling a six miler an “easy and short” six miler the other day and sat myself down and reminded myself how before last November I had not ever run 6 miles and how when I finished my first 10k I almost cried I was so proud of myself. It’s easy to get caught up in the training and the next big thing you’re going to. Sometimes I like to remind myself that I should be proud of what I’ve already done!! (does that make me full of myself?) :)


SCORE! glad it went well :)


I’m the same way about minimalist shoes — sounds like a great idea, I get the logic, not for me. I tried them right at the beginning of my Boston training and then I was like, “What are you doing?????” and I went back to what has kept me mostly injury free and mostly strong for many years. If I lived somewhere that I could run on grass a lot, maybe I’d try minimalist shoes again, but living in a paved city means regular running shoes work best for me.

I get into the same distance/mileage warp, but I think it’s always relative. If you’re training for a marathon, god help you if 12 doesn’t seem short a month before the race! This morning our marathon training group started officially, so it was a short 5 for me, a long 5 for others. It’s all relative! Your mile is a smart start back — 5 would not be!


Congratulations on your run!! I’m so happy that you’re able to start running again. :D I agree, my perception is off when I run longer distances. For example, my 8 miles yesterday I did. I was at mile 6 and part of me was all “thats it? only 6??” and the other part of me was “wow-that kinda felt like a warm up. Have I really been running that long?” Its weird how my perception changes. I just started running this year (consistently), at the beginning of july. My new years goal was to actually start running more, and now i’ve achieved it! GO ME! lol.
I LOVE cherries but there so darn expensive! My mom and I went to the fruit market and we went to go get a back of cherries, and they rang up for $12! $12 for cherries-hence, my mom made me put them back.


Way to go!!! I have to tell you that you have really inspired me to listen to my body more, so THANK YOU! Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in working out for the calorie burn and not for fun.


I am just catching up on blog reading- which means I am certaining in mere survival mode….I am SOO excited about your one mile. I have never done a marathon but did complete my first half and know what you mean about warping your perception of long miles. I had an achilles injury that I ‘sort of’ babied for a while, then reality struck and I really stopped running and treated it….then in the meanwhile….I FINALLY got pregnant with our second baby and so al my goals for going into pregnancy easily running 6 miles for fun…FAIL….but I took that in stride and kept going on my super old hand me down stationary bike that got me through my blown out knee in 2008….anyhooo….nevertheless…the rest got me healed up and I RESPECTED the 10 minutes I was able to run and increased ever so slowly and just finally got up to 25 minutes on flat treadmill indoors, which was also good to prevent the overheating int he MS weather and first trimester…..only to get VIOLENTLY ill with all day ‘morning’ sickness and right now I am barely scathing by with 203 workouts a week….My plan…..A FAIL….is it frustrating….yep but I am trying to not get frustrated and take them when I feel up to them……it is past the….get out there and do it and you will feel better….nope! I hate that I have been fed this but it is reality. I have not even blogged at all, but i am so proud that you are getting back there….eveytime you think about rushing out….rememeber….it could be worse….you could be ever turning to flab and only be able to do when you don’t feel like death….enjoy the short runs…..i know that in just a few short weeks….I will be out of the death stage I hope and I will be logging 5 or so runs a week….for now….SURVIVAL! So….at least know…there is one person celebrating your one mile and if anything.,…SHe is JEALOUS of it! lol! Hang int here!
also I went for one short out and back early on Saturday moring bc I was off and thought I would just try and see if I could feel better. I didn’t but I was sure nice to strap on my Garmin and watch the miles trickle by… was the slowest miles I have ran in 2 years….it was humid, miserable and it taught me that I WILL be smiling on the treadmill next time God blesses my body with the ability to hop on…..I love my garmin, love my running group but for now…..I long for a slow solo short run on the TM!
Hope you are running smart and able to increase your milage in a realistic way and be back to running as you love very soon!!!!


Awesome job! I was thinking that your one miler must have been an intense one with all that sweat. Ha ha. I was a little confused before you mentioned the one hour spin class. My perception of ‘short’ and ‘long’ runs definitely gets out of whack when I’m training for a marathon. I say things like, “just 10 miles.”


Yea for the 1 miler!! True story: when I started training for my first marathon I couldn’t even run a mile. What was I thinking??

I do think my perception of long/short gets skewed while training sometimes- especially when I go back-to-back from running to triathlons. Everyone at work laughs when I say I had a short run if I did 5 miles.

I currently run in Asics 2150/2160s and LOVE them. I was talked into switching for a while but suffered the whole time and couldn’t wait to get back into my “comfort shoe.”


:-D :-D huge grin!!!! I’m so happy for you and your golden mile!!! I’ve started making “Jenae-style” salads — everything but the kitchen sink goes into them! Love it! You inspired me to add more fruit to my salads, even blackberries :-)Reading your blog makes me feel so happy. THANK YOU!!!


Emma!!!!! Your comment made my day! Thank you so so much!!! I am so happy you are eating ginormous salads! The London marathon is my dream!!!


Oh…and my distance perception was all screwed up when I was training for London Marathon 2 years ago. I’m currently training for a 1/2 marathon and I’m loving this distance.


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