Midnight Snacking and New House Guests.

Guess who is here to join the party and stay at my in-laws with us……..

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We waited in the front yard with our lawn chairs for them to come and play with us (just like THAT TIME my in-laws did for us).

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And the best way to welcome our guests…..food of course.

The sis and I were in charge of the broccoli and french bread. I do not allow my sister to ever be in charge of the butter knife or the frosting knife.  She prefers 1/9th of an inch of frosting and only a smidge of butter.  She was in charge of the garlic though.  Let’s just say Billy won’t be kissing me for at least 4 more days.  I have already listerined 6 times and still the garlic lingers.

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Roasted broc, spaghetti with homemade sauce, salad with balsamic vinegarette and of course more carbs in the form of bread because pasta isn’t enough.  PS double fisting bread is the only way to do it.

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After sitting around watching the kids dance to Gwen Stefani  music we took them for ice cream.  We promised them some at Disneyland but the line was WAY too long and so we told them we would get ice cream the next day.  We ventured to Rite Aid for some cheap ice cream cones.  They were closed.  We realized that YOGURTLAND was right down the street and even though Billy has overdosed on Fro-yo he still agreed to go.

Someone more excited than me for ice cream? I have some competition.  Maybe she is my twin (notice that she too has about 46 stains on her shirt like me!)

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I think Claybourne is a little sick of me taking a trillion pictures of him a day.  Maybe I will let him eat his ice cream in peace tomorrow. Nah.

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Nothing like a sugar high at 10 pm.

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And Billy FINALLY gor his favorite midnight snack.  His brother brought him a Jack in the Box taco (aka dog food taco) and he was thrilled.

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The sis and I are waking up at FIVE to go to the gym before the kids wake up (no kids club).  Do you think we can do it?


What time is the earliest you have woken up to get a run in, do a workout or run a race?

-4 a.m. for a marathon and 4:45 to get a long-run in before work.

Do you ever have midnight snacks?  What are some of your favorite late night foods?

-Pizza tastes even a million times better than it already is late at night.   Wheat thins and cottage cheese were a college staple late night study session food.

What is your NEXT RACE!?!?!  What training plans are you using right now?  Do you use a training plan?

-I have a race in AUGUST but we shall see if it happens or not:)  Other than that the New York Marathon in November!  I will be putting a plan together as soon as my shins are 100% ready to go!

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I remember being woken up at 2 AM IN college for runs by my ROTC leaders :) My late night study food used to be cinn & sug grahams topped with creamm cheese. Now it’s whatever the first thing that I can find that’s edible. It usually involves eggs. My next race is the Womens Half Marathon in November followed by my first ever marathon in December :D I’m using the Hal Higdon Novice 1 training plan starting August 8th! So excited nervous ya know????


Aw the kiddies are precious! I love her curls! Cereal is one of my favorite late-night snacks…although eating pizza after leaving a bar is pretty damn good too :)


I did the Goofy Challenge at Disneyworld in January and two days in a row I had to get up at 3:30 to make the bus. I was exhausted!
Favorite late night foods are probably chips and salsa/dip. So addicting!
I don’t have a race planned! Wah! I am just in maintenance mode right now. We’re busy with home renovations so I just don’t have the time to dedicate for heavy duty training. Maybe a late fall/early winter marathon…we’ll see. :)


Anyone that can do the Goofy Challenge is my hero! I have a friend doing it this year so I can’t wait for him to tell me about it. :-)


I think I woke up around 4:30am for a race once, to run the earliest 5:30am.
Pizza is the best midnight snack! I always used to eat soda crackers and drink cranberry juice too… No idea why, it is an odd combo for sure!
DISNEYLAND is my next race – the half marathon in September! I do my own training plans :)


I’m getting up this Saturday at 3:45am (unless I snooze till 4) for a 16 miler with my running group. I’m scared! That will be a distance PR for me. :-)

Oh, and you seem to love kids so much. I can’t believe you don’t have your own yet. There. I said it. :-)


I know!!! Me too!!! It’s that stupid money issue:)


double fisting bread is the only way to do it. I could podium in my ability to hold an extraordinary amount of bread in the palms of both hands.

your niece IS your twin. she has your facial expressions down pat. I love it.

And woot woot for NYC Marathoning in November!!


Ooph, morning workouts are NOT my thing. I played softball in college and we used to have to wake up for 6:00 A.M. conditioning and lifting during the winter. Wake up to get yelled at while we’re running our butts off? No thank you. I think I’ve been scarred for life…!


I can’t seem to drag my butt out of bed any earlier than 6am for a workout. I keep trying to get up at 5, but no luck!

Um, I’m with Billy, I love those Jack in the Box tacos!! But yes, they do kind of look like dog food. Still, they’re the perfect late night snack if you ask me. That or Taco Bell. Clearly I’m not picky with my meat quality haha! :)


Before I had my daughter and was working I use to wake up at 4:45 so I could get to the gym when it opened at 5. Now I’m lucky if I get there by 11:00 am.
I never eat after 8pm. Its a mind thing, I feel like it goes straight to my butt.


3:30am to catch the bus to go to Staten Island for the 2008 NYC Marathon. Last summer I had a couple of 3:30am wake ups so i could get my long runs in training for Chicago. its hot here in texas..we HAVE to get up that early!

i dont eat a lot of late night foods unless 9-10pm is considered late night! popcorn! when i was a wild child though i was totally all about Jack in the Box after the bar!

Next race? Chicago Marathon!!! woot woot! going back for redemption from last years crazy hotness!


My next race is hopefully a 10k in August. Talk about a sweatfest! At least it’s on the water.

This weekend I’m getting up at 5 to run to my parents house before we all head to the airport for vacation. That’s probably the earliest I’ve woken up to work out.


Hooray for kiddos and garlic bread!
I am currently training for a half-marathon distance mountain climb (Pikes Peak Challenge, yeah!) on Sept. 10, and the Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon on October 2nd. And I haven’t decided yet but am heavily considering the Las Vegas nighttime half the weekend of the Urban Running Blogger summit :-)


A 10k next month will be my first race since last fall- I’m excited! It’s a trail run too which are my favorite.
My earliest run was 5am….& my motivator was running partners for sure! The best girl/therapy time there is :)


I used to wake up at 4:30 am to do my long runs during training for my first half marathon…brutal. now I do my long runs on saturdays so I can sleep in until 730 am ;)

I love grabbing handfuls of chocolate chips as late night snacks. and chips and salsa once in a while!

I think I might be signing up for the Diva half marathon in Long Island in October…so jealous about the NYC marathon, hoping to make it in next year!


4:25 am 4-5 days per week to run/workout before the kiddos get up and I have to go to work. I’m such a Grandma I go to bed before 10pm most nights.

Midnight snacks? Nope I’m sleeping!

Next race – Des Moines Marathon on October 16th! I’m using the FIRST -Run Less Run Faster Plan – we’ll see how true it is!


Looks like your sis is giving you the stink eye for that 10 pm sugar rush….
See her looking at the camera behind your niece?


I got up at 3:30am for the Marin Corp Marathon. By the time I finished, I was ready for bed!


I have said this before but have to say it again-your niece is a total mini-me of you! She looks just like you!

What time is the earliest you have woken up to get a run in, do a workout or run a race?
*I only just become a morning workout-er recently and so far the earliest I have woken up is 5:30.

Do you ever have midnight snacks? What are some of your favorite late night foods?
*YES! I am not usually up at midnight (cuz I’m a grandma) but in the summer I do tend to stay up later =) My favorite late night foods are basically anything within reach haha

What is your NEXT RACE!?!?! What training plans are you using right now? Do you use a training plan?
*I dont have another planned race until November which will be a 10 miler and my longest distance yet! I want to do maybe a 10K in the early fall though also and will start training in September.



I often snack on dark chocolate late at night. Or some kind of bar :-) Yummy! Wow…that’s early! I think the earliest I’ve woken up is 5.30am which I used to do when I commuted up to London for work – it was the only way I could get my workout in. Your blog makes me happy when I read it, it’s so funny! I love how close your family is – and your family in law! – it is wonderful <3 xyx


My University Midnight snack was pancakes! I love them. And they are just too easy to make! Now- I eat cereal almost every night. It’s my new thing!

5:30am was the earliest I have ever gotten up for a run and that was for the Toronto Half Marathon.

My next race is hopefully the Midsummer Night’s Run 15K in August. I was suppose to be doing the 30K but my sprained tendons in my feet have put a huge hold on the long distances. So, I’m hoping I can actually do at least 15K by then! And training plans are a must for me. I love crossing the workouts off as I do them!


I love snacking on Doritos at night but I tend to over do it!

I am training for my first marathon right now although my next race is a 30km in August. It will be my PDR so I am pretty excited for the challenge :)


My University Midnight snack was pancakes! I love them. And they are just too easy to make! Now- I eat cereal almost every night. It’s my new thing!

5:30am was the earliest I have ever gotten up for a run and that was for the Toronto Half Marathon. I have been lucky and can get up a bit later to do my runs.

My next race is hopefully the Midsummer Night’s Run 15K in August. I was suppose to be doing the 30K but my sprained tendons in my feet have put a huge hold on the long distances. So, I’m hoping I can actually do at least 15K by then! And training plans are a must for me. I love crossing the workouts off as I do them!


I know I sound crazy, but my alarm clock goes off at 3:45am M-F. I am at the gym by 4am and then home again before my husband leaves for work at 5:30am. It works for me. :) However, that does mean midnight snacking happens much closer to 8pm for me. ha ha.


Oh my gosh, my husband’s favorite midnight snack is Jack In The Box tacos too! I call them dog food tacos as well :)

Earliest I have gotten up for a workout is 4:30 AM. No fun!

I have the San Antonio Rock N Roll Marathon in November, the Houston Chevron Marathon in January, and The Woodlands Marathon in March! It should be a fun season! I am dying to run the NYC marathon someday! That will be a blast for you!


The earliest I have gotten up for a race is 3:45… My day to day wake up time to workout is 7! I’m not a early early morning person!

My favorite late night snack is popcorn! I am not going to lie I eat it almost every night!

My next race is RED ROCK RELAY in Sept! Can’t wait… Then, RAGNAR Las Vegas in Oct and the Halloween Half too… I just follow my own training plan! If you have any great ones to follow send them my way!


You just have the best sense of humor! The earliest I’ve ever gotten up for any workout is 6 a.m. (which has happened once). I know, I’m hardcore. The best late-night snack to me is chips and dip (french onion)! You and your sis are so dedicated to fitness! My workout regimen right now is laying by the pool, and taking a dip when I get too hot. Gotta love summer!


woo hoo! Those kids are so darn cute!
I am training for Hood to Coast! I have to get up early tomorrow to run 6 miles. I think around 6am. If I run in the morning I am just late to work…then I have to stay late, but its better than getting up earlier than 6 for me!

PS. I LOoooove wheat thins too!


LOVE your nieces & nephew. They are SO cute..love the ‘cutie’ t-shirt! Adorable!! :D
‘dog food taco’- hahahaha!! Best comment ever!
Earliest wake up: 3:45am for a race when I was running competitivly..but the race was SUPER early (6am) so I had to get moving quick!!
Favorite mid night snack..mmm cereal for sure! Soggy cereal ;) Soggy cereal twins!! :D


Your nieces and nephew are sooo cute!! I love how animated the one little girl is… she really does look like your twin! ;)

My next races are a 10k in September and a half-marathon in November. I’m pretty new to running, so I don’t really have time goals… I just want to finish them and run the majority of both races!


Disney makes you wake up super early to get to their races. Think the wakeup call was 3am for the marathon. YIKES! I am running the Philly half in Sept. Wish I was doing the NYCM this year but I defered till next. Might come in and watch :)


You and your sister make the SAME face, I love it!
Earliest wake up call was around 4am for a race almost 2 hours away. Why or why do I do that to myself?


Our alarm went off at 2:30 for the disney marathon :) totally worth it though…you’re neices and nephew are adorable btw


Those little guys are so cute! Your love for them is pretty evident ;)

When it comes to a late night snack, I do it all. Cereal, cheese melted on bread, smoothies…pizza! There’s very few things I’ll turn down…


NEVER thought I would wake up early to run 4 years ago..never ran ever – now I run 6 days a week at 545am with my husband about 3 miles a day and we’ve completed a ton of 5k’s and our 1st 10k last fall!


As others have said, Disney has been my earliest wake up to race/run. Good thing they have fireworks and the best course ever to make up for it. :)

My next race is the Pocatello Marathon in idaho and then Top of Utah marathon, both in September. I hoping to BQ and run a sub 3:30 so I am training my butt off right now.

And I am running NY too!!! Maybe we can meet up. :)


next races
10k in Cypress on the 23rd
disneyland half marathon in Sept.

yes training plan! of course!
I’d be lost without it
Hal Higdon for me. love love love it. Running 6 days with low mileage in the week …good for old legs like mine and to prevent injury while keeping the legs on the move.


3:30 to drive for a half. Never again- I’m all about coughing up the cash for a hotel now.


I wake up at 4:25 am Mon-Fri to run/workout. My gym does not have a kids center and I work full time so the crack of dawn is my only chance. This is just more proof that runners are CRAY CRAY!

Do I stay up til Midnight? On NYE I do, lol! So no midnight snacks for me- I am lucky if I make it up to 10, lol! Can you say OLD LA-DAY?!?!

Next race is 08/21- AFC Half followed by Maui in September. I can’t wait! I am using the 3+2 method right now to avoid injury. I love it- best plan ever!


This comment doesn’t have anything to do with your questions but….

I just got my new Anonya gear (using your discount) in the mail last night, and I took the capris and tara hoodie for a spin on my run this morning and I AM IN LOVE! You were110% right about the capris, they are awesome!


Ahhhhh I am so happy you love them!!! They are my absolute favorite! We are twins!!!


I cannot get enough of those adorable neices and nephews of yours. Seriously such cute kids and so fun that they are staying with you!

I woke up at 3am for the Utah Valley Marathon. Crazy! But I’m sure you guys will do it, you are rockstars like that! :) I definitely find it 1 billion times harder to wake up early in the Summer though.


I once got up at 3am for a marathon that started at 6am and was an hour away! I don’t usually have a midnight spot since I go to bed super early, but I do love me some gummy bears before bed! What’s your August race?? I’m doing the America’s Finest City half marathon in San Diego in August, but I’ve been injured too so it probably won’t be a PR. Oh well!


awww the kids are so cute!

and your dinner looks soooo delish!


Your sisters oldest daughter seriously looks like your twin! So adorable…I definitely agree that pizza (and ice cream) both taste even better past midnight or um 4 am when I get it…can’t wait to cheer you on for the NYCM! (you are going to love the pizza! and you have to go to 16 handles, its the equivalent to yogurtland in nyc :)


i think we had to get up around 3:30am for the Maui Marathon, but that was 10 years ago–since then, my earliest is probably 4am usually for tris. normally i get up at 5am during the week (and actually on the weekends too) for workouts before work.

i don’t make it to midnight often, but my late night snacks depend on the day–that’s when i’m weakest so it’s likely ice cream or choc PB

my next race is a sprint tri on august 7th- then an olympic distance tri in late august and a 1/2 IM either late october or early november leading me into marathon season here in TX :)


Hope you had a great early morning workout this morning! I get up at 5am on a regular basis to make it to the gym before I need to be at work. I love getting it done and over with. And no midnight snacking for me, i’m usually sleeping!!

No races yet in my future…still dealing with ankle issues. I am hoping to get in some good races in 2012…maybe a marathon or two.


and I bet those house guests feel loved by all! I have no doubt that you made that 5am workout.
We had to take a shuttle to a race one time, so that meant getting up at 2:30 am to drive an hour on the shuttle, then be in transition by 5am. UNREAL!!


My favorite late night snack is anything chocolate. Or sometimes cereal. I love cereal.
My next race is the St. George Marathon! This will be my first time doing this race and my first time doing a race that isn’t local. But I’m excited!


Everyday at 515am for my workouts before the kids wake up and require parenting.
My next race is Irongirl on August7. Training plan all the way. Although because of my stress fractures I have had to change my runs to aqua jogging. Terribly boring…but required!


My next race is Vegas Marathon in December! I’ve never been to Vegas so I can’t wait to cause trouble…I mean have fun


Probably 5AM – I feel like I might have to try earlier thought to get a more substantial distance in before I get into the office and NOT be late!

Burritos are my food of choice once its past 11PM.

And I’m running the Long Beach half marathon in October! Can’t wait!


yayy! girl i am SO SO SO exciting for you to start training again! i know you have learned so much from your injuries and you are gonna kick that marathon in the a**…but really tho you are gonna own it!!


I have a half marathon in October that’s local but I’m also running the NYCM in November!!! EEEEE!

I’m so excited I could bust.


So much fun that your nieces, nephew and sister got to join you in Cali!

I get up at 4:45 for morning masters swim team, bleck.

I’m not really a midnight snacker, but popcorn would probably be my choice.

I am doing a local sprint tri on Sat and a mile swim race on Sun this week! I’m using a half IM training plan by Joe Friel, he’s pretty awesome :)

Have a fabulous day with your family!!


Yay for the New York Marathon! My dad is so excited for it! I wish I could go out for it but we have to be responsible and use our money for medical school applications and interviews….boo :p. I am so jealous of all your Disneyland pictures. I love Disneyland just as much as when I did as a kid.


I’ve woken up at 3:45 for a half marathon, and my next race I have scheduled is the Disney Wine and Dine Half Marathon and luckily it is at night! Ice cream is my favorite midnight snack!


Ohhhh yeah, it’s a party!!! I WANT THAT FROYO!!


Those kids are so darn cute!

Earliest I’ve woken up for a run/gym is 4:30 for a marathon and about 4:45 for a regular workout.

I love midnight snacks! My favorite, shockingly, is pretzels followed closely by cereal.

Next race: Staten Island Half Marathon – hopefully my foot will be better by October. It’s my FAVE half. Such a pretty race :-) So happy you’re running in NYC marathon!


I get up at 3 AM every Friday so I can do a tempo run before my strength training class, which is before I work. You gotta do what you gotta do.


4 am to run :)
Popcorn or icecream… ohh my i do love them both.
and september for my 1st half marathon !!!

and i just got to say that your sister has the prettiest hair.. i really love it. :)

And i love your blog!! a ton and a half :)


I wake up at 4:45 am every Saturday to do my group long runs and we have started doing 5:30 am track workouts on Wednesday as well. I hate waking up early though and am grumpy for the first 30 minutes.
I love cereal for a midnight snack. I’m doing my first full marathon in November.


Tell Billy he needs to eat some ‘defensive’ garlic… he won’t notice yours if he has some himself!


4 dang 50 in the AM! I usually only have to do it once a week and then 5:30 the next day and then I get to enjoy a nice 9 o’clock wake up call the rest of the week. I must have gone crazy this summer because the past year at school I avoided waking up early like the plague! My earliest class I took my first semester wasn’t until 12:45 hehe gotta love college!
But now I like to think I’ve evolved.
Or possibly just gone crazy.
Either way working out before everything else in life happens has been great!


Gotta wake up early here to beat the heat. We were up and out the door by 5:45 on Sunday to get 9 miles in (and probably should have gotten up earlier).

Next race is a 5k on Saturday. Its race #4 of the summer series here, race #5 is another 5k on 8/14. Then I have my 2nd half marathon on 8/27 in CA. I’m excited because I get to spend the weekend with my parents and little sister. After that I’m not sure. Racing season in AZ is pretty much October/November – March/April, so I’ll have a lot to choose from for a while. I think I’m going to try and do another HM before the end of the year, I am kind of addicted. :)


I wake every day M-F at 4:45 am for bootcamp. Working mom!


Oh my gosh they are so cute and you have the same crazy yogurt smiles! I’ve gotten up at 4 to eat before a marathon, but I can never get up that early for a training run or the gym. I just can’t do it, I would be fried the rest of the day!


I think my late night snacks are typically cereal or something chocolate! :)



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