My workout and breakfast (too busy eating popcorn to think of a better title).

I figured out why no one would get on the elliptical’s next to me or come within five feet and it wasn’t because of the random hair bump on top of my head… did that even happen?

Photo 2

Usually I trick my fellow gym-goers by wearing a black top or a very dark color so they do not notice the large amounts of sweat.  Being so busy this summer without a job or any responisibliites has made me even lazier with laundry and so I had to resort to a shirt that shows everything.  Just be thankful my phone doesn’t have a flash so that you could see how gross it really was.

This morning I did a 45 minute spin class

15 minutes elliptical

Attempted to do a pump routine on my own.  I made it through lunges and triceps and called it a day.


The below picture is my favorite bfast lately…..  I call it my:

“Taking advantage of my in-laws food because when we go back to Provo it will be back to cheap food”

IMG 7941

Basically I just throw ever piece of fruit that they have into a bowl on top of cottage cheese with some more on top as a ‘garnish’ or milk (and you thought I grossed you out earlier with the whole no shoe thing). After each bite, I reload my spoon with my crunchy peanut butter.  I also have a banana with pb on it before the gym.

I try to get in 7 servings of fruit in the morning so the rest of the day I can focus in on more important things like popcorn and pound plus bars from TJ’s.


What is your favorite summer breakfast?

-I told Billy if he made me waffle’s every morning I would stop spending all of our money on fro-yo but he won’t believe me so I have to resort to the fruit/pb/milk combo.

What are your Friday night plans?

-Grilling pizza (I think) and maybe a walk and of course a few episodes of Chopped and House Hunters.

Are you a sweater or a glistener?

-I am a sweater back in Utah but it is even worse here because of the humidity.  My sis is definitely a glistener even when we do the exact same workout.

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Favorite summer breakfast is fruit w/vanilla greek yogurt. I could eat it every day!

We are going to summer concerts in the park and then I’m sure I’ll make like an 80 year old and watch dateline :)

In the summer I’m a sweater! The humidity this year is much worse. In the winter I’m a glistener. I heart winter in SoCal…just sayin…


AHHH MY COMMENTS ON YOUR BLOG GO TO SPAM…save me!!! I love Dateline and fruit with greek yogurt is the BEST!


I am a total sweater, not the furry kind (unless I don’t shave my legs) just the wet kind. My face also gets SUPER red when I workout so I pretty much look hideous. I love the look on your face in the gym pic, cracked me up!

My crazy plans for tonight are to go to a Tupperware party at my friends house. Just saying that makes me feel like I was just transported back to the 60’s…..


I’m sweater to the point where it’s emberassing. After a workout I literally look like I walked into a shower with my clothes on…it sucks!


I eat pretty much the same things for breakfast except I can’t do oatmeal in the summer.

We are having pizza and maybe a movie tonight!

I am more of a pourer! The sweat seems to just pour from me, it’s almost as gross as you walking around Yogurtland without shoes on! ;-)


I am a total sweater. I envy glisteners. I don’t understand it! But I don’t actually mind it, it makes me feel accomplished! haha.

Regardless of the time of year, I LOVE any form of bob’s red mill oatmeal/bran. Yum! In the summer I incorporate more fruit though :)

My Friday night plans include not melting (112 heat index in CT! woof), and cleaning up my condo. Yeah, I’m that cool!


I’m really into Green Monster smoothies for breakfast in the summer, but I like my oat bran in the winter.

Waiting for my boyfriend to drive down for the weekend! Probably will just watch TV or a movie tonight. Maybe bake cookies depending on when he can get here.

I’m a sweaty MoFo for sure. There is no glisten. I’m either dry or drenched. NOT CUTE!


I’m usually a glistener, but this heat is turning me into a sweater!! :P

My breakfast really hasn’t changed since it’s been summer. I’m die-hard PB and banana on whole wheat toast. I’ve been enjoying smoothies, too, but usually after my workout.

I love how much you eat. Because I eat a lot, too! Yay for big appetites! ;)


My plans are to do nothing. I’m exhausted and its the best offer I’ve heard all week!!

I am a total sweater!! I like it though..I earned that perspiration!


I sweat sooo much. I’ve heard that the healthier you are, the more you sweat. But maybe that is just what they tell the sweaty people to make them feel better.


I get so sweaty – I’m gross! no one comes near me at the gym lol


Fav Summer Breakfast: Fruit of any kind with Thomas’ Whole Wheat Thin Bagel. Delish.

Friday Nite Plan: Gumbo on the stove just waiting for my husband to come home and entertain me (not working in the summer is rather boring while the hubby is at work all day).

Sweat or Glisten: Why isn’t there an option for full-out-dripping? This Texas heat and humidity has me DRIPPING my TAIL OFF! Makes me feel like I’m being productive, though :)

Happy Friday night!


Summer breakfasts have currently been either Puffins (have you even tried them yet??) or a fruit smoothie.

I am a manly super sweater. I don’t understand people who glisten!


I’m a sweater. Even in the winter, I look like I just got got out of the shower after a run. I wish I would glisten…


I want your breakfast. Except for the crunchy peanut butter. I prefer smooth. But I like the idea of a spoonful of peanut butter in between every bite. How much peanut butter do you suppose you consume each breakfast?

I have to say, when I see words that can mean two different things, I inevitably choose the meaning that is incorrect. So imagine me sitting here cracking up laughing at everyone saying “I’m a sweater!” as I’m picturing articles of clothing walking out of the gym. Now, go re-read all those comments and think of clothing, not bodily functions. You’ll laugh.


Currently, my Friday night plans consist of a super long car ride of wayyy to much twitter and Netflix. I’m en route to Virginia to go BIKING 36 miles! Wahoo I’m going to be so SORE.


I have discovered my FAVORITE breakfast is whole grain waffles with Nutella and either fresh fruit or yogurt. LOVE! I find myself getting excited for breakfast the night before. Can you say ‘weirdo’?

I seriously need you to send me a workout plan/schedule/whatever you want to call it. I need help for sure!


favorite summer breakfast: crepes
total count of crepes i’ve had this summer: 0
reasons that should change this weekend: 23o4872


normally glistener, but in this weather? sweat-er. blech. I like overnight oats with probiotic bars chopped up in it with a side o’ banana. Yum!!!


Hard core sweater :) I don’t mind sweating…makes me feel like I’m doing something!


I am a sweater for sure!! I love it though, makes me feel like I got in a great workout. Even if I just walked two feet. I hate everything for breakfast right now. Cereal is all I can do. I go back to school August 17th. Boo. But I am excited to get to be with Shane again after two long months!


Since its been so hot I make a green monster every morning, I’m addicted! Friday night plans was dinner with my in-laws and watching my brothers truck race on TV. And I am a SWEATER! It looks like I stepped out of the shower when I get done working out, its so nasty!


humidity makes me a mega sweater!!!

I love smoothies for breakfast :)


the humidity makes me a major sweater! Hah.

Love smoothies for b-fast after a good, sweaty workout :)


I am definitely a sweater! I have left a sweat angel or two on a gym floor or bench. When you’re done with your workout, lay out on the floor like you’re doing a snow angel. Then get up. Hehe.


I am definitely a sweater! Being in Texas the humidity just makes any chance of glistening go out the window!!!

PS – All of us Texas girls loveeee your blog!! HUGS from Texas!!


DI!!!! YOUR COMMENT MADE MY DAY!!! I need to come down and go for a run with all you amazing girls!! Although I think the humidity would kill me…you are my hero for running in that!


Let’s just say I was given the nickname of “sweatastic” from one of my friends during dance camp in CA. I sweat in UT, but it was worse for sure in CA.


Total sweater I got back from the gym yesterday I don’t think there was a dry spot on me.


im an oat girl all season all the timeeeeee
homework this friday night :(
and I AM SUCH A SWEATER!!!!!!!
girl ughhhh i am so so so frustrated with my injury!!! but your positivity through yours is helping me girl so thank you!!!!!!!! love youuuuuuuuuu


Um love you. I much prefer peanut butter to every other condiment, and FROOOOOTTT is my addiction! Something about that sugar just makes me go cray cray. SLash I am a sweater back in New Yawk, but here it is SO HUMID and I just glisten like it’s my j-o-b <3


I am drenched in sweat by the time I leave the gym, it does not help that my gym is really humid. I have no choice but to shower when I get home :(


I used to not sweat at all, and really wanted to be a sweater hahaha, people always said I wasn’t working very hard if I wasn’t sweating but I just couldn’t sweat. Now, things have changed and in the summer I can get my sweat on, and when it’s cooler I am more of a glistener.


Last night I did back-to-back Zumba and African Dance classes. I asked my friend if I had sweated through my pants and she said she couldn’t really see any sweat. It turned out I had sweated through the ENTIRE back of my pants, and changed the color a shade darker, so it all looked normal to her. I am a bit of a sweater :)


fave summer breakfast: smoooooooooooooooothies! something cool and creamy is the perfect start to my day, especially PB banana smoothies ;)

friday night plans: ran 5k before dinner, ate & now i’m drinking some tea and catching up on blogs!

i definitely sweat – especially when i run! i’ve noticed that i have more of a glistening shimmer when i do the 30 day shred though (maybe i’m not working hard enough!)


waffles are probably my fav. Homemade ones though, not the frozen kind. Whatever I’m having though (oatmeal, yogurt, waffles, cereal) it’s always topped with at least 3 servings of fruit. I eat a ton of fruit for breakfast!


My breakfast doesn’t really change much with the seasons. I just constantly rotate between eggs, toast or a smoothie. Somedays I get crazy and have all three for the same meal :D Friday night plans consist of homework. I am awesome. I am also most definitely a sweater.


I definetely don’t just sparkle when I sweat…I drip. Yesterday a presumably concerned policeman asked me if I was almost done with my run because I had sweat through every article of clothing I was wearing. Even my ears were sweating. And when I got out of the shower, I started sweating again. Mmmm, attractive, I know.

Favorite breakfast: 1 egg omelet with vegetables and cheese with a bowl of fruit and a slice of marble rye toast


hmmm defs a glistener! and I dont really have a fave summer breakie, yours looks great though :)


Girl – you crack me up! :-) So excited — we are off this morning for our 2nd surf lesson!!! Talk about burning a million calories!!! (but i’ll be in the water – so even when your sweating your already wet)! :-)


My favorite summer breakfast (or breakfast for everyday really) is kashi go lean original cereal, with banana, peanut butter and milk. YUMMY! If I don’t have it in the morning, I crave it all day long.

I’m definetly a sweater. Its disgusting really. Thats why I workout in the morning- I get my sweat on when no one is up. By time I’m done everyone in my house is still sleeping, I run to the shower so nobody can gawk at how much I really sweat. :P


Def a SWEATER. Like a guy. I live in MS, so it’s a given…. Too bad I sweat more than my boyfriend :/ grody.


i am ridiculous sweater. I am always drenched with sweat in my eyes and splashing the people on the treadmill next to me.


Oh girl I am a just jumped in the pool sweater. I feel bad for the people who have to work out near me hahaha. At least I don’t smell…I think bad odor is way worse than bad sweating! :)


I pretty much eat the same thing every morning. I know, boring. It works! Oatmeal with bb and egg whites. Can’t go wrong with that!


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